#dcviated.| wylan
sentofight · 16 days
“Your heartbeat’s really loud.” Wylan can't help but call out Edea.
Oh her face's color was one like the color of her dress--bright red. She was fidgeting in her place, trying her best to keep her arms by her side but she had enough of this jerk behind her.
"WHO'S FAULT IS THAT!?" she blurted loudly, her arms started flailing. "Just zip it up! How hard it is to zip it up, huh!?" this stupid dress had to wardrobe malfunction at this point! She tried to fix it on her own but zipping something in the back is hard, so he asked her 'date' to do it. Gosh, and of course he took this opportunity to tease her.
Once she heard the zip is done, she quickly turned to face Wylan. "Does it take this long, you jerk!?" and a quick punch to his shoulder for all his trouble, poor lad.
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She turns her back on him, and her hands pressed against her cheeks. At that moment, when Wylan was helping her, she could feel Wylan's warm breath against her neck. Did he do that on purpose? For sure! Edea glances back at him, more like glaring (and puffing her cheeks) at him. "You're enjoying this...aren't you? Mrgrgrr...."
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soft sentences starters || accepting || @dcviated
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unladielike · 1 year
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*jumps over hole in sidewalk* "Yeah you could say I’m pretty fucking athletic." [from the wy from here ]
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          POPULAR TEXT POSTS PART 4. » still accepting!
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    "Next time, try actually falling into the hole," Vivian jokingly suggests with evident amusement seeping through her voice. Of course, she didn't want Wylan to take her advice for real, but with how off-brand her humour was, she couldn't resist poking fun at him a little. "I would very much like to see what would happen afterwards!"
    No sooner does she finish speaking, however, Vivian would abruptly pause, because by that point, she realizes the word 'hole' had very naughty implications... but upon not wanting Wylan to discover her mind was in the actual gutter, she'll quickly cough against a raised fist while hoping to dear god he didn't somehow notice she was thinking something dirty.
    "Er... yeah, anyways, that was quite the impressive leap, Wiles! How many times did you practice jumping over that one before you executed your amazing parkour skills in front of me?" Little by little, sarcasm would then practically ooze off her words, making it rather apparent her flattery was nowhere near sincere.
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sercphs · 6 days
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@dcviated asked: inner thoughts revealed [CLOSED]
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Wylan is certainly a capable man, certainly deserving of his position as a Color - but... Hm... It feels like he's got something else going on in all his motivations. Then again, who ever lays all their motivations bare for the world to see?
⠀⠀⠀⠀Pale blue eyes go over records of Viridian's recent exploits, idle humming accompanying the observation.
Just don't let it cloud your judgement, Wylan. I like to think we're friends, and I'd rather not come to blows.
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dissimulxte · 1 month
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@dcviated sent:
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet. [i know, the idea of them hushing is sacrilege isnt it?]
Every performance has its own unique challenges to navigate. Perhaps the walking gait of the chosen role is unique, molded by an injury sustained in younger years which never quite healed right; just as a vocal cadence might be so precise, so unique, that failing to emulate it just right ruins the illusion. Today's challenge, though, is much more conventional. A simple question of grace in a small space: moving around a tight enclosure while crooning sultry tones—in precarious heels and a classic, suitably expensive cocktail dress—in such a way that it seems effortless, so her attention remains fixed on the clientelle who've shelled out obscene amounts of cash for this whole affair on rails.
Working out the logistics of having a live performance space on a luxury passenger train was certainly no mien feat, to begin with, but a necessity insofar as its designers were concerned; no matter how fancy a sound system they could afford to install, any sort of pre-recorded shlock simply wouldn't match the opulent, art-deco atmos they'd woven into every other feature.
So they carved just enough space for a three-piece jazz band to be tucked into the wall, and laid a richly colored, damascus printed carpet down the center aisle where their vocalist might prowl; weaving between narrow lounges and booths as the audience watched, entranced—close enough to touch, though they wouldn't dare, (and she wouldn't give them the satisfaction).
