#dbz x y/n
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geekedoutbunny · 2 years ago
omg that last piccolo request you did was so good. could we get more house husband piccolo??? Perhaps the reader works and Piccolo stays home and learns how to cook for them.
Househusband! Piccolo x Reader Headcanon - To Be a House Husband.
Ooooo, another Piccolo fan are we? But of course, I'll be more than happy to write this request for you dear.
Thank you, for sending in this lovely little request, I'll be sure to serve it justice, and I hope it's to your liking.
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You and Piccolo have been married for a good three years now, and you recently have gotten a job, times are rough and the prices for everything are rising, it was time for a job. So it was up to Piccolo to learn how to cook for you, he wanted to anyways, he wanted to aid in any way he could.
He didn't like seeing you worry and stress about getting ready for work, just to forget to make yourself lunch in your franticness. So, he offered to learn how to cook, just for you. His sweetness knew no boundary, you were happy to have met such a man in your life.
You'd teach him the basics, first, how to cook toast. Then eggs and bacon. Then you'll move on to rice, beans, and pasta. Lastly, you'll do meat and baked goods. He was a fast learner, so it didn't take him long to learn. He quickly became quite the master at cooking, and you began salivating for his delicious foods.
He took a liking to cooking shows, one because they were entertaining, and two because he could learn new dishes. He began seeing cooking as a form of art, and he was a beautiful artist. His foods began going from basic to gourmet meals fit for a queen. You'd feel so cocky seeing your fancy meal compared to everyone else's.
He's been buying fresh products and spices, he's kept the kitchen clean and he'd never let it get dirty. He'd scrub away any grim that even dares to appear. Only the finest cleaning products and groceries littered your home. It never smelled so fresh before.
When you get home, he'll already be in the kitchen, making dinner for you, while the TV would be on in the background, Gordan Ramsey's voice would make a smile appear on your face, as you kick off your shoes and head into the kitchen. The food would smell divine, and you'd feel so giddy. Piccolo would tell you to clean your hands and to set the table, and you wouldn't complain.
Piccolo was a mature individual, he thrived on peace and quiet, but he didn't mind some noise. You, on the other hand, were more energetic and hyper, being married to him was a perfect balance. You loved his caring nature and how he was rather fatherly in his own ways, and he actually adored your cute hyper activeness, even when you weren't as hyper, he still loved you.
In the morning he'd wake you up with the smell of eggs and bacon with a hint of coffee. Sometimes oranges that's been freshly squeezed. You enjoyed his cooking, and he enjoyed doing it for you.
He was happy that you taught him how to cook, he never knew that he had such a talent, he wonders what else he could do, but being a house husband, was sure to show him.
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moonlightpetalz6 · 1 year ago
Always There
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Character: Chichi
Reader: Female Reader
Warnings: Harsh language, Fluff laced with slight angst
Wc: 2,960
A/n: Hi I love Chichi so much so I wanted to make this fic about her! I hope you can enjoy it!
The sound of an alarm filled your ears, causing you to let out a small groan as you slowly opened your eyes, grimacing at the bright rays of sun that filled the room of your small apartment. You reach over towards your nightstand to smack the off button before rubbing what sleep remained in your eyes. 'I guess I should start getting ready.' With a tired sigh, you sat up from the comfort of your bed, kicking the blankets off before heading towards your bathroom to start the day. After getting yourself ready and eating breakfast, the phone rang, causing you to stumble around the corner to answer.
"Hello, Y/L/N residence." You answered automatically. A familiar laugh sounded on the other end, causing a soft smile to grace your lips, eyes softening at the beautiful melody. "You sound like you just ran towards the phone, Y/n! How often have I told you that the call won't stop after just one ring?!" You just hummed, leaning your head against the doorframe. "What can I say, Chichi? I'm quick to act." You joked, a small laugh slipping past your lips. Chichi huffs on the other end. You can picture her form standing there, probably cleaning her hands with an apron as she shakes her head with a frown. "I swear I surround myself with impatient people!" She complains, causing your laugh to echo off the walls.
You and Chichi have been friends ever since you were children. The two of you had met during your first day of school when she had smacked a boy who had been picking on you for not having that big of a lunch. Since that day, you two were always seen with each other, your bond closer than anyone's. You were even her maid of honor for her marriage to Goku, that day being one of the happiest yet most painful days of your life.
"Anyways, I was calling to see if you could arrive three hours early for Goten's party! I'm a little behind on preparations, and the boys won't be home until the party starts!" Chichi spoke, her voice hopeful and bright, but after having known her for so many years, you can catch how tired she is. "Of course, I can head over there now if you'd like." You say, glancing at your watch. "Really?! You're my knight in shining armor, Y/n!" The woman cheers, causing a smile to form on your lips, accompanied by a slight blush. "I'll see you in thirty minutes." And with that, you hang up the phone, letting out a small sigh. "Once again, it's me to the rescue." You muttered while glancing at the picture frame by your front door.
The picture consisted of the married couple with you and Krillen next to them, all of you with bright smiles on your faces. You make sure to grab Goten's present, your keys, and anything else you need before putting on your shoes and exiting the small apartment. You hop onto your motorcycle and head towards your friend's home in the woods. 'How long have I been having to help Chichi out? Since their marriage? Or was it since Gohan's birth?' You shake your head at the thought, letting out a deep sigh. You held nothing against the Saiyan warrior, at least not anymore; you became terrific friends from the moment you met. However, there was one small problem. One that no one would ever know about so long as you lived. You loved Chichi. You don't know when those feelings of friendship blossomed into more, but you knew that it would never happen between the two of you as her heart became Goku's the moment they met.
Because of this, you couldn't help but hate him at first. You hated him always putting training and fighting before his wife and kids. You hated the days when Chichi would call you up or even show up to your place crying for her husband on the days he died from whatever danger there had been. You hated how his adorable sons had to grow up or go some of their lives without their dad. It drove you mad before, but now you see it as a regular occurrence. Chichi always told you that even though she had married an idiotic fool, she wouldn't take it back and always held such love in her eyes whenever she would talk about her husband. Because of this, you gave up on that hatred for Goku and focused on giving Chichi and the boys any support they needed.
Before you realize it, you're parking your bike in front of the small and quiet home. You turn your bike off, taking off your helmet with a satisfied sigh. “Y/n!!!” Chichi cheered, waving her hand as she ran from her home towards you. You look at her and smile, jumping off the bike and picking her up in your arms as you spin her around, causing her to laugh at your actions. "Haha! Y/n, it's so good to see you! It's been a while!" She laughed as you carefully put her down. "About three months since I've been here." You admitted while grabbing your things, following her into the home you had become all too familiar with. "So, where is everyone?" You ask, placing your things down while Chichi takes your jacket.
"Gohan is at home with Videl and Pan, Dad is out getting some last-minute things, and Goku took Goten to Bulma's so we can surprise him!" She said, making her way into the kitchen. You hum, nodding your head in response as you join her. "I see. No wonder you needed to call me in." You joked, causing Chichi to elbow you in the gut lightly. "Oh, cut it out, Y/n! You know you're always welcome to come over without having to help with anything!" She scoffs before the two of you get to work in the kitchen, finishing up some of the food. You listen as Chichi complains about how Goten is just like his father and neither of her kids ever wanted to study. This was the usual whenever you were around her. You just smiled, listening to every word, engraving it into your mind.
You loved how passionate Chichi got over her boys and how she only wanted excellent and prosperous lives for them all. "You're a good mother and wife, Chichi." The words slip out of your mouth before your brain can process them. Chichi stopped her rant and looked at you with that gorgeous smile you loved so much plastered across her face. "Haha! You think? Sometimes, I wonder if those boys think differently." She confessed, leaning against the counter while looking out in thought. You watched her silently, wanting to reach out and wrap your arms around her. Tell her she's perfect, strong, beautiful, intelligent, hard-working, but you know better. You know that if you were to do that, you would never be able to get over your love for her, so you remain strong, knowing that it's best for all of you. With a sigh, Chichi jumps up, smacking her cheeks with her hands, causing you to jump, looking at her surprised.
She shakes her head before smiling once again. "Enough of that! Come on, it's almost time!" She laughed, pulling you towards the living room, where the two of you set everything up. "Chichi! I'm back!" You heard her father call. "Hello Ox-King! It's been a while!" You greet the older man in the doorway, watching as a giant smile crosses his face. "Why if it isn't Y/n! It's been a while; come here, sweetheart!" He laughed, pulling you into a tight hug. You laughed lightly, hitting his chest. "Come now! You'll break my ribs if you hug me that tight!" You joked with both of you laughing. Chichi poked her head around the corner curiously before smiling.
"Oh good, you're back! Hurry, everyone will be here soon!" She rushed, pushing both of you further into the house. You roll your eyes at her. "Now look who's impatient." This, of course, earned you a smack to the head.
You watched as everyone started to show up for the party, each greeting you, wanting to catch up after not seeing you in months. You smile and greet everyone before your eyes land on Gohan arriving with his family. "Is that my little Pan?!?!" You cry out, causing the little girl to smile, holding her arms out as she squeals for you. “Y/n!” You scoop her up, nuzzling your nose into her cheek, causing her to laugh. Gohan looks at you and smiles. "It's so good to see you again, Y/n-san. Have you been well?" he asks, touching your shoulder. "I've been good, thank you. Work has been a little busy, though, so I haven't been able to see everyone lately." You confessed, body slumping in defeat. Gohan laughs, tossing his head back as he pats your shoulder. "I see! I see! That's such a relief!" He laughed, causing you to look at him curiously.
