#also; hope he likes that chair because blue sleeps for fucking EVER. 18 hours and 38 minutes. it was roughly midnight at the start of the s
lunaremy · 1 year
despite being the most sleepiest bomber blue is also the cuddliest one
he reminds me of a cat (short story under the cut)
"So, if we plug the red cable into this doohickey right here, the computer should run faster than before."
"Yes! Yes! Brilliant!"
It was yet another late-night hangout session between Blue and Phantom, where they put their minds together to create anything they thought about. The duo currently presented at the laptop, with Blue standing over Phantom's chair.
Phantom Bomber did as Blue said, and sure enough, the computer's monitor booted to life quicker than ever before.
"That thinking of yours impresses me," Phantom noted. He cobbled together some code into the keyboard, and the monitor opened an interface.
"We should make some data chips to use later," Phantom comments offhandedly. "Maybe your siblings could learn a thing or two with them."
"Yeah...sure, whatever."
Blue yawned.
"If you wanna continue or something, you can, but..." He paused, nearly trailing off. "It's kinda late, and I......"
Rather abruptly, he found himself huddled inside Phantom's absurdly massive cape, curled up as he wrapped the fabric around his body. The chair Phantom was sitting on wasn't particularly big enough for two people, though, so he ended up rather close to Phantom in the process of obtaining a restful slumber.
"Wow...this is kinda warm."
"What are you doing?!" Phantom borderline yelled at him, but by then, Blue was already out like a light.
Hey...this is kinda warm.
Phantom continued work on the aforementioned data chips - of course, learning through natural means was easier on the body and frequently more rewarding, but it still helped to have a few data-storing options on your body sometimes. Think of it as like a grocery shopping list- it's there in case you forget something important.
Over the course of the development of the data chips, Phantom found himself leaning more and more into Blue's half-asleep snuggling, to the point where he was eventually fully crammed into the chair as well, with Phantom's arm wrapped around his body.
It was a long night- something Phantom was more than used to, but somehow Blue's presence made it a little better.
Through the window, Phantom noted the rising of the sun, and typed in a few last lines of code before ejecting the disk. One of many, to be precise; the work done tonight was nothing short of a masterful performance, something that could only be done by the magnificent Phantom Bomber.
...Oh, and Blue Bomber, he guessed.
Phantom glanced over at his sleeping buddy; still snoring away, arms huddled around his body, wrapped in his cape without a care in the world.
This is an interesting specimen, Phantom found himself thinking. I would like to study him.
Which was a strange way of wording it, for sure.
A few moments passed in silence, and then-
How am I supposed to get up like this?
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Hello Hello!
I just wanted to say I love your fics!
Could I request a CC!SBI X Gn! Insomniac Reader! Where the reader is an insomniac (Obviously-) but is somehow a pro at MC!
Like they are basically god at the game! They also REALLY enjoy horror games! They don’t get scared easily and LOVE horror movies! They basically love anything horror/creepy-
The reader lives off of ramen and Monster energy drinks (For fun-)! They have a Twitch (Which has about 18 mil followers and 14 mil subs!) and a YouTube channel (Which has 20 mil followers!)
They mainly play horror games (Obviously-) and MC!
You can do headcanons or scenarios/images with the SBI! Maybe like playing a horror game together or MC? OR! Maybe some things they do together? Or when they meet up? Or-to many ideas Nightmare-
I don’t really care! And don’t worry about taking too long on it!
Maybe we could be friends? Only if you want too!
Remember to eat, drink, and get enough sleep!
Yes. I lovesthese ideas and I'm gonna choose headcannons due to they are a bit easierfor me to write.
And yes I'm perfectly fine with being your friend! I'm actually happy to make friends on this app so yeah!
Tw: cussing. Insomia, mentions of horror movies. Mention of horror games. Fluff.
SBI with a horror streamer friend head cannons.
*Ahem* tommy wanted to paly a game with you so you choose a game that didn't look like horror until the middle. He screamed at the jump scare and it made both of your chats so happy.
When phil decides to play with you there is literally a silence after a jump scare. Everyone thought he had a heart attack and honestly so did you until he spoke up about accidently hitting his mute button when he jumped.
Wilbur. He's a bit better then tommy but more scared then phil would be. Any little noise won't get him but when it starts to get noticeable the noiseless to him. The jump scare, he'd fall out of his seat and stay on the ground for a bit. You ask if he's good and he literally doesn't answer. He's dead. You killed him. Congrats.
Techno. He'd handle them a bit better then everyone else. Not as good as you but heisnt very paranoid. He literally runs at the noises trying to get jumpscared. While you run after him telling him to stop because if he doesn't then you'd lose and die. And technoblade never dies.
If you all play together both tommy and wilbur pussy out. Techno last the longest and phil the second longest. While you remain the ruler of horror games.
Now how you all met was dream invited you to the dream smp to add to the chaos. Needless to say it got extremely chaotic due to you being on almost 24 hours. You first ran into techno. He seemed confused and skeptical.
You both found eachothers love for potatoes. You set up camp quote close to techno but not too close.
Phil popped in when he needed something for a build and noticed a new name. Talked to you in chat and asked to join your VC. You both found each other talking for a bit.
Wilbur was next. Wilbur got curious over the new person and just hoppedinto the same VC as you techno and phil. He was quick to realize that you were a famous youtuber. Mainly for your horror videos and your extreme Parkcore skills.
In minecraft that is.
Tommy noticing that all of you were in the same VC joined in with shouting. He was low key jealous that everyone was obsessed with you. Then he saw why.
You literally cracked jokes at his shouting.
"Is that an angry pomeranian? Nah nah. It's an angry child. Even better an angry blonde!" - you.
He was shocked and immediately started joking and laughing with you. He wasn't fully angry for long.
Now about your diet. When they heard that you had only eaten ramen and drank angry drinks they were concerned. You lived quite close to techno so when you guys met up he was shocked that you looked as healthy as you did.
He hated the fact that you literally didn't eat anything else.
You told him occasionally you have something other then ramen but you were just too lazy to really cook anything and that you didn't feel like burning the house down.
One month phil, tommy, wilbur, and techno decided to organize a month long sleep over so that they could celebrate your birthday. Phil being quote the father figure cooked different, but easy dinners every night just so you didn't eat only ramen that day.
When they actually arrived though you got a text from Phil asking about your address in your dms. Not think much of it you just sent him your location.
You were going to take a small nap. Just to bost your energy before you went and streamed later that night.
As you were sleeping there was a car heading to your house.
Phil, wilbur, tommy, and techno were all just existing in the car. And when they arrived to your house they didn't expect to actually see a clean house.
You woke to a loud knock.
When you opened the door in your half dazed state you expected a package. But to see four people standing on your porch.
You nearly jumped out of your skin.
You were stuck there blinking at them.
Finally snapping out of it you let them in. Confused on why in the ever loving fuck they were here.
Phil explained they were here to celebrate your 21st birthday and they were here for a month.
You stared at them for a while. Confused on what to do since you haven't had people over in almost 2 years.
But you got use to it.
So when you got done streaming and smelled something other then ramen you were thrown off guard. Like what was that. I haven't smelled that in years.
But after the second day you got use to it too.
For your birthday phil literally made a feast.
Like he found your favorite food other then ramen and cooked it. With that he prepared everything you could dream of.
Your sleeping habits. Let's dig into those.
I'm in no place to talk as right now it's 3:05 in the morning. And here I am.
But when they are over they don't let you stay up till no 3-4 in the morning. They all know the importance of sleep.
But there are those nights where no once can sleep and it results in a late night stream. And streaming for hours none the less.
The amount of accidental all nighters everyone has pulled was immense. But that's what happens with jet lag, adhd, and insomnia.
Literally you get tired randomly. Sleep for only 3 hours. Wake up. Drink coffee, energy drinks, highly caffeinated tea. And don't sleep till late at night.
Pillow forts.
It's a must and it happens. Horror movies, pillow forts, and snacks. Like you all are in this massive fort, watching horror movies, one by one you all are falling asleep. You and techno were the last up due to technos active mind and your body not letting you sleep.
You two literally just vide there, changing the movies from horror to some silly animated movies, like how to train your dragon, frozen, Luca, and many others.
You two pull an all nighter and it's actually a bet to see how long anyone else takes to notice.
You bet an hour. Techno says all day.
You won. Philza notices the worse eye bags under both you and technos eyes and immediately starts scolding.
He is papa bird and he won't let anyone of his children neglect their needs.
"Did you even drink water at all? You guys should of been sleeping not binge watching horror movies all night!" -philza
You could only offer a smirk, along with a laugh.
"I think we did I just can't fully remember. Also we were watching animated films. Not horror. Surprised you didn't wake up to let it go." - you.
You turn to techno.
"You owe me 15 bucks pig boy!"-you again.
Handing you the money he rolls his eyes. "Yeha yeah. Rub it in." -techno.
Ah yeah they found a horror game that you were scared of surprisingly. It was actually surprisingly you hadn't played it yet.
You had been holding off that game until you finished your other one but here you were. Bored out of your mind.
So you decided fuck it.
That game teriffed the shit out of you. It was so good though.
When you screamed they all came rushing up due to the fact that you never scream.
They say you out of your chair, on the floor, blinking. They thought you were hurt.
But you sat up and looked at your computer.
"Damn. That was actually really good." When you looked behind you and found the boys all staring you smiled and waved.
"You need something?"-you
"You screamed. We heard a thud. We thought you fuckin died!" -tommy.
"No I'm alive. My soul almost divorced my body but it's still quite here."-you
That day made highlights.
The popular y/n actually got jump scared. The one person who never screamed at horror games screamed.
When they left you were sad yes but they were still your best friends. Ready to talk when ever you want.
Sometimes I think that you guys talk all through out the night. Them forgetting that you were actually in a different time zone.
Sometimes they pop into your streams, be it MC, horror, you just talking to your fans, or even the once in the blue moon, cheerful games.
They just pop in and start talking to you. And you talk back like they were there since the beginning.
Phil is now one of your moderators too. Along with tommy, wilbur, and techno. When they pop in they make sure no one picks on you.
And since you are now close to the SBI. You are now part of it.
You didn't choose the fans did. But they are your new family. No matter what.
Even if they disagree with your eating habit.
Or energy drink addiction.
Or insomnia.
Or you mainly playing horror games.
Or you basically living in your streaming room.
Or even the nearly 24 hour streams.
I could go on but I'm not gonna.
I'm tired. But I can sleep. 2 days and I get to have a tour of my new school.
And it took so long to finally get into it.
We have been going through a huge hassle even before school started to get me enrolled.
And then we had to get me into this program.
But now on Monday I get to go in. Get a tour. Then start either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Anyway hope you liked. It's now 3:50 and it's no proof read I'm sorry
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gotnofucks · 4 years
His Responsibility
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Pairing: dark!Andy Barber x Reader
Summary: When you’re pregnant and scared, Andy decides he will take the responsibility, whether you want it or not.
Words: 3.4k
Warning: Non-con/Dub-con, smut, breeding kink, pregnancy, age gap (reader is in 20s), 18+ ONLY
A/N: This is my slightly late entry for @just-one-ordinary-fangirl​ 1000 followers challenge. Congratulations Lucy, you beautiful, absolutely breathtaking soul. I love you so much! The prompt has been bolded.
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The crook of your elbow still throbbed as you drove away from the labs, having just given a blood sample. Jacob was supposed to be with you but like every other time, he had bailed out. Seeing no other option, you changed your path and turned towards the Barber house, hoping to find answers there.
You hesitated a moment before getting out and ringing the bell, nervously twisting the hem of your t-shirt. Sweat and tears were threatening to spill over and you hastily blinked while wiping at your hairline, ringing the bell again. You straighten once the door was swung open, coming face to face with Andy Barber.
His mouth opened in surprise, eyes taking in your bothered appearance. Softly saying your name in question, he moved aside to let you in, frowning at you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. You wanted to start bawling. Everything about your life was spiraling out of your control and you needed to talk before things went worse. Before you could speak however, you heard footsteps behind you and saw Jacob come down the stairs, looking outraged at seeing you in his house.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He rudely snapped and your eyes narrowed. What had ever possessed you to date this bastard?
“Jacob!” Andy scolded, “that’s no way to talk to your girlfriend.”
You scoffed as Jacob rolled his eyes. You’d broken up nearly a month ago, and while he’d been desperate to have you back at first, now he only went about telling anyone who’d listen what a sanctimonious bitch you were.
“We broke up dad.” Jacob said. “What are you doing here? You didn’t really think I’ll take you back, did you?”
Your fingers curled into a fist, a sneer curling on your lips as you glared at him. You wouldn’t touch this piece of shit with a ten feet pole.
“Take me back? I broke up with you, asswipe.” You snapped. “And anyway, I am not here for you. I need to speak with Mr. Barber.”
Jacob’s eyes narrowed suspiciously while Andy’s frown deepened, his gaze questioningly fixed on you.
“What about?” Jacob asked, crossing his arms across his chest. You noted with wry amusement how pathetic he looked next to his father who was watching your interaction with displeasure. Andy and you and had always gotten along well, and even before you broke up, you often wondered how such a man raised a dick like Jacob.
“None of your fucking business. Mr. Barber, can we please talk?” You asked, addressing Andy. He motioned you towards the direction of his study and you made your way there, trying not to pay attention to Jacob’s protests as he and Andy argued. You sat in Andy’s study, wiping your sweaty hands on your pants. You were scared, angry and humiliated but Andy was your last hope.
He came in a couple minutes later, shutting the door after him and taking the seat across from you. Andy looked at you kindly, giving you a small smile that reminded you of how often he had sided with you over his son in previous arguments. You could talk to him. He would understand.
“Please, don’t judge me.” You pleaded and saw him roll his eyes. After everything that you knew happened to their family, Andy Barber is the last person who’d ever judge anyone.
“Don’t insult me by saying that.” He chided. “You can talk to me freely.”
You took a deep breath before reaching inside your bag and pulling out the pregnancy test. Two pink lines glared back at you, and once you passed it on to Andy, his eyes widened. He looked from the small stick to you, twice, blinking in surprise.
“Jacob?” He asked and you nodded.
You’d told him you missed your period last week and got a positive result but he neither answered your texts nor call you back. After three days of silence, you’d finally managed to get him to agree to accompany you for a blood test, but he had been a no show today as well.
“I don’t know what to do.” You admitted, shoulders slumping down in defeat. A baby didn’t fit any of your current plans and you were shit scared of how your parents would react. It didn’t help that the father of the baby didn’t look like someone who would help you shoulder the responsibility.
“Does he know?” Andy asked, rolling the stick in his hands. His voice had gone hard, but you knew it was mostly directed at his careless son than you.
“I told him. He was supposed to come with me to the hospital today. I waited for over an hour.” You said. You jumped when Andy’s hand slammed against the table suddenly, body leaned forward as he fixed you with a terribly furious gaze.
“Hospital?” He questioned, gaze accusing and you reeled back, raising your hand. You understood what he was implying, and though he didn’t have any say in it, you didn’t comment on his reaction.
“I went for a formal blood test. Sometimes these tests can be faulty.” You explained and watched Andy slump back in his chair, rubbing tiredly at his eyes. There was silence until he sighed deeply, folding his hands and leaning his elbows on the table.
“I am sorry.” He apologized. “About myself and my son. He’s a nasty piece of shit.”
You cracked a small smile, sharing an amused look with Andy until you started chuckling. That chuckle turned to a laugh, and your body vibrated as you lost all control. You laughed, you laughed until it turned into a sob and then a wail, helpless cries leaving your mouth with seemingly no end. Tears made their way down your eyes and into your open mouth, coating your tongue in bitter saltiness and you were suddenly in Andy’s arm, cradled to his chest where he held you tight.
He rocked your sobbing body slowly, patting your back and head as you wet his shirt with your snot and tears. Your helplessness and fear about what the future held had you snapping, and you let out your sorrows in the arms of the man who sired the reason for all your problems.
You may have cried for a few minutes or hours, you didn’t know. But Andy didn’t push you away, holding you until the last of your sniffles disappeared and you were able to breath normally. Mortified, your cheeks burning with heat and humiliation you raised your head from his chest to meet his eyes, watery gaze meeting a kind and concerned one.
“I am so sorry.” You whispered, embarrassed at having lost control like this.
A rough hand wiped at the wet tear tracks on your face, gentle and soft as he finally turned your chin up again.
“Don’t be. You deserve a breakdown.” Andy said, smiling softly at you. He slowly moved away and took his own seat, passing you a glass of water and not speaking until you’d taken a few sips. “Who else knows?”
“Just you for now. My parents…they aren’t exactly going to be supportive about this.” You answered, looking down. Your conservative family will either have you disowned or in an arranged marriage within a week.
When Andy spoke your name, you saw him conflicted. The lines in his forehead were deepened, unsure as to what to say to you.
“Do you want me to talk to Jacob? Because I assure you, he’ll take the responsibility. I’ll make him do it.” He promised you.
“At this point, I think my life would be better off without him. I am just here to discuss options with you.” You said and Andy frowned again.
“You wanna get rid of it?” He gruffly questioned, jaw clenched. You held in your frustration, allowing him to have his own opinions.
“No” You said, “I just wanna know my rights. I want to know that my position at the university and work will not be compromised. I want to know about child support and the laws that protect me. I need advice Mr. Barber. If I will bring a life into this world, I want to be prepared for it. I may have made a lot of bad decisions, but I refuse to be a bad mother.”
Andy looked at you as if looking at you for the first time. You saw him process your words until he slowly nodded, not looking away from you.
“I’ll help you. Give me a few days, I’ll compile all that you need.”
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You were just about to sleep when you heard the knocking. Putting a robe over your t-shirt and shorts you went to answer the door, surprised when it was Andy. It had been three days since your talk, and you were to pick your blood reports the following morning.
“Mr. Barber” You greeted, letting him in. Why was he here so late?
“We need to talk.” Andy said, taking a seat on your couch. You bit your lip as you sat near him, wondering what had him looking so serious.
“I spoke to Jacob. He refused to take any responsibility. I am sorry I raised a jackass who won’t step in.” Andy said and you pursed your lips, not in the least bit surprised. You’d already gathered that Jacob was a fucking jerk, and you’d rather your kid have no dad than a deadbeat one.
“You don’t need to apologize Mr. Barber, it is not your fault.” You assured Andy.
“Please, call me Andy. I want you to know that if Jake won’t step in, I will. I will take care of you.” Andy promised and you blinked before shaking your head.
“I – Andy, that’s really sweet of you. But outside of legal advice I don’t need any help. I am a strong woman. I can take care of myself and my kid. Also, no offense, but I don’t want my kid too close to his father’s side and then have them wonder why dad doesn’t love them.” You said.
Andy regarded you slowly, a hand rubbing his beard before he rested back against the couch.
“No.” He said firmly.
“No?” You asked, confused. What did he mean no?
“Don’t ever say anything like that ever again. That child, they are a Barber. You’re not taking them away from me.” Andy said, fixing you with his deep blue eyes. You mouth parted in shock, a hazy sort of disbelief clouding your vision.
“Excuse me?” You sputtered, looking at him as if he’d lost his mind.
“That child will not grow up without a father. If Jake won’t claim them, I will. They have my blood in their veins too.” Andy said.
He was speaking, but he made no sense. You looked at him, not taking in a word he said. The only thing you focused on was how Andy had inched closer to you, sitting right next to you until your thighs touched. You blinked before quickly getting up to move away when Andy grabbed your hand and pulled you down beside him again.
“Andy! Let me go!” You cried, hitting against his shoulder. He didn’t move away, instead, he placed his other hand on your tummy, gently feeling.
“This is my kid inside you now. No one will know it’s Jake’s. I am your baby daddy.” Andy announced and before you knew it, his lips had enveloped yours, kissing you deep and hard. You struggled in his hold, panic making you trash as tears ran down your face. You pushed until Andy pulled away, holding you tight by your waist.
“Please, let me go.” You sobbed, uncomprehending of how things had gotten so out of hand.
“No. We will make sure this kid is mine. After tonight, no one will doubt their parentage.” He said and stood up, pulling your resisting body with him towards your bedroom. He more or less dragged you inside, locking the door and throwing you on your bed.
You crawled away from him, clutching your robe tight in fear as he came closer. His blue eyes had gotten darker, and you couldn’t look away as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“Please, don’t do this. Why are you doing this?” You begged, body trembling as he came closer. You shifted away but Andy dragged you back by your ankle, holding your body down with his weight as his hands came to remove your clothes.
“I’m making our relationship legit. I am giving myself a new chance at family with a perfect mother who will raise a good kid with me.” He said, kissing you again. Your robe slipped away, and Andy’s hands went under your t-shirt, racing up to cup your tits. He groaned in your mouth, tasting you and your tears as you weakly protested.
“No. You can’t do this.” You said, crying harder when his lips went from your jaw to your neck, kissing sweetly. His beard scratched against your skin, hands pinned underneath his massive body as he vowed to claim you and your kid.
“I can. I can do this, and you can’t stop me.” He whispered hotly in your ear, fighting your t-shirt off your wiggling body. Your bare chest met cold air, and soon enough your nipples were enveloped with the warmth of Andy’s mouth. He suckled gently, then harder, biting then soothing the sting with his tongue.
“These tits now belong to me.” He said, moving over to lavish is attention to the other breast before dipping lower to pepper kisses over your stomach. “Don’t worry little one, daddy is here. You’ll always have a father in me.”
You grew tired as your limbs hurt, your pathetic hits doing nothing to Andy. He seemed not to notice your cries or pleas, his nose nudging against your covered mound. You made one last effort to fight, kicking out your legs to push him away but Andy caught them, turning you on your side and delivering a sharp slap to your backside that had you gasping in pain and shock.
“Don’t be a fucking brat. You have to be a good mother to our child. You need to learn obedience to teach obedience.” He scolded you, pulling down your shorts and panties in a quick move. You sagged helplessly, not fighting anymore as Andy stripped off his own clothes. Any other day you would have appreciated how good he looked for a man his age, but now all you registered was how huge and strong he was, how easily he could overpower you.
He pulled your legs apart, baring your pussy to his hungry eyes. To your mortification, your folds were wet with slick, the curls on your mound glistening with the evidence of your arousal. You hid your face in embarrassment, unable to watch as Andy placed a kiss on the hood of your clit.
“Beautiful” He said breathlessly. “Absolutely gorgeous. Jacob never deserved you. He wouldn’t know how to handle a girl like you.”
With the first contact of his tongue, you bit your lip to stifle your moans. No man had eaten you with such passion before, as if you were a feast prepared for a man starved for years. Andy took his time exploring your pussy, opening you up like a flower before nudging his tongue in every fold, every crevice of you. He slurped and sucked, using his lips and tongue and teeth with such precision that you didn’t realize you were howling openly in the air now.
He eased one finger inside your entrance, lips pulling at your hard nub in a way that shot tingles up your spine. You fisted the bedsheet, twisting this way and that, unknowingly thrusting your pelvis in Andy’s face who could feel you were close.
“Let go darling,” He urged, “let go for me. Cum!”
You snapped, your back arching as you spilled around his finger that was clamped tightly in your velvet heat, his mouth greedily collecting all the moisture with relish. Pleasure left you lethargic and you didn’t react as Andy crawled up your body, kissing you while he coated his huge tool in your juices.
“Andy” You softly whispered, falling into a daze as he entered you slowly. Your still pulsing channel was snug against his cock, the hair at his base rubbing deliciously against your clit. He was way larger than his son and you felt full in a way you had never before.
“Your pussy belongs to me. You belong to me from now.” He promised, moving in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace. He made your feel every ridge of his cock that rubbed against your spongy walls, he had you giving a high pitch screech every time he hit bottom. The mattress under you bounced with the movements of your body and your hands found themselves around Andy’s neck.
“I just want to be a good mother. I didn’t ask you for this.” You said, unable to keep your moans inside as he went faster.
“You need a strong man who will give you a family. Our kid will grow in a house of love. I will love you both and so will you.”
You tensed as he teased your clit, twiddling it with his thumb as he hit harder and deeper. His eyes were fixed at your entrance, watching enthralled as he went in and out of your body. The sounds of slapping skin and squelching fluid that dribbled down from your cunt to the bedsheet echoed around the room, and soon, you were falling again. You came with Andy’s name on your lips, both a curse and a prayer as you felt him groan and twitch inside you.
His warm cum painted your walls, marking you as his. He stayed in for sometime, holding you possessively close to his sweaty body until you were sure you smelt like him. He pulled out, appreciating how him cum flowed out of your abused hole and he smiled. Softly kissing your forehead, he gathered you in his arms and pulled a sheet over your slightly trembling frame, soothing you with gentle caresses.
“I knew it the moment he brought you home to meet me for the first time. You were too good for him. He never loved you right, never treated you like the princess you were. But now I’ve got you. You’ll wake up to coffee and breakfast and lazy kisses in bed, you’ll come home to a comfortable house and a dick that will give you a show of heaven. I’ll love you like you deserve to be loved. With reverence and devotion.”
He left you, coming back to clean the mess between your legs gently. He fed you himself, wiping every tear with a kiss until you stopped crying all together. Looking at him, the man who had violated your trust and body with equal parts of force and love, you wondered for a moment how drastically your life would change now.
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You did not want him to accompany you inside, but he did. He snatched your report from your hand, keeping a hold over your waist until you went back to the car. Sitting beside you on the driver’s side, he tore open the envelope and pulled out your blood report, falling backward with a long sigh.
“What? What is it?” You asked, quickly taking it from his hands and reading. The paper crinkled as your fingers dug in it, tears of pain building in your eyes.
Not pregnant
It had all been for nothing. You didn’t have the Barber’s heir inside you and last night Andy had taken you by force for nothing. You crushed the report, wiping at your eyes and found his gaze on you.
“You fucked me for nothing.” You spat acidly, frustration and pain clawing at your heart. “I am not pregnant. And I am going.”
