#data my chuchu
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fogdraws · 7 months ago
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Drunk Data was... Something-
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Yes I printed him out and yes he is behind my TV watching over me
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woltourney · 2 years ago
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Chuchu Chura (@spaceace144) v. Huge Beef (@isayoldbean)
Chuchu Chura:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Chuchu Chura (she/they)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Lalafell
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. PLD, WHM, RDM, DNC, and most importantly, FSH
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Adamantoise
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. This is Chuchu! She's a mute lala who became my reason for living when I started playing during covid. When I made her I want to make the least intimidating tank, so I made the smallest (yes she is min height), pinkest tank I could! She doesn't really have a lot of lore that I've come up with, but she's definitely lawful good, loves adventuring with her wolf pup, capybara, and Nigel her chocobo, and adores fishing.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. :^) *waves* *lalafell dances* *dotes* *giggles*
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. She's just brought me so much joy over the past few years and if someone else can get a little joy from seeing her in this tournament, then that's enough for me. Of course I hope she still does well! I've spent hours in gpose getting pictures of her to be my wallpapers, I've gotten commissions of her, I'm even trying to crochet an amigurumi of her. I just love her so much! Good luck, Chuchu!!!
Huge Beef:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Huge Beef, she/her
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Sea Wolf Roegadyn
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. WAR, MCH, NIN, RDM, AST, FSH (Note from submitter: CUL)
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal Malboro
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Beef was a fearsome pirate captain who was mortally wounded in an ambush and presumed dead. Hydaelyn intervened to ensure her survival, but the tremendous burst of aether she expended in doing so accidentally wiped Beef's brain completely clean and left her with total amnesia. With nothing but her axe and a talent for busting heads, she decided to set forth and become an adventurer. It turns out that it's a great way to get into fights without getting in trouble with the law, earn fame and money, and get the ladies swooning, so she couldn't be happier with her chosen line of work. In her free time she works on fishing boats, seeks out gourmet recipes, and works her charms on as many beautiful maidens as she can.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "What kind of question is that? Why WOULDN'T I win? Have you seen me?"
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. hi this is my wol she's a terrible person but she's incredibly sexy so it's fine i guess. also her name is huge beef. because she's huge and beefy. ok thank you for perceiving her
And now I'll ask for the final time...
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pencil-peach · 1 year ago
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 18
Yosh! Welcome to part 19 of my attempt to transcribe and discuss all the onscreen text that appears in G Witch, as well as talk about things I like episode by episode! We've reached episode 18, "Our Empty Selves."
Of course, if you're not ready to move forward, you can always return to Episode 17. << Here's Part 1 (PRE-DUEL) << Here's Part 2 (DUEL) Or you can run back to the Masterpost.
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Being on this journey with you all has been so much fun! Shall we begin?
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We open the episode on a shot of the Earth House MS Hangar. We can see that Aerial is, of course, missing, but we also see that Chuchu's Demi Trainer is still heavily damaged. Remember, at this point in the story, Earth House has seemingly completely run out of money for repairs.
Suletta and Ojelo are also attending a lecture on the use of Permet. Here's a transcription of what we hear of it:
"When Permet was discovered in minerals, its special information sharing properties became the basis for all these theories. Today, it's responsible for controlling and managing systems of every kind.
Suletta: Is it used in the monorail too?
"Yes. Permet links connect all the transit cars on campus to central dispatch. This prevents uneven data distribution..."
It's rather interesting how much the world of Ad Stella has come to rely on the use of Permet, despite its risks.
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The next scene sees Suletta passing a Mobile Suit Exercise exam. (Left) It's most likely the same class we see in Episode 4, considering it's on the same testing sector, and requires both a mechanic and spotter. The exercise is similar to the latter half of the Mine Detection exercise from Episode 4, only with moving targets instead of stationary ones.
A fun thing to note is that Nuno is her Mechanic, but Till is also there, presumably as the Spotter (Bottom Left). This is because back in Episode 4, Till was the first person to offer to help her with the makeup exam as her Spotter (Bottom Right).
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The scene with the Earth House students in the lunch room is also interesting. It doesn't directly parallel Season 1's lunchroom scene, (Left) but it's interesting to compare Chuchu's behavior in that scene versus her behavior in Season 2's lunchroom scene (Right)
She's the only Earth House member to appear in BOTH of them, and both scenes end with her confused about the actions of one of her friends. (In Season 1, it's why Nika just brushes off the harassment from the Spacian bullies, in Season 2 it's Suletta's cheerfulness in the face of Miorine abandoning her.)
She also doesn't say a word in Season 2's scene, whereas in S1 she's her usual abrasive, talkative self. I like that Chuchu can tell that something isn't right with what happened between Miorine and Suletta, but she just doesn't know what to do about it. It's not a problem she can punch a solution out of.
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Suletta also shows us more of her wishlist in this scene. Of the ones we see, all of them have been checked off, except Wish 21: "Celebrate a birthday party with friends."
Ah...sorry, Suletta... (Though, I wish we got to see Suletta and her friends go shopping too..)
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Episode 18's intro gives us our next two changes to the OP. Before Episode 18, in the scene where Guel stands up and walks away, he's still in his tattered work clothes, walking away from the camera in the camp on Earth (Right). But now, he stands up in his Asticassia uniform, and confidently strides towards the camera on the school campus (Left).
This also changes the Splash of him, Shaddiq, and 5lan at the end. Before (Bottom Right) Guel was standing in the far back, facing away from the camera, with Shaddiq and 5lan in front. But now, it's Guel who's in front, with 5lan and Shaddiq standing behind him (Bottom Left).
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In the scene where we get our first real look at the Schwarzette, Prospera states that she shared Gundam technology with Vim before Shin Sei was acquired by GUND-ARM.
