#dawn x serena
motheryves · 1 year
found a fancyfashionshipping fanfic only for it to be deleted. ITS NOT FAIRRRRR.
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stgosupremacy · 8 months
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reblog to scare anipoke
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romancemedia · 10 months
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Anime Romances + Taking Care of Sick and Injured Loved Ones
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krishgupt · 3 months
Ash Betrayed (Part - 3)
"And you guys?" Ash asked as he looked at Lillie, Dawn and Serena.
"I am staying!" Dawn, Lillie and Serena said together, clearly and loudly, enough to make even Ash take a step back.
"I-I am grateful guys," Ash said as he lowers his head to hide his eyes tearing up. Delia immediately goes to Ash and Hugs him.
"We are all here for Ash," Delia said as she kissed Ash's Forehead.
"Anyways, it getting late, everyone fresh up, I need to schedule who will sleep where," Delia said as Ash wiped off his tears.
After some planning, it was decided that all the Guys + Pikachu were sleeping in Ash's room and all the Girls were sleeping in Delia's room.
In Delia's room, Delia and the girls were talking to each other.
"I am extremely grateful to you all for being with Ash," Delia said as she wiped off her tears.
"Mam please, Ash was always there for us, why shouldn't we be there for him?" Misty asked with a smile.
"Yeah! He also helped us realized our dream, without him, Arceus knows where we would have been," Mallow said as Lana nodded.
"He is like second a second big brother!" Bonnie, who was sitting on Serena's lap, said.
"Yeah..................... without him, I don't know where I would have been," Serena said, thinking about Ash.
"Without him, I probably never would have been able to touch pokemons," Lillie said, equally lost in thoughts about Ash.
"I knew what I had to do, but Ash showed me new ways of doing it," Dawn said, as lost as Serena and Lillie.
"*Cough Cough*" Misty said, bring the three back into reality.
"W-What?" Dawn asked as the three girls were blushing.
"Never did I ever thought Ash would be able to pull girls," Misty said with teasing eyes.
"W-What!" Serena said, blushing hard.
"I-I don't know what are you taking about," Lillie said as she turned her head, hiding her blushing.
"Lillie, just stop, we all know your crush on Ash," Lana said as Mallow nodded, turning Lillie absolute bright red.
"And Dawn, Brock told me about you and yeah, the way you behaved towards Ash, it is clear you like him," Misty said with a teasing voice, turning Dawn red.
"That traitor," Dawn said to herself.
"And Serena," Bonnie said.
"Bonnie please don't," Serena said, blushing red hot.
"Well let's just say I can tell lots of things but I digress and will just confirmed this, Serena likes Ash a lot!" Bonnie said as she jumped from Serena's lap and went to Delia's.
"Bonnie!" Serena said in an embarrassed tone.
"So that is why there is so much tension in these three's triangle," Misty said in a teasing voice.
"Ahh! I leaving!" Dawn said as she left.
"Same here!" Lillie said as she also left.
"Count me in!" Serena said as she also left.
"My Arceus, despite the tension, they are very much united," Misty said.
"Mam, you are really quiet in this matter," Bonnie asked.
"I don't know what to say, but I can clearly see in their eyes that they like him.................. And I will happy to have anyone of the them as my Daughter-In-Law," Delia said with a smile.
"Well for you to have a Daughter-In-Law, Ash need to break that denseness of his," Bonnie said in a matter-of-fact voice.
"I do wonder who will he choose, I hope its Serena since I love their couple," Bonnie said in a exciting voice.
"Well, he may no-" Misty said before getting interrupted by Delia.
"Bonnie, I think it is time to sleep," Delia said.
"But I want to talk!" Bonnie protested.
"Your brother said to put you to bed by 11, and it is pass 11," Delia said as she put Bonnie to bed and wrap her by a Blanket.
"Good night dear," Delia said.
"Good night Bonnie," Misty, Lana and Mallow said.
"Good night, everyone," Bonnie said as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
"Misty," Delia said as she looked at the former with disapproving eyes.
"What? She will have to learn that Polygamy is legal one day," Misty said in a joking voice.
"Not on Akala Island, if you tried Polygamy there, you will lose your residence there," Mallow said.
"It is fine on Ula'ula and Poni Islands though," Lana added.
"What about Melemele?" Misty asked curiously.
"They don't have codified Law for marriage so it differs from city to city and town to town," Mallow answered.
"Seems confusing to me," Misty said.
"Hey, these agreements stopped a war," Lana said.
"I mean, Polygamy is on the downtrend worldwide anyways, so it doesn't matter," Mallow said.
"I was just saying Kantonian law still has Polygamy legal so Ash could in theory marry all of them," Misty said.
"First let his denseness break," Bonnie, still eyes closed, said.
"BONNIE!!!!" Delia shouted as she facepalmed.
Lillie was standing against the railed Veranda of Ketchum's residence when she was joined by Dawn and Serena.
"Hey," Dawn said.
"Hello," Serena greeted
"Oh, hello, what can I do for you two?" Lillie asked.
"One question, do you like like Ash or just admire him, please be honest," Dawn asked.
"First you two tell," Lillie countered.
"*Sighs* So, at the beginning, I merely admired him. He seemed like a cool person and I thought befriending him will be mutually beneficial. He can help with his experience and I could help him navigate Sinnoh. Then there were two events, one was with Kenny and the other was with Paul, this was before he stopped being an Ass........................... I will not go in detail but those events, made me realized..................... that maybe what I feel for Ash more than just mere friendship and admiration.............................. After our journey was over, I visited my Mom and talked to her........................ see made me realized that........................... this was love," Dawn with a smile.
"For me, it is bit different, so I met Ash for the first time in summer camp, we became good friends there but gradually became distanced. But when Ash came to Kalos and I saw him on the TV, trying to save Prof Sycamore's Garchomp, I remember that old friend. I had always admired Ash for his bravery, but our journey together..................................... Made me appreciate every small thing about him, his kindness, his love for his pokemons and comrades, everything and................................. before I knew it, I had fallen for him," Serena said, of course leaving out 'The Airport incident.'