Before you had ever turned to open the door, Andy was pulling you roughly to himself, hauling your struggling body over his lap.
“You’re not going anywhere darling. You’re mine now. I’m not pathetic like my son. Unlike him, I will put a baby in you.” He growled in your ear, kissing a hot trail against your neck. You shook your head, looking at him in disbelief.
“But – but I’m not pregnant.” You said again, hoping he’ll understand.
“I know baby” He cooed, “but soon enough, you will be. Let’s go home and make it happen.”
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Fool’s Rush In
Chapter 18
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Pairing: Liam x Riley
Book: TRR AU
Warnings: Language, crude talk, and the usual bad writing.
I had planned from the beginning to end this series after the next chapter and an epilogue, but call me crazy, I love it too much. So while this part of the story will end, I still plan to update with one-shots or stories from time to time. If you’re just done with it, let me know.
Also, this chapter felt a little off to me, so I apologize if it's terrible, but I think I ended on a good note.
Thanks @burnsoslow for prereading.and usage of your girl, who finally got to make her debut.
"Damn it, Riley! Pick up!" Liam grumbled as he lowered the cell phone from his ear and tossed it in the seat beside him. The royal jet had been in the air for a little over four hours already, and he'd grown frustrated at getting her voice mail each time. Surely, she was home by now. 
Even though it was the middle of the night in Las Vegas, it was worth interrupting her. He had tried unsuccessfully to contact Riley since he packed his bags earlier and hastily headed for the airstrip. By this point, there must have been a dozen or so messages left on her phone without so much as a hint she'd gotten them. 
While time wasn't an issue -- he'd get to Las Vegas one way or the other -- it was the desperation to hear from his new wife and tell her he knew precisely why she left. 
And that he loved her.
Tilting his head back against the headrest, he swiveled side-to-side in his luxury chair while tightly clutching his freshly poured scotch. The security footage he watched earlier that morning replayed in his mind again. There were no doubts about what it showed: Madeleine confronted Riley outside their quarters just minutes after leaving the ball. Without sound, however, no one could ascertain specifically what was said among the two women. It was clear though,  Riley was not a willing participant in that conversation. When they saw the disk held up in the Countess' hands, and the look of sheer horror on his pussycat's face, that told Liam all he needed to know. This was a blackmail situation, plain and simple, that included assault; those flowers he found scattered on the ground when he returned to his quarters last night all made sense now. This act was deliberate and treasonous, and Liam would ensure his ex-fiancee paid handsomely for it. 
After they viewed the footage several more times, the Royal Guard was immediately summoned to Krona to find Madeleine and take her into custody. Liam knew it was a long shot whether his guards could pull that sting off, but he was working with what he had at the moment.
Despite whatever happened next, there was one thing the King was confident of: He was prepared to give up his entire Kingdom to get his girl back. Returning to Cordonia without her was not an option.
Shaking his tumbler of partially melted ice cubes, Liam leaned forward and steadily poured another bottle of scotch into his glass. As soon as he sat back and raised the fresh beverage to his lips, he was startled by the ringing of his cell phone. In a rush to answer, he hastily set the drink aside and snatched his phone up from where he tossed it earlier. 
"Hello! Love?" He answered, hopeful it was her.
"Hey, little brother. Love you too ... Say, do you know if the palace has a Spanish tickler or a breast ripper? Asking for a friend."
Liam furrowed his brows in confusion before rising from his seat, plopping a knee down on its cushioned bottom, and glancing to the back of the plane. "Leo? Why are you calling me? We're on the same damn plane. I'm looking right at you."
"Nevermind that. Listen, I figured out a way to take care of Madeleine once and for all. Behold ..." Leo held up a leather-bound book and waved it over his head while Liam squinted from the front of the plane to get a better look. "... The King Constantine Guide To Fucking Torture In The 21st Century; Father gave it to me after my investiture ceremony. The way I see it, there really is no other option here than to tie her to a tree in front of the palace, invite the public to watch for a modest fee, and do some cool shit with iron rods and spikes. I got dibs on the knee-splitter, though."
"Leo ..." Liam began to warn his brother how ridiculous that plan was before stopping himself and staring off into the distance for a moment in thought. "Wait ... is there anything about flaying in that book?"
"Hell yeah there is! And if you're interested in thumbscrews, my buddy, Pete, has a trunk full of them. He uses them for ass play, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting us borrow them to split Maddie's thumbs in half." Leo let out a maniacal laugh.
Liam chuckled, despite the peculiarity of the conversation. "I'm not going to lie and tell you I'm not interested -- to the contrary, actually. And while I appreciate your help in seeing that Madeleine is brought to justice, I think we better stick to more lawful means."
"Boo, you whore!" The line went dead with a click. 
Liam held the phone away from his ear, watching Leo sink down into his chair in a huff. "Really?" He called back in agitation. Met with the silent treatment and a middle finger from his disgruntled brother, Liam rolled his eyes, then slumped back down into his seat. Maybe he'd try to call Riley again.
The phone on Riley's nightstand buzzed again. She knew it was another call from Liam, and while she felt remorseful for ignoring all of his calls and texts, she couldn't bring herself to look at or answer them quite yet. The sooner all ties between them were broken, she believed, the quicker he could forget all about her and the mess she made of everything. 
But even her willpower was slipping. Riley slid her hand out from under the pillow and reached over to pick up her phone. Holding it to her chest, she contemplated for a second just reading his texts and returning his calls, but Madeleine had warned to end all contact with him. Obviously, she was curious about what he had to say, but it was too risky. I'm so sorry, Liam. 
Hitting the power button on her cell, the light on the device faded to black before she tossed it in the nightstand drawer.
Early the next morning, Riley's eyes flickered open to the sound of a banging on her front door, followed by the incessant ringing of her doorbell. Feeling exhausted from a lack of sleep, mainly because of crying and unable to think about anything other than how she hurt Liam, Riley decided to ignore it. She just wanted to be left alone, and eventually, they'd give up and leave, right?
Except they didn't.
Annoyed, she let out a sigh and then eased herself up out of bed; the pain in her back was still a problem. Tossing a robe over her body, she slowly made her way down the stairs of her townhome -- each step excruciating -- until she finally made it to the door.
Twisting the lock, she opened the entry door, before letting out a sudden gasp at the tearful person standing on the other side. 
"Oh my God, Riley! Y-You're alive! You're really alive!"
"Alyssa?" Riley's best friend from New York pulled her into a relieved hug, nearly sobbing at that point. "What're you doing here?"
"I thought something terrible happened to you, but now that I can see you're still among the living ..." she sniffled before pulling back and narrowing her blazing blue eyes at her friend. "Where have you been? I've been trying to get ahold of you ever since you texted me that you were boarding a plane in Cordonia, and that something serious happened involving Tyler. You promised me you'd call as soon as you landed--"
"I know. I'm so sorry. It was late ..."
 " -- and you didn't. Then I worried, even more, when you didn't answer any of my calls back. I had to book the first red-eye flight here to make sure you were all right." Finished with her rant, a huffing Alyssa's jaw immediately clenched. "Now, what did that shithead ex of yours do? I'll kill him if he hurt you, Ri. I might be small, but I'm scrappy like an alleycat. You know I'll claw his eyes out."
Riley let out a light chuckle; Alyssa was always overprotective of her and had a clever way with words, but quickly, that chuckle faded into a teary frown. "Oh, Lyss," she whimpered as her face fell into her hands.
Alyssa quickly wrapped her arms around Riley and pulled her into a warm embrace. "Aww, Riley. Sweetie, it's going to be okay," she soothed. 
Stepping inside, Alyssa kicked the door shut and led them both over to the sofa. Sensing Riley was in pain -- and not just emotional -- she helped lower her troubled best friend onto the couch. "I want you to start from the beginning and tell me everything that happened."
The best friends had remained in contact over the last several weeks. It was Alyssa's frantic morning phone call over a month ago that alerted Riley to the news coverage of her impromptu marriage to Liam, having saw it on the news. 
And while Alyssa was aware of everything about Cordonia and Liam, and how Riley fit into all that from their prior conversations, she listened intently while it was revealed to her the details of the incident with Madeleine and the video her ex-husband gave to the Countess.  
Grabbing a tissue from the end table, Alyssa handed it to Riley. "So this cow confronted you with that disgusting video and basically blackmailed you into leaving, or she would release it to the press?" Riley nodded somberly.."Ugh, I want this treasonous bitch thrown in the dungeon, subjected to live-streamed daily anal fistings with giant Hulk gloves ... And Tyler, I want to break every bone in his rotten body, one at a time. And I want to leave him there afterwards, dripping just enough water on his lips, so he doesn't die of dehydration, screaming in agony for the weeks it will take to die of starvation."
 Riley's face scrunched up. "God, Alyssa."
Alyssa shrugged. "What? I don't care; it's what they deserve for hurting you. Did you at least tell Liam what happened?"
This time, Riley shook her head. "No. Madeleine warned me if I told him, she would release the video, and then the council would likely force him to step down. I won't allow him to lose everything for someone like me." 
Irritated, Alyssa pressed a palm to her forehead. "Why are you like this?"
"Like, what?" Riley asked in exasperation.
"That whole, 'someone like me,' part. He wanted to stay married to you. He made you the queen of his country. You've said he couldn't keep his goddamn hands off you for two seconds. And more importantly, you told me you have never felt more loved in your life, than you do when you're with him. The fact that you still question your worthiness to him blows my mind." 
Alyssa reached for Riley's shaky hand, able to tell by the tears sliding down her cheeks and the soft whimpers that she'd touched on something. "You're his pussycat, Riley. Liam already lost everything when you left him. Tell me you know that."
Riley wiped at her face., her voice stifled, "I just wanted to protect him."
"I know." Alyssa smiled softly. "But you needed to give him the chance to decide what he wanted. You made it for him because you know he'd choose you, regardless if he lost everything else; that's how much he loves you, Ri. You can't protect someone who loves you by hurting them. Besides, he's the King; he can simply execute the council if he wants to -- Liam’s not going anywhere."
"You just HAD to add that last part in, didn't you?" Riley laughed, feeling a sense of ease as her mood lightened. It felt good to talk to someone who could help her make sense of everything and realize she hadn’t exactly made the best call by leaving and not telling Liam what happened. "But what do I do about this video? What if Madeleine releases it to the public?"
"Yeah, a video of a married woman having sex with her husband -- Oh, the shame!" she retorted. "Look, you'll be famous on Pornhub for a few weeks, and it'll fizzle out. I know that doesn't make it all better, but you have a lot of people who love you ... we'll be there for you if that happens. Besides, it's Gonzo Dick; I doubt anyone will wanna watch anyway."
Riley snorted out at the nickname she gave her ex-husband. "Stop making me laugh." 
Alyssa cracked a grin. "Nah. If I can make you laugh at that asshole's expense and his crooked dick, then it's worth it."
"Well,” she breathed, “ I suppose I should get dressed and call Liam. Tell him what happened, and hopefully, he'll … forgive .." her voice trailed off at tasting an increasing collection of bile in her throat and a familiar rumble in her stomach. 
“What’s wrong?”
Riley frowned. "Damn it, why do I keep getting sick?"  
After rushing to the bathroom with Alyssa's help, Riley came out moments later, flushed and perspiring. Alyssa, who waited outside the door to make sure she was all right, eyed her friend with grave concern. "Ri, are you sure you don't have a concussion? You said that Madeleine caused you to fall, and you complained you’ve been getting sick a lot. Is there any chance you hit your head too?"
Riley considered for a moment before shaking her head. "I don't think so. I mean, it all happened so fast I don't really remember, but my head doesn't hurt."
"OH NO! You have memory loss too, on top of the vomiting and a hurt back? Riley, you need to go to the hospital now. This is serious."
"Alyssa, I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital," Riley dismissed and hobbled past her friend toward the kitchen. "You always worry too much."
Alyssa followed behind her, brows bumped together in a scowl. "Because you're a stubborn ass who never listens, that's why. You need to get checked out," she insisted. Riley paid no attention as made her way to the fridge; that reaction only served to piss Alyssa off. "You can ignore me all you want, but you know as well as I do, I'll just keep annoying the hell out of you until you do it … I'll sing every Dave Matthews song ever written -- On repeat." 
Riley shut the fridge door and turned at the threat, giving her a dismayed glare. "You wouldn't." 
Alyssa tilted her chin. "You know damn well I would. I have... so much to say, so much to say, so much --"
"Please stop! I'm going."
At Valley Hospital and Medical Center, Drake sat slumped down in the waiting room of the E.R;  a thawed ice pack covered his crotch. His increasingly irritated self caught sight of a nurse escorting yet another patient back for examination. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."
Tired of waiting, he cast the ice pack aside and marched straddle-legged to the triage desk where a beefy nurse with a scowl sat filing her nails. "How much longer is this gonna take?" He demanded bitterly.
The nurse remained focused on her nails and answered in a careless fashion. "You'll get called back when it's your turn, Mr. Walker."
"My turn? MY TURN? I've been here for 15 fucking hours waiting for my turn. I've watched one person after the next walk right in, get treated, and leave. Whose ass do I actually have to lick to get treatment around here?"
Unimpressed with his theatrics, she folded her arms on the desk and looked up at Drake with a glower. "Look. You got kicked in the wang by a hooker. Shit happens. It's not the end of the world. Go home, have a beer, and a good laugh. You'll live." She resumed her filing.
Drake ran both hands through his rumpled hair, letting out a sardonic laugh. "I cannot fucking believe you just said that to me. I suffer trauma on my transplanted dick, and the greatest healthcare minds in the world tell me to have a beer and laugh about it?" his voice shrieked.
The nurse blew on her nails. "That's what I said."
That snarky remark sent him even further over the edge. A red-faced Drake pounded two white-knuckled fists on the desk and leaned down into her space. "Now you listen here, lady. I demand to be seen right now, or so help me, I'll tear this whole goddamn place apart brick-by-fucking-brick! Do you understand me?"
Having none of that, the nurse, who was several inches taller than a startled Drake expected, sprung for her chair and loomed over him menacingly. Drake flinched when she rammed the nail file at him and threatened, "Now, you listen.You can either sit your ass down, or I will sit you down. Do you understand me?"
He didn't understand. He would never understand.
A security guard who heard the commotion casually approached the agitated pair and placed a firm hold on Drake's elbow. "Do we have a problem here, Betty Lou?"
She shook her head, sizing Drake up. "No, just some whiny-ass Karen griping about his dick."
Several moments later, Alyssa and Riley exited an Uber and wandered into the waiting area, making their way up to the triage line -- or what they thought was a line. It was actually Drake still standing there, continuing to protest his case to anyone who would listen and demanding to speak to someone in charge.
While Riley dug through her purse to retrieve her health insurance card, Alyssa couldn't help but be taken in by the fiery debacle taking place in front of them. She inched a little closer, unable to help herself; it was good drama and sucked her right in. 
Catching a glimpse of Drake’s sour face, she cocked her head introspectively; there was something oddly familiar about the man in the denim shirt going off. Alyssa tapped her chin. Where have I seen him before?  
Before long, the realization set in, and her eyes snapped wide open. She nudged Riley with an elbow and leaned over, whispering, "Hey, isn't that the guy from the news who had the penis transplant? It looks just like him."
Knowing precisely who that was by the description, Riley popped her head up to look. She hadn't known Drake well, only that he was Liam's best friend, and after having spent time together on the plane ride to Cordonia with him, that her maid-of-honor had given him several venereal diseases. "Drake?" she called out.
While Alyssa zoned in on his groin, curious as to what was in there, Drake broke away from the dispute and turned his focus toward the familiar-sounding voice. She was a connection to home and a long-sought-after friendly face. "Riley? Liam's insta-bride, Riley?" 
She let out a light chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, I suppose that's how you would know me ... What are you doing at the hospital? Is your body rejecting the ..." Her embarrassed gaze dropped lower with a gulp. " ... thing?"
"No!" he barked. "I just got attacked by that ... uh, someone."
"You got attacked?" Shocked, Riley placed a hand over her chest. "Why would someone attack you? Are you okay?"
Feeling incensed by the memory, Drake shook his head and muttered. "It's a long story ... What about you? What are you doing here? Thought you were in Cordonia with Liam?"
She inhaled a deep breath through her nostrils and forced a smile. "It's a long story too."
Drake peeked over his shoulder at Nurse Ratchet, giving him a gimlet-eyed stare from behind her computer screen. He groused and turned to face Riley again. "I've got time."
Nearly 12 hours after takeoff, the royal jet touched down in sunny Las Vegas, an hour ahead of schedule. Liam and Leo stepped off the plane and strolled across the tarmac to the awaiting vehicle, where a smiling man held the rear passenger door open.
"Bastien," Liam greeted as he approached. "Good to see you again."
"Your Majesty." He bowed. "Likewise ... I have the rental car you requested, and the Queen's address is already programmed into the GPS. Should take no more than 30 minutes to get there."
"Perfect,” he replied, clapping Bastien’s shoulder.“Thanks for having everything ready to go."
Liam had contacted the head guard -- who was still jailed for non-support -- and gained him a day-long pass to provide security detail. Bastien was also to stay in contact with his guards to oversee the capture and detainment of Madeleine.
Bastien took their bags, and the brothers hopped into the back of the Escalade. Once they pulled away from the airport, the directions led the group west. The head guard glanced briefly in the rearview mirror as he drove on. “I want to thank you for giving me a second chance. It’s nice to be out of that place, even if just for the day.”
Liam smiled back. “Not a problem, good man. I can’t think of anyone else I trust more for the job than you … though I’m not sure why. Anyway, do you have any updates on the Madeleine situation?”
“Yes, sir. I contacted my colleagues again just before you arrived. Countess Madeleine was taken by surprise when our guards arrived at her family estate in Krona. Once in custody, she was immediately transported to Valtoria for detention, exactly as you requested.”
"That's terrific news ... Wait ...Did you say, Valtoria?" Liam asked with puzzlement in his tone. 
"Yes, sir. As you requested." 
"Man, please tell me Mads tried to fight them off, and they had to use the taser on her," Leo insisted as he held his crossed fingers in the air. "A billy club ... a rubber hose ... something."
"There may have been a brief verbal exchange and some threats, but the Countess promised if they permitted access to her computer to send a quick email, she would go with them peacefully and without further protest. There didn't seem to be any harm in doing so, and she followed through with her word. Sorry to break it to you, Prince Leo, but no tasers were harmed in her capture."
"Well, fiddle shit." Leo glanced over at his brother --who was still scratching his head -- in disappointment. "If only I'd been able to get that shock collar on her while I was engaged to her, you wouldn't be in this mess right now. She just squirmed too much. I’m sorry I let you down, little brother."
"It's fine, Leo; it's not the first time,”  Liam said dryly before turning his head away from Leo to face the front again. "Can we get back to Madeleine being taken to Valtoria? I never requested that. An accused of the Crown is always placed in the palace dungeon. There aren't even cells in Valtoria to hold her in. What am I missing here?"
Approaching a stoplight, Bastien lightly pressed the brakes, then met Liam’s gaze in the mirror. “The orders I was given to pass along to the guards from you earlier were clear in your text: Once she’s taken into custody, she is to be sent to Valtoria and placed in the cage with the monkey until further notice. That’s what they --”
“Mongo! They put her in the cage with Mongo?” Liam exploded before pinching the bridge of his nose, knowing there was no point in asking how that message got mixed up. “Goddamn it, Leo! Why are you, you, sometimes?” He ran a swift hand down his face and turned to glare at his brother. “Do you realize they consider that cruel and unusual punishment? Did you ever stop to consider how much shit I'm going to hear over this if this gets out?" He let out a sharp breath and threw his hands in the air."How? How did you do it?"
"It's simple pimple, Liam. When you went to the bathroom, I grabbed your phone," he replied bluntly with a shrug. "And according to page 24 of Father's torture book: It's not considered cruel and unusual punishment, as long as she has food, water, and clean shelter -- which she does. Or ... if she's housed with a member of the royal family -- which she is. Mongo is the heir to the throne, so we've got that covered too. So just relax, little bro; Leo’s got it all taken care of for you."
Liam dropped his chin to his chest, then let out a weary breath. “Bastien, call the guards and have them move her to the palace at once.” 
As Bastien placed the call, Liam shifted in his seat so that he was staring out the window. He put a palm over his mouth to conceal the curved lips that formed a devilish grin, trying to contain the unbearable urge to bust out laughing. Oh, Maddie ... I hope you and Mongo had one hell of a time together.
Back at the hospital, Riley situated herself on the gurney while a nurse prepared to check her vitals and ask general health questions. 
In the next bay over, separated by a thin sliding curtain, Drake was finally attended to after Riley reluctantly, but willfully, played up her celebrity status. Once she threatened to have the hospital shut down -- which she doubted was even possible on her end -- the proverbial red carpet was rolled out for both of them; she was still a queen, afterall. 
Steps were then taken to ensure they both received the royal treatment, so to speak. That wasn’t typically how Riley preferred to handle situations; she hated big fusses over her. But in the end, she did help one of Liam’s oldest friends finally get the medical attention he needed, so it was worth trying. 
The blood pressure cuff on Riley’s arm squeezed tighter just as one of the doctors stepped inside and slid the curtain all the way closed. His cheerful greeting drew Riley's fixed gaze away from the changing numbers on the monitor beside her bed, and she smiled up at him.
The doctor was tall and thin, with thick spectacles perched near the tip of his nose. He gave a brief nod to Alyssa, who was sitting in a chair at Riley’s bedside, rubbing her shoulder. Scanning the patient chart, he spoke without looking up, "Queen Riley, it says here you suffered a fall?"
"I'm just Riley,  please," she requested.
The doctor looked up from the paperwork and nodded with an understanding smile. "Of course." 
After the initial exam concluded, Alyssa remained behind after the doctor ordered x-rays and transport had wheeled Riley down to radiology. 
Bouncing her crossed leg as she scrolled through her phone, Alyssa tried to bide her time until Riley returned. An air conditioning vent overhead that she didn’t realize drowned out so much noise around her, suddenly flipped off. Able to catch the conversation on the other side of the curtain better, she listened with a broken heart as Drake reluctantly described to an attending, the worst days of his life. Alyssa shuddered as he recalled the moment his penis fell off, rolled across the bed, and dropped onto Ethan Ramsey’s leather shoe during an exam. “That poor man. I just want to hug him,” she muttered.
Her little ears perked when the doctor mentioned he was “going to have a look at it.” In her curious mind, there were no doubts that she was too. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a peek at the first transplant of its kind; no way was she going to miss out on that. 
Alyssa slid to the edge of her seat and raised her hand to up to the curtain, easing a tiny portion of it aside. Her blue eyes crinkled with frustration at a nurse who was blocking her view. “Move your ass,” she whispered to herself.
Unable to get a good view, she gave up that spot and eyed the other opening in the curtain at the far end of the room. Sliding off her chair to a crouching position on the floor, Alyssa crab-walked as fast as she could without falling off balance until she made it to the other side. Crooking a stealthy finger along the seam of the curtain, she hoped and prayed Drake’s genital exam wasn’t through yet. What her eyes saw on that gurney when she pulled the fabric aside caused her heart to jolt out of her chest. 
Alyssa cupped a hand over her gaping mouth before stepping back and letting the curtain fall loosely shut again.  Dropping her hand limply at her side, staring blankly at nothing, she mouthed, “Oh. My. God.”
Down in the radiology department, Riley sat patiently in her wheelchair, waiting for the tech to return to take the x-rays. Enjoying the lighter feeling of having an empty bladder again, she let out a contented sigh; she was about to bust earlier. That mandatory urine sample couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. 
Left alone to ruminate in her thoughts, Riley wondered about those phone calls she ignored last night from Liam. The regret she felt over her actions the last 26 hours continued to mount up. And it took a heart-to-heart with her best friend to really put things into perspective. Her decisions weren’t the best course to take, even if they were done with the most loving of intentions. 
There was a lot to make up to Liam, and she only hoped that it wasn’t too late. Could he even forgive her for all of it?
She wished he was there with her right now. If she knew him the way she thought she did, he’d be standing around telling inappropriate jokes to make her laugh or embarrass her with his silly antics. It was like Liam could be two different people sometimes: Kingly and stoic around everyone else, but the second it was just him alone with her, he was such a big kid. Somehow, she could bring out his true self; the one where he felt comfortable enough to be silly and playful. And as much as she tried to play them off, those little pet names he gave her -- she chuckled to herself as they popped into her head -- were funny. What the hell even was a knucklehead mcspazzatron? 
“Miss Brooks” Riley shook herself of her thoughts as the x-ray tech returned and made her way over. “I apologize that took so long.”
Riley smiled up at her. “No need to apologize… Are you ready for me now?”
“Not exactly,” she teased in such a cheery tone, Riley slightly lowered her eyelids, holding her gaze. “You most likely won’t be getting x-rays today, sweetie.” She held a fisted hand out to Riley and opened her palm to reveal the small object inside. “You’re pregnant.”
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138 notes · View notes
empower-bi-women · 4 years
Hi! In case you write for Tim Drake, I’d love if you could write a smut in which Tim and the reader have known each other for long and the sexual tension is obvious but none of them ever acted upon it until now. Thank you very much.
That pesky sexual tension 
Summery: Hi! In case you write for Tim Drake, I’d love if you could write a smut in which Tim and the reader have known each other for long and the sexual tension is obvious but none of them ever acted upon it until now. Thank you very much.
Warnings: SMUT so if you’re not 18 begone thot, spanking, teasing, dirty talk, cheesy writing? 
A/N: I tried to be a little more cute with this one so let me know what you think. And to the anon who requested this I’m sorry it took so long I hope you like it! Also this is my first ask!! So sorry if the format is a little strange I’m still trying to figure it out.
Word count: 3041 
“Timothy Drake, I swear to god give me back my book!” you chased him into the kitchen where he ran to the other side of the counter. 
