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Tunnels and Trolls - Isle of Darksmoke: Nameless Village & Dome Level Cover Art by Michael Whelan
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pennamesmith · 8 months
the girls are fightingggg
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lemaistrechat · 8 months
Masters of the Universe: Revolution SPOILERS
A more spoiler-y follow-up about how rushed/badly paced this show was.
Again, SPOILERS. I also tagged this post #motu revolution spoilers and #masters of the universe revelation spoilers if you're temporarily blocking tags.
My worst-case scenario for the Horde was that only Hordak and new character Motherboard would get speaking parts. I was pretty much correct.
Mantenna, Leech and Grizzlor are in two scenes and have no lines.
Modulok, Multi-Bot, Dragstor and Mosquitor are not shown to exist. (Same non-appearance goes for everyone from She-Ra, but legally they had no choice.)
5 half-hour episodes make this effectually movie-length, and there's a "post-credits scene" equivalent (though before Episode 5's credits) where Grey Delisle (voice of Evil-Lyn in the 2021 CGI cartoon) appears as Despara. Yes, that made me happy. But now we need another series to give her and other Horde members screen time, space to breathe. It won't fix the fact that the Horde invasion of Eternia depicted here was ridiculously rushed.
Speaking of Horde invasions of Eternia: the one that took place when Queen Marlena had recently given birth in the 80s Filmation continuity also happened here. Skeletor has a flashback to when he and Hordak invaded the palace via a window. A crying infant Adam is seen with his parents and Skeletor crouching on the floor captured by Duncan. Skeletor is looking forlorn at Hordak as he escapes, and there's obviously something in Hordak's arms the animators are trying not to show us. If they weren't being so coy, it would actually be proper foreshadowing for the last scene! As it is, you need to be a Filmation fan to understand what's going on.
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Heroic Warriors:
Gwildor has a key role. Snout Spout and Rio Blast are two new friends of He-Man who appear in a couple of fight scenes and have a couple of lines. It's not explained where they came from, which is especially odd considering that they're both cyborgs and people getting turned into cyborgs by a cult is a huge theme of the series.
Buzz-Off is even more of a cameo. We saw him at the end of Revelation. Stratos was at the end of that too, and I forget if they drew him into a crowd scene or not. In previous continuities, these guys were both royalty, and in Revolution Episode 5 He-Man abolishes monarchy and tells the people of... Eternos City? All of Eternia? To elect a leader. You'd think Stratos and Buzz-Off would react to that, but no. (All heroes who died in Revelation are also present as mute cameos.)
The short running time makes Eternia feel tiny: there's Eternos City, Castle Grayskull "outside town", Snake Mountain, a cave in Darksmoke, Gwildor's Hobbit house... that's basically it.
Evil Warriors:
Two Bad goes to Snake Mountain hoping to get a job. He gets a cyborg form. The Revelation versions of Tri-Klops, Trap Jaw, and Whiplash appear but have no lines. Webstor, Clawful and Spikor have new cyborg forms, also mute cameos.
Lyn is interesting.
Granamyr is OK. John DeLancie didn't seem to be putting a lot of heart into the role. The character is like a Cliff's Notes version of his Filmation self.
Cosmic Enforcers exist. We see deep cuts like Zanthor from Filmation and the canceled 1988 toy Strobo, but only Zodac talks (he's Jeffrey Combs).
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justmenoworries · 6 months
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I've seen a lot of people come up with reinterpretations of old She-Ra characters for the reboot. So here's my take on a character I really liked: Sorrowful the Dragon. Sorrow to his friends if he still had any lol.
Apart from the classic dragon skill-set of breathing fire and being nigh-invulnerable he also has empath magic. He can feel the emotions of every living being around him and even manipulate them to an extent, by projecting a magical aura that can make people feel afraid and hopeless. Sorrowful, if you will.
Some lore about him and inspirations under the cut.
Sorrowful is the last of his kind as the other dragons were wiped out in a war against the ancient Etherians long before the First Ones came. The war cost him his mate, Shadow Wing.
