#day 5 round 5
I am so exhausted and emotional today. I had to drag myself to the surgeon's office to learn about the next steps, and I could barely process the information. I ended up in a Lyft talking to my sister, crying. This fatigue is unlike anything I have ever experienced and all of the sudden I got so scared again. I know it's just the second to last treatment, I know it's going to get better but today is today and all I have to do is just get through it. It's hard to picture a future today, there are so many steps - I have to get another biopsy during an MRI for something weird that they can take out during surgery if it is cancer (a non-invasive kind). I got scared it's in the lymph. nodes - I have to meet with a plastic surgeon next week. I know I am just really tired and my brain isn't working well. This is what I was warned about. Still though, it's super hot and there is a helicopter that won't stop flying around and I want to shoot it down. I hate everything.
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The 90s MV Melee - round 5 match 4
Voter-submitted propaganda:
Basket Case - none received
Sabotage -
"The dummy falling off the bridge. Thats all i gotta say."
"literally there is nothing more fun than this"
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shakingparadigm · 6 months
It's genuinely crazy that ROUND 6 is coming out in 2 days. Imagine the amount of people that waited a whole year for this. The crew themselves are shocked they got this far. All the theorizing, speculating and discussion about how these two characters would fare against each other and the circumstances stacked against them... we finally get to see it all play out the day after tomorrow. It genuinely feels like the Patreon announcement for ROUND 6 just came out yesterday??? what the hell???
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pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 19: Work
In a city of endless rain and mysteries, a detective’s work is never done.
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fisheito · 2 months
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hiya l'il-- medium?...large?? Assorted Sizes-Guy
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oh thanks! i could always use more spices-
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. what am i supposed to do with this.
#surrounded by henchmen (smaller Me's) i peer reproachfully into my inbox#2: ...get him pregnant?#*slaps 2 upside the head* you absolute GOON he's ALREADY pregnant we can't get him DOUBLE pregnant#2: well... why not? if creatures can have two uteri then i don't see why--#Me: *drags my hand down my face* yes i know but. just. dont#3: Picture this. your snake wife is so full and round (because who knows how many snakelets are in there)#3: one day he has to stop working much earlier than usual. u kno. cuz of the MASS. and he starts getting insecure about his body changes#3: so he touches his tummy . looks up at you with those big eyes and murmurs 'am i... unsightly like this?'#3: and u whisper reassurances to him while kissing his face#3: then u promptly rail him on the nearest comfortable surface to erase any doubt of him being unattractive#Me: ..............WHAT THE FUFK?#3: *shrugs aggressively while maintaining eye contact*#Me: NO. pregnancy isn't even our kink. why are we-#3: not YOUR kink maybe#Me: *incredulous stare* how the-- you know what . Go to the timeout zone. i'm not dealing with this today#4: the ask says 'snakumo' though. Wouldn't he be in snake form then...?#3: so? THIS CHANGES NOTHING.#Me: GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#3: *rolls eyes and mutters while walking away*#5: who's greg?#4: dude you can't be serious. if WE know the meme then YOU know the meme#5: i'm serious. i haven't been online in 16 years#4: look. when you wonder if sex will hurt baby top of head-#Me: WHY ARE WE DISCUSSING THIS?#2: because we are currently engaged in a circle of ppl squicked by pregnancy... who must make pregnancy jokes#4: it's all about the joke potential ya see. gigglemaxxing#Me: *massaging my temples* i'm not ready to be a father. i never will be.#6: KNOCK HIM UP AND EAT HIS EGGS SO U CAN KNOCK HIM UP AGAIN. NO ONE SAID YOU HAVE TO BE A FATHER !#3: (muffled from a distance) HELL YEAH BROTHER#Me: SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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briankang · 1 year
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“I think my greatest strength and specialty is my relentless effort...my perseverance.”
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seaofreverie · 7 days
Sparkstember Day 21: Exotic Creatures Of The Deep (Strange Animal)
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Some of you might already have some idea of how absolutely abnormal I am about this album and have been for several months, without fail. It's... perfect? And you know that personal relevance will also often be a total game changer in deciding what your ultimate favourites are and such. It's personal relevance of my own doing anyway, if I can call it that, you know those memes that go something like "it's MY mental breakdown and *I* chose the soundtrack!!". Oh yeah, that's what happened here. But even that aside I might never get over how much ECOTD is EVERYTHING I might want from an album and it has not lost its power with passing time even one bit. I'm wary to call anything a number one definitive favourite most of the time, but if I really had to choose... yeah, this is my favourite album of all time, there's absolutely no denying that.
