#darth ikoral
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moontheoretist · 2 years ago
Can Cytharat come back, please?
Recently we have seen come back of several obscure characters that we met only briefly or didn't actually meet at all in the case of Krovos (Aygo doesn't count because he was there in Kuat Driver Yards, but we have him basically since the start of the Alliance storyline), which makes me wonder if despite the possibility of sentencing Cytharat to death in Stronghold One, there is a chance for his comeback in a full or casual romance? He was the only gay character at the time that a male Player Character could romance, so it'd be unfortunate (and by proxy homophobic) if his fate ended to be death or disappearance in obscurity. To this day, he is probably the only exclusively gay LI we have in the entire game, as the rest are bisexual or heterosexual by default. Him coming back could be an interesting thing lore wise as well, considering that Sith Purebloods we know of were interested in the Sith blood. Him existing as a gay man in a minority that values Sith blood and wants to restore their race to their former glory is an opportunity to show us a deeper facet and more thorough picture of Sith Pureblood culture apart from Sith Empire. How queerness can prevail and could even be celebrated if allowed to exist in a world in which technology can aid your race's reproduction, so nobody (gays, aces, lesbians) would be forced to do things they don't want to do.
(Though I guess there can't be a society without a vocal minority of older folks who would like to not see that gay shit, because it's not helping their already dying out race and Cytharat would have to at least listen to 3 granny Siths complain that he doesn't like women).
Warning, loosely related to the topic tangent up ahead!
Speaking of which, we were shown very little of Sith Purebloods as a cultural group in the game. There are comics and Wookiepedia, but it's just not the same as experiencing Purebloods practice their culture ourselves. I wonder, what in game Purebloods would think about Darth Ikoral's quest to eradicate all aliens (except Purebloods and for some unfathomable reason humans) from the ranks of the Sith. Or if they approved of Lord Abaron's quest to see only Sith with proper Sith lineage in the position of Sith Academy Overseers? This reminds me that I always thought about his quest as purely a Nazi one, so I always avoided doing it. But recently I gave it a try and realized that it's less bad than I thought. The whole quest is about restoring the old families to "their rightful place" which is a bit silly, considering that you could have a descendant of Tulak Hord that is a complete failure at doing anything getting a position of Overseer due to his ancestry alone, but when you think about it in the context of the people of color trying to desperately be included in the structures of power and culture of the Empire build on ancient Sith heritage, it becomes something completely understandable and sad. Like the fight to see yourself represented in the government kind of thing.
Lord Abaron went about it the wrong way, as he should have beyond the bloodline also prioritize the ability and expertise, but I know what he was going for, and can't really see it as something as bad as what Ikoral tried to do. (Genocide? Really? Don't you have enough of it?)
I'm giving him a benefit of the doubt because he is a minority in the Empire, not because I can't see the xenophobia he is operating on.
They're a minority, a dying out one at that, and there are not many of them left. They're still treated with respect and are allowed to be part of the privileged class (in case of the force-sensitive Purebloods at least) in the Empire build on the bones of their culture, but the game letting us kill so many of the Purebloods willy-nilly doesn't really help with preserving those fantasy people of color's future. By allowing for Cytharat, Vowrawn, Shaar etc. to just die, game inadvertently leads to their extinction which we know happened as this race doesn't exist anymore in the movie era timeline. All of them just simply died out, so I can't really see them as equivalent to the Aryan race, a race that never truly existed, that was just an invention of the Nazis for the sole excuse to justify the genocide committed on the Jewish population.
And as you probably can guess, I don't care about movie era. I want my Cytharat baby back, and I want him to be allowed to live as a gay man in a Galaxy Far Far away with no repercussions whatsoever.
Though if he comes back I will probably have to start campaigning for the devs to bring back the polyamorous flags (I mean the previous system when you could set as many romance flags as you wanted) and just simply give us a wheel choice in each cutscene which NPC we want to see in it (and maybe include repetition of the cutscene if they're at it, because damn I need it sometimes) or allow all of them to just come at the player one after another in a hilarious attempt to remind us of certain things, because otherwise I will have to choose between Theron and Cytharat and I really don't want to have to do it.
