anonymousewrites · 2 months
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Three
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Three: Commandeering the Interceptor
Summary: Jack, Will, and (Y/N) escape Port Royal to go after Elizabeth.
Mouse Note: I'm back! I'm so so happy to be back to posting!
            (Y/N), Will, and Jack ran under the bridge near the harbor. They had escaped the fort and the town, but until they had escaped Port Royal entirely and were on the open seas, they weren’t in the clear.
            “We’re going to steal a ship?” said Will. His eyes widened as he saw which one Jack was looking at. “That ship?” It was a massive ship, the Dauntless, one of the finest under Norrington’s command.
            “Commandeer,” said Jack. “We’re going to ‘commandeer’ that ship. Nautical term.”
            (Y/N) snorted.
            “One question about your business, boy, laddie, or there’s no going.” Jack looked at them. “This girl. How far are you willing to go to save her?”
            “I’ll kill for my sister,” said (Y/N).
            “I’d die for her!” said Will.
            “Oh, good, no worries then,” said Jack. The pair certainly had commitment.
            He led them to several rowboats and snuck under one. Carefully, they carried it into the water, and (Y/N) and Will followed since they recognized it would disguise them from sight as they approached the ship.
            The physics of the water and the rowboat at the bottom of the bay provided them with air while they walked closer. The moment (Y/N) touched the water, they found themself smiling. They couldn’t help it.
            “This is either madness or brilliance,” said Will as they walked across the sandy harbor floor.
            “It’s remarkable how often those traits coincide,” said Jack.
            “As long as we make it, I don’t care which it is,” said (Y/N).
            Fortunately, that moment turned out to be more brilliance than madness, and once near the boat, they pushed upwards and swam. Jack led the way, grabbing a rope and climbing up the side of the boat. Will tread water and made sure (Y/N) grabbed on next and climbed. Their arms burned pleasantly as they finally exerted all the energy they had, and they felt strong and capable as they went.
            The three arrived at the helm, and Will drew a cutlass. Jack had his pistol in hand, and (Y/N) had a sword Will had grabbed for them before they headed to the harbor.
            “Everyone, stay calm!” said Jack, announcing their presence to the soldiers aboard. “We are taking over the ship.”
            “Aye! Avast!” said Will.
            The soldiers stared in surprise before bursting out laughing at Will’s pirate-talk. (Y/N) rolled their eyes.
            “This ship cannot be crewed by two men and a child,” jeered the officer aboard, Gillette. “You’ll never make it out of the bay.”
            “Uhuh, right,” said (Y/N).
            “Son,” said Jack, grinning and pointing his pistol between Gillette’s eyes. “I’m Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?”
            Gillette swallowed and stepped back. (Y/N) tilted their head and smiled “innocently.”
            “I’d suggest you get into your lifeboats,” they chirped.
            Will looked at (Y/N), slightly concerned. That was a new tone of voice—slightly threatening, very self-assured. He knew that they were always playing a role around Swann and “civilized” society, but the seamless switch as if this was always inside them was disconcerting (if Will was honest, though, he also found it impressive).
            Jack gestured to the boats with his pistol. “Now, if you please.”
            The sailors scrambled to obey, and soon, it was just Jack, Will, and (Y/N). Unfortunately, it was true that they could not leave the harbor with just three people.
            As they tried to unfurl sails, Gillette drifted with his sailors towards shore and shouted to Norrington, making his own preparations. “They’re taking the Dauntless! Commodore! They’re taking the ship!”
            Norrington grabbed his spyglass and looked towards the rowboat to see Gillette shouting wildly.
            “Sparrow, Turner, and the Governor’s ward! They’re taking the Dauntless!” cried Gillette.
            Norrington trained his spyglass on the three figures on the Dauntless. “Rash, Turner. Too rash.” He was also quite surprised at the gall of (Y/N), a teenager, joining a pirate and apprentice blacksmith to steal a ship and escape to sea. “How terrible, a childhood rebellion. Disgraceful.” He tsked. “That is without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen.”