Where do I even start with this... Well, coming back a bit to the LB - HYL - ECOTD series as a whole, I love how all three of them have so much in common and each one is some sort of natural development on the previous one, keeping its core elements but also adding new ones that are unique to the new album. And I guess the style of ECOTD is the one that ended up speaking to me the most. Toning it down a bit on the repetition aspect, adding more fancy synths, heavy drums, more guitar-based stuff continuing from HYL... And its still edgier and more electronic and darker and theatrical than the previous ones. Maybe I could even call it straight up COOL sounding (at least at times) in a way that the previous ones aren't (or not quite as much). (And that's not to say that they're all not icredibly cool in their own way anyway, but, you know.) None of these three are definitely better than the others for me by the way, but. Still, love the whole evolution here a lot.
And now, of course, a word on the craziest and most ambitious idea of the century, the 21×21 shows. I spent about a month, if not more, earlier this year going through what I'm quite sure must be the majority of what's been recorded from these shows, and I have no regrets. And yeah, one of the most impressive feats in the history of music, playing 21 albums in full day after day, but also can we please talk about the visualisations they put there to go with the albums. Catching glimpses of those album covers being comically stretched or rotated and such was a very important part of the whole experience. But yeah, Sparks Spectacular, it really is so spectacular.
I actually do have specific favourites on this album rather than being obsessed with it all the same amount, but I think it deserves special treatment just like Lil' Beethoven, so, let's go, going over all of them now. And I think it's better to just dive straight into them now anyway, in order to get a better hang of this whole album and why it's so brilliant and special to me.
Intro + Intro Reprise
I love you leitmotifs that reappear throughout the album and tie it all together. Such a good touch on what is imo the most cinematic of Sparks albums
Good Morning
This happened a couple of times to me with Sparks, when I first hear a song and I'm quite intrigued and delighted but that's mostly it. And then I hear it once more after a while and I'm never the same again from that point on. THIS!!!!!! SONG!!!!! I was so right that I would love all of ECOTD even more than anything before it based just on this. This is the Russell falsetto album by the way, that's important to note. I'm very impressed by this song in many ways. I like that it starts with this specific synth sound that's VERY characteristic of this whole album. And the fake ending... This song has LB and HYL all over it but it's also its own beautiful thing
Strange Animal
This song has an effect of "stopping in my tracks the moment I hear the first note" on me to be honest, another one of my forever and biggest favourites. Right up there with all the other rocking epics to the likes of Ugly Guys With Beautiful Girls, Dick Around and As I Sit Down To Play The Organ. Sparks going meta on music & being a musician is also always very cool to see
I Can't Believe That You Would Fall For All The Crap In This Song
My first impression of what would become my most listened to Sparks song was a "wait, this was supposed to be a Sparks-only playlist, am I still listening to Sparks??" But a couple more months passed and what can I say, I'm obsessed now (and have been for over half a year now). The Maels saying "fuck you" to love songs & pop songs cliches will always be one of my favourite things about them... While they're also actively alluding to and using those cliches to create something very effective. I'm sure that it being so similar to the type of electro pop songs that were getting lots of radio play in the late 00s is why I'm so drawn to the sound here. It's always all about that nostalgia effect, huh (and this album is the absolute PEAK of "oh god why are all these songs so nostalgic to me I've only known them for this relatively short amount of time")
Let The Monkey Drive
This song ends what is probably my favourite 4 consecutive songs run on any album ever. Each is so mindblowing but in a different way. Best thing about this song to me is its atmopshere. It's just SO tangible. Like, this IS driving past the speed limit on a highway in the middle of the night (we can ignore the rest of what's happening in the story here for a moment). Obsessed with Russell's voice here and also it's so great to me how such a minimalistic approach can be so effective in creating this whole very specific mental image. Just unsettling strings in the back and two notes (or repeating chords) on the piano that are sort of the most prominent "melody" here and that's all you need. The suspense, the understatedness of it all, I love it
I've Never Been High
One of the most Sparks-like of Sparks songs in a way? And another one where I could probably start coming up with lyrical interpretations for on the spot. Lots to think about regarding all of these songs to be honest. And I like how the rising piano notes at the end lead into the descending flute (?) melody at the start of the next song
