#dayna's shit
femmefaggot · 5 months
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crazy that this isnt even the most insane it gets
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
oh i know we're on the topic of best friends sisters and whatnot but can i offer an absolutely out of left field alternative? best friends brother with dodge
as in ur daynas friend from high school, u guys have always been pretty close, but dodge hasn't seen u since they moved away, but now they're back and ur in his living room and oh shit, uve grown up. i mean, he has too, obviously, he graduated high school, hes taller and stronger and over that awkward gangly teen phase he was in when you met him. but you. u wear shorts, around his place, those ripped denim ones with the fraying hems that show off the glimpse of a waistband of pretty pink panties. and tank tops, sheer, tight tanks to fight the scorching texas heat. and you laze around his house like youve always done, drinking his sweet tea and eating his food, chatting with his older sister about things he does it care about.
and you're cool, and older, and pretty, and interesting, and hes so surprised to hear about how youre single (from dayna, in passing), a string of bad exes behind you. cheaters and losers and broke idiots. dodge would never do that to u. dodge would treat you right. like a real man should. dodge would make you feel really fucking good. and hes determined to prove it to you.
-kit (going insane)
Sigh whenever I think abt any dodge AUs I just want to lean heavy into small town aspirations that fail and send you right back to where you started. Maybe you leave the city for Dallas, or a suburb of it, auditioning to be a cheerleader for the Cowboys. You were the cheer captain back in Carp, but things are different in cities with a population over 5k.
So you come back, work at the salon in town painting nails. It’s the perfect job— all gossipy, surrounded by the sweet smell of lotions and shampoo.
Maybe you have a reputation around town for dressing kind of skanky, for being a little ditzy. Rumors of you stealing husbands and boyfriends (untrue!). But Dayna was your friend in high school, and she’s still your friend now. One of your last remaining ones in Carp. So you lounge around their house, spilling all the gossip you learned from work in his sister’s ear, giving her free manicures in the house since the salon on Main Street isn’t wheel chair accessible.
“I can do your nails, Dodge,” you offer with a pretty smile. “Just clean ‘em up a bit. Half the men in town come to get manicures from me.”
He makes a face, lips twitching into a grin. “I don’t need my nails to be hooker red, thank you.”
You shrug, apply another coat of pale pink on Dana’s nails. “Bring ‘em over here. I wanna see.”
He sighs and takes a few ambling steps towards you. When he’s close enough, you grab his hand and hold it up to the light. Your nose wrinkles, and you raise a dissatisfied brow.
“Hands say a lot about someone,” you say as you trace your fingers along the back of his hand, then the rough, work-worn palms and fingertips. “Wanna know what yours say?”
He makes a face, but concedes. He’s handsome, grown up a lot in the two years since you left for Dallas. Nineteen now, more sure of himself. More muscular? Jesus, the rodeo had been treating him right. “Sure. Why not?”
Your thumb strokes over the back of his hand. “They’re rough. These are a workers hands. They say you know how to take care of the people you love. That you’re real hands on.” You pause, grin. “But the dirt under your nails… that tells me that you aren’t taking care of any ladies.”
His cheeks turn pink as you and Dayna grin, and he forces a sarcastic laugh as he pulls his hands back. “Wow. Thanks.”
You meet his gaze and offer a pretty smile. “Really, let me clean your hands up sometime. I’ll bring you Whataburger, or Sonic, or Dairy Queen.”
He laughs despite himself, shrugs. “Maybe.”
Dayna slaps your arm once Dodge slips away to his bedroom. “Stop hitting on my little brother. Its weird.”
You grin, but say nothing.
It’s a week later that you’re back in his living room without Dayna in sight. You’re holding a bag of Whataburger, sprawled across the couch. “Can I do your nails?”
How can he say no?
@gamesetart this took forever but I need him <3 I love this concept it’s so fun
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elizabethblake · 7 months
That’s for me to know and for you to figure out - pt.11
Panic Imagine -- Dodge Mason x OC (Reese Silvers) -- pt.11
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A girl from a wealthy family wants to get out of Carp just as much as everyone else. With the new guy in town, she seems to be a bit more distracted than she had hoped. And those who once were her friends just may be the ones who will throw her into the deep end. Will panic be what she hopes, or will she fall into the depths of deceit and lies?
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“Luke Hall is taking bets on Panic. That’s why he’s back in town.” Heather said as she sat on my bed.
“To track the game?” I asked. 
“Or to fix it.” She said.
“Fix it?” I asked. 
