#data Scientist jobs in india
edystcareer · 2 years
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Join Now! Data Science Internship: Real Estate Price Prediction Data Science Internship: Diabetes Prediction Data Science Internship: TV Sales Prediction These are all the documents you will get apart from skills and knowledge by completing any of the above internship:
Internship joining letter (as soon as you join the internship).
Internship evaluation report as per AICTE approved guidelines (as soon as you finish the internship).
Internship experience letter (as soon as you finish the internship).
Click the link above to find out more about the Edyst Data Science Internship Program.
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thiswonderfulcosmos · 2 years
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Last time I was here, I had no idea what to do with life. I still don’t, to be honest, but I have something to my name at least.
Back then I was trying to make my place in academia from a place of inexperience. Funny what a difference a year can make!
Anyways, I never did go for that PhD. I tried, lord knows I did! But I ended up here, a cog in the corporate machine. At least the pay is great and the work is interesting.
Here’s to adulting I guess?
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accordconsultants · 1 year
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reasonsforhope · 6 days
Masterpost: Reasons I firmly believe we will beat climate change
Posts are in reverse chronological order (by post date, not article date), mostly taken from my "climate change tag," which I went through all the way back to the literal beginning of my blog. Will update periodically.
Especially big deal articles/posts are in bold.
Big picture:
Mature trees offer hope in world of rising emissions (x)
Spying from space: How satellites can help identify and rein in a potent climate pollutant (x)
Good news: Tiny urban green spaces can cool cities and save lives (x)
Conservation and economic development go hand in hand, more often than expected (x)
The exponential growth of solar power will change the world (x)
Sun Machines: Solar, an energy that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge (x)
Wealthy nations finally deliver promised climate aid, as calls for more equitable funding for poor countries grow (x)
For Earth Day 2024, experts are spreading optimism – not doom. Here's why. (x)
Opinion: I’m a Climate Scientist. I’m Not Screaming Into the Void Anymore. (x)
The World’s Forests Are Doing Much Better Than We Think (x)
‘Staggering’ green growth gives hope for 1.5C, says global energy chief (x)
Beyond Catastrophe: A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View (x)
Young Forests Capture Carbon Quicker than Previously Thought (x)
Yes, climate change can be beaten by 2050. Here's how. (x)
Soil improvements could keep planet within 1.5C heating target, research shows (x)
The global treaty to save the ozone layer has also slowed Arctic ice melt (x)
The doomers are wrong about humanity’s future — and its past (x)
Scientists Find Methane is Actually Offsetting 30% of its Own Heating Effect on Planet (x)
Are debt-for-climate swaps finally taking off? (x)
High seas treaty: historic deal to protect international waters finally reached at UN (x)
How Could Positive ‘Tipping Points’ Accelerate Climate Action? (x)
Specific examples:
Environmental Campaigners Celebrate As Labour Ends Tory Ban On New Onshore Wind Projects (x)
Private firms are driving a revolution in solar power in Africa (x)
How the small Pacific island nation of Vanuatu drastically cut plastic pollution (x)
Rewilding sites have seen 400% increase in jobs since 2008, research finds [Scotland] (x)
The American Climate Corps take flight, with most jobs based in the West (x)
Waste Heat Generated from Electronics to Warm Finnish City in Winter Thanks to Groundbreaking Thermal Energy Project (x)
Climate protection is now a human right — and lawsuits will follow [European Union] (x)
A new EU ecocide law ‘marks the end of impunity for environmental criminals’ (x)
Solar hits a renewable energy milestone not seen since WWII [United States] (x)
These are the climate grannies. They’ll do whatever it takes to protect their grandchildren. [United States and Native American Nations] (x)
Century of Tree Planting Stalls the Warming Effects in the Eastern United States, Says Study (x)
Chart: Wind and solar are closing in on fossil fuels in the EU (x)
UK use of gas and coal for electricity at lowest since 1957, figures show (x)
Countries That Generate 100% Renewable Energy Electricity (x)
Indigenous advocacy leads to largest dam removal project in US history [United States and Native American Nations] (x)
India’s clean energy transition is rapidly underway, benefiting the entire world (x)
China is set to shatter its wind and solar target five years early, new report finds (x)
‘Game changing’: spate of US lawsuits calls big oil to account for climate crisis (x)
Largest-ever data set collection shows how coral reefs can survive climate change (x)
The Biggest Climate Bill of Your Life - But What Does It DO? [United States] (x)
Good Climate News: Headline Roundup April 1st through April 15th, 2023 (x)
How agroforestry can restore degraded lands and provide income in the Amazon (x) [Brazil]
Loss of Climate-Crucial Mangrove Forests Has Slowed to Near-Negligable Amount Worldwide, Report Hails (x)
Agroecology schools help communities restore degraded land in Guatemala (x)
Climate adaptation:
Solar-powered generators pull clean drinking water 'from thin air,' aiding communities in need: 'It transforms lives' (x)
‘Sponge’ Cities Combat Urban Flooding by Letting Nature Do the Work [China] (x)
Indian Engineers Tackle Water Shortages with Star Wars Tech in Kerala (x)
A green roof or rooftop solar? You can combine them in a biosolar roof — boosting both biodiversity and power output (x)
Global death tolls from natural disasters have actually plummeted over the last century (x)
Los Angeles Just Proved How Spongy a City Can Be (x)
This city turns sewage into drinking water in 24 hours. The concept is catching on [Namibia] (x)
Plants teach their offspring how to adapt to climate change, scientists find (x)
Resurrecting Climate-Resilient Rice in India (x)
Other Masterposts:
Going carbon negative and how we're going to fix global heating (x)
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equinixindia · 2 years
Equinix Looking for Data Scientist | Understand Roles & Responsibilities
Equinix is looking for smart product manager with a passion for data and analytics and a desire to build products that help in getting data insights and help in decision making. Data Scientist should engage with cross functional business and IT to understand requirements, analyze, design, and help build solution, Ability to analyze complex requirements, Deep knowledge on cross functional data, Build dashboard prototype etc. Read the job requirements in detail and apply.