If you'll remember back in Episode 3, (Right) Prospera gave Vim a flashdrive as thanks for his assistance with the witch trial. Considering that it looks like the exact same kind of flashdrive that she handed to Delling, the one that contained Aerial's Permet 6 data, it's not unreasonable to assume that this held the GUND Format Data that allowed Vim to continue work on the Schwarzette. (I guess that makes the Schwarzette and Aerial sisters?)
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The Haro Navigation System Ver 3.0 that Prospera is using is very cute. She's so goofy.
Anyway, something interesting to note about this scene is that this is the first time the track "Jeturk House" plays in the series after it's used in Guel's Introduction all the way back in Episode 1.
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-An MS-type GUND-Bit for use with a data storm network - Whether one machine or several, it can support the expansion of AERIAL's data storm. - The purpose of the GUNDNODE network is to automatically defend and support the AERIAL in the most optimal way, by responding the enemy attacks and sharing stored tactical information.
Our first look at the GUNDNODEs that are employed to defend Quiet Zero. An interesting thing about this scene is that when Godoy talks to Bel about it, he says, "Applying parallel distribution is your specialty. We'll continue to rely on you."
Based on the name, I assume that "Parallel Distribution" is in reference to permet based information, specifically, it's what allows a mobile suit/mobile suit pilot to control multiple instances, like GUND-bits, simultaneously and synchronously.
Regardless of what it means, I think it's really interesting how it seems like it's something Prospera can't do, or at least, do very well, which is why she flushed out and enlisted Bel to assist her with it.
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During Shaddiq and Prospera's meeting, he slides this file on the attack and recovery of the Ur and Thorn. From what I can make out it looks interesting, but the text is so GOD damn small I can barely put it together.
I definitely enjoy this scene between the two of them. At this point, Prospera is definitely onto the idea that Shaddiq might be in cohorts with the Dawn of Fold.
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The meeting is about Shaddiq enlisting her help in his bid for president, but she asks him about the failed recovery of the Ur and Thorn, hoping he'll take the bait.
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And he DOES. Think about his explanation here. "It seems they had built-in self-destruct protocols." The Ur and Thorn are basically carbon copies of the base Lfrith model with extra permet processors and weapons taped onto it. The original code is most likely barely changed, so if they had "self-destruct protocols," Prospera would KNOW that, because she was the one who WROTE the fucking thing.
She asks him why he wouldn't try to obtain one in a damaged state, and when he doesn't have a response, she doubles down, asserting that their recovery might "cause him some inconvenience."
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Look at the way she's sitting here. That confident ass smirk. She's got him dead to fucking rights, and now that she's ascertained Shaddiq's involvement with the DOF, we see in real time her heel turn.
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Earlier in the episode, before that talk, Prospera recommends Miorine promote the Schwarzette as a cooperation between GUND-ARM and Jeturk, because at this point, the presidential race is still a rather important facet in her plan. Quiet Zero is nearly fully complete, but she still needs to buy more time to locate and destroy the origin of the Lfrith models.
But after her talk with Shaddiq the goal has changed. As of now, the outcome of the presidential race means nothing. Now that she's linked Shaddiq to the DOF, she's most certainly had Godoy look into HIM, and discovered his connection to the Space Assembly League, and thus, Ochs Earth. And just like that, the origin of the models has been confirmed, and so they must be somewhere on Earth. Now the goal is to get to Earth as quickly as possible.
God I love her.
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There's a lot I really like about this scene, so I'm gonna talk for a bit
(Top Row) It's really sweet how Chuchu is accompanying Suletta here. She's really come to care for her, and is truly worried about her. I also really like how clear it is that Chuchu knows something about Miorine's abrupt change just doesn't add up. They've been friends for months now at this point. Something's wrong, but whatever it is is beyond her, so she's just confused.
(Middle Row) It's so horribly unendingly sad to me that Suletta believes that it's her fault. She says that SHE broke their promise, despite Miorine telling her TO HER FACE that she made her lose on purpose. Suletta has a bad habit of assuming that if something goes wrong, it must be her fault. She never ever lets herself assume anything other than the best of the people she loves. I'm glad Chuchu was there to tell her that that's wrong.
(Bottom Row) When Lauda walks up to make fun of Suletta and thank Chuchu, take careful notice of Felsi and Petra's faces as they walk beside him. Usually when those two follow the Jeturk brothers here, they join in on taunting Miorine or Suletta, but in this scene they're quiet, and are looking at Lauda with concern. Given the nature of the story at this point (and the fact that Petra eventually makes an effort to befriend Suletta) I don't think either of them particularly like that Lauda is being so needlessly caustic to her in this scene. (I like the Jeturk brothers but on god somebody should've beat his ass for this shit I'm so serious.)
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In this scene, Norea is sketching a dead bird and some dead moths. (From memory...??) Something also fun to note is that the pencil she's using is sharpened haphazardly, as if with a knife. She does have a knife, but considering she only ever attacks 5lan with the pencil, it would make sense if the Grassley girls confiscated it at some point.
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(Bottom Left) Grassley Defense Systems Acting CEO: SHADDIQ ZENELLI 81 SUPPORTER BREAKDOWN - Grassley Defense Systems: 43% - Peil Technologies: 36% - Other: 21%
(Right) GUND-ARM Inc. CEO: MIORINE REMBRAN 19 SUPPORTER BREAKDOWN - Delling's Base of Support: 88% - Other: 12%
As 5lan explains that he's not the original Elan, we get a shot of the current forecast for the Benerit Group Election.
We can see that Shaddiq is leading by a WIDE 62 point margin, having the backing of Peil behind him. We can also see that a majority of the non-main Benerit Companies are also supporting his campaign as well.
Miorine is far behind, her support mainly consisting of Delling's hard-liners. It's not looking too good!