“Reese think about it, he was at the jump last year. He graduated years ago, isn’t it a little bit weird that he comes back the same summer that two of the leading players die in like freak accidents? That really seems like one hell of a coincidence.” She said. 
“Yeah, both Jimmy and Abby’s deaths are connected to the game, but if Luke is taking bets. Then maybe he’s connected to them too.” I said. 
“Look, I gotta get home but I’ll call you later okay.” She said before leaving.
After Heather left I headed over to Dodge’s place. I walked up and knocked on the door.
“Hey can we talk?” I asked as he answered it.
“Sure, come in.” He said and we made our way to his room. 
“What is it?” He asked. 
“Heather says people are gambling on Panic.” I said.
“Some of them are putting $10,000, $20,000 on each challenge. They think Luke might be in charge.” I added.
“Hmm.” Dodge hummed.
“You’re not surprised.” I said. 
“Because you knew didn’t you?” I asked. 
“Yeah.” He said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Cortez suspected ever since he found out about Panic, but he didn’t know enough about the game or how it worked in order to build a case so um he needed a way in.” He said and I scoffed.
“So you’ve been helping him?” I asked. 
“He wants Luke in jail. This is the only way.” He said. 
“Oh okay, so what you’ve been like spying on us this whole time?” I asked. 
“No, I’ve been trying to win.” He said. 
“How does that help Cortez?” I asked.
“It’s not illegal to gamble in Texas okay. But it is a felony to be the house that’s how we’re going to catch him. If I win, we can prove that Luke is getting a kickback as the bookie. That’s what Cortez needs.” He said. 
“So you’re doing this for revenge?” I asked. 
“Cause Heather told me about your sister. I’m not mad that you lied to me, I’m just curious as to why you thought you couldn’t tell me. I told you everything about what happened and you still kept it from me. But it’s really none of my business I guess.” I said. 
“I’m playing for Dayna.” He said. 
“Yeah. I get that. But you lied Dodge, repeatedly. And I just. I can’t trust someone who lies.” I said as I turned around to leave. 
“Reese.” He said. 
“No. I’m out of Panic. I’m done, our alliance is over there’s nothing else to it.” I said. 
“Really? Was sleeping with me just part of the alliance too?” He asked. 
“No. And you know that. But this mess with Cortez, I don’t want any part of it. I’m trying to burn my broken bridges and go down with them and if any of this gets caught up with me it’s going to be a shit show. So I am sorry Dodge but I can’t have anything to do with Panic anymore.” I said before I left. 
When I got home I noticed my brother’s car and made my way inside.
“Hey, didn’t think you’d be home.” I said. 
“Yeah, haven’t been out much lately.” He said and there was a silent pause.
“Rhett, I’m out of Panic. I got eliminated.” I said, and his eyes shot up to meet mine. 
“I swear to you, I’m gonna get the money. I will help you find a way.” I said and he only sighed.
“Reese, this isn’t your fight you need to quit trying so hard. I got us into this, you weren’t even supposed to be involved in this.” He said. 
“But I am. And if you don’t find the money Rhett. He is gonna kill you.” I said. 
“Maybe not.” He said.
“Maybe we could go to the cops see if Cortez can help.” He said. 
“Thats a bad idea, the cops won’t help if they know why you were there and Cortez is dirty Rhett.” I said. 
“What do you mean?” He asked. 
“Cortez is trying to pin something on Luke, something big. But I know Luke didn’t do it.” I said. 
“What?” He asked. 
“On Halloween 3 years, Dodge’s sister was in a hit and run and it left her paralyzed. Cortez has Dodge convinced it was Luke who hit her but I know it wasn’t.” I said. 
“I was with Ray on Halloween that year. It was freshman year, Ray wouldn’t shut up about how his brother was sitting in jail for some stupid thing that he did. But he was in jail, he wasn’t out roaming the streets and hitting people and driving off.” I said. 
“So what? Maybe Cortez got it wrong.” Rhett said.
“Cortez would know Luke was in jail that night, he would’ve already looked into where he was. That would be the first thing, which means I think Cortez is dirty.” I said. 
“Just stay out of it. Don’t get yourself caught Reese.” He said before leaving, but then stopped. 
“Oh this letter was on the porch when I got home.” He said, picking up an envelope with my name written in bold and handed it to me. 
“Thanks” I said, and he left the room. I opened the envelope and a paper was inside. 
“Shit.” I muttered. 
I pulled up to the place around 9:45 pm and after about 10 minutes I saw Dodge’s car pull up. 
“What the hell?” He asked as he got out of his car. 
“You’re the welcome committee?” He asked. 
“I guess so.” I said. 