Gohan motioned for you to lean closer, which you did as he went and whispered into your ear. "Mom was worried that she did something to upset you, and that's why you hadn't been stopping by." Your eyes went wide at this as you looked at him in shock. "Mom cares about you, Y/n-san." He genuinely smiles as he ruffles your hair as if forgetting you are way older than him. "We all do!" With that, you smiled, nodding before walking back with him. Pan was rambling about something she did at school while you listened to her humming each time she said something that would require a response.
Soon, Goku and Goten arrived, causing Chichi to shush everyone quickly as she prepared to surprise her youngest son. The doors opened, and everyone yelled surprise at the young boy who stood there in utter shock. Goku laughed, asking if his son was shocked. You watched as Goten smiled, thanking everyone as the party started. You walked around talking to many people, enjoying catching up with those you had considered close friends. "Hey, Y/n!" You felt a tap on your shoulder, causing you to stop your conversation with Bulma. You looked to see Goku standing there with a piece of meat in his hand as he flashed his signature smile, giving you a small wave. "It's been a while! How's it been?!" He asked enthusiastically. You turned to Bulma, excusing yourself, to which she just smiled, nodding her head before walking away. "Hello, Goku! I see you're stuffing your face as usual!" You laugh, going and hitting him in the stomach. He laughs, scratching the back of his head shyly.
"I haven't seen you since I returned to earth. Has everything been okay? Do you have a boyfriend yet?" He teased, wiggling his eyebrows at you. This earned a glare as you held your first up vein popping on the side of your head. "Watch it or I'll beat you." You growled, causing the Saiyan to laugh as he apologized while smacking you on the shoulder. "I'm kidding! Kidding! It's just really good to see you! You should stop by more!" He laughed before taking a bite out of the meat in his hand. "And you need to stop dying on everyone!" You scolded, stepping on his foot and causing him to whine. This was the usual relationship between you and Goku. He would tease you with stupid words or pranks, and you would scold him while beating him up.
Goku scratches the back of his head, laughing nervously. "Oh, come on, Y/n, it's not like I do it on purpose." You felt your eye twitch as you crossed your arms, letting out a deep, frustrated sigh. "I understand that Goku, I do." You trailed off momentarily before looking up at him, eyes locking. "But you don't always have to be the world's hero. You can also be a hero for your family, ya know?" You sighed, defeated. Goku just smiled, his eyes filling with care and appreciation as he ruffled your hair like Gohan had done earlier. "You know me, Y/n, I can't help it." Before bending down to your height, he confessed, causing you to get irritated, but you knew it was so that he could whisper something to you.
"Thank you for caring for my family when I fail to Y/n. You've always been there for us, and I do appreciate it. So, whenever you need something, don't feel like you have to do it alone, okay? Just call one of us, and we'll be there!" He laughed. You just looked at him in awe, not expecting such words from Goku. From the moment you met the man, he was a complete idiot, and you told Chichi that when she first introduced the two of you. You shake that off and give a small smile. "Thank you, Goku." He smiled before running over to Vegeta, sitting away from everyone, looking annoyed.
As the party progressed, you sat away from everyone, tired of the day's activities. 'I should probably head back soon…Chichi seems busy, and I haven't been getting proper rest.' You thought while scanning over everyone. Eventually, your eyes land on Chichi, standing with her family, watching Goten go through his gifts with pure joy. You just stared at her, your chest and mind swirling with emotions before pinching the bridge of your nose and squeezing your eyes shut. 'Dammit…maybe I should try dating.' You mentally cursed a frown on your face.
This didn't go unnoticed as Chichi glanced over the crowd, her eyes landing on your tired form, taking in the frown on your face. She frowns at this, quietly excusing herself as she makes her way over to you.
"Y/n? Is everything okay?" Her sudden voice snapped you out of your thoughts as you looked at her internally, wincing as you took in her worried look. You pushed away all your thoughts and feelings as you looked at her, a soft smile replacing the frown on your face. "Hey! Everything's fine; I'm just a bit tired, is all." You hated not telling Chichi the truth, but you knew it was for the best. Chichi frowned at this as she leaned closer, her face inches from yours, causing a blush to appear as you avoided eye contact with her. "W-what is it? Do I have something on my face?" You asked nervously. Chichi doesn't say anything for a minute before she goes and flicks you in the middle of the forehead.
"Ouch! What was that for?!" You cried, rubbing the now irritated skin. "You need to take better care of yourself, Y/n! I swear, ever since we were kids, you never had a proper schedule or even a routine!" She scolded, pointing a finger at you. Surprised, you just looked at her as she went on a scolding spree, crossing her arms. "Honestly, how much longer am I going to have to take care of you?" She sighed, shaking her head. You soon smile as you go and wrap your arms around her shoulders, laughing as you poke one of her puffed-out cheeks. "Oh come on Chichi! I'm perfectly fine! Look, see?! My skin is as clear as day and my health couldn't improve!" You teased a sly smile on your face.
Chichi shot you an annoyed glance as she went and pinched your hand, causing you to whine as you tried to free yourself. "Hey! What was that for?!" You yelled lightly, pulling on her hair. "Ouch! Y/n, why you!" Before anyone could process what was happening a few feet away, you and Chichi were on the ground fighting with each other.
"Mom?! Y/n-san?!" Gohan yelled, surprised, not understanding what happened to cause this. Everyone watched in surprise while Goku laughed, walking towards the two women. "It's just like old times!" He cheered while separating the two of you, holding you both by the backs of your shirts. "She started it!" You both yelled, pointing at the other. Goku just laughed, rolling his eyes at the two. "Come on, girls! You two are too old to be fighting like that anymore." He laughed, causing everyone to go silent as a cold breeze passed, sending shivers throughout everyone's body.
You and Chichi looked at each other, faces blank as you nodded in agreement, causing the warrior to look between the two confused. "Eh? Did I say something wrong?" He questioned. You and Chichi just smiled before tackling Goku to the ground, earning a cry from him while everyone else laughed as they watched the two women tickle the Saiyan, who flailed around on the ground, begging for them to stop. You both just laughed, holding your stomachs in pain, tears in your eyes. You look over at Chichi, watching her beautiful smile fill your heart with pure bliss. You smile, a slight blush on your cheeks as you take her hand, causing her to look at you with a toothy grin as you help each other up.
'Chichi…even though we can't be anything more than friends in this lifetime.' You think as she pulls you towards everyone, her hand gripping your own with her delicate skin. She looks back at you, that excited glint of life in her eyes. "Come on Y/n I made sure to save you some cake!" She laughed as you smiled, running past her hand still in hers. "In that case let's hurry up!" You laughed, wanting to beat the Saiyan men to the last piece of cake that Chichi spent hours making.
'I'll always be with you…loving every second we spend together.'
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xcherricutie · 2 months ago
⟡ 𓆩 angelic toxins 𓆪 ⟡
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꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦
[Yandere!Son Goku × F!Reader]
[word count - 2k]
[synopsis - Love is a foreign concept to Goku. So he doesn't understand why you make him so sick, why he can't stand to be around you and not have you in his arms. His love twists into something out of his control when he loses you]
[tags - yandere, possessive behavior, obsession, blood, death, toxic love, angst]
[notes - I wrote the first 800 words of this at 1 in the morning, and the second half I kind of forced myself to write. I've had a lack of creativity, inspiration, and been in a writing rut for a few months now, so it may not be the best. I tried lol]
Something about you pulled Goku in like a reel. Like you knew exactly what you were doing, slowly and carefully pulling Goku into a deep trap from which he could never escape. The deeper he fell, the more he wondered what sort of toxin, what sort of poison you must've slipped him that made him so dizzy for you. Just your mere presence sent his heart and mind into a spiral that went deeper and deeper, digging a hole in his heart. 
You invaded his mind at every waking moment. There was no peace from the insanity that you wreaked within him. No matter how much he ran, it felt like you were at every corner, waiting for him to fall back into your arms. The kicker? You didn't even know you did this to him. It was obvious in the way you acted; only getting as close as a friend comfortably could. You never initiated physical contact, never said anything remotely flirtatious. You were a best friend for all intents and purposes. 
Goku was not an emotional person. It wasn't something he quite understood. He didn't know how to react when overwhelmed with intense emotion. It festered deep inside him, worsening with every dream you appeared to him in, like an angel descending from the heavens just for him. Goku couldn't place what it was that had him following you like a sick puppy. He equally loved everything about you, from your bubbly, kind but shy personality, to the way your hair framed your face, shielding your sweet, soft skin from the setting sun. You truly were an angel in his world. 
After his emotions had overwhelmed him to the point of melting an irreparable hole in his heart, he had finally asked for help from his closest friend and confidante, Bulma. And that was when the final piece that he had been unable to see this whole time finally revealed itself, like a blindfold had been lifted from his eyes. He was madly in love with you, and had been for nearly two years. Two years of suffering in silence, watching you from the corner of his eyes at their gathering of friends. Two years of his chest aching with a pain unlike anything he had ever experienced watching you give everyone attention but him. Two years of his love festering and spiraling almost out of his control. Emotions weren't Goku's strong point. In fact, they were known to be explosive before. 
It all had happened so fast. Goku's life was always a blur, but it was too much, too fast. A fight had broken out, and Goku had to get involved. It unraveled faster than he could control. 
People die. It's a natural cycle of life. You live, you experience life, and you die. Goku had seen his fair share of death before, and often had to go out of his way to reverse it via the Dragon Balls. But this was different. Because this time, it wasn't just anyone, it was you. 