All in all, it's an easy gig. A thin disguise by way of little prosthetic touches, and makeup done just-so, with the brunt of the work going into the pseudonym, the background, and strategic placement to ensure that of all the entertainment options the luxury line entertained in their selection process she would be chosen for this particular voyage... all preamble for the real work to come later—when vague faces and names became details, invitations, opportunities. Getting their attention is the start, and she does that beautifully; always a creature to thrive under attention.
Each person she passes gets their halfway glance from dreamy eyes, a dulcet word or two, but only that: a taste, a sample, no more than a second spared, no pauses as she works her way down to the end of the beautifully appointed car and faces the glass façade separating this cabin from a little vestibule, and another door on the opposite side which lead into the first line of deluxe sleeping suites.
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This, too, happens in only a moment: where hooded brown eyes meet the glass expecting only to admire their own reflection a moment, to privately appreciate the show in media res, but meet another pair, instead. Maybe the movement caught his attention, the little sliver of song growing just that much closer despite the buffering walls between, or some combination of the two—or, perhaps, there really is some unseen string which tethers the two, and the fates gave it a little tug.
A hand scrawled note in neat script she'd left, somewhere he'd find it: 'Out of town on business for a few weeks. Try not to miss me too much.' A message from an unknown number: [sms] i was about to say the same thing. tell me all about it when we're both back in town—over bibimbap? my treat ;)
...she'd wonder, later, if he'd have recognized her even if she had been better concealed—if he'd know her, by then, from nothing more than the way she looked at him. At the time, though, she only savors that second's time, and does everything she can not to let the smile which tugs at her lips cause folly in her song when he raises a conspiratorial finger to his own lips, grinning behind the gesture.
What a laugh, that either of them would be shushing the other, considering... well, needless to say: the humor couldn't have been lost on him. More like that was the whole point—because in what world would she say anything? Make any sort of sound or allusion to how surprised she was? This wasn't amateur hour at the laugh-in.
Sure: an undeniable thrill moves up through her spine and sends a shiver down to her fingertips a the sight of him; her head rushes, abuzz with the new information, the new factor in the game being played—but that reaction is for her, and her alone; not a beat missed, no visible shift. She's too good for that, and he knows it.
...If she'd had a moment more maybe she could have lifted a hand and pretended to lock those lightly rouged lips he knew all too well, but alas, they remain shaped around the note she was sounding—all she can spare as her shoulder turns is a cheeky little wink, then it's back to face the audience.
The show must go on... and the script just got so much more exciting.
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wiildhearrted · 5 months
@dcviated replied: Wy vc: skill issue
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"The only skill you have is bein' a pain in my ass."
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sabuleum · 11 months
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@dcviated / wylan said:
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"The downside of kicking the door down is... welp, you can't exactly lock it behind you! So much for privacy."
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...they're reminded, however briefly, of some similarly chiding words from their wife (cushioned in barely-stifled laughter); the catalyst which ultimately resulted in there being no real doors to speak of in the Adherent's home. today: she grumbles.
❝ the only downside is that our pal wasn't behind the door when it came down... if privacy was so important to them, maybe they shouldn't have fucked around and started trying to summon some company. ❞ —especially when those guests were as unruly as the creatures recently ransacking the nearby town. at least there was no sight of the ugly little skirges inside the meager residence, either; however satisfying they might be to crush, the pair 'd had their fill in days prior.
❝ ...caught wind we were coming, I guess. hmph. ❞ Emké sighed; resigning to the fact that they'd have to play detective a little longer. ❝ but it doesn't seem like they took much with them. come on, let's kick around and see if we can find something useful. ❞
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sercphs-a · 7 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀The Shi Section 1 Director is not to be trifled with.