“Why don't you come over here and make me.” He replied with a teasing smile on his face. You lunged forward across the cold counter top to reach for your book. He laughed at your struggle “Come on Y/N you know you never won a fight against me without someone helping you.” 
Shit he had a point you thought, everyone else was out at the store. You gave up, sitting on the counter with you back to him and pouted. Arms crossed looking towards the open door. Laughing he walked over to face you. 
“Aw come on I was just teasing.” he put his arms down on either side of you, trapping you in but you refused to look at him. “Come on look at me,” he leaned down to try and catch your gaze but you just moved your head. “Y/N?” he looked at you with wide eyes before they narrowed, “Y/N look at me.” His voice dropped into that commanding tone he used on patrol. You couldn’t help but look up to meet those blue eyes that bore into yours. The silence in the room was deafening. He leaned in closer and closer until your breath was his. Noses almost brushing. Lips almost touching. He glanced down at your lips. 
The kitchen door burst open causing the two of you to jump apart as the rest of the boys walked in carrying grocery bags, chatting loudly. Dick and Jason froze in the doorway causing Damian to bump into them from behind. 
“Now what do we have here?” Jason asked in a teasing voice. 
“Nothing. Did you get my coffee?” Tim said, his voice back to normal. 
“Did you put it on the list?” Dick asked, shooting you a strange look as you hopped off the counter, “what were you guys doing in here anyway?” 
“Tim took my book right out of my hands so I had to get it back.” You replied.
“Damn I thought you were finally resolving that pesky sexual tension.” Jason said through a mouth full of marshmallows. 
“Jason!” You, Tim, and Dick all yelled out.
“What! This has been going on for way too long. We were all thinking it” He tried to defend himself. 
“We most certainly were not Master Jason,” Alfred came to save the day, “and please refrain from eating all the food before it's even put away.”
He grumbled before putting the bag away. You snached your book away from Tim before walking into the living room to finish reading. 
“Come on please Y/N just look it up! It won’t even take five minutes.” Tim pleaded with you, hiding a smile on his face.
“I thought you were the computer wiz, do it yourself.” You replied, not looking at him. He grabbed the back of your chair and spun you to face him. Kneeling down he looked in your eyes. “Please?” his voice was barely above a whisper as he leaned in closer, “for me?” 
Your cheeks heated up. “I’m busy right now, go ask someone else.”
“Ok can you just check this one thing please?” 
“Out!” You spun your chair away from him but he still leaned down and pressed a kiss to your head before walking away.  You shook your head trying to clear the thoughts running through your head of the way his forearms flexed as he gripped the chair arms. The way his bright blue eyes looked like they wanted to devour you whole. Ugh this man is going to kill me you thought. 
That night you were working comms with Barbara in the cave. Things were going smoothly until Tim called in.
 “Hey Oracle, hey angel, can you guys find out who that guy over there is and what he's doing please and thank you.” Your eyes went wide at the nickname he gave you. You could see Barbara looking at you out of the corner of your eye and heard Jason and Dick laughing though the comms. You ignored them as your fingers flew across the keyboard as facial rec worked its magic. 
“His name is Jimmy Figgis. He’s fresh out of bellrev, he was in for drug dealing and black mail.” You said into the comms.
“Well it would be a shame if he got caught red handed doing a deal. He would go back to jail.” Barbara chimed in. 
“Looks like we got a stake out boys.” Dick said.
“It's ok guys, I can stay for the drop.” Tim said, his voice low as he settled in for the night, “I'll have Y/N to keep me company, right angel?”  
“I mean it's not like I have a choice do I.” 
Not even half an hour later Tim started to get bored. And his target was you. Barbara had to leave to take care of some other stuff so you were alone. Tim decided it would be a good idea to switch frequencies and mess with you. 
“Hey Y/N, have you ever thought about us while touching yourself?” 
You spat out your coffee. “What the fuck Timothy!” You heard his laughter on the other side of the line. 
“Well I'm just asking because I know for a fact that Dick thinks of Babs and Jason thinks of Diana sometimes but he would never admit it. And I got curious. Who do you think of?” 
You could practically hear the smile in his voice. “Wouldn't you like to know. You really should focus on the stake out instead of my masturbation habits.” 
“Aw angel I can almost see you blushing from here. You look adorable.” 
“Shut up Tim.”
“Have I ever told you how much I love hearing you say my name? It sounds so sweet I can almost imagine what you would sound like screaming it underneath me.”
You froze. You and Tim had always had a flirtatious relationship but this was a new level entirely. This was dangerous territory. “Don't start things you can't finish Timothy.” Your voice was low. 
“Oh believe me angel I always finish. And I make sure my partner does too.” 
You threw your head back in frustration. “Focus on the stake out and we can continue this later.”
“Is that a promise?”
Before you could reply Bruce’s voice crackled through the comms “Red Robin we’re coming to you.” 
A few arrests and fight later the bats rolled into the cave. Alfred was on standby with the medical kit but there was no need. You shifted uncomfortably as Tim’s eyes raked over your body, pausing on your legs that were squeezed together, trying and failing to give you relief from the ache in your pussy. He smirked at the site of you waiting for him, all needy. 
“Good job tonight guys. Shower and get some sleep,” Bruce said, taking his cowl off, “I’m looking at you Tim.”
Tim just smiled. You both knew there would be no sleeping tonight. Tim walked over to you, his cowl was off and his dark hair was messy. Fuck he looked good you thought to yourself. The look on his face was calm but you could see something in his eyes. All the years you've known him, you had never seen this look in his eyes. It was dark and lit a fire inside you. 
“Do you still want to do this? Because once we start, I'm not stopping.” his blue eyes stared into yours.
“I believe I have a promise to fulfill.”
He gave you a wicked smile. “I want you upstairs in my room, ten minutes. And no touching yourself.” He tapped your thighs that were pressed together before walking away.
Your head was a mess by the time you headed up to Tim’s room. You had bid goodnight to the rest of the boys when your phone chimed. Tim had sent you a picture from the shower. Towel low on his hips showing off his v line, water droplets glistening off his abs, and the way his hand gripped his phone showed off all the muscles and veins in his arms. The wetness between your legs grew with every step towards his room. You knocked on his door, the loud sound of your knuckles against the wood echoed throughout the hallway. 
“Come in.” His voice was muffled by the door. You walked in to find him sitting on a chair across from the bed in nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants. “Lock the door.” His voice was low and commanding, not unlike that day in the kitchen. That same electric energy that you felt then was in the room, now magnified by 100. 
“I'm going to ask you one more time, are you sure you want this?” 
“Yes Tim I’m sure.” 
“Good girl,” the praise sent shivers down your spine, “Take off your clothes and lay down on the bed.” Your heart was beating out of your chest as you slowly took your shirt off. “I don't recommend teasing me angel, it won't work out well for you.” You just smiled as you turned around, taking your pants off while wiggling your ass tauntingly. You didn’t even hear him move before you felt a sharp pain across your backside. You moaned at the contact. 
“Aw does my little angel like pain?” he questioned mockingly before coming down on you again, “I asked you a question Y/N, I expect and answer.” 
“Yes sir.” You heard him laugh behind you. He wrapped his hand in your hair and pulled you up against his warm chest. “Well isn't that a nice surprise. I always knew you had a thing for authority.” His voice was low in your ear. Your head went back to rest on his shoulder as he kissed his way down your neck, sucking and biting the skin there. His movements against your body are slow and calculating. Tim always seemed gentle and calm but the truth is that no one knows how he respresed his emotions, and his needs. But tonight he was going to take whatever he wanted. And you would let him. 
“What do you have to say for yourself?” His hands caressed your skin.
“I’m sorry sir.”
“Sorry for what?”
You took a shallow breath. He was really going to make you work tonight. “For teasing you.” 
He turned you around to face him. “Such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” He said softly, brushing your hair out of your face, before kissing your lips gently. Looking into his eyes you could never tell what he was thinking. His face was calm and passive. That is until he let go. And you would do whatever it takes to see him lose control. Even if that meant misbehaving. 
“Get on the bed for me angel.” he kissed your forehead before turning his back on you but you didn’t move. He grabbed a red tie from his desk and turned around, his eyes widening at the sight of you still standing there. “Did you not hear me?” He raised his eyebrows at you, “I said, get on the bed. Now.” 
You could see the annoyance in his eyes. He was starting to slip, you wouldn’t stop now. 
“Make me.” 
Those two words lit a fire in him. He picked you up easily and threw you onto the bed with such force that you bounced. “I told you not to tease me angel.” He growled as he crawled towards you on the bed. He grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards him so he was hovering over you, arm placed next to your head. His hot breath hit your face. “You were being so good angel, what happened? Why are you being a brat now.” 
You whimpered at his words. His hand slipped down to your panties and rubbed a finger up and down your slit ever so lightly. 
“Tim please.” You begged him. A sharp smack to your thigh brought you out of your daze. 
“I'm sorry, what was that?” his voice has a dangerous edge to it. His eyes were wild, “that not what you're calling me tonight, is it.” 
“Sir, please! Please touch me, I need it.” You pleaded with him. He rolled his hips into yours, putting pressure where you needed him most. 
“Will you listen to me now?” 
“Yes anything you say.” You replied, needing to feel him closer. 
He moved in to kiss you, stopping just before your lips touched. You moved up trying to close the distance but his hand was quick around your throat, forcing you back down. “I'm going to eat this pretty little pussy,” he murmured, “I want you to stay still and you must ask for permission before you cum. Understood?” 
You nodded, desperate for anything he would give you. He removed his hand from your neck and kissed his way down your body to your soaked panties. His rough hands spread your thighs open, leaving a wet kiss on both before pressing a kiss to your clothed clit. You shifted your hips up, trying desperately to get more stimulation. His arm trapped your hips down. 
“Now angel, what did I tell you about moving?” He moved away from where you needed him most. 
“I’m sorry sir, please I need you.” You looked at him with desperate eyes. 
“All these years I’ve known you, you've always been a tease to me. Whether you knew it or not. I've been waiting for so long for this, I’m going to take my sweet time,” he growled, “you can lay there and shut up, it's my turn to tease you now Y/N.” 
He dove back in and licked a long stripe over your panties. Heat washed over your body as you felt your pussy gush at his actions. He slowly pulled them off your body leaving kisses down your legs. Leaving hickeys on your inner thighs. He ran his tongue over the dark red marks he left behind. Throwing your panties somewhere in his room, he came back to your throbbing core. Running a finger through your wetness he cooed at you. “Oh angel you're just soaking wet for me aren't you? I can't wait to taste this sweet little cunt.” 
He licked up your slit, collecting your juices. He moaned at the taste. His tongue flicked against your clit ever so lightly, giving you some stimulation but not enough. One hand snaked up in between your thighs to play with your cunt. 
You threw your head back at the sensation of his tongue and fingers working their magic on your body. His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked. You gasped at the sensation, shivers running down your spine. His finger teased your entrance. 
“You’re fucking drenching me sweetheart. You taste so good when you're like this for me.”
“Please sir I need you.”
“Where do you need me angel?” his finger slid all the way in, “right here?” 
Your eyes rolled back as he finally gave you what you wanted. His finger rubbed against your g spot immediately, making soft moans escape your mouth. “Does that feel good?” 
“Yes” You whimpered. He smacked your thigh. “What was that?” He said roughly, looking up to meet your eyes. 
“I’m sorry, yes it feels good sir.” 
Satisfied with your answer he slowly pumped his finger in and out of you, rubbing your clit in tight circles with his thumb. Before long you were thrashing on the sheets, hands gripping the pillow above your head. Your stomach fluttering as you neared your climax. 
“Are you a good girl?” Tim questioned.
“Yes sir.” you cried out, “please let me cum, please sir.” Your voice was shaking as you tried to control yourself. Out of nowhere he pulled away, licking his fingers as he watched you kick your legs in frustration. 
“What the FUCK Timothy!” You shouted as he got off the bed and walked to his desk. Laughing to himself he reached into a drawer and pulled out a condom. 
“Gotta be safe right?” He said with a smirk on his face.
You sighed. “I thought you were just going to leave me there.”
“That's only if you’re a bad girl but you've been good for me so far, so good that I’ll give you what you want.” He said sliding into you. He leaned down and kissed your forehead as you both caught your breath. Once you adjusted to him you tapped his shoulder to move. 
“You feel so good wrapped around me angel.” Tim whispered softly in your ear, as he thrust his hips into yours. Finally getting what you needed. You wrapped your legs around him pulling him as close as you could. Your lips met in a heated kiss as the knot in your stomach grew impossibly tighter. His hips snapped into yours at a steady rhythm. Your legs trembled as your orgasm approached at a blinding speed.  
Your hips moved to meet his every thrust.  
“Tim I’m gonna cum.” You said breathlessly 
“Just wait angel one more minute.” The pleasure almost overwhelmed you but the need to be good for him won out. “I want you to cum with me in 3,” your nails clawed down his back, “2,” your eyes fluttered shut, “1.” He growled in your ear. 
Your stomach contracted as your body shook with pleasure. His hips stuttered to a stop but his hand kept rubbing you, prolonging your orgasm as long as he could. 
You finally pushed his hand away, the feeling getting to be too much. You both lay there next to each other, catching your breath. 
“So does this mean we’re together?” You asked, your voice small. 
He rolled over to look at you, a big smile on his face. “Definitely.” 
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Fuck Indeed - 1 of 4
Rating: E
Chapter WC: 2720
Summary: Jaskier scrolled through the terms and conditions of the website he was planning on selling his soul to. It seemed simple enough, and he really needed the money. His music career hadn’t exactly gotten off to a flying start and he was tired of sponging off his friends and they were, quite frankly, tired of him. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be allowed to sofa surf and he really needed his own space.
So, he was starting an OnlyFans account. - On AO3
CW (for whole story): 18+ only, anal sex, masturbation, exhibition kink, sex work, rimming, sex toys, talks of blow jobs, Geralt bottoms but it’s mentioned they switch, biting (but no blood), Jaskier wearing lingerie and makeup.
Jaskier scrolled through the terms and conditions of the website he was planning on selling his soul to. It seemed simple enough, and he really needed the money. His music career hadn’t exactly gotten off to a flying start and he was tired of sponging off his friends and they were, quite frankly, tired of him. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be allowed to sofa surf and he really needed his own space. 
So, he was starting an OnlyFans account. 
The only thing he was good at outside of his music and poetry was sex. So why not make some money off of it. He’d already done a shit ton of research on stats, marketing, and the types of audiences he was looking to attract… and yes that potentially meant that he’d spent more money than he could afford on subscriptions to porn but, well, it was an investment. 
He was going to be good at this, nay, he was going to be fucking brilliant; pun intended. 
He smirked as he clicked to register his account. 
Phase one complete. 
Phase two… commencing. 
He quickly adjusted his photograph to the incredibly alluring photo he’d picked out. Essi had helped him stage a photoshoot after he’d promised to only film his videos when he was staying with Priscilla or Valdo. The photo showed him sitting backwards on a chair, stockings pulled up to his thighs and attached by turquoise lace garters. He was wearing a gorgeous matching lingerie set that was barely visible from behind the chair, a tease for the sort of content he would be putting out. He was also wearing a pair of killer heels. 
Heels he absolutely couldn’t walk in yet, but they’d been so pretty and he’d always wanted to learn so he’d bought them on a whim, again more money that he didn’t have…. thank fuck for credit cards. 
He wasn’t looking at the camera, his fringe covering his eyes, but he was clearly laughing at something, blood red lipstick staining his lips. 
He was rather impressed with how it had turned out. 
Now he just needed to get up some content. He glanced at the clock, he had probably missed the best time to post a video today, but he had a few photos from his shoot with Essi. He flicked through his camera roll until he found his second favourite, one where he was looking up just past the camera, eyes catching the light perfectly so they shone a sparkling bright blue. 
Not to be narcissistic, but he looked fucking gorgeous. 
He grinned and typed out a teasing caption to introduce himself, then hit post. Afterwards, he locked his phone and threw it across the room, not wanting to think about the comments and reactions. 
He stared at it as it bounced on the mattress. 
The only sounds were his breath and his heartbeat in his ears. 
“Bollocks,” he muttered after what felt like a lifetime, and scrambled after his phone, unlocking it quickly with a few nimble taps of his finger. 
If he spent the next two hours refreshing his page to see what people thought then… well, no one needed to know. It wasn’t an instant hit, but he was new and it was expected, and he was thrilled at the couple of messages he received and he already had a couple of subscribers. 
He could do this, the fluttering anxiety in his stomach beginning to settle slightly as he repeated the words aloud a few times. He sighed heavily and decided to be productive. He still needed to set up his Twitter page and link it, perhaps an Instagram account as well, one that his parents didn’t have to know about, and fuck he needed to sleep. 
His clock, glowing in the now dark of his room, was telling him more time had passed than he’d realised. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. 
He still needed to get to the studio early this morning. He’d practically begged the owner to let him record a demo, promising that it would be worth it, that he was good.  Luckily for him, there had been a short break very early in the morning before any decent musician worth a damn was awake. He plugged his phone in to charge and made sure he put it down out of reach from the bed. He’d just wake up in the middle of the night and check it otherwise. He just needed to know he wasn’t terrible, was that really so bad?
“Come on, Jask,” he mumbled “you can check after you record your demo. It’s not that long.”
It felt like fucking forever. 
Geralt was busy working at the garage when Yennefer messaged him. He huffed and pocketed his phone, giving his customer an apologetic hum before gesturing for them to continue. Yennefer hadn’t started the text with “Ciri!” so he could ignore it for now, that was their deal. He’d only check his texts from Yennefer at work if there was a problem with their daughter, but that never stopped her from trying. Yennefer got bored easily at work. Her mind was too brilliant and even working in a top law firm wasn’t enough to keep her mind from wondering, the monotony of paperwork getting the better of her. 
It didn’t help that she had assistants to take care of the worst shit for her. Geralt wasn’t exactly sure what Yennefer did all day. He was pretty sure she just organised her minions and planned to take over the world, in between bothering him at work, of course. 
He shook his head with a fond smile, as he watched the young blonde leave her precious Volkswagen Beetle behind. It was an old banged up thing, and she’d clearly bought it for the looks rather than practicality, and the engine had given out after only a month of her buying it. 
“Kids,” he scoffed. 
Business was business though, it brought in sorely needed cash.
Not as much as his other job… but that was a more lucrative role, one that only Yennefer knew about. He was careful to keep his face hidden, but so far he’d been lucky. No one else in his physical life knew about his OnlyFans account, probably because he was still just starting out. He’d only been at it a couple of months and he was, admittedly, not the best at having an online presence, which was why he’d begrudgingly asked Yennefer for her help. 
- New kid on the block, he’s just your type.
Yennefer’s message read, blunt as ever. He rolled his eyes and clicked the link. Sure enough there was a photograph of a young brunet straddling a chair, wearing fucking lingerie. He swallowed, staring at the photograph just a little too long. 
He growled and stuffed his phone back in his pocket. He should have known better than to open the link at work. 
But that smile haunted him for the rest of the day, making every second drag, the world turning to a haze and every movement felt like he was wading through mud. He wanted to get home. 
He wanted to know more about this Dandelion. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, pressing his fingers to his forehead, hoping it would push the thoughts of the man from his mind. 
It didn’t. 
By the time he got back to his house he felt like he was on fire, his skin crawling, restless, burning. He showered as quickly as he could, just about managing to wash all the conditioner from his hair before stalking back to his room and firing up his laptop. He groaned as he finally had a chance to stalk Dandelion’s page. 
The second photograph was even better than the first, bright blue eyes searing into his mind, and the smile of a fucking angel. He looked young, mid-twenties, only a few years younger than Geralt probably, and he was exactly the sort of man he would do well on this goddamn site. He looked charismatic, easy on the eye, definitely flirty judging by the cheeky grin on his face, and he was probably excellent at the marketing side of things. 
Geralt glanced at his subscribers and cursed. Dandelion hadn’t even uploaded a video yet but his follower count was crawling up faster than Geralt’s ever had. 
And that made him… angry?
Jealous perhaps, but there was a bitterness growing in his heart now. 
He had to do better. He couldn’t allow this man to overtake him. He just couldn’t. 
He growled and shut his laptop with a snap, pulling out his phone with more force than necessary. Yennefer would know what to do. She was good at this sort of thing. He just hoped that he didn’t need to explain himself. It was pathetic and irrational but… he wanted to win. 
Jaskier stumbled upon the White Wolf’s page purely by accident. He’d been looking for inspiration before filming his first video. He knew what he wanted to film but he was tired and wasn’t really sure he was in the mood for it, so he began to scroll. He’d unsubscribed from a lot of accounts to save money but the silver-haired Adonis had caught his attention. 
The leather strapped around his otherwise bare torso helped. Jaskier was weak for a man in leather. 
Before he knew what he was doing, Jaskier was putting in his details to subscribe, sending off a silent apology to his bank account.
The White Wolf was the silent brooding type, never quite revealing his face, but that wasn’t uncommon. His long hair fell down past the man’s pecs, curling at the ends just above the black leather straps. Chest hairs trailed down the man’s torso, the photo cropped before revealing anything else. Jaskier let out a low whimper at the thought of what might be revealed. 
He groaned and scrambled for his bottle of lube before letting out a curse. 
He had a video to shoot. 
He didn’t have time to jerk off to this god’s account. He grumbled and got changed into the turquoise lingerie from the photoshoot. He had decided to use the photos as a teaser for his first video, creating some continuity and helping to create a brand that he could build on. He hummed happily as he pulled up the stockings, they felt soft against his skin, bringing a fragility to his otherwise muscular frame. 
Not quite as muscular as Wolf’s. 
What wouldn’t he give to lick the lines of those abs?
Once he was dressed, he pulled out his makeup bag. He wasn’t quite as skilled with eyeliner as Essi yet so he settle for a smudged black look before adding the red to his lips. He gave himself a once over in the mirror, flashing a smile. It wasn’t perfect but it was only his first video. He’d get more practice as he worked. After one final check of the lighting in his room – well, his temporary room thanks to darling Priscilla – he made sure he had lube nearby. With shaking hands, he set up the camera and clicked record. He would edit both the start and the end of the video later. 
He sighed and then let a seductive smile grace his lips as he winked at the camera, kneeling on the bed.
“Hello darling,” he purred in a low voice “I am so happy you could join me.”
He pictured the chiseled torso of his Wolf, mind filling in the blanks of his face, square jaw, soft warm brown eyes, perhaps stubble on his cheek. He felt the warmth of arousal pool in his core at that thought, his cock filling out in the lacy underwear. Definitely stubble then. He wanted to feel the scratch against his cheek, his neck… his arse. 
His fingers had drifted down his chest and were toying with the hem of his panties without him even realising it. His eyes fluttered open as he remembered his audience. 
“Oops,” he breathed “forgot where I was for a moment there, sweetheart. You don’t mind, do you?”
He paused. 
It felt right. 
God, he had no idea that he was doing, but the idea of people on the other end of that camera, watching him. Fuck, he hadn’t known he’d be into that. He palmed himself through the thin fabric, letting out a slightly exaggerated moan so the camera would pick it up. 
He wondered if Wolf would see this, would he get hard watching Jaskier touching himself… would he touch his own cock? 
Jaskier’s breath hitched and he bit his lip. He locked eyes with the camera as he let out a sigh. “I’ve just been feeling so lonely, it won’t take much tonight, just the thought of you.”
The words felt awkward, stunted but it was only his first video and blood was flowing away from his brain right now, making improv difficult. He’d need a script for next time. 
“It’s my first video so I wanted to get dressed up, do you like it?” a pause “It feels so soft against my skin.”
His other hand reached up to stroke his nipples through the lace. He tilted his head back and rolled his hips forward to his cock brushed against his own hand, another moan escaping his lips, playing it up for the camera. “Shall I keep them on?” he asked the camera, voice huskier than he was expecting. Fuck this was affecting him more than he imagined. 
He swallowed, and licked his lips, fingers pulling down his panties to reveal the tip of his cock already leaking onto the brightly coloured lace. “I might ruin them… but I think you’d like that…”
Would Wolf like that… watching Jaskier cum all over the pretty panties. 
Jaskier whined, smearing the precum over his hand and then down the length of his cock under the lace. The touch sent waves of pleasure through his whole body, and he let out a low curse. His eyes fell shut as he slowly stroked himself, taking his time, teasing himself. He pictured his Wolf pulling the straps of his bra down off his shoulders, pressing kisses into his neck, biting on his shoulders as he touched him. God he really needed to watch his videos, if he could pull such vivid images of the man from just one photograph. 
“Fuck, that feels so good…” he gasped, struggling to keep his movements slow. He forced his eyes open to look at the camera. He could only imagine how he looked right now, eyes dark, cheeks flushed, lips red from where he’d been biting them, one hand working on his cock, the other pinching at his nipples through sinfully see-through fabric. 
“I want you to touch me so bad,” he gasped “would you fuck me, if I ask?” 
He swallowed, imagining Wolf’s hands on his hips, pressing bruises into his skin… spreading his cheeks apart… fingers dripping with lube, ready to stretch him. He bit his lip again, almost hard enough to draw blood. He hadn’t noticed he was fucking into his own hand, thighs burning as he knelt on the fresh silk sheets. He was close, too close… not what he’d meant for this video but it was too late now… he couldn’t hold back.
He gripped his cock harder, stroking faster, the underwear pushed down by his efforts. 
“I. I can’t…” he stammered through the haze “I need, please…”
He almost sobbed, begging his unseen audience. “Please.”
He pinched roughly on his nipple, the sharp pain tipping him over the edge, and he came all over his hand with a wordless cry. 
He struggled not to collapse onto the bed, but he did rest back on his ankles as he gasped for breath. “Fuck,” he whispered hoarsely… surprised by the intensity of his orgasm. He glanced up at the camera with a smirk, flicking his tongue out to lick his lips. “Until next time, darling.” 