Sorrow spent a lot of his life following the war on Beast Island after he was corrupted by dark Etherian magic. He remained that way until Mara came to Beast Island centuries later and used She-Ra's healing powers to cure him.
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Sorrow became to Mara basically what Swift Wind is to Adora in the present: a faithful close companion and steed.
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After Mara's death Sorrow fell into a deep depression and isolated himself in the citadel Darksmoke in the Ice Mountains.
Adora, Glimmer and Bow, following an ancient legend, found him there in the present. Though Sorrow had grown tired of war after losing so many loved ones to it, after Bow persuaded him to help th Best Friend Squad against a squad of Horde soldiers Sorrow agreed to join the Rebellion.
He becomes sort of a father figure to Adora in the process.
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :         utp   /   @wnterreign​
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following  rhaenara  around  when  she  was  not  so  willing  to  heed  her  septa  had  become  visera’s  most  commonly  participated  in  pass  time  in  sunspear  ,  followed  only  by  visits  to  the  training  grounds  .  without  darksmoke  ,  she  was  dreadfully  bored  —  and  lonely  ,  as  it  turned  out  .  following  after  her  younger  sister  now  as  her  tiny  silver-blonde  head  barrels  towards  the  stable  doors  for  the  umpteenth  day  in  a  row  since  visera  had  first  suggested  they  visit  them  ,  visera  must  lengthen  her  stride  to  keep  up  .  “  she  will  not  get  in  your  way  ,  i  promise  ,  ”  she  insists  ,  “  she’s  quite  compact  .  smaller  than  a  large  sack  of  grain  ,  even  .  ”
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abookishdreamer · 10 months
Character Intro: Ponos (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nickname- The Coal King by the people of Olympius
Abs of Steel by Dione
Age- 40 (immortal)
Location- Macedonia, Olympius
Personality- He has an unbreakable tiresome work ethic. He's also totally uncompromising, stubborn, & blunt. He's currently dating.
He has the standard abilities of a god except shapeshifting. As the god of hard labor & toil his other powers/abilities include being extremely proficient in melee weapons (like clubs), super enhanced strength, enhanced endurance, near-invulnerability, and anthracokinesis (coal manipulation/generation).
His immediate family includes his younger brother Porus (god of resourcefulness). There's also his sister-in-law Penia (goddess of poverty).
Ponos' main place of residence is his estate in the state of Macedonia. The mansion (which he built himself) is an overwhelming display of brick and stone. Inside the color scheme is mainly dark hues of burgundy, brown, gray, & orange. There's also seven fireplaces, brick & wood flooring, black onyx countertops, a guest cottage (rarely used), a stone pool pavilion, and a home gym. Everything is kept painstakingly clean and orderly. For his convience to stay close to his job, Ponos sometimes stays over at an apartment he's renting in the Forgia neighborhood of New Olympus.
He has an extremely disciplined work out regimen twice a day every day. He takes pride in his peak physical condition.
Ponos has an animal companion- a beast of a dragon named Shadowsteel. He's a hulking mass of black scales, horns, teeth, & claws as sharp as swords and wings almost too big for his body. It's said that Shadowsteel was hatched from the same clutch as Darksmoke.
Go-to drinks for him include roast coffee, water, and earl grey tea. As for alcohol, he doesn't mind a glass of scotch, whiskey, or red wine every once in a while.
Since Ponos flies to work, he'll sometimes stop for breakfast along the way- getting four whole wheat breakfast burritos (added with bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, red onions, red peppers, mushrooms, & spinach) along with a homemade oatmeal protein shake he brings from home.
He considers his cigar smoking to be a nasty habit.
Ponos as a deity is quite loved among the oreads as well as the mountainous satyrs and centaurs. There has even been a petition for a temple to be built in his honor in Macedonia.
Most of his acquired wealth comes from the many coal mines he owns throughout Olympius.
Ponos' main job is being the warden of Chlotonius Prison- the most notorious prison in all the realms. The maximum security is infamously known for housing male inmates of all creeds deemed the most dangerous. It's also generally said that the prison is a precursor to the eternal punishment one may face in Tartarus. He took the job over from the fearsome giant Geryon (whose rule brought into the open many controversies- including inmate abuse & corrupt officers).