            Aboard the Dauntless, the trio were preparing for Norrington to arrive.
            “Here they come,” warned Will.
            Jack grinned.
            (Y/N) noted it and cocked their head. “You were hoping for that, weren’t you?”
            Jack looked at them. “One of you is bright! Well, that’s good!”
            Will scoffed. “What’s your plan, then, Jack?”
            “Let them come aboard!” said Jack.
            He ran to the stern to hide as the Interceptor approached. Will and (Y/N) followed, and they watched as the Interceptor threw grapples over to the Dauntless and swung over to search for them. All the sailors climbed over, and Norrington looked over the deck angrily.
            “Come alone!” said Jack, grabbing a rope. He swung over to the Interceptor, now empty.
            (Y/N) grinned, grabbed a rope, and swung. Will was right behind them.
            “Laddie, cut us free!” said Jack, swaggering across the deck.
            (Y/N) swung their sword across all the of the ropes tying the ships together, and the sails caught the wind. The Interceptor moved forward, leaving the Dauntless alone. Norrington whirled as he spotted it sailing away.
            “Sailors, back to the Interceptor, now!” ordered Norrington.
            Several men grabbed ropes and tried to swing across, but the Interceptor, one of the fastest ships at sea, was already ahead of the Dauntless, and the men were sent flying into the ocean.
            Jack grinned and waved his hat to Norrington. “Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way! We’d have had a hard time by ourselves!”
            The Dauntless couldn’t be prepared by three people, but the Interceptor had been prepared by a large crew. It would just be steered by three people, quite doable for a bit.
            (Y/N) let out a laugh at Norrington’s frustrated expression and how well the plan had turned out. Not to mention…they were out on the sea, the one place they’d been forbidden from going to. (Y/N) had the wind at their back and the salty sea air to breath.
            (Y/N) let out another laugh.
            Jack and Will looked at them, but they just grinned wider.
            For some reason, despite the danger they were sailing towards, they had never felt better.
            “When I was a lad living in England, my mother raised me by herself,” said Will as they sailed peacefully. He sharpened his cutlass as the wind took the Interceptor open the open seas. “After she died, I came out here, looking for my father.”
            “Is that so?” Jack really wasn’t paying attention and was taking care of the ship.
            “My father, Bill Turner?” Will stood and followed Jack towards the helm. “It was only after you learned my name that you agreed to help.” (Y/N) looked at Will and Jack. “Since that’s what I wanted, I didn’t press the matter.” Jack ignored him. “I’m not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father.”
            (Y/N) looked up at Jack as he paused before facing Will properly.
            “I knew him,” said Jack. “Probably one of the few people that knew him as William Turner. Everyone else called him ‘Bootstrap’ or ‘Bootstrap Bill.’ ” He turned away.
            Will frowned. “Bootstrap?” he repeated.
            “Good man. Good pirate,” said Jack casually.
            Will looked at Jack in confusion, and (Y/N) tilted their head. They hadn’t expected that.
            “I swear, you look just like him,” said Jack.
            “It’s not true. He was a merchant sailor,” said Will. “A good, respectable man who obeyed the law.”
            (Y/N) winced. They doubted Jack was lying because he didn’t have a reason to, but Will clearly didn’t want to listen to it.
            “He was a bloody pirate, a scallywag,” said Jack, turning back to the helm.
            “My father was not a pirate!” Will drew his sword.
            “Will, let’s not do this,” said (Y/N), looking at the sword warily.
            “Put it away, son,” said Jack. “It’s not worth you getting beat again.”
            “You didn’t beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement,” said Will. “In a fair fight, I’d kill you.”
            “That’s not incentive for me to fight fair, is it?” said Jack.
            “I don’t think there is such thing as a fair fight,” said (Y/N), sitting back and folding their arms. “If someone is more skilled than the other, then it’s not fair fundamentally. People just try to make themselves feel better by having ‘rules.’ Real world is a little wilder.” Like the sea.
