#anyway i miss Hiro
cyellolemon · 11 months
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HIROREI but cute and happy for once because i need to forget how doomed they are :3
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tenta-tickles · 1 year
3 and 7 of those tk questions for Hiro and/or veronIKA, please!!!
Thank you for asking for them anon <3
3. do they react differently to different people tickling them?
Hiro - Absolutely! He's more likely to make snarky remarks n such if he's good friends with the ler! He also might struggle less if its for cheer up tickles
VeronIKA - Would probably ask most people (especially those she's not super close with) to stop almost immediately but won't do that as much with her friends. Will call you names and tell you to shut up while you're wrecking her if you're a friend.
7. do they squirm a lot?
Hiro - Nope! He curls up more than he moves around but obviously, he still squirms a bit, almost all of it is instinctual though.
VeronIKA - Yes, she's a fighter and will make it a pain in the ass to pin her if she knows she's already screwed anyway.
Thank you again anon!!
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inkykeiji · 1 year
omg clari tokyo revengers?! what are your honest thoughts? I really like it, I also enjoy the manga. mitsuya is soooo cute, I love him and the fact he takes care of his little sisters!! his personality is perfect, like hes so head strong on what he believes is right and hes so loyal ahhhh
yEAH HAHA i finally gave in and let go of my stubbornness because teddy (@duckiez) convinced me to give it a try!!! i am absolutely, entirely, obsessively head over heels in love with the haitani brothers oH MY GOD anon i can’t even express how giddy n wild they make me i !!!!!!!!!! love them so much!!! my other faves are: mitsuya, kazutora, shinichiro, waka, and shion purely because he’s downright pathetic <3
tokyo revengers spoilers below!
AH okay so i have a few episodes left in the anime until i’m totally caught up bUT i finished the manga last night (i cheated tho n started at like chapter 120 because i was too ravenous for more haitani bros waaaah) and that ending was just........The Worst in my opinion tbh!!! i was really, really disappointed with the way it ended and in my heart and my personal canon it ended with the bonten arc thank u and goodnight c: like so many others, i feel like this ending was rushed, unearned, but the thing i am most upset about is how it erases everyones traumas, tragedies, and hardships, because it makes the entire thing feel so soulless and meaningless. i would’ve preferred the message to have been ‘you can’t save everyone’ with mikey representing that.
but again, these are just my personal thoughts n opinions! it’s completely and totally 100% okay if you liked the ending; there’s no right or wrong answer here, just our personal thoughts! <33 other than the ending, though, i enjoyed it!
i’m going to reread the manga from the very start of course but i just couldn’t fucking wait LMAO i was so starved for more haitanis and i have soooo many things i wanna write with them already and i just needed to consume all of the official material before i could continue writing so!!!!
mITSUYA IS LIKE ?????? REALLY DADDY TO ME HAHAHAHA eee (*/ω\*) he also looks good in literally every timeline i can’t get over it he is soooo pretty <333
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mintmatcha · 8 months
Makki is crying on the couch and you aren't sure how to respond.
Hands folded over his heart and phone clutched between them, Takahiro squeezes his eyes close as tight as possible and lets the tears just flow. His whole body heaves with silent sobs, ribs expanding and constricting arrhythmicly as anguish contorts him, flushing the skin of his cheeks a dark, splotchy red. Misery overwhelms him from head to toes and he just lets it happen, crying midday and midapartment.
You open your mouth to speak, but only a squeak of a sound comes out.
"Hiro?" You manage to say on your second try.
"Hey!" He scrambles to sit up straight, wiping the wet from his cheeks with his thumb. His voice is snotlined and jagged, even as he tries to sound chipper. "Hey! What's up, baby?"
You slink closer, hands knotted behind your back. "You okay?"
"Me? Pst, yeah. Totally." Makki shrugs and smiles, the wet of his eyes still threatening to roll over. "Just chilling."
You tilt your head and he understands the motion; Hiro pats his lap and you close the gap between you to slide into it, legs over his and hands finding his cheeks. They are still warm and wet with tears, gritty with their salt. His cheeks puffy out as he forces a smile for you.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you try. He shrugs again, face scrunched up in a playful pout, then lets the facade crumble. Shoulders fall as he nods and he lets his bottom lip quiver.
"Just missing my mom." His eyes are red against his strawberry blonde hair.
"Oh, Hiro..."
You aren't really sure what else to say. It's not like there's anything you could say to make it better.
You never knew his mother and you never will- something that Makki has lamented to you before. He insists that she would have loved you, maybe even more than he loves you. She would have loved the apartment, loved the ring Makki bought you, loved the list of babies' names that you two may or may not ever use.
"I got an ad for perfume." Makki says after a long while. There's a lift to his voice, as if he finds whatever he's saying to be silly. "Mom used to wear this awful perfume towards the end. Smelt like a fucking cheap hand soap."
He laughs midsentence, tripping over his words. "And she wore so much of it that when she hugged me, it'd just cling to my clothes for hours. My sisters and I hated it. Oh my god, we tried to come up with excuses not to hug her but she always fucking got us anyway."
When he laughs this time, it's more of a shaking exhale, caught somewhere in between misery, melancholy and amusement.
"I really want one more stupid, stinky hug from her," Makki whispers. "Just one more."
You know it's not the same, but you wrap your arms around him anyway and squeeze, scrambling to hold as much of him as you can.
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twig-tea · 7 months
Perfect Propose: A few final thoughts
There is a melancholy to this series because it’s about a romance but it’s also about breaking out of external and internal barriers holding you back from happiness. 
Hiro’s work situation was such an incredible representation of what it feels like to work in a workplace that is out to exploit every second of your time and never thank you for it. I really loved that the show is clear about how people enable their own exploitation in these environments, and how often people don’t leave because they need the idea that their life will be better when they finally do quit, and they’re afraid it isn’t true so they’d rather stay with the devil they know [it's me, I'm people].
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I loved Kai finding his way to Hiro when he was at his lowest, and going from a guy who was afraid to ask for anything or make any kind of mark on Hiro’s life, to putting up a wind chime decoration and building a hydroponic vegetable system and asking Hiro to come home to him every night.
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Kai’s arc wasn’t as strong or as detailed as Hiro’s, but it was important to the story. Kai has always recognized Hiro's kindness in asking for something from Kai rather than offering something to Kai--Kai has always felt useless but Hiro gave him purpose, as a kid and again as an adult. But Kai needed to learn to want things for himself, something Hiro noticed and encouraged him to do. And when Hiro misses their festival date and realized he’d let Kai down, he offers to make it up to him in two ways (committing to the tomato growing, which was a short-term but tangible commitment to Kai, and agreeing to share a bed), which helped bring them closer together and helped Kai get bolder, sending Hiro those images of the food he was missing to help him continue to want to be home.
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Kai got to see Hiro more vulnerable, and feel more wanted, and then got the apology from the old restaurant owner’s son. But when he heard that his presence had held the restaurant owner back from moving in with his son, he took it the wrong way, and defaulted back to thinking he’s a burden who puts the people he loves at risk just by virtue of being there. [There was a kernel of truth in there about how Kai, in making Hiro’s life a little better, also was enabling him to stay longer in that awful job, but he couldn’t see how he was also giving Hiro a reason to quit it.]  
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And at the end, when the typical Japanese Run For Your Love failed (which I really enjoyed), the words that got through to Kai were heartbreaking. Hiro doesn’t tell Kai he’s a good presence in his life; he’s already done that and he knows it wouldn’t get through anyway, because he knows Kai. Instead, he reminds Kai that Hiro’s life was already empty and meaningless, so Kai couldn’t possibly make it any worse. He made himself and a relationship with him feel safe. I have been sitting with this all day and it still makes me devastated every time I think about it for more than 30 seconds. Kai made home a place Hiro wanted to be enough that he could actually come home, and Hiro made home safe enough that Kai felt like he could stay there without being afraid he’d ruin it. 
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Would I have wanted more of these two together? Absolutely, I could watch Hiro and Kai together for triple this runtime easy. But for me, this show used its time incredibly well and ends in the perfect place. I have enough with what we got to see exactly how they got from where we leave them to how we see them in the show opening credits.
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Enough to know they’re going to be ok.
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bomber-grl · 4 months
You could do one of Hiro Hamada with an s/o with mommy or daddy issues pleeease??? O⁠_⁠o
Hiro x Reader w mommy/daddy issues
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader
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Honestly your issues with your parent(s) never really mattered but Hiro knew something was up
It was with little things like when you’d see a mother/father happily with her children
Or something as simple as when they’d be mentioned
He never brought it up because ..