The very second Goku realized what had happened, he was at your side in an instant. You were just a small, frail human. Humans were fragile. You weren't supposed to be there, you weren't supposed to follow Goku, you should've stayed put where he had told you to. You never listened to Goku, and now it would cost you gravely. 
Blood trickled out of places you didn't know possible, namely your ears. They rang louder than the explosions going off in the distance. You couldn't hear Goku's voice as he lifted you by your shoulders, pain streaking through your body, burning you alive. You couldn't move your fingers; you couldn't beg your arm to lift itself and wipe the tears that streamed down his bloodied cheeks. 
People die, it's natural. You live and experience life. But you felt as though you had squandered your chance to truly live. You had been a coward, and never spoke of the feelings that had lingered within your heart, lest they be unrequited. 
Your lips, cracked and sticky with blood, parted as a whisper of your broken voice slipped out. You could only hope your words reached him, and your voice hadn't already failed you like your hearing had. 
“I love you, I'm sorry.” 
You felt Goku's fingers digging into your skin. He squeezed his eyes shut, lashes wet with tears, teardrops dripping down from his cheeks. A single thought crossed your mind as you realized you had never seen Goku cry. After all, he wasn't an emotional person. 
He pulled you close, your forehead pressed against his shoulder. Heat brushed against you, clashing with the freezing cold sensation that had begun to settle within you, like you were slowly sinking into a frozen pond. Spots blurred your vision, melting away into a darkness unlike anything you had ever experienced, like you were falling into a sleep from which you would never wake, your permanent slumber. Goku's jaw moved, like he was speaking, but no words reached you. Only pure silence, and the fading feeling of his warmth. It was cold, but you couldn't remember why anymore, and you couldn't remember why you missed the warmth. 
A moment of silence passed, and it was just the two of you in the entire world. If only it were other circumstances that caused this feeling, of being alone with you. And now you were slipping away, leaving him all alone. 
Then that moment passed, taking it with you. Your body grew cold and stiff, your last breath the scent of Goku as he held you. Laying you down to rest, his eyes lingered on the dull color of your own. It was the first time Goku had seen the life fade from someone's eyes, the vibrant color that had once made him smile now a far cry from the lifeless eyes that gazed up at him. 
Within the festering of his own emotions, a coil pulled tight, his fingers digging into your cold arms. If only he had paid more attention, noticed the danger you were in. If only he were stronger. You had depended on him, and he failed you. It was all his fault. 
And suddenly, that coil snapped, like he had blacked out. He didn't remember what happened, and only came to the day after. He thought it was a dream, until it was broken to him that you were still gone. Everything hit him all at once just like before, his chest burning, like his heart was simply going to pop. 
Against Bulma's recommendations, telling him he needed rest, Goku had left with the Dragon Ball radar. It was just like all the other times. He had seen people die before, and many times he had brought them back with the Dragon Balls. 
The minute your eyes peeked open once again, the vibrant color that Goku had come to know returning, you were suddenly smothered in a searing, suffocating kiss. Fingers dug into your soft flesh, holding you down against himself as Goku burned a kiss into your lips. You were all his now, and he swore to himself you would never leave his sight again. 
Your life never returned to normal. Goku was your best friend, you knew him as well as you knew yourself, but something wasn't right anymore. He didn't feel like the same person. Something about him had changed after your death. 
You first noticed a difference when he never left your side, and you swore his eyes never left you. The first few days after your resurrection, Bulma had requested you to stay at her place just to make sure you were all good. Goku never left your room, not even when you were sleeping. One night, you stirred awake, an unsettling feeling sinking into your stomach. Alarms blared in the back of your mind, the very base of your instincts telling you that there was a predator nearby, about to pounce. You could feel it, his eyes on you. Burning holes through your back. Never leaving you alone. 
You forced your panic deep down and closed your eyes, telling yourself to sleep. It was just Goku. He was your best friend. You knew him like you knew yourself. You thought you did. But this was new. 
Now every night, you were waking up around the same time, feeling his stare on you. Until the third night, when you awoke, something felt different. You no longer felt his eyes on you. 
Instead, you felt a pair of arms wrapped tightly around you, holding you against his chest. Your blood ran cold, your heart thumping wildly in your chest. You tried to calm your heart, reminding yourself that you were a couple now, but the way he had been acting every night made you wary. Was he awake? Did he know you were awake? 
Slowly, hesitantly, you turned your body over, turning to face Goku. You let out a nearly audible sigh of relief to see his eyes shut, mouth wide open as he snored softly. Perhaps you had been wrong about everything, and was simply paranoid thanks to your death. There was also the chance that Goku was paranoid as well, and hadn't been able to sleep the last few days. 
The thought helped to calm you, allowing yourself to relax against his chest. For a moment, it felt as though your life was finally falling back into normalcy. You failed to notice his grip on you tightening, his eye peeking open to look down at you. 
It felt like an eternity before Bulma finally dismissed you, saying you were in good health. You were excited to finally get to return to your home and get some proper rest. 
Then Goku followed you home. He was immediately following after you as you left for your home, whining about you leaving him. He gave you that goofy grin you always knew, but something about it felt off, disingenuous. You pushed it down, chalking it up to paranoia again. 
You let Goku into your home. It wasn't his first time being there, but this time, it felt like you had unleashed something into your house, like you were the prey that had its territory invaded by a predator. The grin that he gave you as he closed the door behind him, not bothering to hide as he locked it making your heart sink. 
He promised that it was just to keep you safe. You were fragile, as he had put it. It suddenly felt like you were trapped in your own home, the walls closing in on you as he stepped forward. He promised you he would never let anything happen to you again. You were all his now. He promised it. 
His fingers gripped your arms tightly, nausea swirling within you as love festered within him. Love turned into possessiveness, and possessiveness turned into obsession. He was hooked on the poison that was you, his delicate angel that he had to protect. 
His lips were against your own, teeth digging into your bottom lip, your eyes watering. Where had your love gone? This wasn't the same man you had fallen in love with before your death. You thought you knew him as well as yourself. You truly thought you did, but this wasn't what you knew. 
“I love you, I'm sorry.” 
Goku apologized. He knew his love had spiraled out of control. After all, it was a well-known fact that, despite not being an emotional person, his emotions could become explosive. He would never be able to let you go again. You were his, and he was yours. 
Something about you drove him to madness. Like you knew exactly what you were doing, faking your innocence, but he knew it was real. You were his innocent angel, who had no idea what sort of effect you had on him. But you loved him, and now you had fallen into a trap of his own setting. 
You were an angel, and he wasn't afraid to taint you with his love.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ -cherricutie
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newkatzkafe2023 · 1 month ago
What about a monkey queen with a husband that acts just like Vegeta!! He’s mean to everyone else but when he’s with her, he’s all soft and sweet!
When a man loves a woman 🎶🎵🎶
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(Lmk Wukong) You were always a harsh and stern man, especially when your a prideful warrior king. That was until you got married to a pretty little monkey girl, Wukong was a quite mischievous girl and a brilliant fighter. You loved that about her and made sure to court her as soon as possible which she eventually accepted, and hence the start of your marriag you were the only one who treated her with never ending patience and kindness. Wukong had never felt so blessed in her entire life, in her fairytale marriage with you.
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(MKR Wukong) You quickly became her ideal man, someone tough as nails, but treat her ever so sweetly. You immediately had an interest in Wukong especially her confrontational and excitable demeanor. In your eye she was a beautiful rare gem that you immediately wanted and worked to woo her over, which didn't take long as you challenge her to battle. Boi were you making her purr as you both fought against each other, you both fell in love and after months of dating you both got married behind the monk's back as you celebrated your love together.
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(NR Wukong) The fact that she could kill you at anything is what caught your attention in the first place. The fact that you would be stern with her but still treat her gently was what brought her attention to you, and your muscles ain't a bad touch to your appearance. You loved how unpredictable and carefree she is especially when you get to watch her tear apart those who underestimate her, overall it was hot. Wukong has no problem showing affection to you lovingly and she also loved to watch you savagely fight her enemies especially if she was insulted. Let's just say she never bother to wear her underwear ever again😉
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(HIB Wukong) You both are a surprisingly good match for each other. you're both tough, stern, and distant, but deep down, you both have good hearts that just need the right love and care. Your pride does get in the way at times, but you know when to back off from Wukong, but you loved that about her. You would both spend time with each other as you treated her so well as a queen that would often leave her in disbelief. You also would get angry and protective over her and the children and put your life on the line for your little family, and that was more then enough for Wukong to love.
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(Netflix Wukong) WoW she actually needs someone like you, especially when you would get angry with others for insulting her. You quickly grew very protective of Wukong treated her with never ending kindness and love, along with being a husband in battle arms. You would delightfully kiss her wounds and gladly take care of her, which would make unshed tears would appear in her face. You loved her for her pride, her lust for battle and never judge her for anything she does, and Wukong would love you forever.
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(BMW Wukong) Ohhhhhhhhh you are so hot and violent and sooo perfect to her. You would have Wukong's heart from the very morning you knocked that one celestials teeth out, she was just so turned on by a man who's not afraid to kill. While you love a woman who could definitely kill you and you would both wildly mate in love and bloodlust, happily fulfilling your desires for each other.
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(Destined one) Well, this is quite the head scratcher if i ever seen one. I'm not sure how you could ever win over the Destined one. You were interested in her for her combat skills and powers as she fought against the celestial gods. Though you made plans to win her over with small gifts and kindness to her, as you both got to know and bond with each other. The Destined one would blush and come to see you more and more and before you both knew it, your relationship grew in love and support for each other. In the end she married you and now spends her days receiving your Affection and protection.
