#day6 drama
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too-tmi-too-handle · 7 months ago
when it's rly hot out and you keep drinking water
but then every 15 minutes you're dehydrated again
then a little voice in your head asks you
"혹시...목마르세요?" / "By any chance...are you thirsty?"
then you know you watched too many korean dramas...
welp hope im not turning into a zombie
now i got freakin zombie by DAY6 stuck in my head dangnABIT
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tm-trx · 1 year ago
currents.03 [2024]
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selections from my week in media [14-20 january 2024]
"All Ours" / All (H)Ours
"Hmm Bop" / Hui
"Cold Killer" / Hui feat. Jinhyuk
"Sweet Chaos" / DAY6
"When We Meet Again" / Lee Junho
"Weekend" / Taeyeon
Pavel's devastating performance in Pit Babe this week. I am a loud and proud angst/whump/h-c lover from my earliest days in fandom and he made me cry twice. Fantastic job, kid.
The Brothers Sun {finished: 3 stars} - The acting is a little flat and I didn't find the younger brother as funny as I think he is supposed to be. But the story was excellent and it picked up a lot in the second half.
For Him - We finally get a definitive answer about what happened to Blue and it was exactly what I feared. I half thought he might be in a hospital somewhere, because that would still fit with how all of his friends and Him were acting. But no. The contrast between Him's supportive mother, who got him into therapy when she saw how badly he was struggling and Blue's abusive parents whose expectations made him miserable, was stark.
Gyeongseong Creature {finished: 5 stars} - This first part is brutal and I loved it a huge amount. But it did increase my desire to find a decent book on Korean history because what I learned in world history in the 90s would fit on the head of a pin. I need the second part to be released asap, pls and thank you Netflix. Also, will there be zombies? Because it seems like an argument could be made. If there are, I will watch anyway and keep a pillow shield handy.
Pit Babe - Gimme that sweet sweet angst. I knew what was coming as soon as Charlie told Babe how his powers could return and was not disappointed. Highlight of the week.
School Spirits {finished: 4 stars} - Pretty good teen paranormal murder mystery that my partner and I knocked out in one couch day last weekend. It's not super original: a high school senior dies on school grounds and finds out there are other ghosts stuck too - murder mystery commences. The characters were engaging though and the twist at the end kinda came out of nowhere (par the course for me though), so now I'm looking forward to season two.
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bs-ent · 1 year ago
myday rant incoming: ngl the backlash against naming the album “fourever” is such a non-issue to me 😭 i’m all about respecting different opinions and it’s valid to feel a bit sad but it’s true that there are 4 members now and after two line-up changes i’m sure they thought the general public needed a refresher on how many ppl are actually in the band, since they are, rather unfortunately, still named day6. i was on reddit and people are really writing pearl-clutching thinkpieces about the remaining members like they’re evil, petty, mustache-twirling villains when they’ve just been minding their own business and working their asses off the past few years. everyone involved has moved on and the members should be allowed to celebrate a new era
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loz37 · 2 years ago
Period drama week 2023-
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Lady Violet Crawley (Maggie Smith), the absolute queen of Downton Abbey. What more can be said?
Best line: I'm a woman Mary, I can be as contrary as I choose.
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Day 6: Favourite characters.
William Buxton (Tom Hiddleston), Cranfords resident dog dad. Have to give a shout out to Sykes, Hiddles may have been my teenage crush but he will forever be my favourite actor RIP.
Best trait: Hopeless romantic.
Elizabeth Butler (Charlie Murphy) she has it all talent to sing, brains to train as a doctor, born into money yet has a heart for those "beneath" her. Truly embodies the spirit of Rebellion, I wish she was in the second series or at least had more than that one line mention.
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Best feat: Joined the Easter rising faught and healed, all while looking stunning in her wedding dress.
This is in no particular order appart from definitely number 1.
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Best line: Wouldn't dream of it *sassiest head wobble known to mankind*
Captain Declan Fraser (Frank Blake), Sanditon season twos real heartthrob. Them eyes you could swim in with the sarcastic smile, why did any of the ladies look at anyone else? Heroic, intelligent, dry sense of humour and sensitive to boot. Austinesque swoonwodthyness at its peak.
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Abigail Hill (Emma Stone), so pure yet so evil, no wonder she is The Favourite. Amazing characterisation, still can't figure out if I love or loath her but I'm here for it.
Greatest feat: Changes the course of a war whilst holding the position of a maid.
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Benadict Bridgerton (Luke Thompson). If Colin is the labrador of the family, Benadict is the cat. Appreciative of the finer things in life, values aesthetics, is willing to play by his own rules and is very loving to his family (I especially love his relationship with Eloise, he doesn't understand her struggles but he still wants to listen and share a cheeky cig).
Best line: Poetry is the art of revealing precious truth with words.
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biorg · 10 months ago
PEAK if I ever saw one!!
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weirdkpopgirl · 9 months ago
Type of Boyfriends | Dream Headcanon #15
Headcanon: Type of Boyfriends
Genre: Fluff, a little angsty in some parts
Warnings: light mentions of anxiety and feeling insecure
Word Count: ~2.7k
Author's Note: I was actually planning on writing something for Haechan today. But I had the content for this headcanon pre-planned for quite some time now, so I just thought it would be good to actually write it. Also, I haven't been making a lot of group posts lately—so this is me making up for it lol. I know this idea isn't super original, but I wanted to make my version of it. I'm sorry if the scenarios are written badly, but I still thank you for reading ^ ^
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Mark is the type of boyfriend who feels like your best friend but with the added warmth of kisses and hugs. He loves taking you on spontaneous midnight drives, where carpool karaoke becomes your shared stage, belting out your favorite tunes together. Music is a big part of your relationship, with shared Spotify playlists that reflect your combined tastes and moments. Whenever you’re feeling down, he grabs his guitar and serenades you with Bruno Mars or Day6 songs, lifting your spirits with his husky yet gentle voice. He’s also the type of boyfriend who writes songs about you, with lyrics so touching they bring you to tears.
He’s the type of boyfriend who attempts to cook for you but ultimately results in a comedy of errors. But they always end in laughter as you step in to save the kitchen from further disaster. His cooking skills would likely improve over time, with your guidance. You’d patiently be teaching him the proper way to cut vegetables or how much seasoning should be put in a dish. But he’s the type of boyfriend to lose focus because he keeps getting distracted by how pretty you look. And then you’d blush profusely when you caught his gaze and scold him for not listening.