“At least you don’t have to pay for admission.” I added and began walking. 
“Tumbleweed maze? I’m almost offended.” Dodge said. 
“Judges...they’re looking for a specific key. Find it and you’re in. You have one hour. And keep it moving, because every minute you spend looking, well that’s just another point you won’t get.” I said. 
“In three, two, one.” I counted down and he walked towards the barn. 
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The next morning we were told to meet at the motor lodge, when I pulled up I went inside and saw that most everyone was already there, I walked over and sat at the table with Heather. 
“Hey.” I said. 
“Hey.” She said. 
“I’m sorry you got out.” She said. 
“It’s all good, Sorry about you too.” I said. 
“Friends, players, former contestants, the results of the individual challenges have been tallied. All the points have been scored. Shawna quit, so she’s out of the game. Dodge is in first place and will be heading to the Joust. The player competing against him is as yet undetermined.” Diggins said. 
“What?! Why?” Ray asked. 
“I mean I stayed long enough in that shithole cooler, didn’t I?” Ray asked. 
“Not long enough to beat Dodge’s time” Summer said.
“The individual challenges aren’t done yet Ray. By order of the judges, Natalie Williams is disqualified for reasons of false representation and failure to complete the required challenges. As punishment the player’s points have been retroactively invalidated.” Diggins said. 
“English please?” Drew asked. 
“The judges wiped Natalies score because she cheated.” Diggins added and Ray laughed.
“She was never in Spurlock’s house. Shouldn’t have even made it to Graybill let alone the final four.” Diggins said. 
“That’s, that’s bullshit. All right that’s hearsay” Nat said.  
“True. We heard you say it.” Summer said.
“That’s a good one Summer.” Nat clapped back.
“No you admitted it in your video that you trapped me underground. That’s nowhere near the house, right?” Heather said.
“Plus someone ratted you out to the judges.” Diggins said. 
“All right, fuck you guys.” Nat said before getting up and leaving.
“You were outside watching the house, Dodge covered for you.” Diggins said, and I turned to look at Dodge. 
“What?” I whispered to Heather and she shrugged her shoulders.
“Wait hold on hold on hold on, wait a second. If Dodge helped Natalie get through the last challenge then why is he still playing?” Ray asked.
“Well he was stealing for two, lucky he didn’t get double the points.” Summer said and people started talking over each other.
“All right settle down, settle down. At the time of the judge’s selection of the Final Three, excluding Natalie, the players in order were Dodge, Ray, and Heather.” Diggins said, and I turned to look at heather with a open smile on my face.
“But Heather missed a challenge.” Drew said. 
“Well she still has her immunity.” Summer said. 
“Given that and Natalie’s disqualification, an exception has been made. Congratulations Heather, the judges ruled you may move on to your individual challenge. Good Luck.” Diggins said. 
As we were leaving I walked out with Heather. 
“Holy fucking shit. This is amazing.” I said to her. 
“I’m so nervous.” She said. 
“Heather this is your chance to win. You have to do everything you can.” I said. 
“And I’m sorry about Nat. She’s a bitch.” I said which made her laugh a little. 
“Looks like it’s down to you and me for joust.” Ray shouted, and I rolled my eyes. 
“I’ll leave you to it.” I said to her as I walked away and headed home.
Later once I was home the doorbell rang and I went downstairs to get it.
“Dodge.” I said as I opened the door. 
“What can I do for you?” I asked. 
“Can I come in?” He asked. 
“Sure.” I said. 
“I’m sorry about before. I’m sorry we argued.” He said. 
“It’s fine. Honestly don’t worry about it.” I said. 
“I’m sorry Natalie screwed you over. I could’ve warned you on that part.” I said. 
“Look I know you’re all set on trying to help Cortez take down Luke Hall but I think you’re exhausting your efforts.” I said. 
“I didn’t come to talk about that.” He said as he walked closer to me as I leaned against the counter in the kitchen.
“Looking back on it, we never really had an alliance did we?” I asked. 
“What do you mean?” He asked. 
“You were always working with Natalie. Trying to get ahead, but I didn’t know. So we never really had an alliance because I couldn’t really trust you even if I didn’t know it.” I said. 
“Did you ever really like me? Or was it a ploy?” I asked. 
“Reese I never would have planned out to get close to you and sleep with you to get an advantage over you in Panic.” He said, sounding a bit hurt that I would suggest that. 
“You suggested it at one point.” I said. 
“I didn’t mean it.” He said.
“I know.” I said. 
“You know, I really did like you Dodge. A lot.” I said.