            Jack and Will paused and looked at them after that strange speech. Honestly, (Y/N) was a little surprised, too. They had just spoken their mind, something they only did with Will and Elizabeth. And they had enjoyed it, letting whatever words or opinions they had—no matter how against society they may be—be spoken aloud.
            “…Where did you come from?” said Jack.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “Found in the ocean. I don’t know anything more than that.”
            “…” Jack and Will looked at them. Jack glanced at Will, who shrugged as if saying “it’s the truth, no matter how weird it is.”
            “You have a strange way of talking, laddie, but you’re right!” said Jack jovially. “On the seas, there are only two things that matter—what a person can do and what a person can’t do.” He looked at Will. “For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can’t.” He looked at (Y/N). “And you can accept that the ‘civilized’ gents want somethin’ tamer in the world, or you can’t.” He grinned at both. “But pirate is in your blood, mate, and the sea is in yours, laddie. You’ll have to square with that someday.”
            “And what about you?” (Y/N) looked at him. “What can or can’t you do?”
            “I can lead this ship astray and not work with ya, but I can’t bring this ship into Tortuga by me onesies,” said Jack brightly. “So. Can you sail under the command of a pirate? Or can you not?”
            Will hesitated before sheathing his sword. “Tortuga?”
            Jack grinned. “Tortuga.”
            “What is Tortuga?” asked (Y/N).
            “The greatest town a pirate would ever want to step onto land in,” said Jack.
            (Y/N) stood at the front of the ship and leaned over the side. They gazed at the water rushing by below. The sun had lowered in the sky and sent streaks of light dancing across the waves. The highlights illuminated fish jumping up from the water, and (Y/N) smiled. With the wind whipping their hair and the smell of the sea flying around them, (Y/N) had never felt better. They felt free, like they were the waves themselves rushing by. They knew this was only a brief moment, one that would end as soon as they saved Elizabeth, but it was still nice. (Y/N) felt like themself.
            From the helm, Jack and Will watched them lean over the water below. Will was tense, waiting for them to topple overboard, but they hadn’t despite how long they’d been sitting there.
            “Mate, you’re gonna explode before we get to Tortuga,” said Jack.
            “I don’t want them to get hurt,” said Will. “Elizabeth would never forgive me if something happened to them. I would never forgive myself.”
            Jack looked at (Y/N). “The lad seems fine. They’ve got good sea legs.”
            Will frowned. “Yes, but they were found floating into the harbor. That means the sea is dangerous for them.” He sighed. “There’s a reason we want them to stay away from the ocean. We don’t them to be lost again. Whoever their family was, they lost them to the sea. We won’t want them to lose us or their own lives.”
            “Mate, the seas are the seas,” said Jack, leaning back. “Better to let them understand it than fear it.”
            Will glanced at Jack. For the playful pirate, it was an usually philosophical comment. He looked back at (Y/N), who looked like they would lean out and touch the ocean if given a chance.
            He hated to admit it, but Jack was right. The ocean was dangerous, that couldn’t be changed. Yet (Y/N) always sought it out, no matter how many times they were warned off. Perhaps Jack was right—even if he was just making an offhanded comment—and (Y/N) should be allowed to be with the sea in order to not fear it. Not that they seemed to. They wanted to be with the ocean more than most people.
            Will sighed. He wasn’t cut out for this, worrying so much for Elizabeth and (Y/N). It couldn’t be good for his health.
            But he did. He cared too much not to.
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reverie-verse · 2 years
Love Triangle Or Not (Four)- Pt 3
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Here are the other parts
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Anon Request Prompt: Y/N is a trainer (very well known for her badassness) She just came back from a mission; she gets a little jelly that Tris and Four had gotten closer. There’s some feelings but on who’s end? Four asks Y/N to help Tris. Being the amazing person she is, she agrees to help, but in the process she gets hurt. After the mission ends she returns home only to have an argument with Four. Leads to late night confessions  
I’m also making Y/N a Divergent but in secret. 
