#dbz gifs others: broly
vegetadaily · 1 year
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Happy Saiyan Day 31/8!
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saiyanmazen · 8 months
SSJ mood ring challenge!
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Inspired by a line in @katschusa's amazing fic A Sinner's New Path, I want to propose a Super Saiyan mood ring challenge!
Artists and people with more skill than me, let me see what incredible things you can come up with! It doesn't have to be a Saiyan with changing hair, but anything you might imagine!
Please, share your gifts with us!
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sweetescapeartist · 8 months
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Saiyans have an innate ability that helps them get stronger during & after combat. I categorize them as "Saiyan-Power" & "Zenkai-Boosts." In this post, we'll look at how Saiyan-Power functions based off of what the series has shown us.
For more about Zenkai-Boosts, here's this link.
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Simply put, Saiyan-Power is the ability Saiyans have that allows them to gradually get stronger from prolongued battles. Zenkai-Boosts are the recovery side of a Saiyan's natural abilities that increases their power much faster. Saiyan-Power & Zenkai-Boosts both help Saiyans reach their physical limit, however, the Saiyan-Power ability does not give as large of a boost of power as Zenkai-Boosts do. Thus, the progression of power is impressive, but it isn't very fast in comparison to Zenkai-Boosts. However, the Saiyan-Power ability is still of benefit due to it slowly pushing a Saiyan beyond their limits. Little wonder why Saiyans are a warrior race.
This ability also aids Saiyans in becoming a Super Saiyan IF they are capable of a form higher than Oozaru. And most Saiyans were not capable of transformations higher than their Oozaru form. And if a Saiyan can turn Super Saiyan, the Saiyan-Power ability helps them reach the physical limit of that transformation, then gradually overcome the Super Saiyan limit through combat & training.
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As stated just a moment ago, the Saiyan-Power ability is one way for a Saiyan to gradually reach their physical limit as well as slowly keep pushing past their limits. Meaning that the Saiyan-Power ability is ever present & a Saiyan will always gradually grow in power while engaging in combat.
Vegeta mainly relied on Zenkai-Boosts from his introduction all the way to the Buu Saga. The most sparring Vegeta did was 1 year's worth of training with Future Trunks in the Room of Spirit & Time. We even see that Vegeta copied Goku's gravity training to the point of obsession & exploited his Zenkai-Boosts as he abused & tortured his body until he reached the limits of his base, SSJ, & SSJ2 forms.
Then in DBS, Vegeta relies on Saiyan-Power more than Zenkai-Boosts to get stronger as shown by him often sparring with Goku on Beerus' Planet.
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This Saiyan-Power ability even played a role in aiding Vegeta to be capable of breaking through his SSB limits & discovering Super Saiyan Blue Evolution.
Vegeta's SSB power was pushed to its limit by Jiren.
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Vegeta's compassion & pride in others triggered the evolution of his SSB power.
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Goku was shown to understand how Zenkai-Boosts function during the Freeza Saga.
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And Goku is also shown to have an understanding of how Saiyan-Power functions. When in the Room of Spirit & Time, Goku taught Gohan how to become a Super Saiyan in order for them to get stronger together from their use of their Saiyan-Power ability through sparring.
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Not to forget that he sparred with Piccolo & Gohan for 3 years, so Goku understood the benifit of training with another person very well after he discovered he was a Saiyan. But, of course, Goku always had a training partner or a master to aid in his rapid improvement since becoming a disciple of the Turtle School.
Goku uses his knowledge of both Saiyan-Power & Zenkai Boosts to get stronger. But, as a proper martial artist, Goku makes more use out of Saiyan-Power rather than over reliance of exploiting Zenkai Boosts as Vegeta did throughout DBZ.
And just like when he trained with Gohan to help him control his power and turn SSJ, Goku's intention in DBS: Super Hero was to train Broly how to control his power so that he can push his Saiyan-Power ability & increase his strength by sparring against Broly (& Vegeta) on Beerus' planet.
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Broly has the greatest use of Saiyan-Power ever seen. During his battle with Goku & Vegeta, base form Broly was able to get stronger than the both of them within minutes due to his Saiyan-Power ability. He did not rely on any Zenkai Boosts because he never had time to rest and recover. He fought the entire time and quickly reached the extremely high limits of his base form's full power.
Then, since Broly had hit his base form limit, Freeza killed Paragus to trigger Broly's Super Saiyan transformation to push him past that limit.
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Then, Broly's Saiyan-Power ability pushed his Super Saiyan form to its limit & he transformed into his green-haired Full Power Super Saiyan form (Legendary Super Saiyan).
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GOHAN: His Saiyan-Power ability is the greatest amongst the hybrids & full-blood Saiyans other than Broly. The best examples of Gohan's Saiyan-Power are seen in the Freeza Saga (although his dormant potential being awakened aids in his rapid growth), in the Tournament of Power Saga, & in DBS: Super Hero.
FUTURE TRUNKS (DBS anime): He had pushed his SSJ2 form to it's limit and his rage awoke a new Super Saiyan transformation. Then in his Super Saiyan Rage form, Trunks was gradually getting stronger and stronger during each encounter.
PRESENT TRUNKS, GOTEN, PAN, BRA: They don't have much to show for.
UNIVERSE 6 SAIYANS: Cabba, Caulifla, & Kale made use of their Saiyan-Power ability in the Tournament of Power.
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
Can i request a fic where reader was just rescued from hydra and she has powers like kale or broly from dbz/s(or you can do your pick if you want) and her emotions are a major trigger so when she gets to the compound she sees bucky and she starts having flashbacks and her powers start going haywire and only natasha can calm her down
I don't know who are kale and broly so I picked another power
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You were taken by HYDRA from a really young age. You never knew your parents, you never knew what a normal life is like. All you knew was that you were supposed to fight and follow orders. Up until the avengers were told about you. They were told that HYDRA is working on a new weapon, so Steve, Natasha, and Clint where sent on a mission to capture you so you don't become danger to civilians.
When they reached to the HYDRA facility and saw that you were just a small teenager, their heart was broken. They knew that they probably kidnapped you when you were so young, and you had a really small and thin body for your age, that only means that you were starved all the time.
You had the ability to shoot electricity from your body. This ability is connected to your emotions, so when you are scared or angry, electricity shoots everywhere and hits everything. Usually when this happens, your abilities is completely out of your control. Their only shot at you was to knock you unconscious so you can't hurt them.
When they brought you to the compound, you were not happy. You kept screaming at them and telling them to let you go or you'll kill them. "I don't think that would be possible, kid," Tony said. You furrowed your eyebrows at his comment. What does he mean? "See those cuffs? Yeah, they block your abilities," He responded. You looked down to get a better look at them and that's when you noticed that they did not look like normal cuffs.
"Why are you doing this? just let me go!" You screamed. "We think you are too young to be a bad guy and too young to be controlled by the bad guys, so we thought it is best to allow you to train with us. So, what do you think?" Clint answered. You looked at the situation you were in and thought you had no other choice than to let them train you, so you said yes.
