#daybreak at midnight
cosmicphenix · 11 months
I saw someone go back to the beginning of this entire blog and start reposting and liking everything so I decided to give a little gift today!
My mental health journey has been going well, and my art has improved because of it. So here! Please accept Daybreak at Midnight Warren and hypno!
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It felt very nice to draw them again! I hope you enjoy!
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ynwa1892 · 2 years
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"Human creativity is nature manifest in us... I believe that we are here on this star in space to try to help one another, right? And first, we have to survive, and then we have to thrive. And to thrive, to express ourselves... we have to know ourselves. What do you love? And if you get close to what you love, who you are is revealed to you, and it expands.”
Happy Birthday Ethan Hawke      [6th November 1970]
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nyxx-shade13 · 4 months
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MLP Villain Kandi!!
Nightmare Moon
Queen Chrysalis
Adagio Dazzle
Sonata Dusk
Aria Blaze
Tempest Shadow
Midnight Sparkle
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lexcorecreations · 2 months
been workin on raging she-demon shimmer redesign for idk how long and i haven’t gotten to a design i like quite yet… any tips or suggestions ?
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a-slashersfinalgirl · 5 months
what show do you miss that’s been canceled?
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ren-the-pen · 2 months
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This one's just kind of a love letter to my past self since I was reminiscing today. One of my very first characters ever--lore in tags.
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lunaremy · 1 year
despite being the most sleepiest bomber blue is also the cuddliest one
he reminds me of a cat (short story under the cut)
"So, if we plug the red cable into this doohickey right here, the computer should run faster than before."
"Yes! Yes! Brilliant!"
It was yet another late-night hangout session between Blue and Phantom, where they put their minds together to create anything they thought about. The duo currently presented at the laptop, with Blue standing over Phantom's chair.
Phantom Bomber did as Blue said, and sure enough, the computer's monitor booted to life quicker than ever before.
"That thinking of yours impresses me," Phantom noted. He cobbled together some code into the keyboard, and the monitor opened an interface.
"We should make some data chips to use later," Phantom comments offhandedly. "Maybe your siblings could learn a thing or two with them."
"Yeah...sure, whatever."
Blue yawned.
"If you wanna continue or something, you can, but..." He paused, nearly trailing off. "It's kinda late, and I......"
Rather abruptly, he found himself huddled inside Phantom's absurdly massive cape, curled up as he wrapped the fabric around his body. The chair Phantom was sitting on wasn't particularly big enough for two people, though, so he ended up rather close to Phantom in the process of obtaining a restful slumber.
"Wow...this is kinda warm."
"What are you doing?!" Phantom borderline yelled at him, but by then, Blue was already out like a light.
Hey...this is kinda warm.
Phantom continued work on the aforementioned data chips - of course, learning through natural means was easier on the body and frequently more rewarding, but it still helped to have a few data-storing options on your body sometimes. Think of it as like a grocery shopping list- it's there in case you forget something important.
Over the course of the development of the data chips, Phantom found himself leaning more and more into Blue's half-asleep snuggling, to the point where he was eventually fully crammed into the chair as well, with Phantom's arm wrapped around his body.
It was a long night- something Phantom was more than used to, but somehow Blue's presence made it a little better.
Through the window, Phantom noted the rising of the sun, and typed in a few last lines of code before ejecting the disk. One of many, to be precise; the work done tonight was nothing short of a masterful performance, something that could only be done by the magnificent Phantom Bomber.
...Oh, and Blue Bomber, he guessed.
Phantom glanced over at his sleeping buddy; still snoring away, arms huddled around his body, wrapped in his cape without a care in the world.
This is an interesting specimen, Phantom found himself thinking. I would like to study him.
Which was a strange way of wording it, for sure.
A few moments passed in silence, and then-
How am I supposed to get up like this?
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ereborne · 1 month
Song of the Day: August 22
“When I Go” by Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 9 months
i cannot possibly tell you how high my heart soars every time "daybreak" appears on community 🥰🥰🥰
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grox-empire · 2 years
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he is infinitesimally small
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void-kissed · 2 years
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"Get away from her!"
This is just a render of Clio fighting a powerful opponent during a mission of some kind, and then Aria very quickly and hurriedly coming in to protect her out of nowhere. I may have gone slightly overboard with the AutoLuminous on the second image, but it works well, right? ^~^
Tag list: @dragonsmooch | @sol-rbs | @bugsband | @sunlight-ships | @stargazer-sims | @darkseeker | @detective-with-one-arm | @deepsea-loves | @mxrealman | @artificervaldi | @thatslikesometaldude (To be tagged in my work in the future, please see this post!)
(Anyone is welcome to comment on and reblog my work if desired, as long as my DNI is respected! An alternate image is under the readmore.)
This is just an extra bonus image to show how Clio looks in the second render, since.. you kind of can't really see her over Aria swooping in, haha
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cosmicphenix · 1 year
Donnie doodles! That's it. Just a few doodles of everyone's favorite scientist that is also a turtle.
(Suprise cass)
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(Part 2 coming as early as next week!)
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From the moment that Starlight and the others left Chrysalis behind, she had her back turned from the entrance to her cell. She stared at the hole she'd made in the wall. That magic blast would have been more than enough to kill Starlight had she hit her point blank. She replayed it in her head, but the thought of actually going through with it terrified her even more. But at the same time, Starlight was the daughter of her most hated enemy. And she'd hid that information from Chrysalis, which only made things worse. Chrysalis would go over again and again in her mind trying to justify why she did what she did. Even with what she saw as a betrayal, she spared Starlight. 
She also thought of what Applejack had told her before she'd left, and as frustrating as it was, she knew it to be true… but that only made her even more angry with herself. 
Chrysalis: No… she and I are not friends! We could never be... I-I'm not...
She stomped at the ground, feeling the tears welling up again. She let out a shout that echoed around the empty chamber.
Chrysalis: Curses! This was so much easier when I was just against them all! Those wretched ponies, they... they've infected me with those beliefs of theirs! With their ideals of 'friendship'! I-I am the Queen of the Changelings! I-I don't need any friends!
She let that ring out… but even with that blustering to herself, she knew it to be a lie. She flashed back to when the Mean Twilight clone she created said she did which made her break down once more.
Chrysalis: What am I even doing? They should have just put me back in stone, that would have been easier...
Chrysalis looked back to see that Apple Bloom's cart of her brewed flavored teas had been left behind after the chaos she'd caused. Some of the glass bottles fell off the cart and broke on the floor. There were still some drinks that were on the cart, but It was outside of the barrier so she couldn't get to it even if she tried. She took a good look at some of the other crumbled bits of the hive, realizing now the full magnitude of what she'd almost done.
Chrysalis: Some Queen I am...
With tears in her eyes, she curled up in the corner and went to sleep.
Or at least… she tried to sleep this off as hard as she could. The full weight of what she almost did in pure anger still overwhelmed her mind. The depression takes her to some dark thoughts. Maybe instead of killing Starlight, she thougth maybe she should have made a reflective bubble to surround her… and then direct all that power just for it to bounce off... destroying herself. 
Come to think of it, a really scary question comes up. All while explaining how the soul shield and afterlife works, Starlight never mentioned what happens to the spirits of those who took their own lives. Would Chrysalis still be considered evil enough that her death would damage the hive, or is there at least some mercy if at the moment of death. Those who wanted no one around them to be hurt anymore, other then the inevitable emotional toll suicide takes on others who have come to know them? It's a question she's not sure it's going to be answered, the fear of the former is at least what makes her hesitant to pull it off.
After a few more minutes of thinking alone, she considers just ending it all for herself before morning arrives regardless of what she thinks. Today's events just about confirmed to her that there's no place for her. Chrysalis believes not even Twilight's going to be able to forgive her for almost killing not just one of her best friends, but also her student, and a majority of the changelings she considers allies. Speaking of which, after scaring everyone else of her own kind. They probably don't ever want to see her again either. This also means she might have blown her chance at meeting Arista and Spur again as spirits... but would she even want to face them again after what she had just pulled?
She takes some time to debate within herself the effect of just ending her own life just so it'd all be over for her. Deciding that if she's going to decide to take her own life, she hopes it's before Starlight arrives. But for now, one last rest to mull over her entire life to this point. 
But if Chrysalis thought this night would give her a peaceful rest to think, she was sadly mistaken. Those dark thoughts continued to swirl in her mind even as she slept, pulling her into a vivid nightmare. On the outside, she began to toss and turn, even sweating from the nightmare she'd landed in. For within the dream, she found herself running from not one, but multiple powerful entities.
???: Pathetic insect… worthless Queen. You have been an eyesore for too long... It's time you were brought out of your misery and your useless existence!
???: Oh how the mighty have fallen! You aren't even worthy of the title of Queen! You cannot be Queen with no subjects! You cannot even be a proper villain anymore! What good are you!?
Chrysalis: Shut your mouths! I... I am Queen of the Changelings! I... need nopony by my side! I am...
The voices were quite familiar to her, twisted forms of ponies she'd known and loathed. But as she ran, she was cut off and collided with one of them. Who laughed. When Chrysalis looked up, she could see Celestia and Luna… or rather, their vicious alternate selves, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon.
Daybreaker: You. Are. NOTHING! Not good enough to be Queen… and you have nowhere to hide
Nightmare Moon: And certainly no threat to anypony. Truly a defanged beast at best. It'd be merciful to put you down for good.
Chrysalis: N-no! Stay away from me!
Chrysalis tried to fire off a magic blast at the two… but it just bounced off them, causing the evil monarchs to laugh in her face. Chrysalis shrunk back, quivering in fear.
As Chrysalis backed away, the fearful sight of these different forms of the Alicorn sisters terrified her. Though as she reflexively backs away, the flash of a teleport spell forces Chrysalis to close her eyes for a moment. When she looks back up, it's none other than Starlight Glimmer. She's at first scared that Starlight is assisting the sisters, but instead she's facing the two right on.
Starlight: I can't believe you two! I never thought it'd ever come to this, but you're taking this too far! GO AWAY!
Starlight fires a humongous blast that seems to surprise even the alicorn sisters who dodge it but are certainly distracted long enough for Starlight to give Chrysalis some time for them to run.
Starlight: Quickly! Follow me!
Nightmare Moon: Agh! Annoying pest!
Daybreaker: That will not save you!
Chrysalis is stunned to see Starlight not only there, but assisting her as well. She didn't fully know how to process it but she wasn't going to stick around either. She took Starlight's hoof and ran with her through a forest which seemed even more dense than the Everfree itself!
Chrysalis: S-Starlight!? You're… helping me!? Thank you, but why!? If you stick around, they'll obliterate you!
Chrysalis gasped at her own genuine worry for Starlight, she shook her head. 
Chrysalis: Just... just get out of here! Your assistance was appreciated. But get out of here before they come back!
There was a rustling nearby which put Chrysalis on edge. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon couldn't have found them already...
???: Oooh, what do we have here? A heart teetering on the precipice of breaking entirely. Perhaps we should give her a simple push, wouldn't you agree~?
This new voice seemed to be speaking to someone else, but neither Chrysalis or Starlight could see where it was coming from. Even though she was just telling Starlight to leave, Chrysalis stuck close to her when she heard this new but familiar voice.
Chrysalis: No… don't tell me… not her too!
Starlight gasped too at the familiar voice.
Starlight: Cadence?! Nooo! What's gotten into all of you?!
???: Cadence? Hahaha! Oh you're quite mistaken… call me… Cardiac!
A much darker looking version of Cadence appears in front of them. While it's unknown if she had some dark side like Luna or Celestia. In this nightmare, she's all too real.
Chrysalis: This… this is impossible! You shouldn't exist!
Cardiac: I think YOU are the one that shouldn't exist, Chrysalis. Besides, you and I have some unfinished business. I look forward to making you suffer for everything you did to my husband. And you Starlight… oh I'm going to enjoy taking you down as well for what you've done to Twilight in the past… or I would but...
Cardiac looks to the shadows with a sinister smirk.
Cardiac: Care to join the party and teach your student and this FAILURE one final lesson?~
Chrysalis' expression dropped even further, she knew whom Cardiac was talking to now and it filled her with even more fear.
???: Gladly, my dear sister-in-law!
Starlight's heart sank as she heard what was clearly Twilight's voice.
Starlight: No... no... NOOOOO! Twilight?! NOT YOU TOO!
A rather sinister laugh comes out of the alicorn genie's lips. For Chrysalis it only reminded her way too much of the Twilight clone she created a long time ago. Though this Twilight certainly had a much more intimidating appearance to match those of the evil forms of Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.
???: Oh, poor poor Starlight... I guess I'm going to have to expel you for betraying Equestria like this. Move aside, and we will remove this so-called ‘Queen’ off our planet forever
Starlight growled
Starlight: Betray Equestria?! What are you talking about, I'm standing up for the beliefs that I thought you were teaching all along! Kindness, understanding, empathy! and so much more! Attacking Chrysalis like this is the antithesis to what the School of Friendship was for!
This dark form of Twilight just laughs
???: Did you really think I meant that for everyone? I only included non-ponies into the school of friendship to be brainwashed from a young age to share the superiority of ponies! How else could I have truly gotten EEA approved? I did everything… by. the. BOOK.!
It seems, that this only goes to show you never really did let go of your silly beliefs in equality... tis' a shame.
...Oh and by the way, I don't go by Twilight anymore. Allow me to introduce myself as... MIDNIGHT SPARKLE!
Cardiac: And here I once thought you were a smart one, Starlight! We've been on top for this long for a reason! I'd say it breaks my heart but… honestly, you can easily be replaced with somepony more in line with our ideals. You're not fit to be an alicorn in waiting! If you want to be squashed like the bug next to you, it's not a problem for us! Inferior creatures don't belong in this world anyway!
Chrysalis was shaking, any sense of bravado and confidence that she would normally have was completely gone. These dark and twisted versions of the two were spouting off exactly what Chrysalis thought ponies saw her as... but it didn't fire her up to fight. It was as if she'd already given up. Her only instinct was to run. She grabbed Starlight and ran off with her. Trying to gain some distance and perhaps plan. 
Chrysalis: Leave her out of this! Starlight, we stand no chance against them! We have to keep running!
Cardiac: Well, she's always been good at scurrying away… too bad there's nowhere to go~! 
At every turn, Cardiac or Midnight were able to cut them off… and then they were joined by Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker.
Nightmare Moon: I certainly hope you weren't expecting to run away and survive this time? There will be no chances to lick your wounds here!
Daybreaker: You were both once blights upon Equestria, nopony would truly miss you! Death is the only thing fitting for you! You two had so many opportunities to change… but honestly, wiping the slate and starting fresh is so much easier!
The two are blinded by a bright light coming off of Daybreaker, followed by an intense heat. Chrysalis looks like she just wants to curl up… and accept her fate.