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curioscurio · 20 days
[Short Story]
80 Percent
One day, we developed the technology to completely map out and visualize every single living creature and object in the ocean. The machine had been running for a few years and received an extraordinary amount of funding from scientific organizations around the world.
When it finishes its job, the results are to be instantly shared around the world.
On the final day of the countdown, everyone started getting giddy with excitement and curiosity while waiting for the results.
"This is really magnificent. Who knows what incredible forms of life we're going to find?" An intern in New Zealand bounced with nervous energy and smiled.
"I hope it's hiding epic and delicious sea monsters, like in hollywood movies!" A lighthearted seafood chef in Spain jokes.
"There could be a sponge out there with the cure to cancer!" A sick child in America coughs out to their nurse.
Oil and fishing industries everywhere were hosting company parties; celebrating the new abundance of supply to support the crushing weight of demand.
A salaryman in Hong Kong playfully groans. "Anything but the same old boring fish we see all the time. I'd love to see something like a never-before seen creature with octopus-like intelligence!"
"It's nice to know that, despite all of mankind's careless neglect of the ocean, there's still an abundance of nature still untouched by humanities pollution." An environmental activist in India comments.
Deep in the middle of the Atlantic, a scientific research boat sits filled with passionate marine biologists.
Someone hastily bought a cake to celebrate the hard work everyone had put into the project over the years. The team didn't know what kind of discoveries they'd run into, so it was decided that a baby shower themed cake would have to do. On the top, in blue frosting, was written: "Congratulations! It's a____!"
Presumably, the blank was to be filled in once the data from the machine was compiled.
The machine beeps once, echoing throughout the research vessel, and everyone races to the screen as fast as their legs will take them.
They read the results.
No one says anything.
"That can't be right. Someone go and reset the device and run it again." The head scientist sighs, confident that they had run into an error.
Another twenty minutes go by.
The machine beeps once.
The updated model is largely the same as the previous one.
"...maybe it's not done loading." Someone shatters the silence, and the crowd of scientists flinch, but no one dares take their sights off the screen. Nobody breathes. It's the same outcome on the third try, as well.
The visual simulation on the computer screen shows a complex 3D model of all the life in the entire ocean.
There are whales gliding between continents, sharks feasting on squids, and squids feasting on sharks. Gorgeous and intelligent octopus that can change the color of their skin at will. A pod of humpback whales could be seen off the coast of Antarctica. All of the diverse and colorful life living in the ocean swim before their eyes in a transparent globe of digital seawater.
It looks just like a modern map of the ocean as we know it.
"I don't understand. It looks exactly the same." Someone whispers.
"Exactly. Humankind has only been able to explore around 20 percent of the entire ocean on planet Earth." The head scientist gulps, eyes still hooked to the glassy screen.
"So," someone's voice begins to waver. "You're saying that the other 80 percent..."
No one answers. No one blinks.
"It's... empty. It's not detecting any life signs that we haven't already discovered. It's empty." Someone says.
Someone thinks about pollution.
Someone thinks about shark fin soup.
Someone thinks about the stock market.
Someone thinks about a pet store; shelves lined with dozens of fish that float upside-down and belly up at the top of their tanks.
"... we're all that's left." Someone says.
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octuscle · 1 year
Could I take DEL 2 suitcase?
Actually, you don't know what you would have expected…. What do you associate with India? Spices? Colorful robes? The gold treasure of a maharajah? You certainly didn't expect a suitcase that heavy. And full of strange boxes and ampoules. All labeled in a language you don't understand at all. What on earth are these letters?
Disappointed, you put the suitcase in the corner. No treasure of gold. So you have to try honest work again. But first you should finish your MBA. Otherwise your parents will cut you off.