You weren't trusting them at your first days there, but as time passed, you started becoming more and more open with them. You enjoyed how you enjoyed playing a video game with Peter and Tony bought the console and the game for you the next day. Or when you were walking past Steve and he ruffled your hair. Or when you sit beside Nat and she wraps her arms around you and slightly squeeze.
You kept hearing about another avenger that was out for a mission for the past month, apparently named 'Bucky', you have never heard of an avenger with such name, so you were kind of nervous to meet him. Everyone told you that he was coming home soon, so you were more and more nervous by the day.
You woke up a bit late this morning since you stayed up playing your new video game with Peter, so you expected everyone to be at work or training, but you were surprised when you saw them all at the common room. "Hey, Y/N! meet Bucky!" Tony said and pointed at the guy who was sitting at the couch.
Oh no....
"The Winter Soldier..." You said, almost whispered, and you started to feel breathless. Bucky noticed who you where and almost had the same reaction as you, but held himself together. You on the other hand, you couldn't do that. "Y/N, sweetheart, are you okay?" Natasha said standing up from her seat and followed by everyone.
You felt like you weren't at the compound anymore, you felt like you were back at the HYDRA facility. You started remembering the times where you were injected with all sorts of chemicals, or where you were physically and verbally abused by them. Without feeling it, electricity started charging around your body as you felt more breathless.
"Y/N, kid, I need you to calm down," Steve said, trying to calm you down. But nothing worked. Your electricity started getting more and more charged. "Why did she react that way??" Tony asked and looked at Bucky. "We know each other from HYDRA, she is probably having flashbacks," He said, feeling guilty.
"Y/N Honey, it's okay, everything is okay," Natasha said, grabbing the gloves that does not make her get electrocuted from your power. The avengers used that sometimes when your powers got a bit out of hand. "It's okay, you're not there anymore," Nat said, slowly putting her hand on your shoulder to make you feel that you are not there anymore.
"It's okay, keep breathing, your doing well," She said when she noticed that you started breathing better and your powers started lowering. "That's it, you're okay," she said, slowly rubbing your shoulder. "I'm so sorry," You said, breaking to your knees. "No, don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong," She said, hugging you close to her chest and kissing your forehead.
"I'm sorry Bucky," You said, shaking. "It's not your fault, you've seen a lot of shit," He chuckled. You smiled softly looking up at him.
Long time no update, lol. Also, I didn't know if the reader is teen or not but I assumed it was since a lot of my requests are for teen reader. Hope you liked this one.
My requests are open
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bluehairlaunch · 2 years
7 Worst Dragon Ball Characters (objective)
Honorable mention, Master Roshi. So here's the deal, I actually like Roshi. I actually like Roshi A LOT when he's being the offbeat martial arts master, but for the most part he's a serial sex offender, and the anime adds even more sexual assault for lulz.
Like a bad relationship, I try to remember the good times
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So y'know how I basically said there were aspects to Roshi's personality I really enjoyed, which is why he's not on the list proper? That's not the case with Oolong. There are definitely aspects to Oolong I like -- I like Piggy from Journey to the West and I think it's hilarious that Toriyama dressed him (and Mai, for some reason) like Chairman Mao. I also have to credit him with saving the world, although idk how Pilaf would have actually held onto his world empire with people like Goku around. Regardless, his character is another vehicle for sexual assault humor.
And yes, the English dub fucked up and made him sound like an adult. The joke is that he's a child that acts like a perverted adult, but because he's a child, he's just kidnapping girls to clean his house and be his mom, basically (Bulma pretty much even adopts him). Sexual assault humor is still sexual assault humor, though, so Oolong sucks
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He's just gross. I really hate this dude
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Garlic Jr.
Who stans a poser? In DBZ Abridged, they rip on Lord Slug for being EXACTLY King Piccolo, but the only difference between Slug and Garlic Jr. is that Lord Slug knew his place well enough to stay out of the anime.
Lemme start tho with the things I actually like about this guy. 1) he's a demon, I think. Toriyama introduced the concept with King Piccolo, backtracked, then reintroduced it with Dabura. Dragon Ball Xeno Heroes or w/e later realized this was free real estate and expanded on the idea to the point of nausea, but until then, Garlic and his henchmen and Dabura were your only demons, if that's something you found dope.
Other than this, Garlic Jr. steals Pilaf's design, but instead of remaining a lil' gremlin, he goes the filler route and beefs up like a Broly. He has a past connection with Kami like King Piccolo and successfully uses the Dragon Balls like King Piccolo. He then uses the Jr. like Piccolo. Get your own fucking thing. ALL YOU HAVE IS BEING THE SON OF KAMI'S RIVAL
And what really gets me is that he would be an okay filler villain if he wasn't just a chimera of better, actually canon characters, but as he is, the only things I like about his movie and arc have nothing to do with him.
Fwiw this is the only character on this list that's filler/not a part of Toriyama's original run. If this included GT, then there would be nothing but GT. As far as Super goes, I like the characters or at least their concepts (looking at you Zamasu), and the shit part is in the execution.
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He and Yamu serve to showcase Babidi's power of mind control, but in doing so we're forced to witness the most pointlessly brutal, one-sided beatdown in all of Dragon Ball. I think the anime even devoted an entire episode to this ffs
We later learn that you have to already be a prat to fall under Babidi's powers, so there's nothing even tragic about his brainwashing and ultimate demise. He sucked before, he sucks now, he's a bad character.
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First off, it really doesn't make sense that a kid's division was introduced, does it? Most of the top fighters in the World Martial Arts Tournament were underage
Second, look how cute that girl in the top right is
Ok ok. As I made this list I began to realize there weren't a lot of characters in Dragon Ball that I actually hated. Some I definitely liked less than others, but few were so bad that I would remove them if I could. This chick is definitely one of them tho.
The Anti-Chi-Chi, Idasam raised two little brats that ig she loves and supports, which is the only thing she has that going for her. Besides that, she's mean to Bulma and even tried to physically assault her until the Mother of our Saviour Chi-Chi stepped in
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Pirate Robot
Admit it, you thought he was filler. He looks like Third Form Frieza fucked some Saiyan armor. I've seen people try to salvage pirate robot by saying he's Android 2, but no, he's not, General Blue had no idea about this underwater pirate cave, and it doesn't make sense for Dr. Gero to squirrel away a dragon ball down here. Sometimes the things you love just disappoint you
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Super Buu
I'm not sure this if this is a controversial opinion, but Super Buu is trash, his arc is trash, and everything he does will be done better later by Janemba in a fucking filler movie.
Before his introduction, Gohan failed, Vegeta failed and failed and failed, Gotenks fucked around and found out, and Goku wasted his time on a useless transformation like Future Trunks did in the Cell Saga (if he had been alive, Gohan would be trained and he would have realized SSJ3 wasn't a real transformation). Then Hercule came along and WON. The champ did it, he beat Majin Buu (with kindness). And that's great. If the Buu arc ended there, it would've still had several loose ends, but Z has loose ends as it is (imo another saga was needed to complete Gohan's character arc).