The prison is situated on a volcanic island mass near Tartarus Bay, the Lightning Harbor some 200 miles away. The inmates are confined for the most part of the day in single cells with facilities made of poured, reinforced magma to deter self-harm, and are under 24-hour supervision- carried out intensively with high staff-inmate ratios.
He oversees the prison with an iron fist, expecting nothing short of any weakness from the correctional officers and all the other employees. One employee Ponos has taken under his wing is a young CO, a cyclops named Ionas.
Even though Ponos is a supporter of prison reform, he doesn't expect to grant dangerous criminals certain privileges. At a council meeting, he struck down a potential bill brought up by Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection)- which would grant conjugal visits to married inmates.
His favorite dessert are the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from Hollyhock's Bakery.
Though he finds it difficult to be vulnerable, Ponos truly cares for his younger brother, taking on the mantle as his protector. Often times his bleak pessimism would clash with his brother's idealistic optimism.
In the pantheon he's friends with Anytos (Titan god of anonymity & secrets), Draco (god of dragons), Lelantos (Lantos) (Titan god of air, the unseen, & hunting), Ktesios (god of the household), Menoetius (Titan god of rage, violence, & rash actions), Alastor (god of blood feuds & vengeance), Homadus (god of the battle-din), Axiótimos (god of honor), Polemos (god of the war cry), Horkos (god of oaths), Psionikós (god of the mind), and Isorropía (Isorro) (god of duality, balance, & equilibrium). Ponos also has a working relationship with Poena (goddess of punishment).
Ponos' official mentor was Hecaterus (Titan god of manual labor).
He dislikes Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought).
It's no surprise beacuse of his demanding schedule, there was little space in Ponos' life for romance. He has taken up use of an exclusive escort service at times. No one in the pantheon was more flabbergasted than him when he found himself powerless against the enchantment of Argía (goddess of holidays). Everything in Ponos' body was telling him to run the other way, but he found himself unable to pull away from her magnetism. A major avoidant of prolonged eye contact, he finds it hard to look away from her sparkling gold flecked blue-green eyes. Ponos likes the fact that she always smells different, how engrossing their conversations are, & how he's left in a breathless heap every time they kiss. They haven't slept together yet and Ponos is thinking about inviting her to Macedonia for a long weekend.
He loves getting the roast beef sandwich (on rye bread with extra mustard) from The Bread Box.
His favorite dish is moussaka served alongside grilled fish.
In his free time Ponos enjoys boxing, martial arts, rock climbing, reading, chess, basketball, checkers, jogging, playing pool, football (soccer), bowling, swimming, and baseball.
"Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice."
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frcmleashes · 1 year
-Princess Visenya Valtalos: Rider of DarkSmoke, Essosi Jewel, The Mother of Dragons.
-Princess Naria Targaryen: Rider of Sunbeam, Daughter of Visenya. No titles yet.
-Princess Rhea Targaryen: Rider of Silverdream, Daughter of Visenya. No titles
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ridersfm · 17 days
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welcome to lyris, nic asher ! we hope you and darksmoke will join us in defending the city and its people. thank you for your application, rey, please read through the checklist and make sure to send in your account within the next 24 hours
🐉     robert pattinson  &  cisman  &  he/him     |     nic asher, the vice-captain of squad 3 bonded with darksmoke for the past sixteen years. they're thirty-seven, quite a contrast to the five hundred two of their short-horned black ridge-tail. they’re known to be quite observent, practical, and loyal, but on a bad day they can be kind of stubborn, insensitive, and judgemental. if separated from their dragon, nic relies on a longsword and shortsword to protect them.     |    a plume of smoke that follows the extinguishing of a candle, dozens of half read books piled around the room, the idle calm before a great storm, and the roaring boom of thunder     |     rey  +  28  +  she/her  +  pst
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boomgers · 8 months
¡La tecnología se enfrenta a la magia!… “Amos Del Universo: Revolución”
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Mientras Skeletor, ahora convertido en cíborg y armado con el poder de su madre, ataca el corazón de Eternia, el príncipe Adam lidia con una nueva responsabilidad y el impacto que tiene en su rol de héroe. Adam se ve obligado a elegir entre usar el cetro o la espada, y entre llevar una vida como rey o campeón. Entre tanto, la hechicera Teela busca un secreto en la niebla de Darksmoke para reconstruir un reino mágico y ayudar a He-Man a frenar los ataques de la amenaza más grande en la historia de Eternia: el regreso de Hordak, el despiadado líder del imperio de la Horda.
