#david rennick
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Love that Still Wakes The Deep has a lovecraftian entity that we know very little about other than kind of what it looks like, that it's fast growing and what it does to human beings, but the true villain of the game is still good ol' corporate greed!
#JuSt DrIlL tHrOuGh It!#famous last words by every boss ever#caz could've gone home to his wife if the boats weren't cheap!#still wakes the deep spoilers#still wakes the deep#david rennick
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Stephen Rennicks, Lenny Abrahamson, and Domhnall discussing 'FRANK' at Beatyard Festival 2014
📸 David Sexton (14.10.2014)
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~ SWTD: Still Here AU Part 14: ~
Operation Spy Part 3:
The finale of Operation Spy. Yes, this is a short arc. It's a bridge into the next, much longer chapters.
Part 15:
As the minutes ticked by, things seemed to calm down. The dock crew were quick to realise the infected were harmless. Seeing the Beria crew talk to them as if nothing happened helped wash away their nerves. It was just a lot of them to take in as a third party. Still, Brodie and Finlay lingered by the only phone you could use to contact the outside before reaching Bernard's office because they weren't going to risk having police or military find them. Archie soon made his appearance. Loyal to the core, he waited here the entire time. The scream from earlier woke him from a nap he was taking somewhere else in the building.
Someone found the courage to ask Addair about the album he carried under his arm, which he returned in kind by showing off his wife and sons, going into great detail for each picture. From what they were doing to location. Whether it was just for attention or because he somehow turned over a new leaf in the span of 24 hours was anyone's guess. The same went for Gibbo. They wanted to know about Eleanor after seeing the chain, which he obliged, but when it got too much, with everyone sharing their own stories of their wives, eventually talking over each other, he literally retreated his head into the mass. Douglas and Dobbie were quick to vouch for him, and it was taken well. 'I wish I could do that,' one commented. Yes, Gibbo can somehow breathe. No, he didn't know how he was doing that. He just subconsciously knew.
Trots, for once, didn't go on about a Union and instead told his side of the story with Archie listening because he was the last to learn about anything surrounding yesterday's events. Muir, Caz, and a few others from Beria stood to the side.
'Are you sure your ma and pa will be okay with this?' Caz asked.
'They should be,' Muir answered. 'I cannae think of anywhere else we can go. I want to go home anyway and it's got the most room for us.'
'No harm in trying then.'
As for Rennick, it was clear there was a history between himself and Bernard. Roper could feel it as he awkwardly sat beside his manager in the makeshift office they made, which was just the trio sitting further away between the maze of containers.
'Is this necessary, Davey? Aren't we friends?' His voice perfectly matched the description of a weasel-bodied, rat-faced, snake.
'That ship sailed a long time ago. So long in fact, it's done three laps of the world by now.'
Roper took out the documents O'Connor gav to him and handed them to Bernard, who was trying his best to control his shakey hands. Not because of fear, but anger.
'This should help you close the investigation. We made sure to collect everything.' No answer. Bernard took the time to scan over everything. All the medical and financial records, the payslips, food intakes, orders that never arrived, and a list of crew. A red mark against those who were gone. He wanted to find one mistake. Something. Anything to make sure he won. Not because he wanted the crew to still work for him, even if the infected would be good for heavy lifting. It was out of pride. Bernard Cunningham can never be wrong.
'And, just so you know, we're all quitting.'
'Yeah, I fuckin' got that.' He caught a glimpse of Rennick smiling. Seems Bernard wasn't above keeping up appearances. 'Have you got something to say, David?'
'Not really. I'm just enjoying this.'
'Enjoying what? Watching you toss away your career? Everything I gave you? You've got some fuckin' nerve to be smiling right now. Just look at yourself.' The sickly sweet office attitude Bernard carried himself with had long gone. This was the real him. 'You're disgusting.'
Roper's eyes went wide as saucers. He glanced between the men, having never heard anyone talk to Rennick like that. He was at a loss for words. Rennick remained strong. The words cut deep, but he wasn't going to let Bernard know he had any effect on him. The bastard wasn't going to win.
'So, you know we all need Severance pay?' A pause. Bernard couldn't believe Rennick was telling him how to do his job. 'And we're also going to need to borrow a couple of the trucks.'
'Why?!' Bernard's voice was exasperated.
'We're not walking all the way to-'
'I don't care where you go, you prick!' Bernard's voice bounced off the metal. 'You've already taken my rig. You lot can go fuck yourselves if you really think I'm gonna let you take more from me!' The chairman was red in the face and looked like a fish gasping for air.
'My rig,' Rennick corrected with an eerily calm manner. 'Don't worry about it, we'll return them. I can speak for everyone here, that we don't want anything from you.'
'Except for the dosh,' Roper interjected. Rennick ignored him.
'Don't worry about it, big man. The sooner we're out of your hair, the better.'
Bernard huffed, rubbed the temple of his nose. Rennick has clearly said something right because in less than a few seconds, he snapped with a 'fine.'
'But, I better not see any of you again.'
Maybe he was petty. Maybe he wanted to play into how Bernard saw him, but Rennick, without warning, shook his hand. If he thought he was disgusting, then he'll want to leave a metaphorical mark on Bernard. How? By wrapping a tendril completely up and around his arm and holding it for a few seconds too long. He used that fake yet convincing smile to the untrained eye. Bernard saw right through it but was more distracted by the obvious. He tried to pull away, but with no luck. 'It's been a pleasure doing business with you.'
The tendril retreated back into Rennick's body. He turned away, and Roper followed. The pair had never been on good terms, but Roper would be lying if he said he didn't feel bad. Bernard's words were cruel, but it certainly explained why Rennick managed the Beria the way he did for years. With a 'friend' like that, who needs enemies? Apparently, Rennick, because he seemed to make that his mission. Still...
'Are you okay?'
'Should I not be?'
'Well, what he said was terrible and-'
'For fuck sake, Roper, I'm fine.' He didn't sound fine. 'I don't-' Rennick caught a quick glimpse of his reflection and looked away. His jaw tensed and he looked to the floor. He just wanted to leave. 'I don't need one of your therapy sessions. Give it to Gibbo.' Roper let him pass. Rennick knew he heard the pained tone, but he won't let that get the best of him. He pushed the feelings to the back of his mind and continued forward. 'Attention crew of The Beria!' Everyone turned. 'Grab your stuff, we're getting out of here.'