But then Toriyama (I'd rather blame his editors, but I've never seen anyone credit Super and Kid Buu to editorial interference) Ctrl-Z's Hercule's victory and we get Super Buu, a Perfect Cell wannabe that does nothing but crack his neck and murder Marin and everyone else too ig with his admittedly dope human extinction wave.
I have nothing but issues with this guy. His arc is way too long, his design is generically cool like a filler character, he steals Cell's powerset, he steals everybody's clothes, and he murders most of the cast while having little to no personality, so I can't even hate him for it
Go crack your neck more, you're the worst character in Dragon Ball
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dawnvolta · 5 months
whos got that one post where its the gif of broly or some other nigga getting attacked by two people at once in dbz and then someone put the gif underneath it of jerry and elaine smacking george's puffy coat in seinfeld this one
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
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♡ Masterlist Index
to start, very special thank you to @actuallysaiyan, who has shown me immense kindness and created all of the headers you see in this post. please go give bacon a follow and read her works!!!
♡ i'd like to introduce myself as ellie! i'm 26f and i use she/her pronouns
♡ i tend to write things containing smut, so if you are below the age of 18 do not interact with this blog. if your age is not in your bio/easy to find or you are under 18, I WILL BLOCK YOU!
♡ i am not restricted to any one fandom, however you're more likely to see bleach and jjk more than anything else, currently
♡ i enjoy metroid, as you can tell by my name haha samus aran is a very special character to me. i even made a pillow by myself from my favorite shot from my favorite metroid game, super metroid
♡ i write reader inserts, first starting several years ago while i was still in high school and heavily into the mcu. i eventually lost my passion for writing, but after watching naruto it struck me again
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♡ i am open to doing requests from time to time, but reserve the right to refuse any prompts i don't vibe with, and cannot guarantee a timeline of completion. i write when the inspiration strikes, and sometimes i don't have the mood for a certain character or prompt
♡ i currently am open to writing for dbz, naruto, bleach, and jjk. i'm sure the more anime and other media i consume, this list will grow
♡ DBZ characters i am willing to write for: vegeta, goku, dbs broly, gohan, bulma, future trunks, android 17
♡ naruto characters i am willing to write for: kakashi, itachi, jiraiya, tsunade, iruka
♡ bleach characters i am willing to write for: renji, ichigo, kensei, grimmjow, byakuya, ginjō
♡ jjk characters i am willing to write for: yuji, choso, sukuna, geto, gojo, nanami
♡ i am willing to write nsfw, but will not write anything scat related, or non-con situations. i do not know all of the kinks in the world to list, so if you request something i'm not into, it will be deleted
♡ i only write cis fem!readers or an occasional gender neutral reader
♡ my inbox is always open to anyone who may want to chat. i do work and i do actually have irl things to do alongside my writing, so don't take it personally if i don't get back to you in a timely manner! i hope you enjoy my blog!!!
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DESPITE EVERYTHING I did have a blast watching you play Pain Simulator 2021 <3 Personally <3 Excited for next time! It's only uphill from here!!!
Also some other stuff I wanted to follow up on from the stream (if I'm forgetting something. Well. We get there when we get there):
Omoinotake - Moratorium is the music video I meant... IDK if it fits as a song It's Not About That but literally every other frame is a pose I want to draw AraSawa in... (also the "take" in Omoinotake is the same kanji as Jo and I'm prrrrretty sure this is the theme for a thing where a patriarch falls in love with a subordinate so Lol)
You see what I mean. Look at how far he has to bend down to headbutt Kiryu. He's probably standing on SOMETHING I don't think he's this tall normally but my man lookin' Large...
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At any rate... enjoy your rice balls <3
LMAO I HOPE IT WASNT TOO TRAGIC TO WATCH at some point when i encounter a 'dead run' i just gotta switch it up to chatting more which. I Think I Tried but w/e POINT IS NEXT RUN'LL BE BETTER. DEF MODIFYING MY NOTES AS WE SPEAK
AND I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN BOUT THE MUSIC VIDEO i see the vision 1000%.......
GIF SPOTTED YAAAAA rbing it right after posting this. need to have it easy access..
WHY IS HE SO FUCKIN TAALLLLL ACTUAL dbz broly height thats fucked up (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
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slade-neko · 2 years
Watched the DBS Broly movie last night.
It was good. Really enjoyed the fight scenes and animation at the first half. The second half of the fight got really trippy though and kinda lost me at some spots. Also interesting take on Broly's character not being an evil maniac in this iteration in comparison to the original Broly movies where he's a blood thirsty psychopath.
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Afterwards I had to go back and pop in my old DVD of the original DBZ Broly movie and rewatch the fight scenes in it with the original Funimation dub that used the metal bands for the soundtrack. Dang, that's still the sickest thing ever. Dragon Ball Z movies with an OFFICIAL metal soundtrack. Too freakin' cool to watch DBZ fights with big American metal bands like Drowning Pool, Disturbed, Pantera, and many others.
Like holy crap, dude, it's hard to top this for me personally. (skip to 5:29 for the main fight.)
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dragonballevolution · 2 years
DRAGOMB BALL SUPER HERO THEORY (not real spoilers i havrnt seen the movie yet and im avoiding spoilers)
this is going to go off of nothing but the one single trailer ive seen ok. im goig to put it under the cut just in case but also to be clear im as in the dark as everyone else who hasnt watched the movie yet. im aware making this post whrn the movie is already out is incredibly silly but i am a court jester
(ppl who Have actually seen dbsh DONT tell me if im right or wrong or any spoilers at all. i want to live in confused tomfoolery until i see it)
so anyway
Here's How Bio-Broly Can Still Win !
broly is canon now
red ribbon army is in it and they make artificial weird guys all the time. ehat if broly
its on earth i think. bio-broly was ALSO on earth
goten and trunks are there i think. bio-broly was a goten and trunks movey
iirc there was something someone said along the lines of "there will be an unexpected character." no one would EVER expect bio-broly
you know what that one guy from the trailer i dont know tbe name of (im not gonna look it up bc that WILL spoil me for real) very vaguely resembles?
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#BioBrolySweep !! #BioBrolySweep !!
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Thank you for writing for the dbz fandom 😍 there is never enough content for them. I also so that requests are open, may I make one? May I request headconons of some of the dbz characters (I don't know who to pick because I like them all ☺ or your choice) that pine for the reader or have a huge crush on the reader who is oblivious?
I'm happy to be here for it! Very true, there is never enough!
Thank you for the request! I'll do my personal top 3 for this one, then. ♥ But feel free to ask again if you come up with someone specific you want from the listed characters I write for.
Crushing/Pining Character(s) x Oblivious Female Reader Pairing: Goku x Reader | Broly (DBS) x Reader | Vegito x Reader Rating: T Warning: ( slightly suggestive )
Goku -
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In Goku's defense, he probably was pretty open about liking you with a display of confidence and his charming smile lingering on every word. But the issue is he more than likely confessed to having feelings for you as he would openly admit to liking anything.