While zapping through the TV program, you get stuck on a Bollywood tearjerker in the evening. Hey, you recognize those letters. They are also on the contents of your suitcase. And in fact, after a while, you find the tearjerker not so bad. Some of the actors look really hot.
You fell asleep in front of the TV. When you wake up in the middle of the night, the news from Delhi is on. The morning is already over there. It's getting close to noon. Drowsy, you listen to see if anything is going on. But only the usual reports of government crises and floods. What is wrong with this country. You fall into your bed and fall asleep immediately.
Your alarm clock rings at 06:00. You have to work a bit before going to university. You work in the first level support of a software manufacturer. Annoying customer inquiries. But well paid. And if you're lucky, you'll be hired after graduation. Although, as a Data Scientist you will always find a job. As long as you have your bachelor's degree.
On campus, you'll be drawn outside during your lunch break. The others avoid the heat. But 32 degrees Celsius is not heat for you. You're used to something else. You do a few pull-ups on the horizontal bar. It's time for a proper workout. Tonight you really have to go to the gym.
When you finally get home, you remember the suitcase. Some of the things are not quite legal here. But if you want to reach your goals, you need support. You pick out a protein shake. And take one of the L-carnitine ampoules. Why didn't you clear out the suitcase yesterday? You sort everything neatly into the cupboard and prepare your nutritional supplements for the next day. And you go to bed.
You get up at 3:00 am. Damn the time difference. But as the head of your startup, you have to attend one or the other online meeting in Noida. You hide your long hair, which you are so proud of, under a cap. When the call is over, you go to the gym for an hour. And after that, your hair is washed and groomed. But right after sleeping you can't show it to the public.
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Good workout! Now you can show the losers in the lecture hall that they know nothing about data science. They may make fun of your Indian accent. But you are the youngest lecturer the faculty has had. And the only one who teaches in a tank top.
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I read a lot of science fiction novels, especially near-future hard-ish sci fi about first contact. It’s one of my favorite genres.
It also absolutely underlines for me why scientific inquiry MUST be a team effort. The authors will, if they’re doing their job well, present a bunch of scientific evidence connected to a new phenomenon. Perhaps the MC will do a few rounds of different experiments, and then come to a conclusion at the end. Or sometimes they’ll experiment, theorize, experiment, theorize, experiment, theorize, etc. Sometimes they’ll even explain in detail why some logical conclusion actually isn’t correct (suck it nerdboys I’m ahead of you*).
I’m a social scientist, a linguist with a background in gender studies and cultural studies who works as a second language instructor. I have a pretty good grasp of the scientific concepts these books like to play with, but they aren’t my specialty. So when they are doing these experiments, I am coming to *different conclusions* and wanting them to *conduct different experiments*. “Your evidence could be explained by these three other models!” I scream in the group discord. “Your conclusions aren’t fully supported, you need to do more tests!” “Not only are your postulates Terracentric, they’re Anglocentric! There are other cultures on our own damn planet that exhibit this ‘unexplainable alien behavior’!!!”
And that’s a perfectly valid plot point for a lone scientist, that their myopic view is narrowing what they can see of the world and therefore limiting the scope of the data they collect and causing them to draw questionable conclusions. The problem is that the authors tend to then have them be correct about everything they theorized. They did the science and now we’re done and we can move on to the plot. Meanwhile I’m either bitching “an anthropologist and an ecologist would have wildly different takes on this???” Or (looking at you, Arrival), “why is a fucking translator of a previously-studied language doing this work at all? Why don’t we have a rogue formalist syntactician who studies signed languages? Or a fieldworker doing documentation and description in South India, Papua New Guinea, or the Amazon River Basin? Or all of them in a room together?”
This is one of the reasons that I enjoy Brandon Sanderson novels so much, I think. Sure, every single one of them has the same plot twist: “your [physical/magical/political/interpersonal/historical/cosmological] model of the world is wrong, the truth is _____.” But that definitely fulfills my itch for theoretical models of the world to actually work like models instead of laws. Contemporary descriptions of the world may match the results of experiments, but that doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily correct in their totality. Time To Orbit: Unknown by @derinthescarletpescatarian is also pretty good at having the characters come to conclusions with limited data and then facing the consequences of that.
This isn’t a full thought, just something that occurs to me frequently when reading new sci-fi. Put your scientists in teams so they can think of different questions and supply different answers. So that I don’t have to yell at the MCs all alone.
*Andy Weir in Project Hail Mary came across as particularly defensive in his scientific explanations, but never about the things that I was questioning.
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vivekavicky12 · 10 months
The Dynamic Scope of Data Science Careers in India
Data Science is reshaping industries worldwide, and India stands as a thriving hub for professionals in this field. In this blog, we'll explore the burgeoning scope of data science in India, outlining the numerous opportunities it presents for career growth and industry impact. Data Science has emerged as a dynamic and high-demand field, with India becoming a significant hub for professionals in this domain. Choosing the best Data Science Institute can further accelerate your journey into this thriving industry.