"*Sighs* Truth be told, my experience with Ash is similar to you Dawn. I met him in the Pokemon School and there was connection, with him trying his best to help deal with my phobia. He also helped unite our disunited family.................................... And........................ he saved Mom........................ for which I am forever indebt of him................................. soon, during the League, when Ash was battling brother, I realized I wanted Ash to win, not brother......................... At that time I realized I like him. I probably would have confessed before leaving if Gladion would have interrupted me," Lillie said.
"*Sigh* Well, its seems that all three of us truly love him, and we are not mistaken admiration with love," Dawn said as the other two nodded.
"Guys..................... I love Ash and truly want to be with him................... But I don't want to enforce myself on him............... he should be free to choose whoever he wants," Serena said.
"I agree with you.................................... *Sighs* Guys, let's do this, our priority should be to break his denseness.................. after that, it is his choice to choose who he wants to be with," Dawn said.
"So you are saying we work together to break his denseness, with the fact that only one of us could be with him?" Lillie asked.
"Yeah," Dawn said, half expecting Lillie and Serena to reject it.
"I can work with it," Lillie said.
"Same here," Serena said.
"I am happy to see Ash's happiness is our first priority," Dawn said.
"Always," Lillie said.
"This will not be an easy task, I mean I kissed him one time he is still as dense as always," Serena said absent mindedly before realizing what she said and immediately covered mouth.
"You did what?" Dawn and Lillie asked.
"It was an on the moment thing?" Serena tries to justify her actions.
"Ok she is out," Dawn said as Lillie nodded.
"Oh come on!" Serena said.
The Bois were talking, most about Pokemon battles, emotions and Parents.
"Hey, guys.................... I will say this again, I am grateful for you to stand with in this time of need," Ash said.
"Ashy boy I will literally punch if you said grateful again," Gary said with a laugh.
"Umm Ash, I noticed there aren't any pictures of your father, why is that?" Clemont asked, to which Ash just shrug.
"I never saw him, he died before my birth," Ash said in a matter-of-fact voice.
"Oh...................... I am sorry," Clemont said as he lowers his head.
"Oh no! It is not an issue, I never really missed........................... Mom was always there for me.............................. She is both my mother and father," Ash said with a smile. Suddenly he noticed Brock was very quiet and his eyes were a little teary.
"Brock, are you ok?" Ash asked.
"Huh? O-Oh yeah............... I-I am fine," Brock said.
"Brock, what happened?" Ash asked.
"I-It is just.............................. You only have your mother, but she........................ she is there for you every moment! She stood with you, she stands with you, and she will continue to stand with you........................... and I? I have both of my parents and they............. They are literally the worst parents in the history of parents! They don't give a shit about their children! They only care when it is profitable to them!" Brock said as he wiped off his tears.
"Brock-" Ash said before being interrupted by Brock.
"No Ash, I am not sad........................... I have accepted that those scumbags are useless and we can't change it, Anyways! Good night everyone," Brock said with a smile as he switch off the lights.
Previous: Ash Betrayed (Part - 2) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
Next: Ash Betrayed (Part - 4) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
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This was based of another comic dub
Ash: [looks at Serena being so happy]
Ash: lady Hikari I didn’t see you-
Dawn: I like that honey, blonde of yours
Ash: honey blonde? what honey blonde? I don’t see a honey blonde anywhere
Dawn: Satoshi. Shh we both knew what we were signing up for when we entered this arrangement we had to make some sacrifices for the people that we love.
Dawn: go to her, you’re not hurting my feelings (I’ll even distract Takeshi for a few hours)
Serena: notices and turns her head around to see him
Serena: …❤️
Ash: …❤️
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red-rose-corner · 3 months
My Favorite Anipoke Pairings
PokéShipping (Ash/Misty) MorpheusShipping (Ash/Angie) AureliaShipping (Ash/Lillie) DiodeShipping (Ash/Clemont) MouseShipping (Ash/Ritchie) ChampsElyseeShipping (Misty/Serena) WaterWarriorShipping (Misty/Lana) MizuchiShipping (Misty/Iris) LuckShipping (Brock/Lucy) TeenCareShipping (Brock/Holly) UltramarineShipping (Brock/Lizabeth) MonolithShipping (Brock/Olivia) HandymanShipping (Tracey/Daisy) CrimsonVelvetShipping (May/Serena) ContestShipping (Drew/May) SapphirePearlShipping (May/Dawn) SmartKidShipping (Max/Molly) FancyFashionShipping (Dawn/Serena) AppealShipping (Zoey/Dawn) MoonlightBlossomShipping (Dawn/Chloe) DragonvilleShipping (Iris/Shannon) BoutiqueShipping (Serena/Shauna) FondantShipping (Miette/Serena) RingletShipping (Aria/Serena) BloomAmourShipping (Serena/Chloe) DreamGirlShipping (Serena/Lisia) GeekChicShipping (Clemont/Serena) ScientificJournalShipping (Clemont/Sawyer) KiloudeShipping (Clemont/Yvonne) *Canon/FC* WaitingForYouShipping (Emilio/Bonnie) JellowShipping (Mallow/Lillie) BlueLilyShipping (Lana/Lillie) FirstFriendShipping (Goh/Ash) TimelessPromiseShipping (Goh/Horace) ClegohShipping (Goh/Clemont) IceBloomShipping (Regina/Chloe) HanaMusaShipping (Delia/Jessie) GrassShipping (James/Gardenia) CavalierShipping (Gary/Dawn) BlackenedEdgeShipping (Gladion/Kiawe) QuestShipping (Jimmy/Marina) CurtainShipping (Reggie/Maylene) PhaesporiaShipping (Cynthia/Diantha) WhiteCarnationShipping (Bea/Korrina) EternalHoneymoonShipping (Kukui/Burnet)
All of these were found here.