1. It wasn’t really his place
2 . He wouldn’t want to talk about his parents either as it wasn’t exactly a happy topic
So he understood that much
But then push comes to shove when you show up to his house in the middle of the night and he’s forced to bring you in while (painfully) lying to Cass
It’s not exactly a good look since you’re dating but that thought was soon overshadowed when he saw the state you were in
Regardless, he let you stay over and you two began just chilling while binging whatever snacks he had
Then he asked if you’d wanna talk about it
Took some time, but then you surrendered
Thus began the rant about your parent and what they’ve done and put you through and even what they haven’t done when raising you
I mean Hiro was shocked to say the least
Cass was the closest person to a parental figure to him so thinking of her doing any of the things you just said
Well it’s shocking
He’s tempted to just say you can have his aunt (or share to console you)
But he knows it’s best to just listen without giving input
Then you apologize for it and honestly how did he not see it?
You’d either have to beg your parent(s) to come to any events or you had to beg them to even go since they were so strict
It was such a hassle for you and if the previous incidents didn’t make it clear, your rant definitely did
After that night hiro really made it so that you’d feel apart of the family
(Maybe he told Cass about it with permission from you)
Everything he does is basically to make sure you can have a new parental figure worth the title
And although you do notice you make sure to go along
Partially because you want to go along with Hiro
But maybe it won’t hurt to indulge in the unconditional love you never got to recieve
It’s time to get it elsewhere (aka from Cass)
And honestly? She loves you
So much
Not only have you been a good friend to Hiro but the way Hiro talks about you really makes her happy
Even if you can’t rely on that parent then atleast you can rely on Cass
She’s not the step mom, she’s the mom that stepped up /j
Anyway this sorta turned into a Cass supremacy post because she’s so supportive that she deserves credit for it alright?
(Saying this cuz if my nephew got my other nephew jailed then I’d be pretty pissed 💀 miss girls a saint)
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lunawings · 7 months
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While I was in Japan during March 2024, I was able to visit the Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live 10th Anniversary Exhibit. This is my favorite anime of all time, so it was an incredible honor.
Unfortunately, you could not take pictures in many areas and I always try my best to be respectful and follow the rules. So, I will describe it.
The walls of the first room were covered in several tapestries depicting each individual episode of the anime, so you could reminisce about everything that happened as you slowly walked through the room. In the middle of the room, there were several exhibits perfectly recreating every single paper, notebook, sketch...
Hokkaido itinerary? Wakana and Bell's test scores? Momo's Happy Rain costume sketches? Naru and Bell's manager applications? The score to pride? Any piece of paper you can think of that appeared in PRRL, it was all HERE! Recreated with meticulous accuracy...
The next room was the photo room where you could take pictures in Prism Stone or in front of Rinne's feathers.
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Something else they had here which was really neat, was all of these mini photo ops of various scenes from the anime that you could put your plushies or figures into! As I rarely have someone with me to take photos of myself at events like this, and I rarely post them even when I do, NGL I loved it. I wish I had brought something! I did have a PAF Naru on my bag I could have used, but it would have taken time to unpin her so unfortunetly I did not.
The next room contained an exhibit of various merch from throughout the years.
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Unfortunately, there wasn't really much merch to look at in the classic section. Just the guitars, some stones, and the Smart Pod Shot. But I definitely think there was more than that back in the day! There has to have been because I own at least one thing that was not in here (a pool bag) haha!
They also had a REAL prism guitar on display, which apparently they are actually going to sell at some point!?
The last part of the exhibit before going to the gift shop, was a hallway with messages from all the voice actresses and the director. This was also a zone where photos were banned, but I remember in the director's he acknowledged Rainbow Live as being the only Pretty Rhythm season to achieve a 10th anniversary celebration and ended his commentary with "Glorious Pretty Rhythm" hahaha. Next was the gift shop...
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Which was honestly super disappointing... I was prepared to spend a lot of money here, but in the end, I barely bought anything. Everything, EVERYTHING good was blind and the stuff that wasn't was just so expensive.
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Like, they had this set of Hiro cards with his magazine covers and debut poster and I really wanted them but when I actually saw them it was like... 2,000 yen? FOR THREE CARDS!? Those tiny little cards you can see up there below the keychains?
Am I missing something!?
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In the end I bought two Wakana boards and two clear files. And the one blind thing I couldn't resist was the Prism Stone badges... which turned out to be Otoha x2 and one Ann. Gah.
I also might have bought a Wakana plush doll, but she was sold out. Out of all the Rainbow Live girls she was the only one sold out both here and at Tokyo Station Prism Stone.
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And here were the bonuses I got. Including, yes, the AiPri card. So for people who saw me posting it over on @pretty-idol-hell, this was where it came from.
I also got a very special letter, which I am saving to translate at a later date...
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Outside the event was an up and running Pretty Rhythm machine, or so I thought. Wow, no line! I said to myself as I happily bounced up to it only to find the coin slot taped over and a sign reading it could not be used. Darn. (I know there's no prism stones left in the wild, but come on, there's no free play mode...? Well, I guess even if there was they wouldn't want people loitering around the exhibition.)
Anyway, as you read I did have a few complaints, but it still makes my heart happy that this event existed at all. I loved all the time and effort that went into making all the recreations of things!
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. Also there are too many shows on and something is always finishing or starting so a month is a lot.
BL - Currently Watching
1000 Years Old [2/12] - It's silly, and entertaining and makes me laugh. The friend group is delightful and I'm having a good time watching them. Was excited for a minute when Yo suggested a haircut for Pun because I cannot handle that wig. 🤞
Anti Reset [5/10] - This is one of the most frustrating shows I've watched in a while. The show doesn't seem to settle on what is actually trying to say about the AI of it all, and when it says something I'm not crazy about it. Why is it so frustrating? Because they are so fucking endearing when they're together on screen. I wanna love this show so much.
Cherry Magic Th [11/12]– I love them so much. I'm fascinated by the choices that the show is making. As a big fan of the manga and the jbl I came into this with reservations and this show is just blowing my mind. This was the best episode 11 of all time and Tay/New are delivering. My heart is so full with this.
Cherry Magic Anime [7/12]– Another helicopter ride! Yay. The date song was hilarious. We're now getting to the point where they are dating and Adachi is feeling guilty for lying so I'm curious how the show will adapt the next phase of the relationship.
Dead Friend Forever [10/12]– Glad to see we are all on board with Tan's murderous impulses. It's been so much fun having more people join in on the fun. As for me, I NEED White to stay alive. That's really all I want. Getting curious about how Perth factors in to all of this.
My Strawberry Film[2/8] - I feel it coming. I see sadness in my future. But I'm bracing because I'm loving the look of this show. And pining boys are my favourite type of boys. I'm ready.
Ossan's Love Returns [8/9] - The videos messages destroyed me but then that ending made me annoyed. I don't know what to expect in terms of Kurosawa but I hope he's not actually dying and there's a really good reason for all this. Medical mal practice might be the thing. Although as @twig-tea pointed out to me, since it was said in show it might not actually happen. I want happy for the ending anyway.
Perfect Propose [5/6] . Why must I only have them for 6 episodes??? I need more. Kai is everything to me, and that back hug followed by that smile melted by cold heart. Hiro's boss needs something heavy to fall on him from a great height. And please Hiro,sweetie, I need you to eat better and sleep.
Although I Love You, and You? [7/10]- Sakae is letting me down. And by that I mean, the show is letting me down. Sakae needs to put his foot down with Mizuki and go back to being a fool in love with Soga.
To Be Continued [1/8] - It's not amazing. but I'm a sucker for second chance romance and there are two couples so there's a 50% chance I will like this. We'll see. Also, they need to start hiring younger actors for the high school flashbacks. This goes for A Secretly Love too. Having 27 year olds and up playing ten years younger just won't do. It's terrible.
Unknown [2/12] - I'm intrigued. Not completely sold yet but I'm liking it so far. Also nothing would keep me away from watching Sam Lin again.
Also watched the first episode of A Secretly Love and caught up with City of Stars but it's on the 'I need to shut of my brain' schedule so I'm not necessarily watching to weekly.
BL - Finished
Cooking Crush - I will miss all of them. I loved it so much. The whole cut/uncut version thing was annoying and the editing was weird at times but overall this was wonderful. Communication done right. Relationships and character growth was stellar and both couples won my heart. Aungpao really surprised me, considering he was surrounded my pros on all sides. Dynamite was a joy to watch. And OffGun delivering with all the kissing. Everyone should watch this.