He’s the type of boyfriend to give you bone-crushing hugs whenever he finds something you did cute. He especially does this when you get annoyed at him for something, finding the furrow of your brows and pouty lips to be so adorable. He’s the type to go in for long kisses after being away from you for a long time. His career often keeps him away, leaving him longing for the moments he can be with you. He’s the type of boyfriend to give kisses that are so warm and tender, filled with a depth of emotion that speaks volumes about how much he cherishes you. Each kiss feels like a promise, a reassurance that no matter how far apart you are, his heart is always with you.
He’s the type of boyfriend who would geek out with you over shared interests, like Spiderman. Whether it's discussing the latest movie or comic book, these moments of shared enthusiasm bring you even closer. He’s the type of boyfriend who would watch k-dramas with you and enjoy ranting with you about the characters. These shared experiences, filled with laughter, debates, and discussions deepen your bond and create fond memories to look back on.
All in all, Mark is the type of boyfriend who is a unique blend of friendship, romance, and genuine affection that makes him the perfect partner, someone who brings joy, music, and a sense of adventure into your life.
Renjun is the type of boyfriend to be motherly at times with how attentive and caring he is. He’s always looking after you in subtle ways, like telling you the weather beforehand so you know to wear a jacket before your date. When you share your insecurities with him, he responds by creating beautiful paintings or drawings of you, turning your worries into art. He's also the type to blush when you compliment him but cleverly turns the praise back on you, making you feel just as flustered.
He’s the type of boyfriend who loves planning and sharing things with you, like maintaining a shared Pinterest board of matching couple outfits you both should try. He’s the type to enjoy doing your skincare routines together during sleepovers, transforming these moments into intimate bonding experiences. He has a great sense of style and is the type of boyfriend who helps put together your outfits, and even learns how to style your hair to make sure you feel confident and beautiful. He’s also the type of boyfriend to patiently untangle your earphones when you get frustrated trying to do it yourself.
He’s the type of boyfriend to be deeply empathetic and share his concerns with you, valuing open communication in your relationship. He’s not afraid to show his emotions, and he tears up when he hears about your hard times, feeling your pain as his own. His thoughtful nature ensures you always feel understood and supported. When he’s the one dealing with hardships, he appreciates you just being there to hug him and talk him through his thoughts. No matter what’s troubling him, your presence alone makes him feel a little better.
He’s the type of boyfriend who may not be as physically affectionate as the other members. Though he doesn't kiss you often, it’s always behind closed doors when he does. Similar to Mark, he’s the type of boyfriend whose kisses are long, deep, and sincere, filled with unspoken affection and love. But he’s also the type of boyfriend to surprise you with pecks to the lips when he finds you cute.
Ultimately, Renjun is the type of boyfriend who truly cares for you in every way, creating a relationship built on mutual respect, understanding, and deep emotional connection. He doesn’t need to say anything for you to know how much he loves you, you can just feel it whenever you look at him.
◇──◆──◇──◆──◇──◆──◇──◆──◇──◆──◇──◆──◇ jeno
Jeno is the type of boyfriend who is the perfect balance between a strong, masculine presence and a soft, affectionate soul in your relationship. He’s the type to exude a protective aura that envelops you where you go. When you're out together, his hand naturally finds its place on your back or waist, ensuring your safety and comfort. He's attentive to small details like positioning you on his left side, away from the street, and readily offering his jacket when the weather turns chilly. These gestures not only showcase his protective instincts but also his possessive side, reminding you and others that you’re his.
He’s the type of boyfriend to keep you on your toes with how affectionate he can be. You never truly know what to expect from him. Sometimes, he surprises you with kisses so deeply passionate that they leave you breathless. Yet, in quieter moments, he transforms into a cuddly sweetheart, speaking in an endearing aegyo voice that melts your heart. His spontaneity and ability to switch between these sides of himself add excitement and tenderness to your relationship.
He’s the type of boyfriend who enjoys taking you on hiking dates, emphasizing how it’s good for your health. However, if you get tired by the end of it, he's quick to offer you a piggyback ride on the journey back, effortlessly blending his strength with his nurturing nature. He’s also the type of boyfriend to surprise you by cleaning the apartment and preparing a warm meal for you after a long day of school or work. His thoughtfulness shines through in these acts of service, making you feel cherished and loved in practical ways.
He’s the type of boyfriend to be a compassionate listener who values your thoughts and feelings deeply. When you share your concerns or discuss something that's bothering you, he listens intently, his touch gentle as he traces comforting patterns on your hand. His ability to offer silent support and understanding strengthens your bond, creating a safe space where you can be vulnerable and open with each other. 
In essence, Jeno is the type of boyfriend who is a partner that fills your life with love and security. Being with him will make you feel like you’re stuck in the honeymoon phase forever.
Haechan is the type of boyfriend who thrives on affection, often expressing his neediness in the sweetest ways. He’s the type to never let you leave without a goodbye kiss, ensuring every parting moment is filled with warmth and connection. Whether in public or private, he shamelessly snuggles into you, finding comfort and security in your presence. He is the type to be playfully insistent on using pet names like "baby," "sunflower," or "handsome." He brightens up when you call him by his nickname "Hyuck," revealing his softer, more vulnerable side that's reserved just for you. 
He’s the type of boyfriend to enjoy teasing and banter, but knows when to set aside the jokes and be serious, especially when it matters the most to you. He’s the type to notice if something is upsetting you, even in a group of people. And he’d go out of his way to check on you to make sure everything was okay. He’s also the type of boyfriend to playfully beg you to cook his favorite dishes like kimchi jjigae, which you almost always give in to. 
He’s the type of boyfriend who includes you in his world, whether it’s letting you sit in his lap while he games on his PC or charming you with aegyo when he wants a kiss. Even during your toughest moments, his infectious humor never fails to make you laugh or smile. But on a more serious side, he’s the type of boyfriend who gets overwhelmed by how strong his feelings are for you. Just thinking about how much he loves you is enough to make him tear up. 
At the end of the day, Haechan is the type of boyfriend who is not afraid to be playful, and affectionate, and show how deep his feelings are for you. His ability to balance lighthearted moments with genuine sincerity makes every day with him an adventure filled with laughter, love, and heartfelt connections.
Jaemin is the type of boyfriend who is a walking green flag, embodying all the qualities of a loving and considerate partner. He never holds back his affection, constantly showering you with hugs and kisses, and always maintaining some form of physical connection, whether it’s hand-holding or resting a hand on your knee. He’s the type of boyfriend to send daily texts to check up on you if he’s at work, showing his continuous care and concern for your well-being. He’s also the type to scold you for skipping meals or getting sick, even when he does the same sometimes.
He’s the type of boyfriend to shamelessly flirt with you, making you blush with his playful comments and cheeky smirks when he catches you staring at him from across the room. He’s the type to talk about your future together during cuddle sessions, sharing your dreams of getting married and having kids. Beyond physical touches and sweet words, he’s the type of boyfriend who loves to cook for you whenever he can, and he gets equally happy when you cook for him, appreciating every gesture of care you show.
