#dcp housing
priokskfm · 9 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset MIXTROPEZ#21 https://ift.tt/bkmLr59 https://ift.tt/q8LlUVs https://ift.tt/kjNOm3u https://ift.tt/sWkzSO5 http://www.youtube.com/user/matfellous matfello, mix, mixtropez21, fellous, matfellous, sainttropez, afrohouse, dcp, frenchdj, frenchriviera, remix, bootleg, 2023, summer, "dj ", "deep house", "winter " www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/ZU6kvQR
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cattimeswithjellie · 4 months
Liveblogging Doc Stream VOD, 6/8/24
(Just as an important contextual note for this stream, Doc is _always_ joking when he vows revenge or eternal hatred on somebody in these streams. He has assured everyone on a number of occasions that his petty rage is a bit and neither he nor the other Hermits ever take it seriously.)
Doc Stream, 6/8/24
9:20 Doc opens the stream by claiming that some crimes are so heinous that they require immediate retaliation. Someone has touched Doc’s redstone, and he is Not Amused. He tells chat that he was emotionally distressed to the point that he killed Cleo’s pig, but insists that the pig is really the victim of whoever touched the redstone. He offers a plea in the alternative that the pig was looking at him funny and it was really a case of self defense. Chat is divided on whether this is a compelling argument, but most of them are still busy saying hello.
10:38 Doc switches camera to Hermitcraft. He is in his base. He tells chat they will investigate swine crime later. He recaps last week’s stream where he broke 5k subscribers and says that his wife does not believe him about his number of subs. Today’s sub count is 4788 as a result of some gift subs lapsing. He needs to make it to 10k subs so he doesn’t notice as much if he loses a few. He thanks some subs and donos. Someone in chat mentions TCG and Doc is happy to be able to talk about it at last. He also admits that he has finally solved his considerable lag problem but is embarrassed about it.
14:50 Doc tells Chat that Beef has been working on TCG behind the scenes, and Joe Hills has been cultivating an IRL TCG community to play the game. The Hermits decided a TCG expansion is in order and artists have been hired for the new work. All the artists are under NDA, on pain of goat-slapping. Several of the DCP artists are part of the project. Doc was barraged with questions from his team on what sort of art he wanted, and insisted he wanted the artists to make the decisions. He was forced to join a Discord and actually talk to the artists, which is clearly terribly painful to him (in a clearly joking way.) He thanks more subs,.
17:55 Doc shows off the new smoothness of his improved FPS. He admits that for weeks he was whining and complaining about lag, but the solution was simple: a vacuum cleaner. When he finally cleaned the dust and yuck out of his computer, his overheating and lag problems were magically solved. He is embarrassed but pleased. He still has not set up his new PC.
20:45 A chatter asks how Doc’s day is going. He says it is brilliant, that he set up a tomato house and needs to end the stream on time because he has a delivery of garden equipment coming in. Home growing of cannabis is legal now in Germany and now it is quite difficult to find home gardening equipment at the shops. At the moment his plants are growing very well. He has 30-40 plants for sure this season. He is very excited about his tomatoes.
22:45 Time for work! The beacon is broken again. He thought he fixed it, but has a suspicion something else is broken. He needs to be on the server tomorrow at 6:55am to see what happens at that time. He talks about some redstone stuff involving the beacon that is beyond the ken of this livestreamer, but the upshot appears to be that the beacon is getting loaded and unloaded during server reset and that breaks it. There is supposed to be a workaround involving a hopper clock but it is not working. He wants to be online and watching what happens at the next reset. Doc thanks more donos and gets attacked by phantoms who shriek “Time to Shreep!” in Bdubs’ voice. He sleeps.
26:05 Doc’s job for today is to fill the machine he built last week to make armor trims. He will also investigate the heinous crime of redstone-touching. He gets a shulker box from his dispenser and begins filling it with the materials that can be used to decorate armor. Chat helps by reminding him of which materials he needs.
29:00 Doc makes the (possibly hubristic) claim that he is going to work today and no one will be able to stop him. He talks about the insanity of last week’s stream and how it was a once in a lifetime experience with the chat determined to get him to 5k subs. He is still not over it. He finishes gathering his materials then pauses to think. Chainmail armor cannot be used in the machine, but leather armor is possible. Doc asks how to farm leather. Chat suggests murdering horses and he calls them murderers. He raises the possibility of finding a hoglin farm or possibly bartering. He goes to the nether.
31:50 A chatter asks what is the weirdest fan-made thing that Doc has seen about himself. He says not to get him started. He begins to AFK the hoglin farm and demands chat do the math to determine how much leather will be needed. Chat doesn’t know, but is pretty sure it is more than 3. Doc settles on 96. He says a lot of fanart is pretty weird, especially the shipping fanart of him and Ren, though he has always said he doesn’t mind. He is not going to address the fanfiction but describes it as really far-out weird. Chat immediately calls him out (good-naturedly) for calling Ren his husband and then saying that ship art is weird. A chatter asks if Doc is using his new PC, he repeats his embarrassing vacuum-cleaner story. We get more details about the lengths Doc went to while chasing down his lag, including streaming to Cortex, maker of the Sodium-rendering mod Nvidium. Cortex apparently did suggest overheating might be the problem but Doc insisted with great fervor that his computer couldn’t possibly be overheating.
38:20 After recalling all of these computer misadventures, Doc decides that the story is too embarrassing to keep retelling. From this point onward in the stream, anyone who comments on the lack of lag will be told that Doc is actually using the new PC. Chat is not allowed to snitch.
40:00 Doc says that the new video got a small amount of static in the comments over the “wokeness” of putting up a rainbow beacon to celebrate his friends during Pride Month. Doc relates the arguments he has had there and on Twitter. LGBTQ issues are not a major issue in Doc’s life, as a cishet man, unless someone is going after his friends. (He makes a quick reference to the time he got in a fight at Disney because some people were hassling Bdubs, a story he has told before.) He very much disagrees with the argument that Pride is being shoved into people’s faces. He says people are just weird. He speculates that it may be a cultural thing as well, that in Germany nobody is really arguing about Pride month.
43:30 Doc arrives back at the shopping district. He says it is time to stop focusing on the complainers and get back to the really important issue, which is his redstone. A chatter points out that his mic is hot and he says he wants it that way, so that everyone can hear. He yells to the empty shopping district “YOU HEAR ME, HERMITS? A CRIME! HAS! HAPPENED!” He says he’s going to put up speakers all over the server to remind people. Someone asks if the crime was pig murder. He is not amused. He does not believe Scar or False were the culprit. At the suggestion of chat he does a quick check for snails in the machinery, saying that if he sees any, he will be getting out the strong pesticide. No snails are found. Doc says he wants to fix it very badly, but that would be tampering with evidence. He does some more shouting into the shopping district, then admits he doesn’t believe Xisuma or False, the only hermits online, had anything to do with it. False apparently is an angel, with no criminal energy inside her.
46:30 Time for work. Doc does not believe it was Cleo either, because when he killed her pig she got mad instead of confessing. He realizes that he forgot to bring the shulker box with him and it is back in the swamp. He blames chat.
47:30 Doc begins walking home, discussing potential suspects. The only Hermit he remembers tweaking lately is Scar, by laughing at the Death Scar prank and telling him he’s on Jevin’s side. He is sure it isn’t Scar, though, because Scar is a very bad liar and also would not have lied but would’ve doubled down and demanded to know what Doc was gonna do about it. He also doesn’t think it was Grian because he and Grian are cool right now and Grian hasn’t been around. He wonders if Joel might have done it just to be pesky. Chat suggests XB or Wels, and insists Joel would not mess with a build. Doc says XB is too nice. It definitely wasn’t Joe because Joe is Doc’s lawyer. He thinks Iskall is a possibility and decides to check his shop purchases. If Dark Oak has been purchased, the trail of evidence leads to Iskall. Doc declares that this is the biggest scandal on Hermitcraft since the tunnel bore incident. By now he has arrived home and collects up his shulker box and crafting table.
50:50 Back to the shopping district, as Chat continues naming basically ever Hermit as possible suspects. Doc thanks his “sugar mama” donos and does a little dance for them, then gets down into the guts of his redstone. He says that this is going to involve some brainwork. He swears incidentally, surprising some chatters, and explains that he does swear during stream. A chatter mentions that he is hotmiccing his swears into the shopping district, but Doc does not appear to notice.