The Sign - I mean, what they did to this show is absolutely insane. Not airing the finale like the rest of the show. Having to pay extra for happy ending is ridiculous (although I kinda predicted this and @lurkingshan is my witness. I said as a joke and it turns out reality is a joke.) Then waiting 2 whole weeks for whatever that was. Just the most unsatisfying experience. Go read this from Shan because I agree with everything said there. Also @bengiyo final thoughts here really echo how I felt about this show overall.
Happy Ending - 20 minutes split in 3. Why? No idea. Was it a happy ending? I think so. Was it cute? Sure. Was it great to watch Seong Hyuk again? You betcha. But I didn't love it. I need Choco Milk Shake S2, like, TODAY.
Playboyy - It ended.
Rose Watches OJBL - I feel bad about this. I didn't watch any of the ones I planned to. This might seem like whatever but I've been trying to catch up with awards season films, because since uni, me and a couple of friends always do it and finish it by watching the oscars together and so ojbl was were I dropped the ball. Gonna restart soon though.
Not BL - Watched this month
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Night Has Come Death's Game Shop for Killers
That's it for right now. As usual my ask box is open for gif requests and any other questions. All my gifs are under #rosygifs.
Have a good week💜
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ninjagirlstar5 · 27 days
I haven't read everything on the Hiro post yet but MAN i really really like the world building with all the different "creatures"/states of being, specially how the ghosts can turn into demons via tainting of their solds during the time they linger on earth, so so cool, tho it does make me wonder if there's some kind of force, be it human or otherworldly, that haunts the ghosts so that they don't turn it like that, i think those are the exorcistis you mentioned? But if you did go in-depth about them in the post i must have missed it ^^' either ways i would love to read a full world lore post of sorts that just goes in depth about all the different character types (Ghosts, angels, guardians, demons and whatever the grandfather and father actually were)
I'm also curious on how the world of this universe is? Like is it set in modern time? Past, future or is it a lot more fantasy-esc? Either ways, consider me a fan of sorts
WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87?!!! (reference)(joking)
Take your time reading it, it's quite long, I'll admit. ^^; And yes, the exorcists are the forces that keep ghosts from suffering from the Taint, and helping them move on. I thought I elaborated a little more on Exorcists/gave them their own paragraph but I only gave them, like, a sentence upon rereading the post, whoops. In my defense, I was working all day on that post so it's no surprise that I missed a few things.
Exorcists are able to use the tools at their disposal, usually of religious value but some are able to use tools of magical value with the help of a Guardian or using their own soul to power the tool but at risk of themselves. They come in to help the ghosts come to terms with their death, appeasing their souls, and even helping them with their goals/final wish...if it's morally sound, anyways. If the ghost refuses to see reason or is corrupted with too much Taint, exorcists may have to use force through the tools at their disposal to force them to the AfterLife. Exorcists know they must save their souls before the Taint becomes worse, as once a ghost turns into a demon, that soul is lost forever.
But to answer your question on what type of world this is, it's set in the modern time where supernatural events happen a lot, kinda like an urban fantasy? I don't know what it's specifically called, but if I have to use an example, it's like Gravity Falls where weird and creepy supernatural shit happens all the time but no one believes it even though the very environment they live in can be dangerous. (It should be noted that I have not watched Gravity Falls, it's just the first example that popped into my head.) The town and city that most of the plot takes place in is especially a hotspot for supernatural events. But due to the development of science and such, skepticism of the supernatural and just trying to logic away strange happenings have become a huge norm in society. It doesn't help that there are people that uses exorcisms as an excuse to scam people, so the exorcist community they've built for centuries tends to have a bad rep these days that a lot of them have to take other jobs just to pay their bills. An OC that is an exorcist has to deal with this constantly to the point that she takes literally any job that comes her way for money. She's got bills to pay and rent due for her store/house, her charges are perfectly fair, please hire her, please, please please please please- (half-joking)
There is an otherworldly system called the Reapers, who are Lost Souls that are chosen to help ghosts move on into the AfterLife. It's sort of like a job for them, as many Lost Souls are people that didn't go out of their way to be good but aren't bad people either, just your average person. Some willingly take this job so that they can work towards going to Heaven while others simply do it to pass the time until it's time for them to go into Reincarnation. Those that don't simply just hang out and relax in the safe places in Purgatory. However, Reapers aren't always assigned to take care of ghosts. More often than not, they go down to the mortal realm to take the souls of the deceased, people who haven't become ghosts, and help transport them to the AfterLife from the river of death. Depending on what the soul's destined location is, a Reaper's job can range from relatively safe (the path to Heaven) to dangerous (the path to Hell). This is mostly cause Demons tend to escape Hell or even form outside of it due to any accumulated sin tainting the environment, and will go after the Reapers for the souls they are protecting and transferring. Even souls that are destined for Hell need to be protected as, again, Demons grow stronger through consumption of souls and any that are left behind will only turn them into a bigger problem later. Naturally, Demons are more common near Hell while they're very rare to spot near Heaven. Purgatory is pretty much smack dab in the middle, so it's a toss of a coin if you'll see a Demon on their way to the mortal realm or not. But yeah, Reapers will occasionally help a Ghost move on before they suffer from the Taint and will even work with an exorcist if they cross paths on the same jobs.
(Reincarnation is also a very natural part of life and death in this world, where every soul - with the exception of many souls in Hell, unless some were allowed to work on redemption as a Guardian and genuinely at that - will be reborn as a new person in the mortal realm. Most Lost Souls will reincarnate after some time they've spent there, while those in Heaven can choose how long they want to stay due to how peaceful and serene it is. Most souls in Heaven will go on to reincarnate with family or friends, whether it's those they made back in the mortal realm or people they met in Heaven. Everyone reincarnates, eventually, even those in Hell, whether they accomplish redemption as a Guardian or a Cleansing of their soul. Unless they're in the deepest levels of Hell. That level is reserved for the worst of the worst, and no one plans to let them out. Ever.)
Honestly, I should make an entire Google Doc on the world and it's lore. It'd be easier to keep track of rather than rambling off-the-cuff in a Tumblr post and then having to scroll down all the time to find the specific one I want. Especially since I need to think about the different character types a bit more and what I want to change.
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trashexplorer · 7 months
BLCD Review: Tsunaida Koi no Kanaekata
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Title: Tsunaida Koi no Kanaekata (繋いだ恋の叶え方)
Release Date: 2021/08/25
Shop: CD + Manga
Author/Artist: Yoshio Akira
Shingaki Tarusuke x Eguchi Takuya
Nakajima Yoshiki
Oi Marie
Synopsis: The bane of my existence. Adaptation of the second installment of the same name.
Review Proper
When I was dying of an ear infection back in December, I had the most vivid dream of Morpheus from The Sandman sitting at the foot of my bed telling me that my life was one of his tools that he needed back. In exchange for my life, Morpheus promised me he would go back in time to stop me from making a mistake that I wished I hadn't done.
I chose working on this fucking thing.
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Don't get me wrong, Tsunaida had the best plot out of the series and all of Yoshio Akira's works. I'd even go as far as saying it's one of the best releases of its time—it was nominated for Best Series in the 2021 chilchil awards for a reason (it was robbed, I tell you). It's just my life has gone downhill since I picked this up. HAHAHAHAHA Not to mention, older Chesk was bad and cringe. I'm sorry for arguing with you over this series, Kimmy. It wasn't worth it.
This series is still ongoing, only god knows why. I got so sick of it to the point that I started hating Yoshio Akira and forgetting all about the plot, so I didn't expect myself to cry during the climax HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK WHY WAS THIS STILL SO GOOD???? I'M ANNOYED I still hate it tho
I forgot just how painful this was. I'm at this point in my life where if that would happen to me, I would just LEAVE.
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Anyway, onto the topic of the BLCD...
I didn't think it was going to be possible, but Shingaki really changed his Hara-san tone!!! Thank god! This is it! This was exactly the tone I envisioned his Hara-san would be in! I'm not sure if it's 'cause everyone from the producers (except the director) and the sound team was changed, but Tsunaida and Kanawanu are worlds apart. I usually dislike inconsistencies in series with multiple installments, but I'll let this slide. Let's all just pretend that Kanawanu doesn't exist.😌
Egu also went a pitch higher in this. It's still far from what I wanted for Kaoru, but he was able to make the role his own. I'm not sure if it's because of the change in the mixing, but Egu finally sounds like he was recording with everyone here. I said in my review for Kanawanu that he wasn't syncing with his own brother, Kakeru, and it turns out that Egu actually was voicing Kakeru too lmao. How can you not sync with yourself, man? But that just means that the mixing for Kanawanu was that bad. I haven't listened to Tabete mo Oishikuarimasen yet, but I feel like Egu and Shingaki should've been nominated for Tsunaida. I mean, Shingaki is a queen as Yashiro and his nomination is deserved, but let's all put those older series to rest now. 😂
I also missed Nakajiki as Keiji-san!!! He promised to bring Hiro along next time, so if I'm not hearing Saitou Souma in Musunda, I will riot! No, I didn't check the cast list.
