#data plans
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aditikhandelwal · 6 months ago
Achieving in financial instablity
So there have been a lot of opinions and discussions about the personal development and self improvement thing so we need to make sure for that we should have a financial stability, we should be so much hard working and so much passionate about your work that money could never be a issue
if you work hard automatically success comes with it and as you must be thinking that how are we going to do that so there are some measures which you can follow to achieve your goals and can generate some good income with it as ‘FINANCE’ is very important
so as you need to plan , set a budget, don't spend unnecessarily, refrain from debt, have an emergency fund, manage debt effectively, and invest in retirement as early and as often as possible. It is also important to invest in yourself.
there are some 5 measures which you can follow
1) Invest in yourself. Having further education, more knowledge, and required skills for work can support your career advancement.
2) Make money from what you like :- just know what you like the most you should know about yourself, know what are your interests are on , as if you have an interest in something then only you can make money out of it
3) Set saving and expense budgets:- you should started saving more and your expenses should be very limited as in terms of it should be only on the basic needs SAVE FOR THE BEST
4) Set emergency fund:- You never know when your interest get fluctuate , you never know when is your last day at the job , you should always keep a back up option with yourself, as at that time the emergency fund helps you alot and makes your struggle less difficult
5) Plan for retirement:- As after working so hard day and night you should be that much capable of that you do not be dependent on someone financially … Work so much , make some Fixed deposit in the bank or invest in some shares or in health insurance.
So this was for all
for today
seee you in the next blog
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roomthirtythree · 2 years ago
Please tell me where you're from in the tags!
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drake487sda · 2 months ago
Unlocking the Future: The Rise of EIOTCLUB in the SIM Card Industry for Security Cameras
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the importance of reliable connectivity cannot be overstated, especially for security cameras. One brand that is making waves in the SIM card industry is EIOTCLUB. Known for its innovative solutions, EIOTCLUB offers SIM cards specifically designed for security cameras, ensuring seamless communication and real-time monitoring.
These SIM cards are tailored to meet the unique demands of security systems. With robust data plans and widespread coverage, EIOTCLUB allows users to keep an eye on their properties from anywhere in the world. Whether it's a home security system or a business surveillance setup, having a dependable SIM card is crucial for maintaining safety and peace of mind.
Moreover, EIOTCLUB's commitment to customer satisfaction sets it apart from the competition. They provide excellent support and flexible options that cater to various needs and budgets. As the demand for smart security solutions continues to grow, EIOTCLUB is poised to lead the way, offering products that enhance security while keeping users connected.
In conclusion, if you are looking for a SIM card for your security camera, consider EIOTCLUB. Their dedication to quality and innovation makes them a top choice in the SIM card industry, ensuring that your security systems operate efficiently and effectively.
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some-film-stuff · 4 months ago
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airhubapp · 2 years ago
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Lap up your visit to FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP with AirHub eSIM!
With the women’s world cup around the corner, all football fans are highly anticipated about the match! Want to book tickets? Reach the venue on time? Give updates over instagram? Airhub is here to take care of every connectivity need! 
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Empowering women in Football! 
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The Women's FIFA World Cup 2023 goes way ahead of sports. It serves as a powerful platform for promoting feminism and empowering women in football. By amplifying women's voices and providing equal opportunities, the Women's FIFA World Cup 2023 plays a vital role in transforming the landscape of women's football and breaking down barriers. women in football over the years!  
Who is playing against who? 
Each team must submit a final 23-woman roster to FIFA by July 10, with the games starting on July 20 and culminating with the Aug. 18 final in Sydney 
Group A: New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Switzerland  Group B: Australia, Republic of Ireland, Nigeria, Canada  Group C: Spain, Costa Rica, Zambia, Japan  Group D: China, Denmark, England, Haiti  Group E: Netherlands, Portugal, United States, Vietnam  Group F: Brazil, France, Jamaica, Panama  Group G: Argentina, Italy, South Africa, Sweden  Group H: Colombia, Germany, Morocco, South Korea 
About AirHub! 
