#dcmk blogging
kugisakiss · 1 year
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shinichi winning arguments with the gosho boys
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arsquare · 1 year
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@alexjss has a crazy cardcaptor sakura AU that I couldn't stop thinking about (here and here) so have some scraps while I procrastinate on my birdmen fan manga
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heyshinichiran · 1 year
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
I love the idea of Shinichi developing claustrophobia but not realising. One of the most terrifying times in his life was when Gin was opening those lockers and almost discovered him but Shinichi doesn't realise how affected he was by that until he ends up in a small space again.
Imagine the opening scene of Fist of Blue Sapphire, where instead of just the normal panic of waking up in a small space with no idea how you ended up in this situation, Shinichi ends up having a full blown panic attack. He's taken back to the time in the lockers, struggling to breathe and consumed with fear and then his heart drops even more when he sees the light from whatever he's stuffed inside opening.
He doesn't realise he's shaking and crying until his own face is staring back at him in alarm. He doesn't know how to react, the light of the sun is too bright and hurting his eyes, his ears are ringing and his chest feels so tight that he's still struggling to breathe.
Kaito recognizing the symptoms of a phobia immediately (how many times has he had to calm himself when people treat his own like a joke to mess with him). He drags the suitcase to the trees where no one can see and lets Shinichi calm himself down at his own pace and gather his barings away from prying eyes. He does some simple and easy card tricks for Shinichi's benefit, in hope of providing a distraction as his brain registers his need to panic is gone.
As Shinichi comes round, he's just so confused. Why was KID here? Why was he in a suitcase? Why did he panic like that?
Kaito explains the first two before tentively approaching the topic of the last one. He apologises to Shinichi for putting him that situation and that if he had been aware of his phobia, he would have done it differently.
Shinichi is struck by the word phobia. He never wanted to put a name to the feeling of unease and even fear he would feel whenever he had to crawl into a small gap after that fateful encounter but now another had noticed, had watched him lose himself to the consuming panic and he thinks it's time to do so.
Kaito listens intently as Shinichi explained when it started, how he had been trapped in a locker with the only thing between him and certain death had been a flimsy sheet of metal and a man who had been insane enough to check the small lockers for his enemy, only to stop at the last moment, just shy of finding them, when he realises that no adult could be inside one.
Shinich says something changed that night, he just never wanted to admit it.
And Kaito understood, as has been in the same situation as Shinichi, where he had felt that panic that makes you feel your lungs are no longer working and you're about to die but forced himself to endure it, forced the panic down because no one else understood.
He tells Shinichi as such, hints that he has one too, though he was not quite ready to share what it was (everyone else who knew used it against him after all) but he got the feeling Shinichi felt all the same.
Kaito apologises again for putting Shinichi in that situation but Shinichi just dismisses it and demands Kaito to tell him more about the case.
(When it comes time to return home, Kaito makes sure that when he's off the plane and has his luggage, he opens it up so Shinichi doesn't feel as trapped this time around)
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detco-hell · 1 year
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[ episode 467 - The Unsmashable Snowman]
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kiwikyuka · 6 months
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this remains the most beautiful skateboarding scene in the movies
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Rei: If I was married to you I would put poison in your coffee. Akai: If I was married to you I’d drink it.
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he readin
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fisherrprince · 30 days
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kaitoukye · 5 months
I still stand by a statement I made years ago that SaguKai is just Tom and Jerry yaoi as humans.
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spadenburner · 3 days
"You're beautiful!"
Said a fan of Kid meanwhile give a shy slime to him.
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Kaitou paused, caught off guard for a moment, before he smiled and bowed. "Thank you! It's not everyday somebody compliments an international jewel thief such as myself." He looked up from the bow at the fan with a curious gaze, before glancing side to side. It wasn't the most crowded district, so perhaps he had some time before his escape...? "Who might you be, if you don't mind answering?"
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mysteryboy1249 · 11 months
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Finally went and watched Zero Tea Time and like, how is this man still functioning at all??? If we're to assume that Furuya sleeps about 2 hours a night regularly, I'm sorry but this man would in no way shape or form be able to do what he does. - Sincerely, someone who has legitimately slept 3AM to 5AM regularly for several months due to having pre-existing sleep issues and a job that started at an ungodly time.
Like, yes I get that I shouldn't be thinking too deeply since anime logic, but also on this same schedule I felt like I was about to die by week 3 and was essentially a human zombie with my mental health down the sink by week 6(and technically I was sleeping more than 2 hours since I would take some naps as well) so I have some strong feelings about this. Hell, there's no way this man would be able to keep track of what time it is let alone all his jobs and secrets with that amount of sleep. Even if we go under the assumption that he sleeps 3-4 or even 4-5 hours usually and the 2 hours was a special case this man would still not be able to make all those deductions and chase all those criminals. Sure you won't feel as shit, but you definitely will still be feeling quite shit.
No wonder this man depressed and insane with a sprinkling of anger issues and seems to be constantly lowkey disassociating in Zero Tea Time. Yes most of it is because he's the only one left and is horribly traumatized but also like Furuya, have you considered taking a nap? It doesn't solve the trauma, but give yourself 8-10 hours of proper sleep and you'll be waking up ready to take on god.
As a side note, are there fics where Furuya is severely sleep deprived and how that impacts him? Because so far I haven't seen any but I also don't usually go out of my way to find Furuya centered fics. Because if there isn't I'll write one myself, not enough chronic sleep deprivation rep round here in general. Mans mother hens everyone around him, he deserves someone to mother hen him back to force him to sleep because the world will not in fact end if he takes some time off.
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cyellolemon · 11 months
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HIROREI but cute and happy for once because i need to forget how doomed they are :3
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eastward-detectives · 4 months
Hello Hello, I have a question.
Who’s most likely to accidentally lose a game of Clue because they revealed their role?
Hattori. He can't keep a secret for the life of him. Trust me on this, he'd blurt out his role accidentally while arguing with Kazuha over some minute detail and then fume the rest of the game as he tries to make somebody else trip up instead.
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westward-detective · 5 months
People share music on websites like this right? yeah of course they do. anyways, uh-
Ive got some music mixed up for y'all to listen too! I update it a bit sometimes so you may hear something new every now and then! cheers!
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clownakai · 4 days
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Rei voice
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