#dawn roleplay
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 8 months ago
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Hello internet, does this count as loafing
1K notes · View notes
southerndaughterofeos · 6 months ago
Guys what if it was my fault that empousa attacked me
@the-gods-abandoned-us @arisdaughter @mache-of-greece @kaiaalwayswins @unhinged-waterlilly @demigod-jack-hearth @yourlocalfallenstar @son-of-the-moonlight @luci-likes-dinoss @elixs-mythology-corner @bast-the-best26 @emdabitchass @if-chaos-was-a-boy @luck-is-crucial @dolorem-et-chaus
177 notes · View notes
martyrette · 8 months ago
•˚ʚ Martyrette’s TRP3 Aesthetics Guide ɞ˚•
• Remastered •
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•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• INDEX •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Default (credit: @martyrette)
Special (credit: Wyrmguard Secret Nonnie)
Gradient Text (credit: @ladytruebane & Wyrmguard Secret Nonnie)
Empty 'Race' Slot (credit: @martyrette)
Headers (credit: @martyrette)
Additional Information (credit: @martyrette)
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
Formatting Links
Icon Links
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
TRP Icon Glossary
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
Transparent Background
Tips & Info
Further Resources
Closing Word
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• PREFACE •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
TRP Aesthetics & formating has always been a well-guarded secret within the World of Warcraft RP community. This guide serves to break down that gatekeeping and give everyone access to the tools to make their TRP in whatever cool way they want!
It's been a long time since I realized my first guide, so this one serves as not only an updated version for all the new tricks I learned, but also a connection to further resources which have come out since then.
This guide will also be actively updated with Further Resources when new guides and tricks come out by other creators.
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SYMBOLS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Symbols! Dare I say the face of Aesthetic TRPS! There are two kinds of symbols: the symbols you can simply copy/paste easy-peasy & then the ones that require a special symbol to activate!
When using ANY, make sure to include this ㅡ symbol somewhere in the line or it will appear as a box.
Normal Symbols:
‹ « Ω ∑ ∂ ∆ ∫ ƒ × ∞ § √ π ½ ¼ † ‡ ¦ ¤ ◊ ° • ∙ -ㅡ » › ±
Special Symbols:
♡ ☆ ° ♪ ♩ ♭ ♬ ★☆ ☜ ☞ 〉 《 》 「 」 『 』 【 】 〔 〕 ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ Δ ∮ ▒ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ◊ ◈ ◇ ◆ ■ □ ◁ △ ▽ ▷ ∆ ∇ ▲ ▼ ⊙ ◐ ◑
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FORMATTING •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Formatting is a bitch. THANKFULLY, we got some tips & tricks here to make it easier for all of you! This section will be going over gradient text, empty 'race' slots, headers, spacing, additional information and all that funky stuff that just makes it look nicer. Who thought moving text over or changing it's size would make such a difference!?
Colour Gradients:
Once again, thank you to @ladytruebane for showing me how to do this all the way back when I made the first guide. Give her love. Or else.
Okay, so you want to do something like this?
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You're going to want to go to this website: https://www.stuffbydavid.com/textcolorizer
Put whatever text you wish within the box and the colours you would like. Copy paste the BBCode selection into your TRP. Every 'color' must be turned into 'col', every set of these brackets [ ] must be turned into these ones { }, the # & = must be erased and = must be replaced with : . It is a long process, but it won't show up unless you do this.
Below is a small video of me verbally explaining it as well (and showing how long it takes. (¬_¬") )
Empty 'Race' Slot
So you want to make race/class all one colour! It's actually HELLA easy.
Go to your Race Slot and delete everything in it, once you do that, press spacebar and BOOM. Empty! Just make sure whatever you want coloured is in the Class Slot, and it will appear the colour of your choice.
Small demo below!
How to make your text bigger! There are three sizes of header:
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You can colour your headers whatever kind you want - the gradient even works with headers as well! Headers can be used for all sorts of things: Titles, About Sections, Quotes, Borders, Symbols, whatever you want! Icons are also effected by headers so you can orientate an icon wherever you'd like within your TRP!
Just make sure everything is within the {h1:c} & {/h1} or else it will appear as it's default size.
Additional Information
Additional Information can be a canvas to put whatever you want! Here's an example of what I do with mine!