“Did? As in you don’t anymore.” He said, twisting his lips to the side. 
“So much has happened in so little time, this summer has been crazy but the one thing i’ve managed to keep constant is you.” I said. 
“So no Dodge I didn’t sleep with you because of our alliance, I didn’t just magically erase the feelings I have for you, but things are crazy and if we aren’t on the same page. We cannot do this.” I said. 
“How do we get on the same page Reese? I’m trying.” He said. 
“Cortez is dirty. Plain and simple, you cannot trust him.” I said. 
“I’ll keep my eye out I promise.” He said. 
“And from now on, I’ll tell you everything going on, no more secrets.” He said. 
“Good.” I said, I then leaned in and kissed him, running my hand to the back of his neck. His hand snaked around my waist as he pulled me into him. I broke the kiss only a moment to speak. 
“My brother is home just so you know to keep the volume down to a minimum.” I said, lacing my fingers with his I lead him upstairs and into my room. 
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I slipped on my shirt and pants as Dodge put his on. 
“You know Joust is like a big thing in Panic.” I said, sitting back down on the bed and facing him.
“I know.” He said. 
“I’m worried.” I said.
“I am too.” He stated, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.
“I’ve gotta go, but I’ll meet up with you later okay?” He asked. 
“Okay.” I said with a smile and he leaned down to kiss me before heading out the door and downstairs to leave. 
After a little while, I heard arguing through the floor and I went out to see what was going on. 
“Do you know how dangerous this is Rhett? You could be killed, you could get your sister killed for god’s sake.” I heard my dad shout.
“Dad?” I asked as I made my way downstairs.
“Reese, why didn’t you tell me about any of this? This is crazy you know better, you both know better.” He snapped.
“Dad I can explain.” I said softly.
“So you do know how bad this is.” He said.
“George.” My mom said.
“No Lemon, you were right in your motion to try and send her off to boarding school. It would have been for her own good, because now she decided to help her dumb ass of a brother get out of situation he ain’t ever shoulda been in to begin with.” He yelled.
“Daddy it’s not as bad as you think.” I tried to reason.
“I always told you that Hall boy was no good for you darlin’“ He said.
“I’m takin this to the cops.” He said.
“No dad you can’t.” I said as I ran to the door. 
“Why Reese.” He asked.
“There is so much that you don’t know okay, but you can’t trust them.” I said.
“At least not Cortez.” I added.
“You’re not makin any sense honey.” My mom said.
“Cortez is dirty okay. He is caught up in bets that are bein made on Panic. I don’t know if he is in on them but if he is it means he’s got his eyes glued on me and everyone else in this stupid game so we cannot trust him. He is trying to take Luke Hall out, and if we aren’t careful he is going to find out what happened and we are all gonna go sinking down with that ship.” I said.
“You’re going to tell us everything.” He said.
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jsungshine · 30 days
could we get a list of your ocs that are friends/close, we need more internal karaverse interactions 🙏
❥𓂃🪩���˚.•📁✩‧₊⋆ kara !
omg YES I WILL I LOOOOOOOOOVE THE KARAVERSE EEEE. ao imma focus on cross group friendships cause each group has their own dynamics and that’s a different post. i also don’t wanna add romantic relationships so this is all just friendships for now.
so our main group is heeyoung , minji and taeji, the fucking chaos triplets. jen is a recent addition the squad but she’s really fitting in with them i love it. mimi joins them every now and then but she’s quite a solo person but when she’s there they have fun. they get in a lot of shit together but they’re so fun and fresh. a sub division of this group includes the boys like james of triptych, jisung and hyunjin.
taeji is especially close with james since they’ve known each other since their trainee days. taeji , james and jeongin are a very close trio.
next is our party girls sora, kelsey and kiera. calling them friends is even a stretch they kinda just are around each other and go out together. sometimes they hang out with minchae she’s an npc oc i created that is jangmi’s ex childhood best friend. she’s a model and actress and gets the best drugs so they hang out. non of them really like each other but are a lot more involved in each others lives than they will admit.
sora and sol are one of the closest pairings in the karaverse. they’re like brother and sister and adore each other. he really is her support system and so sweet. they used to include fin a lot in their friendship but ever since their breakup they obviously are back to being a duo.
a fun little group stella, mila and nova. the three of them are very close and i looove them cause they’re all so different but mesh together so well. they’re literally the coolest people you’ll ever meet. they’re so like aloof and mysterious ugh so sexy.
next is our artsy gays; mila , stella , dayna and arin. they love to frequent galleries and go to fun exhibits not super close but hangout a decent amount.