(She Got Me) Pregnant
Honestly, I absolutely love this song, it's one of my favourites on the album, maybe top five material. And it somehow sounds exactly like how I could have imagined it to sound, based on just its premise, I don't really know how that works but it does, lmao. And who else would give you this sort of song if not Sparks, no one
Lighten Up, Morrissey
Glam rock bliss that does not clash with the rest of the album despite being pretty stylistically different from the rest of it. Quite saddening that it's the only song here that has a music video, when there's SO MUCH potential here, seriously, again, this whole album is so cinematic. I do quite like what we got here though, love this era of Sparks ALSO when it comes to the visual side of it all (I keep saying this over and over), but still, there's so much more we could have had, y'know
This Is The Renaissance
GOOD GOD, I LOVE THIS ONE, in love with it from the first listen. It's everything that makes this album so grand and one-of-a-kind in a nutshell. Among the top 10 Sparks songs that should have had a music video also. I have a pretty elaborate painting idea based on this song in mind, so I hope I'll be able to make it into reality at some point in the future
The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'
List of Sparks songs where movie-directing is used as an allegory of sex is somehow at least two songs long I've noticed (this + Love Scenes). Anyway, this one's a pretty heavy one to unpack so I don't think I can really do it justice today. Love it just like every other song on here though
Another one that could have had such a killer music video. Again, stripped-down arrangement that's just enough to hit you with the right amount of feels and overall one of the most killer Ron piano master moments overall, now that I think about it. The plea of "photoshop me out of your life" sounds pretty... on-the-nose out of context? But again, Sparks magic makes it work anyway! And the 21×21 performance is in my top 10 Sparks live moments of all time (I don't actually have a list like this but, maybe I should make it now)
...This is the song of all time to me. Honestly, give me any song pondering the nature of what it means to love vs what it means to like someone and things of such nature and you have me hooked forever. But even that aside, musically speaking, it's just... perfection. Most cinematic Sparks song overall maybe, it's really just like a little movie, every moment is so perfectly timed and measured, I have no words honestly, for just, how incredible it all is. The melodic aspect now, it makes me so emotional, one of the most likely of Sparks song to make me cry, for real. I could start going over every different part of the song now but honestly, they're all just, equally amazing. Special shoutout to the waltz parts though, and the bridge. Oooohhh the bridge, when it all gets so intense, and then the main melody reappears with an acoustic guitar, it's just, peak of it all. And then the intro leitmotif comes back again and it's just?!?.?? My feelings on this song might even still not be fully comprehensible and clear to me. All in all, couldn't imagine a better album closer than this, hands down. And this song also closing the Sparks Spectacular series of shows, yeah (not counting the encore). Oh man. Oh maaannnnn. What a freaking ride.
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thresholdbb · 5 months
Hold up, how have they not cured allergies yet?
TORRES: We're not finished yet. I know a few things that old Sneezy didn't teach in his survival course.
KIM: Sneezy?
TORRES: Commander Zakarian, remember? He must have been allergic to everything.
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worstloki · 5 months
negative connotations to Arabic phrase ‘God is Great’ incorrect. average praying Muslim does takbir (says Allahu Akbar) a minimum 95 times a day and should have been counted.
#minimum#like MIMIMUM.#each day#like that’s just for the 5 prayers#only the obligatory ones it doesn’t include the additional voluntary ones most people also tend to do at some point#it doesn’t include regular use of the phrase in conversation#the phrase is literally used as an exclamation#like if you say ‘Allahu akbar my shift is over! I can go home alhumdulilah!’#like I don’t know what to tell you#western news-media connotations are so weird#you literally yell takbir to celebrate as well#saw a thing where everyone did takbir every time someone donated a huge amount to charity like brooooooooo#people be laughing so hard and getting Allahuakbar Allahuakbar out while wheezing#you score a goal? Allahu akbar alhumdulilah#this is very normal culturally transmitted info#Christian Arabs use the phrase as well like it's Arabic come on western media you’re not even trying#it’s such a joke#95 doesn't even include the 2 calls to prayer#it doesn't count people who do the extra allahu akbar (x33) after each prayer#doesn't include anything recited before bed#like. these are not uncommon things people choose to do. like...... BRO???#if you've ever seen Muslims praying in a group the person leading the prayer does the takbir out loud. that's literally how it's done#there are like 7 or 5 'Allahu akbar's in each round of prayer#you can't NOT say that part out loud it's literally THE part that has to be said out loud in each prayer#this information is very available online#you can say it before doing anything idk why it became a big deal in the west especially#it's some strange xenophobic Islamophobic normalise killings in those regions of the world mix#I’ve been getting recommended so many Arabic anime edits idk what to tell you#call everyone habibi it’s good for you#one of the most popular world languages fr