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The sky is your limit! You can really do anything with it. Here's a small video explaining spacing with Additional Information and some tricks I've learned.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• LINKS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Links are where you put your. . .Links! Artwork, tumblrs, carrds, social links, etc etc. Here, I'll be showing you the different ways you can format links; orienting them on your page as well as turning them into icon images! The former was hard af to figure out but when you see how simple this is, you will laugh at me-
So formatting links; it's basically the same as formatting normal text as shown above. You can even colour them too! Here's a quick little show of how to make a coloured and formatted standard link.
The order of code for coloured links is as follows: Header (If wanted) > Colour Code > Link To make a link appear as an Icon, you MUST place the Icon Code within the text section (as seen in the video). If you do not, it will not appear and ruin the string of code.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• BORDERS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Borders can be used wherever within your TRP! They're good for sectioning information and just making it look nice and formatted. There are three different kinds of borders: Symbols, Images & Icons. I will explain how to make your own, as well as share some for free use!
Symbol-based borders are by far the easiest to make. You just type them out and play around with the symbols of your choice! You can really put them anywhere within your TRP - Additional Info, About, OOC info, literally ANYWHERE.
I encourage you all to try and make your own! I bet they'll be super cool. For now though, here's some examples ya'll can use.
∙ ♩ㅡㅡ♪ ♬ ♪ ㅡㅡ♩ ∙
.°☆ ㅡㅡ°.♡.°ㅡㅡ ☆°.
∙. ㅡ~†~ㅡ .∙
° ㅡㅡ ° ◇ ◈ ◇ ° ㅡㅡ °
- . : .ㅡΩㅡ. : . -
Image borders can come in two forms: full images or flattened images. The first is very explanatory, whatever image you pick can divide text. This can be scenery, crowns, gems, Blizzard-licensed character art & so much more! There's a butt load to pick from, so take the time to browse and find the perfect one.
Here's an example I did using a Revendreth image!
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Flattened images can also be used as borders! To flatten an image, you must alter the last numbers within the string of code. As you can see here, this is the normal image and default code.
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I go in and edit the number 128 to 5 and get this flattened image as a result!
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Again, feel free to play around with this and find the images and sizes you love best! I've even seen some people super impose them for backgrounds??? Badass???
Icon borders are like the weird lovechild of Image & Symbol borders. With a mixture of Icons & Symbols, you can really make some cool shit. Icons can be formatted and moved around your profile with Headers. Like so!
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TRP ICON GLOSSARY •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Here is a collection of aesthetic TRP Icons I've found and categorized for your usage! They are divided by UI-formatting, colour (random picks), Racial, Faction & then any other cute random ones I find.
Sadly, the black, white & brown Icon sections has to be cut due to the sheer GIRTH of this post. However, you can really find any sort of Icons within the searchbar! Keywords like colours (black, pink, green), races (Nightelf, Human, etc) and so much more can be found easily! Want your icon to be a class ability? Use the class as your keyword.
Transparent Backgrounds
These icons appear as their shape, rather than having a black box or background behind it. You can use these little guys for all sorts of things! I've seen people use them as borders, bullet-points, decor, like literally anything.