He’s the type of boyfriend who is generally easygoing, though he has his moments of jealousy. He gets laughably envious when you give more attention to his cats than him or when you rave about how Jeno looked on stage. These moments of jealousy are never overbearing but rather endearing, showing how much he values your attention and affection. And he loves that you always reassure him that your heart belongs to him. 
He’s the type of boyfriend to take countless photos of you on your dates. Even if you don’t love having your photo taken, he just can’t resist capturing your beauty. Besides, he insists it's for the memories to look back on when you two are old and fray. He’s the type to have his phone gallery filled with pictures of you, and he proudly shows them to his members from time to time. While you could point out all your flaws in one picture, Jaemin never even looked at them. No matter how insecure you might be, he’s the type of boyfriend to make you feel pretty.
Simply put, Jaemin is the type of boyfriend who is practically perfect with his unwavering support and daily reminders of his love. Being in a relationship with him is nurturing, fun, and filled with dreams for the future.
Chenle is the type of boyfriend who can be really annoying at times, but you can’t help but love him for it. He loves to joke around and make you laugh, especially when you're feeling down. When he does something that annoys you, he’s quick to make it up with a lot of hugs, using affection to win you over. Most of the time, you end up giving into his silliness and laughing with him. 
He’s the type of boyfriend to buy gifts for you quite often, something you kind of had to get used to. He’s the type to surprise you with things he’s seen you admiring online or at a store. Even if you scold him for not saving his money or spending it more wisely, Chenle insists that as your boyfriend, it’s part of his job to spoil you. 
He’s also the type of boyfriend to share his passions with you, whether it’s taking you to see a Warrior’s game or having you watch and cheer him on as he plays basketball. His excitement for these activities becomes even more meaningful when you join in, creating shared experiences that deepen your bond. He’s also the type of boyfriend who enjoys traveling and exploring new places with you. He loves taking you out, whether it’s to explore the rural areas of Korea to eat gukbap or book a surprise trip to Shanghai. His spontaneous nature keeps your relationship exciting and full of adventure, with each trip creating cherished memories. 
He’s the type of boyfriend who regularly gushes to you about how cute the members are, but gets all shy when you also call him cute. He’s also the type to feel a little betrayed when his dog, Daegal, likes you more than him. However, he can never be sulky for long because he can’t really blame her. And he admires how you always make sure his daughter runs back into his arms.
Altogether, Chenle is the type of boyfriend to keep your life vibrant and full of love with his playfulness, generosity, and genuine care. Although he drives you crazy at times, he teaches you how to have fun and live in the present.
Jisung is the type of boyfriend who is super shy in the beginning but gradually becomes more comfortable and open with time. He’s the type to hide behind your back or bury his face in your shirt when he gets embarrassed about something. He’s the type of boyfriend who also loves being taller than you, not in a teasing way, but because it makes him feel more protective. He secretly loves it when you compare the size of your hands, although he blushes every time you do it. 
He’s the type of boyfriend to ramble about his curiosity and interests to you. He enjoys talking about the wonders of space and aliens, letting you into his fascinating world of thoughts. He also loves talking about things like MBTI with you and finds joy in learning about yourselves together. Sometimes, he even rants about his debates with Chenle, showcasing his playful and thoughtful side. 
He’s also the type of boyfriend to have a lot of serious conversations with you, usually reserved for late nights. He’s the type to lay his head in your lap as he shares what is on his mind. The gentle stroking of your fingers through his hair helps him feel calm and at ease. Sometimes he doesn't even need to say anything, for your open arms provide all the comfort he needs. He’s the type of boyfriend who loves when you hug him, often calming down when anxious thoughts run through his head. Cuddles are even better, especially when you get to fall asleep in each other’s arms, feeling completely safe and loved.
He’s the type of boyfriend who can be quite sentimental, especially when he’s on tour. He misses you deeply and has been known to cry when he thinks about how much he misses you. These moments highlight his deep emotional connection and attachment to you. He’s also the type to feel incredibly touched when you do simple things like cooking for him or surprising him with bunggeobang on a cold day, appreciating the warmth and love you bring into his life.
Over time, Jisung is the type of boyfriend you can build a deep, emotionally mature relationship. Even if he might be the youngest in his group, his maturity shines when he’s with you. He evolves into a loving and thoughtful boyfriend who cherishes every moment with you.
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outofconcheol · 5 months ago
Tune In For Love (KSM x GN!Reader)
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pairing: college radio host!Seungmin x co-host!reader
genres/au/rating: sfw, mostly fluff, the mildest of angst, idiots to lovers, pg
summary: When you and Seungmin come up with a crazy new idea for your radio show, a week of chaos and unspoken feelings unfolds. As you learn more about relationships, will the two of you tune in for love? Or decide to shut it down completely?
warnings: swearing, fake exes trope, a playlist of seungmin coded songs mentioned, stupid amounts of pining, mentions of relationship drama, they almost kiss, then they actually kiss, one mild (joking ) threat of violence, Jeongin being the best wingman ever, RAIN, Ningning, Joshua, Cheol, and Day6 all make cameos
word count: 2.8k
a/n: happy Seungmin day!! honestly this could have been a whole fic on its own but i'm happy with this cute little drabble! this draws some inspiration from the ex talk by rachel lynn solomon. our boy deserves all the love, i hope you enjoy!
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“Okay everyone, this has been another week at The Sound FM, the university’s #1 radio station! ____ and Seungmin signing off!”
Your voice fades out to the tune of the hit that Seungmin had selected for the week, ears perking up at the rumble of the bass and the tick tick tick of the hi-hat. Another Day6 song. Congratulations this time. 
“When will you admit that you’re Day6’s number one fan?”
“When you admit that you’re their number two,” Seungmin adjusts his glasses, a devious smirk lighting up his face. 
(You were, but you would never give Seungmin the satisfaction.)
“That segment on how to deal with the stress of midterms turned out great! What should we do next?”
You fidget with your pen, tapping it against your notepad, twirling it around in your fingers, before moving to put it behind your ear–
Seungmin’s hands shoot out, fingers clasping around yours for a brief moment, and a shiver runs through you, despite the fact that it was sunny outside with not a cloud in sight.
“I had an idea, actually, well it’s not my idea, Jeongin brought it up..”
For however composed the two of you were on air, you turned into awkward rambling messes when the mics were off. It had always been like that though. You’d been hosting the show with Seungmin for the better part of a year and you still didn’t know why you felt shy around him, or why you’d barely progressed beyond simple acquaintances.