Estreno: 25 de enero de 2024 en Netflix.
La serie de Mattel Television y Netflix, producida por Powerhouse Animation Studios, está conformada por 5 episodios de 25 minutos.
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tomorrowedblog · 10 months
Masters of the Universe: Revolution gets new trailer, no release date specified
A new trailer has been released for Masters of the Universe: Revolution. No release date was specified.
It’s technology versus magic when He-Man and the heroic warriors face the forces of Skeletor and something more in MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION – the new epic chapter in the battle for Castle Grayskull! The newly mechanized Skeletor, armed with the might of Motherboard, attacks the heart of Eternia while Prince Adam grapples with a new responsibility and what that means for him as He-Man! Adam is forced to choose between the scepter or the sword, and a life as either the King or the Champion! Meanwhile, the new Sorceress Teela searches for the secret of Snake Magic in the mists of Darksmoke to rebuild a magic realm and help He-Man hold off the greatest threat Eternia has ever faced: the return of the despot Hordak, the ruthless leader of the Horde Empire!
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helmvespa · 5 years
Dijual New visor bubble shield Bogo 06 original dark smoke Harga Rp. 80.000,- Whatsapp 081 392 448 955 www.helmotor.blogspot.com #helm #helmets #helmet #vespa #vintage #classic #oldschool #visorhelmet #visor #motorcycle #kacahelm #kacabogo #bogocembung #bogo06 #bogo06smoke #bubbleshieldbogo06 #darksmoke #vespa #vespajakarta #jakarta #jogja #vespajogja https://www.instagram.com/p/B2lRwmVlAc5/?igshid=s60bwzh897cx
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mirtapejic · 5 years
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Make up for Link campaign - 2017 , Ogi Antunac. Croatian fashion designer 
Photo: Maja Kljaja
Hair: GT hair salon
Makeup: Mirta Pejic 
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encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         elaena  targaryen   /   @qcyqoyi​
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when  visera  was  troubled  ,  she  turned  to  her  mother  .  for  a  girl  who  coveted  and  valued  her  independence  in  all  other  areas  ,  it  was  a  diversion  from  her  usual  character  —  but  she  saw  no  issue  in  it  .  before  her  mother  had  married  simon  and  before  rhaenara  had  been  born  ,  it  had  been  just  the  two  of  them  .  visera  liked  to  think  that  her  mother  needed  her  just  as  much  as  she  needed  elaena  .  “  will  we  be  allowed  to  visit  the  dragons  ?  ”  she  queries  after  a  few  moments  of  combing  through  rhaenara’s  hair  gently  as  the  young  lady  sat  in  her  lap  ,  though  the  thought  has  been  burning  in  her  mind  since  sunspear’s  gates  had  slammed  shut  —  seemingly  for  an  extended  period  .  she  had  not  been  without  darksmoke  since  they  had  bonded  ,  and  the  distance  was  doing  her  no  good  .  “  i  believe  i  already  know  the  answer  .  ”
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Draco (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Great Dragon, Lord of Fire by the people of Olympius
Pop by his daughter
Age- 48 (immortal)
Location- Sparta, Olympius
Personality- Like a true dragon he's fiery, passionate, & wildly animalistic. He's protective of those he cares about as well as being sophisticated and intelligent- though he may come across as a bit somber & intense to others. He's married.