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SN: P03-297E ELAN CERES PEIL: AP785-160AKS ID: P-E042-M
Verbal Ability: SS NON - Verbal Ability: SS Structural Grasping Ability: SS
Adaptability: S - Phase A: S - Phase B: SS
Performance: SS - Phase C: SS - Phase D: SS
Tolerance: SS - Phase E: SS - Phase F: S
MS Pilot Evaluation: C - Phase E: B - Phase F: D
Eval. TEST.//-RGT - A.S. 109 - TM006.590 - Approved Eval. TEST.//-DFT - A.S. 110 - TM006.580 - Approved Eval. TEST.//-GRT - A.S. 111 - TM006.490 - Approved Eval. TEST.//-TGT - A.S. 112 - TM006.690 - Approval Pending
We also see Elan Ceres' Peil Grade Evaluation. He's a true wunderkind, having recieved Top Grades in nearly every category, except for MS Pilot Evaluation, having a pretty abysmal rank in both phases of the test. That's why Peil needed to create backup pilots for him, he couldn't do it himself, even if he wouldn't be piloting a Gundam.
I'm not sure what the text at the very bottom means, but we see that they're dated from A.S. 109 - 112, which is interesting, considering that these dates are 10+ years before the start of the story.
Considering that we don't see any Peil employees in the Prologue, this means A.S. 109 might be the earliest date we can assume that Peil was operating.
Another interesting thing is that in the very bottom right of the screen, Kao - Lin AI.SYS - RST is written.
In real life, Kaolin is a clay material, most famously used in creating porcelain. But, although I can't directly prove it's an intentional reference, there's actually a Gundam character named Kao Lyn, a scientist and Gundam developer from Superior Gundam Defense Force. Which would definitely be an interesting pull for this scene, seeing as Superior Gundam Defense Force seems to be a generally lighthearted children's cartoon...
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When the Benerit Gang watches the All Front News Network Broadcast, there are 3 different headlines that appear over the footage.
TEXT (Left) WHY HAVE TENSIONS IN QUINHARBOR ESCALATED INTO WIDER MILITARY CONFLICT? Space front economy suffers new blow from anti-Spacian terrorism
(Middle) VIOLENT PROTESTS IN QUINHARBOR RECALL DARK MEMORIES OF DRONE WAR ERA Rising anti-Spacian terrorism risks interplanetary war
(Right) BENERIT SECURITY FORCES ANNOUNCE INTENSIFIED ANTI-RIOT ACTIONS IN QUINHARBOR Teenage casualties as Spacian security forces clash with anti-Spacian group
I think one of the most interesting things we see on the broadcast is a mention of a "Drone War Era" that (presumably) occurred at some point on Earth. We never hear anything about this specific era other than this headline, but it would explain a lot about the history of tension between Spacians and Earthians. Perhaps this Drone War was one of the wars Delling himself fought in.
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The next scene sees Lauda quietly walking through the halls of Jeturk House, passing by a conversation between some students about Guel. It's a short scene, but it's here where we see why Lauda said those hurtful things to Suletta earlier on in the episode.
After Guel ran away, Lauda took over as the defacto leader of Jeturk House, and then after the death of his father, became the CEO of Jeturk Heavy Machinery, and, in nicest possible terms, did not do a good job in either respect. That's not his fault per say, he wasn't prepared to take on either of those roles, but the fact remains that no matter how hard he tried, he failed miserably.
Then Guel returns, takes over for Lauda as CEO, defeats Suletta and reclaims his title as holder (remember that a majority of people do not know that the battle was rigged) and then leaves the school with Miorine to focus on reviving the company.
What Lauda is struggling with here is the realization that he needs Guel, but Guel does not necessarily need him. One of the things the students say is, "When you've got it, you've got it." and someone replies, "And you've got nothing, right?" Guel successfully did in one moment everything Lauda was struggling and failing to do for months while he was gone.
"Nobody needs you anymore, you empty Mercurian wench," is what he says to Suletta, but he only said that because deep down he's the same as her. Miorine may have abandoned Suletta, but in much the same way, Guel abandoned him.
It's not something they explicitly say, but remember that in many of Guel's duels in the show, (and presumably many of his duels before the show begins) Lauda was always watching and advising him. He's empty without him.
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When Feng confronts Bel, two different screens appear on her phone.
Authorization [...] 180-0977-5-25
[...] Loading and Unloading of...
The most interesting thing here is that Feng seemed to be going by a fake name during her investigation, that being "Anno Wong."
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The whole scene in the Counseling Room is really funny to me because if you think about it for a second all of the possible conclusions you can draw from it are great.
This is a fake counseling room, and Secelia purposefully set it up so she can listen to people's personal problems for...blackmail purposes???
This is a real counseling room, and the students of Asticassia are expected to seek therapy from...HAROs...? (Or specifically, the HARO is just something to speak to, and the therapist is sitting in the room behind the door.)
This is a real counseling room, and Secelia is an official student counselor at Asticassia, but is just fucking with Martin specifically because she thinks it's funny. (She DOES give him good advice in the end !)
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Some more fun things to point out in the next scene
I said it previously, but I really enjoy that Rajan heavily disapproves of Miorine's decision. (Left) He doesn't want this life for her!
Also, when I first watched the show, I kind of didn't understand Guel's shocked reaction to Captain Kenanji. (Right) It took me a couple of rewatches for it to finally click in my head!
Remember that originally, Guel was going to Asticassia in the hopes of eventually becoming the next "Ace Pilot of Dominicus." That title probably originally belonged to Kenanji in the past, what with him being the legendary pilot who defeated Vanadis' Gundams. (In Episode 12, one of the Dominicus workers says that he was, "an ace pilot.")
So Guel probably spent his whole life idolizing Kenanji, wanting to be an ace pilot like him, but also probably never met him in person. So he definitely wasn't expecting his childhood hero to be a goofy silly fat guy.
C'mon Guel don't be mean you JUST beat the misogyny allegations.