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pitchouna · 10 months ago
Hiii soo... What about a soft yandere goku headcanons??
Yandere Goku x Reader!!
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Poor you.
Wouldn't it be scary to have one of the strongest beings of the universe a yandere?
You noticed Goku's behavior changing gradually. How he suddenly interrupted you if you were talking with another living being, his constant need to be by your side, he even started to train just a little less to spend time with you!! Which is clearly not normal. And everyone was thinking the same thing. Suddenly, one morning, you wake to find Goku standing over your bed, watching you sleep. Startled, you ask, "What are you doing, Goku?" He grins and replies, "I just wanted to make sure you were safe. I wouldn't be able to live without you..." He said in a unusual soft voice that made you feel uneasy as he kissed your forehead.You feel a mix of emotions as he kisses your forehead there was a sense of love and appreciation, but also a hint of uneasiness. Goku's behavior had been so intense and possessive lately, and that kiss felt like a reminder of his unwavering devotion to you, whether you liked it or not. You gently pushed Goku away and sit up on the bed, trying to compose yourself. You look at him, concern written all over your face. "Goku, I understand that you love me, but this possessive behavior has to stop. It's suffocating me." So he stopped, making you sigh in relief.
With each passing day, Goku's behavior grew more possessive and jealous. He would check your phone without permission, question your whereabouts even during work hours, and become upset when you spent too much time away from him. You tried to address his behavior, but he would dismiss your concern with phrases like "I just love you so much" and "I can't help but worry." You begin to feel suffocated by Goku's possessive behavior. It had gone beyond worrying and turned into a form of control. You tried to confront him about it, but he simply dismisses your concerns with lovey-dovey phrases, making it seem like his behavior is a sign of affection. You felt pressured to agree, as Goku's insistence and even his use of bullying tactics left you feeling as though you had little choice in the matter. With a heavy sigh, you grudgingly agree to watch his training session, feeling as though you're being forced into it through his possessive behavior. As you watch, Goku's training session started innocently enough, but as it progressed, you noticed how his eyes seemed to follow you constantly, making sure you were still there. There was a hint of possessiveness in his gaze. Even his training drills seemed to shift towards showcasing his strength and power, as if he wanted to demonstrate how he could keep you protected at all costs. Feeling uncomfortable, you couldn't help but feel like a valuable possession he was guarding fiercely.
"M-maybe you should stop training now right?.. You've been training for hours!!.." You said akwardly thought Goku do not notice your uncomfort. Which made Goku stop and looks at you confused. "Here! Take this bottle of water you did not drank since.." You got off of the rock you sat on, made your way towards him and handed him a bottle of water. This sweet action made him smile "Thank you Y/n for worrying about me! I love you so much!" He said about to hug you but this time you stopped him. "Y-you're full of sweat that's gross!!" You said which made Goku chuckle. But in reality, he was sad you refused to hug him. "Haha, you're right, I am pretty sweaty..." Goku laughed it off, his tone carrying a note of disappointment, but he understood that you were not comfortable physically, given his current state. He took the bottle of water demolished it, rehydrating himself after the intense training session. "Pwahhh!! Thank you for the water, Y/n. You're always so thoughtful!!" He said with a satisfied Huff making you forget about his weird behavior. "No worries Goku you need to stay healthy..." You've said in a sweet voice. "Now let's go back home you need to take a shower. You stink." You've said bluntly making Goku giggle.
One evening, you were out with friends, laughing and enjoying yourself, when suddenly Goku appeared, his eyes scanning the crowd until he spotted you. Without hesitation, he made his way over to your table, pulling up a chair and squeezing into the tight space next to you. Your friends exchanged puzzled glances, sensing something off about Goku's possessive presence and sudden intrusion. "G-goku?.. Has something happened home?..." You've asked in a worried yet confused tone due to his unexpected appearence. "No, nothing happened. I just missed you. I wanted to be with you, that's all." He replied, his hand finding its way to your thigh, causing you to stiffen slightly. Your friends exchanged glances, noticing the odd situation unfolding before them. "U-uhm it's cute of you but we'll see each other home later alright? I'm currently spending time with my friends and-" "No. I don't want to wait. I want to be with you now." His response was firm, and there was a hint of possessiveness in his voice. Your friends looked uncomfortable, sensing the strained atmosphere caused by Goku's possessive behavior.
You've sighed, disappointed of how the events turned. The happiness that you've finally managed to see your friends vanished, and was replaced with a hint of sadness that your friends noticed. "Alright girls, it was nice to see you all but as you can see I need to go now.. Have fun!!" You've did your goodbyes as you and Goku exit the restaurant. As you and Goku made your way out of the restaurant, the air remained tense. Goku continued to hold onto your thigh possessively, his grip not loosening. You couldn't help but feel suffocated by his possessive behavior, and your sadness turned into irritation. "Goku, is it really necessary to hold onto me like that? It's uncomfortable..." You expressed your annoyance, trying to maintain a level of calmness. "Hmmm fine... But let's hold hands instead!!" He said taking your hands in a firm grip. Despite your frustration, Goku's suggestion seemed like a compromise. Reluctantly, you allowed him to hold your hand, hoping this would alleviate the tension. You walked beside him, feeling a mix of annoyance and resignation at his possessive behavior.
On your way home a shop was being robbed catching both your attention. The police struggled against the robbers and you saw a young girl getting shot in the legs. Making you both you and Goku gasp in horror, your instincts made you run towards the little girl, getting out of Goku's grip making him surprised, he tried getting to you but you were a very fast runner. On your way towards the little girl, you got shot in the shoulders making you scream in pain, and it made Goku snap. His eyes widening in fury as you preshot what could happen next. You knew what this man was capable off and it was what scared you the most. "Goku!!" You've yelled in struggle due to the pain. "Whatever you're planning to do, don't do it!!" You yelled like there was no tomorrow, due to the pain and the fear of what would become the robbers. Instead, he did something you did not expect to, as he teleported and soon came back with senzu beans, giving one to you and the little girl which made you sigh in relief.
"Is everything alright Y/n?.." Goku asked firmly, but a tone of true worry could be heard. His eyes showed a fury that scared you. "Y-yes I'm alright now... Is the little girl okay?" You questionned him, as he nodded making you sigh in relief. But he turned towards the robbers mumbling, "I really do not want to do this.." in such a serious tone you did not like. "Goku wait!!-" You screamed but it was too late. He was already attacking the robbers, making them unconscious and then hitting them over and over, to calm his furry. Due to this bloody sight, the little girl ran away crying, and the police was left shocked, some officers went into their cars and left, some were just frozen. Just like you were. There was so much blood everywhere you wanted to vomit. Some of the officers left, passed out due to shock and some vomited. The robbers were probably dead now. No they are for sure, but you knew that wasn't going to stop Goku. He'll continue to hit them until we can't recognize their faces anymore. And that continued for minutes. There even was some blood on your skin and on your clothes due to how hard he was hitting their bodies, and you were too speechless to scream. You were frozen.
After 20 minutes of merciless hits, Goku finally stopes hitting them as he was breathing heavily. He got up, looking at the now unrecognizable corpses, they didn't even looked like corpses anymore. The sight was horrible you had a glimpse of Goku's face, it was very bloody, and his eyes looked so empty. It was void itself. This sight made you shiver. Wondering who was this man before you. Because it was nothing near the Goku you've known, you've married, you've loved and made children with, it was nowhere near the savior of the whole universe, no.. What you were looking at is a monster. He turned towards you making you yelp. He started walking towards you, your instincts made you back away. This sight of you made his eyes widen, as sadness was evident on his face. "Why are you backing away Y/n?.." He said in a heart-broken voice. You did not answer. Your voice literally disappeared due to the fear. He continued walking towards you, and you continued to back away until you hit the wall. He crouched to your level, and cupped your cheek in his bloody hand. Which made you yelp once more.
Goku smiled sweetly. "No worries Y/n... The danger is gone now! You have nothing to worry about anymore." How could someone speak so sweetly after making such a horrible murder?? "Why....?" You mumbled. Which caught Goku's attention. "Hm? What's up Y/n?" He asked confused. "Why did you do this??.." You've asked as tears started to stroll down your face. "Wahhhh!! Don't cry Y/n!! Shh shh... I'm here I'm here..." Goku hugged you and wiped the tears off your face, adding more blood on it. "And it's because they hurt you Y/n... If they didn't I would just have helped the police.. But they did so I had to put them in their place." He said in a sweet tone patting your hair, which also put blood on it.
"Oh, look how much of a mess we are now!!" Goku chuckled sweetly which made you even more uncomfortable. How could he be so calm?! The scene you just saw was so violent. It was not normal!! "Let's go home and take a shower together Y/n.." Goku said sweetly carrying you bridal style. As he tried to sense Goten's Ki to get back home. "Oh that's right, he's sleeping at Bulma's with Trunks today.. Well that's alright I just need to fly then!" He then made this way toward you house as you were still shocked. You soon passed out during the flight due to being traumatized, Goku pouted, thinking it was the fault of the robbers of hurting you, yet it was his. At home, he cleaned you and himself in the bath, the water becoming red. After finishing washing both of you, he dried you up, and then went to the bed, clinging to you like there was no tomorrow, and nuzzled his head in your hair, taking on your sweet scent making him soon fall asleep.