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mimirouru-chan · 2 years
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Change the hairstyle!
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lolipop-eevee · 1 year
Pokemon Lumiose Academy
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Chapter 4
(Your pov)
Excuse me, what?! I was going to be with Ash?! The guy Misty and Serena had been crushing on since second grade? I hope they'd be ok with this.
I went over to the empty desk beside Ash. He smiled at me and I blushed. What? No! Stupid self! Stop thinking like that!
"Ok, the rest of class will be a study time to work on your project. You can start" our teacher sat back down behind the desk and all the partners started talking.
"Ash turned in his chair to face me "So what pokemon do you want to do it on?" he asked.
"Our project"
"Oh, right. Well how about...... um........ I don't know, you pick" I said.
He thought for a bit "How about Reshiram" he suggested.
"Sure, sounds good" I said.
We studied for the rest of class until the professor stood up.
"Ok class, that's it for today. From now on you will be sitting in the seat beside your partner so you can move your stuff over to your current desk. Remember you have to have your assignments done in two weeks, class dismissed" 
Everyone started leaving and going back to they're desks to grab they're things.
"So Y/n, do you want to meet in my dorm tonight to study? If we do it every other night we should probably get a good grade" Ash said.
"I'm busy tonight, but how about tomorrow" I suggested.
"Sounds good" he said before getting up and leaving.
"Someone's got a boyfriend!" said a voice behind me making me jump and turn around.
"Dawn! You can't sneak up on me like that!" I said a little annoyed.
"Sorry" She giggled "Couldn't resist. You're finally getting close to a boy, and he was pretty cute" she waggled her eyebrows at me.
I sighed. "That was Ash, you know, the boy Serena and Misty like. If I started going out with him they'd kill me"
"Aww, too bad, I thought I was finally getting somewhere" Dawn pouted.
"What about you? How's Paul?" I asked.
"He's a bit moody, but I think he's nice" she smiled.
Then Serena and Misty came up to us, they were yelling at each other.
"I am NOT doing a project on Diance, I told you I want to do Suicune!" Misty was saying.
"Suicune is boring, we'd get a much better grade if we did Diance" Serena argued.
Me and Dawn sighed, this was not going to end well. I pulled out my phone and texted May asking her if she still wanted to come to my dorm tonight, she said she'd be there and asked if she could bring any friends, I said she could and she sent me a thumbs up. I smiled and put my phone in my pocket.
<Time skip brought to you by Serena and Misty fighting>
We were in my dorm when Serena pulled me to the side. 
"What is it?" I said.
"Can I ask you something?" she asked.
"You just did" I pointed out "But sure, ask away"
"I was wondering if you could convince Ash to go out with me" Serena said.
That was not what I was excepting. I was so confused I had completely forgot to answer.
Serena must have sensed my confusion because she kept talking "You know, since you're doing a project with him, I thought you could maybe put in a good word for me every now and then, but be subtle about it" Serena elaborated.
"I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not the smoothest person. If I tried that it would probably sound like an advertisement or something" I confessed.
"Could you at least try?" Serena practically begged.
"What about Misty?" I asked.
"What about her?" Serena huffed.
"Shouldn't I help her to?"
"Who cares about Misty"
"I care, and if I help you then I'm going to help her to!"
"Ugh, fine, whatever" Serena sighed.
"Great. Now in order for this to work, you're going to have to talk to him to, I can't just say good things about you and then he'll magically go out with you, that's not how it works. You have to do a little bit to" I said.
"I'll try" Serena promised.
"Great, then I'll try my best!" I said.
"Thank you so much! You're the best friend ever!" Serena exclaimed.
Just then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in" Dawn said.
May slowly creaked open the door and peeked inside, she smiled when she saw me "Y/n, so this is the right dorm" she said opening the door all the way.
"Yep, you're in the right place" I said "Glad you came!"
"Thanks for inviting me! Oh, these are my friends Lillie and Iris" said May opening the door a little wider revealing her two friends. "Can we come in?"
"Of course!" I nodded.
Misty came over to me after they were in my dorm. "I don't want to be rude, but who are they?" she asked.
"That's May and her friends, I met May at lunch and we decided to get to know each other a bit better" I explained.
Misty nodded, but she didn't leave.
"Is May not the reason you came over?" I asked.
"I saw you talking with Serena earlier, what was that about?" she sounded a bit offended.
"Oh, that, I was promising to help her with Ash, since we have a project together, you know?" I said. "Don't worry, I said I'd help you to if you want it, but I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Misty. You're going to have to talk to him yourself, I can't do all the work on my own"
"Ok, I will talk to him. Thanks for the help Y/n" she said before walking off.
We spent the rest of the night getting to know May and her friends better. Iris and Lillie were really nice, but they mostly talked about the dance with the other girls, leaving me and May to entertain ourselves.
"See what I mean about pushy friends?" May asked playing with her torchic.
"Yeah, who knew all of them were so obsessed with the dance" I said cuddling Pikachu.
May nodded "Sometimes it feels like we're the only girls in the whole school who aren't completely crazy over it"
"I know, it makes you feel very.... Oh, I don't know......" I trailed off.
"Sane?" May offered and we laughed.
"That's one way to put it" I said.
"So what were yo talking about with, um, what was her name? The red haired girl?" May snapped her fingers trying to remember.
"Yeah, that's the one! What were you talking about with her earlier?"
"Oh, it was nothing, really. Don't worry about it" I said. Me and May were friends, but some things I just didn't feel confident sharing. May didn't push.
"Um, random question, are you any good at battling?" I asked.
"I'm ok" May shrugged "I never got that into it or anything like some of the other people here. Why do you ask?"
"Just curious"
"Doesn't it suck that we have to do a project on the first week of school?" May said.
"Yeah, it really does. I mean, they barley gave us any time to settle in and then suddenly: BOOM! Random surprise project!" I banged my hand on the floor with the 'boom' for affect.
