selfpossesedghost · 1 year
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So, tell me something about ocs.. who did they romance?
I've been waiting for a question like this!
Oro'a romanced Andronikos and took him back when he returned at the end KOTET.
Zaedesh romanced Quinn, but I'm planning on having her romance Arcann after redeeming him.
Nivirhy romanced Doc but is now romancing Lana.
Sorla didn't have a base romance since I intended her to always romance Theron.
Dedalera romanced Torian and I'm looking forward to their reunion on Darvannis. Mando Power Couple FTW!
Leyka romanced Vector and I'm excited to get him back.
Teeubo romanced Corso, but now I'm having her romance Koth. *gag*
And finally, Zenahi romanced Jorgan and was reunited with him at last!
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archeo-starwars · 10 months
I convinced Luth to come with me. I showed him we could no longer follow Vizla. We are warriors, we should be taking our fight to Zakuul, not the worthless machines on Darvannis. Vizla may be Mandalore, but Zakuul left no other challengers. Maybe this is her way of thanking them. I know there are others who feel the same, who will come with me too. There is a king who will let us hunt on his world. It is swarming with beasts the mightiest of us could only imagine. We can finally meet worthy prey again. The fool king wants tribute from our quarry, to slay offworld creatures and bring them to him from time to time. In return, he will leave us to hunt in peace. The di'kut doesn't understand that acquiring his 'payment' will bring us the honor we crave. When we leave, Vizla will say we are not Mando'ade, and those sheb'urcyin who have forgotten what that word means will agree with her. But if what she has made us is 'Mando'ade,' then I want no part of it. I will be ash'ad. I will be someone else.' --From the journal of Mirli Lok, leader of the Ash'ad
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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lighting, fashion, and interesting shot wins on darvannis tbh
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dirthara-dalen · 2 months
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While he somewhat agreed with Lana about the clans rearming they were still people. Shae claiming he was one of them was something he did not like. Vilkas had kept quiet about how he felt. all they had left to do was grab Gemini Prime. He couldn't wait to be done with Darvannis.
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mandalorianhistorian · 3 months
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Aftermath of the battle on darvannis
This scene is bittersweet especially if your a Mando player
Death is always around the corner for a mandalorian but to die by droids isn’t an honourable end
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cienie-isengardu · 11 months
Arla - Mandalorian name?
ARLA FETT was first presented as as unnamed Jango's sister in Jango Fett: Open Seasons comics mini-series
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then properly introduced as Arla Fett in Republic Commando: Order 66 & Imperial Commando: 501st)
Jusik squatted down and resorted to a little mind influence, the most benign, to make her realize he meant her no harm. It was worth trying even if he was stretching their luck. Something told him he had to, and maybe it was simply that he'd walked by one inmate too many. "Ner gai Bard'ika," he said. "Tion gar gai? Gar aliit?" He'd told her his name was Bardan, and asked her name and her clan name. She stared at him. It was as if she didn't believe what she was seeing, or hearing. "Arla," she said. She glanced at the nurse as if the woman was eavesdropping. "Neyar gain Arla Vhett." It wasn't Mando'a, but it was close enough for any Mandalorian to understand. Jusik turned slowly, still squatting, to look at Skirata. The old sergeant's face was a study in suppressed shock. [...] "So who is it?" Vau asked plainly irritated. Mird watched the woman with head cocked tail slapping. "We'd better have a good reason for taking a psychotic killer with us tonight." "We have," said Jusik. "That's Arla Fett-Jango's missing sister." [RC:O66]
and who at some point became a member of the Mandalorian Death Watch (a group that killed her parents while hunting Jaster Mereel and True Mandalorians on Concord Dawn)
Jusik steeled himself to look. He was expecting worse. He wasn't sure if the dark brown mark was a tattoo, or a scar, or a branding mark, but he knew exactly what it was because he'd seen one only hours ago, or a version of it: the Death Watch emblem, the ragged winged W shape. It didn't surprise him. She'd been spoils of war as far as they were concerned, an animal to be used, and marked as their property. "A surgeon can remove that," Kina Ha said. "Would that help?" Arla pulled down her shirt again. "You don't get it. You can't guess because it's so bad." "Whatever it was, you were a child of fourteen, Walon tells me. When we're adult, we look back and judge our childhood actions by unfairly adult rules." Arla didn't turn around. "It's not a wound or a humiliation. It's a badge." "Explain." "After I was kidnapped, after it stopped being a nightmare, I stayed with them. I became one of them. I stayed. I could have run away. But I stayed." [IC:501st]
So whatever she was a direct descendant of Mandalorian Fett clan or she just "joined" Mandalorians, she can be count as one of them.
