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nnaalluuaa · 11 months ago
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TOY PUSSY (2006), Viviane Cardell
Artist creates series in which she questions the asexuality of Barbie dolls
“ The year was 2006, when Viviane Cardell, a visual artist who also trained in Anthropology, launched her first series of idealized vulvas. The collection was presented in Madrid, Spain, and later in São Paulo, in 2009. Since then, works from it have been exhibited in private exhibitions and galleries.
The question raised by the Toy Pussy series goes through the hypersensualization of a consumer object [the doll], which at the same time is a mere hanger for accessories. “when all [the accessories] are removed, and the doll is finally naked, the representation of an asexual woman is revealed, without any sign of a vulva between her legs”, points out the artist.
The series also raises awareness of a model of femininity imbued with an overwhelming symbolic charge and supported by the consumer industry, “which has instilled a fable in children's heads”, according to Cardell. “That, to become a woman, it is essential to obtain new clothes, shoes, houses, furniture, properties, other dolls, a whole world, always”, she explains.
Viviane didn't create her works for children, exactly, but they were conceived because of them. With Toy Pussy “I propose a reflection on the sexual roles imposed by a culture that takes away a healthy awareness of one's own sexuality, treated as taboo, at the same time that it hypersexualizes it, making it vulnerable to all forms of abuse”, she details.
When designing the collection of imaginary vulvas for Barbie, “I idealize a symbolic cure for the mutilated doll, and for the romantic girls who grow up kidnapped by a superficial model of femininity”, aims the artist. The work, according to Cardell, presents a counterpoint to the culture of rigid beauty standards, “especially for women to become 'obedient bodies', an expression coined by Naomi Wolff in her book 'The Myth of Beauty'”, discusses the artist .
Cardell points out that “the news about the exponential growth of cosmetic surgeries on the female genital organ is alarming, with vaginoplasties, labiaplasties and nymphoplasties, with the aim of acquiring a vagina 'delicate like a Barbie', that doll that doesn't have a vagina” .
When presented, the expography reproduces a toy showcase, where the colorful vulvas are inside transparent acrylic boxes with labels, like on toy packaging. The same inspiration involves other details, such as phrases that integrate the boxes and explain the toys. In the case of “Toy Pussies”, subtitles and comical catchphrases with double meanings are translated into several languages.
Using humor, albeit acidic, but also joy, fun, playfulness, the collection points to pleasure as a way of rescuing bodies, whose symbolic castration occurs through a mercantile and patriarchal logic that converts them into objects, susceptible to physical, sexual, aesthetic and emotional violence.
The collection exhibited in 2009, in São Paulo, introduced the thematic series Pussies of the World, which mentioned the genital mutilation practiced in some parts of the world, equating it with the symbolic mutilation of the doll. In addition, it presented the special series Bardot Pussies, created in honor of the actress Brigitte Bardot, a contemporary of Barbie, but an authentic symbol of female sexual liberation.
More than 10 years after the exhibition in São Paulo and after the “#TheDollEvolves” campaign, launched by Mattel (doll manufacturer) in 2016, one would think that Toy Pussy was outdated. However, this campaign, using the concepts of diversity and inclusion, was nothing more than an advertising ploy to stop the drop in sales and expand its market. Through discreet adjustments to the doll's facial features, hair and body shape, the “evolved” Barbie won over new young consumers of all colors, bodies and hair types.
And the original contradictions of this icon persist: the need for accessories, now different and more expensive, and the void between the legs. By understanding the manufacturer's marketing move, Viviane has been working on the new Toy Pussy Evolution collection, in which the artist focuses on issues of plurality. She reiterates the initial concept of the project and explores different shapes, colors, textures and sizes for vulvas, and also addresses the inclusion of LGBT+ people and people with disabilities.