55:15 A chatter says he is a fan of what Doc and the Hivemind are doing and encourages him to keep it up. Doc says his plans are to invent email on the server and maybe also do some drilling. He begins creating armor for the Tide armor trim, remembers that Tide is the name of a laundry detergent, then remembers the eating Tide Pods fad. He briefly despairs for humanity, then moves on to discussing how the armor pieces should be decorated. Chat helps Doc make various fashion choices.
59:45 A dono comes in labeled “from the ladies in the chat.” Doc says he knows 90% of his audience is ladies and that he is catering to the female audience, with his looks. Chat has many reactions to this information. Doc reiterates that he is the humble GOAT. He cannot say it with a straight face.
1:01:20 Another dono comes in claiming that a large percentage of his audience is nonbinary and should also be catered to. Doc assures them that he is also catering to the nonbinary audience, again with his looks. He cannot remember the phrase “gender goals,” but says he has been told that he is a gender role model for several fans who are transitioning. Chat assures Doc that he is indeed very gender. Doc says that he is catering to everyone with his looks. He does admit that it is hard to keep track of the often-complex array of identities and banners within the community, especially as someone who is outside of it, but reiterates that he loves all of Chat. He declares that the Jolly Roger is the flag usable by everyone, because being a pirate is the best thing you can be.
1:04:15 A chatter activates the auto text-to-speech function and makes it chant lyrics to “All The Single Ladies.” Doc is surprised, but does another little dance. He goes back to the topic and says that the most sexualization surrounding Pride comes from the people who are too preoccupied with disliking it. Back to the armor fashion discussion.
1:08:00 Doc responds to a hello message from an arriving chatter and advises the rest of the chat that if they want to be noticed by the streamer, they should use the color that this particular chatter has used, because it is very attention getting. (The chatter has chosen magenta as their username color.) A chatter asks if Doc is going to build one of every combination of armor and trim. Doc says no, that would be crazy. He is going to build a nice mix to showcase some possibilities. He replaces more armor pieces in the droppers and decides to use pink leather in place of chainmail, which does not work in the machine.
1:10:50 Doc heads for the dye shop to find pink dye. He examines Pearl’s Wordle build but finds that the dye is still in her truck shop. He accidentally visits the Purr-Purr shop before finding his way to the dye truck. Doc gets out his ender chest and realizes that he has no diamonds because he put all of them in the materials shulker box, which is back at the armor machine. He scolds chat for not reminding him to bring diamonds to the dye shop and bemoans their laziness in relying on their GOAT to remember everything. After a quick trip across the shopping district, he pays for his dye and dyes his leather armor pieces.
1:13:45 More armor fashion choices, this time for Coast trim. Doc is pleased that with the lag gone, he is getting so much done today. His anvil immediately breaks, but he has a spare.
1:15:55 Doc shows off the completed set of Coast trim armor, mostly in shades of pink and blue. He is pleased with it and wishes that he were allowed to dye his netherite armor different colors. He agrees with chat that the armor set gives a maid sort of vibe. He continues with more trims and more armor and trim color combinations, with occasional commentary. Vex trim looks a bit like a suit and tie outfit and a bit like a color-swapped version of Scar’s default skin.
1:23:14 A chatter asks if Doc would complain about sand less if it were easily renewable. Doc says of course, and that it _is_ easily renewable, you just have to make a sand duper. He begins working on the Sentry trim set, which confuses some chatters who think he is saying Sandtree. A chatter gifts a large number of subs. Doc threatens to name all the remaining armor pieces after the chatter. He is close to 5k subs again and encourages all viewers with Twitch Prime to sub now. A different chatter gifts a large number of subs. Doc insists that this gifting of subs cannot go on forever, but is clearly grateful for the generosity.
1:28:00 A chatter asks if the subscription price increase in July means a raise for the streamers. Doc says he does not know. He got an email from Twitch but hasn’t read it yet because most Twitch email is junk. He guesses that the split is usually based on percentage, so a higher sub price ought to mean more money for the streamer. He continues building armor pieces. He corrects a chatter’s misconception that partners get a 70/30 split, saying that 50/50 is the usual split.
1:31:50 A chatter says that Doc has no reading comprehension (Doc misread an earlier comment about bananas.) He says that he knows what the comment meant, but what he said was funnier. He deliberately bananifies a chatter’s name when thanking them for a dono. He talks some about how the grind on YouTube and Twitch is relentless, and that on Twitch, missing even one or two streams can cause a catastrophic drop in sub numbers. He puts together an armor set in the Silence trim, which most chatters seem to agree is the best. Doc agrees in part, but says the chestplate is too much. He does like the way the armor turned out, calling it “serious drip.” Chat suggests it looks like Optimus Prime.
1:36:50 A donor makes a donation and activates the auto text-to-speech. Doc comments that the “single ladies” (a holdover joke from last week) are generous today and says sometimes he feels like a stripper. Chat thinks this is very funny and he acknowledges that he says the weirdest things. Chat assures him that he can leave his hat on. They also attempt to summon Cub for horn acquisition. A chatter says they love Doc’s content but he should keep his clothes on because he’s got no curves. Doc takes great affront to this and assures chat that he has serious booty that he gets complimented on on a daily basis. He is favorably compared to many women’s husbands on the playground. He tells stories about this while chat loses their collective mind. Doc goes back to assembling armor pieces. He tells chat his current weight is 88kg, and that he used to weigh more when he played basketball but it’s been the same for about fifteen years.
((Liveblogger fast-forwarded through some conversation about weight loss and dieting at this point due to personal mental health concerns. Doc continues working on armor trims during this time.))
1:48:30 Doc says that he is almost done with the first half of stocking the machine. He has finished the trims up as far as the Rib trim. He begins working on the Ward trim. He says he may give Bdubs the chainmail he is taking out of the factory and that giving some gifts to the judge might come in handy. He clarifies to chat that he has all the respect in the world for single moms, having grown up as one. Chat queries him intensely on this, and he clarifies he grew up _with_ a single mom. Chat threatens Doc with more fanart.
1:51:55 Chat suggests conducting a poll on how many single ladies love Doc. Doc says they should definitely not do that, because Karin will not like knowing how many single ladies there are out there. (He is clearly joking.) He tells the single ladies to stay in the shadows, and that he knows they are there. He gives them a flirtatious waves and shushes them. He’s beginning the single ladies song again when suddenly interrupts himself with “I put it in the wrong hole again, goddammit.” Chat has the expected reaction to this turn of phrase. It takes Doc about thirty seconds to realize what he has said. He facepalms so hard he nearly falls out of range of the camera. Looking extremely pained, he tells Chat they have their mind in the gutter all day long. Chat has never been so desperately eager for Cub to make an appearance. Doc approves of the Ward armor trim samples and makes a noise similar enough to “uwu” to catch Chat’s attention again. He does not know what Uwu means, and Chat is only marginally helpful. Doc laments that life is hard for Boomers like him. Chat suggests that he should ask Gem but he refuses, saying she will just make fun of him.
1:55:00 With one side of the build completed, it is time for a short break. He wonders aloud if someone has been sneaking around inside his redstone. Chat suggests that maybe Doc is 77. Doc says that streaming is definitely not easy work, due to the CONSTANT INSULTS. Despite saying it is time for a break, Doc does not appear to be taking a break. He throws away some excess chainmail with the comment that Bdubs will not be happy about it. Almost instantly a zombie appears in full chainmail armor and tries to kill Doc, followed by another zombie with a chainmail helmet. Chat suspects this is revenge.
2:00:00 Dune trim construction. Doc sings a song about choosing armor trims. The trim comes out looking like tie dye and is declared a Renbob shirt. Doc says he is beginning to reach the unhinged portion of the stream. He sings a little more about what he is doing. Chat is unconvinced that the unhinged portion of the stream is only starting now.
2:03:10 A chatter called “Mistress of Torture” subscribes, Doc takes notice and jokes that this is one of the single moms, but a scary one. That chatter then goes on to make a large gift of subs Doc says “Thank you, Mistress” and laughs for awhile over that. Sub total is back over 5k. Doc thanks Chat as a whole for their great generosity in the last two streams. Someone in chat says they are all simps for Doc. Doc responds that just as there are Ethogirls, there are DocMILFs, which causes a substantial reaction in the chat.