The newest sources material introduced two other Mandalorian women of the same name:
ARLA SHALE (source: SWTOR short story "Seeing Red", can be read here)
Ballag started picking fights and spilling blood to prove his strength. The latest and most daring trouble was with Clan Shale. They were an old and respected clan with the trophies and glory to prove it. The body on the screen deserved a better death with a better enemy. “What do you expect with Ballag running them?” Rass said. “He’s going to run Nerak into the ground if he keeps this up.” He scoffed. He didn’t like Ballag. Too stubborn to lead, too stupid to see it. “I’ve spoken to Arla Shale.” Jekiah said. “Fought with her during that raid on Darvannis. She’s solid but won’t let her people be treated like this. It won’t end without a lot more bodies. With Mandalore gone, we need to stand as one.”
“A duel?” Arla asked, her lined and scarred face betraying no emotion. Without a moment of consideration, she nodded to Jekiah. “As the Arbiter decides.” No hint of fear in her eyes, only steely certainty. Ballag hesitated. He stood a head taller than everyone. His eyes were an uncanny yellow and flicked from Jekiah to Arla, the tiniest hint of unease in his gaze. Arla was experienced- maybe not faster, maybe not stronger, but Ballag would have to be a blind to consider her an easy target. Arla arched an eyebrow at the pause.
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The closer thing to ARLA in Mando'a dictonary I managed to find is the word MANDOKARLA which means to having the right traits / spirit for Mandalorian.
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So I guess we can assume Arla is an old/ancient mandalorian name?
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murder-and-mayhem · 1 year
ok I just remembered I liked that emoji ask post you reblogged yesterday to come back and send you an ask lmao SO, for any oc(s!!!!!) you want: 👁️, 💥, 🌙, 🙈, 🌌, ✏️ , 💘 (and if that’s too many just pick your faves of course!!)
OMG YAY!!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to post these. Work has been BRUTAL lately and it took me a minute to get my thoughts organized on these, but thank you so much for the asks! I'm gonna post them below the cut so people don't have to scroll through my wall of text because....well, you know me.
👁️ - What color are their eyes? Do people notice their eyes? Is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Jaidys/Torvahl - Both mother and son have very striking silver-blue eyes—nearly white they're so pale.
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While Jaidys' eyes are one of her more prominent features, they often aren't the first thing people notice about her. Her appearance is a little eccentric for a Sith considering she favors all-white clothing and blatantly displays her slave brands. However, when people do look into her eyes it is a deeply unsettling experience. Her gaze is cruel, cold, and unyielding, leaving you with the sickening feeling that you are being stalked by a predator.
Torvahl inherited Jaidys' strange eye color, however where his mother's eyes hold malice, Torvahl's are distinctly kind. When he was younger he absolutely hated his eyes. Anything that reminded him of Jaidys filled him with absolute dread, and he assumed that others would only ever see a Sith when they looked at him. This was especially true when he first arrived on Tython. Imagine his shock when he arrived at the temple only to find out that he was actually rather...boring. Basically just another run-of-the mill human, and he was thrilled. He does get a lot of compliments on his eyes since they're his most noticeable feature. It always makes him happy to know that people find them warm and comforting instead of instilling the fear that Jaidys' gaze always inflicted.
💥 - What emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Lizseth - Lizseth does not handle guilt well. At all. When she finds out the galaxy has gone to hell after her five year stint in carbonite, she is convinced that it's entirety her fault and the thought makes her physically ill. She feels like she abandoned her companions, her friends, her husband...everyone. Even though she knows that her imprisonment was beyond her control, it doesn't stop her from hating herself for not fighting harder.
In order to function, she essentially has to shut down all emotion, but she isn't as good at it as she thinks she is. As Alliance Commander, she takes every loss personally, and Lana and Theron worry about her constantly. When she slowly begins to reunite with her companions, her heart bleeds for the suffering they went through.
This is especially true for Torian.
When they finally have a moment alone on Darvannis, it takes him clutching her face in his hands and practically shaking her before he gets her calm down long enough to listen to him.
It wasn't her fault. It never was.
🌙 - What is your OC's greatest wish? How far are they willing to go for it?
Torvahl - Torvahl's greatest wish is to be reunited with his sister, despite knowing that there's a high chance she isn't the person that he remembers. He vehemently believes that at the very least he owes her an explanation for leaving her all those years ago, even if she refuses to forgive him—or worse, tries to kill him. It's a wish that he harbors in secret. The Jedi Council would hardly approve of him hunting down a Sith during his scarce moments of downtime, and more importantly wanting to reconnect with her goes against the Jedi Code. So, how far is he willing to go? His sister is important enough for him to break the very Code he's sworn to and risk his place among the Jedi, however he wouldn't put the lives of others at risk to make it happen. If anyone has to face the threat of death or exile it will be him and him alone.