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whispers-in-daydreams · 8 months
@dcviated continuing from here
Hazel eyes watched in amusement as the flamboyant man maneuvered his way into her flat. Normalcy.....was not in his DNA. She'd never say it, but Scarlett didn't mind losing some sleep if it meant interacting with Wylan. He was right. She was missing the spice he brought to her life. But again, never to admit that out loud. His ego was big enough.
She didn't bother getting out of bed. Pulling her knees up under the blankets, she rested her arms on them as she watched him. "So are you spicy or are you a vigilante?" A smile tipped the corner of her lips as she tried to keep a straight face. "Or are you a spicy vigilante?"
She watched as he nosily poked about, not in the slightest worried of him finding anything she was trying to hide. She glanced over at Sin, her cat who was the best guardian as he lay on the pillow next to hers. He'd lifted his head, yawned, and gone back to sleep. Some protector he was.
At his most prominent question, she turned and looked back at him. "I felt like exploring some ruins in South America." More like hunting down a cursed object, but that was neither here nor there. "How about you? I see they're still letting you walk freely on the streets. Or did you escape the mental Asylum ....again?" Laughter twinkled in her eyes as her lips twitched, failing in hiding her amusement in this conversation.
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bricoleurcat · 1 year
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"Hello, I'd like a big chungus with extra kek, and make it based."
Whatever the response this... individual had been hoping for, it probably wasn't this.
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"Yes sir! Coming right up!!"
Edge pulls out a blender and one of those big ol' fishbowl serving glasses.
Then comes the fun part!!
What's that? A 30 lb bucket of extra heavy Mayonnaise?
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Yes! Mayo-Chan has arrived!!!
This obviously professional mixologist rolls up her sleeves, dons some food safety gloves, and pulls out a specially designated ice scoop before digging in and glopping the luscious substance into the blender. That part done, she pulls out a jug of Ol' Kekland's Premium Clam Juice and adds a good many glugs, and then some egg whites just to make it extra creamy!!
Finally topping it all with ice, she hits that blend button and gets to work prepping the extra goodies!
She sets up some pre-soaked chia seeds (great for hydration!)and gummy bears in a jar and tops it up with vodka.
She gives the jar a good shake before dumping the concoction into the fishbowl, then grabs the blender's pitcher.
It takes a good bit of effort to get the smelly cloud of fluffy goop to exit the pitcher, but a bit of thumping and shaking eventually causes it to droop with an audible "plup!" into the now bear-dyed vodka.
Full to the rim, this ensemble is now being topped with mini-marshmallows, a chocolate drizzle, and a cute little paper umbrella.
She would add sparklers... but apparently it was too much of a fire hazard.
She hefts the work of art over to the lucky patron.
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"Enjoy Sir!"
She'd even be kind and only charge him $20 for it! What a bargain!
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sentofight · 9 days
@dcviated Wylan confesses he ate the last slice of cake BUT... will take her out and spoil her with another one? She can make that hers.
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"Ohh~ oh oh~ Is that so? Like, I totally was not looking forward to eat that, yeaaah. The letdown I felt," heaved sigh. "Oh? What is it? You're tell me you are going to take me shopping? All day long? Buying whatever I want to help my poor mental health from being affected? Aw, you're such a nice guy, Master~"
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"Let's go then! What are we waiting for! There are a looooooooooots of things I wanna get--don't get me wrong, this is not some sort of revenge, teehee~"
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@dcviated asked: Monomono for Wylan and Eira :V
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! Multis, please limit muses to 2.
For Eira:
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If you sprinkle this rice on the ground, it’ll attract a bunch of birds and it’ll be a disaster. You can eat it by yourself too.
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"I thought this would make a wonderful gift for you, Eira-san!" Sonia smiled, presenting her friend the capsule from the monomono machine: inside, a sizable bag of rice. "It would be lovely to make some new friends together, would it not? We could take the bag to the park and sprinkle it over the ground, near the pond. I am certain we shall make plenty of new avian friends in the process!"
