#day bird
memwazz · 1 year
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THIS is the proof your local emo boy is back to his Fall Out Boy era 😏
I redrew a 2019 version of a Song Art inspired by The Phoenix, which is Arthur's theme song in my SEVEN Playlist 🔥
If you're not familiar with the canon : Arthur Wentworth is a member of the 7th Division and his superhero name is Day Bird. An helicopter accident in the US Airforce disabled him and walking now hurts him too much, so his costume has mechanic wings he flies with after raising thanks to his high-tech prothesis.
But not only does he have a bird-like aesthetic, the phoenix also is the perfect animal Arthur can be associated with.
He's one of my most resilient characters, who practically died 12 years ago but rose from the ashes and has a strong will to live even when everything collapses.
Arthur has dealt with chronic pain all his life but it drastically worsened after the accident and he's in permanent physical suffering.
He did his best to deconstruct a toxic education to become a better person, was betrayed by people he loved and trusted but still has faith in humanity and an infinite kindness.
His disability ruined his mental and physical health, crushed his dreams, hopes and career, yet he still tries and manages to put his and his relatives' shit together.
He's probably the most and only mentally stable person in the team and a literal pillar for everyone, even with his PTSD/C-PTSD.
Through the story, Arthur will also discover he has a 11 years old daughter he wasn't prepared to raise, still he'll do his best to do so and give her the life he never had.
No really, he's a sweetheart and a biblically accurate phoenix, I don't know how he stays that positive 😶
About the drawing itself, it has a lot of flaws but I think it was worth the 15-20 hours I worked on it. Seeing and showing progress in my art style with years always helps with my insecurities ❤️
Here's the 2019 drawing :
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And a blank version of the last panel :
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goddamnshinyrock · 11 months
gulls are proof that a) there is a god and b) that god enjoys the pain and suffering of birders
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great-and-small · 9 months
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arcane-gold · 3 months
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death • rebirth
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montereybayaquarium · 2 months
✨ Makana travels the Aquarium ✨
From watching the drifting jellies to being all about that (sea)bass, Makana’s journey around the Aquarium is an enriching experience! Makana is one of our resident Laysan albatrosses. She’s offered excursions like this one as part of her care. These outings provide her with new smells, sounds, and sights to "sea" as she cruises through the building. 
🌍Makana broke her left wing as a young chick and lost the ability to fly long distances, which is why she resides with us. These enrichment activities keep her mind sharp and offer her new experiences.
But did you know that seabirds in the wild face some serious challenges? 🥺 As an ambassador for her species, Makana helps us highlight the dangers of plastic pollution threatening the health of our oceans. It’s up to us to help! 🌊
Let’s make sure Makana’s seabird friends don’t have to wing it alone. Learn more about our conservation work.
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kateammann · 1 year
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Happy International Asexuality Day!!! 💜🤍🖤
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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what if there was a plague doctor that was so so so cute (and was also secretly a bird themself)
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daily-dragon-drawing · 6 months
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#72 - 夜鷹 (yèyīng / nightjar) - Today's dragon is this actual animal that really exists! Nature is amazing 🤯✨🦅
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Gamers this has been on my mind for a while, and I've been Going Through It so I can't thoughtfully articulate it yet but: the little things can, and absolutely will, save you.
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keeskiwi · 4 months
So much more of the natural world feels close and accessible now. When I started birding, I remember thinking that I’d never see most of the species in my field guide. Sure, backyard birds like robins and western bluebirds would be easy, but not black skimmers or peregrine falcons or loggerhead shrikes. I had internalized the idea of nature as distant and remote — the province of nature documentaries and far-flung vacations. But in the past six months, I’ve seen soaring golden eagles, heard duetting great horned owls, watched dancing sandhill cranes and marveled at diving Pacific loons, all within an hour of my house. “I’ll never see that” has turned into “Where can I find that?”
-Ed Yong, When I Became a Birder, Almost Everything Else Fell Into Place
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effinbirds · 2 months
This Prime Day, let's all remember back to that time that Amazon was bootlegging my merchandise.
Good times!
Anyways, use the code AMAZONCRIME to save 15% off of legit merchandise at effinbirds.com until tomorrow.
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memwazz · 1 year
SEVEN - Arthur Wentworth
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Arthur, also known as Day Bird, is a member of the 7th Division and an officer in the US Army. His status allows him to spy the army to report to the team any attack plan or worrying behavior.
He's also Aloïs' longstanding best friend.