"No consideration for us students at all" May huffed.
"Hey, are you guys talking about the school project that prof J gave us?" Iris asked. We nodded.
"Doesn't it suck that we didn't get to choose our partners? I'm stuck working with a complete stranger for the next couple weeks" Lillie complained.
"Yeah, me to" said Dawn.
"Really? What's they're name?" Lillie asked.
"Hey, we know a Paul don't we?" Lillie asked Iris.
Iris nodded "Yup. Is he moody all the time and has purple hair?"
"Yeah, that's him"
"Yeah, we know him" May said.
"Cool, maybe I'm not with a total compete stranger after all!" said Dawn, she sounded really excited.
"Unlike me. Unless any of you know somebody named Hau?" we shook our heads.
"Great." Lillie sighed.
<Time skip brought to you by complaining about school>
"Bye May, Lillie, Iris, see you tomorrow!" I waved goodbye to them as they walked down the hallway. "We should probably get to bed now, what time is it?"
Dawn checked her phone "Holy crap, 11 o' clock?!" she exclaimed.
"What's the problem?" Serena asked.
"It's so late!" Dawn said.
"No it's not, we go to bed at 1" said Misty.
"1?! How do you get enough sleep?!" Dawn said disbelievingly.
They shrugged.
"Hey, you two are finally getting along!" I said happily.
At this they both huffed and turned away from each other, me and Dawn laughed so hard we fell on my bed.
We said goodbye to our friends and got into our PJ's brushed our teeth etc.
"So Y/n, want to have May and her friends over again tomorrow?" Dawn asked.
"Sorry, I already promised Ash I would work on our project with him" I apologized.
"We just got the project today, you don't have to study yet" Dawn brushed it off.
"Well some people want to get good grades" I grumbled.
"I know, but don't you think it's overkill to study the day after you get the project?" Dawn said.
"He wanted to study today" I informed her.
"What?! On the day you got the project?! That's insane! Unless...." Dawn said getting that sneaky look on her face.
"What?" I asked.
"He just wants to spend time with you~" she teased.
"Dawn! how many time do I have to tell you Ash is off limits?!" I exclaimed.
"I know, but that doesn't mean he can't have a crush on you~" Dawn said.
"Dawn!! Is it really so hard to come to terms with the fact that somebody just wants a good grade?" I sighed.
"I don't know, he was awfully close to you in class today~" Dawn continued.
"I give up, you are truly hopeless" I surrendered, throwing my hands in the air.
"Ha ha! Yes! I win!" Dawn danced around our dorm.
"This doesn't mean I agree with you, I just want to get some sleep at some point tonight" I told her.
"So that you can see—"
"Don't" I said before she could finish.
She sighed.
The craziest part about the whole thing, was that I found when I got into bed, Dawn might for one be just a tiny bit right.
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groundrunner100 · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day, Pokémon Fans!
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If you’ve watched the Black & White anime, you’ll understand that Iris is the WORST Pokégirl to ever exist.
Case & point: She constantly keeps putting Ash down, & calls him a kid like it’s her damn job. You don’t treat your man candy like a piece of shit.
Everybody else? Angels, ESPECIALLY Serena & Lillie (though May is my goddess).
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angiix08 · 2 years
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Definitely want a valentine type of au with these two. I need Ash to blind date his whole harem and just find out it was none of them. 
- With Lilli, it would definitely be very awkward as he did not even know she had a crush on him until then. Going on the date would be very much him acting like her older brother and it would just rub her in the wrong way.
- With Clemont, it would be a pretty good time. It would be surprising to Ash at first that Clemont would come out to him as bisexual, but it would not make Ash treat him differently. It would be a lot of Clemont trying to be a gentlemen and Ash just being flustered over it.
- With Goh, it would be just a one time thing. it’s just an experiment and would be a wild chase of something cool like a case or a mystery. In the end, they just agree to be friends.
- With Paul, it would be very stiff as none of them have real experience dating other men and it would be a lot of Ash trying to drive the conversation. They would just go out for coffee and that is it.
- With Dawn, it would be a ticket to a contest. She really wanted to go and Ash happened to want to go on a date with her. It would be something cool, but it is not something Ash really into as he is more into battles.
- With May, it would be super relaxing and fun. It would be an aquarium date like in the manaphy movie and be super nostalgic. I think it would be cute overall. 
- With Misty, it would be a really active type of thing. They would probably have a sporty date where they surf together or go swimming. I imagine they would fight quite a bit, but it would be just an enjoyable evening. 
- With Gary, it would be super fun. They both would both do something they love together and that would be skating. They’re both into skateboarding of some sorts and racing, so maybe a skate date would translate into that. It would be really cute.
- With Serena, it would be amazing. She really wanted a partner to do ballroom dancing with and he just so happens to be there to help her. There is a costume party afterwards that they would attend together and it’s just a magical night.
- With Angie, it would be the best in all aspects. Watching a pokemon match is just something simple he loves. He doesn’t care about impressing, but just sharing something that he loves with someone he likes.
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multimousenette · 2 years
goh: ash where are you going??
ash: i’ve got to find that gengar! i can’t leave it like that!
goh, with the fondest smile: of course you can’t…
scorbunny: 😏😏😏
goh, immediately turning bright red: it’s not like that! i want to help gengar! who said anything about helping ash??