He winked at the camera and then crawled forward so he could turn it off. Once that was done, he fell back on the bed with a contented sigh before remembering the state of his pants. He grimaced and reluctantly got up to go shower, the thought of the White Wolf still lingering in his mind.
Taglist (18+): @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @slythnerd @hailhailsatan @thecomfortofoldstorries @gelos @moonysourenza @frances-the-red @honeysuckletook @elliestormfound @sleepy-thief @artistsfuneral  @kittynannygaming @stinastar @fontegagrilledcheese @baka-yu @anythinggoesfandoms @veritasrose @trickstermoose67 @nonegenderleftpain @kueble @justjess94 @kozkaboi @wherethewordsare Let me know if you want to be added for this story or in general!
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luxekook · 4 years
make you scream » ksj
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» pairing: sully!seokjin x reader » genre: monsters inc. au, crack, smut » summary: there’s a monster in your closet, but you want him in your bed. » word count: 2.1k » warnings: 18+, cursing, bad jokes, teasing, TMG references, reader ties jin up, generally clueless seokjin, smut [oral (m receiving), mentions of sex and impregnation]
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» request: @j-sope​ said: jin + mystery drink!
as part of the bangtanhq drinks and drabbles challenge
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Ever since you moved into your new apartment, you’ve had a slight monster problem. And you aren’t talking the energy drink. You’re talking a living, breathing monster who creeps out of your closet in the wee hours of the morning in an attempt to scare you shitless.
At least, that’s your current theory of his intentions - mainly compiled from dark web searches and reddit threads. You aren’t sure what exactly his motive is with you, but you do know one thing - you don't want to scare him away. Whatever monster lab created him had royally fucked up, because your monster is really fucking hot.
You aren’t even sure if you can actually call him a monster given that he looks like a fucking god amongst men.
He’s been visiting you for three weeks now, and you have stopped acting frightened since week two. Your silence seems to be both baffling and vexing to your nightly visitor. Neither of you have spoken to the other. Hell, you aren’t even sure if he can speak. He’s only yelled and jumped out at you so far in an attempt to draw your screams.
But, tonight you plan to change things up and finally get some answers.
As the clock grows closer to 3am, you pretend to sleep, nervously awaiting your monster.
Finally, you hear the telltale creak of your closet door and the soft footfalls that always follow. Your heart thumps in your chest.
Before he can scare you, you hop out of bed, catching him off guard. Using his shock against him, you push him into your desk chair and quickly grab the jump rope you had set aside for this very purpose.
“Yah!” Your monster struggles as you tie him up, “Stop that! Get your hands off me!”
Ah, so he can speak. You secure the knots that tie him to the chair and step back to assess your work. Flicking on your bedside lamp, you check out your monster in all his glory.
He’s glaring up at you with a vicious pout that would be menacing if he wasn’t so fucking adorable. His hair is a mix of blue and purple with two small horns twisting up amidst the strands. His body is long and lean with shoulders that give you way too many dirty thoughts.
Finally, your eyes meet his. His brown eyes linger on yours for a moment before wandering up and down your own body, reminding you of your current outfit of just a long shirt and underwear.
“Well?” You place your hands on your hips, “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Your monster scoffs and pulls at his restraints, “Untie me, human!”
“Puh-lease,” You roll your eyes, “You’ve been barging into my house in the dead of night for weeks, and you think you can order me around? No, sir. Not today.”
“Well, I wouldn't have to keep coming back if you would just scream for me,” He mumbles, hands clenched into fists, “I have a quota to meet, you know!”
“That sounds like a you problem,” You shrug, edging closer to him. He tenses at your approach. “Why don’t you like humans touching you, my little monster?”
“Little?!” He exclaims, “How dare you! I am Kim Seokjin, top Scarer at Monsters, Incorporated!”
You reach out to cup his cheek, “Aw, did I hit a nerve, Mr. Kim ‘I’m so scary’ Seokjin?” He glowers, refusing to answer.
“Going to have to shred your door now,” He mutters, looking defeated, “And get sanitized.”
You snap back, “Sanitized? Well, that’s just rude. And if you even think about destroying my closet door, just know that I will be sending you the bill.”
“I don’t know who this Bill is, but don’t send him to me,” Seokjin scrunches his nose, looking thoroughly displeased.
You laugh, shoulders shaking at his dead serious remark.
Your monster’s eyes widen as he stares up at your laughing form.
“What?” You ask, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen and still chuckling slightly.
“Can you do that again?” Seokjin asks again, looking at you with a peculiar yet hopeful gleam in his eye.
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows, “Laugh?”
He nods, and you immediately get suspicious. “Why?”
“Because it apparently works the same way as screaming,” He shrugs, “I don’t make the rules.”
“So you do need my screams,” You smirk, “Interesting… Do these screams that you gather only come from fear?”
“Duh,” He rolls his eyes, “What other kind of screaming is there?”
You laugh again, ignoring how happy he looks that you did so. “There is one that comes to mind, monster boy.”
“Tell me!” He practically bounces in his seat, despite being tied up.
“Nah,” You shake your head, undoing his restraints, “I think that’s enough for one night. Out you go.”
You pull him up from the seat and shove him towards your closet. He argues with you the whole way. Peering into your closet first, you pout when you don’t see anything out of the ordinary - that is, until Seokjin slips past you.
The back of your closet disappears before your eyes, and you see what looks like a warehouse with almost-human-but-not-quite individuals milling about.
Seokjin turns to leave, and you panic, your hand darts out to grab his wrist. You want to see him again.
“What is it, human?” Seokjin looks at you hesitantly.
“(Y/n). My name’s (y/n). And the other kind of screaming? It's not from fear; it’s from pleasure.”
His eyes practically pop out of his skull as your words sink in, “Pleasure—! But-but how?”
You push him out of your dimension.
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The next evening, you don’t even feign sleep. This time, you wait up wearing nothing but a satin robe.
It seems that Seokjin also doesn’t follow his usual pattern as he storms into your room right on schedule. “(Y/n)! I demand you scream in pleasure for me!”
You choke on air, “That’s not how it works, Seokjin!”
“Well,” He crosses his arms, staring down at you from the foot of your bed, “Then tell me how it works.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” You sigh, shifting your legs so that your upper thigh peeks through the slit in your robe. Predictably, his eyes follow. “You’ll have to touch me, and I know you wouldn’t want to.”
You watch as he swallows hard, his eyes glued to your body, “I-I never said that.”
“Really?” You shift again. The tie of your robe loosens slightly. “I could have sworn you said ‘get your hands off me’ last night.”
He shakes his head emphatically, “No, that wasn’t me! That was, uh, Jim Seok-im!”
“Any relation?” You cock your head, entertaining his terrible effort to convince you.
“Nope, never met him,” Seokjin inches closer to you.
“Right,” You deadpan. “Well, don’t you all have sex over there in monster land?”
Seokjin gapes at you, “Yah! I am not making a child with you!”
“Good god, Jinnie,” You laugh, “Not all sex ends with pregnancy.”
“Ours does,” He scowls, looking thoroughly put out.
“So, let me get this straight,” You stand, walking the short distance over to him, “You monsters have monster sex with your monster cocks, and you don’t monster scream in monster pleasure?”
“Motion to ban you from saying the word ‘monster’ again,” He mumbles, still looking miffed.
“Motion denied, you monster.”
Seokjin pinches his nose in frustration, “Sex is purely for reproductive purposes. It’s a transaction. I don’t see how it can feel good.”
“What the monsterfucking fuck!” You just about blew a fuse. “What have you been doing? Just staring at your dick? Don’t you touch yourself? Have you never gone down on a girl monster? A boy monster? A gender-nonconforming monster?”
Seokjin slams a hand over your mouth, “Shut up, my human. Now, show me how to make you feel good so that I can collect your pleasure screams.”
Swatting his hand from your face, you shake your head, “I think I want to hear yours first.”
“I would like to see you try,” He laughs in an endearing squeaky way that makes you want to give him the suck of his life.
“Bet.” You sink to your knees, making quick work of his pants.
“Oh my sweet monster cock,” You breathe as you take in the sight before you. His cock is the biggest you’ve ever seen - thick and long with veins running down its smooth skin.
He’s hard already, and you shoot him a skeptical look. “What?” Seokjin shrugs, “It’s just my body acknowledging you as a potential mate. It’s happened before.”
Fury bubbles up inside you at the thought of him getting hard for anyone other than you. God, are you actually developing feelings for your monster? Pushing that thought aside, you vow to make him come so hard that all his (hypothetical) future orgasms will belong to the mere thought of you.
Without pause, you suck the head of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip.
“M-my human, what are you doing?” Seokjin yelps, his hand digging into your hair. He’s a natural, you think, choosing to ignore his question.
Your hands run up and down his thighs before winding their way around to squeeze his ass. The gasp that results is delicious and urges you to move faster.
You take more of him into your mouth, sucking harder, your cheeks hollow. His breath hitches, “O-oh, (y/n), keep doing that. Feels so good. How does it feel so good?”
Oh, your poor little monster boy has no idea how good it will get…
You take him all the way, your nose nudging his firm pelvis. Seokjin moans, and when you swallow around him, he lets out a series of what you can only assume are expletives in the monster world.
One hand still gripping his ass, you bring your other one forward to tease his balls in your palm. He shouts your name, and you feel him twitch inside your mouth.
You release him with a pop. “Will you come for me, Seokjin?” Your voice is raspy from the deep-throating, “Will you come in my mouth for me?”
“Y-yes,” He pants, “I need to release. Your mouth is the best thing I’ve ever felt, my human.”
Laughing softly, you grab his monster cock once more, “Oh, my little monster, you are sure in for a good time.”
Without further explanation, you suck him harder than you’ve ever done to anyone before. You want and need to have Seokjin unravel before you, to come down your throat. And it isn’t long before his moans grow louder and louder until he comes with a yowl that honestly rivals what yours had been like when your monster had scared you at first.
“My human,” Seokjin finally mumbles, as you pull your mouth away from him, “What was that?”
“A blowjob,” You shrug, getting to your feet, “Sometimes referred to as ‘giving that sloppy toppy’ or ‘putting that dick through a carwash’ or ‘showing them that 360 degree spin cycle’.”
He looks baffled, “I understood none of that, but can I give you one of these ‘blowjobs’ now?”
You laugh, “My greedy little monster, come back tomorrow, and we’ll talk.”
He pouts adorably, and you can’t help yourself from pressing your lips to his. A blush overtakes his cheeks and the tips of his ears, “My human, why did you do that?”
“You’re so cute, Jinnie,” You shrug, “I wanted to kiss you to show that I like you.”
He blinks, “You-you—?”
You shove him once again towards your closet, “Tomorrow, my handsome monster. Get ready, there are so many things I still have to show you.”
His eyes widen, “There’s even more!?”
“Oh, yes,” You flash him a wicked grin as you kick him out of your room, “I’m going to fucking rock your monster world, baby.”
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Four Months Later...
“Hey, my pretty human,” Your monster whispers, his breath ghosting over your ear. Goosebumps rise across your skin.
“Hey, handsome,” You answer, your eyes shooting open to meet his.
“Yah!” Your monster stumbles back, “Would you quit doing that?” His pout only draws your attention to his plush lips.
“No,” You grin, sitting up in your bed. “Are you ever going to quit creeping around my room at night?”
“Never,” He continues to pout. “Besides, you love it.”
And you really do.
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics posted or completed during the month of August. We really hope you enjoy this list and that you give these fics a lot of love.
Happy reading!
1) Move Out | Explicit | 1525 words
Harry and Louis are moving in together, so they might as well make the most of Harry's apartment.
2) Take Off Your Business Suit | Explicit | 3082 words
“Yes, let me get another chair.” Louis said, leaning up off of the desk. He stood up but before he could leave the office to get another chair, Harry was grabbing his hand.
The words that came out of Harry’s mouth made Louis’ knees weak and heart beat quicken. “Just sit on my lap.” Harry said. Whatever he said afterwards didn’t make it into Louis’ ears as he was moving quickly over to Harry and placing himself on Harry’s lap.Louis would take anything Harry wanted to give him; hand touching, lap sitting, all of it.
Louis hadn't realized he was holding his breath until it came out in a quiet sigh. “Okay so th-this one will be slightly different right?” He asked as he pointed at the sheet of paper in front of him.
3) So Good, It's Making Me Drool | Explicit | 3364 words
He kept his back turned to Harry, whispering the few words he knew that would make Harry go absolutely wild. “If I’m only yours, maybe you should take me to bed and teach me who I belong to.”
4) What I Like | Explicit | 4245 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
Harry gets tired of the "older women" jokes and the incessant teasing from Louis.
5) ll Belong To Your Creation | General Audiences | 4349words
Louis had always thought it was impossible to do so. Thankfully, upon doing research he learned that he still can as long as there are no complications throughout the whole pregnancy. He also stumble upon a birth vlog where a mum was able to give birth naturally even after going through c-section with her first and second pregnancy.
6) An Axolotl and the Fake Date | Explicit | 5976 words
Harry runs a stall at a farmers market every weekend and Louis comes by one day with an odd request.
7) Feels So Right | Explicit | 8804 words
The one where Louis is Troy, Harry is Gabriella, and we find out what really happened after karaoke at that ski resort...
8) Giallo! | Mature | 9776 words
Louis was a mess. A stuttery mess of weak knees and grass stains on his fresh linen clothes, his cheeks blooming a natural pink that matched his sunburnt nose. Upon his return from University, his family abandon the bustling city of London to bask in the comfort of their summer villa. With such a property came maintenance, Louis' father hired a strapping young fellow with tanned skin littered with ink and a charming smile aided by dimples in both his cheeks. Between reading, baking and painting, Louis stares at Harry, he couldn't help it. They grow close under the sun of Greece in 1989.
9) Interlude: One Night in March | Explicit | 10671 words
Note: This is a sequel to this fic.
“Said I would, didn’t I?” Harry let his hands roam over Louis’s bare back, his muscles rippling with that same frenetic energy he always had, swirling just beneath the skin, just beneath Harry’s fingers. “May come a time I’ll have to carry you again.”
Cupping the back of his head and burying his fingers in Louis’s hair, he pulled Louis back into another deep kiss, moaned a bit when Louis squeezed his chest again, harder this time, like he wanted the shirt off. But instead he drew his hand down Harry’s side and tugged at the hem, as though to say best keep this on, before he licked into Harry’s mouth, drew Harry’s tongue out to play only to pull back enough to speak.
“May come a time I’ll actually fucking let you.”
10) Hate To Smoke (Without Me) | Mature | 12164 words
Sleep. Harry just wants one good night of sleep. However, his neighbour has a thing for headboard-banging-against-the-wall-sex every night. After a secret set-up and a bet, Harry may finally get the sleep he so much desires.
11) Call You Mine | Explicit | 12755 words
“I have a request.”
That’s what Louis Tomlinson says to Harry when he opens the front door a bit too aggressively. The latter feels justified after a round of annoyingly incessant knocking that was much too loud in the drowsy sludge of early Saturday morning.
“Zayn’s asleep,” is Harry’s tired, hoarse reply, irritation prickling at his skin. Less than a minute ago he was in bed, feeling perfectly content sprawled out on the mattress with the chilled air from the fan cool against his bare skin. And now he’s leaning up against the wooden door frame in nothing but his briefs because Zayn’s best mate decided that showing up unannounced at seven in the fucking morning was a brilliant idea.
“I’m not here for him,” says Louis curtly.
12) A Vivid And Wistful Melody | Explicit | 13128 words
"Slowly, he takes his violin out of its case, listens for a few more minutes to Louis’ flute, before joining him as best as he could. The flute stops for a few seconds, and Harry imagines Louis blinking cutely, taken aback, before huffing with a smile, and starting to play again, on a suddenly far happier tune. Harry closes his eyes as he twirls around the living room, violin in hand and music filling the air. He pictures Louis doing the same in his own flat while being careful as to not step on his cat.
Somehow, even with heavy eyes and tired limbs, this is the happiest Harry has ever felt in years."
In which they are neighbours stuck at home and they happen to start talking through a wall with a piano, a violin, and a flute. They end up writing the soundtrack of their own love story.
13) Until This Blood Runs Cold | Explicit | 13685 words
In a town as small as Louis’, everybody knows everybody and gossip spreads faster than the wildfires that rage on just outside their backdoors in the sweltering heat of summer. When something happens here everyone knows about it within seconds. Neighbors call neighbors and notes are left on doorsteps, old telephone lines ringing until there isn’t a single person who is left in the unknown.
So it’s definitely hot gossip when a vampire moves in across the street from him, the very same one who’s just become Louis’ boss.
14) A Road To Hope | Explicit | 18280 words
Note: There is no explicit smut but its implied BL.
“We’re far from the people and their issues, don’t hold back. Please.”
It’s true. They are far away from anything that could stop them, the middle of nowhere being the safest place on Earth for them to fall in love. The sacred land where sacred love is created. However, Louis is certain that even if they weren’t safe, he wouldn’t resist the sight of Harry, his pleading eyes, his warm skin beneath his touch.
15) Your Eyes Of Blue, Your Kisses Too | Explicit | 21785 words
When they get out onto the streets away from the crowds Niall turns to walk backwards, “So did you get any leads?”
“Well- uh.”
Niall shakes his head, “Too busy kissing that pretty boy onstage, I see. Gonna blow the whole case for a piece of ass?”
16) Thinking About Peaches | Explicit | 23724 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic, which is #18 on this list.
Eight smutty drabbles following the events of bruise you like a peach.
17) Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds | Mature | 38065 words
Broadway shows were one of the few things that could keep Louis’ attention for a full two hours without needing to move about. But not tonight.
The alpha next to him was both infuriating him and practically turning him on at the same time. He needed to leave. The alpha, that is. Louis was staying.
18) Bruise You Like A Peach | Explicit | 40694 words
Note: The sequel to this fic is #16 on this list. 
There’s two reasons Harry despises Econ.
The first is that it’s boring as fuck. The second reason is a bit more personal, a bit more focused in a way. As in it’s focused on one specific thing, or in his case, person.
His name is Louis Tomlinson.
19) Falling Out Of Fashion | Explicit | 42123 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry Styles has been the established face of the Grimshaw House of Design for two years. It’s a prestigious and coveted modeling contract Harry took away from once-famed supermodel Zayn Malik. With the model transition Grimshaw’s designs went from a more urban, Zayn-forward aesthetic, to a Harry-favoring flowery, flowing femininity in the Grimshaw designs for men.
So when Harry sees a dress Grimshaw made for a famous Marvel actress, “only a tease”, Nick says, of the evolving look, Harry knows Grimshaw is shifting his aesthetic.
Harry wonders if he can pull off the look.
Or could Grimshaw be looking for a new face?
20) Secretly Dating | Mature | 43615 words
Lottie groaned, looming over Louis with a glare. “If we’re late, Mum and Dad will never let Harry see me – ie. see you.”
It was the first time they openly addressed the fact that Harry saw more of Louis than Lottie on their supposed ‘dates.’ He supposed he knew as much, but it still startled him. “You’ve been setting us up!”
Lottie snorted, cocking out her hip and brushing her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Honestly, Harry. You’re so dense. To be fair, it was at Louis’ request.”
Louis’ mouth gaped like a fish as he jumped to standing position, wobbling only slightly. “Don’t sell me out!”
Lottie rolled her eyes. “Come on lovebirds.”
21) You’ve Got My Devotion (Hate You Sometimes) | Mature | 95417 words
Harry was in the biggest boy band in the world. He was also one half of the best (or worst, depends on who you ask) kept secret relationship in the music industry.
Now, almost five years on, after One Direction has broken up, and Harry and Louis' relationship has as well, a video threatens to put everything at risk.
One determined Irishman, a massive publicity stunt and two begrudging exes are all it takes to bring One Direction back to life and maybe, just maybe, Harry and Louis' mangled love life too.
22) The Healing Song | Mature | 111851 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis was carrying the large stuffed elephant like it was a baby, it’s trunk hanging over his shoulder and down his back and it’s front legs were resting around his neck, like it was hugging him. Said elephant was a present from Louis’ close friend Steve, who had thought Louis needed something to hug on bad days and had gifted him with a stuffed elephant the size of a one year old.
Steve had been right. Some days Louis did need something to hug, and this elephant was as good as anything.
Louis was having one of the rougher days. The harmonious state of the anxiety free life of a fearless Louis had ended the week after he met with Harry. It ended as abruptly as it had started. It was like pushing a button. Lights out. Almost as if the universe said “You’ve had your fun, crazy one, now go be sick” and slammed the door in his face.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch21: The Truth ‘Bill’ Out…
Chapter Summary: Fliss and Frank both struggle to deal with the aftermath of their break up.
 Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
 Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
 A/N: Ok, I’m sorry I upset you with the last chapter… 
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 20
Take a shot in the rain, one for the pain, and listen up
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Frank woke the next morning fully clothed on the sofa. Squinting, he groaned at the pain in his head, scrambling to find his phone. As he swiped it to cancel his alarm, his thumb paused as he glanced at the photo of Fliss and Mary on the screen. Swallowing he turned the screen off, tossed his phone onto the table and pushed himself up, trudging to the shower. 
He had spent most of the night drinking the expensive scotch his mother had bought him, trying to understand what had happened. He had tried to call Fliss, messaged her but her response had been a single text telling him she was sorry and requesting that he respect her decision. The worst thing had been trying to explain to Mary. Frank didn't believe in lying to her, certainly not if he could help it, but he had completely chickened out and told her that Fliss had some paperwork to do and would be staying at the annex for the night. Mart had accepted this, and it had bought him enough time to figure out what the fuck he was going to say. 
He stumbled into the shower and then decided that the state his head was in he wasn't going to function in work. So once he was dried and had awoken Mary, he called his supervisor and said he had a migraine so wouldn't be in. He then made Mary a sandwich and then once she was packed off on the bus he turned and headed back home. 
Once in the living room he looked around. It was littered with reminders of her. Photos, a hoody draped over the back of the chair, those fucking scatter cushions on the sofa. It was screaming at Frank to get rid if it all, but he couldn't. Not yet. He was still clinging to something desperate hope that she would come back, explaining what had happened and they'd work through it. 
And then there was a knock at the door. He paused for a moment, before it opened and a familiar voice called his name.
"Frank? Son?"
He turned to face Bill as he walked through the door.
"She sent you for her stuff?" Frank asked and Bill eyed him for a moment before he shook his head.
"No. She hasn't. And, well even if she asked me to come get it I wouldn't...this is her mess, not mine."
Frank looked at him for a moment before he shrugged and headed into the kitchen grabbing the coffee from the cupboard.
"So what are you here for, Bill?"
"Honestly?" Bill raised his eyebrows, "to see how you were..."
"Fucking marvellous." Frank said, slamming the cupboard shut. "M’girlfriend's left me, giving me no reason, I'm hungover to shit and at some point today I gotta figure out what I tell Mary."
 He leaned back against the kitchen counter and pinched his nose before he scrubbed his hand down his face.
"How is she?" Frank looked at Bill. Bill sighed and shook his head.
"Hardly said a word since she came home yesterday evening." Bill shrugged. "Other than to tell she had ended things with you, that it was her decision and she wasn't going into it."
"She didn’t go into it with me either so..." Frank snorted, shaking his head. "So if you've come to find out what’s going on I can't help you because I don’t know."
"No, honestly Frank...I meant it when I said I came to see how you were. V and I were worried..."
Frank was about to shoot some sarcastic response back but when he saw Bill's face was arranged with genuine concern he simply shrugged and looked down, shaking his head.
"I love her, Bill...and I thought things were going great. I just don't understand."
With a sigh Bill stepped forward and gripped Frank's shoulder.
"I'm really mad at her Frank." Bill sighed. "But I know she’s hurting too...don't give up on her. Not just yet."
Frank scratched at his head as Bill released his grip on his shoulder. "She made it quite clear she doesn’t want to see me or talk to me.”
"She doesn’t know what she wants" Bill shook his head. "All am asking is that you at least try to talk to her."
"I need time too, Bill." Frank sighed. "I'm angry and upset myself. I can't face her yet. It’s gonna be bad enough taking Mary up to see Monty..."
"I know." Bill nodded. “And if you ever want me to take Mary instead so you don’t have to, certainly for the time being, I'm happy to do so."
Frank nodded. “Thanks Bill."
"Well you know where to find me." Bill shrugged as he took a deep breath. “Look, you know me and Verity love you and Mary, we really do. Verity’s besides herself at the possibility you’re not gonna be in our lives again, and-“
He trailed off and Frank saw a flicker of worry flash across the older man's face.
"Bill..." Frank shook his head gently. "I'll not stop you and Verity seeing Mary. As long as you're happy to do so. I just, well I just don’t want it to be awkward for you and Fliss, meaning there's to be a point later where you leave her life too. She’s had enough turmoil over the last twelve months to last a lifetime ..."
"No I get that." Bill nodded. “And thanks Frank. You're a good man."
Frank nodded and Bill gave him another small smile before he turned and headed out.
 ***** Mary didn’t take the news brilliantly, as Frank had anticipated. She’d teared up and asked Frank why Fliss wanted to leave them, to which Frank had answered as honestly as he could, that he simply didn’t know but that it was nothing to do with her. And then she’d surprised him by saying, for the first time ever that she didn’t want to go to Roberta’s that night, but she wanted to stay with him. They ordered pizza and watched a film, huddled together on the sofa. She didn’t mention Fliss again other than to say she didn’t want to go for her riding lesson either the next day, instead saying she would go during the week. Out of courtesy more than anything Frank messaged Fliss to let her know. After an hour or so she replied simply to tell him that it was fine and she would make sure he was looked after.
Monday morning rolled around and Frank was glad of the distraction if he was honest, burying himself into his work. And during the day he was ok because his mind was busy but in the evening, after Mary had gone to bed and he himself was getting ready to hit the sack, he found himself simply staring at Fliss’s toothbrush and toiletries. Unable to look at them anymore he grabbed the various bottles of stuff belonging to her and placed them all in one of the wicker boxes held under the sink in the unit.