2:06:40 A chatter subscribes and asks what they are signing themselves up for. Doc says they don’t want to know. A chatter suggests that now Chat knows what the M in DocM77 stands for. Doc says that his name came from his basketball friends. He could jump very high, so they said he could jump like Doctor J, but called him Doctor M because it is his last initial. He was also called Doc, he explains, because of his great understanding of and charisma with “the ladies,” who would often come to him with their problems. Doc assures Chat that he was never into chasing women, that his first long-term relationship was when he was 14, and that relationship lasted seven years. A short period of madness followed, and then he met Karin. Chat asks how he met Karin, and he says it was at a carnival party that he attended. It was a last-minute invite so he didn’t have a costume. He put a trash bag on and went as garbage. He saw Karin at the party and told his buddy that he just spotted his future wife. Despite the fact he was wearing a trash bag, he went up to her and they hit it off. Before the end of the party, he tore a heart-shaped piece of trashbag off his costume and wrote his phone number on it. She called him back. “Doctor Love strikes again, suckers,” he concludes. Karin still has the trash bag fragment.
2:11:00 Doc talks more about meeting Karin. He had been having fun as a basketball player, lots of cheerleaders, parties, etc, but he knew right away that she was different. Their friends didn’t initially believe it, but he always knew. He flies to the nether to gather more levels for trimming armor at his gold farm. Chat is disappointed that Doc did not visit Bop N Go. Chat asks for more tips about relationships, but he says there are no good general dating tips because everyone is so different. He says people enjoy the company of people who like themselves. Not narcissism, but knowing yourself and having self-confidence. Putting yourself out there to meet a potential new partner is scary, but the worst they can do is say no.
2:19:00 Doc has almost 30 levels but wants to gather a few more. Chat offers its own dating tips, including good hygiene, not being a dick, and talking to women like human beings. Doc tells chat that if you talk to women like a pickup artist or Andrew Tate, you’re not likely to get far. He offers more bits of relationship advice. A chatter asks how old Doc is, he tells them he is 19. Chat thinks that is very funny.
02:23:00 Doc leaves the gold farm. He is planning on rebuilding it bigger and better at some point, but not until after the next update. He is still being hounded by the forces that would suppress shadow poppy technology but he will never stop. He arrives back at the armor trim shop and tries to remember what trim is next. He talks with chat about the sub count and how many subs have been donated in the last two weeks. He still cannot get over last week’s stream.
02:27:10 A chatter asks if Cleo and Doc will be the first in the new courthouse. Doc says maybe, but what he is really interested in is catching the person who touched his redstone. He claims he would _never_ touch anyone else’s redstone. He believes capital punishment is the only acceptable consequence for such a crime. Doc says that stocking the armor shop machine is not the sort of chores he likes to do, but he is happier doing it on stream with chat to keep him company. He talks about a lumberjack-related television show from Canada that he he watches (Big Timber) and says he enjoys Canadian accents.
2:30:55 Doc sings again. He trims some more armor. A chatter compliments the Goatfather voice from Season 7 and Doc does a brief reprise. He shows off the pants with the Snout trim and declares the size of the belt buckle “sus.” Chat agrees that the pants belong to Texas. Doc has not been to Texas but he would like to go there and eat a gigantic T-Bone steak, drink Bud Light and talk about guns. Doc is not a gun advocate himself, he just wants to talk about them. A chatter says that Doc has Tweeted some strange stuff over the years, Doc scoffs at the possibilty of him saying anything weird.
2:34:00 Doc has been to New York before and has many basketball friends from there. He loves Brooklyn. He accidentally presses a button on the machine, which causes it to dispense an armor. He says that was not good, but the machine is not broken. He talks more about New York. He also talks about going up in the Sears Tower in Chicago and the Space Needle in Seattle. He likes anything you can climb. It has been about 10 years since Doc’s last trip to New York City, he’d like to go back and see how it has changed. He does more armor trims.
2:38 Doc talks more about changes in New York. He says the homeless situation was surprising to him when he visited, but it also happens in Germany and European cities. A chatter says it is unsafe to go to any major cities in the US, Doc scoffs at this idea and says the danger is very exaggerated. A chatter asks Doc to never say their name again because the first mention gave them a mini heart attack, Doc says it again and adds the headline “Twitch Streamer Kills Viewer.” He falls off his scaffolding several times and becomes frustrated. Doc talks about differences between Europe and the US regarding perceptions of race and interracial couples.
2:43:30 Doc thanks a new Twitch Prime subscribers, reminds other viewers with Prime subscriptions that they can subscribe for free. He pulls more armor out of the machine to trim. A chatter asks about Twitch Nitro, which reminds Doc that he wants to try running an ad. He has zero income from ads right now and wants to see what happens if he runs an ad. Chat points out that after the past two weeks, everyone in chat is subbed and will not see an ad. Doc says he needs a bathroom break but will hold it in because Chat demands it. (Chat is being fairly encouraging about running an ad.) Doc says if he pees his pants he will blame Chat.
2:47:30 A chatter asks what Doc will sell trim for. He says 6-7 shulkers of sand, to make the other Hermits regret their life choices. Chat says Scar is about to make bank, Doc agrees. ((Scar is selling sand for 15 diamonds per shulker as of Skizz’s latest stream, making the cost of a trim approximately 90 diamonds)). Doc admires his statue and its prominent booty. He says he debated with Jerome over the size of the statue’s booty, but Jerome assured him that the audience will love it. Chat generally agrees.
2:51:40 A chatter suggests using more iron armor instead of the gold and leather, Doc says iron does not show armor trims as well as other materials. Doc says he can’t pick a bad armor trim because it turns out that he likes them all. He notes a “battle of the MILFs” in the chat as two chatters make gifts of subs. Doc’s lead moderator claims victory as Chief MILF.
2:53:55 Ren signs onto the server, Doc calls him his husband. He explains that the community’s will is that he and Ren are some old married couple. Doc reaches the last set of armor trims. He asks Ren if he is streaming. Ren is not streaming, which is disappointing to Doc.
2:56:15 Doc shows off Shaper trim, the last set of trim, and reevaluates his stance that no trims are bad. He does not like Shaper because it is too generic. He accidentally hits another button. He replaces all the armor in the machine and the job is done. Returning to the surface, Doc hits some note blocks on purpose to run the machine. It produces a set of armor. Doc approves and says it looks like a superhero costume. He says the dispenser will probably need to be encased in glass because Hermits will definitely mess things up. He dismisses the armor. He talks about how to make a payment box, explaining he was deeply disappointed in Bdubs for not seeing the payment box in the wood shop. He expects Hermits to be breaking this machine for the rest of the season. The machine is taking a long time to reset.
3:00:00 Doc goes back into the redstone of the machine to troubleshoot. He figures out what happened and fishes out a chestplate that is lodged in a dropper. He’s not sure what went wrong and wishes he could replicate the error.
3:02:00 Doc returns to the surface and starts wrapping up. He is pleased with today’s progress. He tucks away his diamonds and says he is running low on loose diamonds. Returning to the studio view, he thanks the chat and the mods and looks for someone to raid to. He raids into FalseSymmetry and ends his stream.
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mammons-lover · 5 months
CPS (Child Protective Services) but instead it’s DCPS (Demon Child Protective Services).
I think it's a typical day, and each brother is doing their own thing. Satan and Belphie are trying to play pranks on Lucifer, but they are mostly causing damage to the house. Lucifer hung Mammon from the ceiling and is lecturing him about his spending habits because he thought buying a bunch of cheap products and selling them 10x the price would make him money. Beelzebub is raiding the fridge and any food in sight, and Asmo is attempting to do Mammon's nails.
The doorbell rings, and Lucifer leaves to get it, but Satan and Belphie decided to have some fun by throwing some curses at Mammon. When Lucifer answers the door, he finds a demon lady who says she works for DCPS, as he lets her in, they hear screams. As they progress farther inside the house, the lady gasps. She watches Mammon screaming and flailing around as the room erupts in flames, and Satan yells at Belphie for miscasting the spell while attempting to extinguish the fire. While Asmo and Belphie strive to bring Mammon down, they keep failing because he won't stop moving.