“There’s this girl that uh, he, yeah he wants to impress, so he was asking if our next segment could maybe have something to do with dating advice.” 
“That is sooo much better than the segment on recycling tips I was planning,” you nudge him, oblivious to the way his ears turn red.
“Oooh but what if we make it spicy you know? Like approach relationships from a different angle?”
“What angle?” Seungmin rubs at the back of his neck. “As far as I know, neither of us are in a relationship. I mean, right?”
“Right but no one else has to know that! What if we pretend that we’re exes, who broke up? Hindsight is always 20/20, people will eat that up!”
“I thought I was supposed to be the menace here,” Seungmin’s tone is deadpan but his eyes sparkle with mischief.
“What can I say, you’re rubbing off on me Min,” you giggle. “So, what do you say we put your charm to good use?”
“You think I’m charming ___?” 
You miss the excitement in his tone, writing it off as enthusiasm for the whole absurdity of this plan.
“Who knows, Min! Maybe we’ll even find people! This is so exciting!”
Seungmin pauses briefly, a choked sound escaping his mouth, but you think you imagine it, watching him straighten and nod.
Laughter fills the studio as you bicker back and forth about what to include and how the next week would go. It was a risk, but you hoped it would pay off — both on the airwaves and maybe even for your stagnant love life. The possibilities were endless.
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“Hello, and welcome to Tune in For Love! We are your hosts, ___ and Seungmin, and for the next week we’ll be tackling all your relationship questions and concerns!”
Your voice booms into the mic, echoing throughout the tiny studio, and you take a moment to mute yourself, heart pounding in your ears. Butterflies had begun to bubble up in your chest – you were really doing this.
“You ready for this?” Seungmin’s voice knocks you out of your daze, and you look over to see his lips twist into a lazy smile, running his fingers through his hair.
Fuck. Why did that make your stomach flip-flop?
You give him a shaky nod. It was probably just the rush of trying something new, so different from what you were used to. The simultaneous thrill and terror of dipping your toes into uncharted waters. 
Seungmin unmutes the mic, his softer, more melodious voice reverberating into the windscreen. He’d make a great singer, you think. Maybe for your next segment you could convince him to croon on air.
“We’re your resident experts on dating, whether it's still in the early stages of puppy love, the cool cruising of the honeymoon phase, or the bitter sting of love gone wrong. We have all your answers, right here, right now on The Sound FM!”
“Trust me, we’ve had experience with all of those,” you chuckle.
The story just falls off your tongue – a tumultuous end to a relationship that had never existed, one full of angst and heartbreak that even the finest writer couldn’t think of. Seungmin interrupts you spontaneously to respond to your dramatic anecdotes with dry quips of his, and you can’t believe it — you actually sound like a couple. A real couple.
“How was I supposed to know you were allergic to garlic? You let me take you to an Italian restaurant on the first date!”
“As my boyfriend, you should have asked my best friend about my allergies! That’s like standard dating protocol,” you shoot back, making sure to smile so that Seungmin knows you’re not serious.
“Noted, I’ll keep that in mind for the next relationship,” Seungmin grunts, the air becoming thick with a tension you can’t pinpoint.
Clearing your throat, your fingers hover over the buttons of the soundboard.
“How about we take some listener calls instead?”
The line crackles to life, a caller named Ningning groaning about how her girlfriend forget their anniversary and didn’t even apologize.
“It’s an honest mistake,” Seungmin mutters. 
“I don’t think so,” you counter, chewing your lip. “It’s important to be considerate of special moments like anniversaries, birthdays. It means you care. I mean Seungmin probably doesn’t even remember mine–”
“October 17th,” he interrupts you, and you go rigid. How did he even know?
I asked Jeongin, he mouths, and it only leaves you more confused. Why would he need to know that? It leaves you more embarrassed that you don’t know his exact day, only that it was sometime in September.  
Ningning rambles on, thanking you both for the added perspective and resolving to make things right with her girlfriend. You feel your heart warm at her determination, amazed at the effect that you and Seungmin had already managed to have on your listeners. 
Seungmin closes out the show, the easygoing and carefree chords of Polaroid Love ringing into the mic, and you think to yourself, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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As the sun sets, campus comes alive, buzzing with excitement. You glance out the window, watching students filter out of the library, walking towards the commons for a cup of coffee, or hugging outside their dorms. A deep pang of longing hits your gut, not sure whether its from watching them outside or the fact that you’re cramped here in the tiny studio, band posters all over the walls, and Seungmin is playing Love You For A Long Time, Maggie Rogers’ ethereal voice filling the space between you. 
“Had to ease you into our next listener call,” Seungmin grins into the mic. “This one is – ouch. It might hit home for some of us, I mean you all.”
“Hi, ___ and Seungmin? I’m Joshua, a senior. I’m calling because I have a dilemma – my best friend Seungcheol just started dating my ex, and I’m not sure how to feel. On one hand I wanna be happy for them, but on the other hand, I’m a mess. What would you do if you found out one of you was dating someone else?”
“Oh.” Seungmin breathes out, and he remains there, lips parted like he’s frozen. An awkward silence falls over the studio, and you’re sure Joshua is blinking on the other end of the line, wondering what the hell just happened.
“I’m not sure,” you shudder, thinking of the hypothetical situation. But it wasn’t so hypothetical. You and Seungmin were free to date people. There was nothing stopping you. But it still felt wrong somehow.
“I would give yourself some space, Joshua. Take time to confront your own feelings about this, and when you’re ready you can decide what to do. Let yourself heal first.”
“That’s a good answer,” Seungmin whispers, and you panic, muttering out a rushed goodbye before cutting the broadcast.
“Wow,” you sigh. “That was, I–, I guess I didn’t think of that when I suggested this.”
“Think of what?” Seungmin’s eyes glimmer with interest, and he leans in closer.
“How shit would get so deep? Like how would I actually react if that happened to me? I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Sometimes this feels almost like we’re not pretending,” Seungmin murmurs, a strained laugh escaping his throat, a mask for the change in his tone. 
You’re not sure what you want to say, but it feels like you should say something. The moment hangs heavy in between you two, and you don’t remember how Seungmin got so close, brushing his thumb against your cheek.
“Seungmin, I–” 
“You had a piece of hair in your face,” he responds, straightening up to stretch his arms. “It’s late, want me to grab you an americano?”
Shaking your head, you manage to muster up a weak response, telling him to go ahead without you. He nods slightly, before throwing his jacket on and slipping out the door, leaving you alone.
An unsettling dilemma dawns on you – this was supposed to be an act, but why did it feel so real?
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“You know,” Jeongin’s loud chewing echoes in the dining hall, Seungmin bristling as he watches his friend stuff five french fries into his mouth at once. “I should revoke your roommate privileges for this stunt you pulled. I thought you were grumpy before, but breaking up with ____ has taken it to a whole new level.”