The complaint, in this new series, discusses the authenticity of these flights by the brand for democratic reasons, “restricted to those who can pay for the expensive boarding ticket and which is based on the contemporary cliché of meritocracy with the motto: #YouCanBeAnythingYouWant, which takes into account unbridled consumption, essential to the Barbie doll, and the eternal selling of more of the same.”, accuses the artist. ”
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coisa2302a · 2 months ago
Morre Rebecca Horn, importante artista contemporânea alemã | Dasartes
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ambientalmercantil · 6 months ago
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rainywinnergarden · 7 months ago
Выбор полотен и афиш для облагораживания интерьера считается важным шагом в создании дизайна вашего жилища. Картины и постеры для интерьера https://dasart.ru/ могут добавить яркости в каждое комнату, трансформируя его более комфортным, визуально привлекательным и личностным. Выбирая эти элементы украшения, необходимо учесть цвета а также общую идею дизайна вашего жилья. Например, яркие и насыщенные картины могут увеличить небольшие пространства, в то время как плакаты с лаконичным макетом отлично впишутся в модернистские помещения.Не https://dasart.ru/ следует пренебрегать и размером выбранных произведений искусства. Большие картины могут стать фокусом в просторных помещениях, в то время как небольшие произведения отлично подходят для декорирования меньших пространств.Итак, тщательно выбранные Картины и постеры для интерьера могут радикально преобразить настроение вашего дома, делая в эстетически приятное и гармоничное место для жизни
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gazeta24br · 1 year ago
A CASACOR Ceará, reconhecida como a maior e mais completa mostra de arquitetura, design de interiores e paisagismo das Américas, prepara-se para sua edição especial de 25 anos. A exposição, que representa o espírito criativo cearense, acontecerá de 12 de setembro a 29 de outubro no bairro Meireles, em Fortaleza. Sob a direção de Neuma Figueirêdo, a CASACOR Ceará promete proporcionar uma experiência única aos visitantes. Uma das grandes surpresas desta edição é a presença do shopping Iguatemi Bosque como um espaço adicional projetado pela arquiteta Brenda Rolim. O ambiente estará em exibição do dia 25 de setembro a 29 de outubro, agregando ainda mais valor à mostra. Outra novidade é o retorno da AUDI como a marca oficial de automóveis da CASACOR em nível nacional. A CASACOR Ceará receberá a montadora com destaque em uma garagem projetada pelo premiado arquiteto Marçal Barros. Será exposto o lançamento Audi e-tron, um modelo 100% elétrico, com visual esportivo e autonomia de 446 quilômetros. Essas adições agregam ainda mais valor à experiência proporcionada pela CASACOR Ceará. O endereço escolhido para a mostra é um lugar icônico. Localizada na rua Tibúrcio Cavalcante, 607, no bairro Meireles, a CASACOR Ceará será realizada em uma propriedade que abriga uma casa concebida pelo engenheiro Pedro Natale Rossi em 1977. Inicialmente construída para a família de Manoel Machado e sua esposa Beatriz, a propriedade é atualmente da Dasart Engenharia, presidida pelo empresário Vitor Frota. Com um terreno de 5 mil metros quadrados, a CASACOR Ceará oferece espaço suficiente para abrigar 35 ambientes projetados por 53 dos arquitetos, designers de interiores e paisagistas mais talentosos do mercado. O tema central da mostra deste ano é "Corpo & Morada". Os profissionais projetaram seus espaços levando em consideração as tendências de comportamento que influenciam o estilo de vida atual. Os ambientes refletem uma ampla variedade de aspectos da vida, incluindo corpo, mente, relacionamentos, consumo, cidade e planeta. A CASACOR Ceará busca explorar a conexão entre o corpo e a morada, criando espaços que proporcionem experiências únicas e estéticas impressionantes. A CASACOR é uma empresa do Grupo Abril e realiza, anualmente, exposições tanto em âmbito nacional quanto internacional. Além da edição do Ceará, existem outras 14 praças nacionais, incluindo Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul e Minas Gerais, e mais quatro internacionais, como Miami, Bolívia, Paraguai e Peru. Esta edição comemorativa de 25 anos da CASACOR Ceará promete ser uma experiência memorável para os visitantes, com seu repertório de projetos incríveis e espaços encantadores. A exposição é uma oportunidade de vivenciar a criatividade e inovação de talentosos profissionais do setor e acompanhar as tendências do universo da arquitetura, design e decoração. Casa Cor: Uma história inspiradora de design e inovação no Brasil A Casa Cor é um evento de renome nacional que traz ao público brasileiro o melhor do design de interiores, arquitetura e paisagismo. Desde sua criação, a trajetória dessa icônica exposição tem sido marcada por inovação e inspiração, transformando espaços com criatividade e estilo. A Casa Cor surgiu no Brasil em 1987, idealizada por Yolanda Figueiredo e Angelo Derenze, com o objetivo de apresentar ao público as novas tendências e conceitos de arquitetura e decoração. A ideia inicial era transformar uma casa em uma grande exposição, criando assim um ambiente real para que as pessoas pudessem vivenciar novas experiências e conhecer os trabalhos de renomados profissionais do ramo. A primeira edição da Casa Cor aconteceu em São Paulo, em uma mansão de 3.000m², e rapidamente conquistou o público e a mídia especializada. Com espaços projetados por arquitetos consagrados, a mostra ganhou destaque pela ousadia na escolha de materiais, combinação de cores e pela atmosfera única criada em cada ambiente. Após o sucesso inicial em São Paulo, a Casa Cor começou a expandir suas fronteiras para outras cidades brasileiras.