next we have akiko and trin. theyre a cute lil duo , trin is a lot more quiet and doesn’t stand up for herself but luckily she has akiko. they’re joined at the hip and in basically in love with each other i’m obsessed fr.
iris used to train at cube and so she’s close with vivid but she’s one of sora’s best friends. they liked each other as trainees but decided to just stay friends and that was the best thing they could’ve done honestly because they make amazing friends.
lastly there’s jangmi and minseok as well as jangmi and sam from triptych. minseok and jangmi were mcs together and jangmi fell for him but he’s in love with his bandmate jun so they’ve become really good friends. jangmi has struggled with friendships and through minseok she met sam and they are instantly clicked. she decided that they’d ignore their romantic interest in each other to focus on their friendship because it means so much to her.
honorable mention to jinah bora and jade. nothing significant but like at parties they interact a lot
that’s all the significant ones i can think of. obviously they cross paths a lot at like parties. lemme know if you want all the romantic relationships or like people they hate too cause this was so fun lmao yayyy
find my ocs here; @alwaysvivid , @nct-krown , @inter-stellar-jyp , @karaverse , @p0ppingjelly
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heartheaded · 9 months
ok SO i'm just gonna scroll your list & do a lightning round? ready?
{ Ragatha } Pomni, of course! and the OC's! maybe Papyrus if we're feeling different!
{ Katara & Jinora } Crossovers aplenty! I may be more of a casual ATLA fan (I've only seen the first series and a little of Korra!), but it's an easy world to grasp! My DND characters/OCs can thrive here with a little tweaking! Canons need an additional thought, but I mentioned fire-bender Daphne somewhere >:)
{ Sayaka, Sonia, Komaru, Kaede } Aaah, the lovely DR girls! I happen to have some lovely DR boys with an itch to add another (Teruteru) & an Angie for your consideration!
{ Starfire & Nightstar } Party!Thor! 'Nuff said!
{ Descendants & Disney } Tinker Bell or the Monster High girls can work with these guys, we just have to do a little plotting!
{ Namine & Kairi } U g h especially these guys! You telling me Tink wasn't a princess of heart WHY? -------prolly 'cause she's not human, but dw abt it
{ Calhoun } Wreck-It Ralph holds a special place in my heart and is one of my most favorite movies of all time, so I am always thinking of crossovers for this when prompted, so!
{ Raven & Rosabella } Tinker Bell variation where it's her kid?? I'm keeping that father secret though because honestly who knows
{ Luna } I have Harry Potters, you have a Luna-- it's simple math, really
{ Hetalia } I truly don't have anything to go here, I just want to say I loved growing up with Hetalia what a blessed generation we are/were
{ Keyleth } I love her to pieces, she's beautiful & Scanlan will always support her tbh... my DND OCs are open to her as well, though!
{ Draculaura, Elissabat, Frankie, Mouscedes, Twyla } A crime none of the ghouls have interacted at all?! Dayna, Vandalla, Lorna, and Gooliope are down to clown with the ghoulfriends!
{ Applejack, Pinkie, Twlight, Starlight, Sugar, Neo } The ponies are in development hell, but I've had their cutie origins lodged in the back of my mind like a rock launched at it at full speed -- the muse is highest for PINKIE PIE, a candy-growing talentswap
{ Vivi } & Daphne, good day
{ Haruhi } TARO has an established verse, but truly any teen I have can become a student and enjoy the Host Club at their own peril
{ Ann } The beautiful Ann for the mysterious Moon!Yusuke, and I've been battering around with adding Emporer!Mishima too
{ Pokemon } This is just a special entry for Chuchi TBH, because I have an Alolan Raichu called Babs and she's my everything
{ Powerpuffs } If I ever add Buttercup TBH...
{ Daphne } Hey, she has like 12 sisters already, right?
{ Sam } If you endorse me on Clover..........
{ Snow White } I can make some shit WORK with the Monster High girls here! I imagine Gooliope would be especially interesting here skldshldkfdl ugh I have some IDEAS ON THE HORIZON
ok! that's all! good luck to us!
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zumpietoo · 1 year
Ah Yes, Duan Must Now Meangirl a Bit...
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I can never quite (other than she's both batshit and a dumb bitch) figure out the exact motivation FOR Duan's asshole behavior.....but it IS all there....
I could even understand if she had issues with Babs, given how Dayna is supposedly her "best friend".....but, noooo, she's seemingly nursing the lonnnggg girl crush on Babs, instead....
