#dash games ( mana. )
mahoushoujoumonster-x · 10 months
“Who’s being too violent?”
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“I’ll rip their arms off!!”
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pastel-archived · 1 year
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favorite fruit(s) :   Honeydew
favorite activity(ies) :   making weapons, sewing, killing incompetent braggards, fishing
favorite flower(s) : lycoris
favorite season(s) :   fall
favorite insect(s) :    no
favorite animal(s) :    frogs
favorite gem(s) :  angelite
favorite time of day : Dusk
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epithmia-moved · 2 years
             you  are  pentheus  from  the  bacchae  by  euripides,  and  you  hold  yourself  so  tightly  wound  together  and  so  perfectly  in  place  that  even  the  slightest  push  will  make  you  shatter.  you  are  determined,  you  are  headstrong,  and  you  are  addicted  to  pushing  yourself  to  your  farthest  limits  just  to  see  when  you’ll  snap.  you  find  comfort  in  tradition,  order,  and  authority,  because  that’s  where  you  are  allowed  to  be  blind  to  the  darkness  inside  you.  once  in  a  while,  give  into  the  temptation  and  the  chaos  you  keep  denying  yourself.  it’s  the  only  way  to  not  be  afraid  anymore.
tagged by :    @jiingweii  tagging :    @aceparagon​  @evilfound​  @deathleads​  @executhorn​  @xianqu​ 
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miengsol · 1 year
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1. Back to You - Selena Gomez
I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to/ When I'm lying close to someone else/ You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it/ If I could do it all again/ I know I'd go back to you
2. Drive - SHINee
The green light calls me/ And wondering if you’re standing at the end of it/ I turn my footsteps again/ It grew distant intentionally/ I feel that this direction itself is wrong/ But I keep going towards you
3. Something Just Like This - Chainsmokers & Coldplay
I’m not looking for somebody/ With some superhuman gifts/ Some superhero/ Some fairytale bliss/ Just something I can turn to/ Somebody I can kiss/ I want something just like this.
4. Good Evening - SHINee
The moonlight is rising/ I’m going to you before it’s too late/ I’m going to get you/ Imagining how surprised you’ll be/ I’m going to you/ Going to you/ Going to you/ Without a reason, going to you.
5. Birth of a Wish - Uta Arii
No matter how many times you make mistakes/ All of them are precious memories/ It'll be okay/ Each of us will find happiness/ That's waiting for us/ It begins from here again.
tagged by: @rippleofwords and i’m pretty sure there was someone else, but i can’t think of them rn </3 tagging: @voxvulgi​ ( jude or adonis pls <3 ) @irrwicht ( michizane!! ) @temporalobjects ( for iwai?? ) @jocundcompany ( for daniella pls <3 ) @lovepurposed​ ( francis :D ) and you if you haven’t done it yet :DD
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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the italicized oh. often seen in romance novels and fanfics. when a character looks at someone, wondering why their chest tightens when they're near, why their heart beats quicken at the slightest touches, why they lose their breathe at the sight of them and suddenly realization dawns on them— oh. they've been in love for a long time now. you are soft and quiet, probably the most overlooked. though when you love, you fall deeply. i'm sure you have a lot of anxieties when it comes to love, and you're more inclined to fall in love with a longtime friend than a stranger. though, your love is pure. and maybe if you have someone in mind, this is your sign to tell them. 
Tagged by: @phantombs​ (thank you dean!! :3 ) / Tagging: @thegreenswillcome​ @theimpalpable​ ( for sigye!! ) @somewherelon3ly​ @eternasci​ @mythvoiced​ ( sarang?? ) @voxvulgi​ ( jude!! ) and you!! steal it <3
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beyondbinaries · 7 months
❝ PINNED ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ OOC ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ DASH GAMES ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ CRACK ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ VISAGE ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ MUSINGS ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ AESTHETIC ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ✧˚ · . Sun , ✧˚ · . Mana , ✧˚ · . Oracle , ✧˚ · . Carbon , ✧˚ · . Mithos , ✧˚ · . Symonne , ✧˚ · . Mikleo , ✧˚ · . Leo , ✧˚ · . Usopp , ✧˚ · . Feng , ✧˚ · . Okino , ✧˚ · . Eizen , ✧˚ · . Roman , ❝ POKEMON VERSE ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ ARISE VERSE ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ CROSSOVER VERSE ❞ ✧ ೃ༄ , ❝ INFO ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
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stillresolved · 9 months
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( secret muse. ) mana minh huynh. 25. librarian. of a gentle resolve.