And possibly get pecked. Or have their new feathered friends relieve themselves over the tree branch they'd inevitably be sitting under.
They could, of course, just make rice with it, but where's the fun in that?
For Wylan:
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Underwear that can only be worn by those who can lord over buttocks. They’re unisex.
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At first, Sonia thought the machine was simply playing a practical joke. Inside, some of the capsules had meaningful gifts: a snack, or a notebook, or a ring. Instead, Sonia had put in her monocoins and out had popped...well...that. For Wylan.
And unfortunately, she'd insisted that she'd wanted to get him a gift from the gachapon machine, and now that the capsule was in her hands she couldn't go back on her word now.
"Here, Wylan...for you," She finally spoke, handing it over to him, flustered. Frankly, her reaction was probably worse than the 'gift' itself: it was far more embarrassing, how deeply red her cheeks had turned. "I would say something akin to 'use it well,' but in this case, I am not sure what that could possibly mean."
"I simply wish to reassure you that the machine truly dispenses the most random gifts!" Sonia blurted out, her clasped hands tightening. If it had been her choice, she would've never selected underwear, much less such revealing underwear. Still, she had to wonder: what did it mean to lord over buttocks in the first place?
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unladielike · 9 months
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wylan gonna wylan
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                      ARE YOU VIVIAN'S TYPE?
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    "Damn, I knew I already found him attractive, but I didn't think he would get that many bingos..." Vivian mutters to herself. Why, as much as she didn't desire a romantic relationship with Wylan, there was no denying the fact that he was still managed to be the sort of man she would unironically consider a ten by her own standards. "Still, the question is... is he willing to top and humiliate me?" Sure enough, her brows would then subsequently furrow.
    "Considering Wiles didn't cross out 'femsub or maledom', I wonder if he happens to at least be a switch; th-then again, maybe I'm simply getting ahead of myself... and chances are high he has no desire to rail me. Either way, I suppose this means I am permitted to touch him and platonically hold his hand without him thinking I'm too clingy! O-Only... won't he find it weird I suddenly started becoming very touchy feel-y out of nowhere?" Vivian finally shakes her head. "On second thought, I think I will ask him what his boundaries are... and stress I just really crave affection, but not actually be his girlfriend! Yup, that will totally work."
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convxction · 1 year
moved x | @dcviated
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Hurried feet rushed to where he parked his car when a voice sounded in the silent supposedly-empty area. The young detective's hand flew quickly to his gun but it was unnecessary seeing who it was. "Wy--Wylan!? What-- ... " his face grew darker now that he was tracked down by someone from the office. Great, Wylan of all people.
Chrom turned around to hide his irritated face. His right hand run down his face, mentally battling with Ai-Zak who told him that perhaps he could Wylan's skills in a situation like this, and Chrom was deadset on doing this on his own, otherwise whoever is feeding him information might get cold feet and stop sharing.
A heaved sigh before he turns back to Wylan, "There is nothing. So, there is nothing you can help me with." He tried to maintain eye contact with the other but his eyes kept shifting from side to side, a cue to him lying.
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Opening the door to his car, he glanced over his shoulder towards the other, "There's nothing to worry about, Wylan. Stop following me like a nanny, okay?"
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dissimulxte · 2 months
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oh i can't not f*ck him
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wiildhearrted · 5 months
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you know you wanna throw him in the calc with nikki
Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are. | @dcviated
10% Dr. Love thinks a relationship might work out between Nikki and Wylan, but the chance is very small. A successful relationship is possible, but you both have to work on it. Do not sit back and think that it will all work out fine, because it might not be working out the way you wanted it to. Spend as much time with each other as possible. Again, the chance of this relationship working out is very small, so even when you do work hard on it, it still might not work out.
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"No, thanks. Spending as little time with him as possible sounds much better."
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cloudpools · 6 months
🍨Trying unique ice cream flavors at a local parlor. [get adventurous, nara- wylan will accept no less (main verse)]
Emoji RP Prompts ||  ⚜Accepting⚜
🍨Trying unique ice cream flavors at a local parlor.
