katastrophyhoward · 4 years
As satans wifes side hoe can confirm his fursona is Tom nook
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@tom nook i need the money now more than ever
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katastrophyhoward · 4 years
Further proof animal crossing is just Tom nook capitalism simulator(don'tgetmewrongiloveit)
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@tom nook i need the money now more than ever
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katastrophyhoward · 4 years
As a human who isnt a total prick, im reblogging this
If you support gay marriage reblog this. If you're on the homophobic side, keep scrolling.
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As a bisexual, it sickens me that some people WILL keep scrolling.
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
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This is my cat faith and she is my baby and I love her
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
Oh to be a French maiden in the 1600 living in a small quaint town running a small bookstore and teaching children to read, baking home made pastry and writing poetry in my spare time. Taunted by a sinful attraction to a beautiful women abandoned by her selfish husband.
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
"She required assistance to climb the scaffold"
When referring to K.Howards execution, SHE WAS A CHILD she was reported as white pale and terrified, her entire life she was used for her body and then died for it, honestly fuck King Henry VIII like that pisses me off to no end y'all don't even know-
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
The parrlyn dynamic
I would like to think that a big part of parrlyn would just be anne doing dumb shit like exploring abandoned factories etc and cathy just going along with it to keep her out of too much trouble
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
SiX queens at breakfast
Aragon - wholemeal toast w baked beans
Boleyn- froot loops
Seymour - cornflakes w fresh fruit + tea
Cleves - hardboiled eggs with breakfast sausages
Howard - waffles with lots of whipped cream
Parr - ricebubbles w honey
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
Rebloging this to help me get a job
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
A concept
So imagine K.Howard as the history nerd she is (it's true don't even @ me) decides to take like an ancient history class at a community college or smth
So working under this premise imagine walking in to your lesson about ancient England and then kathrine howard in the flesh walks her ass in like I'm redy to lern biatch(And she ACES the class)
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
Will he sin or use his freedom for the greater good, probably sin
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worm off the string!! 
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
Can you imagine K.howard coming home with a boy and all the queens being like super sus and protective but then she's just like "oh these are my best friends, they are basically my sisters so if you hurt me they will litterlly murder you" and the guys just like epic wouldnt have it any other way while sweating bullets under aragon stare
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
A near death experience
Anne: ohmygod kitty you will not bElive what happend to me today
K.howard: what happend, are you ok???
Anne:I nearly got hit by a car
Aragon:no you didn't stop being overdramtic
Anne:are you kidding I died
Aragon:it was a bike
Aragon:it was parked
K.howard: She nearly DIED kathrine
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katastrophyhoward · 5 years
Jane, bursting into a hospital room:wHat
Jane: what here you thinking!
K.howard:Everybody else was doing it, even anne
Jane:if Anne jumped off a bridge would you jump after her
Jane:kitty you didn't
K.howard:it looked like fun ok
Boleyn in the back round: beheaded cousins👏🏻stick👏🏻together👏🏻
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