#darthmarrsgf asks
murder-and-mayhem · 2 years
ok I just remembered I liked that emoji ask post you reblogged yesterday to come back and send you an ask lmao SO, for any oc(s!!!!!) you want: 👁️, 💥, 🌙, 🙈, 🌌, ✏️ , 💘 (and if that’s too many just pick your faves of course!!)
OMG YAY!!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to post these. Work has been BRUTAL lately and it took me a minute to get my thoughts organized on these, but thank you so much for the asks! I'm gonna post them below the cut so people don't have to scroll through my wall of text because....well, you know me.
👁️ - What color are their eyes? Do people notice their eyes? Is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Jaidys/Torvahl - Both mother and son have very striking silver-blue eyes—nearly white they're so pale.
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While Jaidys' eyes are one of her more prominent features, they often aren't the first thing people notice about her. Her appearance is a little eccentric for a Sith considering she favors all-white clothing and blatantly displays her slave brands. However, when people do look into her eyes it is a deeply unsettling experience. Her gaze is cruel, cold, and unyielding, leaving you with the sickening feeling that you are being stalked by a predator.
Torvahl inherited Jaidys' strange eye color, however where his mother's eyes hold malice, Torvahl's are distinctly kind. When he was younger he absolutely hated his eyes. Anything that reminded him of Jaidys filled him with absolute dread, and he assumed that others would only ever see a Sith when they looked at him. This was especially true when he first arrived on Tython. Imagine his shock when he arrived at the temple only to find out that he was actually rather...boring. Basically just another run-of-the mill human, and he was thrilled. He does get a lot of compliments on his eyes since they're his most noticeable feature. It always makes him happy to know that people find them warm and comforting instead of instilling the fear that Jaidys' gaze always inflicted.
💥 - What emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Lizseth - Lizseth does not handle guilt well. At all. When she finds out the galaxy has gone to hell after her five year stint in carbonite, she is convinced that it's entirety her fault and the thought makes her physically ill. She feels like she abandoned her companions, her friends, her husband...everyone. Even though she knows that her imprisonment was beyond her control, it doesn't stop her from hating herself for not fighting harder.
In order to function, she essentially has to shut down all emotion, but she isn't as good at it as she thinks she is. As Alliance Commander, she takes every loss personally, and Lana and Theron worry about her constantly. When she slowly begins to reunite with her companions, her heart bleeds for the suffering they went through.
This is especially true for Torian.
When they finally have a moment alone on Darvannis, it takes him clutching her face in his hands and practically shaking her before he gets her calm down long enough to listen to him.
It wasn't her fault. It never was.
🌙 - What is your OC's greatest wish? How far are they willing to go for it?
Torvahl - Torvahl's greatest wish is to be reunited with his sister, despite knowing that there's a high chance she isn't the person that he remembers. He vehemently believes that at the very least he owes her an explanation for leaving her all those years ago, even if she refuses to forgive him—or worse, tries to kill him. It's a wish that he harbors in secret. The Jedi Council would hardly approve of him hunting down a Sith during his scarce moments of downtime, and more importantly wanting to reconnect with her goes against the Jedi Code. So, how far is he willing to go? His sister is important enough for him to break the very Code he's sworn to and risk his place among the Jedi, however he wouldn't put the lives of others at risk to make it happen. If anyone has to face the threat of death or exile it will be him and him alone.
🙈 - What's a side of your OC that they don't want to show other people?
Sehlaan - It may be cliché, but she struggles with showing vulnerability in any capacity, including her love life. She was raised to believe that any show of weakness was a death sentence—a belief that was often proven true, especially during her time at the Academy and during her apprenticeship. When she's on the battlefield, her stoicism is a virtue. She knows from experience that leading armies demands that she be a pillar of strength and resolve. Any crack in her façade could tank morale as well as put her ability to lead into question. This was especially true during the operation on Yavin-4 and during her leadership of the Alliance. One false move while commanding an army composed of two warring factions would have killed both endeavors in their infancy.
It's a different story when it comes to her relationships—both platonic and romantic. Her stubborn refusal to relinquish control and just allow herself to be a human being often did more harm than good. After being burned during her relationship with Malavai Quinn, she was determined to never let anyone worm their way under her skin again. Then she met Arcann, and she slowly began to open up in order to help him heal. She found it was easier to be herself around him, which in turn allowed her to open up in her friendships with Lana, Jaesa, and Theron. Sehlaan still has days where she struggles, but it's easier to remind herself that she doesn't have to be perfect all of the time—that she is allowed to have moments of doubt and to feel insecure.