"You.... bought me an ice cream parlor?"
"Yes I did!" Well. He'd borrowed it. It was November and they were on the off season. But it's fine. She didn't need to know the details.
"And.... you made all of the flavors yourself...?"
He nods enthusiastically.
Dear god.
Nara stands befuddled in the lobby of the establishment lovingly rebranded Nylon Niceties (He'd tried to explain to her the concept of ship names before and apparently 'Nylon' was theirs??? But it didn't really click with her...). It was her birthday, and Wylan had promised a "big surprise".... which- could really mean anything. He was anything, but predictable, despite Nara's best efforts. She'd come to expect the unexpected, but this was a little too unexpected.
Of course, to Wylan, this was obviously the best gift EVER. Their hobbies and the things they liked didn't always overlap. Yes, their personalities were compatible, and yes they accepted each other for who they both were, flaws and all, but Nara liked ice cream. Scratch that. Nara LOVED ice cream. And so did he. But who doesn't like ice cream? And who didn't love homemade gifts? (Even if this wasn't home.)
The elephant in the room here was that Wylan wasn't exactly a chef.... Nara had taken over that role very quickly in their relationship, his apartment now carefully stocked with all the implements and instruments she needed to craft some semblance of a meal. She preferred cooking at home, her kitchen, for one, being much larger and much more well stocked, but it was a small price to pay to see him and ensure he was taking care of himself.
But again. He made all of the flavors himself???????? She's skeptical.... Yet she couldn't help but admit he did look very cute in the stripped apron, bowtie and little paper hat.
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"Let me know if you'd like to try anything!" He's playing the part of shopkeeper well, but Wylan was always good at that sort of thing. He's grinning ear to ear like the idiot he was, and that can only mean two things. One, her reaction was exactly what he'd hopped for, or, two, he still had more tricks up his sleeve... Which was a definite because he always had something more. Nara decides to humor him, walking up to the case of frozen delights(?), bending down to read the hand written cards that were haphazardly tapped over the originals.
'Buffalo Chicken'
'Pickles and Cheez Wiz'?
Was that one just called 'TV Dinner'?
It was no secret that Wylan's palate was.... questionable, but in all the years they'd been together, all of the fine dining restaurants they'd visited and home cooked meals she'd prepared for him, she'd thought that at least SOME of it would have rubbed off on him. Where had she gone wrong?
Nara stands up, attempting to flee before she's guilted into trying any of these bachelor pad monstrosities, but Wylan is there in a flash. She opens her mouth to protest and! Oops! In pops a testing spoon!
"This one's `Mustard and Pretzels`! It's kind of like sea salt caramel." Nara freezes, mind racing. She- she couldn't say she didn't like it right? He'd gone through all this trouble and it really was sweet if not dangerous. Would he be offended if she spit it out?! This was Wylan, so probably not... But-
In the moments it took her mind to have one thousand thoughts, she'd had time to really taste it and... Actually??? It wasn't that bad. Definitely not something she would have tried under normal circumstances and she most certainly wouldn't be caught dead pairing the original ingredients together, but all in all? It was edible and didn't make her immediately want to vomit.
"Soooo? What do you think?"
"I can't say it's something I'd ever like to have again, but it's.... actually, okay?"
"There's one more secret flavor."
"Oh?" Nara braces herself. Prepared for his worst, yet in classic Wylan fashion, he hops the counter (couldn't he just go around like a normal person?!) startling her. Again, she's about to flee, but he grabs her pressing a kiss to her lips. She melts, eyes lidding, and after a few moments, he pulls away slightly.
"Happy birthday, Doe."
She's flushed, heart racing. The fact that he still got this kind of rise out of her after all this time was telling of how much she loved him.
"Th- thank you. I... I'd like to try the rest. If you don't mind?"
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