#day 2 sun stars
vwiivizx · 5 days
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Day.... 2....eughhjjj......no colors.........
Storyline : nene is the sun, the center of the solar system were in. But, a few days ago, the moon wasn't found anywhere.
Nene has never shined the same, sure her sun still has some light. But the sun shined brighter when the moon was still there.
The sun sits still in her place, wondering if she could've seen the moon at least one more time. A star was walking around, finding the sun alone.
He finds interest in the sun, now is trying to talk with her. She's still sad, I wonder if he can cheer her up?
Ok guys quick act like hanako
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You were trying to go through multiple planets and learning them, you've always been a space-kinda-guy. You always see planets brighter when you step foot near their territory, you're quite a bright star, aren't you?
Floating through the space, you find a star that shined brighter than any stars you've ever seen.
" Woah.. " You muttered, seeing her makes your heart beat faster, I wonder why? " What is this feeling, " you ask.
She seems pretty.. Gloomy, the other planets looked worried at her. Why can't they do something? Well, if they can't then you should probably do something.
You took a few steps closer to her, her head turns upward. She's crying, she doesn't say anything. " Uhm.. Hey ! ! " You smiled, " Are you.. you alright? The other planets seem worried about you. "
... It's been a few moments, her mouth stays shut. Seems like you've bothered her or something.. Well, you tried, " I'm alright.. " She replies, you don't know if she wants you to stay or not.
" Hey! ! You can tell me what happened, I'm sure I can listen. " You took a few steps closer, sitting down beside her. Your eyes seem to gaze around her beauty, her voice, her light, everything about her just seems perfect. Maybe you could see her smile?
" .... I lost someone.. really special to me. " She whispered, her voice was really small. You could barely hear it, at least you still understand her words. Her tears were bright, they shined just as bright as your stars.
Oh yeah, you should say something about her loss, " Awh, uhh... I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope she.. or he or whatever pronouns they use, I hope you can meet them again maybe. " You couldn't find words that fit best to comfort her, she seems to be a bit confused. She wiped her tears and lifted her head up a bit. " I wish I could see them again, they aren't dead or anything.. Hopefully not. They're lost and.. " Her voice cracked, doesn't seem like she can speak anymore words.
You hear a soft sorrow from her, you try to think of what could entertain her. " Hey, how about you and I go around the galaxy? " You invited, " No, I can't. This is my place, if I move anywhere from here, then everyone else will collapse. " She declined your offer.
" Well.. If you can't move out of this place then, I'll stay here with you! "
" No, go back to your own home. It's better that you continue exploring, do your own thing. " She wanted the best for you.
You sigh, " Listen, I haven't known you for a long time or anything. But if I had to see the outside world without your shine, I think I'd rather stay in my own bubble. " You replied, she seems pretty.. Intrigued by your reply. You know she doesn't want to feel lonely, but she wants the best for you too. She doesn't want to decline your offer again, worrying it might make you sad. " Fine, stay here. But you can leave whenever you want. "
You immediately smiled, she seems to find you really interesting. You feel a warm presence coming from her now, though you couldn't see her smile, at least you've probably made her happy now.
You both sit eternally together, a few talks, compliments, and a few other activities.
You don't complain about this life choice, being with her makes you happy. She seems to be happy about it too, " Hey, please don't leave me.. Please..? " She asked.
"Of course I won't, darling. You are everything to me, I will always be there for you. Even if my body wouldn't be here anymore, my mind will always find a way to your heart. "
Both of you are happy together.
It's okay, you won't die before her. Hopefully.
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Live laugh hananene (and mitsukou)
Was supposed to add angst at the end but I'm kind 💞 (hanakos gonna die and nenes gonna be alone AGAIN ok bye)
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flame-the-witch · 3 days
HanaNene Tanabata Week 2024 Day 2: Sun/Stars
Here's the next one. My hand hurts.
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hananenetanabata · 5 days
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Day 2 has arrived!! You all have been shining so bright; I'm starry-eyed ☀️🌟
Please tag your posts with ##hananenetanabata24, and if you'll be posting late, tag with #day 2 sun stars!
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insignificant457 · 4 months
Zukos crew being the 41st is an addition I can’t stop thinking about.
Because on the one hand—part of the tragedy of the original was that despite all zuko suffered in their name, it didn’t do a damn thing. They were still sacrificed and zuko lost everything for it, and having his actions and words technically save their lives doesn’t give it the same hopelessness.