So it's not completely your fault his specific brand of attention and friendliness to you feels like he's just being his natural self. You don't read too much into him putting his arm over your shoulder, offering to help you with chores he hates to do, sharing a bed if he sleeps over sometimes, and especially how often he compliments your cooking. He does those things with his other friends, too.
You just happen to miss the way his eyes warm when he stares at you and how often he actually holds your hand.
You guys could share a bath in a hot spring together and it feels like the most casual thing you could do. You settle in your clingy towel and let the heated waters relax you and it's literally the first time you looked vulnerable to him.
He feels strange about it, his whole body does, tensing up when he should be in the same relaxed state as you by now. So Goku opts to move away from you, releasing your held hand and prompting you to catch him by the towel before he got away to question where he was going.
He doesn't really have an answer to that and it would be rude to straight-up say he needs to get away from you. You standing up in your wet towel and folding your arms under your chest putting your cleavage on display didn't help.
You were always cute to him but this was different! Now his heart is racing and he can feel a change in his body. Maybe it's okay he feels that way if he said he liked you before? Goku finds a means to fumble through his explanation of how being in the water with you like this makes him feel different, hopeful you could help him feel less weird.
You nod, understanding, then proceed to point to the other hot spring pool. Clearly, the water in this one is off and messing with him, you suggest moving to the other one for a better experience.
How does it feel to out-Goku Goku?
Broly ( DBS ) -
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Listen don't do this to him okay, he's trying his best to get his feelings across.
He may be a man of few words and subtle gentle acts because he's not too sure how to approach you with his feelings, but if you're not picking up on the obvious signs he's giving you then you're both honestly killing everyone around you with anticipation of will they-won't they.
He'll try to hang out with you more, which entails him sitting pretty close to you and talking a little more than he normally would. Hell, you even look like a couple sitting together like that.
He misconstrues your cluelessness to a point of mistaking it for some high level of self-confidence you have in yourself, it outright flusters him. How can he match that kind of energy without fighting you?
Broly is sure sitting and sharing his food with you was the right move to make to get his feelings known. You barely notice how each serving of food is neatly aligned close around you to make sure you got to try all of it first. He even tried to eat it slowly to make sure you could eat until you were stuffed. That's considered romantic, right?
But a saiyan eating so little, so slow? You're forced to ask if something is wrong with him instead, why wouldn't he eat all the food he brought with him? He is honest and declares that he brought it here for you.
It's when you ask "Why" and explain you could never hope to eat that much that you see his tan face start to glow red and he actually starts to sweat. It's suddenly difficult to get his words out, stuttering one or two before all he could think to do was shove his entire plate in his mouth.
He did not like that anxious sensation one bit, maybe it was easier for now if you thought he caught a cold or something.
Vegito -
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If Vegito has a crush on you, then there is probably an already existing crush from either Goku or Vegeta on you. It's really going to shine through in this fusion, or even Gogeta.
His boastful demeanor could cause you to overlook the blatant flirting he's doing with you. He's a fusion of Goku and Vegeta, after all - hubris and playful enthusiasm would cause you to think he's just trying to be cool and show off how powerful he is in this form.
It's half true, he is showing off how strength, but it's mostly to hold your attention on him while he fights.
It goes without saying that if he's around, then something terrible required his presence. But no matter how much stronger he is than his opponent, he's going to put on a good act for your eyes and make small glances your way to make sure you're watching him fight. Then he'll go all out to astound you with a big, world-shaking finish to the fight and really charm you, hopefully with some time to spare in his combined state to gauge any reciprocation of your feelings for him now.
There's hope, you seem amazed by his fighting prowess and flatter the combined skills of both Goku and Vegeta (and therefore himself) with such vigor and passion. Enough to see the confident leer of his change to the bright beam of round eyes as he softens up for you.
Finally, the moment one of them he has been waiting for! Your admiration was finally all his. However, when you follow up your congratulations by kindly suggesting he should try to show off a little less and keep his eyes on the fight to finish off the opponent more quickly in his limited time, his entire expression changes in surprise. You give him a friendly pat on the arm and turn your attention elsewhere, missing the sight of his shoulders dropping and the invincible air around him crumbles with defeat.
Sure, he saved the day but at what cost if you didn't recognize his affection? At least you're all alive for him to try again.
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nimedhel09 · 3 years
SDBH commentary - episode 32 (spoilers ahead!)
Well, it's a weird time to do it, but each episode is less than 10min so whatever.
As always, prepare for rants more than anything lol. And random commentary.
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- Power scaling is weird in SDBH........ IN DBS. I mean, it made more sense in DBZ? (Can't remember if the Buu saga was a mess of power scaling or not, but I feel like it was)
- Show me more of my psychopathic legendary husbando, please. Even if the animation is poop. Even if they made his face all roundish. And the noses weird (Girl, I hate the DBS/SDBH noses soooo much)
- Fuu created his new universe! And it's a tiny ugly thing, lol.
- Angy Monke fusion.
- Fuu being obsessed with his experimentation process, lol. At least he stays in character throughout.
- Lol. Towa and Robel going kind of magical girl on us with their "demon god" transformation hahaha.
- Demigra makes a move!
- Also, I hate the fights. They're soooooo booooooring. They lack dynamism.
- 🎶'cuz I'm frooooooooooooozeeeeeen! 🎶 (SS4 Gogeta and Fuu lol)
- Vados and Whis! Destruction kittehs! (aka the only good thing to come out of DBS, the series. Still waiting for that Broly slice-of-life on Vampa or even him joining the Saiyan crew on shenanigans. I'm waiting Toei! You cowards).
- Goku is confused. I'm confused. Everyone is confused.
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Ok. End of episode feelings.
I don't like the fights. I need dynamics other than "ki! bam! screen shaking to show us that they're powerful!" over and over and over again. Give us the martial arts, DAMMIT!
As a former martial artist (because I've not practiced in a decade, shame on me), one thing I've always loved in DB and DBZ (well, until it changed into a big ki fest, lol, mostly in the Buu saga, I think? Would have to rewatch the Cell games to really see if there's fight-fight to go along the ki-fight) is the way that the moves were depicted in such a beautiful and dynamic manner. Look at the Garlic jr. film with baby Gohan, when Goku comes in and begins to fight the baddies. Gorgeous. Perfection. Magnificent.
What we've got in SDBH? Bleh. Uninteresting. For a series built on martial arts, the martial arts are kind of absent in most of the current material (DBS: Broly, once again, shows its superiority over anything done in the series until then, lol. The beauty of the animation and the MOOOOOVES. Damn, the fights were orgasmic in that film), which is a pity.
We barely saw my sadistic monke husbando, which is always sad. He's so beautiful, even with the horrendous noses and animation of whatever the hell this is (can you feel the salt?).
Still confused on what the heck Demigra is doing here.
Fuu is best boi. I think I like him so much 80% because of the original voice acting. It's perfect.