Seungmin scowls, cursing under his breath at Jeongin. Yanking his headphones out of his ears, the lamenting tune of These Days by Wallows cuts off abruptly. 
Outside the rain patters, echoing his stormy emotions. Over the course of the past week, his mood had felt like he was on the world’s most nausea-inducing roller coaster ride. The highs were the times he got to spend with you in the studio, cracking jokes and watching your eyes shine as the two of you came up with the next devious plot for the show. The lows were the knot in his stomach every time someone would call in with a question that hit a little too hard.
After this week, he was glad the show would end, and maybe you guys could go back to the way things were before. That easy, comfortable dynamic that always existed between you two.
“Bullshit,” Jeongin sees the way his eyes zone out, like he can read Seungmin’s mind. “I know you, and I know what you’re thinking and it’s absolute bullshit. You’re in too deep, hyung.”
“I’ll fucking punch you,” Seungmin hisses. “What the hell am I supposed to do, huh? Just spill to ___ that this isn’t some game for me? That my feelings are real? Is that what you wanted to hear?”
A gasp echoes from behind him, and Seungmin turns to see you behind him. Your lip trembles, and you lock eyes with him, a tear escaping the corner before you’re turning on your heels, running out of the dining hall. 
Seungmin stands there, frozen with the weight of what he’d just confessed, heart sinking to his shoes. All of a sudden, he feels a sharp jab to his arm, Jeongin’s fist colliding with it.
“What are you waiting for? Run!”
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The rain pelts the back of Seungmin’s neck as he runs, indifferent to the fact that he’s probably soaked to the bone, slipping and sliding along the cobblestone. He can make out your figure storming ahead furiously, like you can’t get away fast enough, and he speeds up, panic in his voice.
“___, wait! Please stop.”
His voice turns hoarse from all the yelling, and he’s about to give up, turn back in defeat (and go sock Jeongin cry into his friend’s shoulder), when you stop under a streetlight, your figure slumping. 
Seungmin is by your side in moments, not caring that he takes your hands in his, blowing on them to give you warmth.
“Y-you d-don’t even h-have an umbrella, w-what were y-you thinking?” he chatters, and he watches your lips turn up in a smile. But your eyes remain downcast.
“What about you?” you whisper, and Seungmin cocks his head, looking at you in confusion.
“I left my jacket in the dining hall with Jeongin—”
“No Seungmin, I mean what about you?” your voice croaks desperately. 
Seungmin takes a deep breath. There was no use in pretending anymore.
“I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do,” he chokes out.
You take his hands in yours and Seungmin feels dizzy. The cold rain no longer bothers him, warmth filling his veins from the inside out.
“You think?” you sniffle.
“I know. I know I’ve been in love with you, since the day you walked into the studio and pitched your ideas for five-star dorm meals.”
“I really like your hands,” you blurt out, and Seungmin’s eyes widen in shock. That was not the response you’d been expecting.
“They’re warm when mine are always cold, I like the way they look when they’re holding a pencil, or when you bring me a cup of coffee. I like your voice too – the way you sing along to Day6 when you think no one is listening, or your annoying little laugh–”
“It is not annoying–”
You press a finger to his lips, and Seungmin thinks he might just evaporate. 
“Not now, Min. I’m trying to say something here. What I’m trying to say is that if there’s anything this whole week has taught me, it’s how much I like you. How much I want to have those crappy problems that everyone complains about with you, how much I want to celebrate birthdays with you, and anniversaries with you, and how I think I might collapse inside if I ever saw you with someone else—”
It’s Seungmin’s turn to interrupt you now,  cold lips colliding with yours, the initial shock replaced with heat. Your hands burrow into his hair and he draws you closer, hands weaving around your waist. The startled, frantic sounds of your breathing did nothing to help the pounding of his heart, and he wonders if you can hear it too. 
In this moment, Seungmin never wants to let go, holding you steady against him even when you part, your breath fanning in the cold air. 
“I just, I, needed to be honest. No more pretending.”
“No more pretending,” he smiles against your lips, nudging his nose against yours.
The wet slap of shoes against the pavement interrupts you both, turning to see the Jeongin behind you, Seungmin’s jacket in his arms. He takes in the sight of you two wrapped around each other, a smug grin lighting up his entire face.
“Hell yeah! It worked!”
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“___ and Seungmin signing off, this is Tune in For Love on The Sound FM, and we’ve loved having you this week!”
The air in the studio buzzes with a different kind of excitement – the dreamy notes of Hypnotized by The Weston Estate filling up the room.
“Before we go, we have something to share with you–” your voice wobbles, and Seungmin reaches out immediately, squeezing your hand.
“Please send your email petitions in so our show doesn’t get canceled, but we’ve been faking it this whole time. We’re not actually exes.”
You can almost hear the collective gasp across campus, the soundboard going crazy as it lights up with calls.
“We are, as of yesterday, the happiest, and newest–, couple on campus,” Seungmin beams, his pride echoing through the mic and your heart lurches at how right it feels to be his.
You hit the answer button, the lines flooding with congratulations and well-wishes to the news.
“Congrats!” Ningning’s voice echoes. “I always thought you were the cutest together.”
“You make me want to find someone of my own now,” Joshua says in the background, and the studio fills with you and Seungmin’s laughter.
When the last call goes through, Jeongin gives you both a thumbs up, shutting off the soundboard. 
You turn to Seungmin, heart racing. 
“I can’t believe we actually did this,” he says,  half-laughing.
“Me neither,” you reply, a soft smile on his lips. “But I’m really glad we did. It feels… right, you know?”
“Thanks for being part of this with us,” he echoes through the airwaves, his voice sincere. “We’re excited to see what’s next—together. And while the show may be over, we hope you’ll still tune in for love every single week — no matter the topic.”
