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hmslusitania · 9 months ago
For work reasons I had to find a particular picture I took while playing Gotham Knights recently and...
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Fun fact! The news that Tim is bi came out like... a WEEK? before complete lock.
So they scrambled to put in EVERY. LITTLE. TIDBIT. they could.
Including Dick supporting his bi brother with a mug.
I knew the timing was close but I didn’t realise it was that close!
Also that mug is hands down one of my fave details in the game — that and all the pictures of everyone’s friends around the Belfry. Particularly the one of Tim and Kon
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loucifersbitch · 2 months ago
Alternate first meeting:
Buck and Tommy meet while working at Disneyland.
Tommy is Beast, Buck is Gaston.
"H- hi. I'm Evan. Buckley. Evan Buckley."
"Oh...kay? And?"
God, Tommy's such an asshole. He adjusts his costume a little, grabbing the giant Beast's head off the bench.
"Sorry, just wanted to introduce myself. Since we'll be working together and all. I'm Gaston. But - but you can probably tell from the outfit, so. Sorry. Again."
This guy is so damn earnest. And hot. Why did he have to be hot?
"It's fine, kid. It's just - the guy whose spot you took? He was a friend."
"Oh. Well, um, maybe we can be friends?"
He says it like a question. Tommy ignores it for now.
"We should get moving. Busy day of sweating through my costume to get to."
The kid's face falls, but he trails after Tommy like a devoted puppy anyway.
It's a good day, overall. The new kid - Evan - is good. He can do the role no problem, even though his personality seems nothing like Gaston's. Some of the flirting is almost too convincing when he flexes and smirks at Tommy.
At the end of the day, they get undressed in the locker room, Tommy pulling off the Beast's head so he can finally breathe properly.
"Good job today, kid. You make a good Gaston."
"Um, thanks," Evan says, smiling as he whips off the shirt and fake muscles, and - oh, Tommy needs to stop staring immediately. "You should let me buy you a beer."
That's such a bad idea. Tommy should say no. He should say he needs to take a rain check. He already has other plans. He can't -
"I'd love that."
Tommy is so fucked.
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bucktommyscones · 2 months ago
Hmmmm 30 for the microstories?
hiya! Sure! this is a little different, but I hope you still like it.
30: Harsh whisper
Eddie is peering through the door to his own living room when he feels Chimney practically breathing in his ear.
"They still yelling at each other?" Chimney asks in a harsh whisper, and Eddie can't blame him for sounding annoyed, even though they did bring this on themselves by tricking Buck and Tommy into meeting here but, they've also been trapped in Eddie's bedroom for nearly an hour.
Eddie returns his attention and realizes that no....they're not still yelling at each other.
"If they're having sex on my couch, I swear to God," Eddie mutters and Chimney snickers behind him.
"I'm going out there," he says with all the seriousness of a man on a very important mission.
"Godspeed," Chimney answers. "Let me know if they still have clothes on."
Eddie rolls his eyes and opens the door all the way, sliding out and padding to the living room to see that...yeah, Tommy and Buck do still have their clothes on. They're standing in the middle of the room, wrapped so tightly around each other that Eddie's not sure where one ends and the other begins.
He also hears two different, distinct sobs.
Eddie sighs. Well. That was needed, for sure. And as he makes his way back to the bedroom, he figures they deserve at least another half hour.
"Call your wife," Eddie says as he goes back into the bedroom. "Tell her we need some more time."
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kinley-cafe · 6 months ago
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Probie @daughterofscotland stopped by to scrub down the kitchen while Buck and Tommy are occupied with deliveries!
Please enjoy this "Badass Coffee Mug" Combo as a thank you for your hard work. (It's a nice hot cup of freshly brewed coffee and two wing shaped cinnamon buns!)
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There are always shifts available for probies, just fill out the volunteer form anytime!
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screaming-universe · 1 month ago
I think one of the reasons I was so confused why the Chimney bashing fics aren't in higher numbers is that a lot of them are off AO3, so you wouldn't be able to include them in your data. But I think Tommy would still be #1, even with them... wild.
Oh yay there is more? t.t
I kept this limited to ao3 since that is where I usually go looking for fanfics and I understand the tagging system. Of course this has a lot of limitations but there is a definite trend, sadly :/ And yeah, I agree that Tommy would probably "win" in any case.
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girlwonder-writes · 8 months ago
“Hey, I’ve heard people refer to you as Buck, but your sister’s introduced you as Evan...”
“Oh yeah, don’t worry about it,” Buck immediately reassured Tommy, “Evan’s fine...” He hadn’t been sure why, but he felt comfortable with Tommy calling him by his first name, so he decided to go for it. Maybe it was because of the coma dream...