Thankfully, it was smooth sailing for everyone. Bernard gave them two trucks, but on the conditions that a member of the dock crew drove them. He didn't care if they were driving to Glasgow or to Cornwall, just as long as they were gone.
Sadly, this is where most of the crew would be parting ways. Many could and have made it home from here. This included Roper, Sunil, Dobbie, McLurg, Scooby, Douglas, Archie, and...
'Be sure to stay out of trouble.' Finlay. This was her goodbye. At least for now. She lived in Glasgow, as did most of the crew. Easy to meet up and travel together for a visit.
'Nae promises,' Caz laughed. 'But, are you sure you don't want to come with us?'
'Nah. I've got me boy to get back to. He came home last week, and I wanna see him.' She chuckled. 'I have a story to tell him, eh?'
The pair shared a hug. Finlay had always been there for Caz, and not just because she was a fan of him during the boxing years, but because she cared. It might be because she was the only woman on board, but she really was like a mother to most. A strict mother, but one none the less.
'Safe journey.' Caz slipped a piece of paper that had a home number. He made sure everyone got one. 'Call us whenever.'
'Aye. Now, go on ya blighter before you make an old biddy like me cry.'
Muir and Rennick took one truck. Caz sat beside the driver, followed by Roy, then O'Connor. Innes stayed in the back. Gibbo, Addair, and Trots took the other, with Trots being able to sit in one of the passenger seats. Brodie and Raffs accompanied them.
Why were Brodie, Raffs, and O'Connor staying? They needed to plan their trips home. All three lived off the mainland, and they weren't going to plan another long treck home now. Especially O'Connor. Bad enough, he was on the east side of Scotland. He needed a few days of rest.
'Okay, that's everyone!' Raffs called from the passenger window, to which Roy returned a thumbs up. The trucks roared to life and slowly made their ways out of the docks. The crew members who stayed behind waved until they were out of sight. Raffs took advantage of being the closest to the door and rolled his window down to rest his head and elbows out. Seeing the sea vanish from view for the endless countryside with patched fields of snow was like whiplash. A well-deserved whiplash. The smell of the sea air was replaced with an Earthy aroma.
The infected and Innes couldn't see the outside, but just knowing they were on a road was something they never knew how much they needed until now. A sense of calm overcame them. Finally, they were back in Scotland. Even if they'll never be human again, it was good to be back on the mainland. Rennick felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders. Never again will he have to deal with oil rigs that made him lose sleep and cause so much stress, he refused to eat. Even if Roy saved him leftovers.
A small window divided them and the seating. Rennick tapped on it for Caz to slide open.
'So, where are we going?'
'Home,' Muir answered. 'We're going home.'
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for the WIP excerpts ask game:
❤️ Share one of your favorite lines.
🗣 Share your favorite dialogue exchange.
🏝 Share your favorite description of a setting. Happy New Year!! <3 <3
Some of these are way longer than just lines, but I’m proud of them >:D! Most of the untitled work I’m making isn’t really edited and definitive, so I stuck with what I’m not going to change - Dave!
If you haven’t heard of In Sound Mind, I highly recommend at least watching a playthrough of it! It’s an amazing game. The same goes for Still Wakes The Deep!
Thank you for the ask! And Happy New Year <333!
❤️: for my unposted ISM fic that doesn’t have an actual title yet.
“ Desmond went to the locker labeled as David’s, only to find it locked. He really shouldn’t be surprised by that, honestly. He turned to start looking for either a key or an alternative way to open the sturdy metal, when he found the former dangling in his face.
Dave the mannequin stood in front of him, when he most certainly hadn’t been there before. He was holding the locker key out to Desmond, who took it with a shaky hand. He hadn’t even heard him approach despite the close quarters. They were completely silent.
He hesitated before turning around to unlock the locker, grabbing the card and turning to find the former employee sitting on the bench, his destroyed face turned to Desmond as he held up his hand, giving the man a thumbs up. With a cautious smile, Desmond returned it and left, going to the offices next. “
🗣️: from chapter 2 of “When The Going Gets Tough, Just Be Tougher” on Ao3.
“ “What was the flare gun for?” She asked, tracing one string of solid oil. It left a greasy residue, and she cringed as she wiped it off on her pants.
“Darkness. Freezing shadows - not the monster Shadows - that you can’t pass through. You need the flares to remove them. Plus, the flares sort of… well, explode whenever they hit an enemy, so that’s useful.”
“And you gave it to me?!” Suze balked at the man. So that’s what he meant when he said it packed a punch. “And how would they explode? That makes no sense!”
He chuckled, patting her arm before turning around. “It’s easier to use than the handgun - in my opinion, at least. Plus, if you’re in a tight spot-“ suddenly, he paused, looking at something on the couch. Suze peered over his shoulder, and saw a letter. The letter, the one from Cadal, accepting Caz’s job application.
“Oh. That.” She hummed, going over to the letter to read it over again. She’d practically memorized it all by now. She could never bring herself to throw it away, for some reason. She glared at the signing name underneath. "Davey Rennick". The bastard was long dead, but his name still made her blood boil. “
🏝️: from chapter 3 of “When The going Gets Tough, Just Be Tougher” on Ao3.
“ Suze made a thoughtful noise, looking out over the foul black sea. In the very distance, cutting through the magenta haze and illuminating the deep red sky, was what appeared to be a fire.
In front of them, lied a path of debris and broken life boats. Large metal panels stained with oil and bright orange boats with their windows smashed and hatches burst outwards. Caz had told them the whole truth of what happened to the rig, how it was a lost cause. How he lit the fire and blew it all to hell. It appeared that this was the aftermath. In Caz’s head, anyways.
And just up ahead, was a lantern, casting a white light over a floating, and thankfully stable, platform. Beside it, was the first recording of the In Between.
It took a couple jumps, in which he had to steady Suze to keep her from falling in, until they reached it. The woman jumped when he played it, and he couldn’t blame her. The first time he played one of these, he panicked a little at the way the world around them shifted, losing color and flooding with emotion.
The massive cassette tape in the distance, barely visible through the heavy fog, mimicked the movement of the significantly smaller one in the tape player. Caz’s voice spoke up, as though he were right there. “
#spoilers for my fic and the games#if these seem different from the actual fic that’s because I took them from my notes not the posted chapter itself#I could probs find other bits that I like more but I also like these and they’re the first ones that came to mind :P#and also the ones that are finalized lol#in sound mind#still wakes the deep#indie games#fanfiction#ask game
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Meet the U20 USMNT World Cup Roster!

