#days of producitivity
a-fox-studies · 4 months
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May 14, 2024 • Tuesday
--- Days of Productivity [4/10] ---
When you push yourself to your limit, and then push yourself a little more— don't do that. It's a bad idea.
First lab session of the semester today, we had a terrible time. None of the systems had Java installed so the whole of the 3 hours went in confused lecturers figuring out how to install Java (why is my uni like this)
Anyway, I overexerted myself a little today, which is inevitable because I have SO MUCH TO STUDY. Hopefully I can get a break after my exams and not be piled up with assignments (manifesting 🤞)
🎧 Peter — Taylor Swift
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thoughtsaboutsnape · 9 months
Doing a 30 Days of Productivity and today is all about time tracking. The only real conclusion I have about time tracking is that it's for people who have office-based jobs because my time tracking would look something like this:
Worked on a VL2600 for an hour Shouted at the VL2600 for ten minutes Poked at the VL2600 for fifteen minutes Stared at the technical diagram for twenty minutes Contemplated life choices for half an hour Realised I forgot to plug a connector back in Ten minutes of staring into space feeling like an idiot
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nanasangelwings · 2 months
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14/100 - 100 days of producitivity
- I woke up at around 9am today
- I had work today again (5 hours)
- Once I got home I ate dinner and immediately got bed ready
- today was very exhausting so I'm just glad I can go to sleep now
habit tracker: - wake up early - workout - eat healthy - drink 1,5-2l water - study a language - read the bible - skincare
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claratyler · 1 year
man i am so dizzy
perhaps this relentless producitivity i'm striving for in the face of my father leaving is Not actually realistic or helpful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To be clear im 23 like this isnt a child of divorce situation, and im not angry at him, in fact this separation could just be temporary, we really dont know. But i feel so bad for my mom and she's been crying every day, and obviously ive been here for her as best as i can but oh god 🫠🫠
and i swear JUST when i was feeling good again, going out to gay clubs, having a steady-albeit not a lot of money at all but still- source of income, regaining trust in my best friend after treacherous event on his part, flourishing as a composer like i had never before in my entire life, even my teacher was like "whats up with you lately??? You've been doing so well in these lessons" and me clownishly being like "well..things are...good rn :)" 🤡
things really do only get better for them to just get worse
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jurassicbooks · 2 years
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March 29, 2022 - 42/100
finally got a keyboard and mouse to go with my monitor so i’m not controlling everything through my laptop. it is such a different experience, it will definitely take some getting used to. but at the same time so many things have become much much easier
29th March: What's a Tumblr post/thing that always makes you laugh or is very memorable for you?
this might just be at the forefront of my mind because i saw the post come back around again recently, but that one post asking what people in wheelchairs are supposed to do if a fire alarm goes off and they’re not on the ground floor is really memorable. my aunt works for United Spinal Association so we had a really interesting and informational conversation about it and i got to hear a lot of stories from people who had a first hand experience with this situation
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ripariansoliloquy · 4 years
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1853 hrs | 6th january, 2021 | day 26/100
i wasted a lot of time today. for some reason, i just wasn't feeling up to work. i was so tired. probably would be better with a night's sleep. my favourite subject also feels extremely daunting because of the sheer volume of work that is pending. i did work out, after ages, so that's a plus. oh, and my first college application went out!
song of the day : level of concern // twenty one pilots
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studypurple · 5 years
new year’s resolutions ideas
waking up earlier to see the sunset
sleeping earlier
establishing a consistent sleep schedule in general
taking vitamins regularly
exercising regularly
stretching every morning upon waking up
wash your hair twice a week
eat less sugar/meat
lose/gain weight
no gadgets after 10 PM
make a habit tracker and stick to it!
clean/do chores more regularly
less caffeine/alcohol/smoking
get rid of bad habits (e.g. biting nails, procrastinating)
spend more quality time with friends/family
spend less time on social media
check your emails daily
limit to one cup of coffee a day
improve your grades
learn something new every day
do better at your job
establish a self-care routine and stick to it!
write in your journal every day
figure out a skincare routine and do it every night
have a morning/evening routine and stick to it
be more organized
if you're religious, pray more or be more spiritual
work on your hobby at least twice a week!