Species : human
Age : 41
Height : 190 cm
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- Illustrations :
Finish Line - Marshall Cats - Bodies - Friends - The Phoenix - Grass - EzThur -
- Comics :
Fine, Thanks ! - Somebody to Love -
- Shitpost :
Disney Princess Meme - Hi Bi - Trauma Dump - Bi Disaster - Raccoon - Attractive -
Arthur is the only "human" member of the Division and doesn't have any superpower. He defends himself using his 30 years long experience in MMA and his high-tech prosthesis.
Due to an helicopter accident, he lost both his arms and mechanical ones replaced it. Aloïs customized the prosthesis so he can fly with the help of small jet engines. It also allows him to set fire to or blow things up.
His arms are incredibly heavy and Arthur could break someone's bones with a single punch. However, he sometimes struggles to fight because his accident caused him permanent and severe chronic pain, making him unable to move without a wheelchair.
Arthur is a calm and confident person. With his infinite kindness, benevolence and his wise advices, he's the tranquil power and the paternal figure of the group. He will always support, advise and reassure his relatives; he's stable, reliable and can be trusted under any circumstances.
Humble and open-minded, Arthur does his best to understand people, empathize and never judge. He respects people's emotions and opinions (as long as they're not oppressive) and tries to always let them some personal space.
His patience is difficult to challenge : even his closest friends rarely see him angry. Arthur hates showing signs of anger or violence : both in mission and in his personal life, he will try to keep control not to hurt anyone. However, his rare angers are quite violent and scary because they mean it's too much and he reached his limit.
Despite his calm and tranquil personality, Arthur remains someone cheerful. Enthusiastic about life itself, he's always seen with a peaceful or joyful smile. Even when everything collapses and despite his horrible life and disability, positivity is what helps him cope. He likes to tease people he loves but his sense of humor is soft and benevolent.
He can be considered as the only member of the team to be emotionally and mentally stable. The only event which will cause him anxiety and anger during the story is the apparition of his teenage daughter Ruby. Because of his terrible education, he's terrified he could fail hers and hurt her the way his father did him.
Arthur is naturally active and used to be addicted to sports. Unfortunately, his physical disability doesn't allow him to move a lot anymore, thus he keeps his limited energy to be efficient in missions.
Arthur was born in a middle-class family and is an only child. His father was a violent abuser who used to beat his wife and gave Arthur a terrible education.
He grew up in a sexist environment and was raised as a masculinist since his father wanted to make him "a real man". He forbid him to grow his hair and to practice gymnastics : instead, Arthur was forced to participate in clandestine MMA fights since the age of 10. He quickly became easy to anger and intimidating, both in terms of attitude and physical appearance. He was almost 6'3" aged 14 and since he was pressured into working out, used to be very muscular and used this impressive appearance not to be bullied at school.
When Arthur was 15, his father beat his pregnant mother to death and he found her dead one morning in the living-room. He was the one to testify against him in court and helped sending him to prison.
As the lawsuit was going on, Arthur had become a troubled teenager. He became even more violent and irritable himself, fighting everyday against other teenagers at school. He finally was evicted after punching a teacher who made a joke that triggered his latest trauma.
After his expulsion, Arthur decided to attend a military camp aiming at reinserting teenagers who had withdrawn from school. He tried very hard not to be violent like his father anymore because he was afraid he could kill someone too. From then on, Arthur did everything to repress his anger and turned it into an exaggerated joy. He faked a perpetual smile and good mood, laughing every time he felt upset or angry.
His sociable attitude made him popular at the camp and he made a lot of friends, which encouraged him to hide his feelings even more.
Aged 17, he met his now best friend Aloïs who had just joined his dorm and Arthur became the first person to defend him against bullying :
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Arthur graduated on his 21st year and decided to definitely engage as a pilot in the US Airforce.
The next decade was the happiest of his life : he was leading a successful carrier, had married and was planning to found a family, and was thriving finally practicing gymnastics.
Unfortunately eight years later, his perfect life collapsed after an accident. His helicopter was shot, crashed on the ground and Arthur was left between life and death. His two arms were amputated, his vocal chords severely damaged and dozens of his bones broke.
After weeks of hospitalization, Arthur started suffering unbearable chronic pain and wasn't able to walk anymore without a wheelchair. The army replaced his missing arms with prosthesis, gave him a device for him to talk again, then decorated him as an officer and kind of gave up on him.
