cxsmicvega · 1 year
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i made some very important gifs because i need to rotate him in my mind
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labcampkill · 9 months
Send 🍺 to drag my muse to go out to a bar for a drink together!
"Hey Roman. I remember you told me not long ago, that you want to see more often. Let's go get some drinks... as long there is a bar. You never know when it will disappear again."
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Roman smiles "Good to see you!" he throws an arm over Jed's shoulder. "Absolutely lets go get some drinks!" He chuckles. "How have you been ?"
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dwight-dewey-riley · 2 years
Poking his head around a corner during a trial. Roman is in a trial so he was in his costume and had his voice changer. "Dewey ?!....is that you?... "
He slides up close to his old friend knife drawn. "I'm so excited to welcome you!" @lab-camp-kill
Dewey didn't hear the other approach and flinches by the voice. He looks to where it came from only to see bad news. Another one of these Ghostface killers. He frowns and look typical displeased. "Another one? Are you guys never getting tired?" But as the Ghostface get's closer his face show fear and concern. He doesn't want to get stabt all the time. He was in the hospital more then enough.
He takes several steps back while trying to grope for his gun. Nothing is there. "Shit..." Slight panic grows inside the cop and he turns to get as far as possible away from the murderer. Jumping through a window.
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Roman knocked on the door. Jed had sent him a message saying he wanted to hang out and Roman had free time. He had never been to their tiny shared domain before. He was curious to see what it looked like inside. @dbd-ghostface-roman
Jed get up from the couch as he heard someone knocking on the door. He looks through the blurred glass from the door window. Must be Roman. Thinks Jed.
He opens the door for his ghost buddy. "Welcome to my place." He steps aside for Roman to enter.
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bloody-mixtapes · 2 years
"Dude how are you doing it's been a while... " @dbd-ghostface-roman
"I am doing the best I can with what little I have. I mean, not much else I can fuckin' do in this hell hole," Franklin sighed, smoke pouring out from his nostrils as he exhales. "What 'bout you?"
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facesofthefog · 2 years
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banana-dwight · 2 years
 “YOINK” @dbd-ghostface-roman grabs him out of a locker and then sneaks off with him but strangely not to a hook.
Dwight struggelt at first but quickly stopped because noone came to help.
He knows the hooks are near enough that struggle would be a waste of strengh and time if noone sabotages or distract the killer. But as they missed a hook ...soon another hook Dwight spoke up slightly confused. "Hey.... you missed the hook again."
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dbd-ghostface-roman · 2 years
A dark black fleece blanket wrapped around Roman... "Hey!" Roman yelled. He looked up and saw a ghostface that he knew.. "Oh it's you..! " Jed shivered "It's cold... sit with me.." "You could have asked." Roman chuckled.. But this blanket was super soft and he was right it was cold.. so he leaned against Jed and pulled the blanket around both of them.
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idol-trickster · 2 years
🍬 Ask for a Treat @dbd-ghostface-roman
If it wasn't the Ghostface! Trickster was fond of these creeps, and this one he remembered having a rather entertaining conversation with at the beach. For the man to now come asking for a treat, Ji-Woon responded with a delighted smile, the visage unnerving mostly to squeamish types what with the copious amounts of blood on self. "Since you came with no mask on, I can give you something really good. Hold still, and you'll make everyone jealous."
The ghoulish idol stepped closer, mischievous glowing eyes looking over the other before hands reached up to beckon Roman's face closer as he leaned in, lips soon brushing against the Ghostface's cheek.
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Lips soon parted and teeth sunk into supple cheek flesh, a more fatty and delicious choice of meat that surely was quite the treat indeed.
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labcampkill · 2 years
What do each of my muses think of each other?
Goggles Steve Edition:
James Sunderland- He seems nice enough, but he's pretty shy, he makes Pizza look social. I try to drag him out of his isolation all the time.  I think he's hiding something.. I know that some of the killers like to torment him extra.. But I don't know why.
Brad Vickers:  He's a scardey cat, but damn can the man run.. like you put him in front of a killer he's like a puff of smoke... I once watched a Frank give up in disgust... and the Legion are speedy as fuck. He's super nice though, I like him he's fun to hang around.
Goggles Dwight: This is the Dwight from my Campfire... he recently started hanging out with the Pizza, Fancy, and Elf more.. said something about our Entity experimenting on him... and he used to change his hairstyle all the the time but now it's stuck kind of like Pizza and Fancy's .
I always kind of liked him but he was always super busy, he's suddenly gotten a lot more free time.  He's of course similar to the other Dwights... Though I think... he's kind of trying to be... cool.. like i mean like actively, like a little too hard...it's it kind of funny and kind of cute.