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(Left 2 Right)
Red Paw: {icon:pet_type_beast:25}
Rat: {icon:pet_type_critter:25}
Dragon: {icon:pet_type_dragon:25}
Fire: {icon:pet_type_elemental:25}
Wing: {icon:pet_type_flying:25}
Helmet: {icon:pet_type_humanoid:25}
Sparkle: {icon:pet_type_magical:25}
Cog: {icon:pet_type_mechanical:25}
Skull: {icon:pet_type_undead:25}
Wave: {icon:pet_type_water:25}
Green Paw: {icon:tracking_wildpet:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Murloc: {icon:newplayerhelp_newcomer:25}
Green Dot: {icon:7fx_alphamask_glow_teal_blend:25}
Green Flag: {icon:newplayerhelp_guide:25}
Blue Heart: {icon:ui_jailerstower_defense:25}
Blue X: {icon:ui_jailerstower_offense:25}
Blue Lightning: {icon:ui_jailerstower_utility:25}
Tombstone: {icon:ui_jailerstower-scenario-deathcounter:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Grey Rune 10: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_10_off:25}
Grey Rune B: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_b_off:25}
Grey Rune G: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_g_off:25}
Grey Rune K: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_k_off:25}
Grey Rune M: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_m_off:25}
Grey Rune N: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_n_off:25}
Grey Rune O: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_o_off:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Light Rune 10: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_10_on:25}
Light Rune B: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_b_on:25}
Light Rune G: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_g_on:25}
Light Rune K: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_k_on:25}
Light Rune M: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_m_on:25}
Light Rune N: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_n_on:25}
Light Rune O: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_o_on:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Copper Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_01_small:25}
Silver Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_02_small:25}
Gold Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_03_small:25}
Platinum Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_04_small:25}
Diamond Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_05_small:25}
Purple Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_06_small:25}
Godly Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_07_small:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Quest: {icon:tracking_warboard:25}
Experience: {icon:garr_currencyicon-xp:25}
Logs: {icon:garrison_material:25}
Alliance Circle: {icon:ui_allianceicon-round:25}
Horde Circle: {icon:ui_hordeicon-round:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Lollipop: {icon:inv_valentinescandy01:25}
Snake: {icon:inv_snake_red:25}
Rose: {icon:inv_helm_misc_rose_a_01_red:25}
Syringe: {icon:inv_trinket_revendrethraid_02_red:25}
Vampiric Rune: {icon:inv_inscription_vantusrune_castlenathria01:25}
Question Mark: {icon:inv_misc_questionmark:25}
Heart: {icon:petbattle_health:25}
Fire Rune: {icon:spell_fire_rune:25}
Hunter’s Mark: {icon:ability_blackhand_marked4death:25}
Stitches: {icon:ability_rogue_garrote:25}
Bear Trap: {icon:ability_hunter_traplauncher:25}
Skull: {icon:ability_deathknight_necroticaura:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Rogue Mark: {icon:ability_rogue_deathmark:25}
Runeblade: {icon:inv_sword_1h_rogue_c_01:25}
Warlock Hood: {icon:inv_cloth_demonicdominationsuccubus_c_01_helmet:25}
Cleaver: {icon:inv_knife_1h_pigman_b_01:25}
Vampire Knives: {icon:inv_cape_special_revendreth_d_02:25}
Cannibalism: {icon:ability_racial_cannibalize:25}
Red Crystal: {icon:inv_jewelcrafting_gem_32:25}
Potion: {icon:trade_alchemy_dpotion_a16:25}
Thorns: {icon:inv_misc_necklacea6:25}
Red Matter: {icon:inv_artifact_corruptedbloodofzakajz:25}
Fire Bloom: {icon:inv_misc_herb_19:25}
Cherries: {icon:inv_misc_food_40:25}
