#daryl and carol
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moncherriis · 2 months ago
the way the only time daryl says ‘i love you’ in the entire show is to carol AND he says it first i’m sobbing they’re my babies i love them so so so much 😭😭
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lilgoblinbitch · 1 year ago
daryl and carol fluff requested by @kwaydays
*Y/N walks by. Daryl can't help but stare at her for longer than he should've.*
Carol: Daryl, you are just too obvious.
Daryl: Wha? *He is still watching her walk away.*
Carol: *snickers and nudges him* go talk to her!
*Daryl gives Carol his famous side-eye sneer.*
Daryl: Why would I do tha'?
She was his best friend, and she always saw right through him, no matter how much he denied it.
Carol: Come on, I'm not stupid. You know I know that you have feelings for her! Trust me, she likes you too. I know all the secrets!
Of course she did. Carol was omniscient. But Daryl had a habit of doubting himself.
Daryl: Don't matter.
Carol: *sighs and puts her hand on his shoulder* Stop doubting yourself, you're adorable and you deserve love, pookie.
*She smiles and ruffles his hair, and he blushes.*
Daryl: Alrigh'. I'll talk to her.
Carol: There we go. That's my pookie!
Daryl: *scoffs* Stop.
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first time writing incorrect quotes, lmk if i should write more ₊˚⊹♡
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annalovestwd · 1 month ago
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Giving two best friends that are also baddies🤩😋
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ninjakitty8862 · 7 months ago
In the end I’m still here and I’ll stay on this ship until it sinks. Been here since S2, not going to stop believing in Caryl. Been down this road so many times before so I’ve gotten used to it. I love Caryl and I’ll remain on this ship 🙂‍↕️
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They are in love with each other and I don’t care what anyone saids. Best friends to lovers make the best relationships.
Will we be let down when it’s all said and done? Probably but I’ve been here too long to quit now so if this ship sinks, I’ll be going down with it 🥳
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aceofstace · 5 months ago
I get it, a lot of you don’t like the show and feel negatively about it. Totally valid and fair.
But if you are like me and episode 4 made you squee and feel happy, then can you like this, so I know who the positive peeps in this fandom are?!
Real life is already so stressful and negative, I kinda want to just follow and see positive posts about two of my favorite fictional TV characters.
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rizzoreads88 · 5 months ago
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Totally Freaking Obsessed with Daryl and Carol.🔥🥹♥️
Absolutely LOVING this fanart by Dominika.arrow on instagram!
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formercarylshipper · 5 months ago
Norman once said about Daryl, “he wears his heart on his sleeve and he means what he says, and if he falls in love, he’s going to fall in love forever”. This spinoff has proved that’s false. Or more likely, it confirms that the “i love you” between Daryl and Carol was indeed platonic. He loves her but he’s not IN love with her. Because if Daryl was in love with Carol, then he wouldn’t have developed feelings for Isabelle and he certainly wouldn’t have kissed her or started planning a future with her.
I just feel like everyone tried so hard to sell a Caryl story and made sure that they took advantage of Carylers hopefulness to tease us something that we couldn’t believe might FINALLY happen. They started using TWDCaryl as a hashtag and all of the actors and EP’s (yes, including Melissa) spread just enough “hints” and content to keep us hanging on. We naively thought that the lack of mention of Isabelle meant that she wouldn’t be a concern because it was a Caryl story and if she had any importance, then she would have more mention.We had absolutely no idea what was coming our way. What we were actually getting. No one except the anti’s thought it would be what it ended up being.
Then Zabel opened his mouth and made his thoughts about Caryl perfectly clear. Then Norman did (plus he low key hates Carylers I think?) and Melissa said that she never knows what to say when people tell her that they want Carol and Daryl together romantically and that she likes them the way they are. And then AMC doubled down on the whole BFF thing. The signs were there. People started pulling away but some stayed hopeful.
Then the whole season got released. And clips were posted of Isabelle’s actual importance to the story. She (and Laurent) is the bulk of Daryl’s storyline. His developing feelings for her, their kiss, planning their future together, her death and then Daryl’s mourning at the loss for the remainder of the season (and into S3 apparently). Then Laurent becomes his primary concern. Carol plays ZERO role in Daryl’s world until she shows up and even then, she’s there to support him through his man pain.
Now we’re here with 2 episodes left and while some Carylers are still here for the ride, many more are not watching S2 and now with Isabelle’s death, the Darabelle/ABC shippers are pissed off and threatening not to watch. It just feels like a series of bad decisions. I know we still have S3 but who is gonna still be around to watch it?
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thedixonfamily · 2 months ago
that’s ever been mine <3
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shana-silver-fox · 5 months ago
TBOC 2.03 L'Invisible
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The title was clearly a callback to Rick and Carol's conversation at how good she is playing undercover detective. She gets it done in this episode.
Lots found this one boring, but for someone like me who likes to over analyze every little bit it was packed with lots of goodies.
Ces Douleurs
Genet: These pains we carry, we women need to learn to let them go. Men seem to have no problem doing that.
Carol: They certainly do not.
Damn. I FELT THAT hard!
we open with Genet's back story and what will be a parallel later to Tinkyl
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The purposeful comparison of Carol to the Mona Lisa is just *chefs kiss.
The most famous painting in the world. The most famous lady of The Walking Dead. Both with that hidden secret behind their smile.
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This quickly turns into Genet displaying a show of power over a much bigger man by making him eat food off the floor like a dog. There is another scene in the next episode that is very similiar. Would like to hear ya'lls thoughts on the point of this.
The man she humiliates has disrespected the lady who is serving them food. I lost count of the times haters have tried to diminish and disrespect Carol for "just being the cook". Wonder if this was a Melissa note? Genet tells Carol she has no tolerance for bullies, and no one has been bigger bullies in this fandom than the Carol haters.