“Next – how to cook a five star meal worthy of any restaurant using just your dorm microwave…”
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a/n pt. 2: As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
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sunflw3r · 8 months ago
(✦) summer loving , 구정모
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...beach towels strewn on the sand, your hand in mine and i'll think we'll be alright...
a koo jungmo x male reader ff →loosely inspired by espresso by sabrina carpenter
in which you and jungmo fall in love under the summer stars, promising to not let go as the season fades away
status: updating 1-3 times a week
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pairing jungmo x male reader genre fluff, summer romance, a little angst, youth drama cw cursing, mental health struggles
taglist: open! send ask or comment to be added @luvkyu @seungsmiles @gnusihcom @academiq @dalliesque playlist! summer loving (spotify) espresso : sabrina carpenter, late night : cravity, so let's go see the stars : boynextdoor, summer : keshi, time machine : doyoung, taeyeon, & mark, younger : omega x, memories : riize, day and night : day6, bonfire : wave to earth, our love in summer : jeon jin hee, 7pm (feat. peder elias) : bss, forever only : jaehyun, never goodbye : nct dream, summer nights : john travolta & olivia newton john, time : the rose
notes takes place in fictional beach town, fast paced relationship, ooc cravity
sun✰! ahhh my summer romance😖 i hope all my luvity on tmblr are satisfied with this jungmo ff. should be updating for the rest of july till august-ish🫶
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profiles summer sun something’s begun
001 ✦ the first meeting is always the sweetest 002 ✦ do you see my heart? 003 ✦ think about you all night 004 ✦ sand in your shoes 005 ✦ pinkies intertwined 006 ✦ cotton candy like attraction 007 ✦ ferris wheels 008 ✦ you’re warmer than the fire 009 ✦ your friends, do they like me too? 010 ✦ symbol of my youth 011 ✦ kisses that tasted like saltwater 012 ✦ life means more with you 013 ✦ you’re the one, always 014 ✦ fleeting memories of summer 015 ✦ is this goodbye? (you+me)
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pearl divider by @anitalenia
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kimingyuslover · 11 months ago
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YOU WERE (ARE) BEAUTIFUL – Ricky shen smau
synopsis : their relationship getting harder to the point that they decided to break up for their own sakes, but fate have another plan, they met again after they debuted as idols.
genre : light angst, comedy (sigh, i tried), fluff, smau, idol!au
pairing.... : Ricky shen (Zerobaseone) x fem!idol!reader
other cast (featuring) : zerobaseone, jeonghyeon & hanbin of evnne, aespa's giselle & karina, enhypen's ni-ki, newjeans's danielle, tws dohoon, p1harmony's jeongseob, etc..
status : on-going
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PROFILES : 3 princess + 1 dawg (buy 3 get 1) | ricky, when i catch you ricky (young and rich, tall and handsome, charisma boss baby + minions)
zero. drama? drama!
one. who tf is charisma boss
two. not dilophosaurus but velociraptor
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taglist (open) : @kaynunu @vash-yuu @mimisamisasa @whippedforbeomgyu @xiaoquanquans @lonelyladyghost @s4turnb1tch @marvelfanatic4life @honeywonuu
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venusvity · 3 months ago
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Yoo Mirae (Korean: 유미래, born January 6, 1997), known professionally as Bliss (Korean: 블리스; Japanese: 至福), is a Korean singer, dancer, and actress based in South Korea. She is a former member of the South Korean girl group Venus, formed by Angelico Entertainment in 2018. She is portrayed by Lee Yoomi & Wendy Son.
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Mirae was born on January 6, 1997, in Gunpo, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. Her mother is the esteemed musical theatre actress Yoo Misun. Mirae attended high school at the School of Performing Arts in Seoul. Throughout her school years, she starred in multiple school musicals. She joined a school drama club and earned more experience in the entertainment industry by attending auditions.
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In 2014, Mirae joined Angelico Entertainment as a trainee after passing its auditions. 
In October 2014, she appeared in Emphasis' music video for "Du Du Du!" as a lifeguard. The same year, she starred in Priority's "Say You Love Me" music video as Reid's love interest. In 2015, she would be featured in W Korea alongside Kang Juwon of Priority. Mirae would do a lot of modeling pre-debut, working with brands such as Laneige, Nature Republic, Amuse, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, and Etude House.
𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖: 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒
On March 17, 2018, Mirae would officially debut in VENUS with the release of their first extended play (EP), SHE DEVIL, and its lead single, "SHE DEVIL." She would take on the stage name "Bliss."
She was the group's co-leader, main rapper, and main vocalist.
𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎 - 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏: 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭
In January 2020, Bliss made her acting debut as the female lead in the web drama Please Try Again, which achieved record-breaking viewership.
On March 24, 2021, Bliss was announced as a cast member for the musical Midnight Sun as Seo Haena, with DAY6's Wonpil, Baekho, DeepDive's Kiwoo, GOT7's Youngjae, Shinee's Onew, Kang Hye-in, Kei, and Lee Ah-jin. To promote the musical, she collaborated with stage member Onew to release "A Melody Called You (너라는 멜로디)"
𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒
On June 10, 2024, during the Venus contract transfer, Bliss, unlike the other four members of Venus, would not sign with Mydol Entertainment. A letter announcing Bliss's departure from the group would be posted to Venus' social media accounts.
It is still under heavy debate if Bliss left the group or was removed by Mydol CEOs.
On August 7th, 2024, Bliss renewed her contract with Angelico Entertainment.
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Before her debut with Venus, Yoonah featured in advertisements for Samsonite, Smart Uniform, LG Electronics, and Nikon. 
In September 2018, Bliss and band-mate Baebi became endorsement models for Japanese cosmetics brand Kiss Me. 
In September 2021, Bliss was announced as the new host of the program Music Bank with L.O.L's Jesse. For their performance on the program, they were awarded with the Best Couple Award at the 2021 KBS Entertainment Awards.
In February 2021, Korean clothing brand It Michaa selected Bliss as its muse for its Spring 2021 collection. She was also appointed for the summer 2021 campaign on It Michaa's line, For a Day Michaa. 
In 2022, Coca-Cola Korea selected Bliss as an endorsement model for Dr Pepper.
In January 2023, Bliss stepped down as Music Bank host after sixteen months in the role.
In February 2023, Bliss became the new muse for the South Korean casual fashion brand SJSJ.
In December 2023, Dyson selected Bliss as its official Brand Ambassador, representing the new Dyson hair care products. Then, in January 2024, the American athletic apparel retailer Alo Yoga announced Bliss as the new face for its spring 2024 campaign. 
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ghostofhyuck · 10 months ago
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IMAGINES ౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅
color code: fluff | angst | fluff & angst | suggestive
love languages, but oddly specific.
K-drama tropes.
favorite body part.
boyfriend based on their star sign.
wedding tropes.
romcom male lead.
Taylor Swift songs. (r)
most likely to have kids in the future. (r)
OPM songs. (r)
as the type of boyfriend to...
their phone wallpaper of you!
most likely to switch their shoes with your heels.
high school crush.
how they take photos of you.
one direction songs. (r)
NIKI songs.
angsty Day6 songs.
Taylor Swift songs (angst version.)
the things that make them go insane.
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tm-trx · 11 months ago
currents.12 [2024]
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selections from my week in media [17-23 march 2024]
O (Circle) album / Onew
Fourever album / DAY6
The Scarlet Lotus by rainbowninja167 - MDZS "The Scarlet Pimpernel" inspired AU - I've never read the classic, so have no idea how the plot compares, but I loved this fic.