You woke up in the night not long after, you were sweating and breathing heavily, which made Goku woke up confused. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned and asked, "What's wrong Y/n?.." "I-I dreamed how robbers hurting me and a little girl and then you've attacked them brutally until-" Goku shushed you, taking the opportunity to let you think it was not real and patted your back. "It was just a nightmare Y/n... Everything's fine right now... I'm here..." He reassured you gently kissing your forehead, as your breath slowed down showing that his comfort worked. "Let's sleep now or else we'll wake up very late tomorrow alright?" You've hummed and nodded closing your eyes as Goku's arms went protectively around you, keeping you safe. He smiled knowing that he will sleep like a baby tonight.
After all, who was he to make you think your nightmare was the truth?
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WAHHHHH THIS IS MY LONGEST WORK SO FAR IT TOOK LE SO LONG TO CREATE IT!! HOWEVER REQUESTED THIS I HOPE YOU LIKED IT BC YOU MADE ME CRY. BUT IT WOULD BE A LIE TO SAY I DID NOT HAVE FUN HEHEEE Anyways guys, no worries I won't vanish away because I have so many request omg line I'm shocked? But feel free to ask some even if I have a lot!! Love u guys and take care <33
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z0-ne · 6 months ago
Dear Supporter,
I hope this message finds you and your family in good health. My name is Rakan Zaqout from Gaza.🍉 I am reaching out to seek your urgent help in spreading the word about our fundraising campaign. I lost both my home and my school, my parents lost their jobs too, due to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and we are facing catastrophic living conditions.💔
I kindly ask you to visit our campaign. Your support, whether through donating or sharing, will help us reach more people who can make a difference. Thank you for your continued support for the Palestinian cause. Your dedication brings us closer to freedom.🕊
Please note, our campaign has been verified by 90-ghost and aces-and-angels.☑
PLEASE, please go and donate to this family in need if you're able, if not, share this, repost the gofund me, ANYTHING helps. Again I'm sorry about the fake tags but I'm using what i can to get this out to as many as possible.
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random-insomnia15 · 2 years ago
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Best cosplay ever!
Picture doesn't belong to me, I found it on Pinterest.
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year ago
Drabbles day 20: Waterfall
pairings: Vegeta x Fem!Reader warnings: fluff, slight angst
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He’s feeling moody, but you wonder if there’s ever really a time he doesn’t feel moody. Still, you decide to follow the Prince of all Saiyans, just to spot where he goes whenever he wants to be alone. You think you’re being clever by trying to hide your ki, but he’s smarter than that. He knows that you’re following him.
You both arrive at this beautiful cliffside tucked away in the jungle. The rush of the waterfall fills your ears as you land nearby. You look around at all the fauna and flora. A few birds cry out as you and Vegeta arrive, and this makes you laugh. Vegeta turns around and he’s got a playful smirk on his face.
“So, you wanted to see where I go when I want to be alone, hm?” he asks you, his eyes alight with something you’ve never seen before.
You smile shyly, “Yes.”
He takes your hand, and you feel just how soft his gloves are. You give it a gentle and comforting squeeze before you two fly to the top of the waterfall.
“Let me be alone with you,”
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dessertpanda · 8 months ago
Entitled Bitch (PT4 Of Goku x V Daughter)
PT1 PT2 PT3 Master List
    =Warning of Violence, Child Abuse, cursing, and mention of sex, NonCon but not actrally, mention of slave= Goku x Vegetas daughter Pt3
"MANA HELPP" Y/n and Goku where both snapped from there lovers look at the call that came from Goten, "LET GO OF ME!!" They where both making there way where to Goten was calling from, There in the arms of a furies Bulma was Trunks, she was holding him by his shirt collar. "How dare to speak of matters you have not business in" Bulma hissed. Trunks could escape but not without hurting the woman, so he continued to struggle and held nothing but hatred in his eyes. "I can talk about my mama as I please" He resorted back. The two accessed the situation, Goten was standing near the two, as Vegeta was in a corner simply observing, and Chi-Chi had found her way in a little after Goku and Y/N due to Goten calls. "She isn't your MOTHER" Bulma screamed shaking the boy, "WHY CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD??" She was red in the face, "SHE IS MY MOTHER!!! SHE MAY BE MY BLOOD SISTER BUT SHE'S MORE OF A MOTHER THAN YOU EVER WHERE" Trunks had tears, he hated when they talked bad about Y/N, he hated that, he hated they had any right to talk badly about this family, HIS family. Before Bulma could continue, there was a dark aura and sudden warm arm that wrapped around Trunks mid section. Both tensed with fear, "Lets have you put my son down now yea?"  she had a sick smile on and using her other hand she took a tight hold on Bulmas wrist, "Now" She squeezed causing Bulma to wince before letting go of Trunks, who was now safely in Y/N arms. The two women continued to glare at one an other, "I will not allow you to destroy what we have created" Y/N hissed, setting Trunks down and allowing him to run over to where Gohan and Goten stood. "What you created?! I created him! me and MY husband DID!" She screamed taking a shallow swing at Y/N which she easily dodged. "YOU RUINED IT ALL, STOLE MY SON FROM ME" She had tears streaming down her face, she hated Y/N but yet, she had no clue as to why. "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU WITH MY ENTIRE BEING" She took Y/N by her collar and screamed at her face. "JUST LEAVE OR DIE!" as if there was an echo in her mind, Y/N heard those words over and over,  She never had flashbacks, she had killed the girl she was, but it wasn't Bulma screaming them... no it was her creator, her Father.
~Flash Back~
"Lord Friza, what should we do with her?" Radiz asked, holding a little Y/N in his arms, as she happily played with his hair. "Whatever you please, as long as she's fit to breed in years to come" He dismissively waved his hand. "But Sir, she'll be only 6, She's far to young" Radiz stood, protectively holding the girl close. "I don't care" Friza tail swished violently, "I want an army of Sayian hybrids, she'll have to mate with your so called prince" Radiz looked horrified, she was so young, surely he was simply joking, not really expecting Vegeta to have sex with her. "Leave my presence you filthy monkey, and insure that the prince under strands his role" Friza smack Radiz with his tail, which caused Y/N to scream. "AH" She held onto to Radiz more tightly. Friza glared at the two at screamed "JUST LEAVE OR DIE" before He began to move out of the room. She was shaking in his hold, she was smart, she understood what Friza wanted from her but she still played the innocent role. Radiz marched into the Sayians shared room, slamming the door open and startling the other two. "Radiz what the hell?" Vegeta was sitting on a chair, fighting with his scanner. "D-Did you guys know?" Radiz set Y/N down on his bed and watched with sad eyes as she crawled to the corner to keep distance from the three large men. "Know what?" Nappa asked, waking up from his nap, thinking they where under some kind of attack. "What Vegeta is expected to do with the poor girl?" Radiz saw Y/n began to shake, curled up into herself as a way of protection, she was strong, horrifically so, but she was timid, because she was fearful of the punishment that Friza would force on her. "What the hell are you talking about Radiz, and why is the brat in here?" Vegeta asked, his temper only rising. "You.. You're gonna have to mate with her" Radiz spoke in a whisper toned, being the most sympathetic of the others, he was preparing himself to protect this little girl, he would blame his mother for this weakness but he could never bring himself to hate her. "The hell did you say?" Vegeta stood glaring him. "Who the fuck said that?" Vegeta demanded, "LORD FRIZA" Radiz power lever spiked with his temper rising, Y/N let let out a squeel, running under the covers for just a little more protection. "THE HELL TO THAT, I MAY TAKE OVER PLANETS AND WORK FOR A DAMN MONSTER BUT I WILL NOT SNOOP TO THAT" Vegeta yelled, taring the blankets from Y/N as he snatched her, while she kicked and screamed, he held her firmly by her shoulders "YOU HEAR ME BRAT, HE WILL NOT CONTROL US FOR MUCH LONGER" Vegeta proclaimed, making the other Sayians nod, and Y/N looked at the man, processing his words, and held stars in her eyes, he was her savory. Was he the best to follow, no, could he betray her absolutely, but Y/N trusted Radiz and so she trusted Vegeta. However, she wasn't expecting to only have Vegeta in the end.
~ forward in time to after Vegeta and Bulma getting together ~ (I know long time skip, but hey... the other portion of this flash back is sad but if you want to know it all Comment about it and ill write it!)
"Dad, are you really... are you really dating her?" Bulma had never liked Y/N ever since she arrived and had assisted in the attempt to take over the world, but that wasn't the real reason, she was jealous of what Vegeta and Y/N where, what if they suddenly decided it was time for them to mate? what is Friza had genetically changed Y/N to crave Vegeta?? She insured her dislike for Y/N was known, and continued when Vegeta encouraged it. "I know little, but this is our safety, and she's  a very strong woman, very attractive" He was ashamed of himself, he wanted to protect his daughter, and this was the best place... but for him to actually fall for the woman was beyond either of their wildest dreams. "Listen little, to keep the woman happy, I'm gonna have to pretend to hate you," Her eyes went wide, "D-daddy what are you talking about?" She grabbed onto his arm, confused and hurt, "I love you Y/N but please understand" as he tried to explain again but Bulma walked in, "YOU WORTHLESS BRAT JUST LEAVE OR DIE" Vegeta screamed, causing Y/N to Jump and scream before running out the room in tears.
