#davis and droz
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smallfry15005 · 2 years ago
Droz: Davis annoyed me today so I told him that I can't wait to see what he planned for our special day tomorrow.
Gates: But there's nothing special about tomorrow.
Droz: But there is something special about watching sheer panic wash the color out of his face.
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avaparation · 9 months ago
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Happy pride month to these two and only these two
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imoutofsalt · 2 years ago
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they have explored each others bodies
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twintraps · 8 months ago
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brothers playin on da nintendo switch
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gwendolyn-of-loxley · 4 months ago
Alright, here's what I have so far for "Titanfall 3: No Time to Fall" (deeply unserious title). I barely have an act together for a story so I'm gonna reblog this a bunch of times with new additions. Don't be surprised at any lore contradictions with Apex Legends; I don't play the game or follow the story.
So we start off just, like, a few months after Titanfall 2. Jack Cooper is flying high from the Fold Weapon fiasco and has joined the 6-4 alongside Bear, Gates, Droz, and Davis. The chemistry is delightful; Cooper has developed the confidence to fit right in with the team, and you get a great re-introduction to the setting with a high energy mission against an IMC station (could be in space maybe? Movement system may not be great to start in zero G). The 6-4 is, as always, wonderful. You get re-acquainted with the wall-run movement style of the series.
The 6-4 shreds through the base and finds some important IMC files, but Cooper searches for stuff irrelevant to the mission, and manages to get ahold of a lead on how to track down Kuben Blisk, leader of the Apex Predators. This is still only a couple months after Typhon's donation, and that means Cooper is set on taking down the man he sees as responsible for the death of both Lastimosa and BT. He manages to get the information, but Gates catches him at the last moment, and he plays it off. Before she can press, they get an alert from Bear that enemy Titanfalls have been detected.
The team calls in their various Titans, with kits both carried over from the previous games and entirely new to the sequel. When Cooper calls down his Titan, it is revealed that he has been paired with FS-1041, the Vanguard Titan originally intended to be his once Cooper had finished training under Lastimosa. Immediately, something is not right; FS's vocalisations are sterile in a way far beyond BT's had ever been. He does not make conversation, he does not make informative callouts, and Cooper is audibly frustrated with the situation.
Davis remarks on it with empathy; he too had a strong rapport with a former Titan. Lore is dropped that Titans with incredibly Smart AI like BT had already been rare and expensive this far into the war. Many Pilots, like Anderson, Bear, and (very importantly) Gates, had only ever piloted standard OS AI in their Titans. Lastimosa had been an acceptional dual-tactic Pilot and was deemed valuable enough to merit BT. Most other Smart AI are either present on ships, in charge of infrastructure. MOB-1316, Sarah Briggs' Titan, is one if these, and Cooper makes a snide comment wishing she'd let him switch.
Once the fight is over, the 6-4 returns to the current Militia flagship, the MCS Typhon's Memory. Gates attempts to corner Cooper about his vendetta against Kuben Blisk, but Bear interrupts and has a heart to heart with Cooper. Bear goes on to explain that the war has been hard on all of them. It is revealed that the Militia victory at Typhon was important but not without cost. The current goal of the Militia has become the capture, trial, and sentencing of General Marder, a campaign that has encountered multiple frustrating setbacks. Bear expressed sympathy toward Cooper's grieving, but emphasized the important of having everyone in the same page. He finishes his words with "we'll get him one day, I promise."
Cooper looks at his helmet before setting it on a table and falling into his cot. The helmet's visor blinks in accordance with the post-credits ending of Titanfall 2.
More to follow.
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novankenn · 2 years ago
"Jaune Gets A Gun AU - Day 2" Titanfall 2 - Various (Pt1)
Inspired by @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON
????/????: Customers! Welcome!
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Jaune: Eh?
????: Ignore Droz... I'm Davis thank you for coming over.
Droz: and Welcome to the 6-4!
Davis: We're not the 6-4 anymore.
Droz: Once 6-4 always 6-4
Pyrrha: Are we interrupting something? We can always come ba...
Droz/Davis: NO! Please stay...
Davis: We have guns... because we're at a gun show, obviously... hehe.
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Pyrrha/Ruby/Jaune: (Thinking) Okay... if we slowly walk away...
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Tiny Tina: (Thinking) Oh, these guys seem like fun!
Jaune: Alright. I'm looking for a ranged option, I mostly use a Sword and Shield...
Ruby: It needs to be easily maintained...
Pyrrha: Simple to operate...
Tiny Tina: And blows things up!
Pyrrha/Ruby: What? No!
Droz: Well, we have these...
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Tiny Tina: And these blow things up?