But on the other hand—the scene itself was incredible. Them all bowing to him as a thanks for his sacrifice for them had me Feeling. And Dallas does a great job because you can tell that zuko hates this, despite the fact that he’s finally earned the respect of his crew. Because for the past three years he’s been trying to convince himself that compassion is weakness. Because his father said so, because all compassion got him is disfigured and banished, and just when he’s trying so hard to remind himself of that—because he almost forgot for a second there, when the avatar seemed less like a threat and more like a kid—he comes back to find these people thanking him—honoring him—for the very thing he is trying so hard to stamp out.
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haunted-xander · 3 months
Something something kh2 Sora's outfit being primarily dark colors despite being associated with light and Riku's outfit being primarily light colors despite being associated with darkness
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verysmallcyborg · 2 months
a1... p.. pirate. .,,
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[size difference poses]
other poses finished: A3 & B3
ryss has to CLIMB them like a tree to sit on their thigh and reach them >:)
(ft. @oneiroy's ryssrael)
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“An Apple a Day...” - Ultimate Fruit Collection 2.0
An Apple a Day has been updated to 2.0 and with it there are a number of changes and improvements. Be aware: getting fruit has become a bit harder by default...
Please note that this update REQUIRES Smarter EP Check
New in 2.0
Massive space-savings and optimization!: Less space needed, better performance
Trait support! Gatherer and Green Thumb
A whole new tree health system! (user-tuneable). Get a normal harvest, a great harvest or even a failed one
Improved textures for Banana and Coconut trees
Gardening Badge and FT Nature enthusiasm!
You can find more information in the Manual. Enjoy!
Many thanks to the beta testers!
Download - SFS
View Use/Instruction Manual
View Keep Thread/Pictures
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hopecomesbacktolife · 6 months
hey. hey. *clutches your face tenderly between my hands with all the love and sincerity of Théoden king of Rohan* no more despair! ok?! you shall live to see these days renewed!!
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eewtp · 1 year
Not a TSATS Review*
Ever since reading TSATS I’ve been… disappointed 😞 I can’t hide it anymore; that entire book felt like a fanfiction that barely made it out of Wattpad
If I stumbled across this fanfic on AO3, I’d most likely drop it after a few chapter
I have no one but myself to blame. With the way I portray Nico, he’s actually effected deeply by everything that’s happened to him. The book took none of his baggage seriously and it disappointed me greatly. I understand this is a children’s book and it’s a perfect read for the little ones, but… I’m going to redo it because Nico deserves a book that’s serious about his trauma.
I’m tempted to rewrite the book because it was not to my expectations but that’s a big task so I have no idea how/when I’ll do it, but I’ll do it eventually for everyone that feels the same way!
These are my credentials-
*Especially this one*
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nordicbananas · 3 months
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shroom. they/her. very active, though i don't check dash as much anymore. feel free to go in my inbox though!
side blogs: art @multishroomm-draws, crochet @amigushroomie, spider notebook @spidershroomm, iwatex @exoshroommie. ask for url of selfship blog.
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matching pfp from shikimori's not just a cutie with @the-twiggles! the lovely @melitheduck drew my banner <3
old pinned.
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I wonder if Puss can sings Healing and Hurt Incantation, healing will make his fur all gold with his eyes white and hurt will make his fur darker orange with his eyes black.
What you guys think? @swanpit @animalartist18 @theoriginalkittypet @daily-pussinboots
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333bugs · 2 months
Watching my 80% done vitalazam fic wip as i think about eclipse federation highschool au
Dont look at the tags
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autistic-katara · 1 year
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meowizard · 1 year
the sun and the star is really good,,,, 12 year old be would have been ALL. OVER. IT. it's kind of- not refreshing, exactly, but it's very exciting to see something with a focus on romance in a rick riordan book (thank you mark oshiro), especially because the queer characters have become such a major draw - whether it undermines the original adventure/action aspect or whatever is up to the reader but literally no bad can come of it - it read as a spinoff, which i was glad to see because i was worried after so many series they would become like marvel movies and spend 20 minutes having to explain whats happened in the last three decades. obvsly ive grown out of the type of middle school adventure humor/pacing/cheese but i forgot how genuinely good these books are abd it was just so so so nice to relive all that... idk man. finishing it has put me in a good mood all day. i feel good about being gay. i didn't even have to pay to read a book that talks about queer issues while being unapologetically For Kids - what a world!
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mechieonu · 7 months
in my kfp 2 feelings again & do you think when po got back from gongmen he realized that he'd subconsciously carved/placed/embedded the red sun into everyday stuff
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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20 JULY 2017 || The Duchess of Cambridge travelled to Heidelberg along with Prince William where they visited the German Cancer Research Centre and the central market square on their fourth day while on tour of Poland and Germany.
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