~Back to present time~
Y/N was shocked, she stood their trying to hold back tears as the memories came flooding back, "YOU CANT TALK TO HER LIKE THAT" Goten and Trunks now both stood defending Y/N... Y/N was surprised, her heart ached and her cheeks where warmed by there love. No one had ever truly stepped up to protector her, Vegeta stole her for her safety but never stood toe to toe with Friza for her. Face to face with Bulma the two kids stood, her two kids.... "That is our mother, watch you words" Goten growled. It surprised all of them, usually with an attitude so close to Goku with his carefree spirit, it surprised the others to watch his energy spike and his face to into a look of pure rage. Bulma was taken back, she was so used to having everything go her way, everyone listened to her, everyone like her, everyone feared her, but yet here she is standing in-front of a group who was doing just that. "I AM BULMA BRIEFS, YOU WILL RESPECT ME" She screamed, tears running down her face, her footsteps where heavy and practical stomp her way between the two boys and went straight to Y/N. "YOU'RE A BITCH" She screamed back in Y/N face "YOU STEAL MY BEST FRIENDS HUSBAND" She took a step closer, causing Y/N to take a calm step back "YOU WHERE CREATED TO FUCK MY HUSBAND.... YOUR ADOPTED FATHER!" That got everyone's attention, "BULMA YOU MADE A PROMISE" It was Vegeta who called, "We had an agreement to never out that!" Y/N face had turned a mix of aw struck and rage. 'She had made a promise to keep that a secret' "Bulma what the hell are you talking about?" It was Goku who stepped in now, standing protectively in front of Y/N. His sudden appearance had knocked Bulma on her ass, she was now raging on the floor. "SHE WAS MADE BY FRIZA, HER ONLY PURPOSE WAS TO PRODUCE OFF SPRING OF SAYIAN KIND" She roared, letting everyone in the area know. Gasps where heard from around the room, others mumbling to each other, sum just staring. Every action but Y/N right back into that shy and timid little girl, the one that she thought she had destroyed long ago, but no she was right back, as if she was once again face to face with Friza at the rightful age of 6. "Oh? thats good" Goku said smiling, he seemed to have wiped the sweat from his forehead. He looked back to Y/N with a bright smile, waiting for her to return it. Y/N was confused for a moment, but she knew Goku so she also knew that her words didn't exactly mean the same to him as they where to others. "i-uh what?" Bulma was aw struck, Chi Chi had made her way into the room at some point and was assisting the woman up onto her feet. "Goku, didn't you hear?" Chi Chi asked, her face pissed but a hopeful gleam in her eyes, as if the news would disgust him. "yeah! and man am I relieved, when she said Vegeta" He huffed shaking his head, hand holding Y/Ns tightly, "I thought that meant we couldn't have kids,but then she said Sayian so now I know" Everyone was flabbergasted, and a bright blush covered Y/N face, "Goku?! KIDS?! WITH HER?" Chi Chi screamed before fainting. "I mean yeah, we already have 2 kids, why not a couple more?"
~Time skip~
The tension, the fighting, the hatred, it all dispersed. With a long and tearful explanation from Y/N and Vegeta, the group seemed to have grown an understanding in a way, the bridge had be burned but some people where making efforts to rebuild it. They knew it would never be the same, not as strong, not as close, it never was with Y/N in the first place, but for Goku that fact stayed true. He loved Y/N more than he could ever express. It was the way she walked, fought, treated the boys, treated him!. She let him live how he wanted while simultaneously keeping him in line, unlike Chi Chi, who forced him into things. Sure they had arguments but they both refused to go to bed fighting, so sometimes they'd simply settle it with a spar. Their wedding was grand, they invited very few people, Vegeta was there to walk Y/N down the aisle and played Gokus best man, and Krillen, Piccolo and Gohan acted as his Groomsmen. As for Y/N she didn't have many bridesmaids, Videl stood as one, as well as her and Gohans new little baby but other than them, that was all she had. She was happy at least, She never thought she would get married in the first place but now she is, a ring on her finger, 2 young boys that call her Ma, and "Y/N YOU SHOULDN'T BE SPARING IN YOUR CONDITION" Gohan and Videl had stopped by for a visit, and where horrified to see Y/N 5 months pregnant sparing with Goku.... Come on now you know the Sons, they work fast, but who said a little baby bump would stop them from doing what they love? Nobody, exactly!!
-Man that took a while, I'm so sorry, have had a lot going on but I feel so good getting this done.  I Hope you'll enjoyed, i was departing on making this idea, like its own kinda thing! If you want more of this let me know and send me some ideas, but for now thats the end of this story! HAVE A GREAT DAY AND REMEMBER TO EAT,DRINK, AND LOVE YOURSELF BYEEEEEE LOVE YOU ALL
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cherryrainn · 1 year ago
Hi! Can I get some headcanons for Broly (DBS), Frieza, and Raditz accidentally injuring their S/O while they're having a nightmare? Thank you and I hope you're having a good day!
━━ ✧ 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; broly (dbs) + reader, frieza + reader, raditz + reader
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; ughhh i literally love writing for dragon ball so much thank you and i hope you're having a fantastic day as well!
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; accidental physical harm, injuries, nightmares
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broly's nightmares are intense, and sometimes he thrashes around in his sleep without realizing it.
one night, in the midst of a particularly vivid nightmare, broly accidentally flinches and throws a punch, hitting you in the process.
the punch isn't meant for you, but due to broly's sheer strength, it ends up causing some injuries.
you wake up in pain, and broly, still caught in the nightmare, is startled and immediately snaps awake when he sees you hurt.
broly's eyes would widen in horror, and he quickly tries to assess the damage, his usually calm demeanor replaced with genuine concern.
he's not great with words, so he apologizes in his broken earth language, looking genuinely distressed.
broly, despite his fearsome appearance, is surprisingly gentle as he helps you tend to your injuries, doing his best to be careful.
he stays with you until you're comfortable again, and even after, he's visibly upset about what happened.
broly becomes hesitant about sleeping next to you, afraid that he might hurt you again, but he still wants to be close.
over time, you reassure him that you understand it was an accident, and you work together to find ways to prevent it from happening again.
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frieza, despite being a tyrannical space emperor, has his fair share of nightmares.
one night, he's caught in a particularly unsettling dream, and in his sleep, he lashes out with his tail, accidentally hitting you.
frieza wakes up abruptly when he senses you're in pain, his eyes wide with shock as he realizes what happened.
frieza doesn't apologize immediately; instead, he's more focused on making sure you're okay.
he assesses the damage with a mix of concern and irritation, not happy that he inadvertently hurt you.
frieza's not one for verbal apologies, but he makes it up by taking extra care of you while you recover, attending to your needs without being asked.
despite his tough exterior, frieza feels a sense of guilt that lingers long after the incident.
he becomes slightly more cautious about sleeping close to you, but deep down, he still wants to protect you, even in his dreams.
frieza's attempts at comfort might be a bit awkward, but he tries his best, offering a mix of practical help and snarky remarks.
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raditz is known for his warrior spirit, but even he has his nightmares.
he's caught in a particularly intense dream, and in his sleep, raditz accidentally kicks you, caught up in the imaginary battle.
you wake up with a start, clutching your side where raditz's powerful kick landed. the guy's got some strength!
raditz, still half-asleep, quickly realizes what he's done, and his eyes widen in shock and concern.
raditz immediately apologizes, his voice a mix of genuine worry and awkwardness.
he sits next to you, running a hand through his unruly hair, feeling guilty about the unintentional injury.
raditz tries to make it up to you by being extra attentive, fetching whatever you need and offering an assortment of snacks.
raditz is surprisingly gentle as he helps you with any injuries, trying not to feel too bad about the accident.
he's a bit sheepish about sleeping close to you afterward, afraid he might accidentally launch you into orbit or something.
you both learn to laugh about the incident, turning it into a quirky story to share with others.
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geekedoutbunny · 2 years ago
May I get some headcanons of piccolo with a reader that's got social anxiety pls
Piccolo x Reader Headcanon - Comforting Love
OH YAY!!! MY FIRST PICCOLO ASK!!! He'd be the best man for this situation, he should become a therapist. THANK YOU!!! For sending in this request, I'll try to give this fic justice, hopefully, it's to your liking!!
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Piccolo was a comforting being to be around, he was so calm and relaxing, he didn't speak much but he always spoke louder with his actions. Piccolo was a man of silence and maturity. He didn't joke around a lot and he didn't smile much either. He was the stronghold for both of you, he helped keep you in line.
You, on the other hand, were a bit of a shy person, you rather him do all the talking for you instead. You were the chirpier one too, more lively and smiley than he was, you enjoyed expressing your emotions through laughter but also through quiet gestures as well. So you were both the best matchup!!
In the mornings, Piccolo was usually the one to awaken you, he didn't sleep as hard as humans did, he was usually in a meditative state, so he was always the one to wake you up. Piccolo however didn't cook, he didn't know how, but he was willing to learn.
At breakfast he didn't eat, only water would do, and he could eat if he wanted to, but he need very water vegetables like Broccoli and Cabbage, even Brussels sprouts worked, but he didn't have any of them cooked. He preferred it all raw, with more water intake. Most times, however, he just preferred a glass of water.
After breakfast, he'll do all the cleaning while you go take a shower, he'd usually clean the dishes rather fast and then he'd get started on chores around the house, so it was rare for you to do many chores. The only time you did, was when he was out saving the world. Sometimes you'd take a quick shower and you were able to help with the cleanup and chores.
In the afternoon, Gohan and Videl would come by to either drop off Pan or would just come to visit. It was always full of laughter when they did. Most times it was to drop off Pan, and just like that, you both have to play 'Parent'. Piccolo was usually the one to take care of Pan, he was very good with children. You were too, but you'd always have an anxiety attack, thinking that you messed something up. Your social anxiety was rather intense.