Midnight: Whoa whoa whoa, sister-in-law. I wouldn't say she's completely not fit to be an alicorn... and my mentor, sure we can destroy this oversized bug soon enough. But let's not harm Starlight too badly... or at least..  the body that is.. the soul inside... I could certainly not care less.. But her body can be the PERFECT vessel for the return of your GREATEST student... 
Daybreaker smirked at this suggestion.
Daybreaker: Oh yes I see! She would be much better with us inside that body than her absolute failure of a daughter! The world would easily fall under our control that way! With dominion over the day… the night… the hearts and minds of every single creature in Equestria.
Starlight stepped back herself hearing this
Starlight: W.. wh.. what are you planning?! My body's mine! You can't just give it to somepony else!
Midnight: Oh? Not even... YOUR OWN MOTHER?!
As Twilight announces this, a laughter that chills Chrysalis' spine unlike any other as it echoes throughout the nightmare forest above them. What's more, the arrival of this "guest" to appear is being preceded by a forest fire rapidly approaching Starlight and Chrysalis. Chrysalis about freezing in fear, knowing who exactly is fast approaching.
Chrysalis: W-what you say is i-impossible! There's no way that she… she can't possibly...
Daybreaker: We have our ways… the research has already been done. It's quite possible. Starlight's body will be preserved… we can't say the same for you though, Chrysalis
Chrysalis could feel the heat from the flames surrounding them. The wicked grins of the malicious alicorns looked far more terrifying than she ever could. And they only seemed to get worse the more she stared at them. Chrysalis was too scared to even try to fight back. Her horn fizzled but nothing came out.
Nightmare Moon: Clearly Chrysalis is already submitting to our rule, just look at her shaking. What's the matter, bug?! Oh… that's right, she murdered your family, it's only fitting that she finishes the job!
Chrysalis: NO!!! Not her, please! Anypony but her! No, no, no!!!
Chrysalis frantically tried to get away, but any direction she moved in would be met with more fire. As if it was intentionally being controlled to keep her and Starlight there.
All the evil alicorns just chuckle and cackle as the two are surrounded by flames and await the appearance of none other than the spirit of Sunset Shimmer. A force like a comet comes down into the forest that stops short of hitting Chrysalis before forming into a very haunting silhouette. While Chrysalis herself has owned up and said she's proud to be considered a villain. This was the pony who she viewed as the ultimate evil for years. A bar to put herself at whenever she's planned her next move, to never go down as low as genocide.
The dark sclera in the spirit's eyes and much deeper red color scheme doesn't exactly help quell Chrysalis' fears. It was like death didn't erase Sunset, it only turned her into the devil itself, Sunset floats there with her lower half more wispy like that of Twilight's genie tail.
The demonic spirit looks down on the two below with a threatening smirk.
Sunset: Why hello there, Chrysalis... did you miss me?~
Chrysalis started to hyperventilate, seeing Sunset in the way she remembers. Or rather, the way she imagines her to be. A demonic looking entity who is followed by fiery destruction. Her dark sclera and piercing eyes stared into Chrysalis' soul.
Chrysalis: You… you can't be here, this is impossible!
Daybreaker: Did you not listen? Nothing is impossible...
Nightmare Moon: We control all realms...
Cardiac: There is no escape from us any longer...
Chrysalis shrank down, feeling fear overtake her, she tried to hide away, but they were all there, she could feel that her time had finally run out… but she and Starlight heard a faint but familiar voice in the distance.
???: ... you're not... alone... rise up...
Meanwhile, Starlight looks toward her floating mother's spirit. Confused as ever, not realizing or perhaps not even seeing the demon form that Chrysalis sees
Starlight: Mother?! Just what is going on here, I thought we were working to help Chrysalis… not destroy her! Please... if you can speak some sense into the others! I don't know what's gott-
Sunset: Enough, dear daughter. They don't need to be spoken sense, this is exactly what we've been planning for years now...
Starlight gasped in shock
Starlight: What?! Plan?! What plan?! You mean... you're in on this too?! Even... even... about HIJACKING MY OWN BODY?!
Sunset cackled again in a creepily haunting tone that's emphasized by the echo in her voice.
Sunset: Exactly! Now that Equestria's discovered the secrets of the afterlife, we've placed our best researchers to discover how we could take advantage of this. And if they weren't ‘morally’ willing to go as far as experiment with the dead... let's just say they got a one way ticket to the soul shield themselves. And among these years of discoveries, replacing a soul with another quickly brought our attention... as it turns out, it works best if the spirit and the new body are directly related...
Sorry we never told you, but we had a hunch you would know what this means. That you were simply a pawn, to bring ME back to life once more…
Starlight's face just went broken, she couldn't believe it. All this time, her mother, Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and even Twilight have deceived her. At this moment, she realized an unfortunate truth. She looked at Chrysalis.
Starlight: Y-y-y-you... were r-right all along, Chrysalis... I'm sorry, I should have believed you... I didn't know! Honest!
Tears in her eyes as she apologizes in what could be her final moments within her own body. 
Chrysalis looked at Starlight, while part of her was glad to finally reach this common ground, it seemed they'd only reach it in their final moments. She didn't feel the need to gloat or lord this over Starlight. She even started to cry.The alicorns and the spirit all laugh sinisterly together.
Chrysalis: It's not your fault, Starlight... I'm sorry for dragging you into all this... you shouldn't have to suffer because of me...
Sunset: Now... say goodnight, Starlight... and Chrysalis... you will be seeing your family again... VERY SOON!
The spirit lunges toward Starlight's body, though when Sunset is mere inches away from Starlight's body a bright light distracts her.
Sunset: HUH? WHAT?!
The bright blue light stunned the wicked forms of the ponies they knew.
???: You cannot truly believe this is the end, can you? Those fakes... They are manifestations of fear, waking nightmares. The more you cower, the stronger they become. Rise up! Face them!
It's... Princess Luna! She's somehow shielding Starlight and Chrysalis from the group.
Chrysalis: Princess Luna... why… how?
Luna: I see all those within the realm of dreams, that includes you, Chrysalis. I too was once wracked with guilt over my past actions, but you can rise above them. Be greater than what you once were. You already have it within you. Starlight knows it too.
Midnight Sparkle was absolutely confused. Somehow Luna and Nightmare Moon existed at the same time.
Midnight: This... this shouldn't be scientifically possible! YOU'RE NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!
Sunset about snarks towards Daybreaker
Sunset: Grrr, why did you ever want to bring her back from the moon...
Both Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon look a bit upset by this jab.
Daybreaker: Hmph why didn't you stay dead then? You're lucky you have an offspring that will make for a good vessel.
Nightmare Moon: Don't compare me to my weaker self either, keep in mind that I broke free of my own accord!
Cardiac rolled her eyes
Cardiac: Focus! We still outnumber them, with our combined power, they are NOTHING in comparison!
Starlight meanwhile, or the dream's Starlight was quite relieved to see Luna in contrast to the others.
Starlight: LUNA! Wait... if you're the real Luna... then... what in Equestria are these forms of the Princesses and my mother? And am I even real if these are the fakes?!
A bit of an odd philosophical question from an entirely dream realm character, but perhaps even in Chrysalis' subconscious a full knowledge of how Starlight would react to a situation has lodged itself into Chrysalis' brain as she got to know her more.
Princess Luna held them back but it was clear her power would lead to a stalemate and not a victory on her own.
Luna: These are doppelgangers created from Chrysalis' mind. Her nightmares were made real by her own fears, guilt, and sadness. I should know, I've had a similar experience. And you are a manifestation as well… but not one of fear.
She smirked for a moment.
Luna: You are one of her hope... of her hope for true, genuine friendship. Technically speaking, none of you are real… but here, in this nightmare, you're just as real as myself or Chrysalis.
Chrysalis looked a bit embarrassed by this revelation but she was glad for the save.
Chrysalis: D-don't go saying it out loud! But while the assistance is appreciated, what good can you do!? They have far more power than you or Starlight, and I can't cast a spell! Have you come to die with me?!
Luna: Listen, you already have the power you need, you just need to overcome your own fear. I will tell you once more, RISE UP, Chrysalis. This is no time to run any longer, you must face your fears and the truth. Or do you wish to be consumed and die? Is the Queen of the Changelings really going to give up?
The dream Starlight still seems to be taken aback that all of this is in Chrysalis subconscious. But she shakes her head, and is encouraged by Chrysalis words that she represents Chrysalis' hope.
Starlight: Well, if I represent her hope. Then let's turn the tide here...
She turns toward Chrysalis
Starlight: Chrysalis! If this is all just a dream, then you should have all of the control. Nevermind the formidable appearances of these nightmare forms of my mom and the Princesses... not even their numbers are enough! Because this is YOUR dream realm. YOU have all the power here, not them! 
Princess Luna nodded, and of course with dream Starlight saying this, it meant that Chrysalis knew this to be true as well. But she was unsure of herself, hesitant.
Chrysalis: But I… I can't...
Luna: Yes you can, you already know it. This is your fight, we can only assist, but you must want to help yourself.
The nightmare forms of the five in front of Chrysalis and Starlight grimace. The battle has suddenly changed, they have to not let Chrysalis realize how much she can change the dream if she gains a full lucid dream-esque control.
Nightmare Moon: Oh what empty words coming from a weaker version of myself. Chrysalis knows her fate is already sealed. Whether she dies here or out there, it doesn't matter does it? 
Midnight: Fool! Chrysalis is just a weak excuse of a queen that failed to protect both of her hives. How can she expect to overpower us?
Sunset even began to laugh again
Sunset: Yes! That's right... Chrysalis, you'll never be as ‘strong’ as your brother Tarsus was. And even if you were... I'd just dispose of you the same way. But I'd say you're currently more like the rest of your pathetic family. Running away, cowering in fear, only to find out far, FAR too late that there's no escape from the flames!
Cardiac: Not once has she been able to fully defeat us, and that was when we were holding back! What hope does she have? No amount of love will help you now~
Cardiac was especially gleeful in seeing Chrysalis in this state.
Daybreaker: Why don't you do us a favor and step aside, Luna… or you'll be burned to cinders along with her. Think of it this way, Chrysalis, we're going to reunite you with your family. This is a mercy you don't deserve. At least they had the dignity to die. Perhaps once we're done here, we'll exterminate the rest of them… Thorax, Pharynx… and Ocellus too~
Chrysalis was hurt by this… the flames closed in on them, there was only so much that Luna could do to shield the trio. Chrysalis' horn started to spark.
Chrysalis: Don't you… even THINK about it...
She slowly started to stand back up.
The dream's Starlight smiled as she watched Chrysalis slowly gain confidence, and an urge to defend the honor and lives of her dear children.
Starlight: Yes! That's it, Chrysalis. They may look powerful, but all they can really say is words! Words that you can CUT THROUGH!
Starlight charges up some magic that cuts and dissipates some of the flames around them. Giving them more space to maneuver.
Starlight: Don't stop now! The more we fight the flames, the more control you'll have over them.
The spirit of Sunset grumbled
Sunset: How dare you, Starlight... how could you side with this good-for-nothing queen... She's a changeling! A monster! Only capable of lies and deception. If this is all her dream, then she could be manipulating the entire scenario to her advantage! Why would you ever believe her?!
Starlight just smirks, and looks into Chrysalis eyes.
Starlight: Because, I trust her...  and she trusts me. Something clearly all of you never actually have! The only monsters and liars I see are all of YOU!
Chrysalis seemed stunned, deep down she knows this isn't the real Starlight but she's still acting like she is. Luna however knows this means that Starlight did indeed touch Chrysalis' heart, even if she wouldn't say it outside. 
Chrysalis: Starlight....
Luna: Yes, Chrysalis. Rise up! We are with you!
The nightmare forms of the princesses scoffed at this.
Daybreaker: Oh please, you trust her? She was ready to murder you with ease. Trusting her is a death wish, one we will be happy to grant!
Nightmare Moon: I look forward to not only crushing you lot, but my weaker self as well~!
Cardiac: Go ahead and stand, we'll knock you down into the dirt where you belong! And your family won't be far behind!
The nightmares' magic fired off at the trio but at that moment, Chrysalis' horn sparked and finally lit fully, blowing them all back with a blast of her own.
Chrysalis: That is enough! You... you will not harm the future of the changelings, and you...you won't harm my friend! Luna, Starlight, let us show them our might!
Midnight rolls her eyes
Midnight: Oh, so NOW you're open to friendship? Why didn't you take Discord's old plan then, it would have been much easier if you just listened to him... maybe, we would have let you li-
Starlight: QUIET!
The dream's Starlight yells in a manner that while she once again interrupted. This was in a more heroic tone than the time she said it while frustrated.
Starlight: You were never actually the princess of Friendship if this is what you had in mind. If this is what friendship was meant to be, then Cozy should have been your student. Because right now, you're acting one and the same with her
The spirit of Sunset grumbled at the mention of Cozy
Sunset: Ugh, that brat and her family. I admit I admired some of her manipulative tendencies, but she wanted to destroy the world as we know it. With nothing for us to rule over! A barren wasteland is SOOOO BORING!
Starlight raised an eyebrow and smirked.
Starlight: So... ‘the most powerful unicorn in the world’ was defeated by a mere, if psycho, little pegasus filly? How hilarious, hey Chrysalis. How about that? She was weakened by someone so tiny. That's so... embarrassing...
Starlight winks toward Chrysalis, the intent was to make Sunset less scary in Chrysalis' eyes by pointing out that those who killed her weren't even something on her level. Chrysalis felt encouraged by Starlight's words. She started to snicker.
Chrysalis: Heh... you're right. ‘The great Sunset Shimmer’, bested by a child! What a legacy, to fall to a whelp!
She seemed to feel stronger, the more confident she became, the stronger she got. Daybreaker huffed.
Sunset: No.. no... NO! Shut up! It was more than that!
Midnight even snarked, as much as she hated to agree with her foes.
Midnight: You gotta admit... they... kinda have a point there.
Luna was a bit stunned by the autonomy of the nightmares but she was glad that it seemed that they were also turning on one another. 
Daybreaker: As if we would have allowed such a child to join us. Remind me though, who was it that got easily captured even though they should have seen her treachery a mile away miss... guidance counselor? One would think someone of your nature would have seen her true nature.
Chrysalis: And did you forget how weak you are? Need I remind you of how I slipped in under your watch and bested you? Using just that one's husband?
Both Daybreaker and Cardiac wince. Chrysalis was gaining the upper hand verbally. 
Cardiac: That was then, this is now! You are not superior to us!
She fired a blast directly at Chrysalis… and she was able to actually deflect it!
Cardiac: What!? N-no!
With each passing second Chrysalis was regaining her bravery, her bravado, her dominance. And Starlight was the key to turning her worst nightmare into a triumphant dream of victory over her greatest foes.