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serenofroses · 2 years ago
replaying red reaper flashpoints many times gives me a thought on who the heck was the rogue Sith Lord who captured Jazz before she was sent to Jedi for safety and to heal.
Darth Ikoral, you deserved better than a flashpoint only enemy. You shall get an upgrade.
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badsithnocookie · 6 years ago
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baseless assertion: ikoral’s little mission represented a grave threat that could have severely destablised the empire, but not the way that the FP’s story is sold to the player.
fact: vitiate does not give a single blue fuck about the survival of the sith, whether we’re talking about the culture, the religion, the species, the language, whatever. vitiate cares only about the survival of vitiate; the sith are a means to that end, and one that will be necessarily destroyed along the way.
fact: everything that vitiate has done since the GHW - the years wandering in space, the resettlement of DK (which he knew the location of all along), the reclamation of korriban, everything - was in the name of building a society that hangs on his every breath and adheres itself to his whims.
this society can survive the addition of human and to an extent alien cultures and worlds because they are not equals. not culturally, not socially, not legally. the sith are top dogs, and vitiate is the biggest dog of them all. alien cultures have no influence on the sith; the sith impose themselves on alien cultures.
bringing sith - red sith, otherwise indistinguishable from the red sith of vitiate’s empire - threatens to upset that balance, because they come from cultures which have evolved outside of his influence. they do not rely on him and his philosophy and his teaching. they are outside of his control. moreover, they are proof that the sith do and can thrive outside of his rule and teachings.
even if these newcomer sith seemed to toe the empire’s party line, they’d still be a potential cultural threat, both to the empire as it sees itself and the empire as v intends it. better to kill them off before ikoral and his followers get a chance to do anything else.
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certified-anakinfucker · 2 years ago
the cheeri treatment:
— hear about cheeri from various shoutouts, tags, reblogs, writer appreciation posts, gift arts, etc
— understand that cheeri does not post anything of its own
— encounter cheeri in a discord server
— watch hundreds of messages come in from cheeri because it is engrossed in lore and conducting meltdown analyses and has actually put down months of work all just to hold a middle finger up to things it doesnt like and do whatever it wants
— find that cheeri does not sleep.
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contispexlegacy · 3 years ago
OC: Uraela Kallig
(My very first character makes her debut! She is now open for Asks.)
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NAME: Uraela Kallig. Darth Occlus. Matriarch Kallig. Heir to Tulak Hord and Aloysius Kallig. Master of the Dead. 
GENDER: Female
CLASS: Sith Assassin
CURRENT ROLE: Dark Councillor of Sith Influence
HISTORY: Born around 3677 BBY, and once a lowly slave for minor Imperial Nobility, Uraela was sent to the Sith Academy a few weeks shy of her twentieth birthday after been discovered to be Force Sensitive. The incident that caused the discovery is unknown, but it is rumoured to have involved the death of her Master’s eldest son.
From there, the Sith Inquisitor story plays out, albeit set about twenty years earlier than normal. The Kaggath between her and Darth Thanaton didn’t take place on Corellia, as it was still a firmly Republic world. She probably took part in the sacking of Coruscant too.
She took Andronikos Revel as her Consort (i.e: Their children would have the Kallig name, not the Revel one), and had a daughter with him (my ‘canon’ Sith Warrior, and the current Lord Kallig). 
She was the one that dealt with Soa the Infernal One, and the one that put down Darth Ikoral.
In present day, she’s taken Darth Anathel place on the Dark Council (and she didn’t even need to kill him!). She also writes Sith Opera’s, and is fluent in the Old Sith Tongue, often giving lectures and lessons in the subject to preserve it for future generations.
Introverted/Extrovert: Uraela has no issue celebrating amongst the people during Festivities, but is also fond of more subdued, elegant celebrations behind closed doors. She is publicly know for her love of her family, and has brutally and publicly dealt with those upstarts that have tried to use that against her.
Organized/Disorganized: Like the Empire, everything and everyone has their place and role. The reason the Empire works is because of that fact. Failings in the Empire are due to a breakdown of that fact.
Close-minded/Open-minded: Uraela is of the opinion that, using herself as an example, aliens (and/or slaves) are capable of becoming fine Sith (or Imperial Citizens). She is also of the opinion that “Knowledge is knowledge, regardless of its source”. She’ll learn Jedi Techniques if it will help her and the Empire crush the Republic and Jedi. 