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1. Job Opportunities:
India's job market is witnessing an increasing demand for data science professionals across various sectors. From IT to healthcare, companies are actively seeking individuals adept at deciphering patterns within vast datasets. This demand translates into abundant job opportunities for those skilled in data science.
2. Educational Landscape:
India's educational institutions and online platforms have swiftly adapted to the rising demand for data science skills. Offering diverse courses and degree programs, these resources cater to individuals at different career stages, ensuring a steady supply of skilled professionals to meet industry needs.
3. Industry Integration:
Data-driven decision-making processes are no longer a trend in India but a fundamental shift in how businesses operate. Enterprises, from startups to established giants, are integrating data science into their operations, recognizing its value in strategic decision-making and problem-solving.
4. Government Initiatives:
The Indian government, through initiatives like "Digital India," is actively promoting data science skills. Skill development programs align education with industry needs, preparing a workforce equipped for the data-centric future.
5. Diverse Applications:
Data science applications in India are diverse, spanning e-commerce, healthcare, agriculture, and more. Professionals contribute to predicting market trends, optimizing healthcare processes, and improving outcomes in various sectors.
6. Competitive Salaries:
The surge in demand has led to competitive salaries and perks for data science professionals in India. This trend not only attracts experienced individuals but also encourages students and early-career professionals to pursue a career in data science.
7. Global Contribution:
Indian data scientists contribute globally, showcasing the skills nurtured in India on the international stage. This not only enhances the reputation of Indian professionals but also fosters collaboration on a global scale.
8. Continuous Innovation:
Data science professionals in India engage in cutting-edge projects, contribute to research, and stay at the forefront of technological advancements. The dynamic nature of the field ensures a culture of continuous learning and innovation.
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In conclusion, the scope of data science in India is expansive, offering opportunities for professionals at all levels. Whether you're a seasoned expert or new to the field, India's dynamic data science landscape promises a wealth of opportunities for those ready to embrace the future of analytics and insights. As India continues to ride the data wave, professionals in data science are poised for a future of boundless opportunities. As the demand for skilled professionals in these domains grows, the relevance of quality education becomes paramount. Choosing the best Data Science courses in Chennai is a crucial step in acquiring the necessary expertise for a successful career in the evolving landscape of data science.
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r-prakash · 11 months
What Does It Take to Be a Successful Data Scientist in India?
So, you want to dive into the exciting world of Data Science in India? Well, grab your thinking cap and get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the data jungle! Here's the lowdown on what it takes to succeed:
1. Get Your Math Game On: First things first, you need to be buddies with math and stats. It's like the secret handshake of the data club.
2. Learning is a Lifestyle: Data Science is like that ever-changing friend who always has something new up their sleeve. So, be prepared to be a lifelong learner. Online courses are your BFFs.
3. Code Like a Pro: Learn Python and R – they're like the cool tools in your data toolbox. You'll use them to cook up amazing data dishes.
4. Sherlock Holmes Mode: Develop a superpower for problem-solving. You'll be the Sherlock Holmes of data mysteries.
5. Dive into a Domain: Choose a domain – like finance, healthcare, or e-commerce – that tickles your fancy. It's like picking your favorite ice cream flavor in the world of data.
6. Picasso of Data: Learn to paint pretty pictures with data. Tools like Tableau or Power BI will help you create data masterpieces that everyone can understand.
7. Pet Projects: Get your hands dirty with personal data projects. It's like gardening but with data. Showcase your green thumb in a portfolio.
8. Make Data Friends: Network with data nerds. Attend meetups, conferences, or just chat with fellow enthusiasts. You might find your data soulmate.
9. Mu Sigma Magic: Mu Sigma is like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory of Decision Science. They offer golden tickets to data lovers. Check out job openings at Mu Sigma and see if it's your golden ticket.
10. Soft Skills: Your charm matters too! You need to explain data stuff to folks who don't speak binary. Communication and teamwork are your secret weapons.
11. Be a Chameleon: The data world changes faster than a chameleon's colors. Be ready to adapt and embrace new challenges and tech like a pro.
In India, the data science scene is sizzling hot! There are plenty of juicy job opportunities, whether you're fresh out of college or a seasoned pro. So, gear up because it's time to rock the data world and make some sense out of the chaos, one byte at a time!
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edystcareer · 2 years
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What is the Future of Data Science in the Coming Years?
Data science is the latest IT, data management, and analytics trend. It involves the use of data to solve business problems. Data science uses mathematics and statistics to analyze data and predict future events. In addition, it's a crucial part of many recent developments in fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, biometrics, and even blockchain technology. Read more by clicking in link.
