#darn allergies
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joyousjoyfuljoyness · 2 months ago
You have an amazing blog
Do you have cats as a pet ?
Thank you!! You know what's super ironic?
I'm very allergic to cats, like I'll react if I'm in a long car ride with someone with a lot of cat hair on their clothes.
But I really really love them... Just from afar!
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volturiprincess · 9 months ago
I got to meet the cutest little creature yesterday...
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At that moment I didn't care if my throat was closing in and I felt like I was suffocating, or anything, this little fur ball was my main focus. His name is "Mitchi" or "Mitchy" (not sure how to spell his name but hes also 11 weeks), he's not mine (but my Aunt's) and I almost kidnap him, I was about to leave and I grabbed him but I think he sense I was about to take him away (😂) so he was like "Unhand me women, I know your intentions". I literally didn't care about the consequences I would face with my allergies later (which I'm still kind off recovering currently 😐), he was just so full of energy.
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zondel · 1 year ago
Oh I love spring *sneezes myself to death*
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mishy-mashy · 11 months ago
Theory: All For One gave Tomura the Decay Quirk
I was thinking this for a while. Midoriya learned that Tenko was originally Quirkless, already being five, so there was no way for him to have the Decay Quirk; All For One gave it to him
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Isn't it awfully convenient that right as Midoriya wonders "Who is this guy?", that All For One showed up?
All For One knew Tenko was a blank slate without a Quirk (yet, or at all).
Going back to ch. 235, we see that after Tenko was playing heroes with other kids, he got walked home by a man in a suit
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Suit, shadowed face, hat, tall, and Tenko still has black hair? This matches this memory, and we can see there's a lot of shading in the palms
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All For One walked home Tenko. He could've given him a Quirk during that time. Right after he brought him home, Kotaro got mad that Tenko was playing and talking about heroes. Already, while Kotaro is upset at him, we see Tenko scratching. According to Nao, his allergies got worse, and if he was just given a Quirk, his allergies could've been fueled by the new Quirk as his body adjusts
Even if it's just a mutation, we do know that his itchiness was related to Decay, since the itching went away after he destroyed what he didn't like (his Quirk revolves around de-constructing and destroying, so natural leanings toward those urges, etc)
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Yes, Tenko's Decay may very well just be a mutation like Eri, but I just want to bring one more thing to attention about the theory (All For One gave Decay when walking Tenko home):
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When Tomura used Decay and was fighting Re-Destro, back when he only had Decay, Machia was in shock, because it reminds him of All For One long ago. Not only his figure as a ruler that Machia remembers, but All For One could've done the same thing as Tomura (Decay), long ago
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florida3exclamationpoints · 10 days ago
Leaving Florida!!! today :(
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skyward-floored · 11 months ago
Finally have a chance to chill... I think I overdid it oops
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a-kinda-nerdy-girl · 1 year ago
My allergies have me blowing my nose like i have a cold, and I am currently not sick whatsoever
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jamba-employee · 1 year ago
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rowdyluv · 7 months ago
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quinn in 2017, luke in 2021 at their world junior summer showcases.
baby brother and big brother making the same exact face. almost identical moves on the ice.
I- one second, my allergies are messing up again darn eyes are watering again.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months ago
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Alice Pearce (On the Town)— She is timid she is bold she is thirsty she is awkward she is me she is you she is everything. She is Alice Pearce and she was playing Lucy Schmeeler onstage in the Broadway hit ON THE TOWN, and Gene Kelly saw it and immediately knew two things: (1) he wanted to do a movie version and (B) only if Alice Pearce reprised her original role. And both things happened, hallelujah, so now we can enjoy forever her making an allergy-ridden mess of a blind date with Gene Kelly in the most relatable way possible, and if it doesn't scream SCRUNGLE in fifty-foot neon-lit all caps with a brass band fanfare and a side of fireworks, then I'm the New York subway system. *sneezes and laughs maniacally, somehow breaking a table in the process*
Frank Gorshin (Bells Are Ringing, That Darn Cat)—you ever get the intrusive thought “what if james cagney was a shrimp?” well when I do I start thinking about Frank Gorshin. as the hippie in bells are ringing and the bad guy in that darn cat he brings the itchy shrimp energy hard.