A couple things, this is ridiculously long, I put it in parts and I am releasing them all at the same time because it makes sense okay. Cooooooollll I hope you enjoy. 
Established something between Tris and Four. 
P.S This is extremely action packed and its about the only action packed sequence so have fun reading it and also be very much warned.
My Requests are Open
After that you three had spent hours formulating a plan running through different outcomes to see which was more efficient. You had prepared your tools and items as you headed out of the Dauntless. By now Tris would be taking her test, unfortunately she was quick with it so your time frame was short. In all black your assassin suit tight against your body, you had a hood covering your head and a half mask covering your mouth and nose. Your eyes being the source of all your expressions. Your weapons strapped to your thighs and hip, your black boots set and ready. Lucky for you, your boots made it easy to stay quiet. You had made it to Erudites building crouching down hiding behind the dock ports. Transport vehicles awaited its precious cargo. 
You hid behind two massive cargo boxes peeking around the corner eyeing the guards. You were running out of time. Checking your watch the clock was ticking. You waited till each soldier and erudite were not in sight slipping onto one of the transports. You reached into your pocket pulling out a tiny explosive placing it under the vehicle. On your last vehicle your watch beeped. Your time was out. You needed to get inside quickly. By now the soldiers were coming back with the Erudite transporters. You hop over the loading dock and into the warehouse. You had pressed the button on your watch causing all the tiny bombs to explode popping the back tires blowing the inside up. Screams and yelling were heard calling for backup. The air filled with smoke allowing you to run through. Some men had seen you, they charged at you. You run pulling the knife out from your thigh and you slide under the man’s arm as he swings his fist at you. You threw your knife at the man running towards you and your opponent hitting him in the shoulder causing him to fall. Your opponent behind you turned back around lunging for you. His pair arms wrapped around your waist pulling you back. 
Planting both feet on the ground you reached behind you wrapping an arm around his neck. You used your hips to toss him onto the floor knocking the air out of his chest. You lifted your leg kicking him in the face rendering him unconscious. The other man whom you had thrown the knife at, had pulled out the weapon from his shoulder. He ran towards you swinging his other arm back and forth. You ducked and dodged standing in the side of him; His arm swung again using both hands and you stopped his wrists from going any further. You took one hand in yours, bending it downwards, you placed your other hand on his elbow pushing up at the same time. He dropped the knife scream as his bones broke. You let go quickly, taking this as your chance to hit him in the throat kicking his knees out at the same time, then pushing him off the loading dock into a stack of wooden crates.
You picked your blade up off the ground shoving it back in its sheath. You made your way to the entrance of the building, the alarms blasting through the speakers. You stopped at the doors when you saw that a group of Dauntless soldiers guarded it. They waited for you as they held up their guns and pointed them in your direction. You slowly placed your hands behind your back pulling out a set of tiny devices. At the ready the men inched forward, you waited, another step, wait, another step, now! You pressed the button on the middle as you flung the explosives at the group. They each went off one by one as they tased each guard. You run through the building's entrance making your way to the top. 
As you entered The chaotic building you headed for the serum room. But by the time you had gotten there it was too late. Sure you blew up half the trucks but the rest still made it out. You stopped in your tracks, Tris stands in the middle of the room. Four is standing next to Jeanin. A voice calls out to you. “ Y/N?!” It was Eric’s voice. Anger flashed across his face. 
“ Eric” You warned. 
“ Stand down Y/N” Eric begins to circle you. Knowing full well that you never planned to back down from his dominance. You never have. 
“You know I can’t do that Eric.” 
“No, of course you can’t. But I sure as hell plan on taking you down.”