We understand the plight of travelers who often face an array of challenges when it comes to connectivity. about airhub! unreliable Wi-Fi availability to the cumbersome task of managing SIM cards, which are prone to being misplaced, not to mention the exorbitant roaming charges that can burn a hole in one's pocket. BUY YOUR COMPATIBLE ESIM NOW!! 
CONNECTIVITY ALL OVER THE WORLD: This ensures uninterrupted access to mobile data, allowing fans to stay updated with event information, purchase tickets online, and share their experiences on social media. best esim for austrailia! 
AFFORDABLE PRICES:  eSIMs offer the flexibility to choose from various local data plans, often at more affordable rates compared to roaming services. cheapest esim for New Zealand 
Mobility: eSIMs provide the freedom to switch between different mobile networks without being tied to a specific carrier. 
In case of any query contact AirHub via support@airhubapp.com. 
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egophiliac · 4 months ago
I have never been more concerned for a JP update from your art than I am seeing a Cheka knowing the context of Leona’s dream.
My bois ok right?????? My sweet nephews ok right??????
I'm sure the real one is fine :)
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 11 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 11 spoilers#unfortunately leona's ultimate happy dream did involve his entire family dying tragically. them's the breaks.#(for the record he is a little messed up about this) (he is a little messed up about a lot of stuff)#the context of cheka is that they were going to try to shock leona awake by having him show up#however while styx could provide them with a 3d model based on a bodyscan (which they had for...reasons??) they had no data on his behavior#so he was basically just a little frozen mannequin#(the sprite was not t-posing but in my heart this was happening)#ruggie could kind of pilot him with his magic but it only lasts for a few seconds so he had to keep recasting it with noticeable choppiness#so while we don't get the entire effect due to the limitations of the format#this means that leona was in the middle of let-them-eat-cake'ing a revolution when suddenly#his late nephew bursts jerkily in through the door yelling OJITAN I'M ALIVE AND MY VOICE CHANGED OFFSCREEN#honestly they spent more time thinking of how to explain ruggie's terrible impression of cheka than anything else#how could leona have seen through this brilliant plan so quickly 🤔#man i really did love his horrible dream though#i like him as a character but i wasn't expecting his dream to be the one that got to me like that#love how all the savana dreams were like#jack: what if leona was really cool and my friend :)#ruggie: what if my dad came back and leona created a socialist utopia for me :)#leona: what if i finally got the chance to prove myself except i screwed everything up and everyone hated me and my family was dead#his conversation with kifaji at the end 😭#kifaji in his dream in GENERAL acting as a counterpoint to his phantom like. like!!!! (waves hands)#i just. these guys.#me 4+ years ago: this game looks so dumb i gotta try it. surely i won't become emotionally overinvested in any of this.
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girls--complex · 6 months ago
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Blood Toy
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incognitopolls · 2 months ago
If you have a plan where after a certain limit, you can still use data but connection will be slowed down, select whatever that "break point" is.
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months ago
So I’m a real bone fide adult. I do all the things like get married, and pay bills, and buy cars but uh. In my adult life I’ve never paid a phone bill cause I’m just on a family plan with my parents and it’s never come up. We share a limited data pool and all try to be considerate. I’m usually on the very low end since I’m on WiFi most of the time.
I try to be moderate in my internet usage when off WiFi, but in a fit of desperation I did tether my new laptop to my phone to download some files. I was in a sweat of anxiety over it, imagining I was guzzling up the sweet sweet data and leaving my parents with a dry well.
I got a not unexpected text saying we’d used almost all our data the next day and I almost perished in embarrassment that I’d so greedily used our shared data.
Until my mom casually told me later that she and my dad had fully just sat and watched a movie on Netflix while waiting for some project to set. We they just switched providers so we all have 64GB to ourselves now.
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dreamerdrop · 28 days ago
do we think julian bashir ever fooled around with vic fontaine.
did felix expect that to happen.
is that why he made vic Like That, was he actually trying to make a semi sentient holographic boyfriend for his weird loser friend to try and help him through his depression arc because felix couldn’t visit the station himself for whatever reason and he decided the only way he could help the twink find joy again was to have a cheesy old man he could make out with whenever.