Droz: Some of the best Anti-Titan weapons we have... the Mag Launcher fires Magnetic Grenades. Great for landing hits on Spectres, Titans, or anything that magnets can be drawn to.
Jaune: Grimm aren't really magnetic...
Droz/Davis: Grimm?
Ruby: Yeah, Grimm. Enemy of human and faunus kind? Sound familiar?
Droz: (Whispering) Where are we again?
Davis: (Whispering) Rembrant... no, that's not it... Remnant.
Jaune: You know we can hear you.
Droz: Sorry, you travel as much as we do, and all the jump locations start kind of blurring together.
Jaune: What about the rocket launcher.
Davis: The Archer. Great fire and forget weapon.
Jaune: That would work for me...
Pyrrha: Jaune, you get one shot, and then have to reload... and let me guess it locks onto electronic signatures? Grimm, don't have those.
Davis: Well, we also have this.
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Ruby/Tiny Tina: And this is?
Davis: Sidewinder Micro Missile Launcher.
Ruby/Tiny Tina: Ohhhhhh!
Pyrrha: How about we look at something more manageable, and less likely to hurt Jaune when he uses it.
Droz: (Rubbing the back of his neck) Well, we do have a line of antipersonnel weapons. They can definitely take down grimm. You can see them just over there.
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Ruby: They look sort of old.
Davis: Time tested and true. Solid construction, worry free operation. Perfect for a newbie or an expert.
Droz: But DON'T take our word for it. Try them out and see the difference that these fine firearms can make for your kit!
Jaune: Okay, but where...?
Davis points to a pair of what appeared to be fully enclosed simulation pods.
Droz: Climb in. Chose your gear, and try them out. Full body feed back. So you will get a TRUE feel on which of these babies works best for you.
Jaune: Okay, I'm game.
Davis: Anyone else?
Pyrrha: I'll do it.
Droz: This way, please.
Ruby and Tiny Tina watched as Pyrrha and Jaune stepped into the sim pods and the doors closed. They watched carefully as the one called Droz opened up a tablet and input some keystrokes.
Davis: (Whispering) So?
Droz: (Whispering) He's a little rough, but he learns quick. He could be a Gen 3.
Davis: (Whispering) What about her?
Droz: (Whispering) Gen 5.
Davis: Shi...!
Ruby: Swear Jar!
Davis: Er... what?
Tiny Tina: What's this Gen stuff you, two, were talking about?
Droz: Gen stuff?
Davis: (Whispering) Do you think they...
Tiny Tina: Yes, we can hear you.
Droz: Cr...ud.
Tiny Tina: (Crossing her arms, her pistol in hand) So what is Gen?
Droz: (Rubs back of his neck) It stands for Generation. The more Generations a pilot goes through, the stronger and better they are. Right now, the young fella could be a Gen 3, the lady a Gen 5.
Ruby: Okay... that explains very little.
Davis: Your friends would make exceptional pilots... especially after we put them through ReGENeration.
Tiny Tina/Ruby: You what now?
Droz: Be for the best. They are perfect for the 6-4.
Ruby: NO! You can't recruit Jaune! He's already Enlisted with the Mobile Infantry!
Davis: Cool! We've never ReGENed a Trooper before!
Tiny Tina: No, no, no, no....
Droz: Let's do it!
Ruby and Tiny Tina make a lunge for Droz who just falls backwards to the floor letting the pair of young woman sail over him, as he tapped a button on his tablet.
(Okay... this one is getting split, because if I continue it is going to be super long, if it's already not too long. Stay tuned for the conclusion!)
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blacksuppository · 1 year ago
Been playing Titanfall 2 ever since the servers got unfucked, i completely forgot how much i adored Droz and Davis, especially Davis, i love his character so much
so yeah, davis my beloved
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chaoticshort · 1 year ago
Greetings. A pigeon has been deployed on your account. We shall follow your efforts with great interest.
As for question.
[Who is your favorite: Droz or Davis?]
omg a pigeon!!! hi :D
i cant pick they're both great
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the6-4 · 11 months ago
op you dont understand how honestly EASY it would be to incorporate cooper into the lore. i havent kept up with the lore of apex really myself since vantage was added BUT. listen.
ever since the start we've had legends who were pilots. wraith is confirmed to have been a senior science pilot on typhon (points and screams) but it took a little while for direct titanfall 2 references to begin
i remember losing my mind over rampart having part of viper's chassis in her workshop, and then valkyrie was added and it made sense. but we still need to talk about the fact that TITANS THEMSELVES HAVE BEEN SHOWN IN OFFICIAL MEDIA AS FAR BACK AS RAMPART'S ART.