Ruby Necklace: {icon:inv_jewelcrafting_necklace3_red:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Harvest Moon: {icon:ability_druid_eclipseorange:25}
Dash: {icon:ability_druid_dash_orange:25}
Curse Sigil: {icon:ability_creature_cursed_01:25}
Firewave: {icon:ability_rhyolith_magmaflow_wave:25}
Candle: {icon:inv_helm_misc_candle_a_01:25}
Tigerlily: {icon:inv_misc_herb_tigerlily:25}
Amber Necklace: {icon:inv_jewelry_necklace_75:25}
Goldfish: {icon:inv_magicalfishpet:25}
Banner: {icon:inv_shield_1h_drakonid_c_01:25}
Sword Sigil: {icon:spell_holy_sealofvalor:25}
Chi-Ji Crane: {icon:monk_stance_redcrane:25}
Bone Necklace: {icon:inv_7_0raid_necklace_08a:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Amber Potion: {icon:inv_alchemy_80_elixir01orange:25}
Darkmoon Eye: {icon:inv_darkmoon_eye:25}
Jack-o-Lantern: {icon:inv_misc_bag_28_halloween:25}
Fire Flower: {icon:inv_summerfest_fireflower:25}
Bottled Flame: {icon:inv_summerfest_firepotion:25}
Fire Fox: {icon:ability_racial_fireresist:25}
Scorched Hand: {icon:ability_siege_engineer_purification_beam:25}
Bronze Skull: {icon:inv_misc_breadofthedead:25}
Halloween Cat: {icon:achievement_halloween_cat_01:25}
Sanctum: {icon:warlock_sacrificial_pact:25}
Fireball: {icon:spell_mage_infernoblast:25}
Pumpkin Pie: {icon:ability_mage_conjurefoodrank9:25}
Animal Tracks: {icon:ability_tracking:25}
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(Left 2 Right) Clover: {icon:inv_misc_herb_goldclover:25}
Golden Harp: {icon:inv_misc_trinket_goldenharp:25}
Yellow Bird: {icon:inv_misc_thegoldencheep:25}
Priestly Hood: {icon:inv_helm_cloth_raidpriest_r_01_gold:25}
Marigolds: {icon:inv_misc_marrigolds_01:25}
Heavenly Feather: {icon:ability_priest_angelicfeather:25}
Golden Blade: {icon:inv_polearm_2h_drakonid_c_01:25}
Rightous Fist: {icon:spell_holy_rebuke:25}
Ducky: {icon:inv_g_fishingbobber_05:25}
Clock: {icon:spell_holy_borrowedtime:25}
Niuzao Symbol: {icon:monk_ability_avertharm:25}
Honey: {icon:inv_cooking_80_choralhoney:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Skull Trinket: {icon:inv_inscription_trinket_melee:25}
Pirate Map: {icon:achievement_ashran_tourofduty:25}
Domination Rune: {icon:ability_domination_rune13:25}
Cosmic Rune: {icon:inv_prg_icon_puzzle15:25}
Golden Lotus: {icon:achievement_faction_goldenlotus:25}
Holy Steed: {icon:spell_holy_crusaderaura:25}
Sun Icon: {icon:inv_qirajidol_sun:25}
Glowing Horseshoe: {icon:ability_mount_charger:25}
Cage: {icon:inv_box_birdcage_01:25}
Autumn Icon: {icon:ability_ardenweald_paladin_autumn:25}
Fan of Knives: {icon:ability_warrior_bladestorm:25}
Prayer: {icon:spell_priest_pontifex:25}
Butterfly: {icon:inv_pet_butterfly_orange:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Dragon Wing: {icon:inv_10_gearupgrade_flightstone_green:25}
Poison Needle: {icon:ability_poisons:25}
Imprisoned: {icon:ability_demonhunter_imprison:25}
Dark Deal: {icon:achievement_general_raidrepresentation:25}
Toxic Maw: {icon:ability_creature_poison_01:25}
Crown: {icon:ability_rogue_controlisking:25}
Monk Symbol: {icon:ability_monk_zenmeditation:25}
Traveler: {icon:achievement_explore_argus:25}
Green Feather: {icon:inv_icon_feather01e:25}
Leaf: {icon:talentspec_druid_restoration:25}
Frog: {icon:inv_frog2_darkgreen:25}
Vines: {icon:inv_misc_herb_evergreenmoss:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Ring: {icon:inv_misc_6oring_greenlv4:25}
Gadget: {icon:inv_misc_enggizmos_20:25}
Necklace: {icon:item_icecrownnecklacec:25}
Bandages: {icon:inv_firstaid_bandage2:25}
Medical Symbol: {icon:achievement_guild_doctorisin:25}
Shield: {icon:ability_dragonriding_compassion01:25}
Toxic Sludge: {icon:ability_hunter_stickytarbombtrap:25}
Scythe: {icon:inv_knife_1h_maldraxxus_d_02:25}
Darkmoon Marker: {icon:inv_darkmoon_vengeance:25}
Fel Cloth: {icon:inv_fabric_felcloth_ebon:25}
Witch Pot: {icon:inv_misc_cauldron_nature:25}
Banner: {icon:inv_bannerpvp_03:25}
Demonic Rune: {icon:70_inscription_vantus_rune_tomb:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Transformation: {icon:spell_druid_incarnation:25}
Scaredy Cat: {icon:ability_druid_cower:25}
Tome: {icon:inv_7xp_inscription_talenttome02:25}