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risebird3 · 1 year
RiseBird: Transforming Technical Hiring with Video Interview Service.
A groundbreaking solution has been developed in Bangalore, the epicenter of India's tech boom, to handle one of the most urgent problems facing businesses today: finding top-tier tech talent. Risebird, a Bengaluru-based video interview platform, is used by businesses for their tech jobs.Ready to revolutionize the way requirements are handled. Risebird is ushering in a new era of efficiency and effectiveness in the hiring process with an exclusive combination of "Hire Technical Interviewer" services and a pioneering "Interview-as-a-Service" platform that enables on-demand interviewing.
Hire Technical Interviewer Services:
Risebird's ability to provide highly qualified and specialized technical interviewers is one of the company's key selling points. Finding and evaluating the appropriate technical expertise can be a difficult task in today's tough job market. Risebird is aware of this difficulty and has built a pool of skilled technical interviewers who excel at assessing applicants from diverse backgrounds.
Whether you're looking for engineers, data scientists, software developers, or cybersecurity specialists, Risebird's technical interviewers are knowledgeable about the specifics of each position. They add sector-specific experience to your recruitment process, guaranteeing a thorough and accurate assessment of candidates. Not only does this free up valuable time for your internal teams, it also significantly increases the efficiency of the technical appointments you hire.
Interview-as-a-Service (IaaS):
“Interview-as-a-Service” offered by Risebird is revolutionizing the talent acquisition industry. Both recruiters and potential candidates can benefit from the intuitive and user-friendly experience provided by this state-of-the-art platform. Modern video technology is used to provide remote interviews that are just as intimate as in-person interviews.
Here's how it works: Recruiters can schedule interviews with candidates, who can choose from a variety of formats and role-specific interview questions. The Risebird platform manages all the details, including scheduling interviews and managing the recording and replay of videos. This not only streamlines the process, but also frees up recruiters to focus on what really matters – evaluating candidates' qualifications and potential.
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On-demand Interview Services:
Risebird provides the flexibility that the current job market demands through its on-demand interviewing services. Risebird has you covered whether you need to fill a critical position immediately, have had an unexpected increase in hiring demands, or simply want to maintain a steady flow of talent. You can conduct interviews on your schedule and at the push of a button, avoiding hassles and ensuring a steady stream of qualified applicants.
The RiseBird Advantage:
Risebird offers an exclusive blend of know-how, cutting-edge technology and unique convenience features, ready to improve the effectiveness and success of your recruitment process. Here are some reasons why companies looking for technical skills prefer Risebird
Quality Control: By ensuring that only the most qualified applicants advance through your hiring process, our skilled interviewers reduce the chance of costly hiring errors.
Cost-Effective: Risebird's Interview-as-a-Service reduces your recruitment costs by removing the need for substantial travel and resource allocation.
Time Efficiency: Say goodbye to time-consuming logistics and scheduling hassles. The employment process is streamlined by Risebird, enabling you to make quick, data-driven decisions.
Global Reach: Risebird's platform makes it easy to conduct interviews with applicants from around the world, giving you access to a talent pool that isn't bound by location.
Flexible Scaling: Adjust the size of your recruitment initiative as needed to guarantee that you always have the best talent for your projects.
In conclusion,Risebird, a Bangalore-based video interview platform, offers a full range of services that is revolutionizing the way businesses approach tech hiring. Risebird gives companies the tools they need to empower strong technical teams more quickly and with better assurance. These tools include technical interviewer services, interviewing as a service, and on-demand interviewing capabilities. If you're ready to take your technical recruiting process to new heights, Risebird is your trusted partner on this journey.
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accordconsultants · 1 year
Recruitment trend in 2024? What will be more job opportunities in 2024?
The world of work is continually evolving, and as we enter the year 2024, recruitment trends are expected to undergo significant changes. Rapid advancements in technology, shifting economic landscapes, and societal transformations will shape the job market, influencing the types of roles and skills in high demand. In this article, we will explore the emerging job opportunities in 2024, providing insights into the industries and professions that are expected to flourish.
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Technology and Artificial Intelligence
Technology has been a driving force behind job market transformations for decades, and in 2024, this trend will continue at an accelerated pace. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation will play an increasingly vital role in various sectors, resulting in both job displacements and the creation of new roles.
a. Data Scientists and Analysts: With the vast amounts of data generated daily, companies will seek skilled professionals who can analyze and derive valuable insights from this information. Data scientists and analysts will remain in high demand, supporting businesses in making informed decisions and driving innovation.
b. AI Engineers and Developers: As AI applications become more sophisticated, organizations will need skilled AI engineers and developers to design, build, and maintain AI-powered systems and applications.
c. Cybersecurity Experts: With the rise in technological advancements, cybersecurity will become a top priority for businesses. Demand for cybersecurity experts will soar to protect organizations from evolving cyber threats.