The plot is, as always, confusing or really badly exploited. Like, I get the anime is a small little promotional thing and that the animators and all the people working on it are paid nothing and put under lots of pressure, but it's tiring as a fan too. Toei, instead of greedily milking that cow till its death and giving us bad quality content should let the creators have the time they need to make a proper animation, build a proper story, pay them fairly and finally have the fans being as happy as they can be. Am I asking for too much? I don't think I am.
Another criticism that I will never shut about because I WON'T and I NEED: BLOOD. I need blood in this franchise. It's not made for children. It's not made for children. Ok, it's a shonen, its target audience is early-teen/pre-teen boys. SO. WHERE. IS. THE. FREAKING. BLOOD!!!!
Finally, WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CHILDREN????????? Again. the Xeno crew outside of (*le big sigh*) Veggie and Goku is left on the side because it's not enough to fan service or whatever the heck it is that they always give us Goku and Veggie. NO! Now they have to give us TWO Gokus and TWO Veggies. And, yes, I love the Xeno crew in its entirety. Xeno Goku acts way less dumb than main Goku (as he should, Goku is not dumb. Goku is silly and 100000% has ADHD, but he IS. NOT. DUMB. - another reason I hate 95% of DBS outside of the Broly film, lol) and the wholes Xeno crew is stunning. And I NEED MORE PAPA GOHAN AND PANNY, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase, for the love of all that is good in this world!
Anyways. I think next time I'm watching an episode, it's going to be with a glass of wine. Need to buy more white wine though, because we only have red left, and I HATE red wine (urk).
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iggyredacted · 3 years
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So I want to take the time to talk about a concept I’d like to call, ”Promotional Frieza” since it has recently occurred to me that there are two separate Frieza designs currently in circulation. I watched a Lola Bunny video by the YouTuber SaberSpark a while back, and he mentioned that there were two designs for Lola bunny, the Movie version, and the Promotional version. As a child I was obsessed with Lola bunny, I never paid attention to the fact that my Lola bunny doll or the Lola bunny on my birthday cake had a slightly different design, but alas,they did. The reasons for this is not exactly clear to me, but in Lola’s case it was most likely to desexualize her design for children, which isn’t a bad thing, but it leaves me a bit stumped on why Frieza would fall victim to a promotional version; but first, we must start at the beginning I just want to preface this and say, that I’m only going to be focusing on Final Form Frieza, not because he’s my favorite form, but because he's the only one that displays prominent hips, and I lack evidence the other forms have “promotional” versions. So let's begin at Chapter 59, page 112 of the DBZ Full-color Freeza arc manga. You can see that Toriyama wasn’t exactly sure where he was going with the design. Initially, Freeza’s proportions appear more human-like, and his waistline for lack of better words is more “masculine”, but as you go through the chapters you start to see a gradual change, a bigger head, slimmer waist, larger hips. This design philosophy extended over to the anime solidifying his final look. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about “Promotional” Frieza. It is important to separate Promotional Frieza from, first appearance Frieza and off-model Frieza. Promotional Frieza is the deliberate “masculinization” of his design. Why you may ask? Beats me! I understand that Dragon Ball was meant to appeal to young boys, but I don’t get the reason why his hips had to shrink for boys to want to play as him in video games or collect his toys. I’m happy to say that the majority of the figures I own stick to the integrity of his design, but it could be because figure collectors skew older. I have one example of Promotional Frieza, but I have seen others, this one, in particular, is from Dragon Ball legends, and it’s puzzling to me. The Frieza DBS Broly movie unit is designed to look exactly like the movie version, the in-game model resembles him fine, but the card art displays a blatant slimming of his hips.
So yeah, that’s promotional Frieza. Why does promotional Frieza exist? IDK, just thought it was an interesting little Frieza hips topic to bring up. I’ll post all examples of “Promotional Frieza” From Legends. Frieza's hips from DBZ to Super, I also have a gif displaying what “Promotional” Frieza would look like in DBZ. If you made it this far, thanks for reading my long confusing post! I’ll probably make a Frieza hips: The DBS version post soon! Farewell!
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
What do you think of MasakoX's What If Bulma Trained Like Goku?
Never saw it other than the thumbnails. So I dont know what its about. But Bulma training like Goku? She would have to learn martial arts. Cause even if she mad battle armor, she would need to know how to fight. The battle armor is essentially the same as Cyborg 17 & 18 except their enhancements are like internal battle armor while Bulma can remove her armor (& would be weaker). But like I said, Bulma would need to learn martial arts because from what I can tell, 17 & 18 fighting styles "installed" in their brains.
There were a lot of asks like this one, so imma answer them all in this post. And for most of these I either never saw or I only saw a few. So I will give quick scenarios of how I think they would end. So, you'll kinda get quick what-if stories from me.
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Saw some of it. Felt like Broly was infantized in a way. Doesnt match up with Z Broly at all to me. Not very interesting, so I stopped watching it.
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I dont think I saw it. But if he was, then he would be too weak to defeat Freeza if he became a SSJ before the Saiyan Saga.
If Vegeta became a SSJ on Namek, then he may kill Freeza, but Vegeta likes to gloat, so... Freeza may have ended up killing Vegeta either by the planet exploding or by a sneak attack. We saw what happened when Vegeta defeated Freeza in RoF.
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And Vegeta was less arrogant in DBS. So DBZ Vegeta would have definetly gloated too much and would likely get himself killed. Then Freeza would recover and hunt down the rest of the Saiyans on Earth.
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Never saw it. Would be lame to me tho if they stayed fused forever.
However, Toriyama would figure out a way to defuse them somehow. Likely from a wish from the Namekian Dragon Balls to defuse them (like how Supreme Kai & Kibito defused). So, after Vegito enters inside Super Buu, frees Piccolo & the kids, then defeats Kid Buu with his own might, the 3 wishes would be...
#1: Restore Earth from its damaged state.
#2: Bring those killed by Babidi and his minions back to life.
#3: Defuse Vegito.
I would prefer something like that. Then, the series continues on as normal until the Goku Black/Future Trunks Saga of DBS. Then Vegito would probably be in the Tournament of Power (would need another team member). According to DBFZ, Vegito & Gogeta's power is about equal to Jiren's full power (not his awakened state). So a Vegito vs Jiren battle would happen early and other opponents would be eliminated during their intense battle.
Depending on if Vegito could use UI or not due to the Vegeta half, Vegito may defeat Jiren. Or Jiren may awaken while Vegito doesn't awaken & Vegito loses. Maybe the Potara Earrings break and they defuse. Could go either way.
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Never saw it. But if Freeza saw Vegeta's potential, I'm pretty sure Freeza would kill him. He kept the strongest of different alien races as trophies in a way. He kept Vegeta around while noticing his potential anyways, so the premise for this what-if is already in the series. Freeza always recognized Vegeta's potential.
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But if Vegeta was seen as an actual threat to Freeza, Freeza would eliminate him just like he did with the rest of the Saiyans because he saw them teaming up against him as a threat. A very short story. And a very short story for Vegeta.
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I think I saw maybe only 4 videos. From what I remember, MasakoX kinda changed how Z Bardock was. I could be wrong. And I think he made Bardock & King Vegeta team up? And the Saiyans defeated Freeza? Can't remember.