🙈 - What's a side of your OC that they don't want to show other people?
Sehlaan - It may be cliché, but she struggles with showing vulnerability in any capacity, including her love life. She was raised to believe that any show of weakness was a death sentence—a belief that was often proven true, especially during her time at the Academy and during her apprenticeship. When she's on the battlefield, her stoicism is a virtue. She knows from experience that leading armies demands that she be a pillar of strength and resolve. Any crack in her façade could tank morale as well as put her ability to lead into question. This was especially true during the operation on Yavin-4 and during her leadership of the Alliance. One false move while commanding an army composed of two warring factions would have killed both endeavors in their infancy.
It's a different story when it comes to her relationships—both platonic and romantic. Her stubborn refusal to relinquish control and just allow herself to be a human being often did more harm than good. After being burned during her relationship with Malavai Quinn, she was determined to never let anyone worm their way under her skin again. Then she met Arcann, and she slowly began to open up in order to help him heal. She found it was easier to be herself around him, which in turn allowed her to open up in her friendships with Lana, Jaesa, and Theron. Sehlaan still has days where she struggles, but it's easier to remind herself that she doesn't have to be perfect all of the time—that she is allowed to have moments of doubt and to feel insecure.
🌌 - What was the inspiration behind your OC? What was the first thing you decided about them?
Sehlaan - I don't know if I had any particular inspiration for Sehlaan. She just kind of came to life in the character creator, and the more I fleshed her out in-game the more I loved her. The first things I decided about her? I knew that she would 100% be played neutral and eventually lean towards more light-side choices in a nice redemption arc. I also had her family tree sorted pretty much immediately. I knew she was going to be the daughter of my SI, and that she would have a Jedi brother.
✏️ - Is there a particular quote/lyric that you associate with them?
Jaidys - "A smiling face draped over stone cold eyes / reflecting a fire, fueled with lies" — "Vaudeville" by Priest
Lizseth - "She's a Killer Queen/ Gunpowder, Gelatine/ Dynamite with a laser beam/ Guaranteed to blow your mind" — Killer Queen by Queen (of course)
Sehlaan - "The darkness was a cocoon / Just like the moth, I escape the gloom / A sparkle deep within / Let out the flame that begot me to win" — "The Pit" by Priest
Edge lord lyrics probably but ✨oh well ✨
💘 - What traits do they look for in a relationship? Do they believe in love at first sight?
Sehlaan - Sehlaan does not believe in love at first sight. At all. She believes that you need to truly know the good and the bad that comes with a person—all of their quirks and annoying habits, the things that keep them up at night and the traumas that come into the relationship with them—otherwise you are simply in love with a façade. It's one of the reasons she and Arcann work so well together. She knows him inside and out, and every day she chooses to love the good and the bad that comes with him just as he does with her.
When it comes to relationships, she looks for comfort and solace. To her, being with your partner should feel like home no matter where you are in the galaxy. She also looks for a solid friendship in her partner. If she can't find common ground with a person and enjoy their company platonically, throwing romance/sex into the mix would only be a recipe for disaster.
Lizseth - Lizseth doesn't believe in love at first sight either. In her eyes, love at first sight is a prettier way to justify pure animal attraction. There's nothing wrong with lust. She just believes that there's a lot more work required than simply looking at someone and deciding you love them.
When it comes to partners, Lizseth wants someone who can make her laugh. If the person she's interested in has no sense of humor, she doesn't even waste her time. She also craves intimacy in all of its forms, despite being a bit of a hard ass in most other aspects of her life. She wants to be wooed by her partner—though not necessarily in the traditional sense of the word. She enjoys a good game of cat and mouse in her relationships. This means flirting, teasing, lingering touches, and heated glances—the thrill of the chase even if she's already in a committed relationship with that person. It all boils down to the fact that Lizseth needs to feel wanted. The moment she feels like she's a burden to someone, the relationship crashes and burns.
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reallystellacadente · 2 years
Ch 21: Beloved
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The day of Jaesa and Vette's wedding has come. Chapter is here. From the beginning, here. And there's an author's note of importance at the end. I just want to thank everyone who's stayed with this story thus far. This is the final chapter of the "first ending" version. The rest of the story, if you choose to read, will drop shortly all at once because I'm only a little bit of a monster.
Once it was clear that Xhareen and Quinn had reunited, for certain and for good, Vette had showed up in person on Dromund Kaas with a request.