The BLCD is pretty accurate to the manga, save for that extra bathroom sex in Track 2. It's quite long, but there isn't any complex dialogue, so I suggest just closing your eyes and absorbing the bathroom bambo. 😌 I actually wished it was longer toward the ending chapter because I felt that it was rushed in the manga, but alas. I've read Renta's license, and it's accurate as well. In conclusion, get this if you like the series. 100% recommend!
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randomthefox · 17 days
Ghost Game episode 39!
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starting off strong with the body horror, jeezus lol
Funny that they're tackling the idea of digimon evolving into a higher stage that they don't want to turn into, because of both prejudice and an alteration of their basic nature! That is something that's kinda interesting about the idea of monster evolution in these mon shows. The fact that it's irreversible, and not always entirely in the mons control.
Digimon usually doesn't have to deal with that because as digimon, their nature is already inherently malleable in the same way digital programs or files are. But that is also what makes it such an interesting topic to cover for that very reason. After all, some Digimon are classified as VIRUS types for a reason
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Angoramon's prejudice isn't entirely unreasonable given the nature of his contagious composition is out of his control.
Still, there is definitely a middle ground between "YOU ARE BAD AND SHOULD BE DONE AWAY WITH JUST BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU ARE!" and bringing an infectious virus type monster along on a school trip with absolutely no precautions taken whatsoever x3
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BAHAHAHA I was JUST making a joke like "yeah so anyway I brought you some curry do you want me to leave it on the headdress or...?" while the body horror scene was happening, and then Hiro actually DID put it on the counter like that before running over xD bro, a The Thing body horror transformation is an entirely appropriate moment to drop the plate, my dude.
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Any of you kids like TF?
kids're probably gonna develop a fetish for TF from watching this show lol
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Bro fuck off, you've already given two people the chomp. At this point you need to be using your brief moments of lucidity to do the responsible thing and kill yourself.
Fucking zombie horror ass cliches.
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Well shit that didn't take long
Honestly, I'm actually gonna put the blame for this getting out of control so quickly on Hiro and Kiyo. They should have triggered the psudo digital world state IMMEDIATELY upon Gyukimon going missing. Kiyo even considered doing it, but put it off to prioritize the school responsibilities. That's stupid. Everyone is going through this painful infection disaster because of that decision.
Usually this show is a lot better about making sure the horror story conventions don't feel contrived. Like episode 29 didn't have this problem. Them putting off the digital world shift for so long made sense in that episode. The fact they didn't shift to the digital world RIGHT AWAY in this episode for no reason is just stupid writing.
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Sure. But it's also Kiyo's fault too. He has a vita bracelet. He could have shifted you and the missing Gyukimon into the digital world right away to make sure the humans all stayed safe. There's blame to go around lol.
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Oh cool, that's actually gonna be a plot point!
I do like how this show has been routinely confronting the fact that the Partner digimon going BACK to their previous evolutions is unusual. Some folks who use a childhood of watching the Adventure anime as their primary frame of reference tend to not understand that.
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I actually think it's super cool that they're exploiting the unique interaction that the digivice provides to manage to do a dedigivolve for another digimon besides their partner for a change!
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yeah there is a zero percent chance of that lol x3
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And here's where the subtitles deciding to translate "saikyo" as "champions" really falls the fuck apart x3 You can HEAR the voice actors saying the words with their mouth "saikyo ah saikyo daso!" "mhm, saikyo da!" They're literally just saying the same word over and over and over lol. "Saikyo is saikyo." "The greatest is the greatest!"
The wordplay is being completely thrown in the trash. I do NOT like that they committed to this "chocolate = champion" decision for Gammamon's subtitles.
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nashusglasses · 1 year
it's always a surprise when the tide comes in
note: this is a writing exercise for exposition. I hate hate HATEEEEE writing it!! it makes my skin crawl i just want everything to happen at once!!!! -_- anywho. this story is the background story of this drabble
i love the idea of gojo in an office setting bc he’s already so silly like that would be a 10 times silly buff. Also the thought of him and yuuji having deep conversations about pop culture scratches a very good itch in my heart :3
note 2: this is literally yuuji n gojo in this au im going to HURL !!!
PAIRING. gojo/reader SETTING. work husband au (or, "you keep being suggestive in front of all our coworkers to the point where everyone knows we're not dating but we COULD be and it's silly so I'll go along with it!!!! ...wait why are you asking me out on an actual date?" au) WARNINGS. twilight references. shitting as a threat. hime n gojo hating each other bc they both love oc =3= SUMMARY. He’s a liar, but only for good reason. WORD COUNT. 2.5k
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Someone is going to die today.
You’d been so diligent in choosing your hiding spot in the break room fridge. Your one yogurt cup—the one with the strawberry bits swirled in the vanilla—sitting behind the giant bottle of mustard at the bottom of the fridge door shelf. Gone. You try in vain to scour for your snack, but there’s nothing else save for labeled Tupperware and three quarters of a cake from Mei Mei’s birthday celebration yesterday.
The list of culprits shouldn’t be that long, anyway. 
First: Nanami. He wouldn’t. Your boss is built on black coffee and the occasional vegan bao from the restaurant across the street. You’ve never seen him eat anything else.
Utahime, the freak owner of the mustard bottle because she eats it with her pretzels, is lactose-intolerant. There’s no way she’s risking an explosive gut when she’s always busy at reception. 
Nobara’s too new to the office to try inciting violence against her seniors. You’d probably let her off the hook, regardless—she’s too hardworking to stay mad at.
You’d brood more over The Case of Your Missing Yogurt, but Satoru’s loud talking at the lunch table cuts right through your ruminations.
“—like I know it’s personal preference, but I think it’s so lazy,” he grumbles. “My uncle: Hiro. His son? Hiro, junior. God. Corny people piss me off.”
“Right.” Yuuji, the other new junior associate, hangs off Satoru’s every word. “It’s kind of like Bella from Twilight.”
Satoru slaps the table with passion. Yuuji hastily clings to his cup of coffee from spilling over. “Exactly, Yuuji. Exactly! You named your kid not only after the dad but also your ex who wasn’t even your ex?! The combination didn’t even sound good.”
“Edward Jacob,” Yuuji recalls.
“Disgusting.” Satoru shivers. “I don’t—Jesus. Don’t let me think about that. It’s so vile.” 
You close the fridge door, trek a sad path to the chair next to Satoru. Yuuji gives you a quick smile. You decide to scheme your murder plan later, because now you just want to pinch Yuuji’s cheeks off—your juniors are so cute! “Hello,” he greets politely.
Satoru sneaks an arm around your shoulders, resting it on the back of the chair. “What’s up with you?”
Is your sadness that obvious? God, you were waiting for that yogurt all morning.
“I’ll tell you later,” you say, because you might start languishing if you think one more second about your lost snack. “Hi, Yuuji. What were you guys saying about naming babies?”
Satoru huffs. “I hate parents who name their kids stupid names.”
(Yuuji takes a sip of coffee.)
“You wouldn’t do that with our kids, right?” Satoru asks you next.
(Yuuji, promptly, chokes on his coffee.)
“Absolutely not,” you answer, just as nonchalant.
“Hek.” Yuuji dissolves into five seconds of hard coughing. “You—you two are married?”
“Nope,” you both chirp at the same time.
The poor boy just stares, coffee blushing on his shirt. “Ah,” he says. “I see.”
Satoru shrugs. “Don’t get me wrong. I’d have babies with her. But she makes my coffee wrong every time I ask for it. I don’t think I could share my bank account with someone like that.”
Yuuji looks at you for a response. You reach over to pat his hand. “Don’t listen to him. You just keep working hard. And don’t tell Nanami that we gossip too much.”
“Right. I guess—well.” Yuuji stammers. “Does..? Am I? Is this… a secret?”
He sticks a hesitant finger up, pointing it at you, then at Satoru. Satoru wiggles a finger right back.
“Whatever Utahime tells you is wrong,” Satoru says, and Yuuji stares at him like he’s waiting for an explanation, but all Satoru does is wave him off. “Lunch is done.”
“Oh. Right.” Yuuji stands up, bows quickly, then remembers his mug. He runs to the sink to drop it off, then says, “I’ll–I’ll be careful around Utahime!”
He doesn’t wait for a response; he scampers out the room like he’s got a secret to share. 