Starlight: Now Chrysalis! Let's give them a taste of their own medicine, we can trap them in stone just as they and Discord did to you!
Chrysalis' eyes lit up at such an idea. She gave a smirk that was similar to the ones she used to give when had an evil plot coming together. But Luna can see a different kind of shine in her eyes, not an evil glint, but a hopeful glimmer. Though she was a bit concerned that Chrysalis might be skewing what the actual Starlight's viewpoints might be, this is still crucial to her own recovery right now.
Chrysalis: Indeed, that sounds like a plan! Luna, will you assist as well, or just observe?
Luna: I came to help, and that is what I will do! This is your dream, Chrysalis, you are the one in control here, not them! Remind them of that!
With this newfound confidence, Chrysalis not only stood tall, she took the form she had while using Grogar's Bell. 
Chrysalis: We'll do this together!
The nightmares looked on in disgust but they were not backing down either. Their horns all charging
Cardiac: You dare try to use your hodgepodge version of the magic of friendship? Please, we will break it, and we will break YOU!
Nightmare Moon: The only ones who will be in stone are you!
Daybreaker: And once you are, we'll shatter you like we should have done years ago!
Starlight charges her horn alongside Chrysalis and Luna. There may only be three to their 5, but even the dream's Daybreaker would know that even a single powerful entity could wield the power of friendship in a desperate situation and quickly equalize or even overwhelm them.
Overconfident in their numbers and superiority still, the Alicorns charge up their own horns. Preparing for a magical beam struggle that may very well determine Chrysalis' ultimate fate both in and outside of the dream.
Starlight: Let's do this Chrysalis, you and I will build the world in true equality with all species. I can't believe they've led me all on a lie this whole time... even my own mother. But that begins to change, TODAY!
Chrysalis: Let's shed some light upon these nightmares! No longer will they hold me back! They… they will not terrorize us any further!
The beam struggle is even, of course while dream Starlight and the Nightmares technically could go on like this indefinitely, Chrysalis and Luna cannot. They just needed a little more power.
???: ....salis.... can... do it
???: ...keep... fighting...
???: be... strong...
Muffled voices seemed to be coming from somewhere. Even Luna was confused, nopony could have followed her in and these voices were unfamiliar to her...but Chrysalis recognized them. Her ears twitched and she gasped.
Luna: Who in the... who's voices are those?
The nightmares, being all based from Chrysalis' inner turmoil also seemed to recognize the voices.
Daybreaker: Worthless ghosts of the past! You should all stay dead!
Starlight: Oh...! Chrysalis... were those voices... your...
The evil spirit of Sunset grimaces as she too hears those voices
Sunset: Impossible! Only those like us ponies are worthy of a real afterlife! You bugs don't have the strong souls that we do! YOU CAN'T EXXXXIIIIISSSSSSSSSSTTTTTT!
Chrysalis: Arista… Spur… Tarsus! Hah! Seems you really don't understand the power of the changeling royal family! Or of any other creature for that matter! It's time you ponies were put in your place... Forgetting for a moment that her two current allies were also ponies, Chrysalis quickly saves herself Chrysalis: Er... I'm not talking about you two of course, only them!
Luna had been in the moon during the time they would have been alive but she knew of them in the time she'd been back. Arista and Spur she knew were positive influences, Tarsus however, she knew this was Chrysalis' idealized version of him. She grimaced but she needed to get Chrysalis out of this nightmare first before tackling her perception of him.
Arista: Come on, Sis! You can rise up and win!
Spur: I know you can finish this in a flash!
Tarsus: Show them your might!
Luna: Let us close the book on these nightmares then, shall we?
The nightmares all grit their teeth as they can feel their magic being pushed back on them.
Cardiac: N-no! You are not overpowering us! You're just a useless insect! A parasite, leeching off of the world!
Nightmare Moon: Why… why are they here?! They're ruining everything! I will not fall to some feeble minded version of friendship!
Daybreaker: Chrysalis, you rotten bug! If only Sunset finished the job years ago...
With Chrysalis' confidence returned, bolstered by her kinship with Starlight, and now supported by what seemed to be the spirits of her beloved family. There was nothing the evil forms of the Alicorns could do. 
Midnight Sparkle actually saw what was happening before it was too late and decided to ditch her place in the beam struggle. Allowing Chrysalis, Starlight's and Luna's attack to overwhelm quicker then it already was
Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Cardiac can only scream and curse at their foes as they are soon overwhelmed and begin to petrify. 
In an ironic twist of fate, Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, and Cardiac were sealed in the same way that Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek had been turned to stone. It gave Chrysalis satisfaction to see them like that, but the fight wasn't done yet. Chrysalis, Luna and Starlight looked to Midnight Sparkle and Sunset.
Chrysalis: Heh, not so fun to be the ones in stone huh?! Let's see how you all deal with it!
The Spirit of Sunset also avoided the blast due to the quick flying maneuver of the spirit. But what was once 5, was now just down to 2. Albeit one was a genie, and the other a spirit that Chrysalis was unlikely going to be able to touch.
Midnight: Hmmmph, this suits me just fine. I can be the sole-ruler I deserve to be, don't forget that I'm smarter and more powerful than those 3 combined!
Sunset: And you can't even touch me! One of the few perks of being dead
Starlight just turns toward Chrysalis and whispers in her ear.
Starlight: Let me handle my mother, you might not be able to touch her... but her own blood is about to be her undoing! 
She took a deep breath to tone down the gloating but she had to admit, it felt good. She smirked at Starlight's whispering.
Chrysalis: Absolutely, give her everything you’ve got!
Chrysalis looked at Luna and nodded.
Chrysalis: Luna, you and I will take down this purple eyesore.
Luna: Understood, this false Twilight is a mockery.
Inside, Luna was still concerned that this might be reinforcing the wrong ideas in Chrysalis but at least she does know that Chrysalis does care for Starlight.
Midnight: FOOOOOOOOOOLS! I have the power of infinite wishes at my disposal, you pitiful excuse for a queen only captured me that one time because I was still in my vessel. I'd like to see you try to put this genie back in the bottle. MUA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!
Meanwhile Starlight trotted towards the spirit of her mother.
Sunset: Foolish girl, you may inherit my power but I still one-up you in experience. Not to mention weakness as you developed such foolish things as kindness to that pathetic queen you call a friend...
Starlight: There's no pony more pathetic than you for lying this whole time just so you could take my body. I can't believe I thought you were a hero, when really you're the worst kind of villain there is...
Sunset: Ever hear the phrase ‘You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain?’ Let's just say I did die a hero... but the years amongst the dead changed me. And oh, how much I could use this knowledge in a new body... frankly yours... to better all of ponykind! I'll still be a hero in some ponies eyes~
The two begin their own duel between a mother and daughter of equal strength in magic. This is something Chrysalis still doesn't get right about spirits yet, she had not been told that the spirits are unable to perform magic in the same way they could while alive. But since it's Chrysalis' assumption, it's made a reality in this dreamverse. So as Chrysalis and Luna work on fighting Midnight, the dream Starlight that represents Chrysalis' newfound hope fighting physically and metaphorically against this demonic form of Sunset represented Chrysalis' despair and anger over the loss of her old hive that's lived in Chrysalis' mind for years.
Midnight meanwhile, simply represented how Twilight would always be the hardest to take down directly while Chrysalis schemed her old plans, she also seemed to represent what was left of the Mean Twilight she created.
Midnight even laughs, and in a poof of smoke turns into the branch form that Chrysalis had a habit of talking to but with her face still visible
Midnight: Shall I hear everything that you pathetically whimper and rant about to me whenever you're all on your lonesome? Or maybe I should just give you one nasty splinter!~
Luna: Lies! You are nothing more than poor doppelgangers! Chrysalis, Starlight, do not let them sway you. Take them down swiftly! They are trying to feed into deep rooted fears to give them power. These nightmarish entities are not the same as the real ones!
Luna wanted to try and steer Chrysalis in the right direction ultimately, but when she turned into that purple branch, Chrysalis snarled.
Chrysalis: How dare you!? I… I'm not...
Luna: CHRYSALIS, What did I just say?! She's got access to the same memories you have, she knows all your thoughts and fears. If you succumb to her taunts, it only strengthens her. Filter her out! Think of your friends, your true friends, you aren't alone anymore right? Think of the family who is still cheering you on! And the family you still swear to protect!
Chrysalis gasped and took a deep breath, thinking of how hard Starlight is fighting but also being reminded of who she's fighting for. Her horn shined bright, firing off a wave of green flames at the form Midnight took.
Chrysalis: She really is just like that fake I made... knowing how to get under my skin... it will go differently this time! I will not yield! You hear me, Sparkle?! This time, I will be victorious!
Starlight nods on Luna's orders, though, as she reaches a standstill with the spirit of her mother. She realizes this isn't really going to go anywhere. Both of them simply being dream entities they have limitless stamina for as long as the dream is active.
Midnight sinisterly cackles before transforming back into her alicorn form. She grins like a madmare before replying to Chrysalis
Midnight: We'll see about that~
She then charges a blast that directly hits Chrysalis off to a far by wall.
Starlight: CHRYSALIS!
Working quickly, Starlight makes a bright flash that briefly blinds the spirit of her mother while she teleports near where Chrysalis was sent. Then she magics up a shield around them both.
Midnight: You really are a failure if you think that shield will save you from us! Take some time to say your goodbyes, there's no way out for either of you.
Starlight: Chrysalis?! Are you ok? Looks like we still might need yet one larger push... remember, this is still your dream... we need you to dream up something that can equalize at least one of us with a genie. That's all we have to do now to finish them off!
Midnight and Sunset begin to charge up another barrage of blasts
Starlight: ...and quickly because this shield isn't going to hold against what's coming!
Luna tried to reinforce Starlight's shield with her own magic. Struggling at how strong these nightmares really were.
Luna: (Grr… these inner fears and turmoil are much stronger than I realized…)
Listen to Starlight! You are the only one who can counter what they are! Think, Chrysalis. Overcome the fears within your heart and mind! Only then can you move forward!
Chrysalis looks at them both, seeing the wicked grins of Midnight and Sunset, she can also see the shield cracking
Chrysalis: S-strong enough to equalize with a genie… yes… yes that's it!
She shakily stood tall and concentrated, a bright light began to surround Starlight's body.
Chrysalis: Starlight, I know now who should be worthy of the princess and genie titles, not Sparkle or that wraith of a spirit! No! Starlight, consider this your promotion!
This light filled the dream version of Starlight with power. It broke their own shield and sent the two nightmares flying back.
Starlight gasped
Starlight: Whoooooooa!
Inside the shield she floated up in the air for a short while as Chrysalis uses all her brain power into powering-up the dream's Starlight. When the light finally dims, there floated Starlight with not just the wings of an alicorn. But a genie outfit much like Twilight's.
Both the spirit of Sunset and Midnight shake their heads after being blown back. Though they stare in horror at what they see beforehand. Starlight was now certainly on par with Midnight in power.
Midnight: No... nooooo! NOOOOOOO! Good going! Now this fight will NEVER end! Ugh...
Starlight took a moment to behold her new form, before looking back up, as she has become the nightmare for the nightmares.
Starlight: I beg to differ, Twilight. This will be over sooner than you think!
Midnight: Huh?! What are yo-
Starlight then teleports straight next to the spirit of Sunset. Quickly charging up a magic blast, As it overwhelms the spirit, a high-pitched scream is made all the more haunting by the echo, creating sound waves that go for miles. The spirit of Sunset was now petrified just as Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Cardiac were.
All that was left now was Midnight Sparkle against this newly powered-up Starlight, Chrysalis, and Princess Luna. She tries to look as fierce as ever, but there is a noticeable gulp as she realizes she may be cornered.
Midnight: Ha... haha! You... think you've won?! Psssh, that spirit lost to a child remember. I'M all that's needed to rule Equestria! I never needed any of those 4...!
Besides... how are you really going to beat me...
It's not like... like... you can just capture me with....
Midnight goes wide-eyed as suddenly something poofs into Starlight's hooves. Starlight looked at her disgraced mentor with a confident smirk.
Midnight: ...MY VESSEL?!
Starlight turns toward Chrysalis and Luna
Starlight: Are you both ready? We're gonna need to use all we got to corner her if we're going to trap her in here. Then we can petrify the bottle and be done with this nightmare, forever!
There was a smug sense of satisfaction in Chrysalis right now, seeing Sunset trapped in stone.
Chrysalis: That was for my family who you killed... If I'm being honest, being petrified is too good for you...
She scoffed before turning back to the group, Midnight had been cornered. She couldn't strike fear into Chrysalis now. Chrysalis placed her hooves on Starlight and channeled her magic. Luna did the same 
Chrysalis: You are not welcome here any longer.
Luna: This nightmare ends now. Chrysalis, Starlight, do it!
A massive flash of light comes from the three and shoots a beam out from Midnight's vessel, forcefully pulling her back in.
Chrysalis: BEGONE!
The beam wastes no time heading for Midnight with its magic both wrapping around her and overwhelming her. It stretches the alicorn to unbelievable lengths as she screams. Pulling her around, and spinning her like a tornado.
Midnight's voice echoed throughout the forest before she was finally silenced. Chrysalis is given the honor of placing the stopper on the bottle. The last thing to do now, was to petrify the bottle so as to not take any more chances of Midnight Sparkle getting out into Chrysalis' dream world again. It was as scary as nightmares could be, but there would soon be sweet relief as victory had been achieved.
Once Midnight was sealed in her vessel, Chrysalis wasted no time in turning it to stone with her magic. Soon after, the dream world calmed, looking far less nightmarish and more peaceful. Chrysalis let out a sigh of relief and slumped to the floor. Luna had to make sure Chrysalis at least understood that what she fought, it wasn't the actual versions of the ponies.
Luna: Chrysalis, congratulations on defeating them. But please, keep in mind, those entities were manifestations of your own fears and doubt.  Not actual representations of the ponies whom they appeared to be. They used your deep seeded fears and hatred to take on those forms. They were born from you and should you give into those negative feelings, they can rise again. I should know...
Chrysalis looked down, as if lost in thought. She looked at Starlight, and could even see silhouettes of Arista, Tarsus, and Spur, who's voices had been encouraging her.
Luna: Remember that your friends will help you, you're not alone anymore… you just have to be able to move forward, overcome your fears like you did here tonight.
As the world became more peaceful, now that it was no longer the nightmare world that it had been before. There came an urge, or wonder, for Chrysalis if she could somehow stay in this dream. Where even if imaginary, it's an easier world where it'd be just her and Starlight at the top...
Wait, did she just say within her own mind, her and Starlight. Not just herself? That kind of thinking just about gave Chrysalis a migraine as she realized how much has indeed changed since these sessions began.