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There's a lot that could be said about Ericht's conversation with Suletta, but this post is already long enough, so I'll just talk about this one thing
In this scene, Eri uses "boku" (僕) as her personal pronoun (I/Me). Boku is traditionally an informal male pronoun, and when used by a female character in anime, it's usually meant to imply that they're a bit of a tomboy. (This is different from her appearance as a child in the prologue, where she doesn't actually use a personal pronoun. When she refers to herself, she just uses her name, "Eri," for the pronoun, which is a childlike thing to do.)
Following that line of logic, you'd probably assume Chuchu uses boku too, but she doesn't actually ! She uses "asshi" (あっし).
Asshi is an informal contraction of Watashi (私). It's an archaic term that was primarily used in the Edo period, and is said to have been primarily used by workers and craftsmen. Do you get it? She uses asshi because her family back on earth are Mobile Craftsmen.
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Prospera cares about Suletta, but she cares about Eri more. In her heart, the only way for her to be happy is for her to be free. She served her purpose.
Hooh! That's finally everything! This one was SUUUUPER long huh? Thank you for reading all the way through my rambling! Bet you didn't expect a history lesson on an ancient Japanese pronoun huh? Neither did I! (I had half a mind to make a list of all the personal pronouns the major characters use but I held back....)
As a parting gift, I guess I'll talk about onnneeee last thing
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I always wondered why Suletta wasn't created to be a perfect copy of Eri like the rest of the Children of the Coven, but I think I understand. If Suletta was a perfect copy of Eri, she would have shared Eri's inability to survive in space. The rest of the repli-children could be perfect clones because they didn't have to worry about having physical bodies, but in order for Suletta to survive, she needed to be augmented to have a stronger physical constitution. Prospera traded Suletta's immunity to the data storm to give her a stronger physical body.
Okay done for real now. Bye bye!
>> Click here to go to Episode 19 >> Click here to go to the Masterpost
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beeffilledshark · 2 years ago
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ALSO CHILDREN OF THE COVEN???????? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN LIKE I KNOW ITS WITCH THEMED BUT???? Jesus Christ I feel like I ran a fucking marathon I stopped breathing as soon as Suletta put her normal suit on. I know the point of this three episode arc is to isolate Suletta from everyone who would give her a direction or reason to do something so that she chooses to return to Miorine on her own, but what the FUCK is she going to pilot the Demi Barding? I thought that was going to be Chuchu when she finally has to fight on Earth or in the final battle.
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I don’t even know if I should hold out hope Suletta to reunite with Aerial. It’s approaching the endgame and the only way I can see this going wrong is if the Children of the Coven start fucking murdering people while they try to quell the riots on Earth. Alternatively, it all goes well and something catastrophic happens later on because of the Dawn Fold or Peil and Shaddiq and Suletta fucking pilots Schwarzette or something. FUCK SHE ACTUALLY SUFFERED A DATA STORM AERIAL SIMPLY CHOSE TO NOT AFFECT HER WHENEVER THEY INCREASED PERMET SCORES. SHE’S NOT LIKE ERI WHO COULD WITHSTAND IT SO I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. I still hope Eri turns out to be the Ad Stella Newtype/Innovator since they had that kind of liminal space whenever Eri interacted with someone, but it’s weird that no one else has emerged in the same way. Maybe Suletta will unlock it when she pilots the Schwarzette? I don’t know I’m just rambling at this point this episode makes me fucking sick oh my god. CHRIST IF PRIME ELAN TURNS OUT TO BE ONE OF THE MAIN VILLAINS IM GONNA TWIST HIS HEAD LIKE A GODDAMN BOTTLE CAP
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maguro13-2 · 3 days ago
*At Cyberspace*
[BGM : Primetime Kingdom by Yutaka Minobe]
Amate/Machu : So what's this New Girl stuff about eating a sausage?
Chuchu : Duh, I don't know, Did I?
Amate/Machu : Oh really, if that's really fish that social media is full of brainrot dofuses, then it'll be a pleasure to eat someone's eggplant and sausage for 50 bucks.
Chuchu : Why don't look for yourself. Maybe you can check in that Pixiv Fan artist's data.
Amate/Machu : Oh Really? Thank you very much, I'm gonna go check. *Walks off *
Amate/Machu : I hope this is what a picture of me eating a guy's sausage kinda feels like, but I won't be too shabby when those snot-nose perverts to think that I saw a picture of me eating a guy's sausage...?
Amate/Machu : *realizing* Hey, wait a second... That's not me eating a sausage!
*record scratch+MGS Exclamation Mark*
Amate/Machu : *Sonic EXE Scream+Rumbling*
*dash panel+shaking*
Chuchu : So how did it go?
Amate/Machu : What...What were you thinking? They...They did me dirty with your crappy fan art. What kind of picture of me who would want to eat a sausage that isn't sausage or an eggplant?!
Chuchu : Haha! It's called making NSFWs that's why you saw a picture of yourself wati wieners!
Amate/Machu : Haha! That's so less-funny and not cool! I'm calling my therapist.
Chuchu : Then why don't you just go to a local cathedral or a church to have yourself refresh, maybe that'll help you out. Hey, Computer Girl!
Lain : You called, Cotton Candy girl that isn't Kirby's friend?
Chuchu : Get this girl refresh her memory. I think she accidentally saw one of them NSFWs.
Lain : I'll go take care of it.
Amate/Machu : Whatever you do. Don't tell anyone, I'm just gonna have that memory removed where it never happened.
Lain : How about Adjusting your memories, personally? Hopefully, I can backup your data so that you won't have to see those horrifying images.
Amate/Machu : Oh thanks, computer girl. You such givable friend to computer users.
*alternate take*
Me : Let's see what happens when one of these fans makes Amate/Machu go Ero-Enzo style.
*Power Up*
Amate/Machu : Huh? What the-? My backside! My body! What did you to me?! I can't move!