You'd usually have one when you were around a bunch of people you weren't familiar with or were with too many people, there was sometimes no in-between. When this happens, he'd immediately take you away from what was causing your panic attack. If he didn't notice, then you'd pull on his cap, and usually wouldn't let go until he got the hint, which never took long.
If you were close to your home then he'd bring you to your bedroom, and he just silently cuddles you until you were better. He wasn't good with words, but he was good at acting. He'd rub your head, and pat your back, he'll even sometimes rock you. If you guys were far from home, then he'd take you to a secluded place, and he'll do the same. Floating in the air with his legs crossed, he'd hold you in his lap, and he'll do the same gestures.
At lunch, he'd be playing with Pan or out training her, while you'll cook for both of you and Pan. Piccolo doesn't eat much, he usually only eats once or twice a month. So you just had to cook for two, and luckily Pan had a normal appetite.
After lunch, Pan would either go down for a nap or would watch TV, she liked to relax after she ate. You and Piccolo would clean up the kitchen and finish any new messes within the house. It was rare when there was, as Piccolo wasn't a messy person, and neither was Pan. So you'd usually cuddle on the couch with Pan while Piccolo would meditate outside.
In the evening, Pan would go home. Gohan and Videl would come and get her, saying their thanks and leaving you and Piccolo alone for the night. It was rare when you ate dinner honestly. You'd usually just fill up on snacks, Piccolo didn't always feel like cleaning and neither did you. So snacks it was.
At dinner, if you cooked, then you'd usually eat alone while Piccolo would either be on the couch watching his favorite show, or he'd go take a shower. It was rare when he sat at the table with you. You enjoyed his silent company.
After dinner, it was straight to bed for you. You liked to cuddle before you went to sleep, his calming presence helped calm you down, his head and back rubs were the best, and his hugs always felt so fulfilling. Once you were asleep, he'd take his meditative position, shitting down for the night as well.
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reiketsunomizunomegami · 2 years ago
DBZ boys react to their s/o slapping them playfully
Warning: Fluff, SFW
Feat: Goku, Beerus, Frieza, and Whis
Son Goku
-A Little Shocked by your Sudden action and ask you “Uh Y/N? Why did you do that?” In a very Confused Tone
-and if you laugh it off saying that it was just only a habit of yours Goku will just laugh it out and give your head a pat “That's Quite odd habit of yours Y/N~Chan”
Lord Beerus
-Like Goku he'll be also shocked when you that especially when both of you were having a good time together
-Beerus will stare at you “Why did you that???” He ask and if you laugh there are two scenarios that may happens to you first he will Blow your brains our ir Second he will just let it slide because he loves you more than anything
-and When you apologise and tell him that it was just a strange habit of yours Beerus will just give you a scoff and tells you to (its okay to) not do it again
-Stunned as f when you do that
-Frieza will give you a wtf look while he cross his arms up to his chest “ohohohoho You got the nerves now y/n~chan” He will amusingly stare at you until you embarrassingly Avert your eyes away
-This Tyrannical Emperor will cage you between into his strong arms “Forgive me Lord Frieza I didn't mean.. It was just some sort of a weird habit of mine when I'm excited or Happy” After you explain everything to him Frieza will pinch your cheek and tells you that he knows because he noticed of how you slap his Subordinates when you're excited about something (Poor Zarbon and Ginyu Forces)
-Like Goku and Frieza. Whis actually does not mind it at all therfore he'll be a little bit shocked about your Action
-He will ask you why did you do it and when you tell him that it was just your odd habit he will be just like “Ok” and “That's Odd but cute” Before making his way towards the food that you had prepared for him
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xcherricutie · 1 year ago
➤ Messy
Vegeta x F!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count - 1.5k
Summary - Vegeta is a clean freak with anger issues and pent up emotions, and decides to take it out on you for fun.
Notes: This is my first time posting here. I am from Wattpad, so I don't know tumblr etiquette, apologies.
“Your habits are disgusting and you’re a mess.”
He would follow you around and criticize you for what felt like hours on end. It was enough to drive anyone mad, and he did it to you on purpose. He was a man on a mission, out to make your life as miserable as possible. That’s just how it was, being acquainted with the prince of all saiyans. It didn’t matter if you tried to avoid him, he would find you, and he would let you know of every flaw in your life. Almost as if he took a sick satisfaction in seeing you wallow in your own misery and insecurities. 
“Vegeta, her house is none of your business,” Bulma scolded with a harsh glare, slapping your discarded napkin out of his hand. You hadn’t had the time to clean up your living space before Bulma and Vegeta dropped by, unannounced. You didn’t mind surprise visitors, but Vegeta was an exception. Every single time he came by, which had become noticeably more frequent, you made absolutely sure that he could not find a single reason to complain or nitpick. You were simply thankful Bulma was there to keep her dog on his leash. 
“Sorry for the mess,” you forced through grit teeth with a smile, before your face relaxed as your eyes landed on Bulma. “What brings you here? You’re not one for random visits.” 
“Right, sorry,” Bulma chuckled, brushing some strands of her azure hair behind her ear, glancing over at Vegeta as he tip-toed through the specks of dirt in your carpet. Bulma rolled her eyes at the dramatic saiyan, sighing. “I need you to keep an eye on him. I don’t really trust him to be alone at Capsule Corp., and my mom and dad are out on vacation. I’ve got a big workload on my hands and can’t deal with him right now. I’ll pay you good, I promise.” 
You wanted to say no. You wanted to tell both of them to get out of your house and never come back. Babysitting Vegeta could have perhaps been Bulma’s most unreasonable request for you. He had not been on Earth for long, and yet had antagonized you more than anyone. You rarely even showed your face at Capsule Corp. anymore because of the man. And Bulma was your best friend that you visited nearly daily for years. She knew how much you hated Vegeta. 
And yet, when she pulled the wad of cash out of her pocket, you immediately found yourself agreeing to the impossible task. Bulma’s payments were usually unreasonable amounts, as if the stack of paper zenni she handed to you was less than allowance money for her. It felt wrong to take, but what could you say? You were living independently in the city - you needed any cash you could get. Even if it meant spending a day with the most annoying being in the universe. 
As soon as Bulma had left, it was not long before Vegeta started to act up. He almost acted like a prepubescent boy at times, unable to properly convey his feelings, resorting to anger to vent. You had even made a point to clean up around the house so he wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable, but some of the things he complained about were unreasonable. 
“The geometry of your living space is poorly designed, woman,” Vegeta commented as he stood in the midst of your living room, looking around at the furniture. You rolled your eyes as you vacuumed the carpet, tuning his voice out. 
“Nobody is stopping you from just leaving. You hate all of us, I don’t understand why you continue to torture yourself on this planet,” you muttered, unsure if he heard you over the vacuum. You didn’t care much if he did or not, barely having the energy to speak to or at him. 
“I’m waiting for Kakarot to come back to this miserable planet. But I’m starting to doubt he will,” Vegeta said as he placed his hands on his hips, searching for more things in your house to nitpick about. You had done a pretty good job hiding things for him to complain about. 
“Maybe he’s avoiding you,” you said with a smirk at the idea. You would not blame Goku one bit if he was avoiding the entire Earth because of Vegeta’s presence. Vegeta did not find your comment very funny as his head whipped to your direction, glaring harshly. 
“Then I would track him down and drag him to this miserable planet to humiliate him in front of his loved ones,” Vegeta sneered, lip raised in a slight snarl, as if the mere assumption were the most offensive thing he’d ever heard. 
“Is it really that hard to accept that somebody doesn’t like you and doesn’t want to see you? I really don’t understand you, Vegeta,” you stood up straight as you turned off the vacuum, turning to glare at him. “You antagonize people on purpose, and then get mad when everyone leaves. What do you want from us? Why won’t you just leave?” 
“My business is none of your concern, woman. I suggest you close your mouth and not utter a single sound from now on, unless you really want to see what antagonistic looks like. I could put you through a world of misery with words alone, I haven’t done anything to you yet.” Vegeta’s harsh eyes stared into your soul, as if knowing you weren’t going to listen. He had been here less than a year, and yet knew you would not stand for such nonsense. 
“This is my house! I suggest you shut up if you know what’s good for you, asshole!” You yelled, leaning closer to his face. His warm breath hit your face as he scoffed, looking down at you as if he were so high and mighty. He was barely three inches taller than you.
“I could destroy you, and this house, and this whole planet in a matter of seconds if I wished. Your empty threats mean nothing to me, human.” Vegeta smirked down at you. That was your breaking point as your hand moved on its own. Even Vegeta found himself shocked by your sudden movement as your hand left its mark across his cheek, its shape searing into his cheek. Head turned from the sudden force, Vegeta stared at you with wide eyes, as if to let his brain process the attack on him. You expected him to blow up. You needed to gain control, fast. You would rather your house remained intact by the time Bulma returned. 
“Wh-What’s with the surprised look? Didn’t think a girl could hit you? Bet you’re completely smitten, huh?” Your face lit up like a lightbulb, cheeks burning as you smirked, watching his every muscle movement. You didn’t even mean for the words to escape your lips, but as they did, you knew you were dead. “You want to kiss me so bad, huh, Vegeta?” 
You saw the blush bloom across his cheek, making your hand mark burn ever brighter. That was the first time you had ever seen an emotion other than anger or pride on his face. But the view did not last long, as you suddenly found your vision obscured, his large frame right in your face, his lips connected to yours. This was an unexpected development, to say the least. 