The genified alicorn Starlight smiles up to Chrysalis as the world they're in changes. Though Luna reminds Chrysalis that although certainly more positive, the Starlight in front of her is a manifestation as well. And cannot replace the real one that she'll see again once morning arrives.
Chrysalis is initially afraid this means this Starlight will just disappear forever as soon as the dream is over. Whereas the dream's Starlight helps reassure her that will never be the case.
Starlight: This may not really be reality, but that doesn't mean I'm gone once you're out of here. As Luna noted, I represent what hope you have. Those nightmare visions you saw tried to snuff me out and replace me with the current symbol of your rage and despair in a literal and metaphorical sense. And if you had no more hope... you might have done something that would upset those who really tried their best to help you
There's still a chance for your life to improve, even if naturally there will be a lot of differences between the real world and this former nightmare. You can still share the same teamwork and friendship you trusted within me, with the real me.
Perhaps you'll see me again in your next dream. Rest assured, I'm not going anywhere. And I have a feeling the real me isn't too far behind either.
I have a feeling most of what's coming is simply talking things out to get a clear understanding between you, the real me, and the current and/or former leaders of Equestria. That shouldn't be harder than taking on them in exaggerated demonic forms of all of them plus a spirit... right?
...In all seriousness though, you have nothing to fear any longer. You screwed up earlier today, but so did the real me. Friends will have arguments that test their friendship to their very core. The stakes were high, and it may take a bit for everyone involved to forgive you. But you stopped short of any lasting damage, you just need to believe in yourself along with your friends and family. Some day, you may look at what happened earlier as simply growing pains as you learned to trust again.
Luna smiled upon seeing this. Since this Starlight was just something Chrysalis' mind made up, it only meant that deep down, Chrysalis already knows the truth… at least in regards to whom she considers a friend. Those lessons on friendship really did stick with her. Chrysalis let out a few tears, hugging Starlight.
Chrysalis: ...to think I was so close to just throwing it all away... I'm sorry...
Luna held out a hoof to Chrysalis
Luna: Take it from me, I know how familial trauma can really cloud your judgment... I too know what it's like to feel lost in a world where you don't think you belong. Especially after letting darkness eat away at your heart and mind. 
When I became Nightmare Moon, that rage and anger consumed me. I thought Tia... I thought she'd never forgive me when I returned. Yet she welcomed me with open arms. Chrysalis, it's the same for you. You can try again. Save your apologies for the real Starlight... trust me, she doesn't hate you, in fact the real one, she still believes in you. Who do you think asked me to come here?
She said while winking at her. Chrysalis' eyes widened.
Chrysalis: She… she did? Really? So… so not all is lost?
Luna: No, but it's ultimately up to you on what you do from here. You may hear things you won't like, you have every right to be angry but...
She put a hoof on Chrysalis' shoulder
Luna: Believe in your friends… the magic of friendship may still be new to you but, it's worth it. Trust me.
Starlight: I think it's about time you should get going and proceed to finish up getting some good sleep, some of the most important days of your life are about to unfold. Please hang on as best you can before the real me arrives. I'm sure she'll guide you well into your next steps towards full freedom.
Take care now, Chrysalis. And you too, Princess Luna.
Luna nods, taking one last look at both Chrysalis and Starlight before flying off.
Luna: (Hopefully, she will take this lesson to heart. Still, this is a far cry from the Chrysalis the world once knew. I can only hope that she does accept this world too.)
Luna fades out of the dream and with the conflict settled, Chrysalis is able to sleep properly for the rest of the night.
Back in Ponyville, the real Starlight is waiting anxiously for Luna to come back. She hardly slept herself worrying about Chrysalis' wellbeing. She wants to hear good news before she herself gets some good sleep. Once Luna's arrived, Starlight quickly runs up to her.
Starlight: LUNA! How did everything go?! Is Chrysalis ok? She won't do anything rash before we show up in the morning... will she?
She looks in the former leader's eyes desperately hoping Luna's dreamwalking worked its magic once again.
Luna looks a bit tired herself, she didn't expect to need to fight so hard. But she looked Starlight in the eyes.
Luna: Easy now, Chrysalis is fine. She was indeed being ravaged by nightmares. It was far worse than the incident we had with my sister years ago. I'm sure you remember Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon? Imagine that but multiplied. However, thanks to myself along with her interpretation of you, we managed to ease her pain.
Starlight might be a bit surprised to hear that Chrysalis had her in a dream and they were working together.
Luna: I do fear she may still believe certain lies though. While I may have not been around when he was alive, Chrysalis imagined a version of Tarsus that was encouraging her along with her sister and other brother. But… I highly doubt she'll be attacking you physically tomorrow. If anything… she wants to see you.
Luna smiled.
Starlight is instantly relieved to hear things ended ultimately well. Though certainly goes wide-eyed when hearing that the nightmares involved the return of Daybreaker and more. She also gasps hearing that Chrysalis actually had a manifestation of her inside. Though this version of her in Chrysalis mind being key to what helped save her in the dream, was perhaps the best news of all. 
Starlight: My... gosh... what an ordeal that must have been... but... for me to be the savior in such a dream... means I truly have been gaining her trust…
Luna: Oh yes, you were made to match against a corrupted form of Twilight. She even made you a genie alicorn if you can believe it.
Starlight: Me? A genie alicorn?! That’s crazy…
But yeah... breaking her perception of what Tarsus was truly is still going to be one of the most difficult subjects to tackle. Not to mention proving my mother isn't the demon she thinks she is either. 
Luna shuddered at the mention of Sunset being a demon.
Luna: ...you have no idea. The demonic form she saw your mother as... even if she was just a fabrication, being on the receiving end of her magic was not something I wish to go through again. But I do believe Chrysalis will trust in you, even if it isn't shown by her on the outside. If I have learned anything this evening, it's that you did indeed impact her more than even she may realize. The seeds of change are there and they are growing, she just needs to be brought into the light.
Starlight: Twilight told me that she has a plan B in mind if Chrysalis remains stubborn on both these factors.
But we're gonna try to see if we can coax Chrysalis towards the truth simply by talking things out first. We can't exactly show evidence this way... but maybe hearing what happened from my mother's point of view as well as getting to know her real personality can at least shake her insistence that my mom was the perpetrator that fateful day.
We will have Twilight there to put an end to any similar outburst to yesterday should it happen again. But I dearly hope she won't need to...
Twilight wouldn't tell me what this Plan B is, though she did at least reassure me that it wasn't sealing back Chrysalis in stone. I can tell though that whatever this backup plan she has in mind, she feels I may reject the notion...
...Perhaps another reason to hope talking things out will be enough tomorrow. 
Luna puts her hoof on Starlight's shoulder
Luna: I’m sure all you need to do is trust in Chrysalis, and she will keep trusting you. She's in a fragile place right now, but she needs you now more than ever.
Starlight nods before giving Luna a hug.
Starlight: Thank you Luna, I appreciate all you did tonight... now... Yaaaawwwwwwwn, I better get to sleep or else I'll need a fair bit of coffee in the morning, and I'd rather not get a caffeine crash during the session heh.
You have a good night, Luna. I'm nervous but at the same time... some how excited for this coming session. See you again soon when we're making last minute preparations together with your sister, Twilight, Spike, and Gallus.
Luna nodded, letting out a sigh of relief that this was over at least for now. She happily returned the hug.
Luna: Yes, I will be doing much of the same, I used much more energy than I was expecting to. I need some time to recharge before tomorrow as well. My sister and I will be there. I'm sure seeing myself, my sister, Twilight and potentially your mother, may give her a scare, an unfortunate reminder of the nightmare, but just keep her reassured that we are all there to help her. But as I said to her, she is ultimately the one who will decide her fate. But I will choose to believe in her, it'd be wrong of me to deny her a chance when we are so similar. Have a good night, Starlight.
All those involved with the coming session get at least a decent amount of sleep and rest before the time approaches. 
When it eventually came time, Starlight would arrive alone once again. Leaving open a large portal that goes from the hives' chamber to the treehouse of harmony. The group decided Starlight coming in alone would be a nice, softer approach, as if it looked all serious business as Twilight, Celestia, and Luna walked behind Starlight it might have implied to her that they decided to extend her sentence in stone for at least a few more years before trying again. 
A part of her wondered if maybe she does deserve that still after what happened yesterday. But then again, why would Luna try so desperately to help her last night if they were just going to place her in stone again.
It's hard to say what makes sense to Chrysalis any more. Between learning an afterlife exists along with what happened yesterday. She no doubt still has a part of her mind trying to process everything that happened. Perhaps one good reason to have this talk now, is to distract herself from the overwhelming thoughts in her brain that stemmed from yesterday's events even if a lot of this talk will naturally be following up on what happened back there.
Regardless, Starlight approaches the barrier. She looks up into Chrysalis' eyes from the other end.
Starlight: Hello... Chrysalis... it's time... time for what may be the final session. Obviously... you already know that I had Luna go see you last night to hopefully make sure you would be fine by this hour... but I thought it'd still be apt to ask. Are you alright? If... we still need to reschedule, or otherwise give you more time… I can call things off if you're not feeling well enough for this yet. I don't want to do this yet if you feel you're not ready.
Chrysalis gasped when she heard Starlight appear. Even though she knew that Starlight was the reason that Luna came to her rescue last night, she was still scared to face the real Starlight. She may have slept better but her mane was still a mess, her eyes were still puffy from the tears she cried before and Chrysalis was too proud to show it to Starlight. She stood up, facing the back wall.
Chrysalis: I… I thought I told you to stay away? That if you came back, I'd...
She couldn't finish that sentence, it would feel empty to even finish that false threat. They both knew that Chrysalis wouldn't be doing anything to her right now. Chrysalis scraped her hoof against the ground.
Chrysalis: Why did you send Luna to help me, Starlight? After everything that happened?
Starlight: Listen, Chrysalis... you shouldn't brunt all the blame for what happened. I had no idea my mother was the pony that you believe brought you so much grief... even now I must be honest by saying I still don't believe what you told me... but I shouldn't have snapped back at you. That only escalated the situation, if... if I had listened to Applejack, and tried to calm things down after you found out... well, you would have still been angry no doubt... but I didn't help the situation by yelling back at you and pulling a what aboutism towards your brother Tarsus.
Regardless of what I've heard about him from my mother's spirit, that was the wrong move altogether. The argument we had... fueled what was happening... and thus I almost got so many of your kind and/or dear friends of mine killed. I... almost couldn't bear living if something terrible had happened... I felt guilty enough that it almost got to that point...
Which... which is why I let you have your chance of killing me... if that's what you really wanted.
In a somewhat indirect sense, I nearly committed suicide via allowing myself to be struck down by you...
And once everyone else was safe and sound... I realized... there was a real danger for you to end your life yourself before we could even start the next session. Since... yesterday's events I assume confirmed your belief that you don't belong in this world.
And after hearing some of the details of what you saw in a nightmare, I likely wouldn't be seeing you alive right now if Luna hadn't intervened... would I?
Our vastly different views about my mother aside, that's not enough for me to want you dead. And judging by yesterday, that wasn't what you felt either. Otherwise, I would be dead right now.
We screwed up, the both of us. And it nearly resulted in the loss of innocent lives. I asked Luna to help in hopes there'd be another chance between us. I still believe in you, Chrysalis. We just need to discuss the remaining obstacles to being at peace with me, my friends, and Equestria. No matter how deep-rooted emotionally it is. But approached in a much calmer manner than we did yesterday. 
Chrysalis trembled as Starlight spoke.
Chrysalis: Finding out who your mother was... it brought out much deep seeded anger in me. You may not believe me, but I swear I saw her do it...
She took a moment to breathe.
Chrysalis: ...but you're not wrong. I realized just as I was going to kill you that… her actions were not yours. And even though you hid that information from me, I… I was going to put myself on the same level as her. I would have destroyed everything I stood for. Whether they support me topside or not, they are my changelings… and I will not be the reason the hive falls. And....
Chrysalis starts to choke up at the mention of potentially committing suicide. Had the nightmares won, had she put in more time alone… she might've gone through with the dark act. And that thought scared her. When Starlight said she believed in her, she finally looked back. Tears streaming down. Her pride crumbled enough to finally look at Starlight. It was just as Luna had said to her last night.
Chrysalis: I nearly made the worst decision of my life… and given a lifetime of bad decisions, that's saying something. Your mother I do still detest, but you... I'm... I'm... I'm sorry for what I nearly did...
Starlight smiles
Starlight: And I fully accept your apology. 
She pauses, before her face turns more serious.
Starlight: Of course, unfortunately the subjects that caused yesterday's events are going to remain a big elephant in the room if we don't talk about it.
I am prepared to hear any vent about what you believe my mother did to you, though I do have one question. Have you ever actually properly spoken with my mother as yourself, back when she was alive. Or did you simply pass glances on occasion, even on the fateful days of not just what happened to your old hive. But also, the day your parents were assassinated.
Or is it just like how you were with me up until these sessions began? Only meeting when she was attempting to foil your plans. But otherwise not getting to know her personally.
From what she's told me, she attempted to get in touch with you. But before she could, you had already developed that anti-magic field. In hindsight, I should have figured you had a grudge with my mother based on that fact alone... but I never would have thought it was done to almost specifically protect the hive from my mom. I thought that was made to just err on the side of caution of any Equestrian intruders strong in magic attempting to get into your hive in general. My mother just being one of many you wanted to make sure couldn't attack the hive.
Chrysalis grimaced, she didn't want to make a fool of herself like she did yesterday. 
Chrysalis: I've spoken only a small amount of times with your mother, but she interacted with Tarsus more than myself. Early on, before my parents were assassinated, that was when I met her for the first time. 
She invited them and Tarsus directly to the summit. I had no strong feelings for or against her then… but after my mother and father were killed, I vowed revenge. You're not wrong either about how I saw her. Similar to you or Twilight, I needed information on my target. And I would get it by any means necessary. 
As you already know, I'd sent scouting parties across Equestria. Both to gather food for the hive but also information… and sometimes pets. It's how we figured she lived in Sire's Hollow at some point. 
Now I will admit, I don't have concrete evidence she killed my mother and father but to be invited by her directly and then to be killed in said event? It's quite simple to put the pieces in place. Tarsus and I created more defense systems, trained our armies. We would not be blindsided again. There was at least one time however, I did meet her under...different circumstances. I'm not even sure she was aware of the conversation we'd had then.
She trailed off for a moment, thinking about that time in the past.
Starlight: I see... Well, you don't have to elaborate on it quite yet. As you can probably guess, the intention will probably be to summon her down sometime today. I understand that you probably feel that you'd like anything BUT that. But if we're going to get to the bottom of all this, you need to personally speak with her.