Spin Me Right Round by David Valdes - YA queer time travel ala BTTF - This is an ownvoices author book and I enoyed it so much, I've already got another one of his in my book stack.
23.5 - This show. So adorable. I mean, just look at those two up there. So CUTE.
previous Currents posts
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aeyeona · 10 months ago
( . æ エスパ
( ?! )
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( æ ) 𝓑 asics .
?! . birth name : hwang yeona ( 황 연나 )
?! . english name : vivianna hwang
?! . surnames : yeo ( aespa ) , yoona ( pred-debut giselle ) , vivi ( brother ) , nana ( MY )
?! . birthdate : septembre 22, 2001
?! . birthplace : suyeong-gu , busan
?! . hometown : seoul , south korea
?! . age : 22 years old
?! . zodiac : virgo
?! . chinese zodiac : snake
?! . ethnicity : korean
?! . nationality : korean
?! . language : korean ( fluent ) , chinese ( fluent ) , japanese ( fluent ) , english ( learning )
( ?! )
( æ ) 𝓟 hysical .
?! . height : 5'5" / 166 cm
?! . blood type : B -
?! . piercings : two ( left ear ) , three ( right ear )
?! . face claim : miyeon ( g-idle )
?! . voice claim : liz ( ive )
?! . dance claim : tzuyu ( twice )
?! . rap claim : kazuha ( lesserafim )
( ?! )
( æ ) 𝓒 areer .
?! . stage name : yeona ( 연나 )
?! . trainee period : three years and four months
?! . company : SM entertainment
?! . group : aespa ( 2020 - now )
?! . position : main vocalist , lead dancer , sub rapper
?! . official symbol : spider web ( 🕸 )
?! . official animal : fox ( 🦊 )
( ?! )
( �� ) 𝓟 ersonality .
?! . mbti : ESTP — T ( her previous results where : ENFP -> INFP )
?! . enneagram : 7w8
?! . positive traits : optimistic , extravert , generous , confident , compassionate , loyal , cheerful
?! . negative traits : picky , messy , moody , sarcastic , lazy , snobby , idealist
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( ?! )
( æ ) 𝓕 acts .
?! . she is a really good friend of Yeri ( Red Velvet ) , Lia ( Itzy ) and Dowoon ( Day6 ) .
?! . during her trainee years she was roommate with Kim Yooyeon .
?! . her most viewed fancam is the 2023.11.12, they were performing 'Drama' at the Inkigayo, she reached 562k in the first 24 hours .
?! . her actual bubble username is " 마이의 보호자🤍" wich translate to " MY's protector ", and her actual weverse username is "꽁꽁 얼어붙은 한강 위로 고양이가 걸어다닙니다 🐈" .
?! . she share her birthday with Nayeon ( Twice ) and Seungmin ( Stray Kids ) , but she was born on the same day as him .
?! . her main hobby is to take pictures of her members when they are sleeping .
?! . before performing, her habit is to do tongue twisters .
?! . she's really bad at video games but likes to watch people play .
?! . in 'Celebrity', we can see her thirty seconds where she plays a Japanese celebrity who came to take a picture with 'Seo A Ri'.
?! . she was a big fan of the girl group 'Kara' during her training period.
?! . her audition song was 'One in a Million' ( Twice ) .
?! . in 2022, she was in hiatus for 2 months because she had a nose job .
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astrobymarwa · 5 months ago
About me:
I'm marwa, a 21yo libyan girl
Interests: books (fantasy, psychological thriller, romance) movies, asian dramas (japanese, korean, chinese) astrology, tarot, poetry, cats, politics and human rights, kpop, religion.
Dni: minor, islamophobic/transphobic/homophobic, pro-israel, racist
Fav musicians (k-music): exo, monsta x, riize, nct127, shinee, got7, jay b, mino, bobby, ikon, suho, baekhyun, r.i.o, car the garden, day6, n.flying, i.m, woodz.
Other musicians i love: hozier, fujii kaze, one ok rock, måneskin, paris paloma, niall horan, louis tomlinson, the ivy, عبادي الجوهر ,فيروز
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professorsparklepants · 1 year ago
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Spotify | Youtube (lyricless) | Youtube (with translated lyrics)*
a voice came to me in a dream saying that i could make a life and death companions playlists using only kpop songs. and that voice? was kim dokja.
*flashing warning for Killing Me
Illusion | aespa
Follow me, come and get illusion Swallow it all at once, delicious Irresistible bait, hook up Feeding on attention and growing up
Did I pick this song just because it had the word dokkaebi in it? Maybe. But you can't deny it's a starstream bop.
Deep | Hyo
Hiding sharp teeth, tension with you I predict eyes to eyes, explore it with you Oh you can take it? Won't be easy, you'll see Like the waves I'll hit you, whip up the water, deeper into me
This was the last song I added, but "two sharks circling each other in the water as a metaphor for a relationship" is SO early joongdok.
Camo | BoA
Hey baby, in the darkness with all the lights off I've hidden my shadow, I can't be tied down To some place tonight, my face has changed My heart is moving, but my camouflage will hide it I still don't know, yeah, my own heart The thick colors of the camouflage cover up the new world that'll surprise me
The dowager queen of kpop delivers a Kim Dokja song through and through.
Drunk-Dazed | ENHYPEN
I feel it, my head's in a daze daze daze I'm addicted, I replay-play-play The way you want it, go as far as you can to reach it Trapped in the carnival wow wow
[slaps Yoo Joonghyuk] this boy can fit so much timeloop trauma inside him
Want | Taemin
(Hot, Hot) Teasing you slowly (Hot, hot) Making you fall for me without limit (Hot, hot) Waking you up from the silence underneath your deep sea (Hot, hot) Will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
I can't do a kpop themed shipping playlist and NOT include the King of Hoe Anthems himself.
Devil By the Window | TXT
Waste, waste away in the gutter with me No, I can't tell what is fake in my reality I see the waves, see the waves wash over me Oh, stay, you can stay when you're tempted to leave
Deja Vu | Dreamcatcher
Me deleting Lucifer by SHINee from the playlist because the lyrics don't fit: OTL
Me when I find another kpop song about Devils that's also way gayer: 😈
So now, I'm holding this pain Like you, who has thrown everything away Each day gets clearer Endlessly before me, oh deja vu Oh deja vu, oh deja vu, Oh deja vu, so I've fallen now Till the day I run out of breath, I can't let you go again Because we'll spend every moment together Don't get any further away from me
This is the only surviving entry from when this was 100% a joke playlist and not partially serious.