Satoru’s always been lax with new hires—you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d explained his entire life story to Yuuji in the last hour. But his ongoing charade of touting you as his much-more-than-coworker co-worker is the oldest secret of Office Drama there is.
Utahime, your best and first co-worker friend who worked in the same room with you as clerks. Satoru, whose first day was the last day of your probation period, booted her out of the office because she got the full-time reception position she applied for. He proved himself a competent coworker. Steadfast in work ethic, a little too up the ass about gelling his hair properly in the morning. Had to look good to do good, he claimed. 
Utahime’s been out for his ass ever since, complaining that he was using his good looks to steal you away from her. Satoru took the bait right away. Made it his mission everyday to make Utahime green with explosive jealousy for having taken her rightful spot as your Worker Bestie for the Resties.
It started with the little gestures. A gentle hand on your lower back when you passed by reception (Utahime, who zeroed in on the touch from her desk, scoffing loudly). Complimenting your outfit choice of the day (“I think she’s beautiful everyday!”). Making you laugh with his stupid Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions (she hated this the most; she said he sounded like an ugly troll). 
“That’s the love of my life you cad!” Utahime bellowed, once, when Satoru trailed after you from the elevator one morning. Nanami said she had to stop playing sad Drake songs every morning when you passed by her desk because the melancholy brought the office morale down.
“You know I take good care of her,” Satoru called back. “And nobody says cad anymore, harlot!”
(They insulted each other for two more minutes using outdated expletives. After Nanami came to intervene, you gave him five bucks for his vegan bao to calm him down.)
You don’t really know when Satoru’s attempts to establish workplace dominance turned into straight-up flirting, though. Utahime didn’t need to be around anymore for him to butter you up. He’d leave little sticky notes he left on your monitor to remind you about deadlines, the next fire drill, drawing those little hearts at the ends of his sentences. The hand on your back turning into an arm draped on your shoulder. 
You told Utahime about it when Satoru took a sick day. She was livid. Then, immediately, she started tearing up.
“So I’m demoted from Bestie for the Resties and he’s trying to get into your pants?!” She moaned, sliding dramatically down her chair in the lunch room. “I’m going to pass away right now.”
“It’s not like he’s being serious,” you contended. 
Utahime gave you a hard look. “Please don’t tell me you actually believe that.”
You looked at her blankly. Wholly unfazed, because you really did believe Satoru had no other motive. He was just your stupid coworker–who sat across from you and did nice things and said nice stuff and you were pretty sure the older lady from accounting had a crush on him, anyway. 
“It’s nothing,” you decided, and Utahime shook her head, scoffing.
“Look. That garbage can’s been going after you since day one. You may not see it, but I have eyes, my pumpy-wumpkin bugaboo.” She tapped your nose. “You owe me twenty when you see I’m right.”
And that was all she had to say about it.
If anything, you figure it’s better for Yuuji to learn right from the source than be wrongfully convinced by Utahime that Satoru was a piece of shit homewrecker who lived to piss her off. Regardless of whatever lie is being fed to the junior staffers, there is one universal truth: you are the crowned jewel of this office floor, and that means everyone’s being lit on fire till you find the person who stole your fucking yogurt.
The second the door closes behind Yuuji, you glare daggers at Satoru. He still has his arm around you. 
“I might kill you,” you start.
“You say that everyday.” Satoru grins. “Don’t tell me the thought of having my babies scares you that much.”
Steam might actually blow out of your ears. “That’s not—stop trying to confuse me! My yogurt! It’s gone from the fridge!”
Satoru stares at you. Then his face morphs into a mix of shock and disbelief, and he screeches: “Are you saying I took it?!”
You sag in your seat, give him a look that tells him he should just confess before you find the closest sharp thing in this room. He just levels your stare with the same offended look, and you give in first because you don’t have time to argue anymore. Lunch really is over.
“Fine,” you sneer. “But if I find anything incriminating I will crucify you.”
Satoru fakes a shiver. “Ooh. Threaten me again. I can take it.”
He screams when you pinch the sensitive spot just below his armpit.
Right when the clock hits 4:59, Satoru hauls himself up from his seat. 
“Meet me outside. I’m getting my stuff then ripping ass in the bathroom,” Satoru tells you.
You snort. “Which one?”
“The one closest to the elevators.” In other words, right next to reception where Utahime is closing right now. Satoru is nothing if not calculating in his efforts to vex that poor woman. “See you.”
At this point in the day, the despair of losing your yogurt has simmered down to lazy indifference. You’ll just have to interrogate everyone tomorrow. Maybe print out a missing yogurt paper to stick on the fridge with no reward but your sincere gratitude and the promise to stick out for their missing lunch, should the same depravity befall them too. 
You turn your monitor off, make sure your desk is neat. Swiping off any crumbs from Satoru’s desk because he snuck in a sandwich today after forgetting to eat when he was talking to Yuuji.
And then you see it.
The silver shine of ripped plastic in the trash. 
At first, you’re skeptical. You’re too tired to spark another match of anger. But surely enough, when you hunch over to look, an empty can of yogurt sits innocent, perfect. All your strawberry vanilla goodness wiped clean.
You think of all the spectacular ways you could beat the shit out of Satoru, because he didn’t only lie; he thought you were stupid enough not to see the evidence right across from you. He could have at least thrown it into Mei Mei’s trash. Snuck it into Yuuji’s bag when he wasn’t looking. If there’s one thing you hate, it’s being underestimated.
So when you meet Satoru outside the elevators, the first thing you say is:
“You’re a giant fucking oaf and I want you to stay exactly one metre away from me till we get to our cars.”
He always parks his car next to yours.
“O-kay.” He puts his hands up in surrender, maintaining his distance. “Actually, that’s a good thing. My ass. It’s weeping. Ow.”
You quickly realize that this is the best course of action you could have taken, because you know the one thing Satoru hates, and it’s being ignored.
And you do it well.
“Your hair looks pretty today,” he says when you step out into the garage.
“I like the jeans you picked out,” he notes when you walk ahead without him.
“I’m going to crash my car into the first pole I see,” he whines the second you reach your car, and he traps you against the door with a hand pressed above the window. Distant enough to keep you comfortable, but you still feel more warmth than you’ve ever felt from him before. Like those slow burn romances where the lead slyly flirts with the pretty girl he’s been chasing for two seasons, except you’re one second away from kneeing his balls into painful oblivion. “Why are you being mean?”
You cross your arms. “Because you lied.”
“You know what about!”
He clicks his tongue. Then his eyebrows lift in realization. “Ah.”
You wait for him to continue. Maybe you’d ask him to go down on his knees, get those nice linen pants dirty with grime and dust just to gloat about his passion for you and only you. You’ll partake in his drama for the sake of an inflated ego. But all he does is smile, and he’s got a handsome face, and for some reason, you’ve got nothing for rebuttal.
“So I have a confession to make,” he starts. 
You nod.
“I did eat your yogurt. Don’t say anything yet!” Satoru interrupts your open mouth. “I just. I didn’t think you’d be too upset.”
“Hm,” you concede. “Go on.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
This is too easy. You feel like an ant trapped in a glass jar. You’re used to the bickering, the roundabout conversation because somehow, he always makes you laugh. Your conversations are never serious. 
But this. This feels serious.
“How?” You ask, gut heavy with dread, anticipation.
“I’ll take you out for lunch,” he suggests, and you wait a heartbeat for him to tack on a sike, I’m broke, but he almost looks nervous. Like he wants so badly for you to understand something he knows so well. 
“It–um. Like… tomorrow we go across the street and get those baos Nanami loves so much?”
You’re stalling. Satoru laughs. You think you’re starting to like the way he looms over you like this.
“Like on the weekend, I pick you up, and we both look pretty, and you say you’re paying but then I slap your hand away from your card, and I pay because I need to give you a good impression,” he rambles.
“You don’t need to give me a good impression.” You’re almost breathless. “You–you…”
Satoru tilts his head, and it’s annoyingly charming. “Me?”
“I thought–I thought we–this is just–it’s you and me?” You stumble. He watches you shift your feet. Takes his hand off your car, uncrosses your arms with a tug on your wrist. You think he’s about to hold your hand, but he pulls away at the last second.  
“It’s always been you and me,” he repeats. Then scratches the back of his head because you think he’s floundering, too. “Just not for everyone else this time.”
You think you might genuinely explode. All your synapses stretch to the absolute limit, you’re almost convinced you’ll bleed from your ears. “You’re being serious.”
He nods. There’s zero indication that he understands the gravity of the situation. But it’s quiet in this garage. You hear it then, the tapping his shoe makes when he’s impatient.
“When–when you told Yuuji about sharing bank accounts,” you continue.