Chrysalis didn't want to hear that, but she had a feeling she'd have to talk to Sunset face to face.
Chrysalis: You sure that's a wise choice? I know she can't hurt me in that form. Not like...
She shook her head, thinking of her nightmare for a moment. The parallels of what was to come, compared to her nightmare, was not lost on her.
Starlight: You shouldn't have to worry, as a spirit. She can't touch you, thus she can't hurt you. I'd even say she wouldn't want to even if she could. But I know I won’t be able to prove that with just my words alone.
But before we get to that, there's others to talk to first. Although this time, they're not coming here, I'm bringing you to them. And yes, that means...
Starlight charges up her horn, and begins to cut a hole into the barrier large enough for Chrysalis to walk through
Starlight: ...You'll be out of your cell for this one. Come follow me into the portal, we're going to a special place on the outskirts of Ponyville.
…And I know it must sound daunting that I'm escorting you to see Twilight, Celestia, and Luna all at once. Almost as if I'm taking you for judgment and/or punishment. But I promise you that's not my intention. 
Chrysalis hesitated when Starlight opened the cell.
Chrysalis: The last time you set me free, I nearly ran. And now… knowing this could be my final day, what makes you so certain I won't run if I think they'll turn me to stone?
She tried to make it sound like she was testing Starlight… but in reality, she was scared. Scared to face the real Sunset, not the nightmarish version she had in her head. As well as the other Princesses, with the exception of Luna, since Chrysalis knew she can be trusted.
Starlight: Well... for one thing. Twilight will be here this time. Safe to say she'll have a way to stop you... gently as possible though.
And another, they'd be going against my whims if they petrified you again. I won't lie, Twilight herself thought about turning you back to stone for what happened yesterday when I spoke with her last...
But I told her why they shouldn't. I explained your situation to her, made her think about what if she were in your shoes. We came to an understanding as we began to plan this session out. I promise you, Chrysalis. You will not be petrified again, all three of them now have a complete understanding of your situation. Celestia and Luna even looked apologetic about the time they set you in stone along with Cozy and Tirek. Had they known beforehand, they'd have given a lighter sentence for specifically you.
You can expect Twilight to still be a little stern with you, she understandably did not like hearing that you could have killed me, Applejack, and/or any of the others who were in danger yesterday. But I can vouch for her that she'll be as fair to you as possible.
And speaking of Applejack. She may show up at some point during the session too. Not immediately, but we have an important role for her when she does arrive. She was pretty vital  to yesterday's session, so we felt like it was important to have her back again to keep the conversations in check. 
So let's just get you out of here, I have to imagine this gloomy, dark chamber hasn't helped your mood. In fact it was night time when Sweetie was here for the concert wasn't it... so you probably haven't seen the sun since... well... over 10 years ago. Let's get you out of this darkness, and back into the light. Maybe just maybe, it might become  metaphorical too, rather than just literal soon enough. 
Chrysalis closed her eyes for a moment, the fear was setting in but she took a deep breath.
Chrysalis: So be it. Let's go through with this lesson, Starlight.
She took one more deep breath and walked through the opening of her cell. Now that she was closer to Starlight, Chrysalis can see that she hadn't slept too well either. Starlight can of course see the same in Chrysalis.
Chrysalis: Rest assured, I won't be trying anything. Not with all of them around. Where exactly will we be going if the lesson isn't going to be within the hive?
Starlight: To a place that your own beloved daughter called a home away from home
Starlight gently smiled
The mention of this being a place that Ocellus called home did intrigue her. Chrysalis could think of only one place., the school of friendship. While not a bad guess, and not too far from where they'd actually be going, she was a bit off. But she stuck close to Starlight.
Chrysalis: Lead the way then. I won't try to transform and hide amongst others like I did the last time. If I'm to be turned to stone, I want them to see my face.
She wanted to sound tough in the face of a potential demise, but Starlight would be able to tell by now that it was just a mask for her fears.
Starlight leads the way as the both of them enter the portal. Although there has certainly been some sunlight peering into the chamber almost every time that Starlight's shown up. This was the first time in a long time Chrysalis has actually been under the sun, she blinks involuntarily multiple times as she struggles with the adjustment her eyes have to make so that the light around her isn't so blinding. She winces and covers her face with her foreleg.
Chrysalis: Gah! I'd forgotten how oppressively bright the sun can be! 
Once Chrysalis' eyes finally get used to her surroundings, she sees a pretty astounding sight. A pretty tree-like structure not too far off from Twilight's castle in Ponyville. Little does she know that both this place and the castle were created by the same entity. Pink leaves and what looked like diamond shaped decorations hanging down from the treehouse's branches. And a decently large staircase, which brought to mind Chrysalis remembering how since this was Ocellus and Friends' hangout. Must have been Silverstream's favorite part of the treehouse. Chrysalis can almost taste the remnants of the childhood friendship and love they shared from this place, etched into one of the pillars was a heart that has Y + S etched into it. She wouldn't have known who it was for before all these lessons, but now she had a pretty good idea that it was something Yona and Sandbar did.
For a moment, she seems to be able to crack a smile as she gets a look at her daughter's home away from home. Happy that she had a grand place to spend time, relax. and just be happy, the kind of feelings Chrysalis only had a few times in her younger life before things came crashing down. She felt pride now that she was seeing this place as proof that Ocellus did not have the childhood that she had. Chrysalis would sacrifice anything if it meant Ocellus would live on happily. So it was a relief to her to see such a beautiful place be known as where Ocellus stayed for most of her time in Ponyville.
She doesn't recall this place but the area around does seem...familiar. But more than that, she can feel the residual love that was felt in this place. It wasn't like being fed love directly, but she can pinpoint the tastes and can tell who it came from. Going around and thinking about Ocellus and her friends that had come as guests to her lessons so far. She can't help but roll her eyes at the staircase, being reminded of how Silverstream was obsessed for some reason. Seeing Yona and Sandbar's initials carved into a heart, she smirked.
Chrysalis: (All of these flavors, it's from that newer generation, Ocellus' friends…)
She looked around for the specific thing that would have been what Ocellus had been attached to, but soon realized it wasn't one item or location, her residual love was all over the treehouse. It made Chrysalis pause.
Chrysalis: She loved it here... she was happiest here. I can tell...
This statement brought up two feelings in Chrysalis mind,  on one hoof it was good for the aforementioned reasons of her daughter's happiness. But it also gave Chrysalis great shame that she couldn't provide anything close to this for Ocellus back at the hive. Times at the hive while Chrysalis was ruling still had some moments for nurturing, but for the most part it was almost always serious matters. Always preparing for Chrysalis' next plan, preparing for all kinds of combat scenarios against Equestria. There was hardly any time for... fun.
It's at that moment Chrysalis realizes this is why Ocellus initially told her she didn't want to be a queen. When the only thing she's seen a queen do is march off soldiers for war and/or send out spy drones in order to gain an advantage in a potential future conflict. For all she knew, being a queen is nothing but misery. Not allowing for moments spent here. Chrysalis wishes she could have told that royal Changelings are perfectly capable of fun, but that would have gotten into subjects Chrysalis didn't like talking about. And were the very fuel for why life at the hive was so serious.
Starlight meanwhile looks as Chrysalis in her mix of emotions as she feels the emotions and residual love from this place. She sees Chrysalis smile for a bit before it seems to drift off back into a frown, and a sigh of guilt is heard.
Starlight: Are... you ok, Chrysalis? Is something about this place bothering you? 
Chrysalis was silent for a moment, taking this all in. She didn't look at Starlight, her view still of the treehouse as a whole.
Chrysalis: I think I finally understand why Ocellus was never interested in being a queen. This... all of this, it's not something that could be seen in the hive. At least not the modern hive while I was still in charge.
She walked around and saw some framed photos of Ocellus and her friends, the only one she didn't recognize was Gallus.
Chrysalis: It seems they understood my own daughter better than I ever could. And it's no wonder she feared becoming someone like myself.
She looked back to Starlight.
Chrysalis: I will be fine, it's just… interesting to finally see what she saw. Hers, and all of her friends' love hangs in the air here. It's… uplifting for lack of a better term. Something the hive, nor my rule had I suppose...
Starlight looks like she's about to talk more, but then footsteps are heard from outside the tree house.
Starlight: ...Looks like they're here. Just sit tight Chrysalis, try to remain calm. I know you're scared, but I'll say as many times as necessary. They won't be turning you to stone again for as long as I object to that notion.
Starlight opens the door for the group heading on in. The first to enter the door was not one of the Princesses. But a royal guard, but not a pony royal guard. A griffon royal guard, Chrysalis could see the diversification of Equestria has even reached the military now. Though in hindsight, just about every nation in the world came down hard on her, Tirek and Cozy in that dramatic final battle. So other species being in others' military seems to only be a natural evolution of that day. Chrysalis also can see that this griffon was blue, just like the one in the photos she saw. He's obviously now more full grown now, but the resemblance with the photograph was still uncanny. This had to be the fifth and final member of Ocellus' friend group.
Gallus puts a claw to his forehead for a salute
Gallus: Hey there, Principal Starlight! it's uh... nice to see you. Though... a bit awkward with it being hardly even 24 hours since... you know what happened.
Gallus looks on over to the Queen in the room. He knew beforehand Starlight was going to bring Chrysalis in with them, it's hard for him to hide that he's a bit nervous. But he wouldn't be training to be the next captain if he didn't face some danger head on. So he puts on a brave face as he takes a seat.
Chrysalis: Ah, the last of Ocellus' friends…
A few years ago, she would have loved to see this fear, but right now she felt very much the same, though she was better at hiding it compared to Gallus. 
Next to come in was Princess Luna, for Chrysalis it's actually a bit strange to see the princess without her regular attire. But she has nearly forgotten that it's been almost a decade since both Celestia and Luna gave up their titles and throne in favor of Twilight. Celestia's probably going to look a bit strange to her without her shoes and crown either. Chrysalis thinks about getting a little levity in the situation by joking that they’re showing up naked to this affair. Though she stops that thought knows how serious this meeting is supposed to be.
Chrysalis felt somewhat conflicted, she didn't want to be coddled or treated as if she were a child, but she was indeed nervous of what the princesses would do to her. Coming off the heels of a nightmare, even if it ended well, doesn't help in that regard either. Chrysalis sees Gallus enter first, she looked puzzled at first but quickly realized this was the last of Ocellus' friends that she saw in the photos. She gives him a look, it's a neutral one. She can see he's part of the royal guard, just another reminder of how the world has changed.
As Luna walked in, the two gave each other a silent nod. It felt strange, seeing Luna in person after her assistance last night, and especially seeing her without regalia, even in the dream, Luna had been wearing her old crown, so to see her like this made Chrysalis smirk. That smirk faded quickly as Celestia, and Twilight came in next. Chrysalis visibly tensed up, not breaking eye contact with Celestia. She could feel Twilight was staring daggers at her.
Even though she hasn't sat at the throne in a decade, Celestia out of habit does her usual pre-diplomacy routine after 1000 years of being a ruler that's had many, many, meetings with all kinds of leaders, former or otherwise. It'd probably be safe to say this is hardly the first time she's meeting with a more ‘disgraced’ ruler at their lowest point. These were the kind of meetings Celestia recalled to be quite unpredictable. So she had to be prepared for anything, even battle if it came down to it.
And as Twilight walks into the room, the tension only rises as the Princess of Friendship ironically is not exactly in a friendly mood. She looks determined, focused, and overall... imposing. Chrysalis tried hard not to show it, but it was like Twilight was now the overpowering queen in the room. A role reversal of when Chrysalis banished Twilight to the crystal catacombs in Canterlot while disguised as Cadence. Chrysalis had thought Twilight hardly changed much in a decade when briefly talking with her before starting the lessons with Starlight, but the way Twilight was acting now made her wonder if she had become more ruthless and stern in the years she had been frozen in stone. She would almost find it admirable, if it weren't likely that Twilight's ire is all for her.
Twilight takes a moment to stare Chrysalis down in the eyes. The queen couldn't tell if it was all in her head or not, but for a moment it felt like Twilight had gained Fluttershy's paralyzing stare ability. Before she looks away and takes a seat.
Last to come in was Spike, who politely closes the door behind him. As mentioned during the Loyalty lesson, Chrysalis could see Spike has certainly grown from when she saw him last. Still shorter than both her and the Princesses, he was just a few inches shorter than Smoulder now. A bit lean, but if anyone looked closely. Defined muscles could be seen on the rather skinny arms and legs. Still around his neck was the famous dragon tear necklace. The item Chrysalis now knows is capable of summoning spirits of the dead. If things ever recover, Chrysalis knows Spike's necklace will be the key to reuniting with her deceased siblings.
The silence in the room right now was deafening, the only one missing from this royal meeting was Cadence but Chrysalis really didn't want to relive her nightmare. Even now, her mind was making small comparisons to the more demonic forms she saw the group as. It took her a moment to compose herself, she felt that if she even opened her mouth, they'd use it as an excuse to seal her away immediately. When she saw Spike, she gasped at seeing that stone, the dragon's tear. 
Chrysalis: (There… that's what I need to see them. Even if it's only once... even if this is my only chance, I must see them again. No matter the cost.)
She looked at the group, to think she'd be so intimidated, part of her still wanted to run. But with this much power in one room, she wasn't going to attempt that.
Chrysalis: Well here we all are... and doesn't it feel familiar? The last time I saw all of you princesses physically, I was turned to stone. So, are you going to do it again?
Chrysalis figured the best way to go about this was to ask that first, at least she'd know what's to come.
A couple more seconds of silence makes things all the more uneasy with Chrysalis. What is seconds for everyone else in the room, feels like minutes for Chrysalis as her fate is completely at the mercy of the Princesses. And Chrysalis also shouldn't underestimate Spike's strength either, who knows how much they've learned the dragon tear can do in the decade since if a small thing like that is capable of doing previously impossible feats such as communication with the deceased.
The silence is finally broken by a sigh from Twilight
Twilight: ...I would be lying if there isn't a part of me that feels like a few more years, if not more, would be just. But no, as long as my student Starlight disagrees with it. We won't be petrifying you again.
But make no mistake, I'm not here to give you mercy. You understand what happened yesterday... correct? I need to hear from your own words, what you did was wrong.
Starlight grimaced a little
Starlight: Ummm... T-t-Twilight, I think she already kno- eep!
Twilight shushes her student with a quick turn of the head and a menacing glare before turning her attention down back to Chrysalis
Twilight: Speak up, Chrysalis. Do you know why I'm upset with you after yesterday? Answer me, carefully.
Chrysalis can clearly see that Twilight has taken to her role as leader quite well. She's sure of herself, something Chrysalis knew well by this point. But she also knew, if Starlight wasn't there protecting her right now, Chrysalis would've been turned to stone already. 