🌌 - What was the inspiration behind your OC? What was the first thing you decided about them?
Sehlaan - I don't know if I had any particular inspiration for Sehlaan. She just kind of came to life in the character creator, and the more I fleshed her out in-game the more I loved her. The first things I decided about her? I knew that she would 100% be played neutral and eventually lean towards more light-side choices in a nice redemption arc. I also had her family tree sorted pretty much immediately. I knew she was going to be the daughter of my SI, and that she would have a Jedi brother.
✏️ - Is there a particular quote/lyric that you associate with them?
Jaidys - "A smiling face draped over stone cold eyes / reflecting a fire, fueled with lies" — "Vaudeville" by Priest
Lizseth - "She's a Killer Queen/ Gunpowder, Gelatine/ Dynamite with a laser beam/ Guaranteed to blow your mind" — Killer Queen by Queen (of course)
Sehlaan - "The darkness was a cocoon / Just like the moth, I escape the gloom / A sparkle deep within / Let out the flame that begot me to win" �� "The Pit" by Priest
Edge lord lyrics probably but ✨oh well ✨
💘 - What traits do they look for in a relationship? Do they believe in love at first sight?
Sehlaan - Sehlaan does not believe in love at first sight. At all. She believes that you need to truly know the good and the bad that comes with a person—all of their quirks and annoying habits, the things that keep them up at night and the traumas that come into the relationship with them—otherwise you are simply in love with a façade. It's one of the reasons she and Arcann work so well together. She knows him inside and out, and every day she chooses to love the good and the bad that comes with him just as he does with her.
When it comes to relationships, she looks for comfort and solace. To her, being with your partner should feel like home no matter where you are in the galaxy. She also looks for a solid friendship in her partner. If she can't find common ground with a person and enjoy their company platonically, throwing romance/sex into the mix would only be a recipe for disaster.
Lizseth - Lizseth doesn't believe in love at first sight either. In her eyes, love at first sight is a prettier way to justify pure animal attraction. There's nothing wrong with lust. She just believes that there's a lot more work required than simply looking at someone and deciding you love them.
When it comes to partners, Lizseth wants someone who can make her laugh. If the person she's interested in has no sense of humor, she doesn't even waste her time. She also craves intimacy in all of its forms, despite being a bit of a hard ass in most other aspects of her life. She wants to be wooed by her partner—though not necessarily in the traditional sense of the word. She enjoys a good game of cat and mouse in her relationships. This means flirting, teasing, lingering touches, and heated glances—the thrill of the chase even if she's already in a committed relationship with that person. It all boils down to the fact that Lizseth needs to feel wanted. The moment she feels like she's a burden to someone, the relationship crashes and burns.
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azems-familiar · 3 years
WIP whenever
the lovely @sleepswithvillains tagged me in this a few days ago and i completely forgot about it until now, but i have a snippet to share from a mass effect/swtor fusion i'm writing! in which Lia and J'lima are about to have a Very Bad Day.
no pressure tags for sharing snippets: @ipreferfiction @darthsassacre @tarrevizsla @darthmarrsgf and anyone else who wants to do it, consider this an open tag!
On bigger colonies, the ones everyone talks about on the extranet, the ones like Eden Prime, it’s said there’s enough light pollution it’s hard to see the stars, or the flung out curves of the Milky Way’s arms. Lia finds that hard to imagine; their town is quiet, mostly farming, and with the power rationing most nonessential electricity gets cut a few hours after sunset, meaning there’s hardly anything to interrupt her view of the night sky. There’s a spot a ways outside the colony, up at the top of a small hill, where none of the lights reach and it’s like there’s nothing but the sky, glittering with countless stars and the golden aurora of the galaxy itself - she and J come out here all the time, to watch the stars and try to guess which way to the Citadel. They’re going to be out there, one day, sailing between the stars, Lia knows it with all the unshakeable certainty of a truth of the universe, the same way she knows the mass relays will always tie their galaxy together and the colony will always be here at her back to welcome her home. Two more years until they turn eighteen, and then they can enlist with the Alliance military and leave the farms behind.