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felassan · 3 months
Game Informer:
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"A Deep Dive Into Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Combat, Abilities, Skill Tree, And More by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 18, 2024 at 02:10 PM If you're at all familiar with the Dragon Age series, you likely already know BioWare has experimented quite a lot with its gameplay. From Dragon Age: Origins' real-time strategy RPG approach to Dragon Age II's mostly-set-within-one-city action experience to Dragon Age: Inquisition's strategy-action mix, BioWare hasn't quite defined the franchise's combat. However, a through-line is apparent from Origins to Inquisition: BioWare seemingly wants this franchise to be action but has attempted to shift to that without abandoning its longtime fans.  With Dragon Age: The Veilguard, BioWare has completed its transition from strategy to real-time action, but thanks to an optional tactical pause-and-play combat wheel that harkens back to the series' origins, I feel it's found a great (battle)ground for Dragon Age combat. Of course, it's hard to tell how Veilguard's action will hold up over what is sure to be a dozens-of-hours-long RPG, but if what I've seen so far is any indication, the studio is on to something. A Shift In Strategy"
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""I think the first thing to keep in mind is that combat [...] in the franchise has been an evolution," game director Corinne Busche tells me within BioWare's Edmonton office. "Every single entry reimagines what combat is like and I would say our goal was to make sure we had a system that allowed players to feel like they actually were able to step into the world of Thedas. They're not a player observing from afar – they are inside of this world. Being this authentic world that's brought to life, the combat system needs to support that, so you are in control of every single action, every block, every dodge, every swing of your sword." Busche says players complete every swing in real-time, with particular attention paid to animation swing-through and canceling. On the topic of canceling, I watch Busche "bookmark" combos with a quick dash. With this mechanic, players can pause a combo's status with a dash to safety and continue the combo where they left off afterward. Alongside the dash, there's a parry for some classes, the ability to charge moves, and a revamped healing system that allows players to quickly use potions by pressing right on the d-pad.  Busche says each character will play the same in a way, regardless of class, in that you execute light and heavy attacks with the same buttons, use abilities with the same buttons, and interact with the combo wheel in the same way. During my demo at one point, we use a sword-and-shield Warrior Qunari that hip-fires and aims their shield to throw it like Captain America while hammering down big damage with a sword. Pressing the same buttons as a mage might throw out magical ranged attacks instead of a shield. [embedded link to DA:TV gameplay reveal video] Abilities, like a Spartan-like kick from a Warrior or a Mage's firewall that deals continuous damage, add to the player's repertoire of combat options. Warriors can parry incoming attacks, staggering enemies in the process. Rogues have a larger parry window, and Mages can't parry at all but instead throw up a shield that blocks all incoming damage so long as they have the mana to sustain the shield.  "That is just the baseline that allows us to get that level of immersion of, 'I'm actually in this world; I'm a part of it,'" Busche says. "But again, the abilities, the strategy, linking my companions' abilities together to perform devastating combos, that is really where the depth and the complexity comes into play." Abilities And The Skill Tree"
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"[caption for image above] Warrior Rook Skill Tree This extends to companions, who, at your choosing, bring three abilities (of their five total) into combat, executed either with quick select buttons or the pause-and-play combat wheel. Every time you rank up a companion's Relationship Level, you unlock a skill point to spend specifically on that companion – this is how you unlock new combat abilities.  Though companion skill trees pale in comparison to Rook's expansive tree, which features passive abilities, combat abilities, and more, as well as paths to three unique class specializations, there's still some customization here.  You can find the skill tree for Rook and companions within Veilguard's start or pause menu. This menu contains pages for Veilguard's map, journal, character sheets, and a library for lore information, too. Here, you can cross-compare equipment and equip new gear for Rook and companions, build weapon loadouts, and customize your abilities and builds via the aforementioned skill tree, which looks relatively easy to understand."