This is round 1 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Alice Pearce:
Frank Gorshin:
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jolly-nature-mint · 8 months ago
Hating someone because of them actually being unable to be around a certain pokemon is just cruel. Some people have allergies, darn it
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o-lanterns · 2 years ago
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takenbypeter · 11 months ago
omggggggg i have AMAZING wonka fic ideaaaaaa!
What if wonka and reader have been working together a lot lately (platonic relationship) and Willy has noticed that y/n is scratching her arms a lot but he can't see anything bc of her sleeves and so one day he catches her like, wrapping her arms or smth bc shes allergic to the soap they use to wash the stuff and she keeps scratching themmm! so then he like, helps her wrap them and then later when they wash stuff if he sees her scratching her arms he just takes her hand XDD (platonic relationship plsss) THANK YOU!
Prickling Irritation
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Willy Wonka x reader (platonic)
Words: 636
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You couldn’t take it anymore. This dusty old bedroom, the dripping wet laundry every day, the soap that irritated your skin. You couldn’t do it!
But you had to, all because you forgot to read the fine print. That’s how you ended up here at Scrubbit’s, darn that fine print!
It’s only been about a month since you’ve been stuck here, and already you weren’t the newest member of the crew. The latest member who joined was a chocolatier who went by the name of Willy Wonka.
He was unlike any who joined before, he was ambitious and bold in his speech, at first it was amusing, but as he continued, he was quite motivating.
However, you would prefer not to do anything that got you into further trouble so here you worked at Scrubbit’s giving up on a way out.
Although it sucked, the work wasn’t the worst of it, no, the worst of it was the fact that you of course had to be allergic to the laundry soap used for the sheets.
Before here, you weren’t even aware of such an allergy yet ever since being stuck here you noticed how itchy your arms would get and of course with itchiness came redness.
“Ugh,” you groaned as you rubbed your forearms not wanting to itch them any longer. After a whole day of washing clothes they were prickling with every touch. Giving them a final itch, you slap them before grabbing a cloth.
Holding one your forearm up against the small desk you place the cloth underneath and holding one side with your mouth you try to wrap it around and tie it, without much success.
“Uh!” You grunt in annoyance at your lack of accomplishment. That’s when Willy happened to walk by your doorway.
“Hey what’s going on here?” He asked first taking note of your position before spotting your arms which were practically red from scratching.
You shake your head immediately pulling the sleeves from your shirt down, “oh nothing, I’m just allergic to the soap we use but it’s no biggie, I’ll manage,” you let out with a smile.
Apparently that wasn’t a good enough explanation for the boy because he took it upon himself to enter your room and hold a hand towards you, “let me,” he instructs and at that point you figure, why not? So you hand over the cloth.
“Here,” he stands opposite you and pulls your hand towards him before placing the cloth underneath it. Carefully he wraps it around, not too tight, before securing it correctly.
Without a word he holds out his own hand and you hand him the other cloth as he repeats the process.
“There, all done.”
You glance at both of your arms before turning back to him, “thank you.”
He grins with a single nod, “anything for a fellow hostage of Scrubbit’s.”
You share a small laugh and bid your goodnights, your arms itchiness letting up a tiny bit as you hoped the next day would be better than the last.
But much like the last it was similar as you woke up just as you do every day since being in this hell driven place.
Waking up, you get ready and clock in for work. After a few hours of washing laundry and the soap drying against your skin you begin to feel it again. You reach up scratching just a little, trying to relieve the itch.
You hadn’t even realized you’ve done it, until you felt Willy reach out to stop you, and you do, shooting him a thankful smile as you try to return to your work.
This whole situation was not the most ideal, but it’s the situation you were in. You were just glad you had a good friend like Willy there with you.
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acornered · 3 months ago
Hey Tumblr, my snake did the coolest thing EVER this morning and I need to yell about it!
**CW for (accidental!!) inhumane pest control, nothing too graphic**
Mice have been finding their way into our apartment for the first time in years and although we got two with the peanut butter bucket (a humane catch and release trap), I was still very stressed last night, and equally dismayed to spot a scurrying little critter darting under my bed when I woke up this morning. Normally I am fine sharing my space with Creatures-- I am always delighted to host the occasional spider or wasp in the summer time-- but mice are an entirely different story. They piss everywhere. They chew everything. They set off my allergies and they smell terrible and they breed like crazy. You get the picture.