The demon lady from DCPS watches the pandemonium unfold before them with horror and disbelief. Despite the chaos, Lucifer approaches her to speak.
"Ah, Miss...?" Lucifer begins by striving to gather himself amidst the chaos.
"Miss Ines," she says, barely heard over a chorus of screaming and fire.
"Miss Ines," Lucifer says, "I promise you that this is not our regular day. We take pleasure in preserving order and discipline in our family."
Miss Ines looks at the sight skeptically, but before she can answer, Mammon's flailing knocks over a light, showering shards of glass across the floor. With a disgruntled groan, Lucifer raises his voice.
"Enough!" he demands, his voice resonating throughout the room. The turmoil fades, leaving just the light from the fire.
Miss Ines observes the situation once again before returning her focus to Lucifer. "Mr. Lucifer," she adds, her tone surprised, "I've seen many things in my time, but this... this is beyond anything I could have imagined."
Lucifer nods sadly, aware of the seriousness of the situation. I understand, Miss Ines. Rest assured; We've had worse days.
With that, the woman explains that there was a misunderstanding because there are no children, and as she leaves, she takes a second glance and sees Beel walking in with food stains on his face and clothes, looking clueless, and the rest of the brothers waving at her with a fire behind them, and Lucifer pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. She finds this circumstance amusing since she was expecting to check on a child but instead encountered a group of grown men acting childishly.
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lea-andres · 5 months
I'm sure someone will slap the McDonald's drive thru meme on this story but I don't care. Who wants to hear WHY I'm a nervous driver and it took me until I was 19 to get my license?
I'm gonna throw it in a read more because uhhh vehicular homicide mention and also one of the most intense things my dad ever said to me.
So I was EXCITED to learn to drive, originally. I was looking SO forward to the freedom a license would bring. Hang out with friends more, doing things by myself, after school job maybe? I can't remember if I was 15 and a half or 16 but I was old enough to start legally learning, and ORIGINALLY my dad was going to teach me. Haaaaa...
We get in his truck, I'm in the driver's seat, he's in the passenger seat, and unprompted the man explains to me that everytime you get in the driver's seat of a car, you are acknowledging that it is very possible you could kill someone today because you were driving the car. Even if you're driving 100% safely and doing everything right, you might hit someone, and they might die. And you're accepting the responsibility of this potential future, because you turned on the car and started driving.
AND I CRIED, HAD MANY PANIC ATTACKS, AND DRAGGED MY FEET AND REFUSED TO GET MY LICENSE UNTIL I WAS 19 (Because I was moving to Florida for the DCP, step 1 of many to escaping my parents' house to a life not pre approved by them, and it was time to rip that band aid off)
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filmnoirfoundation · 1 year
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Today at #TCMFF, FNF prez  Eddie Muller will be discussing THE RED SHOES with film director Ernest Dickerson prior to its screening, 11:45 am at the TCL Chinese Theatres House 6.
TCMFF film notes:
For decades, young women have been inspired to study ballet by this elegant, romantic depiction of the life of a classical dancer. What started in the 1930s as a biography of Nijinsky for Alexander Korda and a vehicle for his wife, Merle Oberon, eventually became the crowning glory of the Archers, the production company founded by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. The latter had been hired to write Korda’s Nijinsky film and was guided toward Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Red Shoes” as possible inspiration. When World War II delayed production and the Kordas’ divorce ended the project altogether, Pressburger bought the rights to his own work and slated it to follow a string of hits he had made with Powell, most recently Black Narcissus (1947).
By that point, the Nijinsky biopic had been forgotten, but the dancer’s mentor, Sergei Diaghilev, served as inspiration for one of the film’s central characters: the tyrannical impresario Lermontov (Anton Walbrook), who refuses to allow his dancers to marry on artistic principle. He has two protégés in the film, the composer Julian Craster (Marius Goring) and the young ballerina Victoria Page (Moira Shearer). He commissions Craster to write a ballet based on “The Red Shoes” and gives the leading role to Page, setting the stage for a conflict in which Page is torn between her career and her love for the young composer.
With its climactic 20-minute ballet, the film had a tremendous influence on other filmmakers, most notably Gene Kelly, who used it as inspiration for his own ballet in An American in Paris (1951). The Red Shoes’s expressive use of Technicolor (shot by Jack Cardiff) and music (by Brian Easdale) inspired generations of filmmakers, including Martin Scorsese, Brian De Palma, Steven Spielberg, and Francis Ford Coppola. The picture even created a fashion trend. In the ‘60s, the Italian glitterati aped Lermontov’s practice of wearing dark glasses constantly, even indoors, a character trait Powell and Pressburger had picked up from Walbrook himself.
d. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 135 minutes, DCP
Restored by the UCLA Film & Television Archive in association with the British Film Institute, The Film Foundation, ITV Global Entertainment, Ltd. and Janus Films. Preservation funding provided by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, The Film Foundation and the Louis B. Mayer FoundationCourtesy of MGM and Park Circus LLC
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cinenthusiast · 2 months
films watched in july 2024
174. Godzilla vs Biolante (1989, Omori) / 1st viewing / Criterion Channel 175. The Public Enemy (1931, Wellman) / 2nd viewing / Amazon rental 176. Jaws (1975, Spielberg) / no idea what viewing / Brattle Theatre, 35mm 177. Blow Out (1981, De Palma) / 3rd or 4th viewing / Coolidge Corner Theatre, 35mm 178. "Daffy in Wackyland" (2023, Winston) / 1st viewing / Youtube 179. Charlie's Angels (2000, McG) / not sure what viewing / Apple TV 180. The Addams Family (1991, Sonnenfeld) / no idea what viewing / 4K 181. 2nd Chance (2022, Bahrani) / 1st viewing / Max 182. Dudley Do-Right (1999, Wilson) / 1st viewing / Amazon rental 183. The Brady Bunch Movie (1995, Thomas) / not sure what viewing / Paramount Plus 184. Popeye (1980, Altman) / 3rd or 4th viewing / blu-ray 185. Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme (1990, Stein) / no idea what viewing 186. I Like Bats (1986, Warchol) / 1st viewing / Severin House of Psychotic Women blu-ray box-set 187. Mission Impossible (1996, De Palma) / no idea what viewing / 4K 188. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003, McG) / 1st viewing / Apple TV 189. 3 Women (1977, Altman) / 2nd viewing / Criterion blu-ray 190. "It's the Natural Thing To Do" (1939, Fleischer) / 1st viewing 191 - 196. Faerie Tale Theatre: "Rumpelstiltskin", "The Nightingale", "Jack and the Beanstalk", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", "Rapunzel" 197. Nobody is Innocent (1986, Minter) / 1st viewing / Criterion Channel 198. Nobody is Innocent: Twenty Years Later (2010, Minter) / 1st viewing / Criterion Channel 199. "Little Nemo" (1911, McCay & Blackton) / 1st viewing / Youtube 200. "Gertie the Dinosaur" (1914, McCay) / 1st viewing / Youtube 201. Body Heat (1981, Kasdan) / 3rd viewing / Somerville Theatre, "Hot Summer Nights" program, 35mm 202. 9 1/2 Weeks (1986, Lyne) / 1st viewing / Somerville Theatre, Hot Summer Nights program, 35mm 203. "Coreys" (2024, Streit) / 1st viewing / Youtube 204. Presumed Innocent (1990, Pakula) / 2nd viewing / Amazon rental 205. The Mad Monk (1993, To) / 1st viewing / Amazon rental 206. The Bare-footed Kid (1993, To) / 1st viewing / Amazon rental) 207. Presumed Innocent (1990, Pakula) / 3rd viewing / Amazon rental 208. Alan Pakula: Going for Truth (2019, Miele) / 1st viewing / Max 209. Tomb Raider (2001, West) / 2nd viewing / Paramount Plus 210. Inside Daisy Clover (1965, Mulligan) / 2nd viewing / Blu-ray 211. Rat Fink (1965, Landis) / 2nd viewing / Blu-ray 212. Godzilla vs Hedorah (1971, Banno) / 2nd viewing / Coolidge Corner Theatre, "Godzilla vs the Coolidge" series, DCP 213. The First Omen (2024, Stevenson) / 1st viewing / Hulu 214. Scum of the Earth! (1963, Lewis) / 1st viewing / Blu-ray 215. Evening Primrose (1966, Bogart) / 1st viewing / Youtube rental 216. The Chase (1966, Penn) / 1st viewing / Criterion Channel 217. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life (2003, De Bont) / 1st viewing / Paramount Plus 218. Uncharted (2022, Fleischer) / 1st viewing / Hulu 219. The Champion (1957, Inoue) / 1st viewing / file 220. Twisters (2024, Chung) / 1st viewing / theaters
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johnsdcp2024 · 6 months
Unveiling the Magic: My First Day at Flamingo Crossings
So today is the big day. After two days of traveling to Orlando, Florida, I have arrived. Physically, mentally, and literally arrived. This stop on my journey is mine alone. I made this happen with no pretense. There is no treatment center to return to, no outpatient, no sober house. I moved here because I made it happen thanks to all I have learned at said places. They were the foundation, and now I am building the scaffolding of my house. The foundation is vast and ever-expanding, just like my dreams and possibilities. There is a lot to build on, and for that, I am grateful.