Roman (Ghostface): There is this Ghostface who doesn't like being called Danny or Jed.. insists that he's one of the original Ghostfaces..  I think he took a picture of me and Elf once... while we were kissing..  (Steve hasn’t ever seen Roman out of his mask.. well not that he’s known anyways.)
Leslie: There is this newer killer.. he can fucking break pallets that haven't even been dropped yet. Inside trials he's all business.. no talking just cold and efficiant... But i got to see him outside of trials.. It's like he's a different person.. He's charming and excited and like a super manic geek. It's weird. If he wasn't a killer he'd almost be someone to hang around with.
Exy: Supposedly this is my Entity... he runs my Campfire... I think?  I haven't directly met him... I think.. or maybe I have.. I think maybe he wiped my memory of the event?  People say he likes doing experiments. I know that really wierd things happen sometimes in trials and at the campfire.. so they must be his doing.
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Headcanon: Ghostface (whichever)
I decided to do the DbD one.
Sexuality HC: bisexual but in a grimy way
Gender HC: cis, and stinky
A Ship I Have: Ghostface and ME. Jk, Frank from Legion its just funny that way
A BroTP I Have: Myers and Danny for sure
A NoTP I Have: I've seen Amanda(the Pig) and Danny and I get it but its not for me.
Random HC: This man would have more photos of you around the house than your mom.
General Opinion: I love Ghostface in general, he's my favourite slasher even in his shitty iterations (looking at u Roman and Mickey..) but Danny specifically is a very fun character, and I like his sophistication compared to the movie GFs :)
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ask-the-dweets · 2 years
Roman had heard rumors.. He had heard.. some sort of commotion as he had spied on his favorite campfire.. Something about the Dwight Trio? But it wasn't till in between a trial that he figured out what it was all about.. When he ran into Fancy his favorite, in the woods, one of the holding places for killers... He looked... What happened... "Dwight?" Roman approached mask off, but still cautiously his knife out but not agressive.. "Are you... Are you okay?" @dbd-ghostface-roman
Fancy had been in his head, not really paying attention. He was curled in on himself resting against a tree, arms wrapped around his knees, mindful of the hook through his chest. So when Roman spoke his name it spooked him back to proper consciousness. He looked to the other man with a tired eye and, briefly, the knife. Fair.
Are you okay? Dwight was really starting to hate that question. He understood why it kept being asked but it was always a question he felt he had to answer with a lie, even as a survivor. Now he felt like he couldn't answer it at all.... Shouldn't anyway.
"I'm.... Fine..." Ah the classic, but he was very clearly not fine. "...Peachy" he scoffed. Dwight wasn't necessarily acting aggressive but he did seem on edge, irritated. @dbd-ghostface-roman
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razorvine · 2 years
Heya all..
Was doing some editing to my tumblr pages and noticed that when I went to the main pages for instance https://dbd-ghostface-roman.tumblr.com/ rather than going to https://www.tumblr.com/dbd-ghostface-roman the more timeliney page.. That on the main pages all of the sudden they switched to giant Tumbler logos and all teh blog stuff is crunched down on the bottom of the page... no matter which blog I use. This wouldn’t feel a big deal but my faq rule pages are only accesible on the actual blog rather than the timeline and they are all screwed up. Anybody else having this problem or just me?
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askthe-devilface · 2 years
(Ngl I have a headcanon that the DBD Ghost Face is terrified of Sidney Prescott because she has killed or attributed to the deaths of multiple Ghost Faces in the Scream-verse)
“Ugh, Prescott.“ Ghostface scoffed, with his arms crossed. “Ah yes, most of them being teenagers of the stupid kind, a mourning mother, some attention-seeking loser and then there’s Roman.“ He waved a hand in a dismissive fashion. “She’s got tenacity I’ll give her that but removes the guns, police, and her barrage of friends to act as fodder for her. She has nothing. ”
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facesofthefog · 2 years
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[ send me ☀ if your muse finds mine attractive ]
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"I can also be a passionate lover, darling. What face I wear entirely depends on your needs and tastes. You should be careful of what you wish for. We'd hate for you to have to experience the monster within." The Entity smiles, amused with this one's tastes. Then again, a lot of the mortals in the realms seemed to be interested in what can cause them harm.
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"Strange eyes? I'll take that as a compliment" the Entity laughed softly, shaking his head. "You do have good taste for enjoying my form."
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"Oh darling~ You make my heart sing. I created my shell with the thought of the mortals enjoying it. I never thought it would work on the Entities as well. You make me happy~" he did look happy, that silly grin plastered on his face.
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Whilst Bass was rather open to taking in compliments, Samuel receiving a positive note made him blush hide behind the envelope. He didn't even know what to say. Would a 'thank you' be rude? Would not saying anything be worse? Should he compliment Roman in return?
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