Chrysalis: Ah it's been too long since I've had this kind of stare down...
She sighed, looking back to Starlight for a moment and then to Twilight.
Chrysalis: I nearly killed Starlight and almost destroyed my hive. Believe me Sparkle, I'm well aware of what line I nearly crossed.
Chrysalis never broke eye contact with her once. That glare Twilight was giving, it wasn't like the nightmarish version she imagined, this felt more intimidating. But Chrysalis stood firm, she didn't flinch or run from what she had done the previous day.
Twilight nodded. It was a positive sign that Twilight seemed to find this answer acceptable.
Twilight: Very good, I'm glad you understand that at least. Though... you are missing a fair number of others you put in danger aside from my student and your own race. Who else did you put in danger yesterday? I need to make sure you know every name of those who would have fallen had the worst case scenario happened. Every soul that would have added an infamous cost to your eternal legacy.
Chrysalis could see what Twilight was doing and sighed.
Chrysalis: You're referring to Applejack, Apple Bloom, Coloratura, and Yona. I would have killed them all had I not stopped myself or hesitated"
She paused and let that sink in. Chrysalis had already beaten herself up over this last night, going so far as to contemplate ending everything herself. 
Chrysalis: If it brings you any solace, there was a chance you wouldn't have needed to hold this meeting here today had I gone through with what I was thinking in the aftermath of it all. I wonder, would you have been delighted by that news instead?
In a dark way, she was testing Twilight, as if to make sure she wasn't like the demonic version she'd dreamt about.
Twilight's rather cold demeanor temporarily pauses as it turns into an eyebrow-raising confusion
Twilight: Why would you think I would be delighted by what would have been the most tragic event for Equestria in millennia?! 
I'd have been devastated if everything turned out for the worse yesterday! My protege, one of my best friends, many of my brightest students from the friendship school, and... the optics of just letting the changelings die the way they would've... how we thought we could make you turn the corner, only for it to spell doom for so many. It might have broken the trust between our current allies, because if we couldn't protect your changelings, not to mention some of our very own. How could any of them trust us with anyone else?!
All the progress I've set forth for the world would have been endangered. And you could have had your posthumous victory of having destabilized Equestria's future in one swift move...
You know how forgiving Equestria can be, but trust me when I say murder is a line we don't dare cross. And you nearly caused a genocide, of your own kind no less. There would have been no shortage of labels historians would give you. You are lucky to have gained Starlight's trust, I'm not sure how long it'll take before you have mine even if you're granted full freedom...
Chrysalis: You misunderstand me, Twilight. But it does mean my perception was indeed off about you at the very least. You don't see yourself as superior, at least not on the surface. And while the thought of upending the so-called 'unity' you've built up would have brought a smile upon my face at one point in time, the cost is something you and I both agree on, far too high. And to cause the erasure of my own species? No… I will not be like the one who did that to me. Let's not beat around the bush, I'm well aware of what you all know about me.
Chrysalis shook her head. Luna sighed, knowing what Chrysalis meant by this line of questioning.
Chrysalis: But allow me to clarify, I was referring to what I would do to myself in the aftermath of my outburst. When everypony there had already departed. Would you have delighted in seeing my corpse in that cell instead, Twilight Sparkle? Instead of having this chat right now? 
Twilight: Oh... I'm... sorry I misheard your question. When you said ‘Gone through with…’ in your sentence, I immediately jumped to thinking you were talking about actually going through with bringing down the hive. And having to see the less than pretty result, of collecting all we could of there is to bury of all our fallen friends and allies...
If you really mean... ending yourself before this meeting, while no other lives were lost?
I would have to say....
Twilight sighs and pauses before continuing on.
Twilight: No... I wouldn't have delighted in that. I know how heartbroken Starlight as well as Ocellus would have been. I agreed with Starlight's idea that getting someone to help you before our meeting might have been crucial to preventing such a scenario.
Twilight points a hoof to Luna.
Twilight: I am very thankful we sent Luna there to assist you at such a decisive moment in your life. I may not be too enthused with you right now, but if Starlight still believes in you. She obviously knows something about you that I don't. I'm sorry if I'm only justifying your fear of us by essentially interrogating you, but sometimes tough love is necessary. 
I don't and have never wished harm on you. I only want to make sure you understand how much yesterday hurt me, and everyone you know, emotionally. And that includes your suicidal thoughts from last night.
I just wanted to make absolutely sure, you still had a conscious and awareness of the weight of your actions. As if someone like Cozy Glow was in your stead at that moment... there would have been death. Lots and lots of it..
I'm sure at some point you've heard the phrase, ;Friendship is Magic;. And while on the surface, that sounds perhaps like the corniest thing imaginable. But believe it or not, I have since learned that magic isn't just friendship. It's a lot more broad than we had ever thought possible. Life itself is magic, every one of those souls that were in danger yesterday is precious to me. And if any one of them were lost to the soul shield, it would have been a great tragedy. And that includes every single member of the hive, even the individual drones that I don't know personally
...And, I also include your own life in that equation. Judging by your time with Starlight, it's clear you have great potential if we can finally break down all the barriers that still keep us apart. It would have been a disaster in its own right if we failed to save you from your own dark thoughts.
I'm no less upset at you for what happened yesterday, but by no means do I wish for your demise because of it.  I think I've said my piece, for now… I'll give the others their chance to speak with you. Just know that I will simply be rooting for you to earn my forgiveness. As you must do for every one at the hive as well.
Twilight takes a polite bow before sitting back down, giving others a chance to converse with Chrysalis.
Chrysalis stayed silent while Twilight spoke, she didn't protest, she didn't even try to argue against Twilight's points. She would've been on the same level as any of the villains that remained in stone or have already ceased to be. And at a previous point in time, she might've seen it as a badge of honor. But she didn't fully understand what she felt, a mix of shame, sadness and guilt. She was stunned to hear that even her own loss would have been unacceptable in Twilight's eyes.  Once Twilight bowed and stepped back, she still said nothing, but it was quite clear that it affected her.
Luna: I suppose I should say my piece, but I'll keep things brief as you and I had our own talk last night. Chrysalis, while I have not told everypony the full details on what we dealt with in your nightmares, know that despite everything you've done in the past, we want to give you a chance. However, you have to want to take that chance as well. I know what it's like to feel as if you'd be lesser than you once were, or to be a stranger in a world you cannot understand. 
After I was no longer Nightmare Moon, it took quite some time before I was comfortable where I was, and who I was. As well as making amends for what I did. I cannot guarantee that it will be an easy path either. The difference between you and I is that we've had much experience now in helping others adapt and adjust to a new life. I know you still cling onto the past but you cannot let that past blind you either...
Chrysalis sighed. While she knew that Luna was already in her corner, the fact that they were rooting for her, it felt strange to hear. 
Chrysalis: I just...
She was struggling and that's when Celestia spoke up.
Celestia: There's still much that confuses you, and I know much of your ire is more directed at myself and my… previous student. Chrysalis, you may not believe me, But I never ordered the destruction of your hive or the deaths of your parents. That incident is a grim stain on us all...
Chrysalis: You say that, but while I never had solid evidence of my parent's murder, I know what I saw the day my original hive went up in flames. You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me it didn't happen.
Chrysalis was making sure not to fly off the handle this time. Or at least try not to.
Chrysalis: Even Applejack can vouch that I am being honest, but I'm sure Starlight already informed you of that from yesterday's debacle.
Starlight: I hate to remind you Chrysalis since it was part of what caused the flare up from yesterday, but Applejack didn't catch a lie from what I said to you earlier either. As she said, it's not a lie if it's a perception of the truth. Unfortunately, when it comes to this issue, what we think happened completely contradicts one another, it's tough to think of a scenario where somehow we were both correct. One of us is wrong about what happened, or well, technically what I said is what my mother told me of the events...
Just from that I know you'll assume that she fabricated her side of the story. But that's why it's more important than ever that you two speak eventually. We're not summoning her right this very moment, but it's likely going to be one of the few potential remedies we have for solving this.
An awkward silence for a moment fills in the room for a bit before the next to speak up goes.
Spike: I... guess it's my turn. Let's see... Last time we met Chrysalis... you… uh… kinda threatened to pull my wings off while I was still small... so pardon me if I myself have a little trouble sympathizing with you...
Though... then again... since I was the one who helped Thorax when he was by himself in the Crystal Empire... perhaps you hold a slight grudge on me first for indirectly starting the domino effect of Thorax overthrowing you…
Twilight: That doesn't make the moment she threatened you any justified though Spike... it just about gave me flashbacks to when Zathir had a hold of you and resulted in that scar on your eye…
This actually gave Chrysalis a bit of a chance of a breather from the discussion about yesterday. Besides, she probably hasn't stuck around the ponies to know about particular events in more detail. She decides to ask about the event about Spike's scar so the subject is off her actions, even if for just a moment
Chrysalis took a deep breath and grit her teeth. She knows that somehow she and Starlight were both telling the truth when that should also be impossible. But she wants to get to the bottom of it as much as the others do. She does let out a small sigh of relief when she hears that Sunset won't be making an immediate appearance, giving her some time to mentally prepare in seeing whom she saw as the one who nearly wiped out all changelings. When Spike stepped forward, Chrysalis could also get a taste of a love she'd detected on Thorax, their friendship was very strong.
Chrysalis: If you're thinking I'm going to be so foolish as to try that again, relax. I'm not interested right now.
(I also don't need an earful from Thorax about going after his friend... and then it'll be Pharynx and then Ocellus doing the same… and that’s not even considering provoking the mama bear in Twilight… who’s already peeved enough with me) 
She said in a neutral tone.
Chrysalis: But that does make me wonder how your eye became that way. Or how these dragon tears are created by you. Starlight has mentioned them but I still have no idea what the details are beyond the fact you are the one that can bring the spirits here.
The entire group can see her eyeing the dragon's tear he carried. While it may look like she'd want to steal it, Starlight is fully aware why she's curious about it, besides being a distraction from the focus being on her. 
Surprisingly, Twilight and Spike are decidedly open about telling what happened on this return trip to Saddle Arabia. Perhaps it's just been long enough that they're fine talking about it, even with someone they have reason to maintain some ire for like Chrysalis. Though perhaps it helps that luckily that day, there were no major casualties then either.
Spike: Well, we can start with of course that this trip happened on a return trip to Saddle Arabia. I suppose funny enough, mom and me going there the first time... AKA when Twilight first became a genie, was part of a reward granted by Celestia after your first defeat during the Canterlot Wedding. That original time we met two great friends named Malakhar and Kubuya... even if one of those friends was one who tricked Twilight into becoming a genie.
The Queen rolls her eyes
Chrysalis: Hmmmph, where do you intend to go with this? Thanking me for being the very catalyst for why Twilight ended up being transformed into a genie? Maybe that's not a bad idea... taking credit for the power you got bestowed to you.
Chrysalis chuckles before letting Spike continue the story
Spike: Anyhow... fast-forwarding to our next trip where we took the rest of the elements with us. Funnily enough sometime after Tirek was defeated too, our friends in Saddle Arabia were waiting at the royal palace. We got to meet and befriend the royals there too. Though... things turned grim when suddenly overnight... Twilight was kidnapped while still in her bottle! 
The one responsible was someone the Sultan trusted a little too well, he was a vicegerent or rather an advisor to the sultan named Zathir that had been a descendent of a disgraced regime that hated genies and worked to free them all. Although Zathir came down from a minority within that hateful party that wanted to ENSLAVE genies instead. He used a hypnotic torture device that forced Twilight to do his bidding. And nearly made her kill me, the other elements, and our Saddle Arabian friends including the royal family.
As we faced certain death, I cried out for Twilight, or to be more precise... I called out for my mother. And just moments before a blast was about to vaporize us all. A tear crystalized and I had suddenly created an impenetrable shield that saved us. 
Using the dragon tear, and the quick thinking of our friends. We were able to set Twilight free from Zathir's device, but we celebrated our victory a little too early. As while all attention was on Twilight regaining control of herself, Zathir had grabbed me. And... he tried to kill me for ruining his plans, he stabbed me straight in the eye. If not for a vampire bat tooth Fluttershy had, I would have become a cyclops for life. It stained my eye purple, but a discolored working eye is better than no eye at all.
But yeah... that's how I got the scar, as well as how the dragon tear on my necklace was created.
Twilight: It's the only time in recorded history a dragon created a dragon tear and lived to tell the tale. But it takes a seriously traumatic moment in order to produce something like that. So even if it takes more than a thousand years for the next natural one to show up, it's better than torturing dragons to attempt to get more.
This explanation does give Chrysalis some retroactive understanding of their relationship and what they were doing when she wasn't the one attacking them or their friends. Of course hearing about the parts where she was defeated made her wince.  But she had to chuckle at Twilight being so powerful and yet was so easily captured when in her bottle, something she herself has exploited too.
Chrysalis: So in other words another moment that love you all share won out in the end, I'm well aware how powerful that is. I'm not surprised the victory was yours. Still, going so far as to stab you in the eye in a last ditch effort. While I understand the tactic, it sounds like a foolish endeavor. But if trauma is what's necessary to manufac those things, I suppose nopony will be getting one of their own anytime soon. And no, I'm not about to go torture dragons if you're worried about that.
She thinks back to the rest of the conversation about past villains and realized someone was missing from the list.
Chrysalis: If I recall from his whining when he was still… alive? corporeal? A physical annoyance, didn't you fight Sombra some short time after my invasion?
Spike gets a smug face on his look as he recalls Sombra
Spike: Oh you mean when I became Spike, the Brave and Glorious to all of the Crystal Ponies?~
As much as the room had tension, this allowed for some chuckles to lighten the mood.
Starlight: Hehe, Cadence did already mention that back during the kindness lesson. But yes, Twilight and her friends wouldn't have as easily defeated Sombra that first time around if not for our favorite baby dragon.
Starlight uses some magic to float herself up in the air and give the much taller spike a playful noogie, he blushes a bit in embarrassment, but still playfully chuckles as he knows Starlight's just teasing.
Spike: Heeeey! 
Chrysalis: Ah yes that's right, she did mention it. Hard to believe he was bested by you, but it makes it so much better. You cannot imagine how much he complained about every little thing. You all did us a favor when you defeated him a second time. Let me tell you, if he were with myself, Tirek and Cozy at the end, I'm sure he would have found a way to make being trapped in stone even more tortuous than it already was!
She snickered. 
Chrysalis: Now I know you don't owe me any favors, but should he return for a 3rd time, make sure to hold that victory over him, I'd love to see him seethe about it!
Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed
Twilight: Technically, if Sombra were to return again it'd be for the fourth time. Did you forget that "Grogar" forced us to fight him again twice?