His touch sent lightning through your nerves as his hands uncharacteristically gently slid up your arms, gloved fingers brushing over your cheeks. His kiss was soft, as if to show you everything he had been unable to get across before, many emotions flowing through one small touch. That one small touch, however, began to grow more desperate as Vegeta grabbed your shoulders, firmly pressing his lips to yours. Your scent was intoxicating, and every little jolt of electricity to his nerves sent him spiraling through his pent-up emotions even more. 
It wasn’t until your palms were pressed to his chest, trying to push him off, that he broke from his much-needed kiss. You stared up at Vegeta in surprise, watching many emotions flow through his dark pupils, before he finally came to his senses. You were pushed away, although much softer than you would have expected, his warmth pulling away from you as he left you standing there. He plopped down onto the sofa, sinking into the cushions as he crossed his arms, avoiding meeting your gaze. Your eyes stayed glued to him for a moment longer, before you let out a silent scoff, smiling in amusement. 
Vegeta had not uttered so much as a word after that. No more comments on her habits or appearance, no more jabs at her life and home. He had sat silently at her side, stealing glances at her every once in a while as she read her book in peace. And perhaps it was the cleaner environment, or just something in him beginning to bloom, but you looked much better than when he had shown up. 
And you weren’t sure if it was just the sunlight hitting him at just the right spot, or if he just looked like this when he wasn’t constantly raging, but Vegeta had a different look about him, almost a glow. Perhaps he wasn’t as bad as you had originally thought.
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rogueshadow1124 · 3 months ago
[Piccolo x reader]
Summary: Y/N training with the Namekian warrior.
Word count: 1524
Warnings: fighting (training) and a mention of blood at the end.
She wasn’t intimidated by his stoic demeanor, his impressive power, or the green skin that seemed to glow under the sun. No, Y/N had a different kind of relationship with the Namekian warrior. They had trained together many times, but today’s training had an extra edge to it. The challenge had been set, and neither was going to back down.
Y/N wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, feeling the sting of her earlier mistake. “Alright, let’s try that again,” she said, her voice steady but with a hint of impatience.
Piccolo didn’t say anything in response, but his narrowed gaze was enough to let her know he wasn’t going to let her off easy.
Y/N had a tendency to be a little clumsy in her fights, often letting her eagerness get the better of her. It was a trait that had sometimes frustrated her mentors, but she never let it deter her. In fact, it was part of the reason she liked training with Piccolo—his no-nonsense attitude forced her to focus and refine her skills in ways she never thought possible.
"You think you can keep up with me today?" Piccolo finally asked, his deep voice cutting through the silence.
Y/N’s lips curled into a confident smile as she cracked her knuckles. “Just watch me.”
Piccolo remained quiet, his eyes studying her every move as she dropped into a fighting stance. He knew she had a lot of potential, especially as a Saiyan, but she could be reckless at times. Still, there was something about her that intrigued him—her tenacity, her spirit, her willingness to improve, no matter how many times she fell. She was a lot like him in that regard.
The moment of silence passed, and with a swift movement, Y/N lunged forward. Her legs carried her with a speed that belied her earlier clumsiness, and she threw a punch aimed directly at Piccolo’s midsection. But, as always, Piccolo was ready. He dodged effortlessly, his green form twisting away from her attack as though he anticipated it before it even began.
Y/N growled under her breath. “You’re too fast!”
Piccolo smirked, his tone calm. “You’re too predictable.”
She wasn’t ready to give up just yet. Y/N launched herself into another series of rapid punches, trying to overwhelm Piccolo with sheer speed. Her fists cut through the air, each strike aimed to land somewhere, anywhere on him. She wasn’t trying to hurt him—at least not too much—but she was hoping to land a clean hit. It wasn’t easy; Piccolo dodged and blocked with almost mechanical precision, his eyes never leaving her.
But for every move Y/N made, there was a mistake lurking in her technique, a small gap that Piccolo could exploit. He parried a wild punch, then swept his leg beneath hers, knocking her off balance. She fell to the ground with an ungraceful thud, but before she could hit the dirt, Piccolo had already jumped back to his starting position, standing tall and unbothered.
“Focus,” he called out to her, his tone a mix of patience and authority. “You can’t just throw punches and hope one lands. You need strategy.”
Y/N groaned as she sat up, brushing herself off. “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
Piccolo’s gaze softened for a brief moment, though his expression remained stern. “You’ve got power, Y/N. But you’re too reckless with it. Stop thinking with your fists. Think with your mind.”
She scowled, feeling the sting of his words. “I know that, Piccolo. I just… sometimes I get too excited.”
He nodded, his eyes still focused on her. “Excitement won’t win you battles. Precision will. Let me show you.”
Before Y/N could react, Piccolo’s hands shot forward in a series of rapid-fire energy blasts. They were fast and powerful, each blast a small but deadly projectile aimed at her. Y/N barely had time to react, her instincts kicking in as she scrambled to evade the blasts. She zipped to the left, then to the right, but a few blasts grazed her arm and side, leaving stinging burns. She hissed in pain but ignored it, using the pain to fuel her focus.
“Focus, Y/N!” Piccolo shouted, his voice unwavering.
Y/N didn’t have time to respond. Another barrage of energy blasts came her way, and she had no choice but to take them head-on. She clenched her fists, gathering her energy. A surge of power shot through her body, and with a determined yell, she formed a barrier of energy around herself. The blasts collided with her shield, and for a moment, the force was overwhelming. Y/N gritted her teeth, feeling the strain, but she held her ground.
Piccolo watched with a mix of respect and mild surprise. He hadn’t expected her to form a shield so quickly. But he wasn’t done yet. He flicked his hand, and the energy blasts ceased, leaving only a gust of wind in their wake.
Y/N lowered her shield and took a deep breath. “Not bad, huh?”
Piccolo didn’t reply immediately. Instead, he gave a small nod, acknowledging her effort. “Better. But don’t think that will be enough.”
With a sudden burst of speed, Piccolo vanished, reappearing directly in front of Y/N. His fist collided with her stomach before she could even react. The blow sent her tumbling backward, but she quickly flipped mid-air, landing on her feet. She coughed, her body already feeling the effects of the hit, but her Saiyan pride wouldn’t let her show weakness.
“That was a cheap shot,” she said with a wince, her voice laced with humor despite the pain.
Piccolo crossed his arms. “You were distracted. That’s your mistake.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes, brushing off the sting in her abdomen. “Alright, I get it. No more mistakes.”
“Good,” Piccolo replied, his voice even. “Now show me what you’ve really got.”
A fire lit in Y/N’s eyes, and she immediately charged again, this time using more control and precision. She wasn’t just flailing anymore; she was calculating, watching his movements, waiting for an opening. Her fists moved with purpose, each punch a deliberate attack. Her speed increased, and she began to anticipate Piccolo’s dodges, changing the angle of her strikes mid-motion.
Piccolo was forced to keep up with her, his eyes tracking every movement. She wasn’t as fast as him, but she was growing more and more unpredictable with each passing moment. He was impressed, though he’d never admit it aloud.
Y/N feinted a punch, then followed up with a roundhouse kick aimed at his head. Piccolo barely dodged it, but she wasn’t done. As he moved to counter, Y/N ducked under his arm, her fist connecting with his side in a sharp jab. It wasn’t a powerful hit, but it was enough to make him take a step back.
“That’s more like it,” Piccolo muttered, his voice showing the faintest hint of approval.
Y/N grinned, adrenaline pumping through her veins. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever get the better of him, but she wasn’t going to back down. Not today.
Piccolo’s eyes gleamed. “But you’re still sloppy.”
Y/N’s grin faltered slightly, but she didn’t let his words get to her. Instead, she shifted her weight and raised her energy. “Then I guess I’ll just have to get sloppier.”
The next moments passed in a blur. Piccolo and Y/N moved in a whirlwind of punches, kicks, and energy blasts. She was faster now, more confident, her moves more unpredictable. Her energy flared with the intensity of the fight, and she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her.
Despite her earlier blunders, she was beginning to realize the key to fighting Piccolo—control, precision, and patience. He was teaching her more than just how to fight; he was teaching her how to think, how to observe, and how to evolve in battle. Every time she made a mistake, she learned from it. Every time she got knocked down, she got back up stronger.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, both Piccolo and Y/N stood facing each other, breathing heavily. She was covered in dirt and sweat, her body sore from the battle, but she was grinning from ear to ear. This was the kind of training she thrived on—the kind that pushed her beyond her limits.
Piccolo gave her a brief nod, acknowledging her progress. “You’re getting better.”
Y/N smirked, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth. “Told you I could keep up.”
Piccolo didn’t reply, but there was a subtle shift in his posture—a sign of respect, though unspoken. As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, Y/N felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her. She wasn’t perfect, and she knew she still had a long way to go, but with every fight, every training session, she was becoming stronger.
And with Piccolo as her mentor, she knew she was in good hands.
“Same time tomorrow?” Y/N asked, a playful challenge dripping from her tongue.
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crazychameleon22 · 1 year ago
Why are there NOT more Dragons Ball Fighterz (Frieza’s story line) about Frieza, Cell, Ginyu and Nappa fanfiction
I’m sorry I’m here on tumblr everyday and I’m so surprise no one has made fanfics about Dragons Ball Fighterz (Frieza’s story line) about Frieza, Cell, Ginyu and Nappa 
(Or even more Raditz which I think he should be in the game)
Please I’m begging you all to help me 🥲😭
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random-insomnia15 · 1 year ago
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