“Jaesa and I have talked about it, and we think you’re the only one that makes sense to perform our wedding service,” she said.
Xhareen hugged her and in between sobs muttered, “Yes, of course I will.”
When they both had stopped bawling, Vette added, “I hope you don’t mind that we are leaving all the planning up to Quinn.”
A hearty laugh followed. “Vette, I don’t see how you would have had much choice there. He’d already planned two-thirds of the details the day you two announced the date,” Xhareen said. “I do recall him pausing for at least a minute, though, when you said it would be here in the stronghold. But then he simply called up a holo of the building and started making notes.”
“He seems so happy. I hope you are, too,” Vette said.
And they were. Quinn moved effortlessly from his position as liaison to the Dark Council to heading up a new intelligence analysis unit in High Command. As Xhareen predicted, he was promoted to full colonel two weeks after they returned from Darvannis.
Two weeks after that, Darth Marr announced that Darth Hadius would be taking Baras’ seat on the Dark Council as head of the Sphere of Military Offense. Xhareen thought she’d be more upset that it wasn’t her name being read out on every holo-receiver in Imperial space. But she felt at peace. She’d made the right decision.
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Vasmi na'Dreshdae
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Vasmi was born into an ancient and powerful Sith family, one of the few with a stronghold on Korriban; she grew up in Dreshdae, an Imperial outpost/small city supporting the Korriban Academy, though her family took her on fairly frequent trips to Ziost and Dromund Kaas to interact with high society. Vasmi spent a lot of time hanging around the Sith Academy, watching the acolytes, which was how she met Kedu Iskejarim, another pureblood. He was lowborn, with no real class despite having power, and a rascal, which did not endear him to her parents - which naturally meant she developed a crush on him. at first her interest in him was more out of teenage rebellion than anything concrete, but by the time he left for Dromund Kaas and his apprenticeship, she found herself interested in him as a person and missing his presence.
picked up by Darth Baras as an incredibly promising and powerful Force-wielder (though her saber combat skills remained lacking), Vasmi's strong sense of honor and firm belief in the Sith led her to form unexpected alliances as she secured Baras' spy network and hunted down Nomen Karr. with Jaesa at her side as a willing apprentice, Vasmi was instrumental in restarting the war with the Republic, and after Baras' betrayal of her - which blindsided her and angered her greatly - she threw herself into her position as the Emperor's Wrath.
during the early days of the Dread War, the Dark Council (where she got her orders from in the Hand's silence) sent Vasmi to Darvannis to deal with Dread Master Styrak; she hired the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, the helmeted Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, to infiltrate Styrak's ranks of mercenaries and send her information on what she was facing. the hunter was injured during a fight, and when Vasmi pulled him aside to treat him, she discovered he was none other than Kedu, her old teenage crush. the two of them reconnected and began to spend more time together, falling into a proper relationship.
when Neyri Qel-Droma left Yavin IV and laid claim to Korriban, sparking the Sith Civil War, Vasmi was one of the leading forces fighting against her, acting in Vitiate's name - determined to defend his throne and his right to it even if the rest of his Hand had abandoned her, even if it seemed he himself had abandoned her. it wasn't until Ziost died that she was forced to come to terms with the realization that the Emperor she had served so loyally had never really existed at all, and she turned and swore her loyalty to Neyri. the war didn't last much longer than that, and after taking control of the Empire and naming herself its Jen'ari, Neyri named Vasmi the Wrath of the Sith, using her as a non-sphere-affiliated representative and tool. Vasmi currently splits her time between Korriban and Dromund Kaas, assisting in whatever matters Neyri needs from her, and is raising a family with Kedu.
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amarysso · 4 years
Nice form, Cadera
Torian Cadera, in combat: Admiring my form?
My Sith Inquisitor: Yeah, you’ve got a nice ass.
Torian: ...
Torian: You know that wasn’t what I meant.
Sith Inquisitor: Well, I’d be happy to admire your form properly someplace more...private. *wink wink*
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swtor--screenshots · 4 years
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dottiechan · 5 years
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Ner runi ca kebii’tra. // My soul is the night sky.
Bal gar me’suum’ika bal ka’ra. // And you are the moon and stars.
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insufficient-focus · 5 years
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Darvannis Sky
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dirthara-dalen · 3 months
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It was odd seeing Shae again and yet no sign of his father. Even though he was there on official business he had to ask. He waited until he and Torian were to set out to lower the shields over the factory. Shae did not want to answer his question which bothered him greatly. Torian suggested he speak to Levi about what had happened to Kaz.
The moment Vilksa could he asked Levi and got an answer he did not like. Kaz was now Dar'manda and not by choice. Once they were done on Darvannis he wanted to know everything.
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