“ You and I both know that’s not gonna happen” 
Eric chuckles “ We’ll see about that” 
Eric runs towards you, you decide to meet him halfway. You aimed for his middle section throwing your shoulder into his stomach, he was able to take the blow grabbing you as well and tossing you away from him. He threw you over the table making you crash into everything then sliding off of it. Your hood falls off your head only leaving your mask on. You coughed stumbling as you tried to stand up. Less then a few strides Eric made his way to you spearing you through a glass wall shattering it. You both roll and tumble on the ground. As groaned in pain rolling over you and Eric made eye contact. You both waited until you both broke out into a run again Eric snarling along the way, you both went in for a hit, the momentum knocking you both back. You both circled each other, off in the distance screams were heard along with people running. Neither of you paid much attention.  Eric lifted his fist aiming for a punch, you stepped back using the palm of your hand to block it. You used your other hand pushing your palm into his chest pushing him back just a tab. In the same second you turn to the side, extending your leg out kicking him in the chest, he stumbles back not able to catch a second. 
You run up lifting your knee to aim for his chest again, he dodges the move, taking the opportunity to nail you in the side. He grabbed your hair from behind, bringing you back to him. You planted your feet on the ground shoulder width apart as he bent you back, pivoted to your left, turning so that you were facing him, one hand resting under his elbow joint the other on the hand that held your hair. You push up on his elbow then grab the hand that held your hair, making the palm of his hand face upward, you popped his joint forcing him to let go. Eric screams in pain…The fight had only just begun.
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hellywoodfm · 10 months
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DEMI LOVATO IS NOW TAKEN. thank u sm for applying !! message us your discord when u can !!
[ DEMI LOVATO ] – there’s been a lot of talk about [ NOVA MARTINEZ ] recently. apparently [ SHE/HER/HERS ] are known to be [ NEGATIVE ], which isn’t so bad since the [ TWENTY-SEVEN ] year old can also be [ DAUNTLES ] – a saving grace. they’re a [ MUSICIAN ] and have [ 16M FOLLOWERS ] across multiple platforms. i wonder what their next scandal will be.  | b. she/her. cst.
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zellemartha · 1 year
“kafka was raised on a planet that taught her to not feel fear” d d d dauntle
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled Poem # 9313
Her was fires, those thee. Does no one bettere the grinde youth his dauntle complainly    him was this with at    never cours they soul was shook her more due? And heare, but yet thee.
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new page instragram 
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Friends to Lovers Pt. 18
(A/N) I know, this one is late. Like really late! But now it’s here and I hope you enjoy it! <3 I also decided that I won’t stress myself with updating this fic. My insperation isn’t at it’s best right now and I don’t want to post something that isn’t well written or anything, just to post it on time. I hope you understand.
@beltz2016 @sammysgirl1997 @magellan-88 @iammarylastar @scorpio2009 @buried-in-books @supdarling @hello-i-dont-have-a-name @kenzieam @jaihardy @pathybo @letssweetvivialwaysloved @fuckthatfeeling @sister-of-plenitude @mom2reesie @maskedpenman @demonsunshine @sandramaric88 @lacy-love @bookgirlthings @somanyfandoms264 @crazy-fandom-girl1 @emptyswimmingpoolss @somanyfandoms264 @lacy-love
If anyone else wants to be tagged, just say so :)
first part
second part    
third part
fourth part
fivth part
sixth part
seventh part
eight part
ninth part
tenth part
eleventh part
eleventh part (2)
twelfth part
thirteenth part
fourteenth part
fifteenth part