#cj dos santos#david ochoa#brady scott#chris gloster#matthew real#sergino dest#chris richards#mark mckenzie#aboubacar keita#brandon servania#alex mendez#richie ledezma#paxton pomykal#chris durkin#edwin cerillo#justin rennicks#konrad de la fuente#sebastian soto#uly llanez#tim weah#ayo akinola#usmnt#u20 world cup#usynt#philadelphia union#bayern munich#afc ajax#fc dallas#fc barcelona#i wanna say i spent so much time on this but i loved doing this and i am an absolute nerd and this was so easy i love these boys so much 🙈
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omg those same lines of wendy cope's "the orange" have been stuck in my head time and time again since september!! 🍊💓 sometimes "suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. be still, they say. watch and listen. you are the result of the love of thousands." by linda hogan won't leave my head either. 💫 but i actually came to ask about that tiftty playlist we talked about ages ago! don't make it if u don't feel like doing it, but i'd be happy to hear some songs u associate with them. 💌 -wea.
i completely forgot about this?? most of the things i associate with “things i forgot” are simply the songs i was listening to while writing so....here is the playlist but there’s a lot of instrumentals here so in case you’re disappointed i’m sorry :’(
fox tracks day 2 - ludovico einaudi
le ballade de jim - paradis
poland - olafur arnalds
just need your love - hyphen hyphen
futile devices - sufjan stevens
sleeping lotus - joep beving
ascent day 1 - ludovico einaudi
what a pleasure - beach fossils
je te lasserai des mots - patrick watson
wildlife - david lang (pretty much all the sad scenes were written to this one)
together again - stephen rennicks
this version of mystery of love - sufjan stevens
plus tôt - alexandra streliski
#i have a lot more but wanted to keep it short im sorry but most of those are piano instrumentals! except for like 4 songs lol#things i forgot to tell you#i just love the sound of piano u know.....i can play plus tot and ascent day 1 now i love them so much i had to learn#basically this fic would have never happened alexandra streliski and ludovido einaudi#and wildlife is just the prettiest song#asks#anon#worried english anon#music
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Qualitative Meta-Synthesis of User Experience of Computerised Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
Qualitative Meta-Synthesis of User Experience of Computerised Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
Open Access Peer-reviewed Research Article Sarah E. Knowles , Gill Toms, Caroline Sanders, Penny Bee, Karina Lovell, Stefan Rennick-Egglestone, David Coyle, Catriona M. Kennedy, Elizabeth Littlewood, David Kessler, Simon Gilbody, Peter Bower Published: January 17, 2014 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0084323 Abstract Objective Computerised therapies play an integral role in efforts to…

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It’s hard to believe this is the first standalone release by Daniel Figgis since his landmark album Skipper in 1994 (well overdue for a reissue). Fans however will be aware of numerous compilation tracks and music from his many art projects since then but it’s great to have him back in this way at last. A lot of course has changed since the mid 90s but Figgis never really went away. Tantalisingly, for now there are just two new tracks but it’s something at least and gives us an indication of what he’s been up to.
Well, for this release (digital only) he’s been working with Gerry Leonard (ex-Hinterland) at his New York studio. Leonard has also worked with David Bowie, Suzanne Vega and continues to make his own music as Spooky Ghost. 'engine detail (second digression)' is a woozy and (to me) very Skipper-like low end wash of sound. While there is still a harmonium present in the mix, the other choice of colours are not as light and optimistic as Skipper but darker and more brooding. Clusters of guitar tones move around the scene as tiny ‘Figgis’ signatures loop in and out to fill in detail. There is a sense of claustrophobia but it’s not overpowering or unpleasant. By the two minute mark some electronics enter the picture and it begins to pull away from that earlier template.
In comparison 'engine detail (third digression)' has cleaner and sharper sounds from the off and brings us to another very particular (un-Skipper-like) mood and headspace. It’s led by guitar lines (layers of them) and a wonderful drone bass. It’s all very tense, intricate and textural. Little interruptions keep things interesting in the mix and towards the end things are becoming ever so slightly discordant but its resolved in a peaceful manner.
As I’m sure I’ve said before, while it should go for all music, but especially these days, its well worth listening to this on good speakers or as I did on headphones. It’s become so common (even for me) to dismiss something after a very quick listen through inbuilt laptop speakers. Just one more of the many challenges for musicians to overcome these days.
In the old days, the artwork too would have looked so good as a record sleeve but even in jpeg form Donald Teskey’s painting works and adds a return to nature element which I feel the organic feel of the music compliments well. For this release Figgis is back working with Dublin’s Front End Synthetics. In the late 90s he found sympathetic ears there and they released some of his new music as compilation tracks.
There is also a bonus and balance to the studio tracks, with a very fine live take of ‘dimmerswitch’ by Crash Ensemble at Galway Arts Festival 2012. The sound quality is of course so much better here than the performance you can view here on YouTube. Crash Ensemble have the discipline to really handle the shifting dynamics of the track and it’s a neat way to remind us of the more behind the scenes compositional work which Figgis has at times been occupied with since he last released a standalone record.
Basically, the two main tracks here really leave you wanting more, hoping this is just a taster of an album to come. For now there is at least some more new music promised to be on the way.