Me : Now we all know what Rtenzo makes you look cool and hot. Having a massive or hyper peach makes your body look big like them meaty hot cakes in Rtenzo style?
Amate/Machu : Ey! I heard that! That's hyper not big! Who are you calling me hot cakes for what in Rtenzo style?! Everything's in proportions, sir!
Chuchu : Okay, I just got myself a couple of tickets for the big upcoming--What...the heck... happened to you? Why is your body like that? Are you in proportions or what?
Amate/Machu : Let's never ask that question. Everyone has a desires for a women's body and this what happens when you have body proportions like these in a fantasy! Who does that?!
Chuchu : Technically, that's basically in the internet's fault. I know now that Rtenzo style is know for having lewdness and of course, body proportions. That's the power of the internet for ya
Chuchu, also : Also it happens in fantasy.
Amate/Machu : Thanks for me understandong me that, friend. But I can't having like this for the show, besides. Surgery doesn't begin to cover it! Not my fault, and besides my body are not food jokes, those are lewd jokes, I feel never embarrassed when it comes to the internet. How am I going to take care of this before the show?
Chuchu : I know just the solution.
Amate/Machu : Thanks for helping my body, homie. I can't wait to feel slim and trim again! Totally feel good again. Now that I am here for this occasion, this looks like a good place for the body proportions treamtment with Rtenzo stuff.
Amate/Machu : But what facility is this, feels like all the other anime characters are totally naked with the weirdest things with Rtenzo style.
Chuchu : This is the Enzo Healthcare Center for Healthy Zenras with normal and hyper body proportions.
*MGS Exclamation Mark*
Amate/Machu : What?!
Chuchu : Don't worry, you'll be fine. Except the part that lewdness is kinda weird and not my cup of tea. Wish me luck pal, I'll come back to visit when you come back from the facility, in two weeks. I
Amate/Machu : Two weeks?
Chuchu : I mean, I'll come by to visit you one day for a bit.
Amate/Machu : That's great news to hear.
Chuchu : Tell, Shinji said that I say hello to you, as a friend. Letters!
*Dash Panel*
Amate/Machu : Yeah! Come back anytime soon for once a day. This is going to be a weird day for the new girl that this had weirdness of the human nature.
Yor Forger : Oi, you must be new here. I'm Yor Forger and this is the facility. Welcome!
Shinobu Kocho : Actually this facility is both a healthcare and a recreational facility for all of us Zenras, we're practically fine here till we have our normal propotions.
Amate/Machu : Well, everything's gonna be alright. I'll think I'll enjoy liking this place.
(iris out)
"bonus Epilogue"
Nyaan : So how long are we gonna have to wait for Nyaan to have her normal self after that messed up body propotions in Rtenzo.
Chuchu : Like I said everything worked out and no one is going to believe. I hope your homie is going to be fine in the facility. She's having some quality times of dealing with these weirdly proportions.
(pan to Amate naked on her bed)
Amate/Machu : Once again, I have the desired effect to make me look weird this time. Hopefully, I can't wait for the food to give me for this treamtment. I can live with this.
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marurumai · 10 months ago
finally unlocked the challenge shows for ena!!! i have theee 4★ of her so ive been wanting to unlock it since a long while ago. uh also in the place where i live electricity is supposed to go out today. that means no internet because i dont have mobile data. my parenst do not pay for my phone. they will soon i think. but not yet. waiting for our scape for survival to arrive, menawhile im going to be participating as much as i can in the re-tie:friendship event. also have you guys seen bandoris new event. the birthday parechu one. i want the ehole set. i pulled yesterday. i got two aglow 4★ stars. didnt recognize the ran one but tomoe was from that nurse themed set. i hate it. also ive decided im gonna make michaels design first. hes just a little guy. maybe alongside ctechno too because piglins yk. uhm thats it i think. prayers to get parechu set please i will cry otherwise. pink pareo pink pareo chuchu with little buns yay
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hesitationss · 2 years ago
okay i think this may be a smaller possibly overlooked thing that happened this past episode for g witch but is significant/foreshadowing to future social issues within the g witch universe. so spoilers ahead
first of all, SO MUCH happened that episode, we are getting more and more delicious political/insurgence build up. we got a little bit about earthian resistance and rebellion a while ago and got to see chu chu punch a bigot (i really feel for her, the heavy weight on earth student’s shoulders!) and this was a nice peak at the business class of space investors, what is the norm for business dealings, the types of galas that miorine, shaddiq, and guel have been going to their whole lives (was going to add elan too but his past is precarious)
even with all of that happening i wanted to take note of the moment with nika, when she is grabbing food and shaddiq approaches her. he express gratitude toward her in a way i can only describe as private humiliation? in public where she can’t lash out, not that she is the type of character to do so. but 100% it is a power play.
i am remembering the episode before when aerial was in need of upgrade to be able to duel the pharact, i think it was nika or maybe another earthian who offhandedly talked about how much it would cost them, that they would be eating scraps if suletta lost. tbh in my mind class and power narratives are always lingering in my mind, i thought that suletta was going to decided on asking for piel sponsorship for the earth house against elan… but she asked to get to know him instead lmfao (brainwashed by heterosexuality…) but nika pulled through and upgraded second hand technology which she never said where she sourced it from. i am guessing shaddiq is helping her out in exchange for data and other info on aerial, namely evidence of the GUND format. aside from suletta, my favourite characters so far have been nika, shaddiq, and chuchu. This episode kind confirmed that they had more going on and would be interesting players setting up some of the social-political context especially considering that we don’t have any adult earthians in play yet.
also i hope i don’t sound like i’m pulling this out of my ass lol, it’s hard to explain all the specific reading as i process each episode.
in terms of the three main branches, we know that elan is merely doing as he’s told and the stoic cold version that we’ve gotten to know he is no longer with us. he was once a person that was bioengineered to be able to pilot with the GUND format, we also know that he only had a limited number of times he could pilot before he became ‘obsolete’, and he had been lied to think that he would have his identity returned to him. basically he is a bioengineered NEWTYPE, whereas suletta “the witch who broke the curse” is a NEWTYPE all on her own (she has no clue, but this also got its seeds planted this episode!).