Now, one of my ball pythons-- Dandelion-- had been having some free roaming time in my room since yesterday evening, however if you know anything about ball pythons, you'll know they are notoriously indifferent predators, and my poor sweet son is no exception. Despite the mouse crossing his path multiple times, his only concern seemed to be relocating to the stuffed animal pile as soon as I disturbed the laundry he was sleeping in trying to catch the darn thing. Not even a tongue flick in the general direction. Granted, all his meals are delivered pre-killed, and he has been on a strictly rat diet the entire time I've had him, but still, I admit I'm a little disappointed at his lack of initiative in contributing to our household.
HOWEVER, I have five other potential legless mousers, one of which-- Chrysanthemum-- is a younger, more food motivated male, who hasn't been fed in about 3 weeks (longer than usual but not dangerous by any means for a healthy BP). Chrysanthemum also gets his meals delivered pre-killed, so I had no reason to believe he'd actually be a successful killer, just that his willingness to pursue and strike at the mouse might be the sort of "rent-lowering gunshots" that the critter would need to get the message that my room is Not the place to be.
Well. When I tell you that as soon as I put him in the general area I last saw the vermin scurry he was LOCKED IN to that scent. When I tell you that I cautiously kept an eye on him, hoping to be led to an entry point that I could either block or bait with a humane trap, only to watch in disbelief as he stilled, pulled back his little head, and ACTUALLY FUCKING STRUCK SOMETHING. When I tell you that it took that crazy motherfucker less than 10 minutes from the moment he touched the floor of my apartment to track down and kill that unlucky michael moses.
And of course, as soon as he smelled a rat, Dandelion poked his sleepy head out from under a pile of stuffed dragons, suddenly so eager to give me the time of day. I love my legless cats. So. Much. I will not be doing that again knowing he can actually make a successful kill, but damn. What a rush.
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breakdawn-avenue · 26 days ago
helloooo! for the domestic selfship asks, what about 💐 and 🎇 ?
oh my gosh! can I just say I NEVER expected someone to ask me anything for these selfship asks?! thank you so, sososososo much! 💕 the prompts are taken from this domestic life f/o ask game, posted by @/deathdetermineslife. others are categorized under the tag “soft launch let's play tumblr games” since I’m honestly too hyped up to go to sleep just yet, I’ll answer them right away ❤
💐 - do you have a garden? what does it look like? do you instead keep flowers in your home? what kind?
we don’t 😆 at least, not yet. we start separate in apartment houses (I first live right next to his mother while he’s Katsuki’s roommate starting a year or two after graduating from U. A.) when we move in together, we still don’t have a garden but we get an apartment with a balcony. since I have a pollen allergy, I cry but deny the flowers. however, try out plants (that are actually... usually easy to take care of). I’ve tried some smaller plants in the past but they all ended up dying (even cacti, yes 😭) so maybe after two or three continuous fails, Izuku gently takes over to make our apartment greener. since he knows by then I have that darn allergy (with some other allergies that annoy the hell out of me... 😒), he tries to research if there are plants that either don’t produce as much pollen or are actually allergy friendly maybe some time later, when I get to the point that we’ll have kids, we might move into a house (maybe even build one) with a garden. then it will be Izuku’s task to take care of it x’D I’m not used to a garden, I never learnt it. when he teaches me, I try to help him... that is, as much as I can with my allergy 🥲
🎇 - do you and your f/o have a favorite holiday to celebrate together? what is it? do you have different holidays you like celebrating?