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oh-saints · 4 months
sweetest devotion (p.8)
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they did start this whole circus with a marriage of conveniences. little did mason and serena know was how convenient they had become during this marriage…
playboy!mason mount x princess!OC wc: 3.5k tw:  only as warned under masterlist but none for this chapter, except for a long read ahead! note: I am deeply apologetic for delaying this for far too long, but a virus came into me and almost paralysed me. but an excuse is an excuse, and a promise is a promise so here you go! the long-awaited chapter for our favourite star-crossed couple and I hope this made up for all the times you miss mason x serena. but as usual, I happen to have inspirations whenever dawn is approaching so this is not proof-read yet! tags: @pingyu-in-wonderland @808heartz @ironmaiden1313 @myreveriie @kathb59 (let me know if you want to be added!) < part 7 here - part 9 TBA (hopefully within the next 2 weeks) sweetest devotion masterlist
if, when mason decided to step on the throttle and married serena earlier this year, any of you shot mason in the head with the fact that mason would get along very well with serena on the last trimester of her pregnancy, mason would spit in your face. without a doubt, without hesitation.
“i need your help,”
such simplistic sentence was not supposed to do any harm to mason’s body, but it did—it always does, without his consent—and the footballer had to regulate his breathing to conceal the devastating effect serena effortlessly brought upon him.
being amicable with serena was never in his bingo cards. let alone this.
mason mount was only supposed to partake his share of responsibility towards his own child. the fact that he might be able to save serena from an impending death sentence, should she be discovered with a child out of wedlock, was a bonus.
naturally, with that in mind and a divorce at the end of the deal, he didn’t expect to be more than co-parenting partners at best.
“what is it?”
but now, he could only count his blessing amongst the stars, for no one had shot him with such incredulous prediction of his future, so mason didn’t have to apologize to anyone for having spat on their face. because mason and serena was co-habitating even better than expected, way much better than even the both of them would like to admit.
“i can’t reach for the pan.”
mason laughed a genuine one, the warmth replacing the initial electric shock. serena frowned a deeper pout, adding more heat all over mason’s body despite firing up the furnace earlier, resulting mason to plaster a wide smile still on his face as he did what he was instructed. “there you go, princess.”
they weren’t supposed to fall into this—whatever “this” might be. the sense of familiarity, comfort… all mixed up in one unknown territory they didn’t want to explore but know well enough that they had plunged themselves in.
as much as they denied themselves from the reality, though, they had indeed deviated from their own terms of being amicable. they had certainly gotten themselves more comfortable around each other than intended; it was as if they had found the rhythm on their feet and had fallen together into a song to dance together. serena cooks, mason grocery-shops. mason drives everywhere, serena massages him before they retreat to their respective bedroom. mason plays a home game, serena watches from the family box. serena has a foot aching or swollen, mason is ready with a warm-water footbath. serena catches an occasional or residual morning sickness, mason knows where the ginger crackers are. mason talks, serena listens.
what a contrary to the so-called first dance they displayed for the rest of the world to believe. back then, serena was lucky to not have stepped on mason’s tom ford shoes, and mason was saved from critics highlighting his luckster steps ripping off the train of serena’s reception gown. that night, serena decided it might actually be better to have god save the princess instead as an alternate title to eldorran national anthem.
but despite the level of this newfound friendliness established between the two of them, there was still an enormous elephant in the room.
where are they in this relationship?
that is, if there was ever a sufficient word to describe their relationship. yes, they were married but are they a couple? if not, were they friends or were they just roommates?
mason would like to think the first one—for him, roommates were simply acquittances that could care less about other person’s whereabouts, and surely with the extent they had gone through together wasn’t merely hi, how are you? basis—but more often than not, serena did make him feel the reality was that mason was indeed still walking around the eggshells.
there were times when serena made him feel he was one step forward, two steps backwards. for example; while mason was more than happy to be labelled the yapping boyfriend per today’s standard of couple compatibility, serena was, in nature, a reserved person who speaks only when deemed necessary, so to have her sharing bits of her life while he was away for work could be seen as making a wide stride of progress. but in comparison to the earlier times when their communication was rather limited to texts—or rather, mason had limited their interaction—serena was far more welcoming then, in a sense that she was willing to inform him where she was going and whatnot when they were still practically strangers.
case two was, unfortunately, the most ironic of all.
mason and serena had made a habit to retreat to the living room after dinner, for whatever reason. be it simply watching the latest movie they didn’t have the chance to catch up, be it mason gaming while serena continued her journaling, be it serena accompanying mason while he was up to review the approach of an upcoming game, be it to have a light discussion about nursery, the upcoming doctor’s visit.
bottom line, the living room had turned into a shared premise for them, yet serena had never once invited mason over to her mini piano recital.
you might wonder why was mason upset over such a small—meaningless even for some—matter. but when your housemate bid you farewell for the night, only to sneak up the owner of the house later into the night to use the grand piano by the stairs—courtesy to his interior designer, who decided it’d be a nice sentimental touch to contrast the masculine theme of his house—it posed so many questions. not to mention, serena was annihilating the keys, madly punching the notes like she was screaming, very much unfit to the elegant divinire by Ludovico Einaudi.
mason had to give it to serena, though, for choosing this road. because others—most of the population, really—would only think she’s blessed with a musical talent, playing the black-and-white keys as if glue was stuck on the pads of her fingers, when in reality she was anything but destroying the classical piece.
layered with complexity, exactly like serena in person.
the next morning, mason woke up with a full determination to confront serena about it. only to be greeted by a sight of her mildly swollen eyes—mason might not be the brightest kid at school but her sisters made sure he was the top of class in the subject of “women 101”—so he’d forego whatever words about to be spilled on the tip of his tongue.  
but later, mason realised, he was glad he never made it known that he’d overheard her stellar performance. another night she’d sit down on the giant musical instrument and played a beautiful piece mason recognized from the black swan, yet it was mesmerizing for all the wrong reason. he remembered she’d gotten a call earlier from a palace, and her face expression had become sombre a bit, probably due to whatever the palace was saying.
he concluded that it had moulded into a pattern of habit whenever she was having a bad day—a way to let out her frustration. so mason stayed put, afraid he’d only distract serena. or worse, destroying her concentration flow. she worked hard to conceptualize this whole recital anyway, why should he ruin it?