“Okay I’m not in that deep,” Satoru defends. “Well. Who knows. Maybe I could be.”
You shove his shoulder. “You can’t just say that!”
“You’re so violent.” He rubs the spot you’ve tainted. As if you did any damage. He’s just doing it to fuck with you. “Do you hit all the guys you’re into?”
“Are you trying to make me say no?” That’s a lie. You know this. You’re just still in shock that you might actually owe Utahime twenty bucks. Satoru clicks his teeth.
“Look. You don’t have to answer me now. And I’ll buy you your yogurt back.” He digs in his bag, taking his car keys out. “Just… let me know, okay?”
He lingers in his spot. He’s not the main character in this romance scene, though. It’s you, the unforgiving lead who can’t decide what they want for themselves, and when the opportunity comes for a new start, they stand frozen in time. All those past mistakes a whirlwind behind you, threatening your security, and the glass breaks, and all of a sudden you’re in a garage, making a fool of yourself in front of the character who never deserved a bad ending. You wouldn’t do that to him.
“If I say yes,” you murmur. Satoru perks up instantly. “Can I choose where we go?”
“Depends. Do they have free ice cream for dessert?”
Of course that would be his only stipulation. You’re glad he’s easy to feed. “Probably.”
Satoru nods. He clicks his car unlocked. “If you say yes,” he repeats, rounding the back of his car to the driver’s seat, “I’ll go anywhere for you.”
He leaves you gawping. You watch him open his door, sit down. Adjusting the air conditioner high because you know he’s always blasting it. He doesn’t roll the window down to say bye, just pulls from his spot, and you mind your feet, mind the way he waves at you, but not as enthused as he usually is with it.
You stand there, thinking about your yogurt, and about Utahime’s face when you tell her you’ll say yes.
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catgirl-catboy · 9 months
Anyway, reasons why Toko Fukawa and Genocide Jack are bad characters, aside from the fact they play into a lot of DID stereotypes (and doesn't do anything cool with them either): (Disclaimer: its totally okay to like a badly written character. In fact, I wish I liked these two, y'all seem like you're having a lot of fun ^-^
A lot of Toko's character development happens offscreen, and isn't relevant to the plot. Why does she change between THH and UDG? How does she feel about Togami revealing her worst secret to everyone? Shrug.
They aren't particularly useful in trials. At no point is there this super important clue that only Toko could have found. Jack has more moments of glory than her, which is a problem since its Toko fronting in most trials. And even Jack is underutilized, being used as mostly a comedic relief. Not every character in Danganronpa has to be useful in trials, but it feels like missed potential.
She doesn't fill her role as the Game's secondary antagonist. Despite her goal in life right now is to get in Togami's good graces, she rarely goes out of her way to help him, and only verbally simps. She's designed to be a supporting character for him, but she never actually supports anyone.
Speaking of which, a lot of the time she IS relevant to the plot, it doesn't have to be her specifically. Chapter 2 I'll give Kodaka, but chapter 4? Nah, Hiro probably only wrote her name down because its the shortest. Chapter 5? Anybody could have gotten flung by the bomb.
A lot of her characterization in UDG contradicts her characterization in THH? Toko and Jack share emotions? Even when Jack is overly friendly with the THH cast while Toko is scared of them? Are you *sure*?
Speaking of Jack, the fact that she knew the game's main twist makes the characters, specifically Kyoko, look stupid by comparison, for easy exposition and shock value. There's never a good reason given other than "Syo doesn't front enough for it to come up" which seems like weak writing. I know Syo and Toko don't get along, but this seems like key information for them not to try and discuss with each other. (through notes, or whatever their preferred form of communication is.) it also seems weird that Syo wouldn't tell Byakuya this information.
This one is more subjective than the others, but I feel like having a serial killer played for comedy lessens the emotional impact of some of the murders. This can work under the right circumstances, but I felt like it really hurt the tone of some of the trials.
Genocide Jack's murder spree creates moral ambiguity in Toko's character that is never addressed. Not saying moral ambiguity is a bad thing, but it personally bugs me that nobody seems to care that Toko knew about Jack pre-canon, and never went to authorities about that. She did very little to stop Jack. This wouldn't be a bad thing for a morally grey character, but Toko isn't written like that, you know.
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lovelyunholyc · 2 years
!! nsfw - minors and blank/ageless blogs will be blocked :) !!
cw: fem!reader, oral (f! and m! receiving), blowjobs, face sitting, unprotected sex. established relationship. pls let me know if i missed anything :)
it had started with a bet.
you hadn't figured out what to wager yet if you won, but the bragging rights were more than enough incentive for you. it seemed trivial, but with your reputation as a scaredy cat who couldn't handle horror movies on the line, you were willing to do anything for redemption.
hanamaki had first choice for the movie since he had initiated the idea, and you were the one with something to prove. he picked an indie film, dubbed the most terrifying one of the year by critics, and though you never really trust reviews, you trust that your boyfriend always plays to win, so there was no doubt that this would be a challenge.
all you had to do, as per the rules he'd so kindly laid out, was last the whole movie, start to finish, without covering your eyes or ears or making any kind of "scared noises" (his words). simple and straightforward.
the first few scenes are easy enough to get through, as the characters are introduced and the plot is laid out. you make yourself comfortable on your couch, resting your head on his shoulder and tucking your legs beneath a blanket, letting him feed you gummy worms (because he insists if you try to feed him or yourself, you could use it as a distraction from the movie). when the strange occurrences start to come in, however, and you start to flinch, the familiar chill of fear seeping into your bones, it's a different story altogether.
it doesn't take you long to come up with a plan.
it's practically foolproof, because you know he can never resist you. the thought makes you smile to yourself, the distraction already affecting you to your benefit.
makki doesn't seem to notice when you hug him even closer to you, shifting so your hand lays surreptitiously on his chest. you slide it across his shirt slowly, letting your palm rest over his abs.
he starts to side-eye you then, you can feel it, and you bite your lip to stifle your mischievous grin. "babe? you doing okay?"
you hum out a reply, lowering your hand to his waistband nonchalantly.
makki jolts slightly, but you're pleased to know it's because of the film and not your gradual encroachment on your mission.
"gummy," you say anyway just for good measure to distract him, and look up and open your mouth in anticipation.
he supplies you immediately, popping another gummy worm in your mouth and smiling sweetly when you catch his wrist and kiss his palm in appreciation.
you chew on the candy, wait patiently for your time to strike.
another jumpscare that gets even him, and your hand slides home, down between his legs and has him jumping for a different reason entirely.
"baby, what are you d-?" he starts, but cuts himself off with a gasp when you continue squeezing at the bulge in his pants, kissing slowly up his neck until you reach his jaw, licking at the sharp line of it. he grows in your hand, and you feel a potent sense of triumph at how quickly and easily you can get him hard with barely a few touches, how sweetly he responds to you without fail.
makki's looking at you now, and even in the dim blue light of the tv you can see him blushing so nicely, despite the furrow of his brow he's trying desperately to hold. "hey, that's not-" he starts to pant, jolting once more when you find the head of his clothed cock and thumb over it. "that's not fair!"
you lick your lips, smiling smugly. "you didn't make a rule against it, hiro," you remind him, brushing his fringe away from his forehead with your free hand so you can see his eyes better. "unless you want me to stop?" you give his cock one last, sound squeeze before you let him go, and instantly his hips follow the warmth of your palm, as if on instinct. it makes you want to please him even more.
makki groans, gives you a half-hearted glare. "i didn't think you'd play dirty," he scoffs, but there's an adoring glimmer in his pretty eyes that tells you he's not too upset about this turn of events.
"with you, baby, i can't help it." you wink, give him a pointedly chaste kiss.
he curses under his breath, sighs heavily, but you know it's for show, know that he's already given in. "c'mere, you little minx," he murmurs lowly, his voice dropping lower sending shivers down your spine. he tugs you closer by the hem of his favorite sweater, the one you fight over at least once a week, and easily captures your smirking lips.
the kiss starts slow, a flurry of lingering pecks until you place your hands on the sides of his head to keep him still, growing increasingly impatient, hungry for more. you can feel him grin against your lips at that, a little wider when you shift to straddle him, never fully breaking away. he opens up for you without much prompting, lets you lick into his mouth and plunder it for your own enjoyment, until spit drips down the corner of his lips. and you don't let that go to waste, either, pulling away when your lungs start to burn and swiping it up with your tongue, smiling deviously.
god, he loves being loved by you, being desired so passionately like this, so wholly and unconditionally it makes his head spin.
and how much more dizzying it is to know he feels the same way, that he would do anything for you, would pluck out the stars in the sky for you, give you all of himself and more.
you're above him now, outlined in the flashing blue light of the tv behind you, and he thinks you look like some kind of diety, radiant with that triumphant smirk on your face, lips bitten red and all the more kissable. because you know you've already won, that he'd fall to his knees and worship you instantly.
makki's fingers dig a little deeper into the flesh of your thighs when you press your hips closer. he can feel the heat of your cunt even through your clothes, and it makes his cock twitch, hips bucking up once to chase the friction.