I feel like Izuku is the type of guy to love any sort of holiday, public holidays as well as just popular ones like Valentine’s Day and White Day (you bet he will continue them!). even more so sharing and actually showing them to me. so that I know from a sort of personal experience what they are about (like Hinamatsuri – Doll’s Day / Girls’ Day, its counterpart Kodomo no Hi – Children’s Day, Golden Week, Umi no Hi – Marine / Ocean Day or Sea Day or Bunka no Hi – Culture Day) little fun fact: we actually do skip Seijin no Hi, the Coming of Age Day since I’ve already passed maturity when I came to Japan roughly ten years ago :’D however, it’s harder for me to say which one of these holidays is his most favourite. I think he goes more for the feeling of being together, spending time together – whether it’s with family (New Year’s Eve) or just the two of us (Valentine’ day or Christmas Eve). I actually pick out watching Hanami (watching the cherry blossom petals fall) in a somewhat more secluded area (because I absolutely LOATH places filled with lots and lots of people, especially if I do not know them) so it will be just the two of us, Inko, maybe All Might if he’s home and some of his (closest) friends. I’d be prepared (meaning: being stocked with allergy pills, having my lotion ready in case my skin starts to itch, etc.) so that I could enjoy it as well x’D I’ve always adored the cherry blossoms on pictures that depicts a Japanese setting so watching the seasons change into spring, back into colours is really beautiful in my opinion I also think about Tanabata, meaning “Evening of the Seventh” and that is also known as the Star Festival. I just love that heartbreaking story of Orihime and Hikoboshi who can only meet on that are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of the lunisolar calendar. we write wishes on paper stripes that we hang up on bamboo later. we try to write them in the form of poetry. I would write them down in Japanese and he tries to come up with sentences in German that make sense :D right now, I’m not entirely sure if I mix it up with a general festival during summer time. I think it’s also during Tanabata that you can wear Yukatas and watch fireworks during the evenings, right? he definitely would take me to some of these festivals. he would encourage me to try the various food, catching those gold fishes, play some games and then watch the night sky getting colourful. while I always hated the boom and how it tingles uncomfortably inside me whenever they go off, I really like their colours and forms they could take the thing with the holidays in Germany is that I actually only know the religious side of them. I know that Easter, for example, is celebrated with the family. but I don’t really know what they do. since my family is religious, we went to church and have lunch together. Ascension Day, Pentecost, Corpus Christi (but not in the state where I currently live), Reformation Day (31st October) or All Saints’ Day (1st November; depends on which state you live in), Day of Prayer and Repentance (only in the state where I currently live) and Christmas are (public) holidays. then we also have Labor Day and German Unity Day the only thing I know all of these holidays have in common is that they are celebrated with your family (possibly with the exception of Labor Day and German Unity Day). the only thing I’d say I appreciate about them is that you don’t have to go to work, then 🤷‍♀ (but that was mostly during my time in the law firm where shit went down with my former supervisor 🥲) maybe I’m just too bored with “my own” holidays that I appreciate the Japanese more. I stick with Hanami and Tanabata, thugh :>
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 2 years ago
AITA for not wanting to live with my roommate's cat? I (f19) am living with two people in a student apartment next fall-summer. My future roommates and I used to be friends and have come to a mutual agreement to be amicable and accommodating toward each other.
However, this evening, one of my roommates (nb19) told me they adopted a cat.
Now, I'm pretty darn allergic to cats, and this roommate (let's call them A) knew that. Initially, they told me about their interest in adopting a cat after we all signed our leases. I expressed that I was allergic, but since they hadn't adopted a cat yet, I told them that we'd address the issue if it became relevant. Cut to May, they ask if I'd be okay with a cat in the apartment a second time. At this point, I was very clear that having a cat where I live is a health concern for me. They said that they understood and weren't trying to force anything on me (almost exactly their words).
That was roughly two months ago. Today, I received a surprise text in which A said they adopted a cat prior to our conversation in May and didn't tell me. In this text, they said that they adopted the cat after our first conversation in which they alleged that I said "I'm sure I would have no problem with a cat" (I don't ever recall saying that, and I don't think I would ever say that since, as you know, I'm allergic to cats). I replied, expressing that living with a cat is still an issue for me and we will need to discuss a solution/compromise, but that's not where it ends.
I told my dad, who is paying for my apartment, about the cat, and he is pissed, saying there's no way in hell I'm living with this cat. Not only is he concerned about my allergies, he doesn't want me living with any dogs or cat due to potential for property damage and other concerns. He is planning on speaking to the property manager about ensuring A's cat is not approved (essentially forcing A to either give the cat up for adoption or find someone to take care of it). If that doesn't work, my dad says that he will try to negotiate me out of the lease and I'll go live with a family friend.
Since my dad has gotten involved, it's pretty much out of my hands, but complaining to him in the first place was my decision. Moreover, this whole situation is building on an already dicy history between A and I. TL;DR my future roommate got a cat without telling me despite knowing I'm allergic, my dad got involved, and now I feel guilty for being the reason my roommate might lose their cat.
What are these acronyms?
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