sixteenth part
seventeenth part
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Y/N made it. She finished her final fear simulation a few hours ago, but I finally got the result that she officially made it. All I wanted to do right now, was to find her, kiss her and make our relationship official. I could barely wait until dinner, where all the initiates were told their final rankings, and had to lock myself in my office. Well, I was actually locked in my office by Max and Four. Finally, at five, Max opened the door and together with Four, we walked to the dining hall. Waiting on the stairs, Max began his speech as soon as everyone was there. My eyes immediately found Y/N, who looked rather worried about the results. There was no need to, and I tried to catch her eyes to tell her this, but she wouldn’t look at me. No matter what I did. After a few minutes, Max’s speech was over and the board with the results lit up. Y/N’s eyes widened and a grin took over her face. She must’ve realised that she made it and even was in first place. Xavier and Lucy hugged her and the crowd lifted her up. Smiling at her joy, I ignored Max’s and Four’s stares and walked downstairs, to meet my girlfriend. I fought my way through the crowd, until I reached Y/N, who was still being passed around by the crowd. Pulling her down, her laughter died, but instead a soft smile spread across her lips. “Hey there.” Her voice was quiet and soft and I couldn’t help but smile at her. “Hey.” The crowd around us walked back and gave us more space. I still held Y/N slightly above the ground, my arms around her waist and hers around my neck. “You did well.” “Are you going to reward me?” Not answering, I just put my lips against hers. All around us, cheers could be heard from the other Dauntless. People were throwing their cups around and different liquids were raining down on us. Still, we kept on kissing, until we were out of breath and had to break apart. Putting our foreheads together, we caught our breaths again, eyes still closed. The others were still partying while Y/N and I left. Leading her to the roof, where I prepared a blanket, some pillows and dinner earlier, I didn’t let go of her hand once. We arrived and Y/N was obviously impressed. Her eyes widened and a soft gasp left her mouth. “You did this?” She turned to me, a grin on her face. “Don’t sound so surprised! I can be romantic if I want to. I just never want to.” She laughed and pressed a quick kiss against my lips before she sat down on the blanket. We spent the rest of the day up there and sooner or later, Y/N fell asleep in my arms. It got chilly quiet soon, so I picked her up and brought her to my apartment. Lying her down in my bed, I just stood there and looked at her. I still couldn’t believe she was my girlfriend. She simply forgot everything I’d done to her, and forgave me. Leaving her alone, treating her like shit when she arrived. I didn’t matter to her anymore. I will never deserve her.
 I woke up to the mouth-watering smell of bacon and eggs. I was in Eric’s apartment, he must’ve carried me back here yesterday. Deciding to get up before he ate everything alone, I took a quick shower and pulled on one of his black shirts, that swallowed me hole. Walking into the living room, the smell intensified and so did my hunger. Eric stood in the kitchen, flipping bacon and listening to music that sounded out of the radio. He didn’t notice me leaving the bedroom and I just had to take the chance. Wrapping my arms around his waist from behind, I managed to make him jump slightly. His horrified expression changed into a adoring one as soon as his eyes found mine. “Good morning kitten.” One of his hands found mine and he squeezed them. “Kitten? I think like that…” I smiled into his back, hiding my blush. We continue to chat, while Eric finished cooking. After breakfast, he showed me to Max’s office and told me that he would wait outside for me. Since we left early the day before, I didn’t know what was waiting for me in there.