And then, as Cole continues to gently distance, himself, there she is, doting on all his exes, including the one who made almost 0 effort (and ultimately then only to try and salvage shit towards the very tail end of it) and she'll never see again, the one that never happened and the one who's beyond batshit (and she previously had cut out).....
Buuuut.....oddly, I notice she's also kinda snubbing the Lotts these days, so who fucking knows?
I'M not even sure if I'm glad or sad my first impression of her, years ago, turns out to have been ded on
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summerdutkowsky · 1 year
Top 5 LGBTQ+ characters and/or ships. Happy Pride Month!
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH YOU KNOW WHAT TOPICS I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT!!!!!! i truly don't know how i'm only going to keep this at only five though
Tessa Porter/Mariah Copeland (i really could talk about these two forever, i have so many feelings and opinions and they could have a top five list of their own)
Leighton Murray (from sex lives of college girls, i love mean lesbians)
Embeth Pegg (from kollok, another character i could fucking write a novel on)
Leena/Maddy (from all cheerleaders die, yes they're the one freshest in my brain because i just rewatched the movie but i have so so many feelings about them and their connection)
Todd Chavez (we love asexual rep!)
holy shit i forgot the most important queer rep for me! Dayna Jurgens, bi rep badass from stephen king's the stand
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residentdormouse · 1 year
hi! this is a sign to talk about glen bateman. tell me about your headcanons, or explain your favorite scenes, or just gush about how great he is! whatever you have to say, i want to hear it. :)
Open Floor to talk about Glen?
Are you sure about that?
Eh, doesn’t matter. Too Late. No take backs; already off…
Going to have to do Headcanons. Favorite scene? All of them. Gushing? Would never end and would drift off into incoherent screeching. This is me controlling myself...
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So going off of the 2020 version, because let’s face it, that’s the one that hooked me, (Goddamn it, Kinnear, I blame you…) Glen sees a future image of Fran in his dream. He doesn’t know who this is. It means nothing to him. Hell, Mother Abagail was just ‘some lady from a commercial’; no reason this woman would be any different. Figment of his imagination. His mind working around a (family) life he had opted out of long ago.
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(Kids? Hard pass.)
But then Stu comes, and everything hits. Mother Abagail. Fran. Just what this means.
He is somehow doing impossible things. Things he would have discredited only a month prior. He wasn’t lying when he was giving his speech to Harold; he was (is) a man of science. He believed what could be seen. What could be proven. He married a physicist for fucks sake. “Hard science.” Maybe this stuff could exist, but he sure as shit wasn’t taking it on blind faith. Give him something, or get the hell out of here.
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(And it’s dream prophesies with the steel chair…)
So now for things that aren’t explicitly stated. Headcanon.
In light of this revelation, Glen would be left to wonder what else could have been ‘more’. Mother Abagail was the “most vivid dream” he ever had, but Fran’s must have been pretty damn vivid to paint what he did. What else had he dreamt that had a deeper meaning? Places? Events? Maybe it was an image leading him to a paint spot that put him on the path to run into Stu? Or a trip out that would have brought Kojak to him? Potentially even before that…
I imagine he had quite a few nights on the road lost in thought over this. Because, that’s what Glen does, thinks. Comes up with theories.
It is very probable that he’s seen a few things he naturally passed up as coincidence. The world ending up like this, society causing its own downfall, that didn’t surprise him. Pretty sure, he knew something like this would happen. But was that from his studies of humanity, or because he already had vague notions in his head of this outcome.
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(Both? I don't know...)
With no proof, a dream of destruction like this would have just been a nightmare. With knowledge now, it could have been preparation. Along those lines, did he know his wife would pass early? So much loss, did it subconsciously affect his decision about kids? About his future path? Maybe not, but maybe…
And its possible this wasn’t all just in the past either. In this version, Glen recommends sending Tom as a spy, because he thinks he could do it. But Glen’s interaction with Tom - limited, at best. I’m sure there’s moments that wouldn’t have been screen worthy, there’s been a fair passage of time here, but nominations were coming from groups in. Fran’s group had Dayna. Larry had Judge Farris. Tom was with Nick. Why was Glen the one to bring it up? I think he might have seen something that led him to feel more confident in this recommendation. I think he had a feeling, somewhere in the back of his mind, that Tom would make it out.
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(Even though he desperately wanted somebody to say anybody else.)
I don’t know, this could be completely off base, but these are things I think about. Repeatedly. Because this damn character will not leave my mind. And hey, worse things to think about, am I right?
Glen Bateman > Real Life Bullshit.
Sign me up for the Glen show, all day every day.