Lia hasn’t been offworld since she was nine, after the last of her experimental medical procedures - the doctors had pronounced her officially free of all eezo-induced cancer, and now all she has to do is see the colony doctor a couple times a year for checkups to make sure it doesn’t come back - but she can still remember the way it’d felt, metal humming beneath her feet with a life of its own, space streaking by outside the viewport. She’s never been through a mass relay herself, only ever gone FTL to a neighboring system, but she’s imagined it enough times it almost feels real: the arc of blue light as the mass effect energy reaches out and grabs hold of the ship, the way that energy crackles across the ship’s hull and floors and hurls it across the galaxy in the blink of an eye.
Here, outside the colony’s borders with no one but J’lima at her side and nothing to ground her, it’s all too easy to look up at the sky and imagine that her eighteenth birthday has already come and gone, that they’re shipping out soon to join the Alliance as they protect humanity all across the stars, that one day soon maybe they’ll set foot on the Citadel for themselves and finally see the heart of the galaxy, the first humans from their colony to ever do it. They’ll become the best soldiers the Alliance has ever had.
(Spectres, maybe even, Lia’s been starting to think - they don’t have any training, sure, but they’ve been practicing their biotics religiously through extranet courses ever since they got their implants, and any potential lingering weakness from her years of illness is long gone, meaning she can keep up with J’lima just as well as if she’d never been sick at all. She knows it’s a long shot that they could be Spectres, when there hasn’t ever been a human one and humanity hasn’t been part of the galactic community for that long, relatively speaking, but they got their embassy in almost record time, so why not Spectres? One of the fastest expanding races in the galaxy, surely the Citadel Council will have to see that they deserve the recognition.)
It’s a quiet night. Just over the hill, the colony’s nonessential electricity is shutting down, bit by bit; in the wave of darkness something bright and near-blinding streaks across the sky like a meteor to vanish in the distant trees. “Did you see that?” Lia asks, pushing herself up onto her elbows, and J’lima follows suit, squinting out over the rolling hills towards the woods they aren’t supposed to explore (and so, of course, have spent hours in). “I wonder what it was.”
It’s past ten at night, that much is obvious with the way the colony is closing off until the morning, but that doesn’t stop the slow, curious, determined grin crawling across J’lima’s face, the one Lia’s can’t help mirror. “We could go find out,” her best friend suggests. “What if it was a meteorite? If we find it, get a scan of it, send it back to the colony…”
She doesn’t need to finish the sentence. Any space debris is almost guaranteed to have useful metals and other raw resources in it, maybe even element zero - of which there hasn’t been any around since the deposits dried up when Lia was around three or four. Any secondhand exposure to it could spark biotic potential, bring Alliance attention back to them, and if there’s valuable materials to be found, if it’s a crashed ship instead of a meteorite and there’s information on it… if they’re the ones to find it, it could be their ticket into the military. This could be everything they’ve been waiting for since they were children and seeing an Alliance vid for the first time on the extranet.
“Eliass is going to kill us,” Lia says, and vaults to her feet, offering J’lima a hand. Her stepmother (the only asari in the colony besides her half sister Leda) tends to be somewhat protective, but since she lost her last partner and their children to some kind of accident several decades ago, Lia supposes she can’t blame her. Still, a lecture will be an easy price to pay if they bring back useful information or materials, and if they manage to catch the Alliance’s attention yet again.
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azems-familiar · 3 years
WIP game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i'm a few days late on this, but i was tagged by @dvrthncx and @sleepswithvillains iirc, so here we are! i have utterly and completely given up on naming my docs anything recognizable and simply titling them by whatever emotion i am feeling when i am forced to make them. some of these are actual wips, some of them are just scenes from various AUs that i'm working on now because people won't shut up, etc
without further ado:
start a war table of contents
Men Time
vreila prologue
cannot believe you're getting away with this you fucker
hector i am begging you to make better decisions you are a ravenclaw
HP Revan :eyes:
the Novelization
disaster dumbasses
i don't want this
i am spiritually strangling this man with my fists
hot evil woman time
mass effect post ending shit
we're both unwanted daughters
what are you even doing here
why are you doing this to me
ktis prologue
qatya stuff
cannot believe i'm doing this
aftermath of Shit
amnesiac Sith Lord saves the galaxy
there are more but i am not going to go further down the list because about nothing past that point is actually going to get anything written on it at any point like. at any time soon. a few tags: @ipreferfiction @darthsassacre @darthmarrsgf @reliable-apprentice
send me an ask if you want! i Will talk about things.
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