Tuesday evening he spent with Simon and Greg. Simon had heard from Bonnie what had happened when she had called Fliss. Simon informed Frank that Fliss had refused to talk to Bonnie about it and just asked the woman to leave it alone. They had a few beers, talked, it was a good distraction for a while but again once they left, Frank was alone with his thoughts and an aching in his chest.
And it wasn’t just his thoughts. It was the physical reminders. As well as the photos and cushions, there was the dog basket in the bedroom that belonged to Thor, when he decided to sleep on it and not Mary’s bed that is. Fliss’ favourite mug, the blue and gold shimmering wine glasses they’d bought at IKEA, her clothes in the fucking closet. Frank had no idea what he was supposed to do. Did he pack it up and take it to her, or wait for her to come and claim it?
Wednesday morning Mary told him she wanted to go and see Mary so Frank nodded. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. On the one hand he was happy he’d at least get to see Fliss, maybe they could have a reasonable conversation but on the other he knew seeing her was going to tear him in two. He also was a little worried how Mary was going to react. He called Fliss, and unsurprisingly she didn’t pick up. But she did call him back a little after lunch.
“Hi.” he said, a little nervously as he answered.
“HI.” she replied quietly “I err, I had a call so…”
“Oh, yeah, erm, Mary wants to come up and see Monty so I wanted to make sure it was ok.” “Of course its ok.” she said gently, “Frank, I’d never stop her coming up to see her pony.”
 “No I know that, I just…” Frank took a deep breath, “It doesn’t matter, we’ll see you later.” “Ok, erm, bye.” “Yeah, bye.”
He cut the call, his throat was dry and he felt like his heart was about to pound out through his chest. And that had been simply at the sound of her voice. It had been a week since he’d heard it and now it had knocked him for six. And suddenly he wasn’t looking forward to seeing her at all.
****** Fliss tossed her phone down and ran her hands over her face. She was tired. Since moving back into the annex she hadn’t been sleeping properly, having nightmares for the first time in almost a year. She wasn’t eating either and she was continually snapping at her parents too as they were crowding her she felt. Almost as much as when she had left Boston. She knew they were simply concerned, as was Bonnie but she just simply wanted to be left alone. She was hurting too, leaving Frank had killed her, it was the worst thing she had ever been through, worse than any beating John had inflicted on her.
She also knew at some point she was going to have to face him, go round and collect her stuff. Her mum and dad had made it quite clear they weren’t going to bail her out on that one, which was understandable she guessed. They were upset too, her dad especially as he was very close to Frank, and they both loved Mary as if she was their own grandchild.
It wasn’t just her own life or Frank’s she’d thrown into chaos, it was theirs too.
She wiped at her eyes, stood up and headed out into the late October sun, striding over to the paddock as she rolled her shoulder which was sore from the tumble out of bed she’d taken in the middle of the night. It was her dodgy shoulder, the one John had dislocated as part of one of his beatings, so she knew that was going to be troubling her for a good week or so now she’d jarred it again. But in some sick, twisted way she relished the pain. A physical manifesto of the agony she was feeling inside.
She had three clients that afternoon, so the time whizzed by and before she knew it it was half four and Mary would be arriving any second. She turned and headed into her office, trying to calm herself down, feeling her anxiety spiking. Thor, having sensed it, gently nuzzled his nose onto her lap as he always did and she sat for a quiet fifteen minutes simply breathing and stroking his soft head and ears, glad he was giving her something of a grounding. And then his ears pricked up as he caught the familiar sound of Frank’s truck and giving a low whine of excitement he shot off across the yard.
Taking a deep breath Fliss stood up and walked out of her office and saw Frank walking onto the main courtyard, Mary’s hand in his.
“HI…” Fliss greeted him a little tentatively, and he gave her a small smile, his eyes hidden behind his aviators.
“Hi.” he said gently.
“HI Mary.” Fliss looked at her and Mary glanced up, before she looked away.
“Hi.” she replied a little stiffly. Fliss swallowed and then took a deep breath.
“Do you want to ride today or…” “No.” Mary shook her head “Not with you.” “Mary.” Frank looked down at her “Remember what I said in the truck…”
Mary took a deep breath and looked down at her feet, her boots kicking at the slate gravel which covered the yard before she looked up at Fliss “I just want to do my jobs and brush him today.” “Okay, well, he’s in the pasture. Do you want me to come-“ “I’ll ask Joanna.” Mary said, as she let go of Frank’s hand.
“She’s in the back barn, tell her I sent you.” Mary didn’t reply, she simply headed off.
“She’s upset.” Frank explained as he watched her go. He turned to Fliss and shrugged “She’ll come round.”
Fliss gave him a small smile. “Do you want a drink or anything?”
“No, I’m good, thanks.” he shook his head “Think I’m gonna go with Stack, actually.” “Sure.” Fliss nodded, “I’ll be in the office. If she needs me or changes her mind about riding, just…” Frank gave her a tight smile again before he headed off.
Fliss watched him leave, claiming her hand over her mouth tightly before she pinched the bridge of her nose, screwing up her eyes to try and stem the tears which were threatening to come. Composing herself she turned and headed back into her office and started to busy herself with some lesson plans.
It was about forty minutes later when there was a knock at the door and Frank poked his head in.
“We’re gonna get off.” he said, “Do you want Monty back out or…”
“No, it’s fine.” she stood up “I’ll do it later once he’s been fed.” At that he nodded, turning to go.
“Is Mary ok?” Fliss asked and Frank stopped. He took a deep breath and turned to face her.
“What do you think?” Frank’s voice was a little harsher than it had been before and Fliss hung her head.
“Sorry. Can I talk to her.” “Be my guest.” he shrugged, turning once more to leave “Not sure it will do you much good.”
Fliss rose from her chair, her hands shaking a little as she headed out after him. Mary was packing her brushes back in the little box kept by Monty’s stable.
“Hey.” Fliss greeted her “Was he a good boy?” “He’s always a good boy.” Mary shrugged, standing up and stroking his nose.
“That’s true.” Fliss said, her hands slipping into the pockets of her breeches. “So, do you want to ride at weekend? We can try that jumping…”
"Why don't you love me or Frank anymore?" Mary cut her off, spinning to face her. Fliss felt her heart break even further as she looked at the little girl who was staring at her, her large eyes wide and wet with tears. "No, no Mary..." she crouched down and looked at the girl. "I do. I do love you, I love you so much, I just..." "You just don't love Frank anymore?" Fliss took a deep breath, a tear rolling down her cheek. “I'll always love Frank." "Then why did you leave our home?" Mary began to sob. "What did he do?" "Mary." Fliss shook her head "I just had to. I wish I could explain it better but I can't. You're too young to..." "Stop saying that!" Mary yelled and she spun round, pointing at Frank who had up until that point had been stood at the door to the barn, deliberately looking the other way. Hearing her outburst he turned in time to see Mary raise her hand towards him. "He keeps telling me that too, but I'm not stupid! Why do you both keep treating me like I am?" "Mary..." Frank said softly as he strode towards her. "Come on..." "I hate you.” Mary glared at Fliss who looked as though she has been physically slapped. Her head dropped and she looked down at the floor taking a deep breath. "Mary." Frank shook his head "Don’t say that." "I do." Mary's face was full of rage "She made you cry, she made me cry! She promised she would always be there and now she's not and..." "Okay." He said gently, crouching down in front of her, a meter or so away from Fliss. "I get that you're angry but be kind huh?” "Why should I?" Mary shook her head. "Because I'm asking ya to." Frank said softly. "I told you before on the way here that this..." he gestured with his hand between himself and Fliss, his eyes flicking to the woman's face as she wiped a tear from her cheek, “us breaking up...it doesn’t mean that Fliss doesn't care about you." "If she did she wouldn't be leaving me!" Mary blazed and at that point Frank shook his head. "It’s me she's leaving Stack, not you."
 Fliss took a deep breath and stood up, turning away, her hand covering her mouth. Frank glanced up at her before he turned to Mary.
"Go wait in the truck." He said to her gently "I won’t be be long"
Mary shot one last look at Fliss before she did as Frank had said and headed off out of the barn and disappeared out of sight.
"Sorry." Frank looked at Fliss as she turned to face him "She shouldn't have said that."
"It doesn't matter..." Fliss shook her head avoiding his gaze. "She’s every right to be angry. I have let her down."
"I think it might be best, certainly for the foreseeable if you take care of Monty." Frank kept his voice even and Fliss looked up at him, a mix of sadness and surprise on her face.
"But he is her pony..."
"Oh come on Fliss." He snorted and shook his head. “Surely you can't be that naive as to think that thinks could just carry on..."
"No but..."
"How can I bring her here if every time she comes she’s gonna react like that?" Frank ran his hand through his hair. “It's me that has to deal with the fall out and I'm struggling to deal with my own feelings at the moment"
 “Okay, if that’s what you want…” “No, I don’t want!” Frank shook his head. “I don’t want any of this, but you’ve made it perfectly clear you do and I’ll respect that. I just wish you respected me enough to tell me why.” “Frank, please…” “You left, with no explanation, other than it wasn’t working, but there’s more to it, I can see it written on your face.” his voice was level but his jaw was twitching “Don’t you think I have a right to know?” Fliss tipped her head back and looked up at the sky, blinking back her tears as he continued.
“How would you feel if I had walked out on you, with nothing more than some shitty explanation about it not working and needing space, when a month before we’d been planning for a future together? Fliss, I wanted to marry you, spend my forever with you and…” He trailed off, shaking his head looking around “I’ve spent the last week in a daze, I lay awake at night trying to understand and I just can’t…and that’s the worst bit.” Fliss looked down at her feet and shook her head softly.
“And that’s all you can do or say?” Frank snorted “Absolutely fucking nothing?”
“I’m sorry.” she looked at him, her eyes full of tears “I really am.”
“Yeah, well, so am I.” he said simply, “let me know when you want to collect your stuff from the apartment, I’ll make sure it’s ready.” and with that he turned and left.
“I think it’s the fuel line…” Bill walked back into the office where Fliss and Verity were sat having a coffee whilst he had been taking a look at Fliss’ wagon. It was early Friday evening and she’d wanted nothing more than to load Heidi up and take her for a blast down the beach to clear her mind, but when she had gone to start the wagon to move it out so she could load up her tack it had refused to start. “But I can’t be certain. Not something I can sort really…you’ll need a mechanic.” he turned to look at her “If only you knew one…” “Don’t start Dad.” Fliss shook her head. “Just…”
“Bill…” Verity gave him a warning glare, and Bill simply took a deep breath, shaking his head.
“I’ll speak to Alan, see if he knows a decent one that can come look at it.”
“Thanks.” Fliss said, standing up “I’m gonna go check the fields. Can you just throw the keys back in the drawer?”
“Sure, see you at home yeah?”
She nodded, called Thor to her and headed out.
Bill shook his head and moved to open the drawer to the desk. He tossed the keys inside, and then frowned as he saw the manila envelope that was stuffed inside.
“What is it?” Verity asked.
“That…that’s a Boston post mark….” he mumbled, lifting it out. With a frown, knowing full well there was only one person really from Boston that would be sending Fliss stuff, he turned it over and pulled out the printed photograph. His eyes scanned it and he let out an angry noise and strode out into the courtyard.
“Fliss!” he bellowed “Fliss, get back here right now…” “What’s going on?” Verity asked, and he thrust the photo at her by means of an explanation.
Fliss, having heard her dad shouting stopped dead and turned back to look at the office. She glanced down at Thor before she turned back and headed towards him.
“What’s…” she stopped dead as she saw the envelope on the desk and the photo in her mother’s hand.
“Care to explain this?” Bill said, snatching the paper out of Verity’s fingers and slamming it down on the desk."
"You had no right to go looking through my stuff." she looked at him, angrily.
 "Oh cut the crap, Liss." Bill shook his head “When did you get that?”
“Last Wednesday.” she said softly.
“Last Wednesday?” Verity frowned, “that was the day you finished with Frank…” she trailed off as the dots connected in her head as Fliss looked down at the floor. “Oh please tell me I’m wrong…” 
Fliss didn’t respond.
“I cannot believe you.” Bill looked at her “This? This is why you ended it? Over some pathetic threat without even telling him?"
"It isn’t pathetic!" Fliss looked up at her dad, her eyes blazing. "I know what he is capable of..."
"Well in that case don't you think Frank has the right to know?" Bill glared at her. "If you believe Mary is in danger then you should have told Frank and gone to the police..."
Fliss swallowed and looked down, shaking her head "I know John. This is about having control over me. If he thinks he’s won he will leave them alone…”
"You’re so fucking stupid." Bill sighed.
“Bill…” Verity spoke gently, trying to calm him down but he was too far gone to listen.
"You've let him win Liss, after everything you went through….”
"This isn’t about him winning!" Fliss practically screamed "This about keeping Mary and Frank safe...not only from him but…well, can you imagine what Frank would have done if he’d seen that?"
“So have you rung John and told him you've done what he wants?"
“Of course I fucking haven't"
"No fault whatsoever in your logic there, huh Titch..." Bill snorted, sarcastically "Tell me, how exactly do you expect him to know it’s over?"
 Fliss looked at her dad for a moment, floundering for a response. But she didn’t have one.
"Frank has a right to know about that photo, and more so he deserves to understand why you walked out on him." Bill shook his head, as Verity gently placed a hand on his arm. 
“"If you wanna discuss rights then I don’t have the right to put a target on his or Mary’s back.” Fliss screamed back before she took a deep breath, shaking her head “Now I’m going for a walk. See you at home.”
Bill watched as she left the office, an angry noise escaping from his throat.
“You were a bit hard on her there Billy.” Verity said, looking at him.
“She needed it.” Bill sighed. He placed both his hands on the desk and hung his head slightly “I can’t believe she’s been so stupid.” “She’s scared.” Verity said gently “She’s not thinking straight…” “You can say that again.” he looked at the photo for a second before he reached out and grabbed it, shoving it back in the envelope. He paused for a second, holding it in his hand before he turned to Verity “And I’m not standing for it…come one” “Where are we going?” Verity called after him as they made their way towards his car.
“To find Frank.” “Bill, we can’t…” Verity shook her head “If we go behind her back…” “Then you can wait in the car Verity.” he looked at her. “I don’t care what she says anymore, I’m not standing back and watching her throw anymore of her life away over that ass hole. And that aside, Frank has a right to know. So seeing as she’s too fucking stubborn to do it herself, then I’m gonna do it for her.”
***** “Thought I might find you here.”
Frank turned to look at Bill as he slid into the seat at the opposite side of the table to him in Ferg’s.
“Yeah well, not like I got much else to do.” Frank shrugged, taking a drink from his bottle.
“How many have you had?” Bill asked
“What are you my dad?” Frank shot back, turning to glare at him. Bill merely raised his eyebrows in response and Frank sighed, shaking his head.
“Sorry…” he took a deep breath “This is my first. Not been here long”
“Good. You're still sober enough to think straight.” “Think straight about what?” Frank frowned. After a second or so pause Bill reached into his pocket and slid an envelope across the surface of the table.
“What’s this?” Frank frowned.
“An explanation.” Bill sighed, “Well, of sorts anyway.” Frank looked at him, frowning before he placed his bottle down and picked the envelope up. He pulled out the paper from inside and glanced down at it. As soon as he saw the message typed out he felt the heat rise up his neck and into his face, anger flooding his system.
“Fuck.” Frank said loudly, shaking his head “He sent this?” Bill nodded.
“And this...this is why she broke it off?” “She thought if she finished it, gave John what he wanted as in to make her life a fucking misery, that he’d back off and it would mean you and Mary were safe.” Frank ran his hand through his hair “Why the fuck didn't she tell me?” “Because she was scared. Scared of what he would do and scared of your reaction” “My reaction?”
“Tell me you’re not thinking about hunting the fucker down and killing him yourself.” Bill looked at him and Frank looked away.
“If it wasn’t for Mary I’d have done that months ago.” he shook his head.
“Exactly. She was worried that this might have been that step that pushed you over the edge.” Bill shrugged. “Look, I’m not saying she’s right... in fact I’ve told her the opposite but, well, I just thought you had a right to know.”
“Can I keep this?” Frank asked after a moment’s pause “Regardless of what Fliss says, I’m taking this to the police this time.” “By all means.” Bill said. “But they’ll want to speak to Fliss so…”
“Tough.” Frank shrugged. “Now he’s pulled Mary into it I’m not fucking about anymore Bill.”
Bill nodded and stood up, clapping him on the shoulder. “Don’t think too badly of her Frank. I know she’s fucked up but she did think she was doing the right thing. We do stupid things to protect the people we love, as you know only too well.” Frank looked up at him and then back down to the photo. Bill turned to leave before he stopped and looked back over his shoulder.
“By the way, she’ll be at the yard.” He said, locking eyes with Frank. “Probably for another hour or so if the last week has been anything to go by. Just in case you wanted a more detailed explanation straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak.”
And with that he left Frank at the bar. Frank once more glanced down at the photo, before he rubbed at his beard. Now he had his explanation, his head was a mess of thoughts. He was angry, so angry that she’d done this, that she’d kept this from him but despite all of that, despite the fury and resentment he was feeling he couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of sympathy for her, that she’d tried to deal with all this on her own to keep him and Mary from having to.
“You fucking idiot, Lissy��” he mumbled, before he shoved the photo back in the envelope and stood up, heading out to his truck.
**** Fliss was hanging Heidi’s bridle up in the tack room after a spontaneous ride around the fields when Thor gave a quick bark and shot out. Frowning, she headed to the door of the office, her eyes growing wide as she saw Frank striding purposely towards her, the setting sun illuminating his tall figure and the familiar envelope clutched in his hand.
“Care to explain this?” he waved it in the air as he reached the office threshold
“How did you…” “Your Dad.” he said, thrusting it at her “He came to find me. Thought I had a right to know, and you know what…I’m kinda inclined to agree with him.”
“Frank…” “Were you ever gonna tell me?” he asked, tossing the envelope onto the desk “That he had made a threat towards Mary?” “I dealt with it.” she shook her head “There was no need to worry you.”
“You dealt with it?” His voice was disbelieving “How? By ending things?” “Yes.” She nodded “Breaking it off with you…it was the best way of keeping you both safe.” “You are fucking unbelievable.” he shook his head “You ripped our lives from underneath us…”
“This hasn’t been easy on me either Frank!” she cut him off, angrily “Fuck, leaving you…it broke me. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before. You know, I’d rather take thousand beatings from John over that because…” she trailed off as Frank looked at her, her words sinking in as she shook her head and looked away, tears falling down her face “…because at least the physical pain would die down…”
“Don’t.” Frank shook his head, his voice cracking “Don’t say that.”
“It’s the truth. I had to keep you safe.” she turned her head to face him, “Both of you…”
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” he pressed.
Fliss looked at him, her mouth opening before she shut it again and shook her head, her eyes dropping to the floor “I had to keep you safe…” “Keep us safe…that’s not answering my question.” She shook her head again. “Damnit Lissy, look at me.”
She raised her face to his, obediently.
“Why?” he pressed.
“I was frightened it might tip you over the edge…make you do something stupid.”
“Stupid? Like what?” “Like go and hunt him down.” she swallowed.
“Yes!” she nodded. “You moved Mary over a thousand miles to keep her away from your own mother...”
“That is NOT the same…” Frank blazed at her
“And I was scared that if you saw this…you’d do something bad and then both of us would end up without you and…” “Fuck!”  Frank exploded, slamming his open palm down on the desk with a loud bang. Fliss immediately jumped back, her eyes wide with fright and Frank took a deep breath, as he realised he’d scared her. Besides him Thor gave a low rumble of a growl, and the large dog moved towards Fliss, turning his eyes on Frank. Fliss laid a hand on his head.
“Thor, shh…” she said softly, and he immediately stopped, but never once averted his gaze from Frank.
“Sorry, I…” Frank swallowed, concentrating on his breathing as he looked at her. “Why didn’t you just talk to me?” “I don’t know…I’m sorry.” she sniffed, wiping her face. “I just…”
“Have I ever given you reason to be scared of what I’d do or say or…” “No, of course not…” “So what the fuck makes you think I wouldn’t understand how upset and scared you were over this?”
“I don’t know.” she shrugged “I wasn’t thinking straight…” “You weren’t thinking at all…” Frank shook his head “I can’t believe you’ve been so goddamned stupid.”
“I’m sorry…” she looked at him, looking down “I know…I was an idiot and you’ve every right to be angry and hate me…” “I don’t hate you Liss.” Frank sighed softly “I fucking love you, more than I can even begin to explain.” At that Fliss let out a loud sniff and wiped at her nose with her hand. 
“And you know what the worst thing about all this is?” He spoke again and she looked at him, waiting for him to finish. “Is that I know I’ll never be able to stop loving you.”
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. It was the truth, he couldn't ever see a point in his life where he would be able to switch those feelings off. Fliss' drew in a ragged breath and as he looked at her he saw something on her face which he recognised instantly, it was the same look she had worn when she told him she had found out John had been released, utter broken helplessness. She shook her head sadly and he could do nothing but watch, his own chest rising and falling deeply as she slid down to the floor, her knees buckling beneath her. Thor pushed his face into hers, gently nuzzling at her as she tangled her hands into his fur.
"I don’t deserve to be loved..." she shook her head as her silent tears continued to flow freely "not at that cost..."
Her words hit Frank like a tonne of bricks and he took a deep breath and shook his head.
“Don’t…” he stumbled over his words slightly as he took a step towards her “Don’t say that! Ever again you hear me?” he knelt in front of her as she hugged her knees tightly to her chest. Thor, eyeing Frank again, moved back a little, clearly deciding the man posed no threat. Frank reached out and scratched his ear slightly before he gently placed his hands on Fliss’, prising them from around her knees gently, moving her arms so that her body opened up slightly to him “Fliss you are worthy of all the love in the world...why don’t you see it? Why are you pushing me away?” “I’m sorry… I’m… I…” She fell into him, sobs wracking her small frame as she pressed her face into his chest, her hands moving from her knees, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. "Hey...sshhh..." he hushed her, one hand on the back of her head as he cradled her to him "it's okay…” He sat with her on the tiled floor of the office, no longer even bothering to fight his own tears as he pressed his face into her hair and kissed the top of her head as he rocked her gently whilst she cried. Eventually her sobs began to die down into soft cries, her body finally stopped shaking as the cries then subsided into sniffles but still she clung to him as if her life depended on it, simply concentrating on calming herself, allowing his familiar touch and smell to wash over her, ground her. Frank made to pull back slightly, but the moment caused Fliss to panic slightly and she made a grab for him. "No, please...don't go...don't..." "I'm not going anywhere." he promised her quietly as he cupped her cheeks with both his hands, turning her face up to look at him. "You're a fucking idiot you know that?" She gave a soft, watery splutter of a laugh as she nodded in agreement, his thumbs gently wiping her tears away. "But you're my idiot." "I don't deserve you..." she shook her head, averting her eyes from his "Frankie, I don't..." "Stop it." He said sternly, his grip on her face became a little stronger "Liss, look at me..." She swallowed and turned her big brown eyes to meet his, the hurt and pain evident on her pretty face. "I love you." He repeated his earlier statement and she took another deep, shaking breath. "I love you too." she sobbed, fresh tears rolling out of her eyes "Well then..." He looked at her, raising his eyebrows. "The question is, do you think that's enough to put this behind us?" "You want to?" She asked him, her voice almost a whisper, surprise still evident in her tone. "Of course I do." Frank sniffed and smiled at her. “I never wanted you to leave in the first place, Sweetheart." "What about Mary? She hates me..." Fliss shook her head. “And I don’t blame her." "No, she doesn't. She’s angry and lashing out. She tells me she hates me all the time, remember?" Frank smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind Fliss' ear "You might get the silent treatment for a day or so but well, some might call that a pleasant break." Fliss gave a snort of laughter before she finally let go of his shirt, reaching up with both hands to wipe at her face. "I bet I look a right state." She shook her head, looking down at her hands as the fingers on her left hand began to anxiously play with the ones on her right. "No more than usual." He quipped. "I still think you're beautiful." "Charmer." She said, her mouth curling up at one side into a glimmer of a smile, eyes still cast downwards. Frank reached out and gently took her chin between his finger and thumb, tilting her head upwards. She looked at him for a moment before he leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to her lips. A soft, lingering one, that was loaded with meaning as his hand once more rest against her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, her left hand coming up lay over his, her fingers sliding into the spaces between his own. He gently, pressed his forehead to hers, his own eyes closing as he slid his nose up against hers. "Take me home." She whispered to him and he could tell from her tone it was a question not a demand. He opened his eyes to see her looking at him with a hopeful expression that matched the tone of her voice "please." He smiled at her and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before he pushed himself up off the floor and offered her his hand. She took it, allowing him to pull her up on the floor and lacing his fingers between hers, he gently led them both towards the door. Once outside he paused to let her lock it before he gently slid his arm round her shoulders and she leaned into him as they walked towards his truck, Thor happily trotting behind them.
**** Chapter 22
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The Long Way Home
Yet another side fic for ERHIT.
I'm so sorry all I know how to do is angst.
SUMMARY: Tabby and her mom drive home the long way around after a day out. Tabby tries to have a heart-to-heart with her mom but it doesn't go as planned. Leaving Tabby more alone than she could ever imagine
The way home seemed much longer to Tabby than what she remembered—passing through trees that all looked the same with few houses in between. They were driving through the town of Applewood Creek. After this, they would be entering the town of Maplehood Creek and then...home.
Tabby scoffed at that notion. Home? Home is where your real family is. The people who loved and cared and taught and accepted you for you. The people she lives with don't do that, and they're just going back to where they live. The closest thing she had to a home and family was with her friends. But now, she doesn't even have that anymore.