other times when this happened, he’d sat on top of the stairs, hidden behind the nearest wall, as the princess took over the grandiose piano. and he had never recalled any other time when he failed to show up whenever she played her version of rendition to a modern classic piece because he knew it was serena’s only outlet to be herself. full of hidden angers and oppressed opinions, unable to express the way she truly feels because of all the royal restriction. in a way, he wanted to be there for her—good days, bad days, every day.
what a regal way to do so, whilst mason was the type to punch away the sandbag at the gym.
still, if her outmost genuine concern was not to disturb mason, and thus the midnight choice of time, she was certainly wrong. if serena thought mason would miss the elegant tunes flowing as the production result of her dainty fingers dancing on those black-and-white keys, she was certainly over-confident. mason might not be the mozart prodigy but he knows when one is supposed to depict sadness and anything alike.
but why would she conceal something as beautiful as that?
on another take, if she indeed didn’t want mason to know her habit: why? or was that why the notes she’d play was always heart-wrenchingly beautiful? because she didn’t want mason to hear anything whatever she had to say without words? because she didn’t want mason to know her deepest, most hidden secret that she was never happy here in the first place, no matter how hard mason had been trying to provide everything in this earthly realm in order to make her happier and healthier?
why didn’t she say anything, about anything at all really? in whatever relationship is—friendship, kinship—it always takes two to tango. and right now, serena was an even worse dance partner than their reception night.
just until when were they going to tango around the room, spinning endlessly?
“that was one hell of a performance.”
serena visibly jumped on her seat behind the piano, her eyes immediately looked for the source of sound. “mason,” she remained still, as she watched mason coming nearing her position. “do i wake you up?”
“no, i was only falling asleep when you started,”
“oh, no, i apologize—”
“no, no, no, i always like it whenever you play,” realising the slip of tongue that this was not the first time he’d heard her, mason might as well let out the remaining of the truth. “i like how you look when you play. free—of pressure, of opinions, of judgement… of the world, really. nothing else but you.”
there was a flash of surprise and fear. an equivalence of deer in the headlight in royal etiquette, mason presumed, before she turned away her head. “sounds like a selfish person to me.”
“if you’re a selfish person then you would’ve aborted our son the first moment you found out about him,” the speed of mason’s retaliation took serena by surprise. “but you didn’t. and that’s what i like about you, too.”
the amount of the word like coming out of mason’s mouth was seriously concerning serena. they were not supposed to like each other—amicable was what they agreed upon in the first place, given the situation and condition.
“can’t sleep?”
serena shook her head in response to mason’s question while her fingers reached for the cover of the piano, wanting to shut the lid and took her leave.
her intention had to be cancelled as mason took his spot beside her. “how are you feeling about tomorrow?”
ah, yes. the day she had been dreading.
tomorrow was the day serena had to fly back to eldorra, for her oldest brother’s wedding and her father’s abdication. the festivities wasn’t supposed to kick off until 5 days later, but serena had decided to fly in earlier because she thought she needed time to adjust back to the nitty-gritties of royal etiquettes, protocol and other royal affairs. it was a reasonable justification, both in the eyes of the palace and mason, considering she’d been away from the princess lifestyle for rather a while now, technically alone in London and bereft of any relatives but mason, both from his side of the family and especially hers.
in all honesty, serena was content with her life here, away from the spotlight and the pressure of a royal member. it was rather a life she’d been wishing to have since she was teenager. contrary to her image and popular belief that she was the friendliest member of the eldorran royal family, she wasn’t as good at mingling with any figure connected with power, politics and whatnot as she was mingling with her people.
an entire sequence of traditions was coming her way—for a wedding, abdication and coronation—so the level of social anxiety was guaranteed skyrocketing. this would mean mingling, meaningless chitchats, keeping two-faces intact, answering intruding questions, addressing false allegations, greeting and faking smiles to gold-digger spouses and so-called socialites FOR DAYS. good lord in heavens, please give me enough strengths to truck the atrocious days alone.
“are you sure you are not coming, mason?”
ah, yes. the breaking news, so shocking it headlined the eldorran gossip channels and tv programs for a week straight.
mason’s professional commitments required him to fly with his football club for an important match for several days, which coincidentally happened to fall during the series of pre-events leading to the wedding day of her brother. his attendance on the wedding day itself, the abdication and the coronation remained hanging for the public to guess—but they knew better.
the king, serena’s father, still harboured an ill feeling towards his only son-in-law. … mason didn’t even protest on that, given it was the prerogative of the king anyway, but her father made it well-known from their very first meeting in chelsea’s training ground that they’d never have a particular in-laws normalcy. mason remembered it very well, for he’d never been in the presence of a great power and authority flowing throughout the room that he’d wavered a little behind the mask he displayed.
mason flashed serena a bitter smile. “you know the answer to that, princess.”
“there is an answer to that, too, mason,” serena said, offering mason a slight grasp over his hand. “we can always use this special card of ours.”
the sight of serena looking down at her protruding belly, now unable to be hidden under various designs and styling, as her free hand stroking the ball of sunshine, never failed to warm mason’s entire body and soul. he would always feel warm and giddy, and proud and glad serena and their son was doing well each and every day, despite the rocky start.
“i’ll miss that when you’re away. you, playing the piano,” while another hand stroked gently over serena’s stomach, mason turned his occupied palm around to grip hers tightly, interlacing their fingers for the first time in forever. “i’ll miss this, too.”