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and then we got valkyrie, viper's DAUGHTER. if cooper was added we could have some CRAZY interactions especially if valkyrie knew who cooper was and wanted revenge. a real loba-revenant rivalry. we've seen her picking through part of typhon to retrieve things from what remained of the battle of typhon. its NOT IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOMETHING TO REMAIN OF BT.
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and then ASH WAS ADDED AS A LEGEND. lets DOUBLE that "holy shit YOU" potential. jack convinced he killed her for good and ash pieced back together without his knowledge.
After this is where my lore knowledge gets fuzzy, but the wiki says that newcastle had a combat pilot certification, and possibly at one point had a titan of his own. Its also revealed that later that he and bangalore killed an IMC pilot to save newcastle's life. and THEN its revealed that newcastle found out about the fucking fold weapon and what the ARES division was planning to do with it. HUGE link to the titanfall 2 campaign and more so another character that cooper now has an indirect link to.
just that alone is like?? fucking CRAZY because we have 1) at least 3 definitively certified pilots (5 if we count blisk) (and 6 if we sorta count valk whos had experience piloting a titan) and 2) MULTIPLE DIRECT LINKS back to major events of titanfall 2.
and pushing all that aside for a moment, lets just remember we have a character whos related to one of coopers allies! its revealed through a message from his mother that mirage's uncle is droz (which is funny, cause i always thought mirage's sense of humour and mannerisms really matched up better with davis)
after this is where im entirely pulling from the wiki cause i stopped watching the lore videos. Conduit is the newest legend as of writing this post, and her toolset revolves entirely around her having a titan battery and was developed with the aid of a weapons developer Lenlen Lastimosa (i had a bit of a WAIT WHAT moment reading that off the wiki and id be annoyed if it was just a one off wink-nudge from the devs)
onto how realistic it actually might be for our boy jack to show up and then go on to fight in the games.
lets be real, he'd be coming up on about 48 years old at least by this point in the timeline instead of the spry 28ish we saw him at last. its been a hot second since weve seen him fight, but we do have a number of other (mostly) organic legends around that age, so it doesnt feel as unrealistic as it did back when we only had caustic as our middle aged rep (fuse at 55, maggie at 56, caustic at 50, ballistic at 63)! theres an honest case for him ending up as a simulacrum if hes had a particularly eventful life after the events of titanfall 2 too, seeing as though both factions werent particularly opposed to just downloading the brains of their more prestigious pilots in case of injury or death (and i think it would be interesting especially in the dynamic of valk and cooper and ash and cooper)
im not gonna reread this and im sure its incomprehensible but in conclusion;
we have many many direct and indirect links to the events of titanfall 2 including: cooper, typhon and the fold weapon, and titans as a whole in the apex legends lore already. it would be so incredibly easy to slot cooper into this. i just want cooper to show up with that old card in hand so so badly.
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The incoherent letter to Respawn Entertainment I’ll never send
Dear Respawn,
I’ll preface with the fact that I do not care about Apex Legends. I’ve played it once (1) and it didn’t stick and I’m not invested in the lore of the current characters. I’ve heard one (or more) of them is gay and I do like that though.
However, I am here to petition you about adding a very important character to the Apex Legends lineup. His name is Jack Cooper and I’m sure your writing team is already familiar with him. He is the only white boy wonder protagonist I’ve ever loved and I would like to remind you that he got personally, personally invited to join Apex Legends by the man named Blisk in the cutscene everyone forgot about in Titanfall 2 because immediately following was the cutscene that made everyone bawl like little babies (me included). But this does not negate the point. Jack got a personal invitation to participate in the games. Here’s why he should:
Dedicated fans have decoded your easter egg in the end credit scene of Titanfall 2. The helmet flashes in binary and the message says “Jack?”. This confirms that everyone’s favorite character in the history of videogames is still, in fact, alive. I’m talking about BT-7274, otherwise known as the most goddamn lovable mech robot I’ve ever fucking seen. If you weren’t aware, BT-7274 and Jack Cooper are legally married. They channel the purest essence of the Knight-Rider-Buddy-Cop aesthetic in their every interaction and are one of, if not the most enjoyable onscreen relationship there’s been in years. They would die for each other, they would live for each other, and they deserve a happy domestic life where nothing bad ever happens to them again. However, in order to achieve this, they need to find each other again.
BT-7274 is still alive, that much is clear from the easter egg, but he could be anywhere in space and time because he got caught in the explosion of the fold weapon. However, Jack, being a member of the Militia, is currently in active service and can’t drop everything to go searching without serious repercussions. However, if he joined the Apex Games, he’d be able to travel with the games and the show runners would protect him from the Militia’s retaliation for his leaving. To summarize, Jack has adequate motivation to join Apex Legends because through it he can search time and space for BT.