Entering the office, Max sat behind his desk, smiling at me. “Y/N! How good to see you! Especially after you and Eric walked out early on us.” He hugged me and let me sit down. “Okay, let’s get down to business…” “To defeat the Huns.”  It was barely above a whisper, but Max noticed and smirked. “You’re here, so I can assign you a future job. And since one of our members put in a formal request, not that I would’ve chosen differently, I hereby ask you to become one of our leaders.” Max had a proud grin on his face, waiting for my answer. “I guess I already know that member that put in a request?” Right on time, the door behind me opened and Eric sat down beside me. “Yeah you do know him.” Eric’s voice was teasing. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “I accept, Sir,”
 I was carefully walking through the Dauntless compound, one hand on my swollen belly, the other held a couple of files. Passing members, smiled at me sweetly and got out of my way. Everyone knew that they would feel the wrath of Eric If they made one wrong move towards me, especially now that I’m pregnant. Or maybe it’s just that I’m nice to everyone. Making my way to the training room, I passed Four and another leader, carrying out a beat-up initiate. “Eric in a bad mood?” Without stopping, they nodded. Oh my. It took me five more minutes to get to the training room. Even a snail would be faster than me. Even from outside, I could hear my boyfriend’s yells. He really was in a bad mood. Entering the hall, I watched the initiates trying to throw knives at the target, but they barely hit it. That’s why Eric was so pissed off. “Eric?” Hearing my voice, he immediately turned around. Shouting one last time at the initiates, he started walking towards me. “Hey kitten. What are you doing here?” He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into him. Well, as far as that was possible at least. “You forgot those this morning. And I got bored.” Pressing my lips against his, I enjoyed the few seconds the kiss lasted. Since the initiates arrived, Eric was barely home. I missed him, but I won’t tell him that. Eric seemed to relax a little more with me next to him, but as soon as he saw the files I brought him, a stone-cold expression took over his face. “Go back. And the next time I forget something, leave it be.” With that he turned around and walked back to the initiates. That…shouldn’t have surprised me as much as it did. I just thought that Eric could be himself around me. Always, not just if he has time and we are alone. Glancing one last time at the father of my child, I left the training room and walked back to our apartment. Halfway there, I ran into Max. I was about to start a friendly conversation, when Jeanine rounded the corner behind Max. And behind her, my father.
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xdaimienx · 5 years
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Musste auf der Switch neu anfangen. Aber das war mir neu... @lillyfortunecosplay bist du es? ;) #dauntles #switch #epicgames #jaichweissderneistnichtganzrichtig #langehashtagssindtotalerquatschweildasjaeigentlichkurzeschlagworteseinsollentrotzdemmachtesspassdiezunutzen https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BdKGoIROI/?igshid=clwlfpzgoxql
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eraskes · 7 years
miss militia you fucking dumbass why the fuck - what - the grenade did nothing you BUFFOON dauntles ;-;
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epic-sorcerer · 4 years
Your blog never ceases to put a smile on my face 🖤
Aww :0 thank you @dauntlessdiva you are probably one of the top poeple who put notes in my blog. Like you spam me and it’s so cool
I always feel so happy when I see your pfp :))
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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One, Teen, and Dauntless: TEEN COMIX KA DAUNTLESS ONE DAUNT [12.none] no fears
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That’s me too! Candor - The Honest, Dautless - The Brave, Erudite - The Intelligent and Amity - The Peaceful. Sorry, I’m not in Abnegation  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ By @chardwic
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ansu-gurleht · 3 years
hm. suddenly not sure about playing dauntles
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To celebrate Dauntless getting a shiny new cover, it's on sale now for only 99 cents! 
Joe Nesmith leads a peaceful life as the lighthouse keeper on Dauntless Island, a small island off the coast of Australia where the occupants are proud of their mutinous history and have very long memories.
When graduate student Eddie Hawthorne comes to Dauntless, he brings with him a historical diary that might just throw everything the islanders have ever believed into disarray—and one of them might even resort to deadly measures to make sure that Eddie’s research never sees the light of day.
When Eddie is attacked, Joe is drawn into helping him discover which of the islanders could have done such a thing. The rising attraction between them doesn’t mean anything, right? It’s just a fling. But while Joe finds himself wishing more and more that Eddie could stay on Dauntless, it’s clear that somebody else wants Eddie gone, permanently. And when the attacker escalates to murder, both Joe and Eddie find themselves in danger of Dauntless Island’s bloody history repeating itself.
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anyway, lets sort i-land top 12 into their divergent factions
yes, divergent was a shit show and i hated it.  yes, i am doing this anyway. fight me.
K - born: Candor, chosen faction: Dauntless K, from the start of the show has always been so completely honest with how he feels, to the point where he’s just completely blunt, sometimes it works out for him, sometimes it doesn’t, and this just screams candor. However, I think he’d definitely eventually opt for dauntless. K just looks like he’d really enjoy kicking ass and probably be really fucking good at it too.