Stephen Rennicks
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26 June 2020 / / LISTEN LIVE ON 8K.NZ Friday 12:00 NZT repeats Saturday 15:00, Monday 06:00, Wednesday 00:00 / / Kebabette - TITBIT 144 - its alright to be afraid
Tulip Black - COCK BLOCK 144 - Show Tunes
Sofi Tukker - Good Time Girl (The New Pope) Taana Gardner - Heartbeat Club Version (Pose!) DJ Shadow - Fixed Income (Top Boy S02) Nicholas Britell - Succession (Succession) Devlin - All Along the Watchtower cover (The Young Pope / The New Pope) Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross - How the West was Really Won (Watchmen, 2019) Fiona Apple - Container (The Affair) Greg Or Ian - The Trip to Greece with Steve Coogan & Rob Brydon Jan Garbarek - Regnantem Sempiterna (Devs) Blondie - Dreaming (The Deuce S03) DKVPZ & Tropkillaz - Don't Give Up (I May Destroy You) RuPaul' Drag Race Theme Song Murray Gold - Gentleman Jack Theme (Gentleman Jack) David Arnold, Michael Price - Dracula Theme (BBC One, 2020) Harry Nilsson - Gotta Get Up (Russian Doll) DJ RAFF - Latino & Proud (Broad City) Betty Who - All Things (Queer Eye) Norma Tenega - You're Dead (What We Do In The Shadows) Ghostpoet - Finished I Ain't (Top Boy) Elvis Costello - This Year's Girl ft Natalie Bergman (The Deuce S02) Stephen Rennicks - Opening Vox (Normal People) Faith Soloway - Joyocaust (Transparent) Isobel Waller-Bridge - CREDITS (Fleabag) Survive - Stranger Things (C418 remix) (Stranger Things)
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I've seen and heard people bring up the big baby from RE: Village in relation to Rennick. (Because, you know, big headed nightmare that chases you)
But honestly?
The baby's worse. The baby was so much worse.
#rennick was panic inducing but the baby brought me to legit tears because i was so upset#still wakes the deep spoilers#still wakes the deep#resident evil 8#resident evil: village#david rennick
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~ SWTD: Still Here AU Season 2 Part 6: ~
I Don't Want to Say Goodbye:
Tomorrow, a road trip. Today, a couple of conversations.
TW: Blood
Part 7:
'Mr. Cunningham? You have a caller who says it's a personal matter.'
'Put them through, Elizabeth. Thank you.' It wasn't a personal call because instead of his son or daughter, Bernard was met with an all too familiar voice he hoped to never hear again.
'Alright, Bernard?' The chairman jolted in his seat, throwing his phone in the air and letting it land on the mahogany desk while his skin turned white. Rennick. 'Listen, we need to borrow those two trucks again.' No response. 'Hello? Bernard? Hello?'
Slowly, Bernard pressed the phone to his ear. 'What?'
'There's been a change of plan, and we need the trucks.'
'I just told you why. Look, I can give an address for you to bring the trucks, but we need them today. The sooner, the better.'
'You have some fucking nerve, David,' Bernard hissed through gritted teeth. 'I thought I told you that I never want to see you again.'
'Technically, you're not.'
'If you think,' Bernard's temper began to rise. He shoulders tenses, face turned red, and his knuckles turned white by how hard he gripped the phone. 'I'm going to give you anything after you embarrassed me? You can take this phone and stick it where the sun doesn't-'
'He'll be sending them in an hour,' Rennick mused, passing the phone for Caz, who to put back on the receiver.
'Good. We can get going in the morning at this rate.' It'll take several hours for the trucks to arrive, and Addair was willing to wait till morning. Caz sat on the step and had to ask. 'You don't like Cunningham much?'
'Much is putting it lightly, Cameron, but yes, I don't like him.'
'And why's that?'
'Because he fucked me over. Promised me a seat at the table after his pa died, but instead he told me to go and build the Beria with my own money.'
'Fuckin' Hell, mate, I'm sorry.'
'It's fine,' but there was a tone of exhaustion in Rennick's voice. He had that distant look in his eye. 'He gave me some funding, but I still had to empty my pockets.'
'Did he explain why?'
'Then why did you bother staying?'
'Because the Beria was mine. For all its faults, I finally felt like I had a seat, but I was never proud of it.' Caz gave Rennick a pat on where he imagined his shoulder would have been. Rennick smiled and quickly found this was the right time to change the subject. 'So, about the police.'
'Ah, fuck.'
'Mind telling me why you ran?' He knew, of course. Rennick heard everything back on the rig, but he wanted more details. It was only fair. Caz rolled his eyes and let out all the air from his lungs. He also knew that Rennick heard everything. Guess they were both nosey bastards.
'He slagged off Suze.'
'Oh, I would say you were completely justified then,' and Rennick was being very honest with that statement. 'Why the fuck would he do that?'
'Because Billy was jealous. He was always jealous of me, but I dunno why. Well, actually it's because I have Suze, but he's the one with a silver spoon in his mouth who could piss away money on meaningless shit and never know what it's like to go hungry or work extra to pay a bill.' Rennick listened and watched Caz, who now had a distant look in his eye, and kept his head low. He kicked at the snow on the stairs and twiddled his thumbs, which began to shake.
'One day, he just took it too far. Looking back, he clearly wanted a reaction, and he got it, but I should have been the bigger man and walked away.' A flash of blood dripping from the bar crossed his mind. 'I just...' Caz felt the chunk of Billy's hair in his hands. 'Wanted him to shut up.'
With a splat, before anyone could talk, a snowball pelted Rennick in his eye. 'What the-?' His pitch was high, making Caz snicker and Maidie laugh. But, the poor girl had been listening again. Caz knew that, and she was just doing this to cause a distraction. He could see the fake happiness in her eyes, unlike Rennick, who began to gather up the snow in a tendril. 'You're a smart one, aren't ya?' A little too much snow in a tendril. Maidie's face dropped, and she began to run. 'Get back here, you little bug!' Something, he called his son.
Caz watched Rennick chase his daughter, toss the snowball, purposely missing her, and hitting Trots in the back of the head. Maidie kept running as Rennick chased her, kicking up the snow under his tendrils. Another snowball landed on his cheek. Cait was here to rescue her sister and join in the fun. Three more snowballs from Roy, Suze, and Jack. Caz watched until he caught Addair sitting alone by the barn. It seemed to draw in those knee-deep in thought. Seems it was his turn to comfort someone.
'McLeary,' Addair mumbled. He was looking through the photo album. The pair stood awkwardly in silence. Caz found himself staring at the photographs. They told a story of Addair and Jennifer. All in black and white. From holidays to simple captures of the everyday. Jennifer making dinner, or Addair hanging up a new pair of curtains. When the colour came in, so did the wedding photographs and the children. Tommy's school photo stood out the most. Caz sighed.
'I saw Tommy in my head.' Addair turned with a naturally confused look. 'It wasn't a dream, but I saw what happened that day, or what I guess you thought happened that day.'
'That makes no fucking sense, McLeary.'
'I still saw it, though, and I'm sorry, Addair. I really am.'
'I just keep thinking about what happened,' Addair said after a pause. 'Seeing the blood in his hair. Hearing the bike collide with the car. Seeing-'
'Seeing him order sweets for his brothers?'