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f0x-meets-w0lf · 11 months ago
I don't actually know, do you take commissions? :D
i don’t at the moment, i’m way too overwhelmed by real-life responsibilities and work to have the capacity right now. but i’m always open to hearing ideas, who knows, maybe i’ll be inspired to bring one to life~
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leothil · 2 years ago
Sorry to just slide in, but THE SUFFERING I am experiencing here in Canada whenever I ask someone "Do you want to come over for Raclette this weekend" and THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT
That is a tragedy! I hope you're doing your best to educate them about the wonders of raclette!
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1lostone · 1 year ago
the most consistent part of the tumblr experience is that you will either be subjected to david tennant or obsessed with david tennant but either way he will be here
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hmslusitania · 4 months ago
The dots! I have connected them!
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I have so many questions about that room
Whose is it
What are they investigating specifically
Is it just the devs going “yeah we’ve seen y’all theorising”
Is it secretly Neve’s research and study room and she doesn’t say anything when Rook finds it because she’s embarrassed
Cracks me up every time I look at it
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moeyoon · 8 months ago
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𝒔𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔
requested by @daughterofscotland ♡
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bucktommyscones · 3 months ago
Random thought:
Buck's building catches fire and while his apartment doesn't burn down, it DOES end up flooded by the sprinklers and he has to look through his stuff for what's salvagable. Which isn't much. Eddie hasn't sold the house yet so he has a place to sleep, at least.
BUT. He remembers that Tommy never gave him back his things (he asked Eddie to return Tommy's before the fire), so he turns up at his door, saying: "You have the only stuff I still own, gimme my hoodie." And then realizes Tommy is wearing said hoodie.
YES! please tell me your random bucktommy thoughts.
Also, what if Tommy hasn't given back Buck's stuff because he was hoping that it would make Buck come to him, because he's still scared but knows he made a mistake. He's just not sure how to fix it, but if Buck comes to him, then he has a chance.
And Tommy is wearing his hoodie because, well, he just misses him.
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kinley-cafe · 6 months ago
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Probie @daughterofscotland has been super busy with Buck and Tommy, trying to scrub the kitchen down and bake some Dark Chocolate Badge Bribe—I mean...Dark Chocolate Badge Berry Tarts. Just ordinary tarts shaped like LAFD badges, topped with raspberries, water droplet chili flakes, and Buck added a little powdered sugar for some extra sweetness. (we are not trying to bribe the health inspector!)
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Like to take, reblog to share!
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If you'd like to take a shift at the café, and help spread some positivity, you can volunteer here!
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setmeatopthepyre · 8 days ago
several sentence sunmonday / mystery monday
tagged by the effervescent @rcmclachlan, thank you friend! here's a little snippet of pothos | pathos
pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 | pt 5 | pt 6
Eddie swallows. “I can’t be away from my kid, Tommy.” He rubs a hand over his face. “Even if I don���t-- I don’t even know if he wants me there." It's a hard thing to say out loud. "And it means leaving everyone, my friends, my life here, behind. It’s… I just, it’s not my life if he’s not in it.” He glances over at his friend, sitting on a chair across from him, leaning in with a concerned look. “Sorry, it’s not like you, or Buck, or the 118 don’t mean anything to me, but…”
Tommy hums. “Storge.”
Eddie frowns, glances up. “What?”
Tommy gives a half-shrug as he straightens. “The ancient Greeks had different words for different types of love. There’s philia, the love between friends, but what you’re describing is storge, the natural love a parent feels for their child. It's something different. You can’t compare them.”
“Huh. Did you get that from Buck? That sounds like a Buck fact.”
Tommy huffs a laugh, tilts his head. “Probably.”
“Alright, smart guy. Educate me,” he says, grateful for the distraction. “Are there any other kinds?”
“Sure,” Tommy says, looking up in thought for a second or two. “Eros, of course--" Eddie drily echoes his of course, Tommy ignores him, "--That's the intimate kind, desire. The love for the beauty within a person." Then, as an afterthought, "Also the name of a god.”
“A god of love, huh?”
“One of them.”
“Sounds nice.”
“If it's requited, sure.” Tommy says, and Eddie glances over at him. He's staring down at the bottle between his palms.
“Any other kinds?” Eddie prompts, hoping to nudge him out of his mind a little.
“A few. Philautia, self-love.”
“Like…?” Eddie makes a jerk-off gesture, trying to keep a straight face, which pays off when Tommy laughs.
“Sure," he says. "I guess that would count.”
tag list for those who requested tags for this fic under the cut ↓
@fiyaerrigan @bisexualbrainrots @leashybebes @louuieferrignojr @rubydaiquiri @teabroomsandbooks @crimsonwildcat-blog @sweaters-and-silly @nochance-noway @manifestingchaoticvibes @hyperfocusthusly @frogsinflannel @beanarie @rcmclachlan @sad-girl-hours23 @ambernotember @apartmentsmoke @bidisasterevankinard @agentpeggycartering @eliotwaughdeservesbetter @daughterofscotland @chococara25 @jujuberry136 @alejaan91 @ferrigno
let me know if you wanna be added or removed!