Now back to my day. It started with an amazing egg sandwich made with love from a family friend. The 45-minute drive to Flamingo Crossing, where I reside, felt like 10 minutes; the excitement kept my mind racing. Upon arriving, the nerves set in. What will they say about my beard, my tattoos? Will they turn me away? Do they even care?
I start to walk up the path following 6 others as they have the same nervous energy exuding from them. As I enter the main outside atrium, the reality of where I am is starting to set in. I have seen this exact place so many times through pictures since I first applied. Whether that be TikToks, YouTube videos, or Reddit posts, I have been here! Digitally! And now it's come to fruition walking by the same life-size chessboard that I have seen hundreds of times it feels. After taking in the atrium, we follow the many signs leading us to the outside lawn that is used for relaxing as well as events.
Once completing a form through a QR code, we are shuffled into 2 boxes lined with cones. They encourage us to start talking to others around us, and this seems to ease a lot of tension. The first interaction I had with another human on my DCP adventure was with Gina. She is from New Jersey (I could hear the accent) and going to be a greeter at Hollywood Studios. The same park I will be working at! We promised to say hello and meet again someday, maybe when going to work or maybe around the corridors of the plaza. I'm now scanning. Tattoos, beards. Where are they?! BAM. I nearly sprint to the nearest person with tattoos. She has more than me, and I am instantly at ease. At the same time, I initiate contact; another person with tattoos is converging on the spot. Phew! We are here for each other. We have some fun banter for a few minutes. As for the beards, well, one of the employees (cast members) had one!
After some time, we are corralled into a room where we watch a 14 minutes and 23 seconds video. Mainly about rules. Then we are again corralled into another room where we receive our key cards to our rooms, room numbers, building numbers. And then we are off! I head back to the car where I find mom and dad, and the moving begins. I was able to acquire a wagon to put all my belongings in, and we quickly found my building. It is right beside the main central buildings and overlooks the pool on the third floor.
 I met my roommate Ian. He is a very cool guy. I was worried about my age being an outcast but he's 34! And says a lot of older people do the program. We talked for a good hour as the room got set up and my mom put 98% of everything away. Thanks, mom! After the room was set up, it was time to head to Target for some essentials.
I got my background check done at 11 and then got some much-needed lunch. Everything was hitting me at 100 miles an hour. All my feelings and emotions just overflowed at that moment. The food was really able to help. Maybe I shouldn’t have drunk that large Dunkin' cold brew… I said goodbye to mom and dad as they went on to do their own thing, and I finished putting a few things away and talked with Ian some more. We are going to be a great fit as roommates, thank you lord, my prayers have been answered.
 Ian went to work at 3, and I had another “meeting” to attend where they answered a lot of common questions and explained a lot to us. I walked out around 5 and went straight to the buses. I wanted to learn how to use them. I got on the first one I saw and just went. I ended up at the Contemporary, the resort with the monorail that goes straight through it. So I hopped on the monorail and did a complete loop. I learned that it takes 20 minutes to loop the whole way. People-watching was crazy and surreal. So so so many people! So many strollers and babies. I wasn’t even in the park. I truly can't grasp how big these parks are and the amount of people that come through the park doors each day and each year.
 After the monorail, I headed back to the village. It was interesting to see the other cast members getting on the bus as their shifts were over and the people headed to their shifts. I love all the different costumes they wear! It makes me so very excited to get my own costume in a few days and feel so a part of everything. The bus ride was a little under 15 minutes, and I took the long way back to get a nice walk in and to call Philip (my brother). We had some lovely conversation and some encouraging words were spoken. I need to call Matthew next (my brother). I got back to an empty apartment and started writing this post! Got my HomePod set up and listening to Ariana Grande's new album. Also watching some people stream Overwatch. I also forgot to mention that my other two roommates excluding Ian are from France and work at the very fancy restaurant at the France pavilion in Epcot. Very cool! Till next time! Bye! Thanks for reading 😊
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itainteasy-beinchzzy · 8 months
Five Steps to DCP
Recently I was accepted into the Disney College Program. Disney runs this internship program to give college students a chance to work at Walt Disney World and see a glimpse of what keeps Disney’s gears turning. Getting accepted to this program is quite challenging. There are several hoops to jump through before you can get into the program. I have compiled a quick five-step guide as an overview for getting into the program.
Before I start, I would like to give some context on what the Disney College program is and some of the specs. The program allows curious individuals who want to help create and contribute to the magic of Disney. College program participants will be placed in housing right outside the gates of Disney and will work full-time on property. Program participants can work in a variety of jobs ranging from custodial to being a character performer all while having the chance to network and connect with Cast Members in all fields.
Step 1: Research- Before applying to the Disney College Program there is a lot you need to know. The Walt Disney Company has a lot of its own lingo and procedures that are unique. If you were to apply to the program with no prior knowledge you may become very confused. One of the things I learned in my research was that there are no “jobs” at Disney! Everything is instead referred to as a “role” that Cast Members (employees) perform. Besides researching the company, it is important to research the program itself to be sure it is the right fit for you. There are many aspects of the DCP life I was unaware of before I started looking into participating myself.
Step 2: Planning- Participating in the Disney College Program is a huge commitment. In order to participate you have to move into the Disney housing and pay an acceptance fee. Potential participants need to be ready to put their lives and education on hold for a semester. Participants work full time while they are with Disney so many are unable to do school at the same time. Some folks are able to do a few online courses, but it depends on what your college offers. These are all factors that must be accounted for when you decide to do the college program.
Step 3: Connecting- Some of the most important tips I got for getting into the Disney College Program were from current cast members and program participants. I found it extremely helpful to hear first-hand what the interview and onboarding processes were like. Social media made it easy to find people to talk to. There are DCP pages on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit full of cast members so I was able to ask questions. Any questions you may have about the program, or the interview can be very easily answered. Part of being a cast member is being friendly and approachable so don’t be afraid to reach out to current cast.  
Step 4: Applying- Applying to the DCP is super exciting but also super stressful. College students from all over the world are applying for the same position as you and spots are very limited. In order to better my chances of getting an early interview, I sent in my application the day the form opened. The official Disney College Program social media accounts post updates as to when applications will be opening. I recommend following them to stay up to date. It is important to have your papers and resume organized before applications open. If applications fill up too quickly, they may close early, so it is important to be diligent.
Step 5: Interviewing- The interview is the most nerve-wracking part of the process. It takes place over the phone so you must convey your enthusiasm and charisma audibly. The Disney recruitment team is looking for a very specific type of person. It is important to smile through the whole interview and to be open to chatting. Some advice I received before my interview is that Disney is a storytelling company. If you want to stand out during your interview, share personal stories of how Disney has positively impacted you. The more personal connections you are able to make with your recruiter, the better. The most important thing is confidence. Carry yourself like a current cast member would so you can make the best impression possible.
            These are just a few things that I learned on my journey to getting into the Disney College Program. The five steps I have laid out are the broad strokes of what you need to know but it is important to find the answers to any specific questions you may have regarding the DCP. There is a lot of information out there, but this is a great place to start.