"hiro," you start, looking too smug for your own good, fingers tickling at the short hair on the nape of his neck. "let's make another bet."
he hums in interest for you to keep going, leans in to trail wet kisses down the side of your neck.
"if you cum before the movie ends, you have to let me sit on your face."
makki sits up then, brows furrowed in confusion. "baby, i do that every other day, and i don't consider that a punishment." he pecks at your lips, nudges your nose lovingly with his own and grins mischievously. "in fact, i see it as a privelige that i cherish greatly."
you laugh, wrap your arms around his shoulders. you suppose he's right, it has become one of his favorite things to do - and yours, too. "okay, then you owe me dinner for the entire next month."
"deal," he says before you can even finish your sentence, leaning back in to kiss you again, one hand sliding up from your thigh to prod at your clit through your silk pajama shorts.
the sudden contact makes you gasp, and he swallows it, traces the seam of your lips with his tongue, but before he can dip into your mouth once more, you pull away.
makki groans again, narrowing his eyes at you like you've interrupted something gravely important.
you kiss his frown away and giggle, slipping from his grasp to trail your lips further down his body. "can i suck your dick, 'hiro?" you ask sweetly as you settle on your knees between his legs, fluttering your eyelashes and biting playfully at the waistband of his sweats while you wait for his answer.
makki grits his teeth, presses his hands into his face to collect himself, clearly exasperated for all the best reasons. "god, you're so fucking hot, you're gonna kill me."
your smile is beyond sinister, and he thinks for a second that maybe he should be more scared of you than the movie. you nudge your nose into his bulge, delighting at the pulse his cock gives in response. "well?"
"yes, yes, fuck, please, baby, do it."
you sit up on your knees just to kiss him while you pull his pants and underwear down his thighs. he shifts to the edge of the couch with you, watches you settle back on your knees between his own, shuddering pleasantly at the hungry look in your eyes and the cool air on his newly exposed skin.
you waste no time at all, only giving him a cursory glance before taking hold of his shaft and giving the glistening tip a kitten lick. makki lets out a shaky breath above you, and the helpless sound only spurs you on. you lick a slow stripe down the underside, tracing along the prominent vein, grazing your teeth gently on his frenulum on the upstroke and earning a deep-seated groan.
makki already knows he's done for, that he'd never last the rest of the movie, has resigned himself not to even attempt that. it seems like such an impossible feat, with how well you know his body and can have him falling apart for you within minutes, how perfect your mouth feels around his cock when you pull back, satisfied with how slick you've gotten him with your spit and his precum, and then relax your jaw and surge forward to finally sink down on him, slow and steady, until he hits the back of your throat.
"sh-shit, honey," he heaves, chest tight with how you've managed to punch the air out of his lungs. "you're so fucking good at that."
he knows if you could smirk, you would be.
your fingers fondle at his balls, and he tries his best not to squirm too much in his seat. he clutches helplessly at the blanket you'd thrown off at some point in your haste beside him, his other hand tangling absently in your hair, following the way your head bobs when you find your rhythm.
he knows you love how vocal he is, so he starts to whimper your name intertwined with a variety of curses as the heat of arousal pooling low in his gut threatens to overwhelm him. not that he could help it, anyway, when you build him up and tease at him the way only you can.
you pull all the way back once, slurping up your mess as you go, and suck lovingly around the head of his cock. it makes him shiver, your eyes never leaving his, half-lidded and watery with exertion yet so determined to get what you want from him.
you fist the base of him when you pop off with a soft smack, your combined spit and his precum easing the slide of your hand, and finally you can smile lopsided at him.
makki blinks back slowly, his own eyes just as wet and lustful, cheeks irresistibly rosy, his hand drifting from your hair to caress fondly at your face despite the mess you've made of it. "i'm so fucking in love with you," he breathes, his voice thick with emotion and open desire.
you giggle breathlessly at that, kiss down his length. "you wanna cum in my mouth, hiro?" your voice is rougher, the grit in it from him, from having his dick down your throat, drives him crazy.
he nods vigorously, whines at the filthy words coming out of your mouth when you're looking up at him so innocently, then whines at the sight of his dick disappearing between your plush lips, all red and swollen now with use when you wrap them around him once more.
you grab his hand and place it back on your head, tapping at his wrist to signal him to move you the way he likes.
it makes his heart nearly give out with excitement.
makki takes care to never hurt you (unless you explicitly state that you want that, sometimes), so even in his lust-addled state, he makes sure not to push you too hard or too fast, drawing in a shaky breath when he bottoms out once more, the tip of your nose just barely grazing his pelvis. he guides more than pushes you up and down on his length, careful, meeting you halfway with a subdued buck of his hips.
you moan around him, encouraging him, and the vibrations make him groan so deeply it comes out as a growl, the pretty, choked up noises you make just for him spurring him on to speed up his pace just a bit.
he only lasts a few more sloppy thrusts before he finally gives in to the absolutely divine wet heat of your mouth. he cries out your name and spills down your throat and on your tongue when you pull back to let him watch with wonder while you work him with your fist, prolonging his high until his nerves start to sting with oversensitivity.
you swallow heartily, licking at your lips and catching stray drops of him on your chin, give the swollen head of his cock one last chaste kiss before you tuck him back into his pants. you climb back up and settle in his lap again, your thin bottoms soaked through completely and becoming increasingly uncomfortable.
makki can't wait to catch his breath before kissing you, so he doesn't, and gasps into your mouth instead. you taste like a mix of him and candy, and it shouldn't be that irresistible, but it is. he chases it from your tongue, laughs breathlessly with you when you start to laugh, both of your faces growing increasingly messy with how careless and eager he is just to taste from you.
eventually you break away and press a palm to the center of his chest to hold him back, remnants of laughter still on your face as you swipe at it with your (his!) sweater sleeves. "you're gross," you say fondly, "now you got us both all sticky and gross."
makki just waggles his eyebrows, smirks salaciously. "speaking of sticky," he starts, fingers inching up your thighs, but you give him pause by starting to wipe at his face, too.
"speaking of gross," you counter, glancing behind you at the tv screen that's still obviously playing the film even you'd forgotten about. "you didn't make it, baby. guess you'll owe me food for the whole month."
he just smiles wider, doesn't let you finish cleaning his face before he shoves a hand down your shorts, fingers finding your clit with expert ease. "yeah, yeah." he leans in to kiss you, then continues down your jaw, then your throat. "give me my reward first."
you can only gasp and laugh again, pure joy and adoration thrumming through your veins in equal measure as arousal. makki guides you down gently, positions you at the edge of the couch cushion and takes his place on his knees between your legs. you can't help but be charmed by his excitement, the obvious lust and hunger to please you glimmering in his eyes, big hands pulling your shorts and underwear off in one motion before he places your legs over his shoulders.
"fuck, baby," he murmurs, licking his lips when he finally gets a glimpse of your bare cunt, loves how your skin shimmers so nicely with how wet you are. "all for me, huh?" it makes his chest swell with pride - you were that turned on just by pleasing him.
your fingers find his hair and soothe at his scalp lovingly. "all for you," you affirm with a playful wiggle of your hips.
makki grins, and the look on his face is not unlike when his favorite meal is laid out in front of him. because, in fact, he'd argue that you were his favorite meal. he leans in and gives your slit a long, appreciative lick, from your hole to your clit, humming in satisfaction at the taste of you bursting on his tongue. he flicks and circles at your sensitive bud with the very tip of his tongue, making you gasp and whine, before he pulls away, eyes glazed over with delirious lust.
"turn around for me, angel," he says lowly, and you scramble to turn away from him, knees spread on the cushions and hands on the back of the couch to balance yourself, just as eager.
as soon as you get situated, makki sits on the floor with his back to the couch and slides his head underneath you, between your legs. you hold the hem of your sweater up against your sternum so you can see him clearly, just in time for when he grins lopsided up at you, all charm and beauty and a feral kind of hunger that makes you want to rub your thighs together, had he not taken hold of them already.
"are you ready?" you ask, breathless and in love, heart hammering in anticipation.