'Y-Yeah. It's what Jennifer told me over the phone.' Addair's eyes lingered back to the photos. It was a New Years one, with Jennifer holding sparklers with Tommy and George. 'I don't want to say goodbye.'
Caz didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. So, he knelt down and just stayed with him, as they watched the children getting their revenge on Rennick, who was trying to hide his face from the warfare of snowballs. Unlucky for him as Muir dropped one right onto his head, leaving it completely covered, and like a cat, Rennick jumped and took off across the field. He was going to be running for a while...
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@milestonekestrel had given me the bestest idea-
Caz as Joel, Suze as Tommy ig, Trots as Bill and Simon as Frank. Maybe Billy as Ellie or Robert depending on how Down Bad he is here.
Idk who Tess would be replaced by… maybe Finlay, without the weird not-dating-and-absolutely-together relationship. A lot of the relationships would change, obvs.
But no, what about Roy as Tommy? But then what about Suze? Ughhhh. Or Roy as Tess, and he dies… 😫.
And maybe Muir as Frank and Innes as Bill… or what about Muir as Sam and Innes as Henry! A lot of the relationships and side characters would change here, and a lot of the plot as well. Like, if we’re going with Billy as Ellie, then obviously a lots gonna change about the TLOU plot line.
But now it’s in my head! Billy as Ellie! He’s immune (GUESS WHERE HE WAS BIT TO FIND THAT OUT GUESS GUESS GUESS-), and his good old friend (old as in they were friends a long time ago) Caz finds out, and ends up traveling with him across the damn country. (Either America or Scotland, I’m not sure it depends on your perspective ig-)
If Roy is taking Tommy’s place, than they would’ve had to have had a falling out at some point… Jackson would be called Beira, obviously. The Firefly’s would be… Cadals…? Eh sure. Wait no, the Boston QZ would be Beira? I haven’t played pt2 yet, but when I do it’s gonna expand a lot on this AU.
If it’s Suze, then ig Caz would have left for the QZ (Beira) and Suze would’ve gone to join the… Firefly’s? Idk. And then there’s Cait and Maidie, but they could also just come into the story at a later time…
Caz and Billy would go across America or Scotland or some made-up amalgamation of the two, avoiding survivors and infected (it’d be less fungus-y, and more Shape-y) to get Billy to the Firefly’s (?), and at the end Caz, like, kills a whole lotta people to save him, and they go back to Jackson/Beira and live happily ever after with Suze and the other Jackson/Beira residents.
(And the ANGST! of Billy finding out what Caz did, and getting mad because this was HIS decision, even if he wasn’t getting a choice.)
Innes and Muir can be Bill and Frank from the game (if you know, YOU KNOW and can connect the dots there. It FITS) and Trots and Simon can be Bill and Frank from the show. Old guys, you know. It depends. :/.
Ig… if we’re going the game route, then Finlay can be… the sailor that starts the sewer community…? (iykyk).
Rennick gets to be game Robert. Idk if Robert’s in the show, but yeah. Unless he’s Marlene, but rn he’s Robert. Haha get Roberted idiot.
Addair gets some horrible death that I can’t remember but know probably happens somewhere in the game and/or show. I haven’t watched the show in a while, but eh. He’s not David (ew), I’m not THAT distasteful of him. Bernard Cunningham gets David. I don’t like Bernard Cunningham. (I’m probs messing up his name but whatever). (Who cares about him enough to get his name right, really?). (Man I hope I didn’t just anger the Bernard Cunningham fandom).
The rest is up for interpretation, ig. There’s other SWTD characters, like Gibbo and Archie and Douglas. And Alex and Sunil. And Dobbie and Bruce and Scoobie and Kelly and O’Conner and Davros and Roper and-
But I’m sure others can figure it out. I am a stupid lil Fish, and can’t think of these things on the spot.
#still wakes the cordyceps AU#still wakes the fungus au?#idk WHATEVER MAN-#so much angst potential here#there’s a lot of similarities between Caz and Joel#and Billy and Ellie I suppose#no absolutely. they both have self worth issues n stuff and I love them both#still wakes the deep#the last of us#swtd au#you know what im just realizing?#everyone in SWTD was old enough to have witnessed the thankfully failed invention that was the centrifugal birth thing#I guess#idk it was a weird time for inventors ig#I just really like that tidbit of history despite the implications of the device itself it’s funny looking back at it#what a time to be alive. not a good time#but certainly A time#off topic god dammit
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Images show how long-term care workers may have spread coronavirus
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/images-show-how-long-term-care-workers-may-have-spread-coronavirus/
Images show how long-term care workers may have spread coronavirus
As the number of COVID-19 infections and fatalities rises in long-term care facilities across Canada, new images reviewed by Global News have revealed some risky practices by staff that may be contributing to the disease’s exponential growth.
The images show that several support workers at an Ontario long-term care facility have not been properly using protective equipment such as masks, gloves and medical gowns, by wearing them outside the building. This type of equipment is meant to be discarded in rooms following each interaction with patients in order to prevent viruses and bacteria from spreading.
Collected at Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, Ont. — where almost half of the facility’s 65 residents have died a few weeks after its COVID-19 outbreak started — the images may reflect a larger pattern plaguing hundreds of long-term care facilities across the country.
Workers step outside Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, Ont., during a break on April 1, 2020. Global News
In Quebec, about 25 per cent of the province’s 2,200 long-term care homes have already detected at least one case of the disease, with some homes now seeing over half of their patients infected by COVID-19.
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READ MORE: Coronavirus outbreak at Bobcaygeon, Ont. nursing home claims 29th resident
And almost half of over 200 Quebecers who died in recent weeks after contracting COVID-19 were residents of the long-term care homes.
Related News
During a news conference on Thursday, Ontario’s chief medical officer, David Williams, said the administration of each individual facility was ultimately responsible for ensuring staff were properly trained.
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“That’s part of the challenge of each organization,” Williams said. “It may seem, on paper, easy. But when you start to do it, you have to practise and do it. And so ongoing education and training is critical for all levels and so I would be as supportive of ongoing training and education of PSWs (personal support workers), such that they would totally be informed and aware of what they might and should do in every situation.”
Pinecrest administrator Mary Carr declined to comment about the images showing workers wearing their personal protective equipment outdoors, but she sent Global News a statement saying that staff “are working hard each and every day to fulfill the physical and emotional needs of our residents as their care and safety continues to be our number one priority.”