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dreamisawish · 1 year
today marks 45 days until i start my disney college program.
i first heard about the dcp here on tumblr, in middle school, and thought it only fitting to stop lurking and make a post about it. i will turn 21 on this program and there’s a million things i don’t know about myself yet, but i know this will be good for me and for my inner child.
i’ve thought about applying every round since i first started college, but the moment i finally started this process, i felt things clicking into place. both my partner and myself were accepted in the first wave, early in the morning after a genuinely life changing phone call with my interviewer. everything about the process has felt right to me. i know it’ll be everything i hoped for - and the escape from reality i needed so long ago.
the world’s been pretty brutal these last few years. this opportunity means stable income, stable housing, a chance to live among other artists and most importantly other queer people. disney is a light spot in florida right now, and i hope some of the magic rubs off on me. lord knows i’ve needed it.
see you soon
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Mount Litera Zee School Gondia is a member of the K12 Pan India chain of Mount Litera Zee Schools under the aegis of Zee Learn Limited. The Mount Litera Zee School chain has many laurels in its cap for exemplary achievements in the Education sector. MLZS has a Pan India presence and a Universal learning system where the divide of big and small cities is bridged as all the students study the same curricula at the same time and the same pace.Mount Litera Zee School – Gondia houses state of the art infrastructure with the latest technological knowhow for holistic growth of the students. Security is of paramount importance and Mount Litera Zee School Gondia practices I-Care, a program dedicated to child safety.FLIP & DCP are the Co-scholastic offerings which enable students to explore their entrepreneurship skills and enable children to be cyber smart and counteract the technological challenges. Both these offerings are continuous and chart the growth and awareness of the students
At Mount Litera Zee School, Gondia we focus on all-round development of students. Our emerging student profile (ESP) put equal emphasis on knowledge, life skills and values. MLZ Gondia goes beyond academics to ensure that we provide students sufficient opportunities for achieving the ESP.
Unique skills programme
Our students engage in music, dance,theatre and arts activities through our performing arts school programmes. These provide an opportunity to explore, engage and excel in activities of their choice.
Students may choose from a range of performing pursuits. In this, they are carefully guided by professional instructors who train our students to achieve high standards in their chosen fields.
MLZ Gondia works with the instructors to identify and set specific learning outcomes in each of the activities.
Technology enabled learning
Interactive white boards with AV content and WiFi internet enabled digital smart class rooms to provide students best of knowledge regarding technical subjects as they view them in 3D videos.
Smart class provide an interactive & visually attractive method of teaching.The audio-visual senses of students are targeted and it helps the students store the information fast and effectively.Digital Classroom club provides the best way to understand & see different objects & projects live working.
ESP-Emerging student profile
We have a vision of the child we aim to graduate and everything in our schools is designed around that vision. Emerging Student Profile (ESP) is the vision that Mount Litera Zee Schools promises. Everything we do in the school strives to achieve this profile for each child. While each child will take a different path to this profile, we run the schools with the firm belief that this profile will enable our children to be leaders of the 21st century.
The ESP comprises three essential faculties: life skills, knowledge and core values.
Litera Octave
Litera Octave is the core belief of every Zee school. It is a proprietary pedagogical model that has been honed over years of research and development. It integrates the various pillars that impact the children during their learning and development in school.
It comprises EIGHT Critical interlinked elements of school engagement with parents and child.
These are : Litera Infra, Litera Content, Litera Network, Litera Lifeskills, Litera teacher, Litera Assessment, Litera Parents and Litera Enrichment
Well Trained Teachers
Highly qualified teachers with contineous tranning programs and workshops on academic methodology.Our rigorous hiring and comprehensive training of teachers keep them abreast with the best-in-class learning methodologies. Teachers get assessed to ensure that students get the best learning environment.
Assesments,evaluations & parents
Our assessments focus on identifying what students are good at instead of whether they are good or not. MLZ Gondia assessments and parent teachers meetings take place on a continuous basis and at the child’s pace rather than through only stressful periodic exams. Assessment patterns are based on feedback from various stakeholders including parents.
Parents are a critical stakeholder in the entire learning process. We orient parents through various workshops and inculcate awareness of important parenting issues like understanding the child’s learning style, multiple intelligences, and child abuse prevention etc.
Community Connect & Social Awareness
Education is all about giving back to the society. At MLZ Gondia, we prepare our students to work towards creating a sustainable environment on an ongoing basis.
We encourage our students and parent community to support organizations that help the old, the underprivileged.Our students and parent community will participate and organize projects that aim to achieve a purpose in preserving and conserving the environment and its inhabitants.
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6b07 · 1 month
The 6B07 Newsletter (Issue 3, 2024-08-24)
Welcome again to the 6B07 newsletter, courtesy of your elected representative to Advisory Neighborhood Commission single member district 6B07, Vince Mareino.  If you don’t want to get any future emails, just reply "unsubscribe".
School News
Our two DCPS schools, Watkins and Payne, will start the new school year on Monday, August 26.  Watkins’s Principal Berkowitz asked me to let you know that the school is adjusting the drop-off and pick-up protocol, in response to our concerns that last year’s policy wasn’t safe for pedestrians.  Morning drop-off and aftercare pick-up will now revert to the old system, where any drivers dropping off kids should use the DDOT-designated spots on 12th St SE.  The 3:15-3:30 pick-up will keep using the controversial system of requiring parents to fetch their kids from the football field.  However, the school is going to ask drivers to park on all four sides of the school instead of encouraging them to crowd their cars onto E St SE.  The school is also going to have staff stand at the intersection of 12th & E and prohibit cars from driving eastbound on the 1200 block of E St SE from 3:15-3:30.  My assessment is that this won’t be as safe as the good old days when the DC government provided shuttle bus service, but it should be a heck of a lot safer than the 2023-24 school year was.  Neighbors, let me know what you see, especially after the inevitable first-week jitters wear off and parents learn the system.
Payne is in the process of finishing up an ambitious gardening project.  I know a lot of people have been complaining that, for most of the summer, 14th St SE has had a malarial puddle of muddy water, while 15th St SE has been so dry that some bushes have died.  But they’re working on it, and I’m expecting it’ll look great in a month or so.
Gardening News
An invasive species, the spotted lanternfly, has the potential to harm a lot of local plants.  If you’ve seen any, please contact DDOT Urban Forestry!  The contact form – along with photos and other helpful info about the spotted lanternfly – can be found at https://trees.dc.gov/pages/invasive-species-spotted-lantern-fly .
Home Repair News
The new DC Dept of Buildings, which took over housing permits from the DCRA, is trying to make it easier to get permission to do simple home repairs like repairing your porch, installing new outlets, or replacing gas appliances with electric ones. Many of these repairs can be done with a “postcard” permit, which usually cost $33.  What you might not know is that you can get these postcard permits in a couple minutes without getting out of your pajamas – just go to https://dob.dc.gov/node/1616046 .
Driving Safety News
DDOT plans to rebuild 8th St SE, just like how they rebuilt Pennsylvania Ave SE, to make it safer and easier to use for drivers, pedestrians, bikers, and especially bus riders.  ANC 6B has worked with them on the first planning phase, and now they’re entering the proposal phase.  Read more at https://buspriority.ddot.dc.gov/pages/8thstse or attend the ANC 6B Transportation Meeting at 7 pm on Sept 4th.
ANC Meeting News
Last but not least, we’re ending the summer vacation and getting back to business.  Here’s our busy schedule over the next two weeks:
Monday August 26, 6:30 pm – Library Task Force, https://anc6b.org/meetings/august-southeast-library-taskforce-meeting/
Tuesday August 27, 7 pm – Executive Planning, https://anc6b.org/meetings/august-2024-anc-6b-executive-committee-meeting/
Tuesday September 3, 7 pm – Alcohol & Cannabis Review, https://anc6b.org/event/alcoholic-beverage-cannabis-committee-meeting-8/
Wednesday September 4, 7 pm – Transportation, https://anc6b.org/event/transportation-committee-meeting-33/?instance_id=504
Thursday September 5, 7 pm – Planning & Zoning, https://anc6b.org/event/planning-zoning-committee-meeting-32/?instance_id=517
Monday September 9, 7 pm – ANC 6B Full Monthly Meeting, https://anc6b.org/event/anc-6b-full-monthly-meeting-8/?instance_id=609
Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions or opinions to share on any local topics, please drop me a line!