But if Bardock did convince the other Saiyans, Freeza could still easily kill the Saiyans. He effortlessly destroyed Planet Vegeta while in his first form in the original story. Saiyans pushing back against him would just result in Freeza using more power to finish them off. Back to the normal canon. Nothing changed except Freeza would be more paranoid and probably kill kid Vegeta, Nappa, & kid Raditz.
Now it's a story where there is no Saiyan Saga. THAT would be interesting to explore. How does Goku and the others find out about Freeza? Is it from Jaco? What happens after the Z Warriors (& Piccolo) train to face an enemy like Freeza? Do they all go to Namek? Gohan would probably not be there with them. Goku would lose some friends then turn SSJ. Afterwards we have a Cell & Buu Saga without Vegeta screwing everything up. DBS would be very different tho.
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A two-for-one, eh?
Saw very little of the Freeza & Gero one. Interesting concept. Don't know how it ended or if it ended. I imagine it would have a lot of betrayal. Maybe even end up having Cell need to absorb Freeza to be perfect. Idk.
Broly as an android? Never saw it. But in my mind, Broly would have to be suppressed through science. Greatly suppressed so that he doesn't get out of hand. And then once he breaks the mind control mechanism or deactivation remote, we essentially get the part of the 1st Z Broly movie where the Z Fighters have to work together to defeat Broly. Except now he's on Earth, the human Z Warriors would pitch in, & Gohan would probably have to turn SSJ2. Maybe Goku dies while fighting Broly & that makes Gohan snap. Then Amdroid Broly is killed by the Father-Son Kamehameha.
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Back To The Future Part 2 vibes. Incest vibes. Kinda weird having an OP character in the past and he has to pretend to be weak the entire time. Doesn't feel like there are any stakes. One Punch Man is similar due to Saitama being OP, but they make the boring idea work with comedy and get you invested in other characters.
I just feel like if Trunks accidentally went that far back, his first priority would be to make sure everyone stays alive. Second priority would be that when Goku attacks the Red Ribbon Army base, Trunks would hunt down Gero & kill him. Mission accomplished. He now tried to return to his timeline.
Also back to the incest thing... Bulma has shown attraction for Trunks in official material. Breakers to be specific. So, its kinda accurate there. She'd do it if she didn't know. But Trunks? Nah. Seems out of character. I don't remember but I think MasakoX had Trunks kinda attracted to her until she said what her name was. I know its a Back To The Future Part 2 reference, but I think Trunks would know what his mom would look and sound like immediately even when she was 16. Bulma's look is easily identifiable. So that part was just an unnecessary reference that made Trunks out of character.
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Saw some of it. If my memory is correct, I thought it was pretty good.
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I can't remember, but I don't think I liked it. That kind of power does make sense for someone like Gohan, but I don't think I liked the way it was implemented.
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Didn't watch it. Didn't care for the name. Never like that "So-and-so Did Nothing Wrong" thing. So it didn't interest me. Plus... Zamasu did everything wrong.
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Never saw it. But I would imagine it would play out with King Vegeta seeing his fate at the hands of Freeza, try to fight against it, then die to Freeza regardless of what he did just like Bardock how couldn't change his fate. He was cursed with knowing a future he couldn't prevent.
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Saw a few minutes. Wasn't with it. Goku would have destroyed a lot. Only someone like Grampa Gohan could fight with him and be alright.
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The people at Capsule Corp. would be wiped out & Goku would turn into an Oozaru. Then Bulma would probably be on the hunt for the Dragon Balls to wish her family and others back and find a way to kill that giant ape.
Goku falling on his head and being nursed back to health & being taught kindness by Grampa Gohan changed him.
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That not happening would result in Goku's Saiyan nature causing him to wreck havoc.
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Didn't see it. Never liked that ship. Toroyama didn't choose that for good reasons. Seemed too obvious that the male & female lead would get together, plus they aren't compatible. Bulma was most compatible with Yamcha, but she argued too much for no reason and ruined that romance then got stuck with someone who was worse.
If she was with Goku, Bulma would complain almost as much as she does with Vegeta. She complained about Yamcha training too much and Goku trained even more. She wouldn't be happy. She would likely divorce him/separate from him. I believe the only reason Bulma didnt separate from Vegeta was because Vegeta is the kind of guy that would stay and threaten you if you try to kick him out. Goku wouldn't. He would just want to see his son regularly.
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Saw some of it. Seems like Freeza was almost a different character. But it wasn't bad. Maybe Freeza turned good too quickly tho.
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Never saw it. If Freeza betrayed then but they were saved by the Z Fighters, then I can see them turning good.
Just a suggestion, but next time tell me if you like those what-if stories when you ask these questions. I don't really watch MasakoX's what-if videos anymore, so knowing your thoughts would be interesting.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
Why Tashigi Deserves More Respect
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I really gotta remember these other things I plan on writing XD Often I get reminded though by people around me criticizing something I realise ‘that’s a little misunderstood’ and then get compelled to write about it. For today we’re looking at the female Marine of One Piece, Tashigi. Now before we start, I want to make a point that Tashigi is still an underused character brimming with potential that Oda seems to shy a lot from. Oda can still sincerely do a lot more with her and I for one have been disappointed by her lack of use in Stampede and lack of appearance in Wano. However, I get a lot of people who feel that Tashigi is ‘useless’, and I’m going to say that this isn’t really the case.
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Argument 1: Her Battles
Of course, a lot of strength regarding a character comes with their ability to come out victorious. It can harm any character in a show to constantly be on the losing side of a fight and it does hurt Tashigi (and Smoker) a lot that they do end up that way. While I would love Tashigi to have her first clean win since those guys in Loguetown I’d like to remind you that Tashigi’s fights do have a bit of defense to them, let’s look at all of Tashigi’s named opponents
Zoro (Loguetown) - We always knew that Zoro was winning this, while she was bested by Zoro the purpose of the story wasn’t ever going to be Tashigi being stronger, instead this was Zoro having to confront her similarities with Kuina in personality rather than skill.
Nico Robin/Miss All Sunday (Alabasta) - While Tashigi was unable to even strike Robin back in Alabasta, Robin’s devil fruit allowed her to be perfect for such a situation. A trained and deadly assassin, Tashigi’s physical confrontation was never going to succeed, but what was key to this battle was Tashigi’s realization in regards to the failure of Justice. In the end she had to rely on Luffy to defeat the Pirates the WG had assigned to maintain the balance.
Luffy (Marineford/Punk Hazard) - Luffy and Tashigi briefly crossed paths in Marineford, Luffy swiftly dodged her but again, Tashigi was never going to defeat Luffy and was merely a doorway to put Smoker and Luffy into a fight. It’s also worth reminding that Tashigi must’ve been capable enough to hold her own against Whitebeard’s lesser forces, since she was uninjured from Marineford. They also crossed at Punk Hazard, but then they were both weakened by being in unfamiliar bodies, something which Luffy even acknowledges.