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valiantharpoon · 1 year
"Horrors of Stonehawk Lake" (fiction)
Written by: V. Harpoon (2023)
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Chapter 2:
"We step into the Witches Gate. Everything changed for us again... Lovecraft awakes."
J stoked the rotten skulls on the old pikes. The end of everything crept nearer. Dayna became Dana, became Danya, became me reflecting in the golden eyes of a billionaire's daughter. Gore coats the stones. Plague eats the sliver of sun. The cold breath of the lake mutates as hot and hungry. Future, past, present blur as they always have but now worse and will. J screams at the skulls. I think it's the fry cook from the diner. Features are indistinguishable from shadows. Everything about him is separate and yet entirely myself... My arm is broken. Has it always been that way? J giggles.
J asks softly: "Who harbinger quando?"
I don't know and I say nothing.
J replies: "Liar, doctor. Never roll again."
I sit up: "Where's Dayna?"
J rushes up to my face: "No. Try harder."
I don't know and I stutter.
J sighs and tears off the daughter's cheek with his teeth. Chews with and without satisfying answers or pleasures.
I: "Can we start over? I'm Valiant."
J, deep space and time: "Lover of Sacrifice."
I might understand: "Evan?"
J smiles: "Rose of course and death."
I feel my arm reset and I scream.
J smiles wider: "Doctor doctors self here."
When did I grow breasts? I've always had them. My arm hurts. Nature whispers my name as Dayna. Is it right? Who is this scurrying in the darkness? Did I have a partner? What does J stand for? I see her breasts drooping and rotting. I smell urine and the remains of hot love. All clothes are one me. Why are dancing so slow? Everything is slower and uncomfortable, yet it speeds up like time's on meth. The bite of rock ignored our pains. It's breathing, undulating and indifferent.
J whispers in my ears from across the cavern: "I'm going to prove hell to you."
I, Dayna, respond: "Simon says no."
J giggles and we dance: "Fate. Whim. Same things happen with time. Forget not."
Dayna, me? asks: "Is there a point to all of this confusion? A meal for the mind?"
J points at the mirror ceiling. Puzzle pieces shouldn't twist like cyclones. I don't understand... the spiders aren't really...
J laughed at shadows: "You will."
A voice close, far: "Dayna? That you?"
I, Dayna? echo: "Val? What's happening?"
The beast roars and shudders the stones.
J: "She is awake."
I, Val: "Who harbinger quando?"
J grins: "The Witch of the Gods."
I ask what already know: "Where's Evan?"
J's grin dies: "Lover gave himself..."
I die again inside: "Of course, he did..."
Dayna, closing in: "Who's Evan?"
J disappointed, disappeared...
Tentacles, black, oozing, and numerous slither into view. Pulsing purple lights burst from oblivion to their tips. They groped at our legs and faces. They caressed our genitals and throats. They squeeze and raise us in the infinite dark. A ray of daylight becomes visible again. It's far below us. A vulgar cut in the rock. We become aroused as it thrusts us together. We slip outside onto the dirt road, slimy, naked, and embracing. The other cops stare down in disbelief. A rotting breeze floats out the Witches Gate... Something inside giggles and echoes.
I snap into full awakening: "Dayna?"
Dayna, still groggy: "Yeah?..."
I: "We're in deep shit."
Dayna nods and blacks out.
I follow up with a thud.
We come to in the Sheriff's Office. Eyes glow as we stir again. Doc Polk sighs in relief. I've been dressed in a white T-shirt and gray sweatpants. My left arm is in a fresh cast and throbbing. I don't see Dayna and I panic. Doc Polk calmed me without words but a button on the desk.
Doc: "He's awake."
I see Dayna refrain from sprinting into the room with that stern look she has sometimes. I see right through it. Her right arm is in a sling and cast like mine.
Dayna nods: "What was that all about?"
I: "Don't know... but we will soon enough."
Doc Polk handed me a case file from the desk he sat behind. The answers lead to more questions. J crows heartbreak and demons. He/She/It? is standing invisible in the corner of my eyes. I shake my head clear of these Lynching thoughts.
My throat is dry: "Got any coffee?"
Dayna nods and exits. I'm sure I saw tentacles portal along the ceiling.
Doc chuckles: "I'll get the sheriff."
He leaves.
I'm alone with the shade of a former lover in my heart and a demon in the corner. Who's magic will be stronger?
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andodge · 1 year
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@ofcxnsequence said: thank god for you. ( For Dayna) { x }
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Ever since the fire things had gone to shit. Dodge, who wouldn't admit to liking control over things, had lost control over what he had in Panic very very quickly. He had kept it together mostly. No one seemed to really care as his car had exploded, and they were grabbing onto each other. So he stood there for a bit until Diggins found him.