Vince Mareino, ANC Rep for 6B07
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seemabhatnagar · 2 months
“Tragedy Strikes: Three IAS Aspirants Drown in Delhi’s Heavy Rains”
Three UPSC aspirants lost their lives due to drowning in a flooded basement at Rau's IAS coaching centerat Rajendra Nagar, Delhi. A PIL was filed by an NGO Kutumb through its trustee and Amrik Singh Babbar seeking a high-level committee probe into the tragic incident where three UPSC aspirants lost their lives due to drowning in a flooded basement at Rau's IAS coaching center.
The Court directed the presence of the MCD Commissioner, concerned DCP, and Investigation Officer on the next date of hearing i.e.02.08.2024.
The Court called for a thorough investigation into the incident, including the actions of the Delhi Fire Services and other officials.
The Court ordered the Delhi government's counsel to ensure that the relevant officials are present with all necessary files at the next hearing.
Tumblr media
Kutumb through its trustee v. State of NCT of Delhi & Ors. along with Amrik Singh Babbar (Library) v. State of NCT of Delhi & Ors.
W.P.(C)-10550/2024 & CM APPL. 43292/2024 In W.P.(C)-13308/2023
Before The Delhi High Court
Heard By Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Manmohan J and Hon'ble Mr. Tushar Rao Gedela J
Incident: The incident occurred on July 27 evening when heavy rains in Delhi led to the flooding of the basement in Rau's IAS coaching center, located in Old Rajendra Nagar. The three aspirants were trapped in the basement and subsequently drowned.
Issue: The core issue before the Court was the alleged negligence and failure of the Delhi government and municipal authorities to prevent such tragedies despite prior judicial directions and warnings. The PIL sought accountability for these lapses and the implementation of stricter regulations and inspections to prevent future incidents. The PIL seeks the constitution of district-level committees in each district of Delhi to investigate and address illegal commercial constructions and non-compliance with safety norms.
Court's Observation:
The Court expressed concern about the city's infrastructure, highlighting that it is not in accordance with present-day realities and that there is a major disconnect between what citizens need and what is being provided.
The Court criticized the liberalization of construction by-laws without corresponding improvements in infrastructure, noting that permitting six to seven-story buildings without proper drainage and mixing sewage with drains leads to reverse flow and flooding issues.
The Bench expressed frustration with the planning and infrastructure management, questioning why the century-old infrastructure was not upgraded and criticizing the authorities for not being prepared for such eventualities.
The Court remarked on the "freebie culture," stating that without proper tax collection and financial management, the city's infrastructure cannot be improved. It noted that the civic authorities are struggling to pay salaries and questioned how they could improve infrastructure under these conditions.
The Court criticized the lack of action against senior officials, noting that actions were only taken against the junior-most staff. The Bench emphasized the need for accountability among senior officers.
The Court expressed frustration with the current state of affairs, describing the situation as "strange". The Court questioned the role of the Delhi Police and other officials in the incident, indicating a need for thorough investigation and accountability.
The Bench noted that there is a population explosion in Delhi, which was initially planned for 6-7 lakh people but now houses over 3.3 crore, and questioned how the city plans to accommodate this population without upgrading the infrastructure.
Seema Bhatnagar
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werindialive · 3 months
Swift Police Action: Madhya Pradesh-Based ‘Chaddi Gang’ Arrested Within 5 Hours of Mangaluru Robbery 
In a dramatic turn of events, a notorious gang from Madhya Pradesh, infamously known as the ‘Chaddi gang’ due to their modus operandi of committing crimes wearing only undergarments, was arrested by Mangaluru police within five hours of robbing a house. The swift and efficient response by the police has been widely praised, highlighting their commitment to maintaining law and order. 
The incident took place in the early hours of Wednesday morning when the gang targeted a residence in the upscale Kadri area of Mangaluru. The homeowners, awakened by the noise, quickly realized they were being robbed and alerted the police. The gang, known for their daring and brazen robberies, managed to escape with cash, jewelry, and other valuables worth lakhs of rupees. 
Upon receiving the distress call, the Mangaluru police swung into action. A special team was formed under the leadership of Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Vinay Gaonkar. Leveraging advanced surveillance technology and intelligence inputs, the police traced the movements of the gang through CCTV footage from the vicinity. 
The investigation revealed that the gang had a well-planned escape route and a getaway vehicle parked at a secluded spot. However, the police’s rapid mobilization and strategic checkpoints across the city hindered their plans. Within hours, the police traced the gang’s movements to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, where they were hiding. 
The police surrounded the warehouse and after a brief standoff, managed to apprehend the gang members without any injuries. The stolen goods were recovered, and the gang members were taken into custody for further interrogation. Preliminary investigations suggest that the gang had been operating across various states and had been involved in multiple high-profile robberies. 
Speaking to the media, DCP Vinay Gaonkar said, “The successful capture of the ‘Chaddi gang’ within a few hours of the crime is a testament to the efficiency and dedication of our police force. We are committed to ensuring the safety and security of our citizens and will continue to take stringent action against criminal activities.” 
The homeowners expressed their gratitude to the police for their prompt action and recovery of the stolen items. “We were terrified when we realized there were intruders in our home. The police’s quick response has given us a great sense of relief and restored our faith in the law enforcement system,” said Mr. Prakash Shetty, the homeowner. 
The arrest of the ‘Chaddi gang’ has brought a sense of relief to the residents of Mangaluru, who have been on edge due to recent reports of similar incidents. The police have assured the public of increased patrols and surveillance to prevent such occurrences in the future. 
This incident highlights the importance of community vigilance and the effectiveness of modern policing techniques in combating crime. The swift action by the Mangaluru police serves as a deterrent to criminals and reinforces the message that lawbreakers will be swiftly brought to justice. 