Hanbin - born: Amity, chosen faction: Amity Do I really need to explain this one? Hanbin is honestly just the definition of kind, and you can just tell that he genuinely cares: amity through and through. I do see him considering another faction, possibly abnegation because he wants to make a more tangible change in the world than just growing crops, but eventually home is where the heart is - Hanbin is all heart, and home is amity.
Geonu - born: Candor, chosen faction: Erudite Alright so I thought about this for a while but ever since the start of the show we saw Geonu being completely transparent about his thoughts and emotions, so he’s probably a born candor. However, I definitely do think he’d opt for a different faction, probably erudite because he wants to make more of himself and there’s no place better to do that then there.
Heeseung - born: Abnegation, chosen faction; Dauntless Again, I don’t think I have to explain the born abnegation bit. Throughout the show we’ve seen Heeseung sacrifice what he wants again and again, so he’s pretty much selflessness personified. Having said that, I do think Heeseung would eventually opt for dauntless, mostly because he wants to have a more active roll in helping and protecting the people around him.
Jay - born: Dauntless, chosen faction: Dauntless While Jay has shown some candor characteristics, i think eventually he just is a dauntless through and through. Jay’s never afraid to take a risk - even if it ends up embarrassing him - and you can just see that he’s always the first one to step up and do something. Jay was born a dauntless, and he never considered being anything but a dauntless.
Jake - born: Amity, chosen faction: Dauntless Yes, this is the third dauntless in a row. Anyway, the trainees always mention how kind Jake is and you know what, you can just tell that he is, so definitely a born amity. However, i see Jake growing really restless of tending to fields and wanting more from life, so: dauntless. He’d definitely struggle at first, given the harsh change in environment, but he’d grow to absolutely thrive there.
Sunghoon - born: Erudite, chosen faction: Dauntless Okay so it’s your fourth Dauntless in a row. I’m sorry. Anyway, Sunghoon has the sophistication and energy that just tells you he was born an erudite. Having said that, I can see Sunghoon growing exhausted of all the academics and the institutions and wanting to let go of it completely and go do the complete opposite of what he was born into, so: dauntless it is.
Sunoo - born: Erudite, chosen faction: Amity So I feel like we don’t talk about how smart Sunoo is? Like on so many levels, he almost always knows exactly what to do and that just screams erudite. But, I definitely think he’d grow to see the value of life beyond intelligence. I think eventually he’d go for something simpler, more peaceful, amity, specifically, a place where he can be himself without the stringent erudite rules.
Jungwon - born: Dauntless, chosen faction: Erudite Okay so Jungwon was the hardest one, but I feel like eventually I just have to say he was born a dauntless. Jungwon’s always up for a challenge, and he always knows how to deal with them - which is why I think despite how good he’d probably be at being a dauntless, he’d eventually settle for something that let him think and use his brain more: erudite. 
Ta-Ki - born: Amity, chosen faction: Dauntless Ta-Ki’s a sweetheart, so i definitely seeing him being born into amity, like you can tell how much he values the people around him. I do think that eventually he’d choose dauntless. Think back to his monster performance, Ta-ki clearly wants to be perceived a certain way, and that’s as a challenge, someone to anticipate - and where better to do that than dauntless?
Ni-ki - born: Dauntless, chosen faction: Dauntless Okay so Ni-ki is just filled to the brim with fighting spirit. He just is a fighter, through and through, and he always gives his passion his all. So, he’s a born dauntless, through and fucking through. I also think he’d eventually choose to stay in dauntless too, he probably grew up watching and admiring older dauntless, and that’s exactly what he wants to be like too.
Daniel - born: Erudite, chosen faction: Abnegation  So, Daniel for his age is just so mature? Like despite being the youngest at I-Land it never feels that way, partly because of how he behaves and carries himself, so he’s probably a born erudite, However, Daniel is also so so so kind, and he cares so much for his hyungs, so I can definitely see Daniel eventually choose abnegation, so he can help more people directly. 
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1943 11 16 Tarawa, SBD-5 Dauntles - Terrence Ryan
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