Trafalgar Law (Punk Hazard) - as pictured above, Tashigi’s defeat to Law was another gateway for Smoker to enter the fight, but this one had more purpose in showing Tashigi’s willpower, which we will get to. As you can tell, there’s a theme: Tashigi would never have beaten Law in terms of the narrative, why do we hold it against Tashigi that she lost to the guy who later did this?
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Ceasar Clown (Punk Hazard) - while listed as a fight, she fell the same way as Robin and Franky due to his DF being unrevealed, again this being a gateway to sell that Ceasar had a danger to him, I wouldn’t actually count it as a fight.
Vergo (Punk Hazard) - the Donquixote spy is one of Doflamingo’s deadliest subordinates. The original Corazon, Tashigi’s conflict with Vergo brought Sanji into the fight and once again highlighted to Tashigi the corruption within the Marines themselves. Like Law (and the next), we can’t be too harsh on Tashigi losing to Vergo, the guy easily fended off Sanji to the point of almost breaking Sanji’s leg, he also was able to beat Smoker
Monet (Punk Hazard) - Monet is a mixed one, because Zoro quickly defeats her she was quickly overshadowed by the fact that she struggled to even get on the offensive, broadening the gap between them. But, I’d like to remind everyone that Monet was able to force Luffy into fleeing their battle and was handling Robin, Nami and Chopper at once. Tashigi hadn’t completely lost either, I would bet that she’d fight without an arm, maybe not successfully but she would, and she got the finishing blow on Monet - her second offensive attack against Monet put her away and while technically this doesn’t count as a W for Tashigi she did not technically lose in this fight either
As you can see, while it’s easy to say that ‘Tashigi never wins her fights, so she’s weak’ it really undermines the opposition she willingly puts herself against. Narratively there’d be no reason for Tashigi to win these fights, doing so would lead to confusion and disbelief (for instance, would you have seen Luffy beating Kaido solo back in Bakura Town? No, obviously). Tashigi is still strong, she’s able to survive the Grand Line, easily deflect cannon fire with her sword and use Haki, the latter cannot be said for Main Characters like Nami, Chopper, Franky, Carrot and somehow Robin (like girl you spent 2 years with the Revolutionaries, where’s your Haki?). While we would love a win to validate this, Oda always puts her against an opponent that would be difficult for her to win against, and we thus mistake her inability to win as weakness. So that leads to another argument. Argument 2: Tashigi always punches above her weight While this is very much true, One Piece has often told us that being the strongest doesn’t always mean that you will win. Consider 90% of Nami and Usopp’s wins, Luffy’s wins over Crocodile, Enel, Lucci, Magellan, Cracker and Katakuri, the weak may not be able to choose how they die but that doesn’t mean that the strong can either.  I’d also like to argue that Tashigi’s motive on fighting strong opponents is not because she feels that she is stronger, she fights them because they are the enemy that needs to be stopped, her motives are pure in her pursuit of justice just as the Straw Hats fight stronger opponents because it fulfills a just cause such as saving Alabasta, their crewmates, people who had their shadows stolen, Camie, Fishman Island, the Punk Hazard children, Dressrosa, Zou or Wano. Tashigi really gets criticized for it because it doesn’t yield the results it does for major characters, often needing help to get the victory. In that I wanna point out a harsh truth as well; Goku - the people many anime fans will compare power scales against - almost never beats the main villain on his own in DBZ or DBS. Freeza - required damage from Krillin, Gohan, Vegeta and Piccolo before the win, and he didn’t finish him off, Cell - tags out to Gohan, who also needs Vegeta’s help to win, Buu - needs Vegeta’s help via fusion and a full power recharge by the Dragon Balls, Beerus - he lost, Golden Freeza - he got jumped by Sorbet and needed Whis’ rewind, Hit - he gave up, Fused Zamasu - lost, and needed Zeno to wipe him out, Jiren - needed Freeza and 17′s help and Vegeta’s energy and finally Broly - needed fusion. So maybe, if even Son Goku cannot win on his own, we can cut Tashigi a little bit of slack given that she’s not even a main character.
Argument 3: ‘She does nothing’ I don’t really like this insinuation. Often Smoker and Tashigi are the ones that pick up the mess after all the enemies are defeated, but for some reason that equates to ‘doing nothing’. I think because people see Tashigi as interchangeable with any other character she is thus useless because she is not mandatory. However, Tashigi’s role is much more complex than that.
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Even if she’s not strong enough to fight the biggest fishes in the pond, she still manages to grow and prove her worth. If Tashigi was replaced with any generic marine captain a lot of what happened would be different. It was Tashigi who identified Wado Ichimonji and Sandai Kitetsu for Zoro, Tashigi who (albeit reluctantly) directed Luffy to Crocodile, Tashigi who kept the Straw Hats safe from arrest in Alabasta, Tashigi who convinced Smoker that he needed to swallow his pride and side with Law and Luffy to stop Ceasar and it was Tashigi who convinced Nami to entrust the Punk Hazard children to them. Through her experiences she also cultivates her own unique sense of Justice. While she follows Smoker’s doctrine of ‘A Pirate will always be a Pirate’ and that the Shichibukai system and the World Government as a whole is flawed, she has also learned for herself that there are times that pride must be set aside, in a way Tashigi’s sense of Justice has become a combination of Smoker’s and Fujitora’s: in order to rebuild justice, the navy itself must become strong enough to not depend on pirates, but pride cannot supersede the greater good. In addition, implying she does nothing also implies that she doesn’t practice her own sense of justice either. She stepped in on Zoro twice to protect her men from harm, before even arriving at Punk Hazard we learned that she had a good relationship with the parents who had their children kidnapped as they asked specifically for her which in turn led her to personally strive to reunite the children with their parents and she even protected the truth of Vergo from G-5 so that they didn’t feel betrayed and demoralized. Of the things Tashigi does, nothing is not one of them, she displays compassion, fairness and determination in definitive moments. Argument 3: She’s too hung up on her Feminism
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So, one of the major dynamics of Tashigi and Zoro is her misconception that Zoro wouldn’t cut her because she was a woman, a belief that women have to prove themselves more to be seen as strong against men being one of the beliefs she shares with Zoro’s childhood rival Kuina. While it can be a tad irksome that she’d hang onto this with Zoro, until Monet Zoro never actually demonstrated the contrary to her. This is mainly a complaint by hindsight, we only dislike the opinion because we’ve seen Zoro more than Tashigi has, and she’s not 100% wrong, Zoro himself has been a bit of a traditionalist, in Skypeia he angrily chastised Enel for attacking Robin since she was a woman, and he only does step in on Monet to save Tashigi - not even finishing her off despite being very capable of doing so. Outside of Zoro, Tashigi’s feelings that she gets treated differently due to her gender is proven and reflected in how G-5 treat her with little authority, only really listening to her because she’s pretty. You can’t be too hard on Tashigi given that she is constantly faced with this truth on a daily basis, and her desire to be seen for her strength and skills are still an amicable one, it’s worth noting that even Law recognized that her mentality and warrior’s spirit was far greater than he swordsmanship, but he only thought this internally. In Tashigi’s case it would help her confidence to be given validation, and not in the condescending way Zoro usually talks to people.  While it can be annoying that she immediately thinks that she’s being treated differently because she’s a woman, this also shows that she wants to be treated as an equal; if she is defeated in combat she wants to be cut to preserve her honour, it is the mentality all Great Samurai have, including Zoro. Oda does something with Tashigi he rarely does with any woman in One Piece in making her less sexualised and body-confident to reflect her goal of being recognized by her spirit and actions rather than her appearance, but he also makes that complex for the character which in a way this is most important for.