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xnewsinfo · 3 months
Merchandise included on this article Brother DCP-T525W (Print, Scan & Copy) Printer with WIFI Ink Tank, 128MB Reminiscence, Print as much as 15,000 Black Pages and 5,000 Shade Pages Every for (CMY), Get Additional Black Ink Bottle, Set up free Get value Canon Pixma TS307 Single Perform Wi-fi Shade Inkjet Printer (Black), Customary Get value HP Ink Benefit 4278 Printer, Computerized Doc Feeder (ADF), Print, Copy, Scan, WiFi, Bluetooth, USB, Straightforward Setup Good App, Superb for Dwelling. Get value 12% low cost Epson PictureMate PM-520 picture printer Purchase now Having a printer at house has grow to be important for each professionals and college students. It lets you conveniently print necessary paperwork with out having to go to an Web cafe or a printing press. Regardless of the digital age, bodily copies of ID paperwork, pictures and college tasks are nonetheless obligatory. Dwelling printers can print in each shade and black and white and are equally helpful in workplace environments.Record of best-selling merchandise Product Scores Worth Brother DCP-T525W (Print, Scan & Copy) WIFI Ink Tank Printer, 128MB Reminiscence, Prints as much as 15,000 Black Pages and 5,000 Shade Pages Every for (CMY), Get Additional Black Ink Bottle, Free Set up 4.2/5 Get value Canon Pixma TS307 Wi-fi Single Perform Shade Inkjet Printer (Black), Customary 3.6/5 Get value HP Ink Benefit 4278 Printer, Computerized Doc Feeder (ADF), Print, Copy, Scan, WiFi, Bluetooth, USB, Straightforward Setup Good App, Superb for Dwelling. 3.6/5 Get value Epson PictureMate PM-520 picture printer 3.9/5 $15,499 Trendy printers typically embrace options corresponding to cellular printing apps, cloud printing, and assist for various paper sizes and kinds. They're compact and moveable, adapting to completely different environments and streamlining printing processes, enhancing productiveness.Learn additionally: High 5 Smartwatches for Coronary heart Sufferers from Apple, Samsung, Fitbit and Extra for Proactive Well being MonitoringSelecting the best printer could be difficult. That can assist you, listed here are 5 of the perfect printers, from inkjet to monochrome, to fulfill numerous printing wants and budgets.1. Brother DCP-T525W - Wi-Fi Shade Inkjet Printer for Dwelling and Workplace B0B5XRRR5B-1 The Brother DCP-T525W is a Wi-Fi multifunction printer that lets you print, scan and duplicate in each color and monochrome. It affords high-resolution print and scan speeds of 12 ppm in color and 30 ppm in monochrome. Appropriate with a number of working programs and that includes refillable ink bottles, it's a cost-effective possibility with USB and Wi-Fi connectivity.2. Canon Pixma TS307 Single Perform Wi-fi Shade Inkjet Printer B07BZFLWS7-2 The Canon Pixma TS307 is a cheap wi-fi printer supreme for many who solely want fundamental printing capabilities with out scanning or copying. It gives high-quality shade prints and helps cellular and Wi-Fi connectivity choices corresponding to Apple AirPrint. Its compact design simply suits into any area, making it a flexible possibility for house use.3. HP Ink Benefit 4278 Printer B0CJ82KR2H-3 The HP Ink Benefit 4278 is an reasonably priced printer that options an computerized doc feeder (ADF) to boost productiveness. It affords print, copy, and scan capabilities with connectivity choices together with WiFi, Bluetooth, and USB. The Good app simplifies setup and use, making it an environment friendly, all-in-one printing resolution.4. Epson PictureMate PM-520 Picture Printer B074P6BVDD-4 The Epson PictureMate PM-520 is a transportable printer designed for high-quality picture printing. It encompasses a 1.45" LCD display screen, borderless printing and a most decision of 5760 x 1440 dpi. With a most print pace of 36 seconds per picture and compatibility with Home windows, Mac and cellular gadgets, it's supreme for house use The printer additionally contains an SD card slot and a USB port for straightforward viewing and printing of pictures.5. HP Laserjet Professional 4104dw Multifunction Printer B0C8B71W1X-5 The Laserjet Professional MFP 4104dw is a monochrome printer that provides excessive effectivity with a print pace of 40 pages per minute and computerized duplexing. Features a 250-sheet enter tray and a 100-sheet multipurpose tray. Wi-Fi connectivity and network-ready options imply you may print from wherever within the workplace. The flatbed scanner gives high-resolution scanning as much as 1200 dpi and the automated doc feeder improves productiveness. Cell printing choices like ePrint, Apple AirPrint, Mopria Print, and good apps add to your comfort.These printers supply a wide range of options and costs, making it straightforward to seek out the proper one for house or workplace use.
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filmnoirfoundation · 1 year
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Next up for for FNF prez Eddie Muller at the Turner Classic Movies Film Festival today. He'll introduce Elia Kazan's EAST OF EDEN (1955), 11:45 am, TCL Chinese Theatres, House 1.
#TCMFF film notes:
When director Elia Kazan realized Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift were too old to play the brothers in his adaptation of John Steinbeck’s East of Eden, he went looking for new talent. Boy, did he find it! In his first starring role (and the only one of his major films released during his lifetime), James Dean burns up the screen with inner turmoil. He’s cast as Cal, the tortured Cain to Richard Davalos’s Abel and Raymond Massey’s Adam in coastal California on the eve of World War I. Rejection dominates Dean’s performance as he strives to win his father’s love, finds himself drawn to his brother’s girlfriend (Julie Harris), and discovers his mother (Jo Van Fleet) is running a brothel in a nearby town.
Working with cinematographer Ted McCord, Kazan reflected Cal’s emotional turmoil in his creative use of the widescreen image. This was Kazan’s first film shot in color and CinemaScope, and he frequently tilts the camera to intensify a scene’s emotional impact. He also worked with composer Leonard Rosenman to make the score mirror Cal’s inner life. At the time, many reviewers lauded Kazan’s move into widescreen while complaining that Dean’s performance was just an imitation of early Brando. More recent critics have hailed the film as Kazan’s and Dean’s best. Van Fleet won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress with her film debut, with additional nominations going to Kazan, Dean, and Paul Osborn’s adapted screenplay.
d. Elia Kazan, 118 minutes, DCP
World premiere restoration courtesy of Warner Bros. Classics
Restored by Warner Bros. in collaboration with the Film Foundation
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Navigating the Past: Considerations for First Floor Additions in Inner West Heritage Areas
The Inner West of Sydney boasts a rich architectural heritage, with charming terraces, weatherboards, and semi-detached houses lining its streets. These heritage-rich areas hold immense character and historical significance, making them highly sought-after locations for homeowners. However, if you reside in an Inner West Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) and dream of a First Floor Addition, the process requires careful consideration.
This blog equips you with the knowledge to navigate the unique challenges and considerations associated with First Floor Additions Inner West in Heritage Conservation Areas. We'll explore the importance of HCAs, delve into key regulations, and provide tips to ensure your addition complements, rather than detracts from, the historical charm of your home.
Understanding Heritage Conservation Areas
Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs) are designated by local councils to protect areas with significant historical, cultural, or architectural value.  These areas often showcase a consistent streetscape with specific architectural styles and materials.  Within the Inner West, HCAs encompass a significant portion of suburbs like Balmain, Leichhardt, and Paddington.
Why Are HCAs Important?
HCAs play a vital role in preserving the unique character of the Inner West. They ensure that future generations can experience and appreciate the rich architectural heritage of these neighborhoods.  Additionally, HCAs contribute to a sense of place and community identity.
Regulations and Considerations for First Floor Additions Inner West in HCAs
When planning First Floor Additions Inner West in an HCA, stricter regulations come into play compared to non-heritage areas. Here are some key considerations:
Height Restrictions: HCAs often have stricter height limitations for additions to ensure they don't overshadow or disrupt the existing building lines.
Building Materials: The DCP (Development Control Plan) for your specific HCA might dictate the use of specific materials that complement the existing architectural style. For instance, red brick additions might be preferred over rendered finishes in a terrace-heavy HCA.
Design Aesthetics: The DCP might outline specific design guidelines regarding window styles, roof pitches, and overall aesthetics to maintain a cohesive streetscape.
Heritage Impact Statement: In some cases, you might be required to submit a Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) alongside your development application. This document assesses the potential impact of your addition on the heritage significance of your property and the surrounding HCA.
Planning Your First Floor Additions Inner West with Heritage in Mind
Here are some tips to ensure a successful and compliant First Floor Addition Inner West project in an HCA:
Consult the DCP: This is your primary source for understanding the specific regulations applicable to your HCA.
Engage a Heritage Architect: Collaborate with an architect experienced in working within HCAs. They can ensure your design adheres to regulations while respecting the heritage character of your home.
Seek Council Guidance: The Inner West Council's planning department offers pre-DA meetings. Utilize this valuable opportunity to discuss your project concept and receive initial feedback before submitting a formal application.
Embrace the Challenge: While navigating HCAs might seem complex, view it as an opportunity to create a unique addition that seamlessly integrates with the rich history of your neighborhood. Consider incorporating salvaged materials or design elements that echo the existing architectural style.
FAQs:  First Floor Additions Inner West in Heritage Areas
Q:  How do I find out if my property is located within an HCA?
A:  The Inner West Council website provides an interactive map where you can enter your address to determine the relevant HCA and its associated DCP.
Q:  What happens if I don't comply with HCA regulations for First Floor Additions Inner West?
A:  Non-compliance can lead to delays, revisions, or even rejection of your development application.  In some cases, penalties might be imposed.
Q:  Is it possible to get my First Floor Additions Inner  project approved in an HCA if it doesn't strictly adhere to the existing architectural style?
A:  While respecting the overall character of the HCA is crucial, some innovative and contemporary designs can be approved.  The key lies in demonstrating how your addition complements the existing heritage while offering a  thoughtful interpretation for the modern era.  Working with a heritage architect can help achieve this balance.
Conclusion: A Rewarding Journey
First Floor Additions Inner West in Heritage Conservation Areas present a unique set of challenges, but they also offer a chance to create a truly special space that honors the past while meeting your modern needs. By understanding the importance of HCAs, familiarizing yourself with the regulations, and seeking experienced guidance, you can navigate the process successfully. Remember, a well-designed addition can enhance the heritage value of your property and contribute to the ongoing vibrancy of the Inner West
First Floor Additions Sydney
First Floor Additions Hills District Sydney
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