She also said that Pinecrest is “working closely with public health authorities as new information regarding the outbreak is made available” and that it was “committed to implementing all ongoing and new care directives.”
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2:08 Coronavirus: Ontario looks to free up long-term care beds and move hospital patients in nursing homes
Coronavirus: Ontario looks to free up long-term care beds and move hospital patients in nursing homes
But similar stories of the virus spreading in seniors’ residences have played out across the country. This indicates that some personal support workers haven’t been taught about safe hygiene practices, according to Anna Banerji, a Toronto physician and an expert on the spread of infectious diseases.
“That’s how these infections spread,” she told Global News in an interview.
“Maybe we need some intervention in these seniors’ residences for infections control people to go in and have strict measures and strict education so that people know that — even if you have gloves on — you can’t use those same gloves and go out, have a smoke, come back, touch something else. That’s not how it works, because all you’re doing is spreading it.”
A worker steps outside Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, Ont., during a break on April 1, 2020. Morganne Campbell/Global News
Banerji’s warnings are consistent with a new survey of some 2,000 personal support workers in long-term care homes, conducted by the Canadian Union of Public Employees.
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The survey found that 95 per cent of the respondents said they had no access to training about how to deal with or interact with patients with COVID-19.
Long-term care homes are also particularly vulnerable to outbreaks since they don’t have enough private rooms to quarantine someone who is sick, and often have shared rooms.
READ MORE: Canada’s nursing homes worry coronavirus outbreak will mean residents ‘dying alone’
In addition, Ontario public health officials had previously asked long-term care homes to accept the transfer of hospital patients, without requiring that any of these patients be tested for COVID-19 before they were moved — a practice that provincial officials reversed on Thursday.
Ontario has also been allowing staff to rotate between different facilities, instead of placing restrictions that prevent them from circulating.
Williams, the province’s chief medical officer, said he is recommending that staff don’t work in multiple facilities, but said additional discussions are needed with other stakeholders, including provincial labour officials, in order to make it mandatory for workers to be restricted to a single facility.
He said he had just spoken to his provincial and territorial counterparts who are also trying to figure out how to restrict traffic between different facilities.
READ MORE: What to know before removing loved ones from nursing homes amid COVID-19
“Each province and territory is struggling with the same issue in a way that protects those at risk but respects the rights of the individual working in those settings as our democratic process allows,” said Williams. “So we’re trying to understand that and help us to work out a solution that is amenable to all and for the protection of those most vulnerable.”
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Many workers have also expressed concerns about a shortage of personal protective equipment, which is leading some to re-use equipment that may be spreading the virus.
“It is absolutely a perfect storm, headed directly for disaster,” said Candace Rennick, CUPE Ontario secretary-treasurer.
– with files from Jigar Patel
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US U-20s ready to defend Concacaf crown as tournament hits crunchtime
U.S. Soccer
November 14, 201812:41PM EST
It’s about to get real for the US Under-20 men’s national team at the 2018 Concacaf Under-20 Championship.
After cruising through the initial group stage with a perfect record and a goal differential of +37, World Cup qualification is on the line for head coach Tab Ramos and his charges starting on Friday.
A new format for this year’s U-20 Concacaf tournament saw 34 of the federation’s 41 nations involved from the start. Divided into four groups of six and two groups of five, the first-place team from each group advanced to a second group stage, which would determine qualification. It was quite the twist for the defending champions.
[embedded content]
Five games in nine days later, the United States have easily handled the likes of Suriname, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad & Tobago. Sauntering away with a first-place finish in Group A, the next two games against Costa Rica (Friday) and Honduras (Monday) will determine whether the US U-20s make the trip to Poland next year.
Ahead of the qualification stage, Ramos made a trio of changes to the original US roster named prior to the start of the competition. Allowed up to six swaps between group stages per the roster rules, Ramos made half that many, adding Chris Richards (Bayern Munich on loan from FC Dallas), Sebastian Soto (Hannover 96) and Sergiño Dest (Ajax). Exiting the squad were Anthony Fontana, Griffin Dorsey and Isaac Angking.
Given the nature of the initial group stage, it’s difficult to know what to expect from this US squad as they turn the page. The goal totals are gaudy, but the competition certainly was a far cry from what the team is likely to face against their two Group G opponents. Eleven different players found the back of the net, and the back five were rarely tested for large portions of the first five matches.
[embedded content]
A clearer picture of the United States’ level is sure to emerge in the upcoming games. Despite the number of goals, there were stretches of various games that featured hasty, direct play from the back, and moments where the team struggled to connect into the attacking third. For example, even with a 3-0 lead against Trinidad & Tobago, US defenders would lump it forward instead of finding the feet of a teammate.
At the end of the day, they got the job done, with plenty of goals. And it’s worth pointing out that they played arguably their best game of the initial group stage in last Friday’s 7-0 demolition of Suriname. Facing a much steeper challenge in the form of Honduras and Costa Rica, these next two games could be much closer from a US perspective.
Friday night’s game comes after Costa Rica and Honduras drew 1-1 in Tuesday’s Group G opener. The top two teams from each group secure a spot at the U-20 World Cup in Poland, with the first-place team securing a spot in the final. Tuesday’s result means that one win should be enough – though the US U-20s surely enter this stage with higher hopes.
Key players
Chris Richards (center) with Bayern | USA Today Sports Images
M Alex Mendez – Arguably the best player during the first five group matches, the central midfielder was in dominant form when he was on the pitch. It went beyond his ability to score goals, as Mendez reads the game in superb fashion, and his passing always seemed to open up space in behind the opposition defense.
D Chris Richards – The FC Dallas Homegrown signing (on loan to Bayern Munich) should slot right into the starting lineup after arriving in Florida. It’s been a sensational rise for Richards over the past year and a half, as he spent the summer of 2017 winning a U.S. Soccer Development Academy national championship with Texans SC Houston. A commanding presence at the back, his addition to the team provides another option for Ramos to deploy.
F Ulysses Llanez – Outside of Mendez, Llanez was right up there as one of the best players from the first group games. Talented with the ball, able to score goals and create from the flanks, Llanez was unstoppable from wide areas. Replicating that same form against Costa Rica and Honduras in these games would go a long way for the U-20s.