Calm/Anxious: After everything she’s seen, barely anything fazes her now.
Disagreeable/Agreeable: Uraela knows she doesn’t know everything, and will happily listen to those more knowledgeable than her in a given subject. So long as they remember who she is.
Cautious/Reckless: She hasn’t kept her place on the Dark Council for so long by taking risks..
Patient/impatient: She above.
Outspoken/Reserved: If it wasn’t for the fact it meant betraying the Empire, Uraela would probably have sided with Malgus when he rebelled. She finds ignoring alien Force Sensitive’s because they are alien to be so incredibly wasteful as to be outright offensive. And she’s not afraid to make these views known.
Leader/Follower: Uraela knows her place in any given situation. If she needs to lead, she’ll lead. If she needs to follow, she’ll follow.
Empathetic/Unempathetic: Uraela unashamedly cares for her people, and genuinely wants the best for them.
Optimistic/Pessimistic: With Valkorion gone and no longer holding the Empire back, the future is bright in Uraela’s mind.
Traditional/Modern: Thanaton was right in some respects. Uraela is all for modernity, but that doesn’t mean the old ways need to be abandoned entirely.
Hard-Working/Lazy: See Cautious/Reckless. 
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villainship · 6 years ago
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Somehow it took me a long time to connect that this hat is stolen from Darth Ikoral. Definitely the kind of thing TD would knock him down and take for himself to strut around looking stupid in. 
(This was his good-luck casino attire for this year. And the only reason he’s got a straight face is because it’s the log-in screen.)
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sunderedazem · 3 years ago
I saw your tag that you haven't run all the FPs, but who in your legacy would have been sent to deal with the rogue Sith during Red Reaper?
Well! I just played through this FP and - I'll have to say, I actually somehow played on the character I think would have been tapped to kill Darth Ikoral. I didn't even mean to XD
Sekulyn, as a Twi'lek Sith Lord and my Inquisitor. is actively one of the most radically progressive Sith around. They HATE any sort of xenophobia towards aliens and considering Thanaton's grudge towards them, they're more than happy to leave any and all Sith traditionalists to burn. Bonus points if they get to watch said xenophobic traditionalists go down in flames.
In addition, Sekulyn likes Malgus's approach to being Sith - she's perfectly fine annihilating everyone onboard the Red Reaper at his request. Especially since it means she can cash in on a favor later. (Of course, she likes power more than Malgus, which is why she doesn't join him in his Rebellious Phases, but- eh)
Thank you for the ask!!! :D
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certified-anakinfucker · 2 years ago
tagged by @patchmates — WELCOME TO THE CIRCUS ♥️ i’m doing this on mobile like an ass so sorry abt the formatting
Rules: Name six Star Wars characters (dead or alive) you would invite as guests to a dinner party.
In no particular order!
1) Canon Anakin Skywalker. I’ll just bite him if he gets mean and put him in the timeout corner.
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2) Teenage Mace Windu. Like, fifteen year old Mace. Because I love him care him adore him and he wreaks havoc
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3) Rachi Sitra. Anyone who can kick Vader’s ass multiple times is a friend of mine.
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4) Darth Vindican. He’s hot. And a Sith Pureblood. And embarked on a journey to find his Master (Darth Ikoral) who left to find another colony of Purebloods. And then he came back to fight his way back onto Korriban, survived getting stabbed, only to be killed by his student Malgus as he looked over his homeworld. He’s also hot.
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5) Darth Rivix. He’s hot. And can use pheromones on people (Zeltron). And he spies on you really openly. And then he gives you a cute smile. He’s usually right but he’s so fucking shifty about it, and if you’re mean to him he’ll make it seem super unfounded. Gaslight king.
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6) I SAW SOMEONE PUT JON ANTILLES SO I’M GONNA SAY FAY!!! Because I love a woman born an undetermined amount of time ago who has been a Master longer than many have been alive and she is so full of love and compassion and light and is so in-tune with the Force and I love her so much she would tell amazing stories and-
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npt — @perasperaadastrawriting @jekyllnahyena @british-hero @calamity-aims @kemendin @walk-ng-d-saster and open tags bc i cant think of more people yet
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