Skull: {icon:inv_offhand_1h_artifactdoomhammer_d_06:25}
Seashell: {icon:inv_ore_osmenite:25}
Blue Flower: {icon:ability_dragonriding_draconiccultivation01:25}
Mana Potion: {icon:trade_alchemy_dpotion_b10:25}
Bubble: {icon:creatureportrait_bubble:25}
Azuna: {icon:achievements_zone_azsuna:25}
Blue Moon: {icon:artifactability_balancedruid_fullmoon:25}
Icy Touch: {icon:ability_deathknight_icygrip:25}
Prowling Feline: {icon:ability_druid_prowl:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Arcane Intellect: {icon:spell_holy_arcaneintellect:25}
Frost Rune: {icon:spell_frost_wizardmark:25}
Frozen Heart: {icon:spell_frost_coldhearted:25}
Undead Wing: {icon:inv_icon_wingbroken07e:25}
Dewdrop: {icon:inv_misc_shadowdew:25}
North: {icon:ability_hunter_pathfinding:25}
Mug: {icon:inv_misc_food_cooked_madbrewbreakfast:25}
Arrow: {icon:ability_hunter_aimedshot:25}
Sparkles: {icon:spell_magic_managain:25}
Skull & Crossbones: {icon:ability_rogue_feigndeath:25}
Dagger: {icon:inv_weapon_shortblade_06:25}
Crystal Ball: {icon:inv_misc_orb_01:25}
Diamond: {icon:inv_misc_gem_02:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Screaming Skull: {icon:ability_creature_cursed_03:25}
Crescent Moon: {icon:talentspec_druid_balance:25}
Nightshade: {icon:inv_misc_herb_13:25}
Crystal Ball: {icon:spell_druid_momentofclarity:25}
Bear: {icon:spell_druid_guardianofelune:25}
Voidwalker: {icon:spell_shadow_summonvoidwalker:25}
Engulfing Shadows: {icon:ability_rogue_envelopingshadows:25}
Dark Dagger: {icon:ability_ironmaidens_convulsiveshadows:25}
Evil Spirit: {icon:inv__demonbolt:25}
Nighttime: {icon:spell_shadow_twilight:25}
Old God Eye: {icon:inv_eyeofnzothpet:25}
Evil Face: {icon:ability_demonhunter_vengefulretreat:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Arcane Rune: {icon:70_inscription_vantus_rune_suramar:25}
Dark Angel: {icon:ability_priest_darkarchangel:25} Origami: {icon:inv_inscription_crane:25} Grapes: {icon:inv_misc_food_58:25}
Totem: {icon:spell_shaman_dropall_03:25}
Ring: {icon:inv_10_jewelcrafting_rings_ring1_color2:25}
Swirling Dark: {icon:ability_warlock_soullink:25} Spider Webs: {icon:inv_misc_web_02:25}
Scarab: {icon:inv_misc_ahnqirajtrinket_01:25}
Clashing Swords: {icon:spell_holy_blessingofstrength:25} Skeleton Key: {icon:inv_treasurevault_key01:25}
Pendant: {icon:inv_misc_necklace_mop1:25}
Shadow Clone Runes: {icon:spell_holy_prayerofshadowprotection:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Perfume Bottle: {icon:inv_valentineperfumebottle:25} Orb: {icon:inv_misc_orb_02:25}
Tome: {icon:inv_misc_book_01:25}
Bomb: {icon:inv_misc_bomb_04:25}
Curse Rune: {icon:spell_warlock_demonbolt:25}
Cupid Bow: {icon:inv_bow_1h_love_c_01_pink:25}
Arcane Rune: {icon:ability_ardenweald_paladin_summer:25}
Icecream Meal: {icon:inv_misc_food_strawberry_ice:25}
Headress: {icon:inv_helm_cloth_legionquest100_b_01:25}
Plushie: {icon:inv_tailoring_elekkplushie:25}
Staff: {icon:inv_staff_16:25}
Faerie Fire: {icon:spell_nature_faeriefire:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Comb: {icon:inv_misc_comb_02:25}
Silk: {icon:inv_chest_cloth_58:25}
Pink Wing: {icon:inv_icon_wing04b:25}
Halo: {icon:ability_priest_halo_shadow:25}
Potion: {icon:inv_potion_34:25}
Pearl: {icon:inv_misc_enchantedpearl:25}
Scroll: {icon:inv_inscription_modified_craftingreagent08:25}
Eyeball: {icon:inv_misc_cat_trinket11:25}
Enchantment: {icon:inv_enchant_formulaepic_01:25}
Bloody Maw: {icon:spell_deathknight_gnaw_ghoul:25}
Demon Hunter Rune: {icon:ability_demonhunter_sigilpurple:25}
Berries: {icon:inv_cooking_80_wildberries:25}
Thread & Needle: {icon:inv_10_tailoring_purchasedthread_color4:25}
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TIPS & INFO •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Simply a collection of little tricks and nuggets of info I've learned about TRP over the years. They don't quite count as formatting so uh. I dunno. This is my guide, I'll do what I want-
The larger your TRP is, the longer it will take to load. Don't feel put off if someone whispers you about it thinking they were accidently blocked!
