ii06f3nuxir90ii · 2 years
The name "Dylan" mean's; "son of the sea". No wonder why he's into someone who sail's
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ii06f3nuxir90ii · 2 years
Ryan has the perfect height to kiss and rest his head on the neck curve/shoulder of Dylan
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ii06f3nuxir90ii · 2 years
Rant (Rylan)
"Ryan isn't good. Why do we even play as him most of them time?"
This is my opinion and I'm nowhere trying bash you peoples! Just, wanted to give out some words myself. Ryan is a character that's more of a "needed analyzing" rather than the "upfront presentence". He's pretty much the only character that took situation's seriously instead of just making reckless moves. While yes, Kaitlyn is there, she does seem to get frustrated easily and with her boldness, she wouldn't exactly be the most greatest character needed to be used. While yea, there are more fun character's to play as, he's the needed for situation's such as this. Plus, not having at least one "boring" wouldn't be fun. It's best to give all character's a chance and understand each of their roles and what would be a suitable situation for them, rather than just doing whatever it's meant for fun. This game includes real life thinking rather then the mystical so I'd doubt that you'd make reckless moves in such situations as these. Plus, we only saw what they were like in the span of one day. Maybe in those 2 months, which we didn't get to see, he was a pleasant character to be with. I mean, he did joke around a bit over here and there with Dylan but overall, they were in a stressful situation so of course, he'll be the "buzzkill". After all, it's hinted that Ryan has a sister that he heavily care's for, maybe family issues as well and more thing's like that so of course, he'll be even more careful to go back to his only family instead of doing stupid stuff that can possibly end him off, causing his sister to be in more distress. Like, how much will the police think of your words when you say "We were getting chased by werewolves!!". They're probably just gonna send you to an asylum or something. So yea, analyzing is heavily important to enjoy character's such as Ryan. Of course, you don't have to. It's literally your choice but I'm just answering your question. Once again, this isn't meant to for me to force you into liking him or anything like that. I fully respect your disliking's of him
People : "Ryan doesn't like Dylan."
Alright, we get it. You're oblivious and don't put effort into studying character's and are the type to label anything that is shown on surface. Ryan is clearly as interested as Dylan is but in his own way. Dylan is clearly the one who's vocal while Ryan is the type to admire his presence. Like, have you seen the way he looks at Dylan whenever he's talking? I'm not even exaggerating. If having hearts in your eyes was physically possible, he'd have them. But, just go re-watch all the clips! He listens to Dylan so invested, nod's to words when he doesn't feel like using his voice is needed (probably so he can hear continue on Dylan ramble on whatever he is on.) and smile/chuckle to Dylan's jokes. While talking to other, he just nod's and doesn't show as interest but more towards, getting it down. He's the most animated with Dylan, if anyone has noticed. Like, sure, he may not be hyper but he still is appreciative of Dylan's presence. Even when they were in a stressful situation, Ryan was shown calmer with Dylan. Like, they were literally talking here and there while with other's, Ryan was actively looking for ways to get them out of trouble.
People : "Wow, what a way to ruin things by giving us Laura/Ryan."
Yea, no. No one gave you Laura/Ryan. Being with someone does not make it a ship. Both Laura and Ryan were working as a team to save their loved ones. Laura has literally been trying to 🔊h u n t🔊 down the werewolf so she could save her BOYFRIEND 🔊m a x🔊 while Ryan went with Laura cause she wanted to kill Chris, who was the one who bit her 🔊boyfriend max🔊 and Chris was obviously Ryan's 🔊father figure🔊. Like, have you seen how aggressive he had gotten with Laura? That's not his fault either. Imagine being in a life-or-death situation and suddenly, some random person, whom you don't know much about want's to kill someone who you view as a parent cause they've been there for you and token care of you in a way. You'll also act a hostile towards this person because you wouldn't believe the only person who has been there for you, to be evil. It's clearly hinted that Ryan's family background doesn't seem the best and Chris was someone he had seen as a family so of course, he doesn't want to lose him as well.
And, the whole Dylan and Kaitlyn's conversation in the scrap yard. Kaitlyn pretty much basically is; "omg this character is so hot and would look amazing with me but I don't like self inserts so I'm gonna ship him with someone else" type of person- So, Let's not forget that even Kaitlyn has a crush on Ryan. But, she doesn't do anything cause it's obvious that Ryan was meant to be Dylan's. So, at the end of the day, they both have a crush on Ryan. Dylan was in his depressed stage of time. He was clearly still emotional over the fact that he lost his hand and was viewing himself low. "Would you date a guy with one hand?...". That was enough for everyone to know that he wasn't at the right state of mind and when he saw how much of a girl boss Laura was, it made him feel even worse. While, Kaitlyn, herself probably felt jealous too and couldn't reassure Dylan cause non of them knew that Laura was already dating someone and saw her as a cool "heroine".
While in another place at time:
Laura : *makes a joke*
Ryan : "Why are you like this? 😐"
Laura : *falls onto Ryan*
Ryan : "...." *Pushes her off* "😑"
Laura : *tries to have a conversation that's aside from their mission*
Ryan : *Doesn't entertain her nor bothers*
Wow, guys! Ryan is super into Laura! You're soooooo observant!