While I do not care about Apex Legends as a game, I offer the idea that Jack would be a fun playable character. The game does not currently have an official wall-running mechanic because none of the characters are pilots, but Jack is, so that could be the center of his kit. It would be a fantastic gameplay throwback for your players that got invested in the Titanfall-style movement shooter. On a more radical note, perhaps his ultimate ability would be calling down a spectral version of BT-7274 to pilot for a short amount of time- explained lorewise as BT reaching through time and space to help out when his pilot is in a tight spot. Perhaps in a similar way to how the ghost lady hears voices of herself from the future? Again, I am unsure of current Apex lore, so you will have to do the proper lore adjustments to make everything work.
But really, the core of this idea is mostly for the continuity. It is borne from my deep attachment to Jack Cooper and BT-7274, and a desire to see their storyline continued from the spectacular campaign of Titanfall 2. You got me attached to these characters, twisted the knife, then suggested there’s a chance for them to have a happy ending, so now you have to deal with me. Please add Jack Cooper to Apex Legends or I will begin picketing outside of your headquarters.
Sincerely, A Titanfall 2 fan
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Mirages uncles are Davis and Droz from tf2 and ugh it’s heart breaking
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smallfry15005 · 2 years ago
Droz: I have to get something off of my chest.
Davis: Is it your shirt? I hope it’s your shirt.
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blyaem · 5 years ago
Just put Droz and Davis in Apex already pls
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twintraps · 8 months ago
everytime i see a davis and droz lovers post i die irl
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incorrect-titanfall · 7 years ago
McDonald’s cashier: Wow, 30 McDoubles! :D Are you hosting an event?
Davis: Yeah it’s called I’m gonna eat 30 McDoubles in one sitting.
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novankenn · 2 years ago
"Jaune Gets A Gun AU - Day 2" Titanfall 2 - Various (Pt2)
Inspired by @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON
Tiny Tina and Ruby quickly recover from their missed tackle caused tumble.
Tiny Tina: (Flicks her head to drop her mask in place) LET MY BABY DADDY OUT OF THERE! NOW, BEFORE I COMPLETELY FU...!
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RUBY: Swear Jar! (Turns her attention to Droz and Davis) You heard her... let MY future husband OUT!
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Droz/Davis: (Sweat drop) Um...
A LOUD beep goes off behind them, followed by the hiss of hydraulics going into action. The door of one of the pods open in a billow of rolling steam...
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Pyrrha: I feel weird... woozy...
Ruby: Pyrrha?!? What did they do to you?
Pyrrha: What?
Tiny Tina: Oh, that's IT! Making my rival's sexy ass, even cuter! DIRT NAP TIME, bitches!
Pyrrha/Ruby: Swear Jar!
Tiny Tina: Who cares... time to shank these bitc...!
Pyrrha/Ruby: SWEAR JAR!
Davis: (On his knees, pleading) Wait! Wait!
Suddenly, sirens and other types of warning alarms start going off.
Droz: Something's wrong... What the FU...!
Ruby/Pyrrha: SWEAR JAR!
Davis: Droz?
Davis: GEN 9000!
Tiny Tina: (Lowers her gun and looks at Ruby & Pyrrha) Is that good or bad?
Droz: It's going to BLOW! Duck and Cover!
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As everyone shakes their heads and tries to clear their lungs...
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Tiny Tina: What? Where's? I'm so confused!
Ruby/Pyrrha: Jaune! Are you okay?
Droz: Okay! I swear on the 6-4... That HAS NEVER happened before!
Davis: I'm so aroused right now.
Emerald: YES, my GODDESS is back, and she's MINE!
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Emerald rushes around the corner, scoops Jaune up into a princess carry, and bolts for the exit.
Jaune: (Screeching) NOT AGAIN! HELP!
Ruby/Tiny Tina/Pyrrha: HEY! Get back here with my HUSBAND/BABY DADDY/STUD MUFFIN!
Droz looks at Davis as the trio of heavily armed girls races off.
Droz: That was...
Davis: ...something.
The pair look up after hearing someone clearing their throat.
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Ozpin: Please refrain from ReGENing any more of my students, if you would be so kind.
Droz/Davis: Sorry.
Ozpin: I'm glad we could come to an agreement. Now if you don't mind I'll have to get Glynda to wrangle in those five before they level this place.
A glowing blue dome opens nearby...
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????: (Chuckling darkly) Now... where IS my blond darling?
Ozpin: Make that six...
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Davis & Droz from Titanfall 2 are Forklift Certified!
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