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"- Large circle: Class - Diamonds: Abilities - Medium circle: Major Passives and Ability Upgrades - Small hexagon: Traits - Small circle: Minor Passives and Stat Boosts You won't find minutiae here, "just real numbers," Busche says. In other words, a new unlocked trait might increase damage by 25% against armor, but that's as in-depth as the numbers get. Passive abilities unlock jump attacks and guarantee critical hit opportunities, while abilities add moves like firewall and spartan kicks to your arsenal. As you spec out this skill tree, which is 100% bespoke to each class, you'll work closer to unlocking a specialization (which doesn't take reaching the max level of 50). Every class has three specializations, each with a unique ultimate ability. Busche says BioWare's philosophy with the skill tree is "about changing the way you play, not the statistical minutiae."  Companions In Combat"
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"If you completely ignore companions in combat, they will attack targets, use abilities, and defeat enemies all on their own. "[Companions] are their own people, "Busche says. "They have their own behaviors, they have their own autonomy on the battlefield, they'll pick their own targets. As their plots progress, they'll learn how to use their abilities more competently, and it really feels like you're fighting alongside these realized characters in battle." Speaking to companion synergy, Busche adds, "I see all the abilities Harding has, and I see everything that Bellara is capable of. And sometimes, I'm using vulnerabilities synergistically. Maybe I'm pausing or slowing time with Bellara so that I can unleash devastating attacks with Harding, knocking down the enemy, and then me, as Rook, I'm rushing in and capitalizing on this setup they've created for me. It is a game about creating this organic sense of teamwork." Busche says there are more explicit synergies, with intentional combos where specific companions can play off each other, and you can queue up their abilities to do just that. That’s what the pause-and-play combat wheel is for in Veilguard.  In this screen, which pauses the camera and pulls up a flashy combat wheel that highlights you and your companions' skills, you can choose abilities, queue them up, and strategize with synergies and combos the game recognizes, all while targeting specific enemies. Select what you want and release the wheel to watch your selections play out. Putting It All Together"
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During a mission within Arlathan Forest after Veilguard's prologue, Busche utilizes Veilguard's dual-loadout mechanic. As Rook, you can create two weapon loadouts for quick switch-ups mid-combat. As a mage Rook, she uses magical attacks to add three stacks of arcane build-up to make an Arcane Bomb on a Sentinel, a mechanical set of armor possessed by a demon. If you hit the Sentinel's Arcane Bomb with a heavy attack, the enemy will take devastating damage. Once the Sentinel has an Arcane Bomb on it, Busche begins charging a heavy attack on her magical staff, then switches to magical daggers in Rook's second loadout, accessed with a quick tap of down on the d-pad to unleash some quick light attacks, then back to the staff to finish charging its attack. She then unleashes the heavy attack, and the Arcane Bomb explodes in a liquidy whirl of green magic.  "I've seen [Veilguard's combat] refined over time [and] I love it," BioWare general manager Gary McKay tells me. "I love that balance of real-time fluid action, but also the ability to have the depth in the RPG, not just in terms of pause-and-play, but the depth in terms of how you bring your companions into the battlefield. What are you going to do with their skill points? What's the loadout you're going to use? Everything is about bringing Rook to the center of the battlefield, and I love it."  Former Dragon Age executive producer and Veilguard consultant Mark Darrah feels Veilguard is the first game where the combat is legitimately fun. "What I see in Veilguard is a game that finally bridges the gap," he says. "Uncharitably, previous Dragon Age games got to the realm of 'combat wasn't too bad.' In this game, the combat's actually fun, but it does keep that thread that's always been there. You have the focus on Rook, on your character, but still have that control and character coming into the combat experience from the other people in your party."  I get the sense from watching Busche play several hours of Veilguard that BioWare has designed a combat system that relies heavily on players extracting what they want out of it. If you want to button mash and use abilities freely when their cooldowns expire, you can probably progress fine (although on the game's easier difficulties). But if you want to strategize your combos, take advantage of elemental vulnerabilities, and min-max companions and Rook loadouts, you can do that, too, and I think you'll find Veilguard rewards that with a more enriching experience.  For more about the game, including exclusive details, interviews, video features, and more, click the Dragon Age: The Veilguard hub button below."