Edições regionais foram lançadas, proporcionando a cada local a oportunidade de mostrar sua identidade cultural através do design de interiores. Atualmente, a Casa Cor está presente em diversas capitais brasileiras, como Rio de Janeiro, Brasília e Belo Horizonte, atraindo milhares de visitantes a cada edição. Ao longo dos anos, a Casa Cor evoluiu e se reinventou, acompanhando as mudanças e tendências do mercado. Além dos ambientes residenciais, passaram a ser apresentados espaços corporativos e comerciais, explorando diferentes estilos e necessidades. A inclusão de tecnologia e sustentabilidade também se tornaram parte essencial da exposição, com espaços inteligentes e soluções ecologicamente corretas. A Casa Cor Brasil se tornou referência internacional, recebendo prêmios e reconhecimentos por sua contribuição para a promoção da criatividade e da inovação. Além de oferecer ao público uma experiência única, o evento também promove a valorização dos profissionais de arquitetura, design e paisagismo, impulsionando suas carreiras e estimulando a troca de ideias entre os participantes. A história, trajetória e criação da Casa Cor no Brasil são marcadas por sucesso, originalidade e vanguardismo. Essa exposição icônica conseguiu transformar espaços e inspirar milhares de pessoas ao longo de décadas. Com a missão de nos mostrar que a casa é muito mais do que quatro paredes, a Casa Cor continua a encantar e surpreender o público, revelando que a combinação perfeita entre design e inovação pode criar ambientes verdadeiramente especiais. Da criatividade à sofisticação: A história brilhante da Casa Cor Ceará A Casa Cor Ceará é um evento que encanta o público há anos, trazendo inspiração e inovação no campo do design de interiores, arquitetura e paisagismo. Com uma trajetória repleta de momentos marcantes, esta exposição é um verdadeiro reflexo da criatividade e sofisticação presentes no estado. Neste texto, exploraremos a história, trajetória e criação da Casa Cor Ceará, revelando como ela se tornou um ícone da cena do design no estado. A Casa Cor Ceará teve sua estreia em 1999, quando um grupo de profissionais visionários decidiu criar um evento que celebrasse o talento e a inovação do design cearense. Inspirados pela Casa Cor nacional, eles trouxeram a exposição para o estado, transformando espaços com elegância, originalidade e autenticidade. A primeira edição da Casa Cor Ceará aconteceu em um casarão histórico, localizado em Fortaleza, e conquistou imediatamente o público local. Com ambientes projetados por renomados arquitetos, designers de interiores e paisagistas cearenses, a mostra foi elogiada pela combinação perfeita entre o charme regional e as tendências internacionais. Após o sucesso inicial, a Casa Cor Ceará expandiu-se para outras cidades do estado, como Juazeiro do Norte e Sobral, levando a magia da exposição a diferentes públicos. Com o passar dos anos, a mostra consolidou-se como um evento de referência no cenário do design e da arquitetura do nordeste brasileiro, recebendo prêmios e reconhecimentos em todo o país. Uma das características mais marcantes da Casa Cor Ceará é a valorização da cultura e dos materiais locais. A mostra busca constantemente incorporar elementos regionais em seus ambientes, como a renda do Cariri, a madeira de jangada e as cores vibrantes do artesanato cearense. Isso faz com que a Casa Cor Ceará se destaque como uma celebração verdadeiramente cearense. Ao longo de sua trajetória, a Casa Cor Ceará também tem sido pioneira em trazer soluções sustentáveis para o mundo do design. Espaços eco-friendly, materiais reciclados e sistemas de energia renovável têm sido amplamente explorados, mostrando que a sofisticação pode caminhar lado a lado com a responsabilidade ambiental. A Casa Cor Ceará continua a evoluir a cada edição, inovando e surpreendendo o público com sua criatividade e bom gosto. Edifícios industriais, casas históricas e até mesmo uma escola de circo já serviram
como palco para a exposição, demonstrando a capacidade de transformar qualquer espaço em um ambiente de beleza ímpar. A história, trajetória e criação da Casa Cor Ceará são repletas de momentos memoráveis e inspiradores. Ao longo dos anos, essa exposição se tornou uma referência no campo do design em todo o estado, mostrando ao mundo a riqueza cultural, a criatividade e o talento do povo cearense. A Casa Cor Ceará continuará a iluminar a cena do design, trazendo sofisticação, inovação e encantamento em cada edição.