She rested her head on the cool glass window with her knees pulled up to her chest, facing away from her mother, who was driving the car. The miserable child had a dull look in her once wide eyes filled with hope. The only things that brought her brief solace were the rustling of the bags of groceries in the back and the low rumble of the engine that lulled her to the long-awaited sleep.
The older woman at the wheel kept casting pitying glances at her child mixed with concern that only a mother has. She looked to be in her early 30s and looked like a much older version of Tabby. Only she was slightly on the big side and had worse bags under her eyes than Tabby does from working long hours. She wore a lime green tee shirt and ripped faded light blue jeans from years of wear and tear. She had her red-brown hair that was littered with gray strands from stress. Same wide eyes that Tabby does, only hers was green.
Her mother often liked to bring Tabby along for grocery shopping since her "loving boyfriend" repeatedly refused to let Tabby out of the house. So to attempt to make up for the lack of...everything, she tries to take her out for errands, and they go out to eat and talk. It was their weird form of bonding during her mom's limited days off and away from the house, where Tabby was slightly more relaxed. She knew that Tabby hated going home, so they took the most extended way possible back. It was the least she could do.
But that's not enough.
Tabby could feel her mother's periodic gazes on her. She knew something was wrong with Tabby. Tabby grew irritated of her mother's pity constantly on her.
"If you have something to say to me, say it," said Tabby bluntly through closed eyes.
Her mother sighed. She knew she would have this confrontation sooner or later.
"It's just that...Are you okay? I haven't seen you happy in a while. You used to smile so much and had that lightning in your eyes. I'm just worried for you," she stated slowly and awkwardly.
Tabby snorted," You haven't seen me at all in a while."
She turned to face her mother.
"And for your information, no, I'm not okay. I haven't been okay in a long, long time. Why are you asking now?"
She sighed at Tabby's bitter attitude towards her.
"Look, I know I'm not there much. I just thought that for right now, while I'm here, I could help you with what I can."
"Well, for starters, you can find someone else who is more willing to play the part of the parent who doesn't make the 12-year-old do all of the work. What? Do you think he does any of the work? No, I do the cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Adam,"
Her mother went quiet for a minute. She knew who she was referring to.
"I know that your father can be a...difficult person to live with, but he does love you. You know. He... doesn't know how to show it. He's never had a daughter before, so he doesn't know what to do. He has high expectations of you, and that's why he's so hard on you. He sees himself as a failure, and he doesn't want you to end up like him," she explained while beating around the bush.
"Love me?! LOVE ME?! HE DID THIS TO ME! HE DID ALL OF THIS TO ME!" Tabby yelled as she showed as much of the multicolored bruises and scars that she could.
" I promise you it's not just from fights at school. Now I don't know much about love, but I know you don't beat your loved ones nor don't do anything to protect them."
"It will be over with soon. Things will get better. Tomorrow is a new day-," she started.
Those phrases made Tabby snap.
She was breathing heavily at her outburst, with her eyes flaming with hatred but slowly softened when she saw her mother cower and flinch a little at her yelling. Tabby realized that she was almost afraid of her and what she's capable of. Tabby knew exactly what given the events that happened towards the end of August. But the thought of her mother being afraid of her and loving her less? It was enough to make Tabby cry. She doesn't want to be seen as a monster.
Her mother sat up straight a little bit and sighed, annoyed and tiredly.
"I'm trying here. I'm trying to be a good mother. I'm sorry I'm not there often. I have to be the one to provide and put food on the table! Most of our arguments involve you; I'm trying to fight for your freedom! But I also have to do what's best for your brother, too!" she explained exasperatedly.
"Then try harder!" Tabby snapped back
They both looked at each other for a moment before sighing in defeat and saying the answer at the same time.
Even though the abuse wasn't good for Adam to be around, it was still stability, even if it was a nasty form of stability. Tabby would rather have Adam around what he's used to instead of getting rid of his dad, which isn't fair to him and having her mom bring in another man who could be just as worse as her stepdad. She was willing to do anything to keep Adam on a good path and provide some stability for him. So he doesn't end up like her. They both don't have the luxury to be selfish.
"You're so selfish; you know that? And you should at least hold some gratitude towards your dad. He saved you and us, and he made us better. We have a better lifestyle now," she scolded her.
Tabby fucking lost it.
The woman was crying as they pulled into the driveway and parked.
"Tabby, I'm- I'm sorry...I-I just wanted you to stop…."
Tabby began to unbuckle and opened the car door hurriedly.
"No. Great talk, mom. I can always count on you for anything now, can I?" Tabby said sarcastically as she slammed the car door and opened the other one, and slamming it before carrying the groceries up the stairs. The older woman just cried at the steering wheel.
Tabby entered the apartment. Her stepdad got out of his chair to see what was up. He just stopped in his tracks to analyze Tabby. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she had a red blotch on her cheek. He could feel the anger radiating off of her; He just raised an eyebrow at her expecting an explanation. Tabby paid him no mind and began to busy herself with putting away the food. She didn't owe him an answer. Not yet anyway.
Tabby's mother came through the door a few minutes later. She looked distraught, and her eyes were red and puffy as well. She hugged her boyfriend for comfort, and he led her into their room to talk about what happened. That's just great. Tabby sighed. Already she knew that this was going to be a long night with more fights and beatings while she struggles to explain why she acted out the way she did. And then they would both demand an apology from her which she'll have no choice but to give if she wants to go to bed at a reasonable time. Nothing ever changes. Her mother yet again chose him and Adam over her, and she was left to fend for herself.
That left Tabby more alone than ever before.
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sunmoonandeddie · 5 years
feelings are fatal (16/24)
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, past steve rogers x reader
word count: 3,336
summary: After the events of Endgame, you struggle to come to terms with what you’ve lost, though you’re learning that you still have something to gain.
chapter warnings: swearing, violence, heavy kissing
a/n: Here we go, y’all.  Sorry it’s taken me so long.  Also... surprise!
“What are we going to do?”  You clung to Bucky’s side as a girl might cling to her boyfriend after a long day at the amusement park, resting your head against his shoulder.
He shook his head, feigning as though he was looking for the car.
In reality, he was looking for an exit that wasn’t swarmed with HYDRA agents.  You two couldn’t go back since there were even more looking for you in there.
Even with your costume change, you didn’t look that different from before.
It also didn’t help that your mind was still reeling from the kiss.  Sure, you had said that it was because PDA makes people uncomfortable and sure, you probably wouldn’t have kissed him otherwise because Lord knows how the last time you kissed him went, but–
You shook your head to clear your mind of the memory.  You could replay the kiss later, right now you needed to get out of here safely.
And the sooner that you two got out of there, the sooner that Morgan and Pepper and the others would be safe.
God, it was all your fault.  You should’ve known that it wasn’t a good time for you to be going out with them.  Not with everything that had been happening.  With the way HYDRA had apparently been targeting you, you shouldn’t have been with them.
“Hey.  Stop that.”
You looked up at Bucky to find his icy blue eyes already on you.  “What?”
He wrapped his arm around you as he went back to looking for an exit.  “You’re in your head.”
Fuck.  Sometimes you forgot how well he could read you.
“There’s no way Pepper or the others blame you,” he said, his hand rubbing your arm soothingly over his jacket that you were currently wearing.  “It’s not your fault, malen’kaya, so stop blaming yourself.”
You rolled your eyes, nudging his hip with yours as you wove through the cars.  “How’d you know?”
“Because your brain is remarkably good at convincing you that everything that goes wrong is somehow caused by something you did and it makes you feel like a failure.”
Well.  Shit.
You huffed as he let out a laugh, squeezing you tight.  “But I’ll always be here to tell you otherwise.”
You rolled over for the eighth time in twenty minutes, sighing as you tried to find a comfortable position.  The digital clock on the nightstand read 3:18 AM and you didn’t think you were going to be able to fall asleep anytime soon.
Natasha slept soundly beside you, her gear thrown over the chair on the other side of the bed, along with yours.
It had been a rough few weeks sleeping on the quinjet, and you’d all finally stopped at a sleazy motel if only so all of you could rest for more than three hours at a time.
And yet, you hadn’t gotten a wink.
Your hand covered your mouth as you stifled a giggle, seeing the sight in the other bed in the room.
Sam, Steve, and Bucky were all crowded into one full sized bed.
The argument that had first happened over sleeping arrangements when you got the room had been exhausting.  Steve hadn’t wanted to splurge on two rooms and didn’t want the lot of you to be separated.  Wanda and Vision were already in a motel a few miles away, getting some much needed alone time.
There had been several different sleeping combinations that you all talked about and subsequently fought about.  There was Steve, Sam, and you, or Steve, Bucky, and you, but Steve didn’t want you sleeping with another man in the bed, even though you’d pointed out how ridiculous it was.  Then there was the possibility of Steve, Natasha, and you, but Natasha had quickly pointed out that she didn’t want the blond super soldier trying to make out with you (something he was prone to do when you managed to get a motel room) while she was in the same bed.
And so, Natasha and you, the two smallest members of your current team, claimed one bed to yourself while the three men (two of which were the size of river barges) took the other.
They looked like sardines in a can.  Steve was in the middle, sleeping on his side since the two others were prone to arguing.  Sam was on the side closest to your bed, his mouth hanging open and showing off the cute gap between his teeth.  Bucky was on the side nearest the window, his metal arm hanging off the side of the bed and his dark brown hair covering his face.  The comforters that they’d been sharing were half hanging off the bed.
You’d had to go down to the front desk to ask for those extra blankets since you were the least recognizable Avenger.
You’d also been the one to get the room while the others snuck in through a back hallway.  They wouldn’t be too happy to know that there were actually five people in the tiny two bed instead of just two like you told her.
Carefully, you slipped out of the bed, glancing back to make sure that you didn’t wake Natasha.  But she didn’t so much as stir, too deep in sleep to notice the lack of your warmth.
The cheap carpet was rough under your feet as you tiptoed to the glass doors that led out to the balcony.  You had to take extra care with the curtain that had been shut tight.  The glass door opened with a soft clink, opening surprisingly smoothly.
The cool night air was a welcome reprieve as you leaned against the railing, looking down at the small pool that was lit up a fluorescent blue.  There was a small diving board and slide that looked like they’d been built in the seventies.
You closed your eyes as you relished in the feeling of the window tangling through your hair.  You were close to the ocean, you knew that much.  Maybe Florida?  The seashell comforters and shower curtain definitely pointed to yes.
“You’ll catch your death out here.”
You jumped, turning to see Bucky standing in the doorway.  He was illuminated only by the light from the pool and the moon above.  The metal of his arm was hidden by his henley, his hand glinting in the light before he shoved it in the pocket of his sweatpants.
“I don’t know how you can wear that,” you said absentmindedly.  “Since, you know, you and Steve run hot.  And there’s three of you in a bed.”
He shrugged, coming to stand next to you.  He made sure to stand on your left, so his right arm was the one closest to you.
He probably didn’t think you would notice.
“I don’t like the cold,” he said, his voice a mere whisper in the night wind.
“Maybe you should retire here,” you said with a faint smile.  “Warm sand, sunny beaches.”
“It rains all the time.”  He leaned against the railing, his metal fingers clinging softly against the metal.  “And New York is home.”
Swallowing, you looked down at the rippling water in the pool.  “I’m sorry you got dragged into all of this.  I know you just want to go home.”
“Not your fault.”  He bit his lip as he followed your gaze.  Before all the HYDRA stuff, he’d have jumped in and pulled you with him.
But he wasn’t that man anymore.
Being so close to Bucky sent your heart pounding, and you were desperately hoping that he couldn’t hear it.
Or if he could, that he wouldn’t think you were afraid of him.
“What’s the first thing you’re gonna do when you get back to New York?” You asked, rocking back and forth on your heels.  “Like, when all of this is over?”
“Nap,” he said.
It took you a moment to realize he was making a joke, and you snorted, covering up your mouth.
He seemed delighted in your giggles, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners.  “I want a real New York hot dog.  From a street vendor.  And covered in relish, ketchup, and mustard.  And then I’m gonna take myself to the cinema and spend an entire day watching movies.”
“Mind if I join you?” You asked with a weak grin.  “I haven’t been to the movies in…  Well, in forever.”
“Doesn’t Steve ever take you?”
“He was always too busy.”
Which was true.  There was always some mission to go on, some meeting to attend, some paperwork to finish.
“I kept promising to wait to watch movies with him, and then he was never able to go,” you said, frowning as you realized just how often you made plans with your boyfriend, only for him to cancel for work.
“That’s… awful,” Bucky said.  His voice was so low and gravelly, almost like a purr.  He was looking at you as though he was about to say something more, but he just turned his face back to the pool.
You rubbed one ankle against the other, trying to hide how sad it actually made you.  “I knew what I was getting into when I started dating him.  Captain America comes first.  Always has.”
“I…”  Bucky broke off, shaking his head.  His jaw clenched in frustration.  “That’s ridiculous.”
“It is what it is.”
“We’re running out of time,” you said, half to yourself and half to Bucky.
The HYDRA agents were starting to close in, searching the rows of cars.
“Bucky,” you said softly, your heart racing.
“I know.  I’m thinking,” he snapped, clearly stressing out.
It wasn’t like either of you to panic over an ambush, but you’d never had to worry about Morgan or the other kids before.
“We could try the kiss thing again,” he said.
You tripped, catching yourself on his arm.  “You want…”
The HYDRA agents were drawing closer and closer.
“Just go with it,” he said as he tried the door of the SUV parked to your left.
Thank God, it was unlocked.
He pulled you inside, the leather seats squeaking under you two.  Through the front windshield, you got a glimpse of two agents coming up to the car.
Right as they got closer, Bucky pulled you to him, his lips meeting yours.  This kiss was much different than the one inside the park.
It was… passionate.  Raw.
His hands held your face so gently, though.  You wavered, the strength of the kiss starting to knock you backwards.  He wrapped one arm around your waist, dipping under the jacket and holding you tight to his chest.  You could feel every ridge of his steel arm through the thin fabric of your shirt.
He carefully maneuvered the two of you so he was sitting down and you were straddling his lap.
A fire spread under your skin from where he was touching you, lighting up your nerves.
Without thinking, you rolled your hips down against his, eliciting a deep groan from the super soldier.  His metal arm tightened around you, squeezing you to him.  His lips trailed from yours, attacking your neck and nipping at your ear.  There was something suspiciously hard pressing into your leg, but you couldn’t stop to… properly investigate.
You were vaguely aware of the two HYDRA agents peering into the windows, their chatter barely audible over the feelings in your head.
“Just a couple sneaking in a quickie,” one of them said, seemingly a little embarrassed by the fact that he had looked in on the two of you.
A whimper escaped your lips as Bucky squeezed your hip, leaning his forehead against yours.  He seemed to be just as breathless as you, his chest heaving.
“We should…  We should wait a little longer before we leave,” you said, your hands resting on his chest.
He nodded, his nose brushing against yours.  The bill of his hat knocked softly against your forehead.  “Yeah…  Yeah.”
The two of you sat there, neither of you daring to move.  The air was hot and thick with tension.
A giggle fell from your lips and you hid your mouth, your eyes crinkling as you looked down at Bucky.
“What is it?” He asked, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
“Natasha would be so proud of our spy skills right now,” you said, breaking out into laughter.
He quickly followed after, his body shaking from the strength of it.  His chest vibrated as you leaned your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes.  “She would.”
And the strangest thing, was that Steve hadn’t crossed your mind once.
“I think this is the most quiet we’ve gotten in months,” you said, breaking the soft quiet of the car.  The atmosphere had shifted, going from being fiery hot to soft and sweet, tender.
“That’s because Sam isn’t here,” Bucky said, running his fingers through your hair carefully.
“Shush, he’s your best friend.”
“So are you.”
Biting your lip, you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.  “You’re my best friend, too…  Though Morgan might be a little more best than you.”
He smirked, holding you tightly.  “As long as it’s Morgan, I’m okay with that.”
Speaking of the kid, you pulled your phone out of your back pocket, groaning as you saw a slew of text messages.
From: Pepper
Let me know when you two are safe.
From: Pepper
From: Pepper
Are you two okay?
From: Pepper
What’s going on?
From: Pepper
I will call the police and report you two as missing if you don’t answer your goddamn phone.
Bucky chuckled as he read the texts, shaking his head.  “She’s in full mom mode.”
“Yeah, but you’re a hundred year old man.  If anyone has a mom mode, it should be you,” you teased.
“You’re a minx,” he said as he helped you gently off of him, setting you on the seat beside him.
You straightened out your hair and your clothes, suddenly remembering that you had just been grinding on him a few minutes before.  “We should go,” you said as you peered out of the windows, not spotting any HYDRA agents.
“Yeah,” he said, coughing and readjusting the hat on his head.
Biting your lip, you took a moment to just look at him.
You’d found yourself doing that a lot lately.  Just looking at him.
He was pretty.  Of course, you knew that already.  You’d known that since you first met him.
Even when he was all dirty and greasy and more often than not, blood-splattered, he was gorgeous.  He was sexy and dangerous and it made you want to be rebellious.
But now, there was something softer to him.  There was a kindness in his eyes that hadn’t been there when you were a teenager.
There was a love in your heart that wasn’t there when you were a teenager.
The love that you had for him all those years ago had been a puppy love.  Young and fresh.  You were clinging onto the one person that protected you, had guided you.
But this…  The love that was burning in your heart for the man sitting next to you was something completely different.
It was fiery and passionate and all consuming and holy shit, you were so in love with him.
You could try to tell yourself that it was just like, that you were just in like with him, but you would be lying.
But with that fire, there was a comfort.  You knew that he was the person you could turn to about everything.  He was the one that you wanted to tell everything to, every dirty little secret, every bit of joy that you found in the new world that had been created after the Blip.
He was your joy.
Your eyes burned as you felt tears rim your eyes, and you quickly turned away as you dried your eyes.
You turned back to him, your eyes still stinging just a little.  “Yeah.”
But you watched, almost in slow motion, as he lunged for the door behind you.  “WATCH OUT!”
The doors on either side of you swung open, revealing HYDRA agents that had been hiding out of your sight.
“RUN,” Bucky shouted at you as he punched at the man behind you.
But it was all a blur, and you were in such a small space.
How could this have happened?
You were almost on auto pilot as Bucky managed to get out of the van with you, his hand in yours as the two of you bolted.
How could you have been so reckless?
Your feet pounded against the pavement as he pulled you forward.  The two of you were dodging bullets as the agents raced after you.
“Malen’kaya, you have to run left, okay?” Bucky said as you ran.
Suddenly you were grateful for being forced into five in the morning runs for several years.
“Do you hear me?!”
“Yes!” You shouted back, though you were confused as to what was going to happen.
“Remember that day you kissed me?”  He squeezed your hand, though he didn’t risk glancing back at you.  Bullets were ricocheting off of the cars.  “Head for that spot.  I’ll meet you there as soon as possible.”
“Don’t leave me,” you said, shaking your head as you clung to him.  There was a panic rising in your chest like a tidal wave.
“I have to.  But I’ll come back, I swear.  I’ll find you.”  He did glance back at you then, making you realize that there were tears in his eyes.  “I promise.  It’ll all be okay.”  He swallowed, dodging a Ford Focus.  “Ready?”
Taking a deep breath, you nodded.
“On three.”
You could do this.
You were trained for this.
Besides, Bucky said it would be okay.
He would find you.  He promised.
The two of you bolted in opposite directions, much to the confusion of the agents.
As you kept running, you were glad to note that there were no civilians in sight.  Someone must’ve sounded an alarm and gotten them to stay out of the way.
Your nails dug into the palms of your hands as you ran, pushing even harder as you saw the sign for the New York City Aquarium up ahead.
A glance behind you told you that there were only three agents on your tail.  The rest’ve them must’ve gone after Bucky.
You stopped in your tracks, skidding a little, before turning around to face the three agents.  They were so shocked by your ballsy move that they barely had time to register what they were doing.
You left them incapacitated on the black top, feeling much more at ease as you approached the Aquarium.
It was completely empty.
Your heart was pounding against your rib cage as you finally made it to the shark tunnel, relaxing as you saw the great beasts swimming above you.
“Hello again,” you greeted softly, pressing your hand to the glass.  A tired smile worked its way onto your lips as you leaned against the railing, watching the sharks, while you waited for Bucky.
Maybe…  Maybe when he got here, you could tell him how you felt.
After all, that kiss…  Well, you couldn’t kiss someone like that if you didn’t mean it, right?  You doubted that even Natasha could fake that sort of feeling.
You perked up as you heard footsteps coming towards the shark tunnel.  “Bucky?” You called out, heart fluttering as you headed for the entrance.
But you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the agents that were standing there, a black HYDRA symbol emblazoned on their jackets.
The blood was rushing in your ears as you turned to bolt for the exit, only to find several more HYDRA agents blocking your only way out.
You were trapped.
“Sorry,” the one leading the group said as he raised his gun, stepping forward.  “I’m not your Bucky.”  He pulled the trigger.
And then everything went black.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl
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Summary: What happens when Merriell “Snafu” Shelton has to get creative during a quarantine to make sure his girl has a very happy birthday?
Word Count: 3868
A/N: Reposting bc the original moodboard was too hot to handle according to the community guidelines ... 🤦‍♀️
Warnings: Smut (18+ please), but this is also tooth-rottingly fluffy at times
* * * * *
You eyed Merriell warily once more, unable to stop yourself from asking him for the third time in a row if he was sure he didn’t want to come along.
“Sometimes, baby, ya make things exceptionally difficult fo’ da wrong reasons. Now, go.”
“But it’s my birthday.”
Mer closed his eyes in a prolonged blink as his hands moved to his hips. He opened them slowly and fixed you with a stare before he said, as if he were talking to a child, “Don’t ya think dat’s why I need ya to go by ya’self today?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, thinking for a moment before it dawned on you that he was trying to surprise you.
“Ohhh. Okaaay,” you said, giving him an exaggerated wink.
He laughed and lowered his hands, closing the distance between you so he could give you a kiss on the forehead.
“Take ya time or all ah dis is in vain.”
“Two hours?”
He nodded, a soft smile on his lips.
“Two hours,” you confirmed with a resolute nod.
With that, you flounced out of the house, your mind working to figure out what he was up to as you hopped into your car. Since the quarantine had begun, you and Merriell made sure to get outside, driving to an old walking trail about 20 minutes from your house. It was nice to include the outdoors in your routine, although that often meant it was just a new backdrop for Merriell to seduce you.
You absent mindedly rubbed at your back, wondering if your scratches from the tree he fucked you against last week had fully healed. Either way, it was worth it.
Even though you missed Merriell, it was nice to be alone. By the time you made it back to your car, almost three hours had gone by. That was an hour more than he had insisted he needed for your surprise, so you drove home quicker than usual, unable to stifle your happy grin as you blasted your radio, cheering when 50 Cent’s In Da Club came on, leaving you to decide that maybe a quarantine birthday wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
You cut the engine and walked up the stone path that wound its way from your, well from Merriell’s detached garage and as you rounded to the front porch, you stopped in your tracks. Merriell was sitting on the porch, his arms spread out across your well-loved blue bench. He was dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt, just for you. You loved the way that man looked in a fitted black tee.
“Hi-ya, baby. Nice walk?” he asked as he brought his glass of whiskey to his mouth and took a long drink.
“It really was! And did you have a nice afternoon? Did you dooo anything special?”
Merriell smirked, “Stop fishin’ fo’ information ya ain’t gonna get til I’m good and ready.
“Speakin’ of which … put dis on,” he said, leaning forward and dangling a black sleep mask from his thick index finger that you mostly used for sleep.
You quirked your brow and stepped forward and pulled the mask on. You heard him finish the last of his drink before he stood and took your hands to guide you into the house.
“No peekin,” Merriell warned as you grinned.
“I’m kinda excited, to be honest.”
Merriell leaned over and kissed your temple, which was still sweaty from your long hike.
You knew by the distance you walked that you were at least in the bedroom, but when he closed a door behind him, you knew you were in the bathroom.
He lifted the blindfold from your eyes and you looked at him curiously as he moved to stand in front of you, his hand coming under your chin to lift it gently so your eyes were locked on his. His other hand rested on your waist, and you watched the movement of his mouth as he began to speak.
“Now, listen. I hate dat I can’t take ya out on ya birthday because believe me, you deserve the world, Y/N. So I’ve come up with somethin’ I hope ya gonna like. Get ready like ya got somewhere to go. Ya birthday present starts as soon as ya come outta dis bathroom. Okay?”
“You really didn’t have to—”
“Don’t ya dare start with dat shit,” Merriell said as he smiled and reached up to cup your face in his hands. His eyes flicked from yours then to your lips before he leaned in and kissed you.
In true Merriell Shelton fashion, it wasn’t just a kiss—it was a kiss.
By the time he pulled away, you were more breathless than you were during the entirety of your hike.  
“Shower,” he said, giving your ass a smack before he quickly opened then shut the bathroom door.
* * * * *
15 minutes later, you emerged from the bathroom, and your face lights up as you look around the bedroom. Clad only in your towel, you glance at the floor to see wildflowers shaped in arrows pointing to the bed.
As you step around them, still smiling, you pick up the brand-new bra and underwear set laid out on your comforter. They were a gorgeous shade of grey-blue and made of a delicate lace that surely had Merriell some kinda way as he picked them out. Dropping your towel, you stepped into the panties and then wriggled into the bra.
On the bed, there was another arrow of flowers that pointed to the closet. You were giddy as you rushed over and turned on the light. Hanging in the middle of your clothes was a bright pink garment bag. You pulled it off the hook and gasped with delight at the sexy new dress he had picked out. Pinned to the front of the dress was a note.
“This is as far as I dare go, darlin—shoes and whatever else it is you do to always look so good is up to you.”
You giggled and put the dress back as you rushed out of the closet to finish getting ready.
About a half an hour later, you gave yourself one last look in the mirror and gave yourself a whistle of appreciation. Mer knew how to pick a dress—just the right amount of tight, just the right amount of skin, and made of a material that made you want to run your hands all over it.