"give it to me, baby."
makki squeezes at the fat of your thighs in encouragement, guides you down towards his face. he wastes no time, knows you're just as ready and eager as he is. as soon as his warm tongue slides back through your folds you want to pull back, already overwhelmed, but he keeps you there, holds you firm.
he works your cunt the same way he kisses you - deep and passionate, just the right kind of sloppy, making you even more of a mess. he gathers your slick on his tongue, runs it back and forth through your folds, like he can't get enough, like he wants to savor you as much as he can, moans against you when your hips start to follow his movements, your fingers finding his hair.
makki closes his eyes, deeply satisfied, his cock starting to jump back to attention. he pays it no mind, too lost in your taste, the breathy, pretty little sounds you make, the way you pull at his hair and scratch at his scalp, just as lost in pleasure. he licks at your clit before wrapping his lips around it and sucking, and the way you gasp and shake above him makes him groan. you're so wet at this point that you're dripping down his chin, soaking his skin and yours with a mix of your slick and his saliva, and he laps at it gratefully, ravenously, not intent on wasting your bounty so carelessly.
he slips his tongue inside you just to coax more of your juices out, just to hear you whimper. he smirks against you, slides deeper until his nose nudges into your clit and you cry his name.
"fuck, hiro," you breathe, pleasure so tightly wound in your gut it steals your voice and makes you choke on your words. he blinks his eyes open just a bit, just to catch your own and make sure you don't miss the gleam in his eyes when he slurps you up loudly, smacking his lips against you.
the sound makes more heat rise to your face in embarrassment, though you're the only ones home. "love you," he mumbles into you, the words jumbled into your wet skin and broken up by each lick.
"i love- fuck, i love you," you manage to respond, knowing he'd decided then to slip his finger into your entrance just to make you stutter.
makki doubles his efforts, pushes another finger in and starts pumping, and lolls his tongue out against your swollen bud, his free hand guiding you into a slow grind onto his tongue. you whine, grip onto the back of the couch to steady yourself as your hips buck, barely controlled, chasing the sweet friction of his tongue and the pressure of his fingers inside you.
you sing his name like a prayer, back arching as you feel your high draw nearer.
makki crooks his fingers into the spot inside you that makes you keen, simultaneously catching your clit between his lips on your forward stroke and sucking, and you swear you see stars. you fall so suddenly into your orgasm, your body seizes up momentarily. your walls pulse enticingly around his digits as he continues thrusting them in and out of your cunt. he laps up what gushes out of you as if it's nectar, continues rubbing your aching clit with his tongue until you're gasping at him to stop from sensitivity, thighs trembling and no longer able to hold yourself up.
you lean all of your weight into the back of the couch in front of you, your knuckles turning white with your grip on it, as makki languidly slides his tongue through your folds a few final times. you let him clean you up, too spent to protest much, though your muscles twitch and quiver with exertion.
"hiro, kiss," you request when he finally slips out from under you, tapping at your ass cheek playfully.
makki indulges you without question, swiping haphazardly at his wet chin with his sleeve before settling back down on the couch. he grins, utterly lovestruck at your satiated expression, at the stars in your own eyes when you reach for him. he pulls you back into his lap and leans in to kiss you, the most tender one of the night. you smile against his lips when you taste yourself on him, and the lingering sweetness of the candy you've both been eating.
"you're hard again," you laugh softly when you pull away, cradling his face. even in faint light you can just make out the sparse freckles dotting his cheeks, the playful glimmer in his pretty eyes. his bangs are slightly damp with sweat and sticking to his forehead, and you brush them back fondly.
"can you blame me?" he winks at you, and it makes you laugh even more. his hands slide up under your sweater, caress over the curve of your waist before he's cupping fondly at your breasts, thumbing at your nipples and chuckling when your breath hitches. however, he makes no move to alleviate the discomfort of his erection, and instead tilts his head towards the tv screen that's since been rolling end credits. you'd forgotten it was even still playing. "i'll give you one chance to start over for your reputation."
you huff, sitting up and shaking your head. "you can play it again, but i have a better idea." your grin is nothing short of completely devious.
before he can ask about it, you shift to straddle him again, slipping a hand between you and beneath his pants again. whatever he was going to say is lost in a gasp when you stroke his cock and pull down the band of his sweats with your free hand to release it.
"angel-" makki starts, but it dissipates into a deep, guttural groan when you take hold of him and run the head of his cock against your clit and the slippery folds of your pussy, until you're both moaning together.
the swollen head of his cock catches on your entrance, and you pull him in eagerly, sink down on him slow and smooth from how wet you still are. when he bottoms out he whispers curses under his breath, and you shiver and moan at the sweet stretch, the pressure of his shaft against your walls and the tip nudging right into your sweet spot, filling you in a way you can never get enough of, in a way only he can.
you wrap your arms around his shoulders, lean in to kiss him deeply, greedily, like you need his mouth more than you need air in your lungs. he obliges, responds in kind, the feel of you wrapped so snugly around him making him all the more desperate.
when you pull away, you wink at him, too. "okay. now you can start it over."
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memoria-99 · 4 months
Snow White × Wizardess Heart
Snow White: Liz
Evil Queen: Zeus
Mirror: Hiro
King: Klaus
Queen: Yukiya
Huntsman: Elias
Seven dwarfs: Amelia, Alfonse, Lucious, Luca, Joel, Randy, Sigurd
Prince: Caesar
Episode 1
Once upon a time, in the middle of winter, when snowflakes were falling like feathers from the sky, a queen sat at a window, sewing. As she sewed and looked out at the snow, she pricked her finger with her needle, and three drops of blood fell on the snow.
"If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood of the window frame." (Yukiya)
Soon after, the queen gave birth to a little girl who was as white as snow, as red as blood, and her hair was as black as ebony. They named her Snow White, but sadly, the queen died shortly after the child was born.
"Yukiya, you're already leaving?!" (Liz)
"Well, good for me. I didn't want many lines anyway." (Yukiya)
"You're supposed to be the newborn baby, Liz. Why are you talking now?" (Klaus)
"Oops, I forgot." (Liz)
"Make sure you play your role properly." (Klaus)
A few years later, the king remarried. His new wife was a beautiful woman, but she was proud and arrogant and could not bear to be surpassed in beauty by anyone.
"Why is Zeus here? Don't tell me he's..." (Liz)
"Heh, even the writer knows I should be the highest one. I'm the pinnacle of all creations, alive or dead!" (Zeus)
"... I wonder what the writer is thinking." (Klaus)
"Hold on, Goldstein is the king here?! Why?!" (Zeus)
"Shut your mouth, will you?" (Klaus)
The queen had a magic mirror, and every day she would stand before it and ask,
"Hey, Hiro. Who in this land is fairest of all?" (Zeus)
And the mirror would answer,
"You, King Kook, are fairest of all." (Hiro)
The queen was content because she knew the mirror never lied.
"I knew it! But is it just me, or you sound completely soulless?" (Zeus)
"It's a torture to put a soul in that line." (Hiro)
Snow White grew up and became more and more beautiful. She was as beautiful as the clear day and more beautiful than the queen herself.
One day, when the queen asked her mirror,
"Hey, Hiro. Who in this land is fairest of all? It's me, right?" (Zeus)
The mirror replied,
"I'm already getting tired of hearing your stupid questions, but... the script says you're not. Snow White is even fairer than you." (Hiro)
The queen was horrified and filled with envy.
"What?! It can't be! Hiro, go get rid of her!" (Zeus)
"Idiot... I'm playing the role of mirror, aren't I? How could a mirror stuck on the wall do anything?" (Hiro)
"Oh, you're right. Lemme look at the script." (Zeus)
She then spoke.
"Okay, I'm summoning the huntsman." (Zeus)
The queen summoned the huntsman, and as the two met...
"YOU are the huntsman?" (Zeus)
"It's not like I'm here because I wanted to." (Elias)
"Can you even play a role as a fine huntsman? I mean, you're a weakling." (Zeus)
"... Just. Read. The. Script." (Elias)
"Hmph. Take Snow White out into the woods and kill her." (Zeus)
"I hate you ordering me around, but as if I even had a choice. Damn writer." (Elias)
The huntsman obeyed and took Snow White into the woods.
"We're here, Miss Hart." (Elias)
"What are we doing here?" (Liz)
As he drew his knife to slay her, she began to weep and begged,
"Huuuuhhh? Elias, please spare my life! I'll give you this persona mirror and never come back." (Liz)
"What did you just say? Persona mirror? Is... is that the real thing?!" (Elias)
"Yes, I swear!" (Liz)
Because this mirror was something he wanted to attain for his whole life, the huntsman took pity on her and said,
"Then Miss Hart, run away." (Elias)
With that, he left, tightly grasping the persona mirror in hand.
- To be continued -
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