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souconceituado · 1 year ago
Eusébio recebe o maior centro comercial da Região
Terrazo Shopping, o maior centro comercial da região do Eusébio, começa a funcionar a partir das 11h do dia 18 de julho. Com um investimento de mais de R$ 300 milhões, o shopping foi construído pela Dasart, com realização da Simpex Incorporações, Grupo Normatel e FCG Participações. Localizado na CE 040 com o Anel Viário, o empreendimento possui uma Área Bruta Locável (ABL) de 32 mil m² em um…
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roosvergeest-jaar2 · 1 year ago
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24-04-2023 - DasArts
Vandaag begonnen met het samenstellen van mijn vorm en die tot dusver bekeken met de klas. Velen dachten aan cocons of bijenkorven, zelf weet ik niet of dat vormen zijn die ik wil nabootsen met dit werk. Of dat de vorm daar gewoon toevallig op lijkt. Transparantie en licht vond ik wel heel mooi passen bij de sfeer waar ik voor ga.
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semi-deuses · 2 years ago
Templos, estátuas, regras sacerdotais, aquisição de pertences alheios, etc. Moisés esteve na carne e deixou gravado na rocha os Dez Mandamentos, que fala no segundo mandamento: "não farás imagens quaisquer para as adorar".
Passaram-se 3.000 anos, de e muitos ainda não entenderam que esse não é o caminho. Se não bastasse a fé cega, ainda querem construir uma estátua de Jesus para atentar contra a própria Lei que esse mestre não só obedeceu como veio mostrar como viver a Lei!
Quantos giros em volta do Sol, quantas visitas dos mestres e quantas bíblias precisam ser entregues para cada centelha desabrochar a sua consciência e dar a devida atenção e agir sem tropeços ?
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acheiquera-iss04 · 2 years ago
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metalfuzz84 · 3 years ago
So uh- sketch turned to chaos-
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I’m sorry-
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iamsmaug · 5 years ago
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10 minute sketch!
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dasdrake · 7 years ago
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Got bored at work and made a new character. Their name is Samson.
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metalfuzz84 · 4 years ago
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Gosh I love the angst AUs. I’m super invested in this AU now and I thank you for it. I only have Dis drawn so far.
Anyway in this AU, Dis works as a hunter and assassin for the Admin to hunt and bring back the mercs that escaped. (As well as any enemy Admin seems as a threat) Admin tortured her using acid to burn her skin (which resulted in horrible nerve damage and scaring. This lets Dis bleed and bruise easier than before) and when that didn’t break her, Admin took Kev and is using him against her.
But only does she realize that Kev is working for Admin willingly because he doesn’t want Dis to get involved in this mess. Both are being played as pawns by Admin.
Dis is doing this to keep Kev safe just as much as Kev is doing the same thing to keep Dis safe. They refuse to find each other because they’re afraid the other will hate them for how they look now.
TF2 Shattered AU
wow look another au nobody asked for
Reyes knew from the moment she started working for the Administrator that the woman was hiding a whole lot from her. The Administrator was incredibly secretive and defensive about anything Reyes asked her, and even her co-worker, Miss Pauling, seemed nervous when she asked about her role. She knew it was dangerous work. Illegal work. But for her friends’ and parents’ safety, she kept her mouth shut.
But one day, she was assigned to work with some files. Someway, somehow, Miss Pauling or one of the other assistants had misplaced a very, very important paper. It ended up in Reyes’ stack of work for the day.
When she found the paper, she was horrified by what was inside. The paper was was full of detailed information about the loved ones and families of every Mann Co. mercenary, as well as where they lived and how to capture them. Administrator was planning to take and use these people as bargaining chips against the mercenaries to make them do work that would endanger themselves and thousands of civilians.
The very first thing she did was bring the papers to the mercenaries and explain what it meant. Of course, everyone was horrified and knew they had to stop the Administrator. But in their horror and confusion, they forgot that the woman had eyes and ears everywhere.
A few days later, Scout frantically called everyone to the common room, saying that they were talking about them on TV. The reporter on the screen explained that the Mann Co. mercenaries had been proven to be responsible for a large string of brutal civilian murders and domestic terrorist attacks. So now, the American government had just began to track all of the mercenaries down.
For a moment, the room was only silent. Maybe the mercenaries had committed many crimes, but they had never done the horrible things the reporter described. And despite knowing that the team was made of the best of the best, they knew they were no match for the government. 
All of a sudden, a voice came over the intercom. The Administrator’s. She explained that she had discovered what the mercenaries were planning. So, to get rid of the threat the mercenaries posed against her, she framed them for many crimes she and her employees had committed. And now, with the American government on her side, she could have each of the mercenaries killed and out of her hair forever. She warned them so they could have the chance to run and get some amusement out of watching them try to escape from her. You could put it that she was playing with her food.