Argument 4: She’s not a good Rival for Zoro
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I think one of the biggest misconceptions about Tashigi’s character is that she is meant to be Zoro’s rival, in a similar manner to how Smoker and Luffy are embroiled in a Garp/Roger-esque cat and mouse chase. Because of this, people expect Tashigi to advance at a similar scale to Zoro to keep him on his toes, to make sure that he doesn’t end up complacent in his strive to become the World’s Greatest Swordsman. Her former likeness to Kuina also adds to this misconception, since because Kuina was Zoro’s rival with the same goal and always stronger than Zoro himself, Tashigi must be similar.
But this is not why Tashigi and Zoro are always put together. Tashigi is not Zoro’s rival, no other character we’ve met has the same goal as Zoro, and this keeps his story free to develop with different challenges. Tashigi’s pursuit of strength is not for the same reasons as Zoro, she doesn’t want to be the World’s Greatest Swordsperson, she only wants to protect the sanctity of the Meito and keep them out of unworthy hands. Her pursuit of Zoro was both because he dishonoured her in their fight and so she could claim Wado Ichimonji. In the New World however we don’t see that as much from Tashigi, even when she sees Shusui she doesn’t make a point to declare taking it from him because he’s unworthy (like Kin’emon would later do), this is because she does acknowledge his strength and worthiness of using these Meito, her personal conflict now though is to be seen as worthy to him as a swordsperson rather than a pirate to a marine.  In reality, Tashigi is instead Zoro’s and Kuina’s foil. She is similar in looks and perspective to Kuina but different in everything else from clumsiness, skill and ambition, the fact that Zoro struggles to handle this leads to the two becoming entwined in their respective journeys. No person gets under Zoro’s skin like Tashigi does, even to a point where he was reluctant to even be in eyeshot of her - how many people have you seen Roronoa Zoro hide from? They are each other’s foil because they are both stubborn people out to prove something but put on two different sides that conflict. That is the true purpose of their dynamic, their confrontations expose one another and show places where they can still grow and I still feel that we haven’t scratched the surface of this relationship.
Argument 5: She’s not Important
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A combination of the earlier arguments, Tashigi gets a lot of flack because people think she’s not important enough as a character to have the screentime she gets. While it’s not hard to see why people feel that, it usually comes with people giving up on the idea that there’s a greater plan for her. It may just be me, but I am reluctant to believe that Tashigi appears in several forms of merchandise including calendars, games (as NPCs, Bosses, Supports or playable characters) and even figurines and not have a purpose in the greater scope of the story, do we really expect that from Oda? I doubt that very much! Granted, Wano would’ve been a perfect placement for her to push herself given the views on women in the country and it being the homeland of famous Meito. And yes, she could’ve had a much greater role in Stampede given how well they managed Smoker in it. We are allowed to be disappointed by this, but the fact that Tashigi has remained as consistent in presence as she has been in the show does hint at a bigger role, even if it’s being that wave of revolutionizing the Marines with Coby and Fujitora, her own origins or finally proving herself to the audience and to Zoro, Tashigi is not done and thus she is still important. “Just because they say a bird cannot fly, doesn’t mean that it never will” - Oda SBS 17 on Tashigi and Kuina’s names being named after flightless birds So, Why does Tashigi deserve more Respect? Tashigi as a character is one of Oda’s more subtle progressions. In contrast to Zoro who we see grow, we don’t see how Tashigi gets from A to B, we can also contrast to Coby whose rise becomes as magnificent as his puberty that Tashigi’s growth is much less abrupt and more steady, we see her struggles more than we do Coby where his successes are only heard in passing. Tashigi can also act as the ‘normal person’ in the marines, we compare her to Zoro in strength because she uses a sword but we never give her the benefit of the doubt that Roronoa Zoro is a bloody superhuman, plus not everyone has the great luxury of being trained by Dracule Mihawk for 2 years...furthermore, her challenges against Devil Fruit users are always filled with good intentions and strong willpower, but still self-doubt and shame, if anything Tashigi is one of the most human characters of One Piece for this reason; she learns, she suffers, she grows and she does it all without the luxury of Shonen perks such as superhuman power or endurance. Also she is a good person, she has a strong sense of morality and will, an altruistic desire and even in the situation she gets put in she makes a step that leads to the plot going in a positive direction. And for a character that has been in as many arcs as she has, there is still so much potential left to be untapped that fans are still after 2 decades eager to see from her.
Tashigi is a strong, valiant and just person, who is still really powerful if people stop trying to compare her to the likes of Luffy, Law and Zoro. Even when she fails she picks herself up and can still come out with a small victory from protecting innocents, arresting criminals and escorting children to get help. She is a lot stronger than people give her credit for and it’s for that she deserves respect.
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bluehairlaunch · 2 years
Best 7 Dragon Ball Filler Villains
Honorable mentions are Nicky and just him. Smoke weed everyday
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Garlic Sr.
I'd have liked to see this character, instead of his ripoff son. He's still kinda Piccolo tbh, but Kami having a rival is a fun idea, as it gives him more parallels with Goku.
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Zaarco and Raiti
Fake Namek was fun, right? I thought it was fun as a kid. And Team four star is so old that they gave them Aqua teen Hunger Force voices. Like I had to look that shit up
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Super does evil Goku worse than Tree of Might, but Turles is still basically Raditz without the Goku connection. He looks like sexy Goku and that's always unnerved me a little, but his movie is baller (for a Z movie) and I kinda like Raditz's generic villainy regardless
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Eh, same with Turles. He's sexier Frieza and yea that's all it takes sometimes.
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King Moai of Arlia
Bug planet was another fun diversion. Villain vs. Villain, except this dude has no idea what he's up against, and Vegeta is feeling uncharacteristically coy.
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Look how cool this dude looks. He's the Legion of Doom's Fortress and he gets even scarier when he transforms into Roshi. In the comic, Goku is just given the Ultra Divine Water, but the anime makes him work for it. The only other eldritch Dragon Ball villain I know of is Hirudegarn, but in his second form he's just a really tall bug man, so Darkness is better ez
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Filler King
And no I'm not referring to the Super version, I mean OG Paragus, the evil scheming bastard that actually plans shit longterm unlike actually every other Saiyan. Super Paragus is good too, but he's more of a bitter old man than a villain. He never has real agency or a way of achieving his goals beyond triggering his son. Dbz Paragus just incidentally has a son that's the Legendary Super Saiyan. Everything else is all him, like he probably would've even succeeded if not for Broly being Broly
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