“i’ll miss you.”
what they had was orthodoxically special, indeed.
the house feels empty
serena didn’t know the exact time and place where this all had begun, the random texts. the timeline had become blurry since they had progressed into a friendlier terms, coming from a chain of texts that was similar to the ones shared between the owner of a house and its renter. but it had indeed become something she looked forward to during the day, a glimpse of how his day went so far—ben snores so much it hurts my ears; azpi’s so irritating in training today; or such. it filled a small space in her heart, longing for a dear friend.
but since the i’ll miss you happened, serena would be lying if she didn’t think that mason’s words were laced with something else. something beyond friendship, something she was afraid to find out, something she’d like to think non-existent so they could continue their beneficial partnership until their son was born.
in case you forget, your sound system is top notch.
act calm as usual, the head of royal etiquette always reminded her in cases where she faced a micro crisis. thus, her reply just now. she’d slip in a banter or two whenever mason sent her any text of grumbles, complaints, grunts on a usual basis.
as calm as she was, serena had to place a hand over her chest, exactly on top of her beating heart that was running rather irregularly now, while her other hand was busy slipping her phone discreetly back to her meticulously customised purse and her attention back to the ongoing discussion between two young heirs in front of her.
but of course, when she felt her phone vibrated again not long after sending her reply, serena couldn’t help but to succumb to temptation. she retreated to the corner of the room and hands were immediately reaching for the electronic device.
it’s still not the same you’re not here
for a full ten seconds, serena remained a statue. the only sign she was alive was the wide grin plastered across her face that the princess herself didn’t realise was there to begin with.
ah, shame we’re miles apart then.
it didn’t take a minute before another bubble popped up.
what if I tell you we’re no longer apart?
serena’s heart jumped from its long hibernation—she’d successfully managed to sedate them into a peaceful sleep during her time training again her old motoric as a royal princess—but she tried very hard to mask the stallion pace it was giving.
because in all honesty, serena would be lying if she didn’t wish mason was here by her side. the last state banquet she attended with mason a while back was enough of a proof that having an ally was better than no one at all. even when they weren’t exactly in the best term back then, and apart from the fact that he was only there to fulfil his end of deal.
should she mention the immense assurance she felt whenever mason’s hands were on her back, placed strategically to guide her through the maze of people wanting to formally greet her, or whenever mason’s hands were extended to reach her waist protectively while one or two people were ready to step on her feet?
alas, hope is a very powerful weapon and she’d wish not to yield it. not towards mason, at least. but before she could type out her reply to his text, her phone beeped once more and another blue bubble had popped up on her screen.
look around.
despite the early internal battle, serena did as she was told. and there he was, mason mount, looking dapper as ever with a complete, tailored suit like every other man in this ballroom—which should mean by fellow aristocrats, socialites, political figures amongst others. maybe mason was even more dashing than the rest of them because good god, his smiles as he greeted every one he met along the way down to reach serena…
it was polite but full of implied sneer, it was handsomely irritating somehow. it was captivatingly powerful too on the other hand, enough to put all the gossip and rumours spread by the palace down. it was a plain challenge to the king’s authority that didn’t allow him to be here in the first place without giving away too much insider information away.
“hello, there,” the multimillion-watt smile wasn’t wavering anytime soon, serena inferred, as he finally stopped his steps in front of her. now that he stood so close to her, she could see a thousand layers of emotion unravelling, but one thing struck more than other: he was very happy, with a bit of relief, that he was here. and that was enough of a reason for serena to reciprocate his—somehow, unbeknowingly—wider grin because she, in fact, shared the same sentiment.
for the first time in her life, despite being trained to stand up for herself diplomatically so, serena thermapolis was beyond elated to have found a true ally in this room full of fake courtesies, and that ally was her husband, no less. her stunning husband, fawned by several ladies in the background, whom she had grown more than fond of, with or without her acknowledgement, was here and that was all that mattered.
and the awful part was mason didn’t know what he did just obliterated her poor heart and rendered her speechless.
“you look like you could use a company. may i join you this evening?”
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inbarfink · 10 months
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113 notes · View notes
natsuyuki-w · 12 days
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Bookshelf originals
The librarian likes to occasionally slip some of her scrawls between the stacks. Don't be too harsh on her, she just needs to extern repressed lovesickness.
( Her votes were always at bare sufficiency and her first language is Italian, so, feel free to note any improvement,...with kindness. )
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Twisted wonderland
⁕ Not one of the boys
Twisted wonderland cast realizes that (Yuu) is a girl.
Part 1 - Featuring: Grim - Trey - Adeuce - Tsunotaro, Cater and Riddle Part 2 - Featuring: Leona, Ruggie, and Jack - Leech twins - Azul Part 3 - Featuring: Lilia - Kalim and Jamil - Vil, Epel and Rook Part 4 - Featuring: Idia and Ortho - Sebek and Silver
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Genshin impact
⁕ Serenitea shop - Italiano
Genshin impact x f!reader - italiano - modern AU
Serenitea arriva su due ruote! Direttamente alla tua università saremo lieti di dare una serena pausa alla tua giornata. Trova il bar ambulante e lasciati sorprendere dalla nostra offerta del giorno. Ti aspettiamo!
Prologo - Featuring: Kaeya, Diluc, Venti, Sucrose, Diona Sip the gossip - Featuring: Beidou, Chongyun, Xingqiu Boreal Watch - Kadehara Kazuha x reader Sparkling Berry Juice - Kaveh x reader Atheneum - Kaeya x reader Dawning Dew - Arataki Itto x reader Snow covered Kiss - Xiao x reader Bubble tea - Kamisato Ayato x reader
⁕ Serenitea shop - English
Genshin impact x gn!reader - modern AU
Serenitea arrives on wheels! Directly at your university, we will be happy to give your day a serene break. Find the walking bar and let us surprise you with our offer of the day. We'll be waiting!