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Loved this. We know Carol wants Daryl in the kitchen with her.
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Experiments. Yes we heard about Daryl’s “experiment” from Norman. Just as gruesome. No thanks.
Cordron: I had him and I let him go.
Carol knows what that’s like. Cordron also thinks Carol’s last name is Dixon now.
More talk about coincidences and signs. Look for the signs. 🪧
Remmy let us down, but his line saying Carol would have done the same for HER DARYL is so true.
The symbolism of Carol riding to the rescue on a white horse through a tunnel was beautiful. She was just cut off, unfortunately. So much tunnel symbolism connected to Caryl I could do a seperate post. Even Losang talks about light at the end of the tunnel. “you make the light” “follow my light”
I do love Carol’s reaction to hearing Daryl has aligned himself with a religious group. “REALLY?” Like the fandom’s reaction to this version of Daryl so far 😂
Carol: the war to end all wars? I’ve heard that before.
Shade at Rick?
Calling Daryl Carol’s raison d’être is spot on. It translates to “reason to live”
Tick tock time for the fairytale to end
Conveniently Sylvia dies so Isabelle doesn’t have to confess to executing Emile.
Why did Izzy just stand there and wait for Daryl to shoot walker Sylvie? Was she gonna let it happen? 🤨
I was impressed with Daryl’s action scene. Norman’s stunt double actually got a bit of a break. He made sure to get his Carol knife back!
Losang’s break down of Daryl is amazing….
losang :Simply reacting. A man alone. It’s a sad state. He’s right. Daryl has been just reacting not feeling since he got to France. and he feels totally alone
Only by risking everything can we be sure. Daryl’s so scared to risk everything with Carol
Daryl: What happens if you’re wrong?
Losang: If I’m wrong there would be no point in going on There’s Daryl’s greatest fear. If he risks it all to tell Carol how he feels and ends up being wrong and she doesn’t feel the same way, then loses her friendship, he will think he doesn’t have a reason to go on.
Laurent and Daryl’s cave couldn’t be more Lost Boys coded.
Laurent: Not Daryl. He never believed.
Yes toodles, & that’s why Tinkerbelle dies.
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The Leah parallel is just too much
When Isabelle figures out she’s Tinkerbelle 😥
Ok did everyone hear that distinct change in music tone after Tink says ILY? It was fraught, not happy. Along with Daryl’s expression.
Lasong to Daryl :Isabelle has always had an open mind and heart. You sadly are beyond hope
Daryl’s heart has been closed off and he thinks he’s beyond hope 😭😭😭 but hope is coming to open it!
Hope in the form of a tiny woman from Georgia is on her way to save you. Hope is not lost Daryl, she has a map!
The perfect bookend to this episode was Isabelle’s Douleurs Exquise . It’s a very common French phrase that means the pain of unrequited love. Poor Izzy. Getting silence and no return on that ILY was rough. 🥶
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From Ces Douleurs , to Douleurs Exquise
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rodpower78 · 5 months ago
Maybe you're too much.
Carol Peletier
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bellapasionada · 6 months ago
So I see TWD marketing and PR departments are still a dumpster fire. It's oddly comforting to know that some things never change.
~~~said in a sarcastic tone accompanied by a HEAVY dose of eye-rolling ~~~
"Carol's best friend"
"Daryl's best friend"
Your PR and marketing has made sure to push that narrative HARD. So since they're bffs and not much else according to TPTB, do us all a giant favor and stop trolling the ever-loving sh*t out of the Caryl fandom. Y'all always want it both ways.
P.S. - Well over a DECADE of TWD Universe on TV and not a decent showrunner to be had since Darabont. Whose soul needs to be sacrificed to get someone who UNDERSTANDS Daryl and Carol as individual characters as well as a unit? Get rid of Zabel, give Gimple a retirement package and get a REAL showrunner already.
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iloverocks · 6 months ago
Im sorry but can we stop shipping Caryl? I mean yea i understand, our queen is coming back but i thought i was easy to see there is no spark at all...like they are literally JUST a platonic friends. And to be honest im pissed too that they are shipping Daryl with Isabelle, i mean yea she is calm and somehow would suit Daryl but Dixon character was made that he would need a REALLY long time to love someone and they (for me) can't put Daryl who wasn't in any long relationship with a nun that we started knowing, where is slow burn? Where is getting attached to female character? Where is fan's shipping? There in none and right now if the producers didn't made Daryl go to Paris i would say that Connie and Daryl would have a chance to start a good i mean relly good relationship because we know Conne for good few years....And pls don't hate on the Isabelle actress, i saw someone being really pissy towards her as she didn't, absolutely nothing to have hate because producers don't know how to ship Daryl
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annalovestwd · 26 days ago
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Me and twin if we were two divas in a zombie apocalypse 🧟‍♀️😍
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alice-rose-fontaine · 4 days ago
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"Were they lovers?"
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ninjakitty8862 · 2 months ago
I’ve been shipping Caryl since S2 of the main show and as much as I hate saying it, I think it’s time I stop. I honestly never thought I’d be over them but David Zabel has truly ruined my love for these 2. DD:TBOC S2 was awful and even though I was happy to see Melissa/Carol, the show itself just wasn’t good. The writing alone is ass and the plots were trash and honestly all the S3 filming stuff I’ve seen has given me no excitement for S3.
I really hope S3 ends and there isn’t a S4. Or at least if there is a S4, please let someone who actually knows and cares about these 2 characters take control and get rid of Zabel.
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aceofstace · 5 months ago
We have never needed our ships to go canon more than now.
PLEASE give us something good to look forward to in this dark ass time.
Just let my ships cuddle and be cute, that’s literally all I’m asking for.
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