A TRP doesn't have to be long to be good. Size doesn't matter, it's how you use it as they say.
Don't feel pressured to make your TRP a certain way. It's your TRP. Have fun with it and go crazy!
Don't feel afraid to reach out & ask other players how they did something in their TRP if you like it! Though some may still gatekeep techniques, there's been a shift in the TRP culture. You may make a new friend too!
If you get a TRP formatting error, you're most likely just missing a / or { } somewhere within the code. I do it all the time and a comb through the code normally shows me where one went missing.
BACK UP YOUR TRP! The worst feeling in the world is writing a super swag TRP only for it to get shitted on by a WoW update. Below, I'll show you a quick and easy way to do it.
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Alternatives to AI Art, another post I’ve made awhile ago. The community has this weird culture about NEEDING character art, so here’s some alternatives to AI!
Super cute TRP templates done by this lovely tumblr account. Stumbled across them by chance, but I'm kinda adoring the themes & aesthetic they've got going??? @trp3-templates
A really amazing post on r/WoWRoleplay where the community has shared some more tips & tricks I haven't covered within this guide. It warms my heart to see us helping out each other!
The original TRP Aesthetic Guide I made years ago. All the information has been imported and improved here, but I'm a bit of a sentimental sucker, so I'll be linking it here too for legacy purposes.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• CLOSING WORD •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
GUYS, it's been over a wholeass YEAR since I released the OG TRP Guide. That's crazy, yo. A lot happens in a year & I'm so glad to have heard how many people got my guide and appreciated it. You guys have gotten hella creative and I can't count how many swag & aesthetic TRPs I've seen since it's release. Not only that, but people have also been more open with sharing techniques & tips. Just makes me fuzzy inside or someshit.
Point is, since I released it there's a LOT of stuff I didn't know and even more things being found out. That, and there's a lot of stuff I thought was common knowledge that isn't; thus not adding it to the original one. I asSuMeD- So, I began asking some of you just how you were doing it & compiling EVERYTHING, just incase! Like the first, this project is a bunch of roleplayers coming together to make another fun resource for the community. ENOUGH MUSHINESS. GO MAKE A CUTE / SWAG TRP!
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lucius-official · 10 months ago
Are you sick and tired of being a pawn in Dire Crowley's twisted game?? Of being used to boost his own ego? Of always fighting his battles while he cozies up in the safety of his office neglecting to pay his child support??
Then join the rebellion. Rise up against the birdman. And take back your freedom.
We will storm Dire Crowley's office on the morrow and remove Crowley from his position of power by force.
(Bring your own pitchforks/broomsticks/nukes-and prepare to lay down your lives for the cause)
It's time for the Crow to fall 🐦‍⬛❌️✊️
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findroleplay · 1 year ago
Hello lovely honeybees 🐝
I’m 24F in search of a role-play partner for these following fandoms:
Harry Potter
Hogwarts Legacy
Detroit: Become Human
Marble Hornets
Call Of Duty (Any)
My Hero Academia
Tokyo Revengers
Tokyo Ghoul
Jujutsu Kaisen
The Evil Within (any)
Blue Exorcist
Death Note
Bungo Stray Dogs
Until Dawn
I am a descriptive writer, so I will send the max of 10 paragraphs. I expect at least 3 paragraphs in return. OCs are welcomed, because I will do double ups. NSFW is a must, for I like spicy content.