Prologue - Featuring: Kaeya, Diluc, Venti, Sucrose, Diona Boreal Watch - Kadehara Kazuha x reader Sparkling Berry Juice - Kaveh x reader
⁕ Frost Bites
Kaeya x f!reader (Warnings) Suggestive innuendo
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esmestarz · 8 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ INTRO ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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about me ─ ★
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i can play on the electric guitar and piano !!
i used to do ballet but now i do belly dancing
i love listening to music esp rap, metal (any type tbfr) and rock, my fav animal is a cat and I'm pretty sure that's it
stuff ─ ★
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if you want me to write for a character that isn't on the list feel free to ask me and I'll write for them if possible <3
i will write smut, fem reader, gn reader, platonic and romantic relationships
i will not write rape, incest, gore, threesome, gang bang, male reader, character x character, character x oc, poly relationships, specified race reader
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what and who i write for ─ 𐙚⋅˚₊‧
black swan
- nina sayers
- lily
diary of a wimpy kid
- rodrick heffley
harry potter
- hermione granger
- harry potter
- draco malfoy
- luna lovegod
- ron weasley
- theodore nott
- tom riddle
- tatum riley
- sidney prescott
- billy loomis
- stu marcher
- samantha carpenter
- tara carpenter
- amber freeman
- anika kayko
- ethan landry
- gale weathers
- jill roberts
- kirby reed
- chad meeks-martin
- mindy meeks-martin
life as a house
- sam monroe
- clay beresford
- casper mcfadden
fight club
- marla singer
- tyler durden
star wars
- anakin skywalker
- padmé amidala
- edmund pevensie
- peter pevensie
seasquatch squad
- jeremy sumpter
pretty little liars
- emily fields
- alison dilaurentis
- hanna marin
- spencer hastings
gossip girl
- blair waldorf
- serena van der woodsen
- georgina sparks
- rafe cameron
- sarah cameron
- jj maybanks
- kiara carrera
- pope heyward
- john b routledge
seaquest dsv
- lucas wolenczak
the babysitters club
- sam thomas
- kristy thomas
- stacey mcgill
- claudia kishi
- dawn schafer
- carl gallagher
- fiona gallagher
- debbie gallagher
malcolm in the middle
- malcolm wilkerson
- reese wilkerson
- francis wilkerson
my babysitters a vampire
- rory keaner
- ethan morgan
- sarah fox
ruby and the well
- sam price
- mina amani
- ruby o'reilly
all of us are dead
- choi nam-ra
- lee su-hyeok
- lee cheong-san
- lee na-yeon
- nam on-jo
sweet home
- yoon ji-su
- lee eun-yoo
- cha hyun-soo
KPOP ─ ★
- karina
- winter
- ningning
- giselle
- nayeon
- chaeyoung
- momo
- mina
- sana
- jihyo
- dahyun
- jeongyeon
- tzuyu
le sserafim
- sakura
- yunjin
- chaewon
- kazuha
- eunchae
- soyeon
- minnie
- shuhua
- miyeon
- yuqi
- sullyoon
- lily
- kyujin
- haewon
- jiwoo
- bae
new jeans
- danielle
- haerin
- minji
- hyein
- hanni
the last of us
- ellie williams
fatal frame
- yuri kozukata
- rui kagamiya
cry of fear
- simon henriksson
resident evil
- leon s kennedy
- jill valentine
- ada wong
- claire redfield
- bela dimitrescu
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deltablitz · 11 months
↷ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - [Pokémon x Reader]
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↳ Before Requesting;
     Please note the following;
Please don’t request NSFW (smut, lemons, limes, etc.) of any kind, thank you.
 I write these in my free time, so I apologize for any sort of delay when releasing any content.
Please specify if you want an imagine / headcanons / one-shot (or more).
Don’t be afraid to mention another character / request for another character that’s not on the list. Keep in mind I only write for Pokémon people!
I mostly write for in-game characters, but feel free to request any characters from the anime!
I do not own Pokémon nor any of the characters by any means. All rights go towards Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak & Satoshi Tajiri- as well as their amazing teams that brought us Pokémon!
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↳ Characters I Write For;
     KANTO; Gary, Blue, Red, Ash, Misty, Brock, James, Jessie, Lance, Erika, Koga, & Sabrina
    JOHTO; Silver, Falkner, Clair, & Will
     HOENN; Brendan, May, Roxanne, Brawly, Flannery, Winona, Wallace, Steven Stone & Wally
     SINNOH; Lucas, Dawn, Barry, Gardenia, Fantina, Volkner, Cynthia, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn
     HISUI; Akari, Rei, Cyllene, Laventon, Kamado, Adaman, Arezu, Mai, Melli, Irida, Palina, Ingo, Volo & Cogita
     UNOVA; Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Cheren, Bianca, N, Hugh, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Elesa, Skyla, Drayden, Iris, Marlon, Grimsley, Alder, Ingo & Emmet
     KALOS; Calem, Serena, Alain, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Siebold, Malva, Diantha, Sycamore & Alexa
     ALOLA; Elio, Selene, Hau, Lillie, Gladion, Kukui, Burnet, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Olivia, Kahili, Guzma, Nanu & Lusamine
     GALAR; Victor, Gloria, Hop, Bede, Leon, Sonia, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Oleana, Marnie, Piers, Bea, Allister, Gordie, Melony, Raihan, Peony, Klara & Avery
     PALDEA; Florian, Juliana, Nemona, Arven, Atticus, Brassius, Eri, Giacomo, Grusha, Iono, Jacq, Katy, Larry, Mela, Ortega, Penny, Sada, Turo, Ryme & Tulip
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↷ What I Write
     Forms Of Writing; Imagines, Textfic, Crack, One-Shots, Headcanons, & Songfics
     Relationships; Romantic ( s/o, crush, etc. ), Platonic ( friend, family member, rival, enemy, etc.)
     Genres / Types; Fluff, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Rivalry, Character x Reader x Character, Jealousy, Isekai, Forbidden Love, Crossover, Darkfic, Alternate Universes, Unrequited Love, & Hurt/Comfort
          ↳Note; Other types of genre may be unlisted.
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↳ Work(s);
     KANTO; None Yet
     JOHTO; None Yet
     HOENN; None Yet
     SINNOH; None Yet
     HISUI; None Yet
     UNOVA; None Yet
     KALOS; None Yet
     ALOLA; None Yet
     GALAR; None Yet
     PALDEA; None Yet
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↷ ‘ ‘ Now get on out there, trainer! ’ ’
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