Look, guys. I'm not calling you guys an idiot but I am. I would have let it slide if it wasn't obvious but it's literally crystal clear that it is. Ryan has no interest in even talking to Laura then how can he have a crush on her? Look from Ryan's side too, guys-
People : *crying and being salty over "maybe neither" said by Ryan*
Me : *Confused on that one cause I remember him picking Dylan*
he does say "maybe Dylan/Kaitlyn". It all depends on your choices in the game (especially the one at the bonfire. You need to choose dare and pick either Dylan or Kaitlyn to get that answer). You are the one in control of that. Plus, even if he said "maybe neither", could you blame him? He had a rough night and he can't be thinking of another serious thing. And, he just met Laura so that scene could also acted as him not trusting Laura that much to answer truthfully? He does seem like the person to keep things private. Especially, his personal things.
Also, who else noticed how Ryan act's whenever the word "girlfriend" get's thrown at him. Like, his mind start's fidgeting and he's struggling to say something but when the word "boyfriend" comes, he relaxes. Even when Kaitlyn said that Dylan laughed while he looked to the side with no interest-
Did you know that both Dylan and Ryan are original camper's?
(Credit's to Valentine for letting me know that. Here's her social! She also makes Rylan fic's so you guys can check her out and read her work, if you're looking for more Rylan contact! ^^
Wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/user/Theia_Valentine
Ao3 : https://archiveofourown.org/users/Miss_Valentine
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/The_Maddest_of_Them_All/ )
So they must've been friends since kids! Just, imagining how they had a crush on each other since they were kids is just so adorable- Imagine that's the reason why Ryan act's that way, cause he feel's guilty cause he knows that Dylan has a crush on him since they were little so he doesn't want Dylan to assume that he doesn't like Dylan back- (which he deeply does.) And that's why, he's so chill whenever Dylan is flirting with him but get's bothered whenever someone is trying to hint that he wouldn't be- Long story short, they both are dating without dating.
The kiss at the bonfire and how everyone, including Jacob cheering makes it obvious that these two were like how a fruit bug with a sliced fruit, to each other the whole two months that even Jacob was like "Wow, gay people :0" while he's known to be the oblivious character 😭
Like, come on, guyssss, they are so into each otherrrrrrr, what else do you want to know for your eye's and mind to finally believe that???
Btw, let's ignore the opinion's of people on tik tok. Not trying to be offensive but most of them don't use their brain's. The one's that do, they are chads and I congratulate them for keeping their mind be functional 💪
Thank you all for reading my rant- Please, go drink water, eat and rest your eye + mind. And, thank you all who reblog, comment and like my post's! I'm super thankful for it! Makes me happy so thank you! Take care!
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ii06f3nuxir90ii · 2 years
Honestly, now that I look at both Dylan and Ryan's clothes, don't they look like they were going for a matching theme? There are literally so many T-shirts Dylan would've worn but it just so happened to be a gray, graphic pictured t-shirt, just like how Ryan's one is. And Ryan is literally wearing a full sleeved beneath the black pictured t-shirt which is the same gray colour as Dylan's t-shirt. Coincidence? I think not!
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ii06f3nuxir90ii · 2 years
Annnnnd, my second time posting something yet I still didn't bother making a proper account but who care's when you can just hear more rylan stuff
You guy's have seen Ryan's early design's, right? (If not, please do search it up! He look's super cool! I haven't learned how to use tumblr but I'll look it up later-)
Sadly, we didn't get to full aspect of it in the game so now, I'd like to imagine that after the hellish night was over and them getting the time to heal through what they've went through and start dating after a couple of months later, Ryan and Dylan are just chilling in the living room, watching some movie or something. Ryan get's interested on Dylan's tattoo and the talk's about it and stuff and then, all of a sudden, Dylan is like "You'd look good in tattoo" so ever since then, Ryan had been pondering that thought so he actually askes Dylan more info about it and tells him that he's considering the idea of getting some. Dylan is obviously supportive of it (Plus, he's the one who told about it after all) and eventually, Ryan get's them while Dylan was obviously there with him through all the procedure, easily distracting him through the painful part of the whole step
I just find that thought to be sweet so I wanted to share with you all!
I'd also like to think that they get piercing's in the future! Dylan just getting his ear's pierced and nothing more than that cause it hurt a lot for him (but he's happy with it) while Ryan got 9 piercings- (5 on his ear's, 1 on his lower lip, towards the side, 1 on his nose and 1 on his spectrum). Dylan was so amazed by it but it definitely suited Ryan a lot! And of course, Dylan couldn't stop and appreciate his hot boyfriend
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ii06f3nuxir90ii · 2 years
I don't even care that I didn't make a proper account. I'm literally in the middle of eating my dinner but I just had to say it- Just;
Dylan cried while playing stray because the cat had gotten hurt and started limping so Ryan had to comfort his big teddy bear of a bf
He was definitely snuggled up in Ryan's lap while hugging his own cat
That's it. That's all I had to say-
Oh, and miles (who acted and voiced dylan) actually played stray!! So, it makes my stupid little story even better-
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ii06f3nuxir90ii · 2 years
Dylan Lenivy is a drag king reblog if you agree
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