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canmom · 5 months
so hades 2 huh
it's fun! i am more convinced after actually playing it than i was in the runup to it. the green colour palette looked a little drab in the videos but it works better for me fullscreen in game, and I really like the second zone's design. the major aesthetic change does go a little way towards making this feel like 'new Supergiant game' instead of just a rehash of the first game.
the difficulty floor is higher than the first game. i think it's well-tuned to go into if you've beaten that one. so far i've played 6 runs, seen the first boss in 5, and and beaten her in 2 of them; yet to get more than about halfway through the second zone after that tho!
the new mana mechanic is kinda interesting, lots of tradeoffs to make. it's a bit more granular than the cast in the first game; you use it to do powered up versions of your attacks, and spending it also charges up the Call-equivalent.
i'm increasingly intrigued by the setting, and i really like some of the side characters like arachne. i think the time skip was a good decision - the story of Zagreus et al. was definitely done. the epilogue ending of the first game was way too neat.
still, starting a revenge plot in media res is curious. especially when Nemesis lampshades the lack of personal motivation. compared to Zagreus's very pressing and relatable motivation (run away from my abusive dad), Melinoë's motivation is a little more abstract - this seems to be deliberate. but it does a fair bit to sell the sort of 'desperate resistance base' setting. it definitely seems rather like they're setting up a twist down the line. but it lacks the immediate emotional hook of the overbearing patriarch in the first game. curious to see how it will work once I've seen more of the story.
as far as the new gods, I'm fascinated by the decision to make Hephaestus and Hestia both be Northern - probably Yorkshire. it's always fun hearing regional UK accents in games. they do also both feel like responses to the criticism that Jen Z never designs fat characters lmao. still, they are good designs. both have satisfying mechanics. Selene also has a really good design I think.
the other gods' mechanics have naturally been redesigned to fit the new game. still broadly the same themes, e.g. Zeus will still be lightning based, but different interpretations of what that means, so for example you have 'hitting an enemy produces a lightning blast behind them' as the primary Zeus mechanic instead of chain lightning. which definitely keeps things fresh. Melinoë's kit has a lot of directional attacks and, with the Cast now being an AOE which slows/freezes enemies, there's a lot more emphasis now on positioning enemies to set up AOE attacks which is interesting.
the witch stuff is quite fun in an admittedly slightly cheesy way. it's definitely pull on aesthetic currents which aren't at all Ancient Greek, like the pointed hats. but hey! I can get into it, it's not like the game's aesthetic has ever been all that strictly historical. even if I am still scratching my head at 'so mote it be'. apparently it's an archaic word meaning 'may', i.e. 'may it be so'.
of course the main thing is, the actual moment to moment gameplay is fun. it flows just as the first game did, and it's just as addictive with the way it spreads out story breadcrumbs. the vfx and such look great, the movement is already super tightly tuned (tbf it's basically the same as the first game with the addition of a new 'hold dash to sprint'), and there's a already good variety of enemy mechanics.
there's some obvious placeholders for some of the UI art and character portraits (notably none of the keepsakes have been drawn yet), but overall it's surprisingly polished for an early-access build. all the voice acting is already there - it's fun seeing the Supergiant voice cast return in new roles.
the meta progression element... there's some neat ideas, like an upgrade system with a limited set of slots that very much calls to mind NieR Automata's chip system. so there are some stronger tradeoffs to make; it's not as simple as 'spend resource, get better' as it was in the first game. and it's clearly possible to advance quite far even without a lot of meta resource investment. so far it definitely feels like my main limit is skill, and I'll progress further once I learn more of the enemy patterns and figure out what builds I like to play.