F Sebastian Soto – Another incoming addition to the roster, Soto becomes the primary option at No. 9 for Ramos. While Justin Rennicks enjoyed a strong stint in the group stage, few U.S. youth strikers are earning the same kind of buzz as Soto. After joining Hannover earlier this year, Soto’s scored nine goals and earned a call-up to train with the German club’s first team. His ability to finish plays in the box will be key, though it’s also a chance for US fans to get a look at another talent battling his way up the ranks in Europe.
Mexico eye Group H dominance
Like the US, El Tri enjoyed a goalfest during the initial group stage. Buoyed in part by Chivas de Guadalajara striker Jose Macias – who currently leads the tournament’s Golden Boot race with 10 tallies to his name – Mexico also return to the field on Friday, taking on El Salvador. Club America’s rising star Diego Lainez, who made his full team debut against Uruguay earlier this year, is also included on the roster.
Bested by the US at the 2017 tournament, it would be a surprise to see El Tri fall short against either Panama or El Salvador (Panama edged El Salvador in the first Group H match 1-0 on Tuesday). Mexico did have a hiccup in the group stage, drawing 2-2 against a determined Jamaica side, but are clear favorites to top this group.
US Roster for 2018 Concacaf U-20 Championship Qualification Stage
GOALKEEPERS (2): 12-David Ochoa (Real Salt Lake; Oxnard, Calif.), 1-Brady Scott (FC Koln/GER; Petaluma, Calif.)
DEFENDERS (8): 22-Sergiño Dest (Ajax/NED; Almere-Stad, Netherlands), 3-Chris Gloster (Hannover 96/GER; South Orange, N.J.), 2-Jaylin Lindsey (Sporting KC; Charlotte, N.C.), 4-Mark McKenzie (Philadelphia Union; Bear, Del.), 14-Manny Perez (N.C. State; Garner, N.C.), 5-Matthew Real (Philadelphia Union; Drexel Hill, Pa.), 26-Chris Richards (Bayern Munich/GER; Hoover, Ala.), 19-Sam Rogers (Seattle Sounders FC; Seattle, Wash.)
MIDFIELDERS (6): 20-Frankie Amaya (UCLA; Santa Ana, Calif.), 16-Julian Araujo (LA Galaxy; Lompoc, Calif.), 8-Alex Mendez (SC Freiburg/GER; Los Angeles, Calif.), 10-Paxton Pomykal (FC Dallas; Highland Village, Tex.), 6-Brandon Servania (FC Dallas; Birmingham, Ala.), 7-Juan Pablo Torres (K.S.C. Lokeren Oost-Vlaanderen/BEL; Lilburn, Ga.)
FORWARDS (4): 17-Ayo Akinola (Toronto FC; Detroit, Mich.), 11-Ulysses Llanez (Unattached; Lynwood, Calif.), 9-Justin Rennicks (Indiana Univ.; Hamilton, Mass.), 23-Sebastian Soto (Hannover 96/GER; San Diego, Calif.)
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MLSsoccer.com News
US U-20s ready to defend Concacaf crown as tournament hits crunchtime was originally published on 365 Football
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These Amazing Nature Photos Will Make You Yearn for the Great Outdoors.
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/these-amazing-nature-photos-will-make-you-yearn-for-the-great-outdoors/
These Amazing Nature Photos Will Make You Yearn for the Great Outdoors.
I’m always amazed by the great outdoors. No matter the time of year or day, there’s always something incredible to see. Plants, animals, weather, you name it… there’s never a dull moment if you know where to look.
Can’t get out for a hike right now? That’s okay. You can vicariously enjoy nature with us. We collected some incredible shots of the wilderness for your viewing pleasure. These images were captured around the US and show the beauty of the land. Alaska seems to have a monopoly on incredible vistas, but there’s plenty found in other states as well! Take a gander.
1.) This fluffy owl.
Scott Joshua Dere
Snowy owl, Otis Pike Fire Island High Dune Wilderness Area, New York
2.) This magical woodland trail.
Pablo McCloud
Aurora Ridge Trail, Sol Duc Valley, Washington
3.) This real-life Patrick.
Thomas Bancroft
Purple sea star, Olympic Wilderness, Washington
4.) This northern light-show.
Jeff Rennicke
Aurora borealis over Honeymoon Rock, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Wisconsin
5.) This eagle and its meal.
David Bahr
Bald eagle, Glacier Bay Wilderness Area, Alaska
6.) This painted vista.
Laura Vu
Fall colors, Ouachita National Forest, Arkansas
7.) These cranes taking flight.
Diane McAllister
Sandhill cranes, Bosque del Apache, New Mexico
8.) This pastel winter wonderland.
Jarrod Castaign
Snowy meadow, Mouth Hood Wilderness, Oregon
9.) These kids.
Mountain goat kids, Mount Evans Wilderness, Colorado
10.) These snow-capped peaks.
Tim Aiken
Alaska Range, Denali Wilderness, Alaska
11.) These sun-kissed mountains.
Brad Goldpaint
Banner Peak Alpenglow, California
12.) These energetic foxes.
Dee Ann Pederson
Red foxes, Denali National Park, Alaska
13.) This flowery meadow.
John Richter
Wildflowers, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
14.) These naturally painted rocks.
Richard Ansley
White Pocket, Paria Canyon-Vermillion Cliffs, Arizona
15.) This hungry bear.
Robert Amuroso
Brown bear, Katmai National Park and Reserve, Alaska
I don’t know about you, but this makes me want to head out for the great unknown.
(Actually, the last one just makes me want sushi. Yum…)
Read more: http://viralnova.com/wild-photography/
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Art of Algebra: Album review & interview

Art of Algebra self-titled album (2019)
This is the debut album of a talented young Dublin based producer named David Hallinan. The music is electronic, rich in detail and very much provides a widescreen experience for the listener. For me its sounds conjure film-like images of dark and possibly quite sinister places. I can hear the influence of artists such as Massive Attack and Boards of Canada but I mention these just to give you a small idea of what to expect or just check out video linked below. There are loads of sounds which I haven't quite heard before as well, such as the horn like samples on the slow, relentless and always forward moving 'Mask My Movement' (the first single/lead track). I like the disembodied vocal samples, snippets of backing singers or did he just get somebody to sing in the studio and somehow make it sound like another layer of found sound?