set aside time every day (e.g. 30 minutes) to work on your masterpiece/novel/whatever you want!
learn a new hobby/skill (some ideas here: x)
take your current hobby/skill to the next level and set a challenge for yourself!
start a bullet journal!  (some ideas/sources here: x, x, x)
other ideas
donate to charities more often
become more environmentally conscious and responsible
be kinder
be more assertive
be more open-minded
be confident
be *insert positive characteristic here*
make new friends
save up money
take a trip around the world
try something new
have fun!
enjoy life!
be happier!
try to break down these goals into more achievable goals that you can keep track of each week (e.g. try setting a goal of saving one dollar a day instead of saving three hundred dollars this year)
when setting goals, try to make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely or SMART. learn more about this here
celebrate your small steps! even if you haven’t reached your ultimate goal for the year, remember to take time to appreciate what you’ve achieved so far 
other sources:
getting new hobbies by @the-diary-of-a-failure
some things to accomplish in 2020 by @heavenlycreatures
2018 self-improvement resolutions by @plantskid
how to stick to a weight loss (or any other) new year’s resolution by @num-yummy-butter
5 tips to make new year’s resolutions stick by @finickyquint
hope you all have a great new year! what are your resolutions? xoxo elle
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luciaastudies · 6 years
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some review for bio next year!!
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lampstudies · 5 years
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[1/100] 23.6.19
Read 'A Doll's House' by Henrik Ibsen and took notes on some of the important quotes. I also worked on my Irish on duolingo.
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sxcraties · 5 years
I’ve been struggling to find my discipline to study this semester. Doing homework or other assignments I have to turn in hasn’t been an issue, but the extra studying...the actual LEARNING has been difficult.
I’m posting this to tell myself(and you!!)- get ur shit done!! Just start it because you know it’s so much easier to keep going. Don’t forget to take breaks though!! (I usually do)
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paper-and-string · 5 years
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//3 April 2019// 3/100 days of productivity
I had an incredibly productive day today and I’m
happily off to bed now!
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a-fox-studies · 4 months
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May 15, 2024 • Wednesday
--- Days of Productivity [5/10] ---
Elective subjects are such a headache.
Exam day is nearing and I'm very anxious about it. I feel like I have no time to complete everything and I'm lagging behind on a lot. I know that it's only my anxiety being stupid but I can't help but feel like I won't do well. Anyways, let's hope for the best.
🎧 Placid Dreams — rj one
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studyvari · 6 years
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5/100 days of productivity 3.3.2019 | i cleaned my room today, did clean the kitchen and also went on a two-hours biking trip with my flatmate. I do call that being productive, this is why i‘m watching suits now before changing my bed and finishing the laundry. Yep, it was house chore day today! Hope you all enjoyed your sunday as much as i did!
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lemongrassjello · 5 years
7/50 days - 50 days of productivity - 30.7.19
i did many verbal reasoning questions today and did a few AR practice tests and im so happy to say that ive improved so much in ar im so proud of myself.
Also, i had physics tuition, and we finished a new chapter today and i understood almost everything and it was great
And im happy today. i was tired as fuck in tuition and i avoided talking with many people but now im happy and it was great and im just so excited everything is awesome
I really really like ucat, its a great test, it makes me feel good about myself and i’m just so happy
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lassunslernen · 5 years
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1/100 days of productivity
I’m starting this to force myself to do at least one thing daily that will help me in the future (especially for my exams) and to be better at this whole studyblr/langblr community.
Here is part of my notes for my macro class.
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zankokunowisdom · 5 years
Summer Productivity Challenge
Hello, everyone! Heven’t written here in a while. Summer is a great season. But it is also the one where it’s easy to loose track of time and do nothing! I want my days to be fun and productive. This challenge will hopefully help me with that. If anyone wants to do it with me, go for it~
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During this challenge, I will try to complete at least 3 goals every day. I will write a post here about my progress either every day or at the end of the week (or at random periods when I have time). I also really want to automate some routine tasks which I’ll hopefully do and establish a day to day routine!
Let’s do a hundred days of productivity and see what happens!
Alrighty, the first day stars tomorrow, here we go! 
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