(though I guess the idea with this kind of game is that the power ups quietly boost you and make it feel like you're getting better a lot faster than you are just learning the game lmao)
overall, it's just really fun to have another Supergiant game to sink my teeth into haha. I still wish they'd continued their streak of coming up with new IPs each time, because they'd come up with fantastic settings, but there's plenty of interest here still.
also the more I work in game dev the more I can appreciate just what a ludicrous amount of polish there is in Supergiant's games. I can only imagine the amount of work it must have taken to tune the feel of everything this tight.
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pastelfates · 8 months
Talk about some of your favorite experiences on this website if you feel comfortable doing so! I'm meaning favorite threads, partners, muse experiences, etc. You've gone through a lot of hardship across multiple blogs yet you never give up and you keep doing what you love so I figured it'd be nice to talk about the positive stuff that helps you to keep going despite all the trouble.
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◌・❀➵ Okie so this is gonna be long post so everyone grab a drink n some snacks! I just wanna start with that if it wasn't for my mutuals I have no idea where I'd be, ya'll have been with me through so much and some of the hardest times of my life and I can't thank everyone who has stayed enough.
➵ @morifactory ➵ Eddie and Serina meeting! Also the Riba and Serina and Riba ikea thread/ All our Carbon and Serina threads hav a place in my heart. And Talia w the blond bois! Also so far Kiki and Esmee has my heart. And ya know our first scarvi ocs and our stardew ocs. Me and Lena hav a lot of connected ocs
➵ I'm gonna count this as a thread bc it was a thread of asks but Mana once had multiple sections of the bee movie sent to her and it was absolutely hilarious. Committed to the bit with the url /frankiebeestan at that time.
➵ @constellationcrowned / @malusrecord ➵ LISTEN I care so much for Nellie, Mell, and Sunny's lil friendship (i hav a half typed starter for them in drafts shh), and Mana and Kariom's friendship is very special to me bc sobs Mana feels v comfy around him which means a lot bc she rarely fills comfy around ppl.
➵ @ervaurem ➵ Listen the family stuff with Law and the sisters is my weakness. It's been since 2021 that the fam has existed and I heccin cri. The treasure hunt thread has my heart,,
➵ This one is fairly recent but with @riftdancer, @ofstarsandskies, and @mathcs the whole Jude is evil arc has been so much fun so far!
➵ This was more so on discord but the relations have made their way to tungle but @pyonpyonpyon, @forgottenluck, @talesofourworlds, @mathcs, and @broadswordandpistol the sad boi drinking hours,, it was so cursed and sad at the same time, and it was such a highlight to me.
➵ @strebcr ➵ Can I say all of them? Just Streber and Mana have had so many good threads! Mana loves her new frog and just aaa
➵ @maligncntchain ➵ again with just recent threads but the two were cute and just silly gremlin uses the power of treats to not be immediately under the control of pecharunt was v funny to me
➵ @archivisim ➵ Sobs special place for the lil series of thread/asks we had just recently. Their similarities really just came through and they are hopefully gonna be more comfortable around each other!!
➵ @hxroic-wxlls ➵ cris it was like forever ago but the thread with Sunny and Luigi was so wholesome and I want you to know Sunny thinks Luigi is v cool. Also Mana and Simon has a v somft relationship i adore. the lil drill necklace he gave her for her birthday is one of her prized possessions.
➵ I know I posted a lot of newer stuff so I'm gonna bring up a thread from like ages ago?? 2018-2019 to be exact, the days I wrote non-seriously. I had a thread with two people over a skit in a game and it was just peak. Also that blog is still around (not deleted) so anytime I wish I can see the silly threads that bring me so much joy.