Guel, tho also driven by duty as a his father’s son, was someone who was very unfulfilled and unaware of his own failings and personhood. he was a headstrong entitled guy who was full of it because of his father and the importance if being the head pilot for his family and i’m guess he also heavily projected because of how his father is also an ambitious bully. When he develops a sense of personhood and moral compass via the talk w Suletta and gets a glimps of compassion and a loving family, you can see the lightbulb start to flicker in his head. when suletta beats him for the second time, while guel is dealing w his father’s disapproval and ultimately a rejection of trust and belief in him, suletta being her kind and friendly self expresses this warmth towards him and the flip instantly switches for him. it has actually been very nice to see him slowly loose his harshness that was definitely a social/emotional barrier and also funny seeing him dealing w a crush at the same time that he is trying to break the toxic cycle.
SHADDIQ however doesn’t have that same inner turmoil. he understands duty and responsibility like the other two, but unlike elan and guel, he knows who he is and he doesn’t need to prove himself. he has a father who “trusts” him, he regularly attends business meetings doing work too, and he is able to moderate and his father relays important info including him in discussions. we still don’t know the details of the house/family, we know that despite his laid back personality, he is responsible and perceptive. he is more like a protege than son. that is why i think that out of the three branches, he and the grassley house are possibly the most dangerous yet. we know that piel house had also had being the holder as one of their goals and “breaking the curse” was why elan existed. i am really invested in finiding out what grassley house is after and who shaddiq is beyond his well put together image. the grassley approach seems to be a social manipulation game and it will be interesting to see how shaddiq will put that to play and how poor suletta will be targeted. we keep getting all these small hints that nothing is ever as it seems. I am also in deep anticipation and dread for when shaddiq and nika interact again. it seems as though nika is this kind earnest girl who has also been places in a role of responsibility for the Earthian house. It is the kind of dread know that worse things will happen before the actions are brought to the forefront. I’m also remembering that shaddiq is seen as a ladies man lmao the other earth ppl were prob like ‘he’s flirting as usual’. idk if i mis-read that scene, but it was definitely him exerting some power over her. We already know that the Earth house struggles!! gosh i am really excited to see those two characters explored more!!
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emo-eyemakeup-evildude · 3 years ago
Astor is presumably a chordate and mammal so I propose that an Astor’s internal structure would be similar to a frog or rat, though obviously much larger as estimates range from approximately 5 to 7 feet (1.5 to 2 meters) in height. Unfortunately, most specimens are too badly damaged by Malice to have well defined internal structures. As soon as I find a recently dead specimen with minimal damage I will dissect and document my findings posthaste and submit my findings to the Astor Museum.
Although with the data currently available we cannot rule out the possibility that the species has no complex internal organs and is made up entirely of Malice, similar to a chuchu but much more complex as he has additional sensory organs as well as limbs and the ability to walk upright and talk. His defense mechanism appears similar to those of elemental chuchus. If he is indeed a more developed species of chuchu I ask that my colleagues share with me all the literature they have on chuchu evolution so we may begin drafting phylogenetic trees on Astor’s relationship to other species of chuchu and potential common ancestors.
A reclassification of the species Astor astor may change the way we look at all species native to Hyrule.
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randomfuturetone · 3 years ago
- "Doctor, doctor, is mommy going to be okay?"
- "I'm sorry, kid, I need to talk with an adult, is there anyone of your family that we can talk to?"
- "Mommy is all I have... Mommy is going to be okay, right?"
- "Little one..."
- "This is child care government services, what can we do for you, doctor?"
- "I have an emergency case, there's a child in the waiting room  waiting for her mother, but well... I don't know how to tell her."
- "We are sorry for that, but that's not a reason to call us.”
- "There 's more... The girl has lost her only family, and apparently when their left the house a candle caused a fire..."
- "Poor child... Then we need to care about it immediately..."
- "I'm really, really sorry, but there's something more... About her mother's sickness..."
"My Treasure"
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- "It's been 5 years since I gained consciousness at this point." Lunny says.
- "In this moment you are older than me... But you are my daughter... I don't understand." Bunny says
- "Your daughter... Yes Rehtomama Bunny... I am your daughter."
- "Tell me... About your world."
- "It is your world too, technically. It is unclear in how many years from now it will happen, but in a distant future the social media known as 'Meta', meaning; Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and the Nasa..."
- "Hold on hold on, did you just said Nasa??!" Says bunny shocked
- "Yeah, the space thing-"
- "Zuckerberg doesn't own Nasa."
- "Uhmm, not yet I guess, but it will happen in the future.”
- "Holy sh-"
- "Hey mom, are you listening?"
- "Yes, I'm sorry.”
- "Like I was saying, 'Meta' was renamed and replaced by a new AI called 'Nova', which dominated absolutely everything in the digital world. However, normality didn't last, Facebook, Instagram and basically everything ended up being only one thing.”
- "Instagram... Does that mean that the screenshot community..."
- "Yes mom... I'm sorry, but someday it will happen.”
Bunny frowns, remembering a lot of other accounts that already left.
- "I wonder how many will make it to that point..." She says.
- "Things get worse... Because there was abnormalities in Nova, it is said that some kind of virus attacked it, and made it corrupt. The content left from the social media was constantly mixed up into weird entities and bots, they chase the pure content left through the digital world in order to become one with Nova.”
- "It is really hard to understand... Things constantly mix up?"
- "If there's two different elements in the internet, Nova and their bots try to turn it into just one.”
- "That... Sounds like..." says Bunny, looking at Lunny.