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Healthcare and Wellness
The healthcare industry will experience a surge in job opportunities, fueled by an aging population, increased focus on wellness, and advancements in medical technologies.
a. Healthcare Professionals: Doctors, nurses, and healthcare administrators will continue to be in demand to cater to the growing healthcare needs of an aging population.
b. Telehealth Experts: The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth services. In 2024, the demand for telehealth experts, such as telemedicine doctors and virtual healthcare assistants, will continue to rise.
c. Mental Health Specialists: As mental health awareness grows, the demand for mental health specialists, including therapists, counselors, and psychologists, will increase significantly.
Renewable Energy and Sustainability
The world's heightened awareness of climate change and the need for sustainable practices will lead to a surge in job opportunities in the renewable energy and sustainability sectors.
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a. Renewable Energy Engineers: As countries transition towards cleaner energy sources, there will be a significant demand for renewable energy engineers to design, develop, and implement sustainable energy solutions.
b. Environmental Scientists: With a greater emphasis on sustainability and conservation, environmental scientists will be needed to study and implement eco-friendly practices across industries.
c. Green Construction Specialists: Sustainable building practices will gain traction, creating a demand for green construction specialists who can design and construct environmentally friendly structures.
E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
The growth of e-commerce and online businesses is projected to continue in 2024, resulting in job opportunities in the digital marketing and e-commerce sectors.
a. E-commerce Specialists: As more businesses transition to online platforms, there will be a demand for e-commerce specialists who can manage online stores, customer service, and logistics.
b. Digital Marketing Experts: With increased competition in the digital space, companies will need skilled digital marketing experts to create effective online marketing campaigns and strategies.
c. Social Media Managers: Social media's influence on business success will persist, leading to a demand for social media managers who can build and maintain a strong online presence.
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Creative Industries
The creative industries will continue to thrive in 2024, driven by the need for unique content and user experiences.
a. Content Creators: Content marketing will remain a powerful tool for businesses, requiring a diverse range of content creators, including writers, videographers, and graphic designers.
b. User Experience (UX) Designers: In the digital age, providing seamless and enjoyable user experiences is crucial. UX designers will be sought after to enhance the usability and appeal of websites and applications.
c. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Specialists: The entertainment and gaming industries will create opportunities for VR and AR specialists to develop immersive experiences.
The job market in 2024 will be shaped by technology, sustainability, and changing consumer behavior. As industries adapt to emerging trends, job opportunities will arise in sectors such as technology, healthcare, renewable energy, e-commerce, and the creative industries. Aspiring professionals should equip themselves with relevant skills and stay updated on industry trends to capitalize on the growing job opportunities. Additionally, continuous learning and adaptability will be essential to navigate the dynamic job market in the years ahead.
Read more, Tell Me About Yourself at a Job Interview
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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Victoria Holt
Biographical information
Full Name: Victoria Holt
Alias(es): Nerium Nightshade
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Status: Deceased
Age: 60 (season 1)
Birth: 1953
Race: Human
Cause of Death: Electrocution
Nationality: Dutch
Origin: Holland, Netherlands
India (formerly)
Holland, Netherlands (formerly)
Profession(s): Scientist
Switch Laboratories
Height: 5'4" Age: 60 (season 1) Weight: 137lbs Eyes: blue Blood: A+
Hailing from the Netherlands, Victoria Holt was the owner of Switch Laboratories. She had strawberry-blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. She wore a simple red dress, an orange lab coat, and a DNA pattern scarf.
Victoria was the victim of A Shock to the Team.
She used to own Switch Laboratories, a lab that, on the surface, was working to cure diseases. But behind the scenes, they were creating custom poisons to kill people. Victoria and Gustave were the only ones aware of SL's true intentions; the rest of the employees thought they were doing good work.
But unknown to Gustave, Victoria worked for SOMBRA, who also funded her operations. SOMBRA was using Victoria's poisons to "weed out the weak" but killing their enemies. Because Victoria's poisons were so unique, it would appear like people died of natural causes, such as a heart attack or stroke. She also sold her poisons privately on the black market, and no one traced these murders back to Victoria.
But Nathan eventually discovered Victoria's devious plans. He learned the truth while autopsying one of the volunteer test subjects. After realizing that Project Elysium was killing people on purpose instead of saving them, he contacted his grandfather, the Director of U.N.I.T at the time. With the agency's help, they destroyed the lab and research, arresting many of the employees.
But Victoria fled with SOMBRA's help and vowed revenge on Nathan for his betrayal. She couldn't believe after everything she did for him; he would stab her in the back. She gave him his sight, helped with his education, gave him a job at her lab, and that was how he repaid her?!
She stayed a free woman for many years as she evaded U.N.I.T. Victoria tried to recreate her work, but without the data, she couldn't do it. And then she realized that Nathan would be the key to helping her. He helped U.N.I.T. confiscate her work and was sure he would have remembered the formulas and know how to recreate them.