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emrys-the-wild · 9 months
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camelspit · 4 months
Best Keeper Character Bracket: Preliminary Rounds
June 1
Alden Vacker, Lady Alexine, Councillor Alina, Alvar Vacker, Amisi
Amy Foster, Lady Anwen, Audric, Barth the Reaper, Sir Beckett
Behnam Aria, Lady Belva, Benesh Vacker, Bethany Lopez, Bex Dizznee
June 2
Biana Vacker, Blur, Boo Boo the Boobrie, Boobrie Dude, Bo
Coach Bora, Brant [REDACTED], Brielle, Brier, Brisa
Councillor Bronte, Sir Bubu, Bullhorn, Bun-Bun the Bunny, Bunhead
June 3
Master Cadence, Cadfael, Cadoc, Calla, Caprise Redek
Lord Cassius, Sir Caton, Lady Ceah, Ceri, Councillor Clarette
Coackatrice, Sir Conley, Cyrah Endal, Damel Kafuta, Lady Dara
June 4
Councillor Darek, Dedra, Della Vacker, Lady Delmira, Dempsey
Dex Dizznee, King Dimitar, Sir Donwell, Durand Redek, Edaline Ruewen
Eleanor Wright, Elidyr, Ella the Elephant, Elwin Heslege, Elysian
June 5
Councillor Emery, Emma Foster, King Enki, Ermete, Esha Aria
Ethan Wright II, Lady Evera, Fallon Vacker, Sir Faxon, Lady Fayina
Fernan Babblos, Fintan Pyren, Fitz Vacker, Flori, Mr Forkle
June 6
Lady Galvin, Garwin Chang, Gerda, Gethen Ondsinn, Gildie
Lady Gisela, Gora, Grady Ruewen, Greyfell, Grizel
Queen Gundula, Sir Harding, Harlin Vacker, Harry the Jackalope, Huxley
June 7
Queen Hylda, Iggy, Irja, Lady Iskra, Sir Jarvin
Jensi Babblos, Jolie and Brant's Gremlin, Jolie Ruewen, Juji, Juline Dizznee
Jurek, Keefe Sencen, Councillor Kenric, Kesler Dizznee, King Gowg
June 8
Kloris, Krikor, Kun, Sir Leander, Lefty
Lesedi Chebota, Lex Dizznee, Linh Song, Councillor Liora, Livvy Sonden
Lovise, Luna, Lur, Luzia Vacker, Mai Song
June 9
Marella Redek, Marty, Maruca Chebota, Mitya, Nesrin
Lady Nissa, Councillor Noland, Norene Vacker, Queen Nubiti, Ollie Heks
Opher, Councillor Oralie, Orem Vacker, Pelipa Heks, Lady Pemberley
June 10
Empress Pernille, Prentice Endal, Princess Purryfins, Quan Song, Quinlin Sonden
Quinlin's Receptionist, Councillor Ramira, Rayni Aria, Rex Dizznee, Righty
Coach Rohana, Ro, Sir Rosings, Ruy Ignis, Sandor
June 11
Lady Sanja, Lady Sassyfur the Sasquatch, Shayda Adel, Silla Heks, Silveny
Sior, Mr Snuggles, Sir Splashyhugs the Kelpie, Sophie Foster, Lady Song
Sprocket, Stina Heks, Mrs Stinkbottom, Stinky the Stegosaurus, Mr Sweeney
June 12
Tam Song, Tarina, Councillor Terik, Thales the Sower, Tiergan Alenfar
Timkin Heks, Timur, Tinker, Trella, Trix
Twinkle, Umber, Urre, Valin, Lady Veda
June 13
Councillor Velia, Verdi, Vered, Vertina, Lady Vespera
Vika Heks, Watson, Coach Wilda, William Foster, Woltzer
Wraith, Wylie Endal, Wynn, Yegor, Yuri, Councillor Zarina, Lady Zillah
June 15
Comeback Round
Note! If I have missed a character or misspelled something PLEASE let me know. There are currently 197 characters and they can be hard to keep track of 😔 if you want to check on a certain character, the list is alphabetized.
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autisticaradiamegido · 9 months
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day 5
ok tbh i was not pleased with how my last several marcilles have turned out so i felt like it was time to sit down and do some damn studying on this gal. i think it helped!
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 5, Poll 9
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Day-Last Twilight
At the time submitted he was blind, and is queer
lol we probably could have taken him out, but he does seem like an interesting character.
Prince Wilhelm-Young Royals
Has some sort of anxiety disorder and is very queer
I think he’s neat.
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brownandreclusive · 6 months
For my own amusement I've decided to make my friends do a rom com madness bracket throughout April. If you'd like to participate, get your predictions in by Monday 4/1 at 5 pm CST.
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vgtrackbracket · 2 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Theme of Rashid from Street Fighter V
Overworld Day from Terraria
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Theme of Rashid:
An incredibly hype theme for any fight. If you have doubts, just wait until someone pulls off his super right as they drop the "RA-SHI-DOOOOOOOOOOOO!". Legendary.
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reksink · 10 months
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Some Bubbles of The Wonderful Carnvial Variety
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