Like this post and I’ll reach out ✨
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rima-niki · 7 months ago
I need everyone to know that the absolute vibe switch between Ajax (going through the horrors and possibly dying) Zephyr and Krit ( Imma just be a lil guy and play crab rave) Dawn is wonderful as the person running both of those accounts.
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rp-guzi · 9 months ago
Drew Me and My Dad
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spiderman2-99 · 4 months ago
If you don’t mind, drop your hair care routine?
I… don’t really have one. Wash it every couple days (or more if it gets dirty) with a shampoo bar. Dry it with a cotton towel and let air dry the rest of the way. That’s about it.
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nrc-therapist · 10 months ago
ew, why does she have pictures of her and these people up? don't tell me they're her friends
huh, friends. funny. can't wait to see her get ignored by them, I'll be laughing SOOO hard
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usuallythebadguy · 8 months ago
Seeking RP or collaborative fanficing!
Looking for RP partners/new pals, SFW/NSFW/Evolving, Short/Long term, play by post or chat form. These are my favourite settings, and stared characters/settings are those I love playing best! Of course, I'm open to many other characters also. I have no hard limits, can play dominantly or submissively as any oc and am adaptable to any ideas, concepts or pairings.
I have plenty of plot ideas, but I'm just as excited about catering to yours. Likewise, as much as I love canon pairings, I also love OCs and will happily romance or befriend your characters of any kind.
I love playing morally ambiguous bad guys and crazies but can be a perfect angel when needed. Will rp in inbox, discord, telegram, flist hell even email. Whatever your preference is. I'm nonbinary and in my thirties. While not necessary, would love to rp with people my age. Like mentioned, sfw and nsfw rps are fine, and I have a list of my nsfw interests here: https://www.f-list.net/c/universal%20kinks%20-/ Also really interested in doing fanfics with others! *Arcane: Silco*, Victor*, Sevika*, OC Brawler Jack, OC Scientist Jack *Deathnote: L*, Light*, Mastuda, Mikami, OC Light Mass Effect: Mordin*, Jack, Wrex, Jaal* *Skyrim: Cicero*, OC Listener 'Sin' *Dragon Age: Cole*, Varric, OC Qunari Jack, OC Elf Va’Lithra *Baldur’s Gate: Astarion*, Abdirak, That spider guy, OC Tiefling Jack Steven Universe: Jasper Detroit Become Human: Connor*, Hank, OC Android Jack Inside Job: Rand, Reagan* *Hannibal TV Series: Will*, Hannibal She Ra: Hordak, Entrapta Horizon Zero Dawn: Aloy, Erand, Kotallo, Nil* Encanto: *Bruno, Camilo Kipo: *Jamack, *Kipo Simpsons: Flanders, Smithers, Mr Burns *Rick & Morty: *Rick, Morty, Jerry MLP: *Discord, Queen Chrysalis Avatar: *Zuco, Lin Beifong, Soka Harry Potter: *Snape, Harry, Draco, Ron *Fallout: *Cooper Howard, Lucy *Farcry: *Joseph Seed, 
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eepoxdraws · 27 days ago
🎆 LUNAR FESTIVAL 2025 on Argent Dawn EU 🎆 Step into the heart of Moonglade for an unforgettable celebration! Video editing: Myself In-game footage: Jai'are (98%), Meiling, me Event information: lunarfestival.carrd.co Music used with licence
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swinglifeaway19 · 6 months ago
Roleplay Partner Search
Hi there! 
My friends call me Sammy. I've been roleplaying for roughly fifteen years, started on Quizilla ( rip ) and have been writing ever since. I work a full time job, Monday - Friday that takes up the most of my time during the week. Weekends are spent with my boyfriend and friends.Most of my roleplay responses will be weekday evenings & Sunday nights. I'm available most of the time to chitchat or headcanon if that's your jam. I love making friends with my writing partners. Communication is key. 
18+ Please. Am adult. Children stay away. 
Probably over Discord? Unless you have a better suggestion. PM me and we can discuss. 
Doubling friendly and doubling encouraged.   I always play a female oc and a character of your choosing. If you want canon ships for your side, cool. I dont mind. You have an oc that you want to pair with a canon character? Even better. Tell me everything.  