So, Victoria contacted Gustave, who was now out of prison, and the two tracked Nathan down to Grimsborough. They also found other old employees of SL, but no one wanted anything to do with them. But the two were persistent and tried to restart their work in a secret lab hidden underneath an abandoned iPear store Gustave owned.
Victoria even went as far as to threaten Nathan's son Avi. The coroner agreed to go with her to the lab so that she wouldn't hurt the boy, but once there, he attacked Victoria, knocking her out. He tried to destroy the work inside but found no files, so he fled before she woke up.
But Nathan knocking Victoria out would make it easier for Gustave to murder her. Gustave was angry when he saw that Victoria had failed to get Nathan back. He knew he could get the coroner to cooperate with the right incentives, and if she were going to be useless, he wouldn't risk her ruining his chances at a better life.
Gustave strapped Victoria to a chair and hooked up jumper cables to it and the shop's electric panel. With a flick of a switch, he turned on the shop's sign and electrocuted Victoria in the process. He left her burnt corpse inside and began formulating a plan to escape Grimsborough, taking Nathan with him.
Story Information
First appeared: A Shock to the Team
The name of the case she was a victim in, A Shock to the Team, is a reference to the pilot episode (A Shock to the System) from the cartoon Static Shock
The SOMBRA connection was a change I made after I edited my first story, The Case of The Criminal, in 2021
She sold her custom poisons on the black market under the disguise of Nerium Nightshade
She wore a mask when making sales; the most common ones looked like skulls
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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mariacallous · 2 years
When my friend Lakshminarayana Ganti, an operations management and cybersecurity specialist from India, texted me this year to let me know that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had “lost” the $1,225 check his lawyer had submitted as payment for processing his green card application, I wasn’t especially shocked. Such incompetence is commonplace in U.S. immigration bureaucracy, and most immigrants to the United States have experienced or heard of similar treatment.
The resulting delay though meant that his eligibility for a green card lapsed—the official term is “retrogressed”—and he could now be looking at another year or more before he can reapply. He has already been waiting nearly 10 years. Travel outside the country is severely restricted for green card applicants; he will miss the overseas wedding next February of his nephew, his only close relative currently living in the United States. Both he and his employer, a data management company in Washington, will face thousands of dollars in additional legal expenses to renew his work permit and refile applications.
Ganti has a great deal of company these days. At the end of 2021, there were 1.4 million immigrants on temporary visas working in the country and waiting for the U.S. government to issue them green cards that will finally give them permanent residence and a path to citizenship. David Bier, an immigration expert at the Cato Institute, calculates that the backlog is now so long that more than 200,000 eligible people could die without ever receiving their green card. Some 90,000 children of people in the backlog will “age out”—turning 21 years old without the permanent status in the United States that they would have gained if a parent had received a green card, at which point they must either leave the country, marry a U.S. citizen, or remain as an unauthorized immigrant. More than 80 percent of those caught in the backlog are from India.
The story about the costs and dysfunction of the United States’ ridiculous immigration system has and should be told—again and again. The United States is relying on its engineering and science talent to stay ahead of China in what has become an existential struggle to lead in the industries of the future, from artificial intelligence to green energy to bioengineering. At U.S. universities, international students make up 74 percent of graduate electrical engineering students, 72 percent of computer and information science students, and half or more students in pharmaceutical sciences, mathematics, and statistics. Foreign students who settled in the United States now head flagship high-technology companies, including Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna, and Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang. The obstacles thrown up by the immigration system are a growing economic and national security risk to the United States.
The short version of how the current immigration debacle unfolded is that due to partisan differences between Republicans and Democrats over immigration—which are deeper today than ever before—the U.S. Congress has not revised immigration quotas since 1965, when the U.S. population was almost 140 million people smaller. Nor has Congress revisited the rules for highly educated immigrants since 1990—which was before the U.S. information technology sector created millions of new jobs in technical fields that have attracted so many immigrant scientists and engineers. Reforming immigration has been difficult enough. But with the Republicans—who have become an openly anti-immigrant party under the influence of former U.S. President Donald Trump—likely to retake at least the House of Representatives in next month’s midterm elections, prospects for reform will be even dimmer over the next two years.
These antiquated laws impose arbitrary caps on the number of green cards that can be issued each year to nationals of any single country, which hits populous countries the hardest. Under the 1965 law, no more than 7 percent of the 140,000 employment-based green cards issued each year can be given to citizens of any one country. The backlog depends on demand, and a surge in applications can push back waiting times. Currently, the U.S. government is only processing employment-based green card applications for Indians with at least a bachelor’s degree—known as the EB-2 category—if they filed their application before April 1, 2012. Ganti’s “priority date” is July 25, 2013; if the Department of Homeland Security had not lost his application check, then he would have had his green card before the date retrogressed.