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At least he didn't have to walk home, that had been his plan after this turn of events.
He was dropped off, and slowly made his way inside. Dayna was their immediately, and he hugged which was something he probably hadn't done in a while. It was probably more than over due at this point. But at some point after she spoke he started crying again. That quiet cry that he did because the last time Dodge had made a sound when he cried was faded into memories of when he was a kid and likely fell off a ram or something. "Its okay," I'm okay, he finally settled on in response.
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teethbard · 1 month
i am at karaoke without meaning to it goes: oh what a fun song! am i talking to aidan and max too long is he getting upset and jealous because of macbeth? oh let’s make sure he feels included in this conversation and introduce him to people because i can tell he feels aimless/a little left out. shit dayna just said he reminded her of the wrong sex and the city character fix it. why is he touching my arm. why is he looking to me. why is he cheering for me. why is he pulling me aside to make jokes. he wants the rest of my weed let him have it. is he flirting with the waitress? does he think i’m flirting with this guy? stop talking to the guy. he’s having a bad time. apologize for everyone. fucking fix it. great, go time, sing your song.
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strangerplan · 7 months
@heygutlcss ( continued from here. )
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JUST BECAUSE GRAZI WAS RIGHT DIDN’T MEAN DODGE WANTED TO HEAR IT. AND HOW DID SHE KNOW WHAT Dayna wanted? No one knew that, except him. He was a little offended she’d say such a thing, honestly, but he didn’t say that to her. “You knew going into this what I wanted! You knew and you didn’t say shit. So it’s a little late to tell me you don’t want me doing this, Grazi.” He had every intention of going through with his plan. Grazi could try to stop him, but she wouldn’t be able to. “I’m not going to die!” He could. And he didn’t think he’d care if he did. But he had to live to take care of Dayna. “Just drop it, Grazi. And leave me alone.”
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feelthefyah · 1 year
#35 Max Boyens
Guest: Season 7, Main: Season 8
35/35, Men 16/16
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It’s easy to forget now that season 8’s reign of terror feels so far in the rear view mirror, but this little shit was at one point one of the most prominent characters on VPR.
He was misogynistic to any woman he was involved with, unprofessional at his job and bickered constantly with his closest friend. Now these are usually great qualities for a male VRPer to have but Max never had any of the fun that a James or a Jax did.
Max & Brett are truly one of the worst reality tv duos ever. They’re dressing as the Toms! They’re disrespecting Scheana together! They’re tossing Dayna around like a hacky sack! Even when they were pretending to argue about their rivalling Dayna situationships it was super boring.
Max was a part of refresh where everyone had their counterpart - Charli was baby Scheana, Dayna was baby Stassi, Danica was baby Kristen, Brett was notionally baby Jax and I guess Max was a combination of the worst qualities of Jax, Schwartz and Sandoval put into an extremely untelegenic host body.
Best moment - when at the reunion he mentions that he slept with Kristen twice before even though we almost never saw them interact and Kristen had been cosying up to Dayna <3 more of a great Kristen moment I guess though
Worst moment - literally any Dayna & Max scene of the 25+ in S8
Would I fire him if I were LVP?: Yes, if not only for the many racist tweets that surfaced but also because he sucks.
I know it seems dramatic to put him last especially when the next two out are like alleged sex criminals but if you don’t understand please rewatch S8.
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zumpietoo · 2 years
I mean, all the reinharts plus KJ and Danny are gross and negative and awful. As for craig and Duan, Craig seems alright although Duan is a very fair weather at times fake friend. We’ve seen it online. If a friend of mines ex bad mouths them every chance they get I would not like their Instagram pics and leave comments with hearts. But hey, maybe that makes me a bad person
Not even feeling Craig these days tbh, but exactly about duan: she’s been friends with cole for like half his life. He and Dylan include them in shit and frequently put them on projects for $$$$ (something we know pp doesn’t do), he’s always been there for them….
Yet here’s duan, desperately currying favor wit the ex she met a handful of times, after she kept delaying pushing off shit for like 3 years. The same ex who didn’t attend her bridal shower, she’ll likely never see again and not only bad mouths cole, but fucked around on him.
And honestly, I get her remaining friends with Dougoline and breetch, because she was close to them. Ditto dayna. Pp? Nope
I’m really disappointed that it seems I was right about her the first time
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radgeorgie · 5 years
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     fav drag queens, raja   “I’ve always known in the back of my mind that there was something about me, that was better than everybody else.”
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ariesdisaster · 3 years
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