You had chosen a pair of red heels, figuring that Mer’s goal was two-fold: to do something sweet for your birthday, but also to make his cock hard without you even touching him. You weren’t about to disappoint.
Finally ready to leave the bedroom, you laughed as you noticed a note on the door: “Do not come out until you are ready!!!”
Shaking your head, you open the door slowly and give him a warning shout.
“Heeey! I’m comin’ out!”
Merriell appeared at the end of the hallway and his eyes widened at the sight of you. He gave you an ear-piercing wolf-whistle as he clapped his hands and made his way down the hall.
“Wow, baby girl! I mean, I knew ya’d look good, but goddamn. Gimme a spin!”
You obliged and twirled, only to be immediately swept into his arms.
“Ya smell so good,” he said as he began kissing your neck, his cock already half-hard and pressing into your hip as he rubbed against you.
“Speaking of stuff that smells good?” you said, your eyes shut as you enjoyed the feeling of his lips on your neck. Part of you wanted nothing more than to have him give you that good lovin’ that would have you on cloud 9 for the rest of the night, but your stomach was putting up quite the protest once you caught of whiff of whatever was in the kitchen.
With a last nip to your collar bone, Merriell pulled himself away and proffered his arm to you.
“Right dis way, lovely.”
You laughed at his antics as he escorted you into the kitchen, then your mouth fell open as you looked around. He had bunches of colorful wildflowers in as many vases, mason jars, and glasses that you owned. Clustered between were tea light candles, which set the mood perfectly as the afternoon sun faded into its evening light.
And on your little kitchen table, Mer had set out a formal place setting complete with perfectly triangular cloth napkins and a full set of silverware. You noticed he used your grandmother’s blue and white china and that made you feel a little sentimental, which wasn’t such a horrible thing to feel on a birthday.
“I’m … speechless, Mer. This is—thank you.”
Merriell was grinning as he ushered you into your seat, and your eyes lit up at the big serving dish full of pasta.
“Oh— da bread!” he said as he dashed over to the oven and pulled out the home-made garlic bread you had smelled as you came out of the bedroom.
“Everything looks so good. Ten times better than a restaurant!”
“And no one is gonna give us dirty looks if I become inclined to finger ya unda da table.”
You laughed, and silently thanked whatever powers that existed that Merriell Shelton was yours—no one had ever made you happier.
Dinner was delightful—Mer was an excellent cook and your conversation was as easy as it always was between the two of you, despite the seriousness of the topic. There was only so much either of you could take of the Coronavirus before you started to search out the most ridiculous news stories of the day to share with each other to see who found the funniest. It had become a bit of a competition between the two of you, but it was all in good fun.
One bottle of wine later, dinner was finished, but just as you were about to stand and stretch your legs, Mer insisted you stayed in your seat.
“Got one more thing,” he said as he dropped the dirty dishes he cleared away into the sink.
He made his way to the fridge and opened it, and his rustling clearly indicated that he had hid something in there from you.
Amusedly, you watched as he brought out a dish that had been wrapped in an inordinate amount of tinfoil.
“Don’t look at me like dat—you are da one who can’t be trusted not to snoop,” he said as he peeled off the layers to finally reveal a cake.
“Ooo, that looks yummy,” you said, sitting up a little straighter in your chair.
“Betta’ be. Pain in da ass to make and keep hidden,” Merriell said with a teasing grin.
“Is it? Oh, it is!” you said with delight as Merriell sat the tiramisu cake down in front of you, it’s delicious creamy-coffee scent enticing you enough to make you close your eyes and inhale as Mer put a candle into the middle and lit it.
He was standing behind you with his hands on your shoulders. He slowly began to slide them down your arms until he was able to bend next to your ear.
“Make a wish,” he said in a low voice that was really more like a purr than an enounced set of words.
Leaning forward, you closed your eyes and thought about everything you were grateful for and wished only for another year of the same.
Merriell laughed softly near the side of your face as you turned to thank him again, and he reached out to take a hold of your chin so he could press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“Ya welcome. Seein’ ya smile was worth da three cakes I had to scrap.”
“You’re a perfectionist and you know it,” you said with a light smack to his ass as he walked over to cut the cake, your eyes still trained on the way he looked in those jeans as he cut you a piece of cake.
“Dat’s true. Dat’s true. But I don’t hear ya commentin’ on it when I’m bein’ ah perfectionist between those sweet thighs ah yours.”
“Mer,” you moaned out at both the taste of the cake and at his words.
He shot you a shit-eating grin as he took his seat and dug into his own slice of cake.
As it was prone to doing, the air between you and Merriell shifted as you enjoyed your birthday cake.
The conversation faded and glances of longing took its place. You watched the way Merriell’s tongue traced along the tines of his fork as he licked at the remainder of a bite of cream.
Merriell stopped eating, mid fork to mouth, as you scooped up a bit of fallen cake and cream with your forefinger and popped it into your mouth, sucking your finger clean.
It didn’t help that you looked up at him and smiled around your finger before returning to your cake.
“Did, uh, everythin’ I bought ya fit all right?” Mer said as he cleared his throat and set his fork down next to his clean plate.
“It did,” you said in a low voice, one that Merriell knew meant you were just about done with playing polite for the evening.
“I don’t suppose ya might wanna show me how well it … all fits?”
“Well … since you asked,” you said slowly, “I do particularly like this little pearl that dangles … right … here,” you finished as you slowly pulled the front of your dress down with your finger, stopping beneath the bottom edge of your bra.
Merriell’s eyes had changed from sweet to predatory as he took in the curve of your breasts and the detailing on the lingerie he had picked out.
He blinked as his trance broke when you let your dress pop back into place as you leaned back in your chair.
“I’m going to clear away these dishes,” you said with a sly smile as you stood and gathered up your cake plates. “Whoops!”
Merriell watched as the fork fell from your fingertips, and he watched as you set your grandmother’s plates on the kitchen island, and he watched as you exaggeratedly bent over to retrieve that fork, your dress riding up high enough for him to just catch a peek of those blue-grey panties that framed the curve of your ass perfectly—
In all of .5 seconds, everything on the kitchen table crashed to the ground and you were thrown onto it with Merriell half crawling on top of you as he kissed you.
“My … cake!” you managed around his tongue as he licked at your lips.
“Bake ya ten more,” he panted before he shut you both up with his tongue swirling in your mouth, kissing you like it was your last night on earth.
By the time he had moved from your mouth to your neck, you had forgotten about the cake. Merriell was clutching at the fabric of your dress, running his hands up and down your body, just like you knew he would. What you could never replicate in your mind, though, was just how good his hands felt.
Moaning, you wrapped your legs around him and ground into the front of his jeans. He pulled back just long enough to yank his black t-shirt over his head. You ran your hands up and down his arms, squeezing at his biceps while his attention returned to your neck, his tongue dipping into the hallow of your throat before he licked all the way up to your chin.
“Mer,” you breathed, your hips grinding into his.
“What ya want, birthday girl?” his voice rumbled next to your ear before he sucked on the lobe.
“Your tongue on my clit,” you said without hesitation.
He chuckled, “Done,” before he straightened and scooted you to the edge of the table, his hands sliding up the fabric of your dress, letting it pool at your waist before he pulled it out from under your ass.
You raised your arms and he pulled the dress off, his eyes taking a moment to roam over your underwear.
“Fuckin’ gorgeous,” he said, his eyes locked on your face as he spoke, making you flush with pride.
“Lay back.”
You did, your head resting just at the edge of the small, but sturdy table.
Merriell stayed standing as he kissed down your stomach in a heated hurry. He slowed down as he moved to your thighs, kissing and nipping at them as you spread your legs wider and wider. He reached down and gripped your feet, pulling off your heels and massaging your arches before he dragged his fingers up your calves.
He pressed into the flesh of your thighs and moved his hands to your panties, sliding one of them under the fabric to grasp your mound. He pressed his thumb into your clit and listened as you breathed out, sighing at his touch.
He slid his thumb farther down into your folds, testing your wetness. He grinned as he felt how slick you were and he pulled his hand away, bringing his thumb to his mouth to suck off your arousal.
Mer licked his lips, thinking that the taste of you beat anything he’d ever whipped up in a kitchen, and he gripped the sides of your panties so he could slide them off your legs.
Dropping to his knees, he was now at the perfect height to eat you like the birthday goddess you were.
Hooking your legs over his shoulders, he leaned in and sucked on each of your outer lips, playing with them before he released them to place a flat-tongued lick up the center of your pussy, lapping up your arousal and swallowing before he reached up to spread your lips.
You were clutching the edge of the kitchen table, lost to the heat of his mouth as he worked you over in true Merriell Shelton fashion—licking, sucking, and teasing until you were a panting mess, whimpering for release.
“S’okay, baby girl—come any time ya want,” he hummed over your clit, finally pulling it into his mouth, sucking the swollen flesh until you squeezed your thighs against his face, shaking and crying out his name.
He eased up, swirling his tongue over the sensitive area as the last waves of your intense climax subsided.
He wiped his face against your thigh before he kissed up your body, leaning over you so he could rub his face in the space between your breasts and lick at the exposed cleavage.
“Free me,” you said with a smile as you leaned up on your elbows.
Mer grinned and reached back to unhook your bra, your breasts falling to the sides as he tossed the bra behind him.
He gathered them up in his hands, kneading them tenderly as he moved to work your nipples to a peak.
You laid back again, your hand sliding through his curls as he teased you with his tongue. He always looked so good, smiling around your nipple as he looked up at you, his eyes so full of love and want that it never failed to make you ache.
“I want you, Mer.”
“Here?” he said as he let your nipple go.
“Why not?” you replied wriggling your hips against his still-jean-clad cock.
“And take off those pants niiice and slooow,” you added, sitting up on your elbows again.
Merriell laughed, his eyes such a sparkling green as they crinkled at the corners.
“Dat how ya want me to fuck ya, too? Nice and slow?”
“No,” you said as you watched his fingers open his belt and then unbutton his jeans.
His thumb and forefinger pinched the zipper and he slid it down, nice and slow, the sound of the teeth opening almost deafening in the quiet of your kitchen.
“Mmm,” you hummed, your eyes zeroed in on where his cock was about to spring free.
Mer’s mouth popped open in a lazy half grin as he hooked his thumbs into the waist of his jeans and slowly slid them from his hips.
He wasn’t wearing underwear, so you licked your lips as his cock bounced, finally free from its confines.
Mer bent to shimmy the rest of the away out of his pants, then he straightened, popping his hands onto his hips while you admired his body.
“Fuckin’ gorgeous,” you parroted from earlier, your eyes trained on his face as he didn’t bother to hide the million-dollar smile you elicited.
Merriell moved to edge of the table and you laid back, hooking your legs around his hips as he rubbed the tip of his cock through your wetness, his hand working his cock to squeeze free some precum.
He pushed into you and you both groaned at the satiation of an ache that could only be soothed but the sensation of him filling you and your heat enveloping him.
“Ya best hang on, baby girl,” he managed before he pulled out and slammed back into you, your back scooting just a bit up the table.
“Uh-huh. Dat’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”
Merriell began to move with conviction, his hands under your legs, hooked at your knees so you were open to him. You knew there were going to be bruises where his hips pounded into you, but what a sweet reminder they would be of just how goddamn good it felt to be fucked by your Cajun.
“Ya always feel so fuckin’ good around ma’ cock, baby girl.”
“So good,” you murmured, concentrating on the way he felt moving inside of you and on the way your body just wanted to build itself back up to come for him again.
The kitchen filled with a chorus of moans and groans, of dirty praises, and of sweet mutterings of passion, and when Merriell slowed his pace, his balls tightening so he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, he leaned over you, deepening the angle of penetration and begged you to come for him again.
“Come on. Come for me. Come for me, Y/N.”
He pulled you up and against him, your bodies pressed together as he ground into you, your ass bracing against the table as you dug your heels into the backs of his thighs.
He kissed you, then, deep and passionate. He kissed you until you came, your mouth pulling from his to shout his name as your eyes rolled back.
“Yes, baby girl. Fuck, yes,” he hissed as he came after you, his hot cum spurting against your tight walls before slowly leaking out when Merriell finally pulled away, needing to sit down.
You turned to look at him, sprawled back in the chair as his mouth was open wide to catch his breath. He met your eyes and huffed out a laugh as you started to giggle.
“Happy birthday?” he questioned.
“A happy fucking birthday, indeed,” you replied, running your hands through your mussed hair as you shook with more laughter.
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cosmicclownboy · 4 years
"Not that I don't mind our little bonding one to ones but may I ask why we are doing this again?" "So you know that my toxic masculinity bro days are over. Me and Rosa did a quiz today and turns out blue is my spirit colour so let's get to it, Manes". 
Excitedly clapping and inspecting the bottle with his fingers Kyle looks at peace so who is Alex to object to it. He can't say teen Alex expected this friendship to flourish again let alone be sitting in Kyle's apartment with a bottle of red painting Kyle's nails with a shade called Sultry Sapphire. But Alex knows more than anyone that adaptability is a huge part of life. Change is inevitable. And this is a change that he's glad for. It doesn't feel weird or out of place. It feels almost like he's slowly refinding everything he once lost. Jenga tournaments as kids turned into drinking games and poker and fishing turned into going to the same gym. Eventually, Isobel fishes out which gym and excitedly exclaims gym buddies. It's actually really fun even if he has to witness his training on her Instagram feed. Being in an alien exist clubhouse is difficult him and Kyle have pretty heavy-duty careers and having the most practical sense vs the people in said group who would prod a bear simply to see how it would react well their friendship blossomed. Finishing the last touches he goes for the wine in a latte mug.
"Right this will dry in a couple of minutes. Then it's my turn, Manes. I hope you're ready for iridescent fantasy 69". He almost groans at the choice in colour with swirls of blues, pinks and purples Alex is immediately taken to the pieces in Michael's bunker all shiny and beautiful. Judging by the smirk he gets the Ortecho Valenti sibling team-up happened behind the scenes. "Seriously where did Rosa get these from? there are two women on the front having sex" "Someone she met in rehab - don't ask"
"So....hows things in the dating universe?" "Forest and Liz signed me to Grindr without my permission.....and there's only so many times I can open up a message to see literal junk mail. I also went out on a date with a man who's fetish was sucking toes he seemed unnaturally interested in the prospect of banging a man with only the one foot. Four times. Four times I've been set up with someone with the oddest fetish". This seems to gage a reaction out of Kyle who rolls a little around the floor with a chuckle holding the brush from the nail polish close to his chest trying his best not to sour the rug. "Alex you've spent the last ten years fucking an alien. You have a rain fetish dude and don't even try it Liz told me about your rain scented angst candle sessions" Oh, he is going to have words with Liz. "Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I got pegged behind a target" Alex groans heavily.
Liz feigns ignorance when Alex corners her in the Crashdown and she, of course, tries to bat her eyelashes at him thinking it'd affect him. He's a man of stone. He will not be immediately forgiving by a kind smile.Nope.Not happening. It at least has to include a free hug and the first round of drinks which occurs a week later dressed in his tightest jeans and Kyle moping because Steph left had him. Liz and Kyle made it to Planet 7 a place Kyle thrives in. "Look it's glitter night Kyle you love glitter night the shots are half off".Liz is doing her best to brighten the mood despite her own romantic failings anytime the name Max is spoken she looks haunted. And hey who is he gonna judge he knows how easy it is to get an alien under your skin he's hitting 12 years in a month and he's wondering what it would be in anniversary terms. Google tells him it's silk he almost laughs at the idea of giving Michael any clothing in that fabric the man was rugged jeans and t-shirts. When his phone is stolen by Liz who pushes a shot in his direction he remembers why he's here. Have fun with his friends. Solidarity in suffering. The drinks flow easily to the booth he's had a pina colada some other fruity drinks and a bunch of shots. At first, he didn't feel anything, not even a buzz but after twenty minutes he feels sluggish and slow. Everything moving at a different rate then it did before. You should call Michael" Liz is shouting it off from the dancefloor of which she's tripped twice on and yet somehow she's beaming. Everything just kind of blurs together after that doesn't even realise he's on his bed until his hands are grasping the pillow. And faintly he feels a kiss on his head.
Drinking is a fun idea until the Hangover hits. He's starting to remember why he doesn't usually drink. His head is just throbbing he's trying his best to turn on soldier mode darting his eyes around trying to survey the room. Okay, the only clothes by the bed are his that's good. That's great one thing he doesn't have to worry about. There are a couple of pills on a plate by a glass of water with the box to show him what it is. And he's pretty sure there's a bin by the bed and end table... Someone took care of him. Who? He takes a very long shower water hits his skin until he feels anew or at least a little more bearable. It's only when he's drying off and hearing a faint hum of music that he remembers. Oh god.
"Guerin, it's me, Alex ... shoul-should of probably said Alex first how can you know it's me it's unspecific. Can you come home now my beds all big and fluffy and I want your fluffy hair in it.I miss your hair it's soft. Can you come save me Kyle keeps waving me over to dance with a drag queen and a stripper and I don't want to- "MIKEY WE'RE AT PLANET 7 COME DANCE WITH US" He really can't catch a break. "You know every minute you stay in there is a minute longer the pancakes get cold. And you should know I make a mean stack of chocolate chip pancakes"
He doesn't know what he's expecting when he first leaves his bedroom. He's nervous. After the song, he promised himself he would not make the first move. If Michael wants him he's going to have to say it in words to his face and communicate it to him. He's tired of metaphors and unspoken words. Trust drunk Alex to immediately ignore what he wants and skip right to the stroking Michael's hair part. Which yes he wants to do all the time. He finds Michael in the kitchen using a metal utensil as a mirror checking his teeth, his hair before straightening his shirt and patting his jeans down. He's nervous too. His heart stutters a little at the thought. Michael places the table settings and looks up with a small smile. "Hi" "Hi" He gestures to the table. "It's not much I had to run to the store you have the cupboard of an 18-year-old student" Even hungover and tired he can't fight the smile on his face. "Between my work hours and alien scooby sleuthing don't always have the time or energy" "I'm sor "If you apologise I will steal all your pancakes, Guerin" Despite his head throbbing and his leg killing him it's probably the best morning he'd had in a long time. A bird is flying past the window. His dog is sleeping soundly in his bed. The smell of flowers from the vase in the middle of the table is melding with the smell of warm chocolate. And if he dares a glance from his plate he sees the man he loves chewing on pancakes slowly with a small smile on his face. It's peaceful like something out of a movie.
"I don't know if you remember the voicemail you gave me you were pretty wasted. I gave all of you guys a ride home. Valenti threw up on my sneakers I uh was glad I wasn't wearing my good boots" Michael looks the most vulnerable he's seen him in years moving his fork around the pancake in front of him. He drops his fork and squeakily moves his chair closer and reaches for both his hands. "I'm so sorry for everything. This past year especially" Michael is trying his best to hold back his tears sniffing trying to get whatever words he wants to get out - out. "You know I've uh been seeing a therapist the last couple of months and she's great you know she calls me out on my victim complex crap and gives me all kinds of homework that sometimes bugs me but it's been helping. She asked me to write a list of things I wanted and at first, I couldn't do it for weeks I just stared at the page and couldn't I didn't think I deserved to write one. Eventually, I did. Can I read it to you?"
He squeezes his hands briefly before bringing his hands to his cheeks softly stroking in encouragement.
"Number 1, Don't be angry anymore it doesn't make you happy it hurts you and it's hurt the people that you love. Number 2, Spend more time with Max and Isobel as a family. Number 3, Remember you are loved and wanted by Isobel, Max, Sanders and Alex make sure to let them know that they are your family. Number 4, tell Alex that you stole his guitar on purpose that day you heard him play at work once and you just wanted to know him. Number 5, tell Alex that stealing his guitar and falling in love with him was the best thing that ever happened to me. You can read the rest if you want" The list is the closest thing to a love letter he's ever gotten off of Michael and everything he reads is everything he wants for Michael. He wants Michael to be happy to love himself to know he's wanted and love. Even seeing minor things like I want to hold Alex's hand makes him emotional. He wants all those things too. He wants a life with Michael. He wants Michael. And everything he reads and hears as Michael reads out the lines without the paper has his heart racing.
There no longer are metaphors in the air it's words pure and simple.
He supposes he should kiss Michael but he chooses a different kind of embrace one he wanted to do for a while he wraps Michael in a hug it's warm and tight he hopes he knows in this hug how much he loves him. And if he doesn't know he can say he'll say it every day until Michael understands it. "Want to watch a bad movie on the couch and cuddle?" Michael's grip on his shirt lessons and a muffled chuckle and a nod is conveyed against his chest. Armed with coffee and a bag of chips they make their way on the sofa. The question of big spoon is gone straight away when Michael makes grabby motions with his hands. His head is pressed into his chest and Alex feels at home and at peace. They flick through the channels. "Have you seen this one?" "Have I seen a film about a flesh-eating octopus fighting a giant shark? no, can't say I have". The movie is terrible as expected laughably so but the thing that makes it one of his favourites is Michael's anger towards the films plot. "So the giant shark was actually a robot designed by a bored rich kid who wanted to prod fish which caused the flesh-eating octopus to become feral and murder a bunch of people? They didn't explain anything about the flesh-eating octopus the whole plot doesn't make any sense" Rubbing his stomach in low circles and dotting a kiss to his collarbone he smirks at Michael's investment. "And another thing -mmph" He leans back. Michael's eyes are closed his lips are puckered he pouts when he realises he hasn't come back up to kiss him "You were saying?" "I'm shutting up now....hey come back up here and kiss me"
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years
Hello hello,
here we go. Thank you for staying with me and thank you @lumosinlove for creating this world =)
This is still dark (but we’re getting a bit better) so please stay safe.
Chapter 10
They stopped in front of a big apartment-building, windows mostly dark, it was almost one in the morning. There was no doorman, no entry hall to the building, just a corridor leading to stairs and a concerningly dingy lift. Ouais, enfin… maybe I pay with my kidneys for this, after all.
The door to the flat opened, Regulus was pushed in and all but froze. He had never seen such a place.
There was no entrance hall in here either, the front door directly opened into a small living room with an open kitchen and a dinner table shoved into a corner, half hidden behind an overloaded laundry rack.
The windowsills were crammed with pot-plants in several states of... health? survival? decay? Books and knickknacks were messily shoved into the tall but sloping shelves lining the walls, which were painted in a soft warm yellow, making the room look sunny and warm, even in the middle of the night.
Nothing, not even the chairs or precariously crooked shelves seemed to belong to the same set of furniture. And was one of the table-legs different from the others?
It was... all over the place, really.
The worn maroon rug in the living area clashed horribly with the big, ugly purple corduroy couch and the mismatched and multicoloured throw pillows.
Posters of 80's movies -Regulus recognised Ghost Busters and Back to the Future- and lots of unframed photographs almost covered the wall behind the couch.
On the far wall were three doors, one closed, one revealing bits of a very messy bedroom, the other ajar, sporting a poster of a rather ancient wooden privy... What. The. Hell.
Regulus did not know what to make of this. He somehow loved it instantly while simultaneously cringing over all the chaos and all the stuff crammed in here. His, stylistically uninspired, mother would probably die of shock at the view and somehow that made the place a little more endearing to him.
However, he always thought of himself as tidy and some part of him died just a bit at the sight of the mismatched socks and shirts littering the part of the bedroom-floor he could see. This place, starkly contrasting the house he grew up in was bursting with life, messy and welcoming instead of an assembly of model rooms resembling what was shown in some posh interior-design magazine. This is what a home looks like, Regulus decided.
He allowed himself to be ushered further inside.
"Leave you shoes here please and put your coat..." Regulus turned around as the sentence did not continue and saw Ben looking at the overflowing coatrack behind the door.
"...Put your coat somewhere you will find it again" he concluded, nodding to himself.
Mateo already went past them into the kitchen and dived headfirst into the fridge. "We have some left-over Minestrone from yesterday, if you want, Reg."
Regulus turned, having disposed of his coat on one of the chairs. As he didn't answer for long enough to be considered impolite, Mateo lifted his head from the fridge, noticing Regulus blank stare
"Is it OK, if we call you Reg? Regulus sounds so stiff..." This warm, infuriatingly disarming, smile. Regulus could only nod.
These people rendered him speechless at a disturbing rate. Usually, he chose not to speak but with them, he often couldn't.
The only one who had ever called him Reg was Sirius and even he stopped that years ago. Could he really be Reg again? Was he allowed to? No, a malicious voice echoed through his head. You do not deserve that comfort. Remember what you did. Regulus felt sick.
"Soooo... Minestrone?" – "I am not hungry, but thank you" Regulus looked at Mateo, hoping he would not call him Reg, regretting his thoughtless agreement.
"When’s the last time you eaten?" Ben asked as he came from the Bedroom in striped Pyjama-bottoms and an old shirt. Regulus tried to remember if he had had lunch today. Not good.
"If you need to think about it, it is too long ago. You eat." The man stated as Mateo chuckled and put a pot on the stove.
"Do never deny again that you are a freaking mother hen", he joked while walking into the bedroom, probably to change, too.
Regulus hovered in the room, wary and utterly confused. He struggled to maintain a safe distance, still trying to fathom what's going on and why these strangers were more welcoming and affectionate than his family ever been.
A quiet but reckless voice in his mind - very different from the sneer that chimed up just a minute ago and sounding suspiciously similar to a younger Sirius- reminded him that he fucked up already and that he might as well go and enjoy his time while the universe and/or his mother were probably already in preparation to take him down.
A while later he was seated on the ugly, lumpy couch, nursing a bowl of minestrone. He was clad in a much too small shirt ("this is the biggest shirt we have, you are just a giant") and borrowed underwear (his blood-stained sweatpants were soaking in the sink along with his, also bloody, shirt) and wrapped in a baby blue blanket with pink chickens on it. Why does such an item even exist?  