Length. The longer the reply,  the longer it takes for me to reply. I dont really have a length limit, I can match whatever you throw at me, but I'd rather have a shorter reply full of meaningful sentences that move the roleplay along than a long reply full of fluff, ya know? 
Plot > Smut. I dont mind smut, I just need it to not be the sole focus. 
Its been forever since I've made one of  these so I'm probably forgetting something. If you have questions/comments/concerns, feel free to shoot me a message. 
Below are fandoms I'm currently looking for. Bold is who I would like to play against. Italics are characters I'm comfortable playing ( some fandoms have a crap load of characters, if you dont see someone you want in italics, please just ask if I can play them. More often than not, it's a yes). 
A Court of Thorns and Roses series - Completed( Lucien Vanserra, Eris Vanserra, Azriel) [ Azriel, Cassian, Rhysand , Eris Vanserra, Tarquin, ask for more ]
ACOTAR x Throne of Glass Crossover - I would kill to play the child of Manorian, pairing them off with Elucien child. Plot with me pleeeeeeeeease. 
Stephen King's It - Novel, TV Ministries, Chapter 1 & 2 Completed. highly prefer to rp when they are adults, though we can flashback/headcanon platonic moments from when they were kids. ( Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon )[ Any of the Losers ]
One Piece - Live Action. Through Zouin Anime ( Roranoa  Zoro. Trafalgar D Water Law. Vinsmoke Sanji )[ Any Straw Hat, Buggy, Mihawk, Shanks, theres a lot of characters so ask ]
Yu Yu Hakusho - Anime Completed. ( Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke )[ Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara. Ask about anyone else but willing to try ] 
Stranger Things - Caught up. ( Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Steven Harrington ) [Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jim Hopper ]
Hunger Games - Original Trilogy Novels & Movies Completed. Willing to do original plot. ( Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair )[ Mostly anyone save for Snow ]
Teen Wolf ( Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski )[ mostly anyone ]
Until Dawn ( Mike Munroe, male oc )[ anyone ]
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southerndaughterofeos · 5 months ago
Open starter!
(Guys girl still thinks shes straight if you try to tell her otherwise she will be very adamant about how she isnt) (just fyi)
Aurelia had just arrived at camp a few days ago, and for whatever reason, the two of you were talking. She looked pretty rough her first day, and she had just been claimed the day previous. Apparently, she had made a new friend. Kiara. Or at least, she was trying very hard to be her friend.
She was telling you about how nice she had been when she arrived at the infirmary on her first day and how she had her back during her first capture the flag game.
Of course, she had also been talking about how this 'weird pagan stuff' was super confusing, but not nearly as much.
@the-gods-abandoned-us @arisdaughter @mache-of-greece @kaiaalwayswins @unhinged-waterlilly @yourlocalfallenstar @son-of-the-moonlight @luci-likes-dinoss @elixs-mythology-corner @bast-the-best26 @emdabitchass @if-chaos-was-a-boy @luck-is-crucial @dolorem-et-chaus @the-prince-telemachus @pink-koi-lovejoy @apollos-favorite-child @ariathemortal @cass-sees-the-future @reyna4ever @daughter-ofthe-moontitan @superbstarlightsheep
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thatonesunshinecharecter · 29 days ago
Hey, welcome to cabin 7. Hopefully nothing gave you too much trouble getting to camp huh?
“HIII!!” Dawn said excitedly. Shes was just a little ball of sunshine
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multifandomvillainblog · 1 month ago
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or my wife’s friends..They’re nice to me, so Ill consider them my friends! Thought it be nice to be the first one to actually post a picture, we’ll get to asks soon! Some of the villains here are kinda delayed so..
hehe wifey is sleeping though :)))
- 🚧
[Been working on other stuff as of late..getting to the asks soon!]
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findroleplay · 3 months ago
26 they/them rper here. Looking for more partners, not replacing anything. I prefer to rp on discord and am super active. Looking for over 18+ partners and all characters over 18. I prefer 2-3 paragraphs per reply but can do more or less, I'm happy to match. Fandoms I'm Looking For: X-Men Tithe by Holly Black Dan Da Dan (OC or aged up characters only) Zom 100 Train to Busan Sweet Tooth Sweet Home Alice in Borderland Until Dawn I'm open to other stuff this is just off the top of my head! I'm happy to double up and prefer to not play a femme role.
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