Starlight just about shrugged
Starlight: Discord hasn't messed up anything since he assembled you, Tirek, and Cozy together. (Well, besides almost single handedly ruining the kindness lesson...) but resurrecting Sombra twice in quick succession still has to rank among the dumbest stuff he's ever done... it nearly cost us the Tree of Harmony for good! 
Chrysalis: Details, my point being, that if or when he returns, make sure to remind him of his failures.  Of course, I'm around at the time, I'll be doing my own share of gloating.
The mention of Discord by name does sour her mood but at the same time, the mention of the Tree of Harmony does give her some different bad memories.
Chrysalis: Ah yes, that... THING. I learned very quickly that some things even I should not mess with…
Now that you mention it though, the area around this treehouse is similar to where the tree of harmony was. So what happened to it? Neither myself, Tirek or Cozy attacked it during our attempted joint takeover.
Everyone in the room just takes some brief glances at each other. They had forgotten that Chrysalis doesn't quite know how this treehouse came to be. The only one in the room that witnessed  firsthand what happened speaks.
Gallus: Um... well, I could tell you what became of it... but in short... we're standing in it as we speak!
Chrysalis looked very confused by this statement.
Chrysalis: Excuse you? We're… inside of it? What?! How? That thing was nowhere near this big, nor was it topside, it was in a cave. I should know! I saw its power for myself! And I know it's some kind of thinking entity, the tree did not like the fakes I made, they met a demise I'd rather not go through. Why would it have allowed me in? I'm sure that thing would rather have me nowhere near it!
(Even if it technically saved my life, but this lot doesn't need to know that…)
???: That couldn't be farther from the truth
A sudden voice responds to Chrysalis, it sounds a lot like Twilight's voice but Twilight's mouth was not moving. The voice also echoed in a similar fashion to Pear Butter and Bright Mac's spirits, and was decidedly more monotone compared to Twilight's voice.
Starlight: Oh hey, Treelight! You're just in time, we were just talking about you. 
She giggles
Gallus: Knowing the tree, she's probably been listening in this entire time. Treelight, you never stop being a little creepy... but you mean well, I know.
A sparkly transparent version of Twilight with her normal mane and tail style from a decade ago and no genie attire fades into view with a warm smile on its face.
Treelight: Greetings, all of you! I am pleased that you brought Chrysalis over to where I can speak with her... I've been wanting to for far longer than I was capable of projecting a spirit like this.
Queen Chrysalis, there’s no need to be afraid. I do not wish harm upon you.
Celestia: I was wondering when you would show up. You are crucial to all this after all.
Chrysalis jumped back upon seeing the strange apparition of Twilight. She was even more confused than ever, and the others seem to be fully aware of her. She gets in a more guarded stance.
Chrysalis: What is the meaning of this? This is Twilight Sparkle, yet she's right there, so who's that?!
If Chrysalis had fur, it'd be standing on end. Something about this Twilight, which they refer to as Treelight, was off-putting. She was familiar with the echo that spirits used given she'd heard it in Applejack's parents. But Treelight had this… aura about her that made Chrysalis unsure. Even if Treelight spoke to her in a gentle tone.
Chrysalis: What do you want from me then?
Treelight: The bearer of magic and I are separate entities, I simply take her form when projecting a spirit most of the time. But to answer who I am, it's as simple as this. I am the Tree of Harmony, it was I who saved you from the doppelgängers of the element bearers that one day.
And while I'm unsure if I would have been capable of projecting a spirit then, I was still recovering my power after more than a thousand years of being weakened by... Discord's vines...
Somehow the spirit managed to break at least a little bit of its monotone voice to express a tone of disdain for Discord. 
Chrysalis: Don't mention that to them! I-I would have overpowered the doppels in due time!
She says defensively, a look of embarrassment on her face. 
Though she does smirk at the fact that even a spirit like her has difficulty meshing with Discord as well. Fitting of course since he's a being of pure chaos, but it does make her feel validated.
Chrysalis: Ok seriously, why does anypony put up with him, and please don't tell me it's just because of Fluttershy.
Luna looked off to the side, while Celestia frowned sheepishly
Luna: For the record, I was never in favor of his initial return. He was quite close to being put back in stone after the Tirek incident… you should really ask my sister.
Celestia: Okay, look… it worked out in the end. I'm well aware that the decision to free him was... unpopular. But he became a crucial part of keeping the world safe eventually. Plus you must admit, he can liven things up… but yes, he can be very… grating…
Celestia looked a bit embarrassed herself now. 
But the tone shifts back to normal as she continues her explanation, it’s even a little humorous to Chrysalis that even a spirit like Treelight wants to talk about anything else but Discord
Treelight: Moving on… I would have tried in any way possible to send some kind of message. Even if it couldn't have been visually or possibly even audibly done as I can do now.
I can see however that you're still tense around me... would it help if perhaps, I was in a form you connect with better?
The spirit of Treelight closes its eyes and just below the transparent hooves, a glowing white line snakes on the floor toward Chrysalis. 
Chrysalis’ felt weird as the spirit touched her mind with some sort of magic vine.
Chrysalis: What are you doing!? You… you…
It only lasts for a few seconds before the vine retracts back. Chrysalis eyes a bit dizzy afterward, but once she shakes her head she’s fine again.
Treelight: It seems you work best when among those with the trait of loyalty. As such...
The spirit then begins to transform from its default Twilight form, to that of a sparkly Rainbow Dash.
Treebow: Does this form help calm you down?
Chrysalis now hears the same echo, but now it's mimicking Rainbow Dash's voice. 
She's taken aback to see her become Rainbow Dash. Which also can confirm to the rest of the group that Chrysalis clearly has been growing some soft spots for the elements during these sessions.
Chrysalis: Tch, well it's still unsettling… but at least now I'm not dealing with two Sparkles. But know that I have no interest in racing a fake.
Starlight: You won't need to race her, she can't project the spirit too far outside a small area where her roots are planted, the only exception via dreamspace as Gallus is well aware. So you'd win by default, that is unless you specifically chose to race her within the confines of where she can show herself. But not even Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom could match the tree spirit's teleporting in that case.
Gallus: Heh, never would have thought anyone would be more comfortable around Professor Dash. Many students I knew at the Friendship school weren't always excited for her P.E. class
The spirit visibly frowns thinking again about Discord
Treebow: It's true me and Discord have a... history you could say. Within my branches is the one thing that could seal him, so he sabotaged me as Celestia and Luna petrified him the first time. The aforementioned vines that sapped my strength for more than a millennia, and resurrecting the evil king who tried to destroy me... has left it very hard for me to forgive him. I was only lucky enough that King Sombra did not destroy my roots, and the friendship that your daughter and her friends shared also helped accelerate my regeneration as they paid homage to me.
I have since become their home, and I helped guide them all in their school years and did my very best to protect them to the best of my ability. Your daughter was always a treat to speak with, she'd inquire about almost everything I've experienced since I was created by the Pillars of Equestria. She and the others were quite safe here, and I promise that the same can be said for you.
Gallus: That is missing a liiiiiiiiitltle context that you scared the heck out of us when we first met at the school... not exactly nice to leave a claustrophobic like me in a shrinking cave...
Treebow: I acknowledge my methods were a little extreme, and I probably should have considered how you'd all feel. But as I was just a tree, I did not know the full range of emotions outside of those involved with the elements that make up the elements that are a part of me. While I was aware of what you were all afraid of, the effects of fear weren't readily apparent in Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, or Magic.
Twilight: After that, I actually got to meet up with the spirit myself and teach her how to converse with and understand our behaviors better. Even now, she's not perfect. But when her spirit first showed up. She didn't even know what BLINKING was. Imagine a transparent, glowing spirit of me that endlessly stares back at you. Even I felt unnerved by her, and she just looked like me! Somehow she managed to make my own mirror image creepy to me, ha! 
While the fact that this tree spirit can't go too far from the tree itself does make her let out a sigh of relief, the mention of her potential power still shakes her. She can't help but be nervous around her, she may have a familiar face, but it's very clear to her that she is very much a different being altogether.
Chrysalis: I-I see... funny how the other threats to Equestria saw Sombra as a non threat compared to ourselves and yet he was the one who came closest to destroying you along with that mixed up buffoon? Strange, considering the powers you hold.
Chrysalis smirks.
Luna: The tree of harmony has been around for well over a millennia, only within recent years has she been able to take this physical form. Fitting really, since we're where our original castle once stood. She's been around and seen many things, even if we weren't fully aware of her presence either. But the elements came from her as well.
The mention of Treebow being friends with Ocellus does put Chrysalis at ease. But her more extreme methods keep coming to the forefront of Chrysalis' mind, she's seen what the spirit was capable of even before she had a visible form.
Chrysalis: Believe me, I can tell from the residual love in the air, Ocellus treasured this place. Though you are… unsettling to say the least. You speak of extremities and I must know how you... 'tested' my daughter, but furthermore… You were quick to melt down the fake element bearers I'd made. I'm glad you didn't try to do the same to me, but I have to ask why you chose to do any of that.
The spirit nods
Treebow: My test for your daughter included seeing herself in your form, not as in a grown up version of herself if/when she becomes a queen. Literally looking just like you... at the time, it was strange to me, since Ocellus seemed like just one of the many changelings. If she was simply a drone, why would she need to fear becoming like you? 
Recent events have helped it make much more sense, as she was actually a royal changeling like you, Thorax, and Phayrnx. She actually knew all along something was different about her from the average changeling, and she was scared that when she did grow up. She'd end up doing the exact same things you did during your time at the top of the hive.
She's brought this up with you earlier, has she not? Perhaps you can blame me for getting it out in the open that she was scared of becoming an evil queen. But, I didn't create the fears for your daughter or her friends. As I told them at the time, they chose what they saw under my roots… not me. They all held them deep inside, they'd have had to face them eventually whether I did it or not. I just helped them see that their friendship can conquer all their fears.
Chrysalis: Oh that just makes me feel so wonderful about myself...
Her voice is dripping with sarcasm. It now made her initial talks with Ocellus make so much more sense. But it still made Chrysalis feel sour about it. 
They also had some doubts whether friendship was truly in their nature, those seeds of doubt planted by a little filly who held pony supremacist views.
The room just about growls, knowing very well who that was.
Starlight: Cozy...
Treebow: And... about those doppelgängers, the way I dispatched them I now know was something that might disturb most living creatures. But it was not my intention to scare. And those clones you created were normal trees transformed into false lifeforms infused by dark magic
Starlight: I'm actually curious now as we got that subject, how did you find a spell capable of creating evil versions of the Elements? Was there some forbidden spell book that maybe... mentioned something of a more corrupted version of the Mirror Pool's magic? Which conveniently also rests not far from where we camped. 
Twilight: If it's tied in any way to the mirror pool, that could make some sense. I remember having to blow up tons of Pinkie Pie clones that then scattered to skinny beams of magic back to the mirror pool...
Twilight frowns, when she realizes something that might bother Chrysalis
Twilight: ...Out of context I know that sounds like I committed mass murder, but there was just no place for Pinkie Pie clones that simply spouted the word fun constantly!
Spike: That hasn't quite put to rest certain urban legends... I know there's sometimes stories or claims of "The one that got away" the most famous one involving a potential sighting in Manehattan.
Twilight: Gosh, I wouldn't even know how to feel if there really is one that got away that's hidden themselves for this long. That sounds like if they exist they'd actually be able to control how excitable they can be, and that looks poorly on me since I just sent every one of them back almost indiscriminately... on one hoof it'd be interesting to study, on the other... I'm scared a surviving clone wouldn't take too highly of me for what I did to it's ‘sisters’ 
Chrysalis: I'm aware that little demon child attempted to 'befriend' my daughter. But I'm surprised even a pure spirit of harmony seems to deem her a lost cause too. Granted, I highly doubt, given her history, you'll be letting her out if ever. Little psychopath tried to rid all of the world's magic before we teamed up. That's a future even I do not desire. Treebow: I was actually there to assist your daughter and her friends when Cozy was trying to steal all the magic. Unlike with you, I sensed no turmoil. She was evil down to her core. Sometimes it’s too late to turn back, but I know it wasn’t the case with you. Cozy was evil for the sport of it, while you’ve been hiding a deep emotional tragedy.
A decade ago, Chrysalis might have seen not being called evil down to her core something of an insult. But there were some odd conversations she had with Cozy while they were still a trio, like there was this feeling Cozy never felt she was evil enough. Of course as she had just said, a magic-less world was something she wouldn’t cross ever. It’d spell doom for her kind just as much as any other.
Upon mention of the doppelgängers, Celestia looked the most curious.
Celestia: The elements wouldn't have responded well to non bearers trying to use them. Even I was punished by having to harness them all in one after fighting with my sister.
Luna: It's fortunate that they would return when I did. But I am curious as well as to the creation of the doppelgängers.
Chrysalis looked at the group as if they were the insane ones. She also looked disturbed about hearing of an entire Pinkie Pie army.
Chrysalis: Mirror Pool? That thing is real? And an entire swarm of Pinkie Pies… no thank you. I've realized one is more than enough. No, I used a spell I'd… acquired and just needed samples of the element bearers' DNA. If you're wondering how I got that...
She transforms into the photographer pony whom Twilight would recognize.
Chrysalis: Ring any bells? I know I boasted about this before, but it was the closest I'd been to any of you since my wedding invasion and you never knew. Unfortunately, your doppelgängers are more annoying than the real deal. Especially yours, Twilight Sparkle. They had just as much power as you had at that point in time and were far more callous. But I know for certain, unlike that potential Pinkie clone you speak of, they are dead for good. returned to the wood from whence they came.
Twilight: Ah, yes. The photographer pony... Starlight did tell me that you revealed it was you during the earlier sessions. I did think it was a little weird that you were collecting a hair piece from each of us. Made you seem like some crazy-obsessed fan of us.
Starlight: From what I heard of the whole Pinkie clone that got away thing. The Manehattan one was potentially debunked when it turns out Pacific Glow, a famed dancing pony, was just cosplaying as Pinkie. With the right changes, Pacific Glow looks near identical with Pinkie.
Spike teasingly smirks
Spike: Unless maybe Pacific Glow was the escaped Pinkie clone all along! OoooooOOOOOOOOOoooooo!
Spike sarcastically waving his arms in a spooky manner
Twilight: Ahhh! Stop it, Spike! I've told you how much that freaks me out. To be frank I was kind of scared Chrysalis would blow a gasket at me about it too…  She thinks Sunset was responsible for what happened to her old hive, and I don't know if she would feel like I treated those Pinkie clones the same way... 
She turns to face Chrysalis
Twilight: I hope you certainly understand that the situations aren't the same between those Pinkie clones and your family...
Spike: Hehe, I'm just teasing ya Mom. I'm sure Starlight's right that it was just Pacific Glow all along. And any other ‘Pinkie clone’ sightings could have been changelings for all we know too. Just that little amount of doubt is enough to weave an urban legend that's most likely not true, but still spooky enough to tell around the campfire. 