The TV provided mindless background-noise while Ben and Mateo chattered along about anything and everything. Regulus just sat there in silence and listened intently. He never met people who would just go on and lay out their life in front of a person they just met. Let alone a person they found bleeding in the shower, mid-meltdown... Maybe their life history hinted on why they were so careless with private information.
And they really were. They told him everything and Regulus was confident he could write their memoirs by now.
Apparently, Mateo grew up in Manaus, Brazil So, it was Portuguese, not Spanish. ("That's where Rio Negro and Rio Solimões meet to form the Amazonas" The more you know...) He came to the US to study medicine on a scholarship, is in the last weeks of his training and only stays in Slytherin because-
"One cannot choose their training hospitals on that scholarship. No offense, mate." None taken.
They recounted how they met almost five years ago at an airport.  That, after spending eight hours waiting for their delayed flight, they were joined at the hip. "Metaphorically and literally." Regulus went bright red at the innuendo while Ben patted his back sympathetically, shaking with suppressed laughter. He and Mateo were huddled up together in a yellow blanket with... Flamingos? Where did they even get these bird-themed things?
Ben had a sister, Josephine, who stayed here during semester breaks ("But do call her Jo or she will end you.") After Regulus gave a pointed look to the closed door, he was informed that he did not need to worry about their noise as she slept like the dead and even overslept a fire alarm in the building last summer.
Jo was 18, like Regulus but already in her Sophomore at Boston University as she skipped a year in middle school. "Got herself a scholarship and does computer-sciences, the insufferable nerd and know-it-all."
"She's really great, Reg. Ben is just her brother and thus, bound to think she’s annoying." Mateo interrupted Bens speech about his sister.
Regulus allowed himself a minute of going over the relationship with his own brother. Sirius was annoying. Very annoying, to be exact. But if anyone except him had called him out in the past, Regulus remembered feeling a little surge of protection against the git he was related to... maybe this was a siblings-thing.
He focused back on the conversation in front of him, fascinated by the insight of other people’s relations and upbringing.
The siblings grew up in Bristol, Great Britain, and moved to New York when Ben was seventeen and Jo ten but he did not elaborate on why they came here. That’s why I couldn’t place the accent.
Ben had studied Art History at NYU and actually worked at the Art Gallery in the city-centre. Cleaning the rink in the evenings was his means to save money for a tattoo shop he wanted to open in Boston, where they would move, come February, for Mateo’s new job.
He got informed that a note has been shoved under Jos door, announcing his presence, a spare toothbrush was presented and then, at nearly half past two in the morning, he is left for the night with a hug (!) from both of them. How touchy they are.
Regulus was not cuddly, never had been.
Really? You loved to snuggle up with Sirius in bed. The voice of reckless young Sirius supplied unhelpfully. This whole situation was completely surreal but also comfortingly normal.
This is a dream or, more likely, a godamn fever-trip. C’est pourri! This is shit! Regulus sighed.
These people were mad... hell, they didn't even know him. Yet, they took him in, fed him (very good) soup and freaking hugged him good night. They probably even stayed awake that long, filling the air with their complete life-story to keep him from feeling lonely... Allez savoir pourquoi! God knows why!
Reckless young Sirius suggested again to just roll with it and Regulus began to wonder whether he, instead of them, had gone mad.
This life he had a short glimpse into, this night was not real for him. He couldn't have that, considering the family he was born into and his obligation to live up to their expectations. Not to mention that he absolutely did not deserve being cared for after he de facto kicked his brother in the face ruined and his career.
The tiny voice piped up again, but Regulus silenced it with an exasperated groan. Yep, mad.
He surely would not sleep here on this odd couch. He would sit here, mull over all the shit that happened in just this one day, wait for them to wake up to thank them appropriately, return to the Malfoys and sleep there for a week to recompose himself.
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asphalt-cocktail · 5 years
For the Sake of Content- Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Live Music is Boring
Summary: After walking in on your long-term boyfriend, Harrison, cheating on you and then losing your job the following day; your find yourself broke, jobless, and single for the first time in a long while. In order to make ends meet, your best friend since college, Freddie, suggests you start soliciting explicit photos of yourself, not only to help boost your confidence but to help pay the rent for his band mate’s apartment you just moved into.
A/N: Hi lil cuties! Back at it again with a new chapter for FSC. I know I said a new chapter was coming tomorrow, but I wanted to post it tonight because I can. Anyways, it’s starting to pick up from here on out! I’m hoping to build a lot of sexual tension over the next few chapters for what I have planned. Like always I really appreciate all of your lovely comments, likes, and reblogs! Seeing your interest is what helps motivate me to write! Also if you would like to be tagged please send me an ask, the comments get lost and then I feel bad when i cant find everyone :/
Pairing: Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex work, masturbation, sexual tension, some friendly banter between roger and reader, really corny dirty talk, it makes sense when you read it, not proof read, short chapter but don’t worry it gets better.
Word Count: 1.9k
18+ if you are a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing.
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Roger sat in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal, dressed only in a tasseled vest and leather straight legged pants while you shuffled out in your old worn college sweatshirt and a pair of sleep shorts, “Are those my Golden Grahams?” You asked, stopping at the entrance of the kitchen.
Roger glanced up at you, his under eyes were always slightly droopy and puffy, a stark contrast to his surprisingly wide blue eyes that glared up at you, “Yeah, what about it.” He answered confidently.
“Stop eating my shit, I barely have enough money to support myself let alone you.” You said grabbing the box from the counter and shoving it into the cupboard that held your food.
Roger shrugged, loudly slurping up his spoonful of milk, “Maybe you should get a job then.” He leaned back in his chair “How do you even afford rent anyways?”
You froze, your back still facing Roger. For the last few weeks you had made a decent sum of money camming and selling photos, not that you would tell Roger of all people. “It’s none of your business.” You reminded him while you walked over and pulled out your leftovers from your dinner with Freddie and popped them into the microwave.
“How did you even meet Fred,” He asked suspicious that his friend, Freddie, would dare to have other friends.
You turned towards Roger and leaned against the counter, “College,” you answered pointedly, “We had a digital design class together and he liked the shirt I was wearing.” You answered, you might still have that shirt buried in your closet somewhere, “Where did you meet him?”
Roger continued eating your cereal, “We used to live together, went to different universities, but he needed a roommate.” You had been to Freddie’s home during college, but never met Roger. It was a nice place, but always a cluttered mess, “Now we run the shop and play together.” That’s right, Roger helped sell clothes at the second-hand store.
“What do you play? The guitar?” You scoffed momentarily, “God, I hope you can play something other than Wonderwall.” You joked.
A small smile graced Roger’s features, if you hadn’t had been looking you wouldn’t have seen it, “No, I’m a drummer.” He gave you a confident smirk, the kind that would have caused a girl’s knees to go weak, “But I do play guitar,” He quickly followed with.
You nodded your head, “Ah, a drummer,” You said pulling your food out from the microwave and stabbed your fork into the left-over chicken breast.
“You’ve never been to any of our shows, have you?” Roger pressed.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Nope,” you answered, popping the ‘p’ at the end of your short statement.
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, I don’t really like bar concerts I guess.”
Roger scoffed and made a skeptic face, “Where do you see concerts then? The back room of a coffee shop? Some of the best concerts I’ve been to have been in the back of shoddy bars.” He sounded defensive now.
“I just don’t get the point of concerts, I can listen to music on vinyl or Spotify so why should I go to a concert!” You answered back, just as defensive.
“I’m going to call Fred and tell him that you think our music is too boring to see live.” He said reaching for his phone.
You felt your blood run cold, Christ Fred would have your head on a stick if he heard you said that; which you didn’t. You lurched forward, gripping Roger’s wrist, “No!” You shouted, “Don’t call, Fred.” You struggled against his grip
Roger used his free hand to jab his finger into your side, causing you to squeal with laughter and jerk against him “Let go!” He couldn’t hide his own laughter.
You clutched his hand against your chest with your back to him “Promise you won’t tell Fred?” You said, not aware that your shorts had been pulled taut against you and hugged your skin while the crease between your ass and thigh threatened to pop from underneath them.
Roger swallowed thickly, maintaining eye contact with your upper thighs, “Promise you’ll come to our show tonight?” He asked, his voice sounded husky and sent an involuntary shudder through your body.
“Fine, I promise.” You said frowning and feeling your stomach clench at his tone. You quickly released his hand and turned to face him.
Roger’s pouty lips hung slightly ajar and his face was lightly dusted pink, you assumed it was from the struggle prior. “Promise.” He agreed, “But I’m going to tell Fred you’re going.” You groaned knowing Fred would want to doll you up for the occasion.
Thankfully you still had several hours before their 10pm show, so with plenty of time to kill you found yourself seated in front of your computer starting your live stream for the day.
You were dressed in a blue baby doll lingerie that had black lace trim, it was simple and not too revealing; just what you liked. Your colored lights lit up your room and the backdrop you had hung up disguised it for the sake of safety and the camera was perfectly positioned to only show your chest on down. By now you were regular professional.
The red light of your camera blinked and your computer screen loaded before you finally went live. Your regulars were alerted of your stream and soon people began to trickle in and soon your room was filled with a generous number of people. The tips flowed as you interacted with your regulars,
Tank3939 tipped you 50 tokens!
You smiled a sickeningly sweet smile “Thank you tank, you know these tips get me nice and wet.” You sensually said, rubbing your breasts and pushing them together. Tank was a regular, often generously tipping you, “If we reach 1,000 tokens in the next hour, I’ll let you watch me fuck myself on this fat cock.” You said holding up a decently sized dildo, you tried to ignore how much the fake sensuality in your tone caused you to cringe. The way you had to act in order to score tips was perhaps the most annoying part of the gig.
Bigboy64: shit baby how much I got to tip u to do that to me
Tank3939: beautiful sugar
Mojo_Man tipped you 1,000 tokens!
You stopped, doing a double take on at the little red mark on the screen, “Th… thank you, Mojo. I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before.” You gave the camera a wink, “Always nice to see that men know what women want.” You said leaning back and spreading your legs, quickly swiping your fingers through your wet folds and letting out a breathy moan.
The tip bell continued to ring, and your moans threatened to get louder before you stopped, a sultry laugh left your lips “I got to be careful guys, my roommate is in the room next door… wouldn’t want him to hear me,” You gave a naughty giggle, “Or would I?”
Mojo_Man tipped you 500 tokens!
Bigboy64: u ever fuck ur roommate?
Bigboy64: Id fuck u if u were mine
You couldn’t help but grin at the comment, “No, I couldn’t do it, don’t think he likes me very much.” You answered honestly. “Thank you again Mojo, I guess I better get started now that you’ve got me all warmed up. I’ll be right back.” You said, blocking the screen so you could get set up, suctioning the dildo onto the hardwood floor beneath you. You turned around, exposing your ass to the camera and twisted to take the little post-it-note off the camera, “Remember, that little bell makes my tight little pussy wet.” You said once your screen came back into focus.
You sighed, lowering yourself onto the thick cock and sat for a moment allowing it to generously stretch your walls. God, even this fake dick filled you better than Harrison ever could. You leaned forward, sticking your ass out and arching your back and rotated your hips around the dildo, whimpering as you did so.
You readjusted your legs, spreading wider and leaning further forward. Your cheeks spread and put your pussy on display for all 523 people in your live stream. You moaned, pistoning your hips on the plastic cock. Your wet pussy easily glided up and down while your hands reached forward, gripping onto your bed in front of you for balance. Your hips burned while pornographic moans left your lips and your ass bounced with your thrusts. The tip bell rang, one after another, ensuring that you would be able to not only pay rent, but also buy another box of golden grahams for yourself.
Once you finished you gave your signing of speech, “Thank you so much my lovelies!” You said slightly out of breath, “I had so much fun with you all tonight especially my biggest donor for the might Mojo_Man,” you moaned his username out and for good measure kneaded your breasts in your hand before you continued, “Remember to subscribe to my OnlyFans and Snapchat for more content on days I don’t stream! I’ll see you again next Sin Saturday!”
You leaned back against your bed after you sighed off and looked through your stats for the night, 2500 tokens tipped by this Mojo_man, wow he must have really liked your work. You scoffed a bit, poor sap, you thought before you dressed yourself in normal clothes and left to shower and clean yourself off.
A knock on the door alerted you from your shower, your peaceful alone time, “What!” You shouted over the white noise the running water provided.
Without warning, the door opened,“Fred’s going to be over with an outfit for you!” It was Roger.
You rolled your eyes and slicked your hair back and out of your face “Couldn’t you tell me once I got out?” You frowned.
The door quickly shut, “No!” You could hear Roger’s voice growing more distant as he walked further away from the door and sure enough within minutes of your shower ending Freddie was knocking at your bedroom door and soon letting himself in.
“Fred,” You whined, “I look like a slut in this!” You shouted.
“I know!” He countered, “It’s my favorite look on you, you know that!” He straightened out the fabric of your shirt and skirt he had picked out for you.
You looked in the mirror, feeling stupid, “It’s just a bar, Fred. I don’t know why I can’t just go in some jeans!” you protested looking in the mirror.
You could see Roger’s reflection in the mirror, he once again changed his outfit. This time he was wearing an open floral print button down and tight black pants with flared legs, “I think it’s a nice change from that old jumper.” Roger always had to add his own two cents in.
You rolled your eyes, “Why’d you change again? Was your ‘lounge around’ tassel vest not sufficient enough for the show?”
Roger looked at you through narrow eyes, “’Course not, unlike you I care how people see me.”
“All right you two, that’s enough. We have to go over to John’s for the pregame.”
“Wait-” you protested, “You didn’t tell me I was going to meet everyone.”
Freddie scoffed at you, “Of course you have to, you’re a regular Queen groupie now!”
You groaned as Freddie wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you through the apartment, “Why can’t I be a roadie? I can lift stuff.”
“Not dressed like this!” Fred countered, “Enough, come on now we have to get dinner. It’s the most important meal before we go out!”
You tugged the leather miniskirt Freddie had dressed you in down and frowned, reminding yourself that you were only doing this to get a break from your mundane routine.
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poisxnyouth · 5 years
teacher!dave chapter 2. (d.d)
A/N: oops. enjoy. let me know what you think. -hailey
w.c.: 2.5k (sorry)
The next few weeks are slow and difficult: Mr. Dobrik loves to challenge you. He gives you the most demanding assignments you’ve ever had to complete, including weekly five thousand word dialectical essays analyzing the prose of whoever he assigns you, along with his regular AP work.
Every day during lunch, he pulls out your work and grades it right in front of your eyes.
Today, Mr. Dobrik scoots his office chair closer to the seat you always pull up, shuffling through papers on his desk and locating your weekly essay. You’d become quite adept at comprehending his messy handwriting, and since you’ve told him you can read it, he no longer attempts to make it neat and legible. He immediately leans over, paper on the edge of his desk as he reads it.
Both of you had also come to a consensus concerning rules, since you seemed to like defending yourself before he gave final comments on your grade. It was his way of essentially telling you he needed you to shut the hell up while he’s grading.
He had made a comment one day, something along the lines of, “Stop getting so defensive! I haven't even given you your grade yet. Just because I’m critiquing it doesn’t mean it’s bad, hun. You know I think it’s great.” The pet name wasn’t unheard of; many teachers call their students it and it’s not new, but hearing the word come out of his mouth as he flipped a page and met your eyes somehow changed the definition of it. He had started using it frequently when speaking with you.
Mr. Dobrik’s intently reading your essay dissecting Keats’ Endymion, scribbling his comments and circling areas. That was another rule: you weren’t allowed to look at his comments until he was finished. It was always a perfect time and gave you the perfect excuse to stare at him while he reads, scanning his features for reactions.
“‘Kay, hun, so I graded this at an 85. There’s nothing in here that’s wrong, but-.”
“Sir, it took me 6 hours to research and write this paper. I haven’t slept in two days and we have a football game tonight. It’s Friday.”
“That’s your own fault. You had all week. Manage your time better. And hun, I’m not asking you to analyze the whole damn book. It’s the first two stanzas! Anyway,” he says, “You analyzed it fine. You made sure to say all of the main points I would have. I know this is the poem you put on my desk a few weeks ago when we first started and I asked for your favorite, and I’m glad you analyzed its importance to you even deeper for me. I’ll be honest, I was expecting some Rupi Kaur bullshit. But yeah, I’m not kidding, you did great. Every essay gets better and better. I mean it. Really, the only things that’s getting you is your conjunctive adverbs and the flow of your sentences. Your conjunctive adverbs are terrible. That’s an easy fix, though.”
“Thanks.” Mr. Dobrik is leaning over, elbows resting on his knees as he looks at you, returning the essay.
“You’re very welcome. Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart next week, please. Anything else?” You shake your head no, eyes scanning through his comments.
“Then you’re free to leave, if you want.” He scoots back from you, returning to his laptop.
“Actually, can I stay in here? There’s not that much longer until the bell, anyway, like 15 minutes, and my next class is right across the hallway.” He looks surprised for a second, still not facing you as he nods his head.
“Yeah, always,” he says half heartedly, searching through his graded papers and entering them into the gradebook. “You’re going to the game, then? Since you talked about it, I mean.”
“Um, yeah. We go every week, since it’s our last year and all. Are you?” You fiddle with the edges of your essay, watching him as he works. Mr. Dobrik has one hand in his hair, tugging at the ends as his other hand continues going through his stack and entering numbers.
“I did the same thing senior year. It sucks realizing everything you’ve ever known is coming to an end. Enjoy it while you have it. I miss the hell out of high school. Why do you think I came back so quick? And yeah, I’m going.” He makes conversation, laughing lightly as you shrug.
“I dunno, to be friends with your students?” Mr. Dobrik looks at you at that, smile coming to his lips.
“That may have been part of it. I was close with my teachers. Makes sense for me to want to return it.” He keeps his eye contact, turning his seat towards you as he leans back, resting his chin against his hand.
He’d been playing a game with you since the first day, aware of how attractive you thought he was and wanting to push you in that aspect as well as academically. Even if you had been misreading his actions, wasn’t it only fair if you served it for once?
“How close?” You lean forward in response to his leaning back, elbows on your knees.
He bites his lips, still smiling as he breaks eye contact, rolling the pen through his fingertips. “Close. That’s all I’m going to say.”
You keep up the confidence, eyes flickering between his lips and eyes. “Sounds like bullshit to me,” you shrug, sitting up straight and crossing your legs. You watch as Mr. Dobrik’s eyes follow up the length of your bare legs slowly, faltering slightly before he meets your eyes.
“Language, miss. We were close. That’s all. I still talk to them.” He’s still twisting the pen in his hold, watching as you stare at his fingers.
“Sorry, sir. Close,” you repeat. “Like, platonically or…” His face twists, fingers quickly wiping at his mouth as he still flashes his smile, seemingly catching on to your game.
“Are you asking me if I’ve ever dated one of my teachers? Not that it’s any of your business, but no. That’s not what I meant. They’re my friends now, and I ask them for advice.” You throw your hands up in defense, shrugging slightly.
“It was just a question. You never know. Advice on?”
“Students,” he answers quickly, changing the subject, “What are you playing at here? What’s your angle?” You stand at that, his eyes following you up, lips parted.
“You ran out of questions. I’ll see you Monday morning.” Mr. Dobrik scrunches his eyebrows together at your words, grabbing your arm.
“No. Sit back down. We were having a conversation. Don’t be rude. If you walk away, I’m writing you a referral.” You obey, feeling giddy at his stern response and placing yourself back in the seat across from him, his hand releasing its hold.
“Let me rephrase: what do you want to get from this conversation? Because this isn’t academic, so there’s an ulterior motive to your questions. Tell me what it is.” He’s serious now, no fleeting smile spread across his face.
“Um,” you say, eyes moving to the ceiling.
“Look at me when you say it. Because I know what it is, I would just never say it,” he shrugs once more as your eyes return to him.
“It?” He nods.
“Well, you know-,”
“Wait. How old are you? Just asking. I can look it up, but you’re here, so…might as well just ask you.” His eyes are glued to yours, rolling the pen in his hands.
“18, but I’ll be 19 when I graduate.”
“Okay. Continue.”
“Okay, um, I mean, you’ve kind of like, been teasing me, I guess? And maybe - in hindsight - maybe I misread it, but like, you know, you’re cute and a really good teacher, and obviously I’m not the only thirsty one out of your students but I’m also a pretty hopeful person and-.”
“Alright, I’ve heard enough. You said what I was waiting for. By the way, it’s impossible to misread when I check you out, sweetheart.” You’re confused now, releasing your grip on your belongings and playing with your hands in your lap. You don’t know how to respond to his pet name. Mr. Dobrik’s maintaining eye contact, lacing his fingers together in his lap after placing the pen on his desk.
“So?” He asks, biting at his lips. “Let me ask you a few things. Okay?” You nod.
“You're 18. You're legal, but oh my God, I feel like such a creep for what I’m about to ask,” he plays with his hands in his lap, not looking at you. “Are you a virgin? I’m, like, legit just asking-.”
“No. I’m not.” You feel stupidly hopeful at the idea of Mr. Dobrik bending you over his desk and fucking the shit out of you, his fingers leaving dark blue marks along your hips. You shift visibly in your seat at the thought, and Mr. Dobrik notices.
You've piqued his interest now, looking at you again, “Who did? When?” His nervousness is dissolving and his normal cockiness is making its appearance again.
“Nathaniel Rogers. Spring break, sophomore year.”
“Ew,” his face twists, “he’s not even - what? How? He got lucky. Ew, oh my God, I don't want that picture in my head. You can do better than that.” You laugh, trying to ignore his compliments, as he puts his face in his hands.
“Really, um, I’ll be honest, that's the only question I had.” He puts his hands back in his lap and makes eye contact again before his eyes drop, scanning over your thighs and skirt. He meets your eyes again before speaking, “I just wanted to know.”
It’s silent for a few seconds, Mr. Dobrik taking his bottom lip in between his teeth and looking around the room.
“What do you want from me, Y/N?” You mull it over, quickly.
“Can we start over? From like, when we were going over my essay?”
He shrugs once more, assuming you want to forget about the conversation altogether. He scoots closer to you and takes the essay from your lap, leaning in closer than normal. You smell his cologne, and you can imagine him standing at the Macy’s perfume counter and smelling every option before dropping two hundred on a bottle.
“So, um,” his voice is low and quiet, “I like seeing this analytical side of you where you’re not just analyzing the author’s intent and how their life influenced their work. Like, we know Keats died of tuberculosis at 25, right? It’s really smart of you to connect it to the line where he says, ‘A bower quiet for us, and a sleep / Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.’ You point out how the times between his death and the publishing date don’t match up, but how it’s still morbid in its unintentional foreshadowing. Um, what I meant by not just analyzing the author’s intent is, you, a person who is around the same age as Keats was when he wrote this, considered the depth these two stanzas have and how they’ve influenced your life. Especially because it’s your favorite poem ever, and at least now I understand why. I feel like I know you better now. You explained it beautifully. This essay captures exactly what my goal is for the rest of my students, and I’m really proud of you, Y/N. I mean it. If I compared your first essay on this poem to this one, there’s a huge difference. You’ve grown exponentially even in this past month and a half. I won’t expect anything less from you, now, though.” As he spoke, you had leaned closer and looked over his shoulder, watching as his fingers point to what he was speaking about. He’s not looking at you but he feels your presence and how close in proximity you are to him; one wrong move and his lips would be on yours. Your fingers genuinely brush against his arm by accident, but the gentle touch seems to catch him off guard. He looks up at you, faces too close.
“God, I - shit. Are you sure?” There’s overwhelming hesitation in his voice, lazily blinking at you as you nod, murmuring a yes, please.
“Fuck,” he curses, “I really shouldn’t do this.” His eyes keep flickering between your eyes and mouth, his tongue darting out to lick across his lips.
“You can ask for advice later?” You offer, carefully reading Mr. Dobrik’s worried expressions.
“Yeah. I can. I just thought you didn't want to-,” you roll your eyes, taking initiative and leaning in because if you didn’t, he never would.
It’s a deep, timid kiss, your heads tilting as you pause briefly, your hands finding their home on his chest. For a second, you get an inkling Mr. Dobrik is going to lean out and act like it never happened, but he breathes in slowly (nervously, it seems) and leans in this time, one hand moving to your cheek.
Mr. Dobrik had been completely aware of your attraction to him from the first day, and although he hated the fact, it had been reciprocated. He never wanted his actions to reflect that, though, considering he actually liked his job for once. He had, in turn, resorted to light teasing, too much eye contact, and wandering eyes, feeling as though you always knew of his intent. He feels slightly guilty now, that you believed you were misreading everything he had done, but there's now no point in worrying about it. You know he’s attracted to you now as his tongue slides slowly against yours, one hand remaining on your cheek, the other on your waist. One of your hands have found its hold in his tie, tugging lightly on it to pull him closer. The other is on his cheek, fingers running over his stubble and down his neck, over his Adam’s apple and eventually gripping at the collar of his white dress shirt, undoing the top button before he gently pushes you away, standing.
Both of your cheeks are flushed as you look at each other, Mr. Dobrik clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair.
“Um. Can you come see me after school, sweetheart? Do you have something going on?”
“Umm, I was gonna take my friends home and get ready with them for the game, but-.”
“You don’t have to cancel your plans for me.”
“I’ll just tell them to hang around campus for a little bit, that I’m talking to another teacher?” Your voice is dripping with a strive for his approval, although you’re uneasy. He nods slowly.
“Okay. Sure. The bell’s about to ring, so, um, here’s your essay.” It’s awkward now, and you want to kiss him goodbye as his fingers move to button his shirt again, undoing your work.
“Thanks.” He nods, cursing himself under his breath before leaning in once more. He kisses you deeply, doing the work for you, before pulling away what feels like too quickly.
“I’ll see you later, hun.” You nod, not meeting his eyes as you grab your belongings and make your way out of his room, making sure he pays attention to the sway of your ass.
Mr. Dobrik’s pissed off at himself.
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