Psycho | Red Velvet
You got me feeling like a psycho, psycho People keep telling us As we fight like it's our last but then we get along They don't get it, it's so funny
Dysfunctional relationship anthem.
Killing Me | Chungha
Forgotten again these days The time has stopped When does it end? Try to pretend I'm used to it by now Something just fell apart What fell is the broken heart Future is trapped and has collapsed Everything is because of you
Is is really a joongdok playlist without at least one depressed breakup song?
Fiction | Highlight (formerly Beast)
Like this again (fiction in fiction) I can't end it (fiction in fiction) I am writing the story that will never end in my heart I will hold onto you (fiction in fiction) I won't let you go (fiction in fiction) I'm in the story of you and i that hasn't ended still, even today in fiction
I know Kim Dokja is the reader and not the writer but I couldn't NOT.
Heroine | Sunmi
In this drama of just us two The true hero was you, baby Yeah today you're being you Like a brilliant hero Just do as you have always done Even if that's playing the villain Even if that makes me sad You've got to be yourself Even if that hurts me, even if it's a sad ending The show must go on
This is the first song I added, honestly. Perfect for them.
What Can I Do | Day6
What am I to you? Do you even have feelings for me? Every time I meet you, you change Feels like I know you, but then I don't You meet all the people in the world but you have no time to give me? You're too much, why do you drive me so crazy?
I found this on a list of the gayest kpop songs.
Star | Loona
You're in my mind when I'm asleep I'm seeing stars sink in these dreams I don't wanna spend these hours with nobody else I'm in your mind, you're my dreams I'm freaking out I don't wanna leave But so selfishly I want you and nobody else
I debated between Voice (Korean version) and Star (English version) but then I realized Star has lines that can be read as the possession thing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Untouchable | Everglow
Tell me now, tell me now you want me Your feeling can be seen clearly like mine You and I are like one, we're so alike Talk about, talk about us, I want you My feeling can be seen clearly like yours Whatever people say, we're untouchable
Battle couple anthem.
Feel Special | Twice
You make me feel special No matter how the world brings me down Even when hurtful words stab me I smile again cause you're there That's what you do One moment I feel like I'm nothing at all Like no one would notice if I were gone But then when I hear you calling me, I feel loved I feel so special
When I realized I could put this song on this playlist I cackled.
Fairy of Shampoo | TXT
I don't feel lonely when I see you Even if I'm with my sad heart It just disappears far away Dear, you are my fairy of shampoo From this moment on, I will love you
This song is so fucking funny. Me and the woman from a shampoo commercial I have a parasocial relationship with.
Survive the Night | The Boyz
A crying child pouring starlight I got lost in the night I'm still lost there Though I realize it all I have to get out of here, warning warning warning Towards you running running running Small fragments and intersecting sensations only faint traces remember you I endure the dawn without you again, oh yeah
[pours one out for Kim Dokja's entire personal timeline]
Into the New World | Girls Generation
I love you, just like this The longed end of wandering I leave behind this world's unending sadness In the many unknowable paths I follow a dim light It's something we'll do together to the end Into my new world
Joongdok can have a protest song about reaching the end of the scenarios together. As a treat.
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lovetaroandtaemin · 2 months ago
Ally's 2024 Tumblr Wrapped
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Thank you so much @xomakara for tagging me!
Before I continue with the post, I want to thank every single person that has interacted with my blog this year. Every like, comment, follow, and reblog made my day, and I am so grateful to be part of the K-pop fanfic community.
Thank you all for a wonderful 2024, and here's to a wonderful 2025!
2024 Fic Stats
Number of fics posted: 58
Number of fics in progress: 12 (not counting the ideas that I have yet to fully flesh out)
Total words written: 118,283 (not counting WIPs or unposted fics)
Most Popular Posts of 2024
Date Posted: 7/9/24
NCT 127: Dom or Sub and Their Top Kinks
Notes: 309
Pairing: OT8 NCT 127 x Reader
Stray Kids: Dom or Sub and Their Top Kinks
Notes: 247
Date Posted: 9/8/24
Pairing: OT8 Stray Kids x Reader
Kinktober Day 4: Mirror Sex
Notes: 234
Date Posted: 10/4/24
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x Reader
Most Recent Fic of 2024
All I Wanted Part 8: Another Lonely Night
Date Posted: 12/29/24
Pairing: Osaki Shotaro x Reader
Word Count: 1,831
Longest Fics of 2024
Longest one shot: Mistletoe and Misunderstandings
Word Count: 5,953
Date Posted: 12/25/24
Pairing: Lily Jin Morrow x Reader
Longest series: Take Me to Church
Total Word Count: 11,660
Longest Part: Part 2 (6,463 words)
Date Started: 8/29/24
Pairing: Kim Dongyoung x Reader
Ongoing or Complete: Ongoing
My Favorite Fic I Wrote in 2024
Take Me to Church
Date Posted: 8/29/24
Pairing: Kim Dongyoung x Reader
Word Count: 5,197
Why it's my favorite:
I love this fic because it has some of the best worldbuilding I think I've ever written. The small town drama was so much fun to plan out and write, and I'm really proud of how I wrote each character.
My Favorite Fics I Read in 2024
There were so many incredible fics that I read this year, but these 5 were the first to come to mind that I really loved. They are listed here in no particular order.
Love Me Back by @leejenowrld
First Part Posted: 10/25/24
Last Part Posted: 12/7/24
Pairing: Mark Lee x Reader
Total Word Count: 242.7k
The Gambit by @miniseokminnies
Date Posted: 12/24/24
Pairing: Yoon Jeonghan x Reader
Word Count: 12.5k
Lost in Wonderland by @heechwe
Date Posted: 11/14/24
Pairing: Park Sunghoon x Reader
Word Count: 12k
Pane-ting You a Picture by @bitchlessdino
Date Posted: 12/20/24
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
Word Count: 6.1k
Classroom Etiquette by @ddeonghwa-s
Date Posted: 11/9/24
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Top Songs of 2024
Water - Ten
Rock With You - Seventeen
Me Gustas Tu - Gfriend
Shine - Pentagon
0x1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) - Tomorrow X Together
Cream Soda - EXO
RBB (Really Bad Boy) - Red Velvet
I Like You - Day6
Answer - Ateez
Love Scenario - iKON
Goals for 2025
Finish my ongoing series (both Take Me to Church and All I Wanted)
Read more outside of fanfiction
Interact more with my fellow K-pop fic writers on Tumblr
Everyone mentioned above
@melobin, @spacequokka, @featseungmin, @diamonddaze01, @kpopflowerfield
Anyone else that wants to do one!
Thank you again for a wonderful 2024! I cannot wait for you all to see what I have planned for 2025.
P.S. Did you notice the little guitar I hid in my banner?
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