Starlight: Heh, speaking of changelings disguised as Pinkie... come to think of it... If Chrysalis had known about the Pinkie clones, she could have had a pretty dastardly plan to sow some distrust in Equestria years ago. Get some of her drones to pretend to be multiple Pinkie clones that got away, and paint Twilight as a murderous dictator through protests that claim to be about “Mirror Clone Rights”
Twilight just about grimaced.
Twilight: Oh my Celestia! Thank goodness Chrysalis didn't find out about that back then!
Spike: I think we would have had Pinkie there to help foil that plan since the "Pinkie clones'' would have had to recall everything Pinkie asked the clones to do. But it certainly would have been a heck of a misinformation campaign to dispel. 
Chrysalis couldn't help but chuckle.
Chrysalis: Crazed? Possibly, but I was no fan of yours. Had those doppelgängers been more obedient, I would have tried to make an army of them. But it's for the best that the tree spirit thing over there decided that melting them in a gruesome manner was the better course of action. It's an image I won't soon forget either. As for the comparison to you destroying those Pinkie clones, I would’ve found it more insulting on my part if I equated that with my family. The Pinkie clones sound like they were soulless copies, not true individuals.
She whips around to Spike at the mention of using changelings to disguise themselves as Pinkie to sow chaos.
Chrysalis: While not a bad plan, I learned after impersonating Cadence that going around as important figures doesn't allow for the freedom you think it does. I'd have to go around replacing entire cities and even then...
Chrysalis then looks to Starlight.
Chrysalis: Those who know the ponies in question can point them out when they realize something's off. As a certain somepony here can tell you...
She grumbles, thinking of the day she'd lost her place as Queen. 
Chrysalis: I have to admit though, you lot are capable of coming up with some genuinely wicked plans even if you are joking around. Shame I never considered or knew about such events. I daresay it would have been quite a dastardly plan.
Chrysalis let out a laugh before sighing and shaking her head. In the back of her mind, she knew this was just a way to get her in a calmer mood before things got serious.
Chrysalis: But I'm sure you would've found some way to foil my plans once again, you always do. But since you mentioned the one whom I consider a true demon… I have a feeling you still intend to bring her here, yes?
The lighthearted feeling dims as the approaching more serious topics come back into the spotlight. The spirit of the Tree of Harmony however, at least tries the gentlest nudge she can muster for Chrysalis
Treebow: Before you face the one you fear most, I need to say some final words as well as a suggestion to everyone else in the room besides Chrysalis.
Whether you knew it or not, the events that led us here are all interconnected. The very first time I sent the bearers of the elements on friendship quests ended up with them meeting Starlight. And the current lessons started with Starlight summoned to the Changeling hive alone.
I know this may make it seem like I'm omniscient, and know what the problems are before they even begin. But I can only get a sense of where the problem lay, not exactly what it was. But I will say I have sensed something from you since the day you created those doppelgängers of the element bearers. I could not tell what it was, but I could feel that inside there was simply a scared soul using villainy as an outlet. Even then I knew it'd be hard to break through such a barrier, as I felt it was behind a very emotional wall. There was no possible way to begin cracking that a decade ago, it was going to take a decent amount of time.
I've been working with the bearer of Magic and Starlight this entire time to bring everything about you to the light of day. You must now face a test similar to that of your daughter, of your greatest fear.
As for all the others standing in this room, you must give Chrysalis all the help you can muster. Regardless if you disagree with her view of Sunset Shimmer, her fear is real, and you should understand she needs quite a bit of strength to come face to face with her. You need to all give her a healthy amount of love for her to muster up the strength to. Do you understand?
Most of the heads nod toward the spirit's request. Though one is still a little unsure.
Gallus: Are... you sure we should be powering up Chrysalis like that? I mean... she did almost blow up the hive using just the power she got from the past 5 lessons... what if she threatens to blow up the treehouse if she can't take facing down Sunset? What if she succeeds where Sombra failed in destroying you?
Almost symbolically given what happened yesterday, the tree transforms into a sparkly Applejack.
Appletree: That's ah risk, ah'm willing t' take
As if on cue, a knock on the door is heard. Starlight walks on over to see who it is. And funnily enough, it ends up being the real Applejack.
Applejack: Howdy y'all! Sorry if ah'm ah bit late. Somethin' broke down at the farm and ah needed t' fix i-
Applejack stares with an eyebrow raised at the Tree of harmony spirit in her form
Applejack: Huh? Is Treelight fillin' in fo' me or somethin'. Geez, if y'all needed me that badly...
This caused some light chuckles in the room.
Starlight: It's ok, Applejack. You're actually just in time. Chrysalis could need some of that patented Apple family inner strength as we prepare for what's next. Besides... she also needs to formally apologize to you for yesterday... as she did earlier to me.
Oh and Gallus, I'm absolutely sure we'll be fine. Because, I trust her...
As in Chrysalis' nightmare from last night, Starlight mirrored her dream self's words. Perhaps mostly unwittingly and coincidental. But that didn't stop it from touching Chrysalis' heart all the same. 
Chrysalis huffed, the spirit of harmony wasn't wrong though it did bother her in the way she described Chrysalis' fears and considering her actions as a result of her overall fears. It bothered her even more that everything just seemed to fall in place almost perfectly as if it was predestined that she would be here at this point in time. But looking around the room, it was clear she wasn't the only one with fears and doubts settling in. What Gallus said was indeed fair, something Chrysalis couldn't necessarily argue. But to her surprise, Luna spoke up.
Luna: While I know this may seem like an unwise choice, believe me when I say that Chrysalis won't make that same decision twice. There was more to her outburst than just anger or malice, it was sadness… heartbreak. But keep in mind, according to Starlight, Chrysalis is the one who ultimately chose to not go through with it when she had nopony to stop her had she continued. She made the conscious decision. I know that bringing in Sunset will be tense, but I know she won't make such a rash action twice.
Chrysalis' eyes widened a bit, realizing that the lunar princess was true to her word from last night. She didn't say anything but it was clear she appreciated it. 
On top of that, hearing Starlight's words, the same phrase that the dream Starlight told her, she knows deep down that even if she gets upset upon seeing Sunset, she can't lose her cool again. She didn't want to lose that friendship. A thought that still was hard to admit out loud. 
When Applejack appeared, Chrysalis looked a bit surprised. Considering what had happened yesterday, she'd assume Applejack would want nothing to do with her. She looked down at the earth pony as she joined the group.
Chrysalis: You… I'm surprised to see you so soon. But before you say anything. I want to… apologize, Applejack. You have my respect for the actions you took yesterday as well...
She paused for a moment.
Chrysalis: The way you stayed back, not only to allow your family, friends, and your lover to get to safety but to even protect my changelings from my own wrath, putting your life on the line despite having everything from the fame of a hero and a humble life on your farm.. It… well, it reminded me of how I was saved by my brother. So as I said, you have my respect. Even if you don't want it.
It took a lot for Chrysalis to say that, while the faces of the princesses looked concerned that Chrysalis still considers Tarsus good is going to be an issue rather quickly, but she is showing progress in showing regret for her actions.
Applejack: And ah accept ya apology wholeheartedly, ah completely understand the turmoil ya'll feelin', Not that ah think ah would have done exactly what ya did, but let's say hypothetically instead o' ah natural force ah couldn't do anything about, it was some murderer that ended mah parent's lives. Ah'd probably have blown ah gasket if anyone related t' them try t' befriend me. Mah family's started years long feuds with others fo' far less, given Grannys feelings' toward the pears up til' ma joined the family. Ah have no idea how long it'd take fo’ me t' forgive someone who actually murdered ah beloved family member.
We know now ya life was full o' misery and pain that none o' us hope t' happen t' us. Ya'll not even the only one in this room that's done things or tried t' takeover Equestria in some fashion due t' events in their past. No offense t' Starlight, and/or Princess Luna meant o' course.
Starlight & Luna: None taken!
Twilight steps forward a bit
Twilight: Be that as it may... Applejack.. can… you step behind me as we prepare for all this?
Applejack: Um... sure, Twi... but why?
Twilight: I... I... just want to make sure... you're protected... in case... Chrysalis truly can't take arguing with Sunset. You're here once again to check for lies, and... the moment you say you detect no lies from Sunset's words... I'm scared she'll lash out... You're the least able to defend yourself from a magic blast here... and I don't want you anywhere close to being in danger as you were yesterday... please…
From these words, Chrysalis can already get a taste of the love from Twilight and Applejack's years of Friendship. A nearly invulnerable genie alicorn with a strong bond for somepony who was simply a mortal farmer outside of their status as fellow Elements of Harmony. Part of Chrysalis' doubts about the group years ago is whether Twilight would really keep close to her friends when she had all the power and responsibility to attend to. But it's pretty clear now that the love for her friends has not diminished, it's only aged better and better.
Applejack: Heh.. ah guess ah see ya point. Although maybe y’all just getting even fo' when ah was overprotective o' you when Celestia and Luna were captured by Discord's vines.
The farmer chuckles
But with the love now being spread. Chrysalis can now feel a surge of energy and power as each of the combinations in the room in some fashion give her something to feast on. She was actually very hungry after spending all that energy on that missed blast that would have killed Starlight, not to mention having gone hours with not much being absorbed aside from when Starlight spoke to her alone as well as the residual love coming from the treehouse.
Chrysalis gets a taste of the years of mentorship and trust between Twilight and Celestia. 
She gets the mother-son relations between Twilight and Spike. 
The sisterly bond of Celestia and Luna… come to think of it. She feels like she's somehow tasting that flavor twice somehow... when she realizes that Twilight and Starlight's relationship has a similar flavor to that of the sister alicorns. Starlight was telling the truth earlier when she said she was working on establishing an adoptive sisterly relationship with Twilight one day. 
Even Gallus had something to give with the loyalty to Twilight that led him to become a royal guard, and the respect of his elders whether they were a former teacher/principal from Twilight once again, Starlight, and Applejack.
But what perhaps surprises Chrysalis more, is the love meant specifically for her. Starlight's friendship that's developed over all the sessions, Applejack's sympathy since they had both lost family in tragic instances, Luna's sympathy as well having both dealt with guilt, and Celestia feeling sorry that she wasn't able to bridge the gap between ponies and changelings earlier.
The tree of harmony's spirit smiles at the sight of the love being shared around the room. She shifts back to her usual Twilight form.
Treelight: Thank you everyone, I now leave this all to you. I will drop my physical spirit form, but I will remain watching from the walls of the treehouse. Good luck.
The spirit glows white and disappears in the blink of an eye.
Starlight: Alright, everypony. It's time to summon down my mother, let's all head outside. So Spike has a little more room to work with.
The flood of the multiple types of love filled Chrysalis, at first, it was what she expected. The individual pairings showing love and compassion for each other. But the love being shown towards her made her gasp. After everything that happened, she wasn't expecting that. Her wings fluttered and for a moment, that sparkle they once had prior to the honesty lesson came back. The sparkle faded but that little moment was what the rest of the ponies needed to see to know that there really was a chance for Chrysalis. But this would be the most daunting task to manage. The meeting between Sunset and Chrysalis. She follows the group outside, mentally preparing herself for what was to come.
Chrysalis: (So now I will truly face her after all these years. I can do this… I can. I must, for my family she took from me. But… I can't lose Starlight either, the fact I'm even saying it is… ugh.)
She was clearly conflicted, she wished she could just unload everything onto Sunset, Twilight's prediction of her going off the handle isn't unfounded. However...
Chrysalis: (Do I really want to repeat my mistakes from yesterday? Of course not... but I have to hear it from her, I have to know the truth.)
The whole group gathers outside of the treehouse Spike steps forward, and gives the signal for Starlight to approach. This is also the first time Chrysalis is witnessing a spirit summoning. She still wishes it could be ANYBODY but her to show this new phenomenon. But it's best to get that over with, so hopefully soon she can see the same being done for her lost family.
Starlight lays a hoof on Spike's Dragon Tear, closes her eyes, and internally speaks a message.
Starlight: (Mom, it's time. Years of misery and pain have been leading up to this moment. Be gentle as possible, she fears you more than anything. Please show her you're not the monster she thinks you are. 
I know she can be a great friend once she lets go of all and any remaining internal blocks.
It's going to be tough, especially if what you say about her older brother is true. But I hope realizing who the real you is, she'll at least wonder if she's been mistaken all these years...)
With her message done, she drops her hoof from Spike's necklace. And the dragon tear begins to grow bright. Spike now closes his eyes to focus on summoning the spirit. Dragon magic lighting up the tear, as up in the sky. While it was still daytime, a small bright dot appeared up in the sky. It soon becomes the shape of a comet. And the size of it grows as it gets closer and closer to the area everyone is gathered. 
At any other time, Chrysalis would be fascinated by the summoning process but because of who was being summoned, it filled her with dread. Her breathing gets a bit heavier, she can feel herself starting to sweat as the dragon tear glowed. Luna placed a hoof on Chrysalis' shoulder. She whispers into Chrysalis' ear.
Luna: Remember, what you see will be the real Sunset. Not the one you think of in your nightmares. You must be able to handle that Chrysalis, and we know you can. Breathe.
Chrysalis: I… I can handle it! B-but… I will take that into account… thank you…
She grumbled back. 
It's not long before it finally stops short of the ground, a bright white sphere the size of a pony floats there. 
Chrysalis averting her eyes, either from the brightness or maybe even still a little bit of fear of the one she's about to see once more.
The sphere soon begins to shift in the shape of a pony. A silhouette of Chrysalis' long hated enemy is visible. Chrysalis expects the smile of a slasher, or even a smug look once the spirit of Sunset's face fades in.
But instead, she sees Sunset has closed her eyes and had her head as low as it could go. This didn't seem like the Sunset that Chrysalis thought she knew. It looked more like... a look of guilt.
The spirit finally raises her head back up to look Chrysalis in the eyes. And all Sunset can manage as her first words to someone who believes her to be the true monster behind everything... is a simple...
Sunset: h-h-h-Hey…
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dayshines · 2 years
screaming and crying <- can't use typing quirk in school emails
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talesfromthecrypts · 2 months
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Vampire weakness to sunlight originated in the film Nosferatu and is not part of vampire folklore. In the original Dracula he is simply less powerful during the day. Despite this it is considered an essential part of modern day vampire lore.
Nosferatu (1922)
Horror of Dracula (1958)
Interview With the Vampire (2022- )
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000)
True Blood (2008-2014)
Baldur's Gate 3 (2023)
Near Dark (1987)
Thirst (2009)
Blade II (2002)
Daybreakers (2009)
Let the Right One In (2008)
Midnight Mass (2021)
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