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trombonechurchill · 23 days ago
Several Sentences Sunday
tagged by @cliophilyra and @leashybebes thank you~ <3
Chapter 3 of Watching the Credits is still kicking my ass but we persevere gang, I want to get this done so bad 🫠 In the mean time, things are getting a lil steamy
He loves this soft underbelly of Tommy on display. Wants to devour it. "There you are," Buck says, tangling his fingers with Tommy's and pulling him forward. Tommy's mouth is hot under Buck's lips as he presses them together, swallowing the small, surprised noise Tommy makes as it quickly shifts up into a groan. Buck feels like his whole body is burning, a flash over that finally ignited now that he finally, finally, has his hands back on Tommy. He can feel the solid weight of Tommy's palms where they've come up to press flat against Buck's waist, the only thing tethering him as Buck continues to bite and press into Tommy's mouth, something wild and heady unleashed at the contact between them. Tommy moans again, sound muffled around Buck's tongue, and shifts his grip. Buck has a moment to register how Tommy tenses before he's being lifted, legs automatically spreading and twining around Tommy's waist as he hefts Buck onto the tool bench behind them. He feels a surge of heat at the knowledge that Tommy could do that, lift Buck up and move him around. Buck hooks his ankles together behind Tommy's back, tugs him closer into the cradle of his hips as his hands tangle roughly into Tommy's hair, his collar. Closer, closer, closer. "For the record," Tommy pants, mouth hot and wet under the line of Buck's jaw, "I really did just invite you over for dinner." He punctuates the words with a scrape of teeth that has Buck shuddering. "Yeah yeah, good, I'm starving."
no pressure tagging @fake-mouthstatic, @queermccoy, @buckevantommy, @salty-autistic-writer, @daughterofscotland, and @aringofsalt if you guys have anything you wanna share
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tgmsunmontue · 1 month ago
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Positivity post... and a thank you.
I took this photo on a walk this other morning and intended to send it to a whole bunch of people in their Ask boxes, as a thank you for being amazing/friendly/wonderful/talented etc. And I started making a list of the people and it got above 10, then 20 and then 30, then 40.
I was like 😧 it will take me ALL WEEKEND to send everyone the personalised messages I want to send. So I am doing just one big shout out post.
🌻🌻🌻THANK YOU 🌻🌻🌻
Thank you to those who send me asks - thank you, I don't ignore them on purpose. I usually find them again weeks later and feel awful for forgetting about them. 🌻
Thank you to those of you who tag me in things - the fandom community needs this and it's lovely to see this slowly coming back. Never feel bad or hold back from tagging me - I might forget to do it, or the notification will get lost, but I appreciate it all regardless. 🌻
Thank you to those who engage with what to write weekend posts and send in requests. It helps keeps me focussed and on task - writing for others is always an added motivation. 🌻
Thank you to those who go on reading sprees, leaving a column of your username in my notifications. 🌻
Thank you for all the likes likes and reblogs and replies to posts on fics. 🌻
Thank you to those who go the extra mile and also then kudos and comment on AO3 when the fic is posted there. 🌻
Thank you for drawing fanart of my fics. It still blows me away that this is something that has even happened because HOLY SHIT. 🌻
Thank you for letting me take your ideas and turn them into long fics. 🌻
Thank you for making art and allowing people to base fics off it. 🌻
Thank you for letting me get to know some of you better and ramble at you at all hours of the day and night. 🌻
Thank you for supporting me as I got back into drawing after a 25+ year hiatus. Trying to learn something again that you used to be decent at is an entirely new level of frustration and your grace, humour and advice has been truly appreciated. 🌻
As I get older I try and remember to appreciate the smaller things in life and everything above is something that makes me smile and feel grateful. So thank you again. 🌻
Tagging the people who I was hoping to send a personalised message to this weekend. I hope this suffices instead. 🌻🌻🌻
@phisworld14 @redfurrycat @halestrom @catarina4057 @almostkeenchaos @nixie-deangel @archhis @starfata @tothepayne @celandinebergerac @erudite-raven-apollokid @crooked-jes @nimuetheseawitch @lunamazes @omletlove @mxrcusflint @philcoulson-redtapeninja @iprefervillains @k9effect @yeagrave @the-ace-with-spades @indybob @gwaihiril @beezelarts @themissingmango @jayjay-thejet-plane @bigspoonlttlespoon @film-in-my-soul @jakekazansky @xiaokuer-schmetterling @poetryandpickles @demichrising @sweetcherryflavour @daughterofscotland @flyingfightingfishy @jayjay-plus @karlmschwartz @lucyybradford @spookybibi @ultimate-shipper @dancinginlifeandpoetry @nevergettingoverit @thyknife @sleepy-hyperfixations @oneelleandaneye @needforspeed161 @torchflies @accio-lo-ki @queeredfortakeoff851 @stellarskyes @intrepidjourneys
(This isn't even an exhaustive list, but it was off the top of my head and I know I have yet to get to know some people as I slowly work my way through reading catalogues of people's fics.)
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