Arthur started feeling a bit of resentment, which worsened when he had to deal with administrative files and discovered from the inside how corrupted the system was. He lost his faith and devotion for his country but kept his job because he had no other professional option. In the meantime, his wife got tired of taking care of him and his disability. She divorced him and Arthur, heartbroken, developed depression.
A few weeks later, Aloïs gave him a hand and offered him a place in the 7th Division, which Arthur who had nothing to lose immediately accepted. Aloïs improved the technology of his prosthesis and crafted him giant mechanical wings for him to move and fight more easily.
He stayed in the team for the next 12 years and his position in the US Army now allows him to spy them and report informations to his teammates.
Arthur works as an US Airforce officer and is a spy for the 7th Division.
He's been divorced for 12 years and is single at the beginning of the story but will end up dating Ezra. He has a teenage daughter named Ruby he will meet aged 11.
Arthur is a popular person with lots of acquaintances but his lifelong best friend is Aloïs Marshall.
Nicknames :
Day Bird
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They are best friends since they're 13 and 17 (See : BACKSTORY - MILITARY FLASHBACK). Arthur has a total trust in Aloïs and he's probably the living person he respects and loves the most.
They went through a lot together and Arthur has always found support and love near Aloïs. He's the one who entirely deconstructed his sexism, internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity when they were teenagers and Arthur is very grateful for it.
Moreover, Aloïs was the first person to rush to the hospital when Arthur had his accident; he took care of and supported him a lot when his wife gave up on him.
Despite Aloïs' bad communication skills, he and Arthur could understand each other without even talking. They can spend sleepless nights just chatting, having a drink or playing chess.
They sometimes argue because their personalities and the way they interact are quite the opposite, but they never turned their back on each other.
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At the beginning of the story, Arthur has been Ezra's friend for over 20 years. He respects and trust him a lot and is greateful for what he brings to his best friend Aloïs.
He doesn't know and would have never imagined Ezra had a crush on him : he's actually unaware of his own bisexuality until Ezra confesses aged 40. From then on, he questions himself and accepts the idea of a relationship without knowing much how it will go.
Arthur develops even stronger love and affection for Ezra and also feels the urge to protect him from the world and himself. As a boyfriend, he's very careful of his needs and consent and is the one who will help Ezra recover from the trauma of his previous relationship.
He himself feels loved and desired by his partner, which helps with the heartbreak and lack of self-esteem caused by his divorce.
They will raise his teenage daughter Ruby together.
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Ruby is Arthur's daughter he had from his previous, first and only marriage. He doesn't know about her existence until she's 11 because his ex-wife willingly hid her so her child wouldn't have a disabled father.
Her arrival worries Arthur a lot at first. He was ready to be a dad 12 years before but not anymore and it also triggers his biggest traumas. Growing up with a violent father and because he told Arthur he would be dead if he was born a girl, Arthur fears he could fail Ruby's education and hurt her too.
Thanks to his friends' (and mostly Ezra's and Aloïs') support, Arthur becomes more confident, illegaly takes Ruby with him and starts raising her with his future partner Ezra.
He's not very skilful at the beginning but gradually learns and becomes a great and loving parent. Ruby ends up being the apple of his eyes instead of a source of stress. Arthur also often fixes the educational mistakes his chaotic boyfriend makes.
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Ronnie is one of Arthur's closest friends. They met at a bar a few years ago when Ronnie drank too much and Arthur offered him to take him home. They exchanged numbers and started talking everyday.
Arthur appreciates Ronnie's sarcasm and sense of humor. They regularly wind each other up and call the other names for fun.
Ronnies sometimes flirts with Arthur as he'd like to have sex with him but Arthur never gets the allusions or thinks it's another of his bad jokes.
In the 7th Division, Ronnie is Arthur and the other's precious ally. He has good knowledge of everything magical and occult, which helps the heroes deal with supernatural enemies. Arthur usually is the one calling him for help.
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Arthur met them 11 years ago as they were searching for their missing brother already and asked for the army's help. Most of the officers turned them down and Arthur was the first to give Myko a hand.
They looked for Serhiy for years together, in vain, but a strong friendship was born eventually.
Maybe because he's a patient person but also due to his affection for them, Arthur is the only member of the Division not to yell at Myko when they act stupid or make dangerous mistakes. He almost considers them as his own child or little sibling.
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tawnysoup · 24 days
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two new critters just dropped
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great-and-small · 1 year
Just curious about everyone’s thoughts on this as I’ve been thinking about urban wildlife a lot lately
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stefisdoingthings · 1 month
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stickynotebirds · 7 months
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275. Superb Bird-of-Paradise
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