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rosto98 · 10 months ago
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got bored in class and drew @juaneloriginal 's narrator also wanted to share some fluff narrator plush photos
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eteisvalssi · 4 months ago
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went to get my notebook only stamped first, as you can see in the first picture. all i know is that bojan did the one on the bottom right and he was so proud of how perfect it was that he just had to show it to kris as well
then i went to get my jacket and accidentally smuggled in a leftover can of ananaslonkero and then had the absolute best idea with @thisismyobsessionnow and @korre to go give the can to the band and make them actually sign the notebook now that i had my pen back. so we did, jan immediately downed the ananaslonkero and i got autographs from everyone else except kris and more stamps!
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ronanlynchusurper · 2 months ago
what kind of level narcissist am I on to continuously be crushing on characters that I heavily relate to….
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ebenana · 1 year ago
You might get an email saying that your SIM card's plan has 25% or 10% data remaining. This is a great sign- it tells us that the family/person/journalist who received it is using it to the fullest!
If you haven't donated eSims to Gaza yet, this official link tells you exactly how to do so and walks you through the process. Check the top 3 eSIMs they're in need of using the link.
(EDITED TO AVOID MISINFO) I don't have the spoons to communicate this info in my own words so @seerya I hope you don't mind me just taping your ask to my post like its a bulletin board. (ID in ALT!)
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Keep Palestine in your thoughts and prayers, and keep helping as much as you can!
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airhubapp · 2 years ago
Excitement Builds as EURO CHAMPIONSHIP Under-21 Approaches 
 As the Euro Championship 2023 Under-21 draws closer, football fans around the world are eagerly anticipating the thrilling tournament that showcases the immense talent and potential of young players. This prestigious event not only highlights the future stars of European football but also pays homage to the rich history of the Euro Championship itself. 
A Glance at the History of Euro Championship: 
The Euro Championship has a storied past, with its origins dating back to 1958 when the inaugural edition took place in Hungary. It has served as a platform for nurturing young talents and providing them with invaluable experience on the international stage. 
Semi-Finalists and Team Players to Watch: 
The Euro Championship 2023 Under-21 promises to deliver an extraordinary display of football skills, as the four semi-finalists have proven their mettle throughout the competition. In the first semi-final, fans can anticipate a fierce battle between two powerhouse teams: ISRAEL AND ENGLAND. 
 The second semi-final promises no less excitement as SPAIN and UKRAINE play against each other  
Where to Buy Tickets: 
Football enthusiasts eager to witness the thrilling matches can secure their tickets for the Euro Championship 2023 Under-21 from the official tournament website.  BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!!!! 
Semi-Finals and Final Details: 
The first semi-final match between ISRAEL and ENGLAND will take place on 5 july, captivating fans with a display of skill, determination, and intense competition. The second semi-final, featuring SPAIN and UKRAINE, will be held on 8 July, promising another enthralling encounter on the road to the final. which will take place on the 8 july at Adjara bet arena Georgian. THE VENUES DECIDED ARE MAINLY ROMANIA AND GEORGIA  
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We understand the plight of travelers who often face an array of challenges when it comes to connectivity. about airhub! unreliable Wi-Fi availability to the cumbersome task of managing SIM cards, which are prone to being misplaced, not to mention the exorbitant roaming charges that can burn a hole in one's pocket. best esim offers!
Connectivity: This ensures uninterrupted access to mobile data, allowing fans to stay updated with event information, purchase tickets online, and share their experiences on social media. 
Cheaper prices:  eSIMs offer the flexibility to choose from various local data plans, often at more affordable rates compared to roaming services.  
Mobility: eSIMs provide the freedom to switch between different mobile networks without being tied to a specific carrier. cheapest esim for europe!
In case of any query contact AirHub via support@airhubapp.com. 
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the-kingshound · 1 year ago
You might already be aware of how I dislike the usual very clear bold/shy flirting options, but now I am curious.
How do you think your MC would flirt with someone like Arthur?
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