➵ Again on older threads, and while this one isn't on tumblr it is canon to Mana history. She has unapologetically set a bakery on fire with no remorse. That event also had like the first actual set appearance of REGRET and her lil maze which honestly makes me v happy bc REGRET is one of my all time favorite ocs. And Symonne's maze was there too, really care for that Ivar and Sync interaction in the rpg horror house w the fake Jude and stuff
➵ FAVORITE PARTNERS / People I adore seeing on dash
@ad-simul , @archivisim, @broadswordandpistol, @opscurus / @cpirits , @canidgrit, @castelias-comeups, @constellationcrowned / @malusrecord, @electricea, @ervaurem, @forgottenluck, @historias-multorum , @hxroic-wxlls, @kaizokugaris, @lightfallls , @maligncntchain , @morifactory , @nobuverse, @ofstarsandskies, @pinklocksoflove, @riftdancer, @talesofourworlds / @outofthisgxlaxy, @soulsbetrayed,
➵ I love seeing you all on dash, your threads are all peak and I just wanna say tysm for being moots with me and allowing me the opportunity to be a part of the stories you unfold for your characters. I am forever thankful to you all for everything and to the all of you have stayed with me despite how awful things have gotten, thank you for never giving up on me and seeing something in me when even I wasn't able to. You all are the reason I'm still here, continuing this hobby I love to my core. I hope I can be around for many more years to come and that I will continue to have you all by my side.
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WANTED: Dark Magician Girl, alive.
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REASON: Committed mass murder.
LAST SEEN: 8/10/1843 in Florida.
BOUNTY: $700,000
Tagging: @doomstarmagician @kurai-honoo @dragontamer05 @nevertem
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pastel-archived · 1 year
why are you unlovable?
you project your insecurities
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people want to love you, but you're so worried about if everyone hates you instead that you end up warding them off. you don't have to keep yourself so locked up, it's okay to let someone hold your hand man
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omeletcat · 5 months
EVERYTHING is in this single script: -all animation stuff -all attacks -all movement -all special movements -all character switching -all ui stuff -all direction deciding stuff -all hp /mana stuff YEA THATS A LOT i have been thinking that i maybe should kinda.. redo this? because its a LOT and i have recently learned how to make a state machine ANDDD components!!!! basicly it makes it so you can switch between different scripts that can do different things
for example i could do ALLL of this:/ this is what i am gonna do/have to do/ CAN do (caus its not rly a bad thing) if i switch to a new scene for the player and rework everything
-make a state for every of the 4 main attacks -make a state for walking for both of the 2 characters -make a state for dashing for the 2 characters -make a damage taking state -make a health and hitbox component -make an oversee-able damage system that works with the new damage system that i made for the new enemies. -make an proper animation system with working ordering and y-sort -make a system that properly switches between Rae and Luca (the 2 main characters in my game) -make a system that correctly switches to the right direction based on the mouse position/ a direction component -make a functional ui /ui component/mana/energy component -rework all the attacks to use the new timer system i made that i just realized i never posted about.
this will require some planning and thinking before i tie the knot and do this, because some things like switching between characters i am not 100% how i want to do yet.
BUT SHOULD I DO IT?? i have heard that not fixing messy code early can RLYY fuck everything up later on.
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miengsol · 6 months
tags. ignore.
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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THE STAIRS.   There’s something eerie about this house, something wholly unfamiliar in the familiar. You’ve always been aware of it, of everything just a little too much. You’ve seen how this house sinks its teeth into whatever passes through it because you are the passage that connects one to the other. So you know how this ends — when someone believes they can tame a predator, and now you must sit back in and watch as they become the newest prey. You have a good heart, or what is left of it, but you learned the hard way to put yourself first in a place like this. So make no mistake, when the third step from the top creaks it is not without purpose. You are a bridge, at the end of the day, the intermediate between the familiar and then unknown. A staircase goes both up and down, after all.
tagged by: @bloodxhound​ 😊😊😊  tagging: @velvetineblue​ @jeoseungsaja​ ( hyuk?? ) @mythvoiced​ ( seokju!! ) @dxsole​ ( didi pls!! ) @eclavigne​ @phantombs​ @thegreenswillcome​ ( for jay!! ) and you pls!
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windienine · 7 months
listen if there's anyone who lets me hang out on their dash and who's still a lil mystified by chuubo's or wants to discuss the book before playing it, please feel free to spam my inbox!! getting asked outright about the weird games i play and books i read replenishes the closest thing to a mana bar i have because you have to invite me in like a vampire for me to really start getting into the weeds of my interests.
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