A few more which really stood out for me were tracks such as ‘The Devils in the Gin’, which is very hypnotic indeed and ‘Helena’ has a homemade feel and is very moody (again is that a real snare drum or a sample?). ‘Maasai’ is more warm with darkened grooves and somehow feels tightly wound. ‘Stay’ is slow, more expansive and has more great female vocal snatches. ‘Lo’ is deep, more ambient and quite desolate sounding. ‘Indigo’ is quite sparse and meditative to some degree. All eleven tracks have something about them and really work together as an album and experience. Hopefully this is an artist who will get a chance to develop their sound over a number of releases and time.
You can sample and download the album from this Bandcamp link (there will also be a vinyl edition too). I’ve kept this review short so David can do the talking below.
Q: When did you first start to make your own music, what drew you to the electronic genre? What age are you now?
A: I really began the process of producing music in earnest while living in France back in 2010. I'd always been a bassist in bands up until that point, but my housemate in Paris had a full rig with a mixing desk, Logic Pro, Ableton and some keys all set up and ready to go, so it was ideal to just dive in and get lost in the production process. I returned to Ireland in 2011 and made music in a variety of different styles for several years, usually involving a guitar, but never published anything. Then in December 2015, just a week after I handed in my PhD thesis, I bought a Moog Sub 37. I became completely engrossed in playing the synthesizer and didn't make physical contact with my guitar for the next two years. Before I knew it I ended up with this Art of Algebra album.
Q: I think I can hear influences such as Massive Attack and Boards of Canada in your album. When did you become aware of these artists, through internet, friends etc? How does your generation discover music these days.
A: You're absolutely right in recognising influence from the likes of Massive Attack and Boards of Canada. I've been listening to artists in the ambient IDM / downtempo / trip-hop styles since my teens. When I was in secondary school I used to stay awake and listen to Donal Dineen's Here Comes the Night show on Today FM. That was my first real in-road to electronica. I used to leave on a cassette tape recording the show because I couldn't stay awake any longer. That way I could go back and listen to whatever I missed the next day. I still have a full box of those cassettes. I also remember that my eldest sister Lisa had a lot of electronica on CD that I could get my hands on at a young age.
As for how my generation discovers music, I'm 35 now so I'm probably just about old enough to say I lived through the cassette era, the CD era, the Napster era and the streaming era. I think that the internet has become by far the most important avenue to discover new music today, but the festival circuit is also very important.

Q: How important is it to have something on vinyl or is digital and a web presence potentially enough to make an impact and go from there. Will your album be on any physical formats?
A: I actually don't own much vinyl, only a few very special records or things that friends I know have released. I would like to have more but I've always prioritised buying musical instruments or production gear. Even right now I could name at least ten bits of production hardware that I really want and that's always gonna be my priority. That said, I think the vinyl renaissance is a beautiful thing. Most people aren't music producers. If you're a listener or a DJ, buy vinyl. I have boxes and boxes full of CDs that aren't worth a damn. At least vinyl hold their value.
As for the online domain and streaming services, I think that the debate about the financial aspects of the streaming service phenomenon is way off-target. The move towards streaming music hasn't been driven by corporate entities such as Spotify. Its been driven by technological change. Don't blame Spotify, blame Steve Jobs. In fact, don't blame anyone at all. However, I do think that there's a real need to discuss how the music streaming service playing field may be an uneven one. People are gradually coming around to the idea that Facebook and Twitter are distorting politics. Not enough has been said about how music streaming platforms may be distorting the way in which people discover and listen to music.
My album will be available on vinyl. It's currently in the latter stages of being pressed.
Q: What gear do you use (hardware or software or both) and why? Do you DJ as well or just play live?
A: When I perform live I use a Moog Sub 37, an Allen & Heath Xone 43 mixer, an MPC Live and some effects pedals as my setup. As far as production is concerned, I use all of the above as well as Ableton, samples that I make or source online, and some drumming woods.
I'm not a DJ, but I have remixed tracks in the past.
Q: Do you feel there is a sense of the history of Irish electronic music within the Irish electronic community, would the current generation be aware of groups such as Decal and Ambulance or going further back, Roger Doyle for example?
A: Absolutely not. A majority of people on the scene now would probably take it for granted that there was no such thing as Irish electronica in the 90s or before. A lot of stuff that came out of Ireland in the distant past may not have made the transition to Spotify or other paid streaming platforms, and so many younger listeners are unlikely to be aware of them. Very few would appreciate that Decal emerged at more or less the same moment as Aphex Twin.

Q: What is the electronic scene like in Dublin and Ireland in general. Is it difficult to get established and make a living (like always). Are there many opportunities for gigs, is there a strong sense of a community of like minded people getting together to start clubs, labels etc to help each other out?
A: As someone who is very much at the starting gate I can testify that people are generally supportive, but of course it's a challenge to get established in such a way that you can really reach a wide audience.
Once you consider how expensive the city is and the fact of just how much money you need to spend just to put out music and perform, the very notion of making a living as an electronic music artist in Dublin is laughable. But then again most are not in it for the money. Neither am I.
Q: I imagine that finding/developing your own signature sound from deep within your being is the most crucial thing to discover when making and sharing your own music, how close do you think you are to that or what do you think about this? Like when people hear Aphex Twin and instantly know who it must be. It's a hard and difficult thing to do for sure but is it more important and easier these days perhaps just to fit into a genre?
A: The goal of finding my own original and distinctive sound is absolutely paramount. If you listen to my album you'll notice that there is a mix of different forms and styles in there – trip-hop, dark ambient, downtempo, minimalist soundscapes and even ambient techno. But there is a common stylistic thread throughout, which stems from the voice of the synth, the choice of samples and the approach to production. That common thread is my signature sound, if that makes sense. I feel as though I've just begun the process of defining that sound, and it'll continue to evolve. You're right that things would probably be easier if you commit to a single style or genre.
Q: What are your ambitions for your music career?
A: To give people the kind of feeling I've felt in the past when I'd discovered some underground release that I enjoyed.
Q: What advice would you give now to someone just starting out, even though you are just releasing your debut yourself?
A: Focus on your music. My impression is that the narrative in the music industry at the moment has become all about marketing strategies, social media and personal branding etc. When you're starting out it can seem as though those are the things you need to get right in order to succeed. While that may often be true in practice, it shouldn't be the case. Musicians make music. Marketing and your personal image should really be of secondary importance.
Stephen Rennicks
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