#dash hund???
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cryptids · 2 years ago
going a bit crazy about the polls I keep seeing that are like “how do you pronounce [word in a foreign language]?” and ALL of the options are wrong bc none of them include the way it’s pronounced in it’s original language??? 😭
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schnaf · 3 months ago
i just heard an american pronounce dachshund and
sorry but you don't get any rights anymore
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crystaltoa · 6 months ago
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So, I realised something the other day, and thought I’d do a linguistics poll about it. I’ll tell you what my hypothesis was afterwards.
I’m not looking to see if you know which one is the most correct, it’s about how you specifically would typically say this word.
If you feel comfortable doing so, I’d appreciate people tagging what they say and what country they live in.
…I would also like to apologise to all Germans in advance. You’ll see why soon.
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 months ago
German speakers on the dash: what sounds better?
Schrei 'Chaos!' und lass die Hunde des Krieges los!
Ruft zur Vernichtung, Lass die Kriegshunde los!
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kitchenaidmixer02 · 6 months ago
I just found out dachshund is pronounced dahks-hund I’ve been saying dash-hund my whole life I’m actually. I’m going to perish
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enekorre · 2 years ago
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cottoncandyswirl828 · 7 months ago
Okay, can someone please tell me why Dachshund is pronounced "doxen"? Like, how does that make sense? It looks like it should be pronounced "dash hund" or "dack shunned", frankly I thought it was pronounced "dash hound" because that was the closest thing that sounded like a real name, h on earth did they get "doxen" from Dachshund? I'm pretty sure this is why everyone just calls them Wiener Dogs
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lillamolntuss · 2 years ago
i was so surprised when i saw someone reblogged bob hund on my dash . i work for the guy who plays synth in the band
YES WHAT omg… is that that new hot dog thing it looks so insane ive wanted to go there… the bob hund tumblr circle is small but we stay posting 💪 me and @bingokill bob warriors forever
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jonathankatwhatever · 11 months ago
It’s 25 Mar 2024, and I have enough time today to relax a bit more into the work. Not relax. Relax into the work. Like yoga of the mind: to find a stretch and explore it gently.
A voice started up with the news about P ≠ NP is mixed. Yes, it’s true but the way it’s true opens the door to algorithms that compute problems we can’t yet render. In other words, we can construct larger families of computable problems by understanding how the problems themselves construct.
I’m having trouble with the name again. The problem with using a name, even the concept of TheName, is that it never completely SBE identifies, but rather builds an End out of a what did we call the dots which compress together to make an End? They’re flat dots which we expand dimensionally. Did we not name them? So they’re dots and the flailing arms are dashes, and we do dot dot by inserting a 3rd dot and folding the dashes together so that 3rd dot doesn’t fill the space, which is the same as timing the sound dot dot so the only dot that can fit between those 2 is the absence or the 0 image of the 3rd dot. To translate into actual telegraphy, think of scale: each telegrapher has their own pace so each dot dot has a difference 0 image derived from the pace, and that means there is a 0 image which gets small to where we get bleeding together that we can’t pull apart. That, in a nutshell, is why we find pattern at the Planck level: that is the smallest dot we can see in this construction, and thus the smallest 0 image as well. Yes, that makes sense. I had to go over that last clause in my head a few times. For these to be discrete, then yes smallest 0 image as well.
BTW, I think we can more than adequately talk about Pauli exclusion (and Hund's rule that you fill a pairing 1 by 1).
Just lost about an hour in my head, not thinking about much of anything.
And another.
Trying to not get angry because I need focus from your End. This is an extremely difficult part. I’m trying to connect basics like the Bip pole to the M-set and convergence to 0 or to the infinite (or at least beyond 2) and the double twist which relates an xy regular squares system to xyK grid squares.
So for example, the dots become Ends when 2 of them meet. That is composition of Ends which project to dots which then combine to make an End. In other words, this projection as dots is of the structures of the Things, which brings to mind tangent space and Lie algebras, in the sense that each is projected on to that generated imaginary axis, which means there’s a twist. And I hear in there that this means each Thing converges to its 0 and that there is a third convergence, a third 0, which must be the Bip because I’ve been waiting for it.
I have no idea if this is correct, but there’s a history of that being true. Which gets me to another issue I can’t put into words, which is the idea in Boolean satisfiability that you can or can’t construct a true statement across the problem or the field or space. If you use space, then we can more easily see that we’re constructing this, that the question, the problem, the solution, all exist within gsSpace, whether in the abstract of intangible Things or as tangible Things, meaning iObjects and tObjects.
That means the ‘answer’ to this question is above, that in the definition of a Thing is the conception of true across that Thing, at least in some way meaningful enough, material enough so it can be considered a Thing. This connects to metaphor. As in, because much of Gaza is a city and there is urban warfare with civilians around, then comparing that to the Warsaw Ghetto is ‘possible’ because that was also urban warfare. That this comparison is false across so many more important dimensions gets to the concept of Actuality and the Registry of Actualities, which not only preserves the ‘event’ as a tObject, like the smudged baseball or a particular costume worn that night, but the associated complex structures, chains, and so on, including group symmetries, which are ‘behind’ the visible ‘real’. So to use the comparison to imply that Jews act like Nazis is not only despicable, but visible to the larger ‘judging’ composite at a higher Observer level.
I need to take a break. I’m trying to see the Bip pole as existing in the space Between. I think that’s happening.
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learningftw · 2 years ago
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Dash-hund. lol But I'm guessing the correct pronunciation is one of the first two.
I ask because apparently I'm saying it wrong but dash-hound is how I've heard it for forever 😭
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slugerafmyrer · 6 years ago
Real talk, hvor er mine hundemennesker henne?? Jeg holder af katte ligeså meget som alle andre, men hvis jeg skal læse en enkelt post mere om hvordan hunde faktisk er dumme og naive og usofistikerede tror jeg helt reelt jeg bliver nødt til at amputere begge mine arme i ren, misplaceret afmagt og vrede
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boreal-sea · 2 years ago
Dachshund, how is it pronounced?
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germanroleplay · 3 years ago
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Nachdem den Tod von Victoria Graysons Vater kam sie zusammen mit ihrer Mutter und Ihrer älteren Schwester nach London um für Ihre Schwester einen passenden Mann zu finden und durch die Klatschzeitung wussten Sie , dass Lord Anthony Bridgeton eine Frau sucht. Die Graysons und die Bridgetons kannten sich bereits viele Jahre, so das Victoria Mutter guter Hoffnung für ihre älteste Tochter war. Zusammen mit ihrem Hund Dash kam Victoria, ihre Schwester Charlotte und ihre Mutter in London an, allerdings einen Tag zu spät, denn gestern wurden alle Debütantinnen der Königin vorgestellt. Allerdings hatten die Graysons einen Vorteil gegenüber den anderen Damen, Sie waren Gäste der Bridgetons.
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roseinbloom02 · 2 years ago
Dash- hund (not hoond) the hund is like hunt but with a d instead of t
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chickenfreeblog · 4 years ago
dash hund..........
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