- "Ah, you found out so soon... Yes I am, I'm the remaining data of you and Chuchu. That's why you are my mothers.”
Bunny doubts for a second about Lunny, her story is too fantastical for her, after a minute thinking, Bunny finally speaks.
- "But you are not evil.”
- "I was saved and convinced to join the rebellion, with my friend Misha.  Sadly, she..." Lunny frowns.
- "I'm sorry for that, Lunny..."
- "She died in the rebellion. In her last moment, she said 'there's still good in her' and I am still trying to understand what she meant.”
- "Did she say something else?"
- "Nothing, but our phrase when our comrades leave: 'Everything will be one.’"
Bunny is perplexed, for some reason, she is now convinced by Lunny's words
- "Everything will be one... I guess the passing of the years has deleted a few words from the phrase.”
Lunny looks confused.
- "Then what about this girl, Astra?" Bunny asks.
- "That girl! You see, in the future we need to consume certain specific data in order to keep being conscious about ourselves and not obeying the words of Nova. Astra constantly steals our data storage and such!"
- "Are you here chasing her?"
- "Kinda... I'm here to stop my future to happen, but I know that is kinda impossible... Still, Astra came here claiming that she will fix the future. She stole a treasure from the rebellion in order to do it.”
- "Treasure..."
- "Our sacred databooks says that there's two special clocks hidden in the digital world, clocks with the capacity of traveling time; it is also said that they turn into mysterious blue creatures with no hands.”
- "That makes it sound like a epic legend but actually you would be really disappointed about the 'blue creatures' part.” says Bunny, almost laughing.
- "So you know them???"
- "Yeah.”
- "I have one." says Lunny taking out a clock.
- "Ohh... Hey, are you a Shiteyanyo?" Bunny says to the clock, nothing happens.
- "Mom are you sure..."
- "Creature with no hands huuuh, are you a creature with no hands?" says Bunny to the clock.
- "Creature with no hands! That's the correct way to spell it, jeez the legends are really poorly redacted! Blue creatures my ass! Well, I have no ass either, but these tentacles make the work!" The clock turns into a pink creature with tentacles.
- "Are you takako? I think I heard about you.”  Bunny says.
- "Takoko, takoko! And yes, is me! I've been sleeping for millions of years!"
- "So Natassha really hid you in this world after creating you?"
- "Yes!" Says takoko
- "And I thought I had seen everything..." Lunny said.
Days before "Wanted d3ad or alive"
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- "...Mono... I'm sorry for asking you to do this, but the fifth angel must end the story." says Unnatural disguised as Bunny.
- "You want me to do terrible things. Put all of you on jail. Kidnap the fifth angel. Force Tomo to create horrific technology to control people." Mono says.
- "You don't understand Mono, we have suffered enough... Besides... There's a terrible truth the other girls don't know..."
- "What are you talking about?" Mono says, confused.
- "If I trust you with this secret, you will do what I want, I beg you. You can't tell anyone." Unnatural says
- "Tell me..."
- "When [missing data] returned from the [missing data], [missing data]... an alternate [missing data]... [missing data] didn't dealt with it, so she [missing data] [missing data], it was just... Terrible" Unnatural Burts into tears "Please Mono... Do it..."
- - - - - - - - - - -
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kurosukii · 3 years ago
yes yes, someone from my uni did (rumors???) hhhh they say he was an engineering graduate, but the services from the uni acc are there even after youre not a student anymore (that's how it is for my uni) tho it is not allowed to be used for non-educational purposes (whether or not ur still a student of that uni). i think it's smthn to do with the uni's contracts with those involved companies? i know that this is specifically part of the agreement between our uni & photoshop but it could be different for others. anywayyyy, so he used his acc to access the discounted software he got during his undergrad days, and made some stuff on there to sell to his clients and the uni got hold of it because of the data tracker thing,,,,im not sure if he got penalized or smthn but the school warned us about it happening to us when they were giving info about the benefits of the uni acc chuchu
dang ..... capitalism at its finest 🤚😀 i dont hear anything from my uni naman, basta free siya tapos HAJFNDKSM canva lang naman talaga habol ko CHARENG .
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fogdraws · 7 months ago
The human equation.
He's much more than just a machine.
Individual versions and coments below the cut;
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This one was fun to make !! I really liked doing the lightning, but editing that video was a pain in the ass (I know it's literally just two photos passing by, but my edition skills are not the best).
First I planned to make him all machinery and gears inside - which, still, is a superior idea (at least to me) to what I ended up doing - but who would guess drawing them was so dificcult?? It just didn't look right !!! So heart it is.
I do think this painting is my favourite one of my chuchu 'till now.
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woltourney · 2 years ago
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Kasha Sho (@r04ch-ships) v. Chuchu Chura (@spaceace144)
Kasha Sho:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Kasha Sho, They/She (trans queen)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Au’Ra Raen
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Gunbreaker + Monk
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal Malboro <3
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. I want to preface this by saying I made Kasha’s lore before I knew about the Yda/Lyse thing. Im not retconning because Kasha is better than her anyways 🙄 /hj Kasha was raised in Doma on a small farm! She had a younger brother and an older sister, her older sisters name was Kasha and she was killed by an unknown group. My wol then took their sisters name and fled to Eorzea on a refugee boat. She landed in Ul’dah and started from there! Kasha is VERY aggressive, mean, and insulting. She does not know basic manners and will speak her mind freely. Eats with their hands and also eats ANYTHING… Kasha doesnt like being the WoL, but continues this role because if she wont then who will? They’re very loud and boisterous and confident. Will fight anyone and everyone. She has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most countries. She doesnt know how to read and is an overall idiot but shes doing her best leave that little guy alone Shes also 6ft tall and buff as SHIT
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I WILL WIN because Im the best fighter out here and I will CRUSH THE BONES OF MY- this isn’t an actual fight? … Um 😶 I would TOTALLY win a real fight. Just so you know.