There is also a more personal story about the Kafkaesque horrors of the way the United States mistreats its immigrants—those, to be clear, who are following all the rules and behaving exactly as the U.S. government has asked them to. Most come initially as foreign students, and from the first day they arrive, they are expected to navigate a bureaucratic system of almost unimaginable complexity, with the penalty for even one small mistake potentially being the loss of their education, jobs, families, and friends—as well as their removal to a country they left years or even decades before. Immigrants awaiting green cards are forced to make personal decisions about which jobs to take, whether to buy property, and whether to marry—always with a nagging dread that the U.S. government could rip it all apart in an instant. Leaving an unpleasant or underpaid job is difficult because they risk losing their spot in the coveted green card queue. What the government does to immigrants is immensely cruel to people who want nothing more than to build good lives in the United States and are following the rules to do so.
In many ways, immigration to the United States has become an elaborate scheme of bait and switch. U.S. universities are only too happy to receive large tuition checks from foreign students, who often come from wealthy families or are otherwise ineligible for financial aid. U.S. companies are happy to hire them on temporary work visas, of which the most common is the H-1B visa for university graduates. But having invited them in, the government then makes it impossible for many to live any semblance of a normal life. As Rajika Bhandari, an Indian American social scientist, puts it in her recent book America Calling: A Foreign Student in a Country of Possibility: “Too often, when international students choose to stay, they face a downward spiral into a deep, dark abyss of rules, visas, delays, fear, and worst of all, a crippling uncertainty about their future.”
Indian students are well aware of the risks, Today, more are heading to Canada than to the United States—even though the former has around one-tenth the population of the latter—largely because they see a more realistic path to successful permanent residence and citizenship. The loss will be felt more acutely with the continued decline of Chinese students at U.S. schools; amid growing U.S.-China tensions and China’s zero-COVID restrictions, student visa applications from China fell by more than 50 percent during the first half of this year compared to pre-pandemic levels.
I came to know Ganti the first time the U.S. immigration bureaucracy tried to rip away his life. He came to the United States as an engineering student in 1996, when the green card wait was several years at most. He was encouraged by his father, who taught electrical engineering for many years at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, and he won a scholarship to attend Purdue University in Indiana. Ganti went on to earn his MBA from Babson College in Boston and was hired in 2006 as a quantitative analyst by a financial company.
He had reached out to me early in 2009 because of my writing on issues of immigration and national security. Some 16 months earlier, he had traveled back to India to visit his family. Expecting that his work visa would be routinely renewed for him to return to his job in Boston, he instead got caught up in the often arbitrary and lengthy scrutiny that faced unlucky visa applicants for many years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He waited month after month without any word from the U.S. State Department on when his visa might be issued. In all, he was trapped back in New Delhi for more than two years and lost his job in the United States. When he finally got a new job offer to return and applied for a new visa, he ended up caught in a second lengthy review. In neither case did the U.S. government explain the rationale for the delays.
I testified about his case and others to Congress in 2011; his visa was finally approved shortly after, and he was able to move to Washington. We became friends. He came to dinner at my home and watched our kids in school musicals. I met his parents and his nephew. We have visited many times since.
Ganti is a good and trusted citizen, if the word “citizen” has any meaning. But with the exception of the two years he was stuck back in India, he has now lived in the United States legally for 26 years without the slightest assurance that he will be permitted to stay, and he still risks being locked out again for arbitrary reasons if he travels abroad.
There is little legal recourse for those caught in situations like Ganti’s. Immigration lawyers have been filing a record number of so-called mandamus cases—three times the number of just two years ago. These are a type of legal action that can force the government to speed up the processing of work permits and travel authorizations. In addition to statutory waiting times, DHS often takes many months or longer to handle routine document requests, and the delays became much worse in the wake of COVID-19-related shutdowns. But processing delays are not the biggest issue. Indeed, under the Biden administration, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (the DHS agency that processes claims), has made some significant progress. This year, it has issued some 280,000 green cards, double the normal number, using provisions that allowed the agency to “recapture” green cards that were not issued in 2021, largely because of pandemic shutdowns.
The bigger problem remains the outdated quota restrictions imposed by Congress. In the latest of many efforts at a partial remedy, House Democrats included in their version of the CHIPS and Science Act provisions that would have created exemptions from annual green card limits for foreign nationals with a doctorate in science or technology as well as for those with a master’s degree in “critical” industries like semiconductors, where U.S. need for highly skilled workers is growing. But the measure was blocked by 89-year-old Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, a longtime opponent of the entire H-1B program who is up for reelection in November. Other legislative initiatives have also been blocked by Republicans, continuing two decades of failure to reform any significant aspects of U.S. immigration law.
Immigrants like Ganti will keep coming, though in significantly smaller numbers in recent years, because of the hope and opportunities still offered by the United States. But unless something dramatic changes in U.S. immigration law—which seems less likely now than ever—they, too, will be betrayed by the country they have chosen.
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