After hours of debate, the mercenaries decided that the best choice was to go their separate ways and try to get away. And so, that night, the team packed their things and said their goodbyes. There was little time for tears and hugs.
Reyes cried for hours and hours once the base emptied. What was she going to do? Where was she going to go? She couldn’t leave, her parents needed her because they couldn’t speak English. She didn’t know what to do.
Soon, Miss Pauling appeared at the door. Reyes got up and approached her, desperately asking for help. The other woman only sighed, apologized, and pulled a gun.
What followed was a short shootout between the two, as Reyes always kept a gun on her too. She was lucky enough to escape quickly, driving home as fast as she could. She called her parents, quickly saying goodbye to them and telling them to go back to Mexico if they can, gathered her things, and fled.
She was able to buy a ticket and get to Europe, where she’s been hiding out for the last decade from the Administrator, praying to God that her friends and family are alright.
If I were to write the story, it would follow parts of the team reuniting and killing the Administrator.
Scout: Dead; killed in a shootout with American military when they found him at home in Boston. His mother and brothers mysteriously disappear soon after.
Soldier: Dead; attempted to confront the Administrator himself. He put up a good fight, but ultimately, he was no match for the people she’d employed to protect her.
Pyro: Alive; they luckily escaped and is running around the New Mexican badlands somewhere like some kind of cryptic.
Demo: Dead; poisoned by one of the Administrator’s goons in a bar in Scotland.
Heavy: unknown; he and his family disappeared very quickly after the team separated. It’s unknown if they were caught, killed, returned to Russia, or something else.
Engineer: Alive; the Administrator knew that if Doctor Dell Conagher, owner of Conagher Tech and one of the US’ leading military inventors, went missing while employed at Mann Co, the government would be on her in an instant. She made him swear not to speak about what happened by threatening to destroy his life’s work and kill his parents.
Medic: Alive; he was successfully captured, but when they attempted to kill him, he was kept alive by his deal with Satan to keep him alive for another fifty years. He was soon rescued by Spy, but not before the Administrator had his eyes removed so he could no longer be any threat to her if he did escape.
Sniper: Dead; ironically, he was killed by an amateur sniper while hiding out in the outback.
Spy: Alive; he escaped easily, but he is not the same. His son is dead. His family is dead. His love is dead. He has nothing left. He has this dead, hopeless look in his eyes; they tell you that even though Spy still walks and talks, The Spy is truly dead after losing everything he loved.
Reyes: Alive; she is currently hiding in Europe, as I said. At some point in those ten years, she was attacked by an assassin and was left with significant scarring on her left ribs down to her thighs and has a small limp.
Korri (owned by @gurt-the-great  : Alive; is living in New York with her brother. She’s been mentally broken by losing her partner, her friends, and her arm (and therefore, her ability to draw).
The Ammos (owned by @sary-nator-art): All alive; captured by the Administrator because they knew too much about her and her work.
Scrap (owned by @analyticalinsomniac): Alive; she is now working as a assassin-for-hire. 
Heikama (owned by LeFuzzbol): Alive; flees to Japan or possibly Thaiwan, Admin can’t find him due to him getting help from a few organizations. He is trying to recover from the mental trauma of it, plotting revenge, and working alongside a Yakuza family for a job until then.
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bootyslayermagic · 5 years ago
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rainywinnergarden · 7 months ago
Оформительские детали играют важную роль в выработке комфортной и модной атмосферы в проживаемом пространстве. Среди обширного выбора украшательных предметов, постеры для интерьера DASART занимают специальное место. Они представляют собой отличное способ дополнить оформление комнаты, добавив в неё DASART каплю неповторимости и моды.Выбор идеального постера способен радикально изменить ощущение места, превратив его более привлекательным и запоминающимся. Изображение на постере может отражать личные предпочтения обладателя квартиры, его вкусы или же попытка сформировать определённую обстановку. Выбирая постеры для интерьера, необходимо принимать во внимание генеральную цветовую схему комнаты и её дизайн. Так, постеры могут стать заметным акцентом или, наоборот, органично интегрироваться в имеющуюся атмосферу. В заключение, постеры для интерьера - это прекрасный метод добавить в дом ощущение свежести и энергии. Благодаря неограниченному ассортименту, все может найти наилучший вариант, отражающий его индивидуальность и гармонирующий в концепцию его интерьера.
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kelleycubes · 8 years ago
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guys what the hell an @yeeeem official but mine??
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