Chuchu Chura:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Chuchu Chura (she/they)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Lalafell
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. PLD, WHM, RDM, DNC, and most importantly, FSH
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Adamantoise
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. This is Chuchu! She's a mute lala who became my reason for living when I started playing during covid. When I made her I want to make the least intimidating tank, so I made the smallest (yes she is min height), pinkest tank I could! She doesn't really have a lot of lore that I've come up with, but she's definitely lawful good, loves adventuring with her wolf pup, capybara, and Nigel her chocobo, and adores fishing.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. :^) *waves* *lalafell dances* *dotes* *giggles*
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. She's just brought me so much joy over the past few years and if someone else can get a little joy from seeing her in this tournament, then that's enough for me. Of course I hope she still does well! I've spent hours in gpose getting pictures of her to be my wallpapers, I've gotten commissions of her, I'm even trying to crochet an amigurumi of her. I just love her so much! Good luck, Chuchu!!!
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masokistangadventurer · 7 years ago
Research chenelyn
Minsan talaga hindi ko alam kung paano ako napunta sa grupo na kinabibilangan ko ngayon. Kasi una palang naman fucked up na talaga kaya yung isa ‘sana’ namin na kasama e lumipat na kung saan makakagaan siya. Kaya eto ngayon.. Feel ko minsan sobrang walang pag-asa nalang ng grupo namin pero narerealize ko na, “why would I give up, kaya niyo rin makipagsabayan sa iba”. Oo walang ni isa samin yung academic awardee or honorable mention , yung iba pa parang patapon yung tingin samin pero ewan ko. Staying on this group is a leap of faith kasi I risk my grades, my dignity (woah syempre pag reporting ganon).. Basta, napaka laking step up nito saakin as a person and student. Yung tipong dati nanghihingi lang ako ng gagawin doon sa leader ngayon ako na nagiiniciate kung sino gagawa nito at niyan. Minsan nga kahit ako nalang e. Like Wtf, wala akong ibang aasahan kung di sarili ko at alam ko yung iba ko rin kagrupo saakin lang din naasa. Of course, kung walang tatayo para saamin, paano na kami?
 Napakalaking tulong din nung teacher namin (Shout out to ms. Alvarez) na alam kong iniintindi kami sa bawat paperworks na pinapasa at sa reportings namin. Ramdam na ramdam ko na nagtitiwala siya samin and very approachable niya when it comes to our quiries. Which is mali sa inaakala ko noon na mamaliitin niya kami (ganorn). Kaya rin siguro ako nagstay, kasi alam ko na kahit papaano may nagtitiwala pa saamin, sa grupo namin.
Ayon, as of now nakapag data gathering na kami para sa pilot testing namin tas ano namang yung ang final chuchu nalang tas siguro defense na. I know it’s another long road to take pero kakayanin, graduating e. Yun lang ciao. 
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techizoblog · 5 years ago
Download Mp3: [Lyrics] Olamide – “Pawon”
Download Mp3: [Lyrics] Olamide – “Pawon”
Download Mp3: [Lyrics] Olamide – “Pawon” || Naijasong.com.ng
[Lyrics] Olamide – “Pawon”
Olamide – “Pawon Lyrics”
[Intro] Cracker cracker craker!!!! Sound!!!!
Chorus Ewele, ewele happen kile’pon, to tobi to yi Ogaju, o n dami lorun, Oleju, o yimi lori. All my sexy ladies, pawon, pawon, pawon, All my sexy mamas, pawon, pawon, pawon Jojo pawon, juju pawon, chuchu Pawon Titi pawon,…
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mvmkidsvideo1-blog · 6 years ago
Yes Yes Wake Up Song | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Yes Yes Wake Up Song | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
#bigzvideo #kidssongs #films #FairyTales  #kidsvideos #bigzvideoforkids #FunnyCartoonsForChildren
Its time for Infant Taku to wake up! Sing together with Mother, Father, ChuChu &amp ChaCha!Lyrics:Wake Up, Wake UpWake Up, Wake Up, Wake Up, My Expensive!The chirping Of Birds Is Wonderful To Listen to!Seem At Your Kittens &amp Perform With Cheer!It really is Time To Wake Up, Oh! My Expensive!No,…
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fucking-nachos · 7 years ago
An all in one collection of educational ABC activities and games, including the well-known alphabet tune in a vivid interactive and high quality production. The extra effort required to grasp the sounds by way of song is properly worth the effort because it varieties a strong basis to improve youngsters's reading expertise. From the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg' to Mary Had a Little Lamb', The Wheels On The Bus', Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', Row Row Row Your Boat' and extra, Hoopla Children has a great number of animations for little kids. PS: An alternative ABC program, with a visually extra appealing normal notation output, is ABCedit (). Our ChuChu TELEVISION characters will train youngsters their favorite nursery rhymes, colors, shapes, numbers and so on and more importantly good human values which we feel is very important for the following technology champions. KidzSing Backyard of Music: Nursery Rhymes - Discover a nursery rhyme, for fun or vacation tune and sing along.
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By singing these nursery rhymes, your youngsters won't only be capable of follow Mandarin Chinese language, but they will even really feel pleased with what they are able to accomplish with their new Chinese language skills. Songs and Nursery Rhymes Assist Kids Develop Early Sounds (PDF) - A handout that teaches kids in regards to the importance of nursery rhymes in early speech improvement. Lullabies are some of the most popular types of nursery rhyme which are sometimes sung to get infants to sleep or simply to calm them down for quiet time. Popular Nursery Rhymes - Read and have a look at the photographs of these wacky rhymes and songs. Close Watch Studying Animals Prepare Songs For Children and Learn Animals Cartoons For Youngsters And Kids. The primary purpose of this text is to current the music for numerous Nursery Rhymes, to be able to play or sing them to your kids or maybe teach your children to play them when they're somewhat older.
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