He has the standard abilities of a god. As the god of dragons his powers/abilities include being able to shapeshift his physical form into that of a great dragon, pyrokinesis (can breathe fire too), fire & heat immunity, being able to communicate with all species of dragon, and is able to adapt dragon physiology into his physical form (atmospheric adaptation, body shedding, dermal armor/scale manifestation, supernatural roar, enhanced/supernatural senses, thermoreception, claw/fang retraction, thermal resistance, verical pupils, wing manifestation...)
Draco mainly resides in Sparta at the mansion estate with his family- his wife Adikia (goddess of injustice & wrongdoing) and daughter Dysnomia (goddess of anarchy & lawlessness). Because of his domain, he & his family have unlimited access to the beautiful fire breathing creatures. Draco has his own companion, a dragon named Darksmoke. The dragon has dark golden yellow eyes, black horns, & gunmetal dark silver scales.
He loves his beer! He also likes the steaming hot brewed black tea his wife makes for him in the mornings. Other go-to drinks include roast coffee (no cream, two sugars), rum & cokes, bloody marys, whiskey, bourbon, and the firecracker (an alcoholic drink made with aged rum, cayenne pepper, lime juice, triple sec, & watermelon).
He has nearly three score of dragon eggs incubating in a nearby volcano.
Draco is really passionate about creatures' rights- especially those of dragons. He's disgusted & vehemently against illegal dragon hunting, breeding, and underground fighting. He also hates when dragons are a part of performing circuses. It's the reason he believes he's the ethical choice when it comes to someone wanting a dragon to own. His dragon pet store as well as the store he sells dragon saddles are located in the Little Sparta neighborhood of New Olympus. Draco also has his business' official website where he also sells extra products catered towars dragon care. He also offers services- teaching new owners how to train & bond with their dragons. Draco also oversees the Museum of Dragons as well.
In the pantheon Draco's good friends with Phlegethon (Titan god of fire), Dyssebeia (goddess of ungodliness & impiety), Polemos (god of the war cry), Perses (Titan god of destruction), Amphillogia (goddess of arguments, disputes, & altercations), Pallas (Titan god of battle & warcraft), Menoetius (Titan god of rage, violence, & rash actions), Ponos (god of hard labor & toil), Isorropía (Isorro) (god of duality, balance, & equilibrium), and Psionikós (god of the mind). Draco was the official mentor to Adranos (god of fire).
He also holds Anchiale (Titaness of fire) in high regard.
He really likes the spicy breakfast burrito (made with scrambled eggs, various peppers, crispy chorizo, bacon, sriracha, avocado, and spicy lime salsa) from The Bread Box, usually buying a dozen of them on his way to work.
Aside from being "The Dragon", his most important jobs are being a father & husband. Draco placed a dragon's egg in his daughter's bassinet before she was born. He was the first to teach her how to lava surf and smiled brighter than any flame watching her take her first flight on her dragon. Draco has always said he met his match with his wife, finding it hard to resist her when she's angry. He'll sometimes jokingly instigate petty arguments with his wife just to have angry sex.
Draco fondly remembers his wedding. The ceremony took place inside Mt. Etna. Adikia was a vision, her dreadlocks down her back decorated with stunning red sapphires. He's also proud of the ring he got for her- a rose gold cushion cut garnet ring surrounded by two black diamonds.
His favorite thing to get from Olympic Chef is the Inferno Burger (a lb sirloin patty with monterey jack cheese slices, roasted jalapeños, ghost peppers, sweet smoky barbeque sauce, inferno hot sauce, & sriracha) with olympian sized cajun fries.
For an anniversary gift he was presented with an Astrean Silver armor (crafted by Steropes) from his wife along with a pair of Celestial Bronze toed boots.
In his free time (aside from riding on dragonback), he enjoys a wide range of physical pursuits like lava surfing, sword dueling, target shooting, martial arts, hunting, mountian climbing, football (soccer), ice hockey, and axe throwing.
Draco's all time favorite meal is his wife's 5-alarm chili (added with serranos, jalapeños, scotch bonnet peppers, & pasilla peppers) served with cornbread.
"It's a fool's game to come between a dragon and its wrath."
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frcmleashes · 1 year
The Reckoning
 RP POST @dcwnthercbbithcle
     {A loud roar sounded across the mountains as a large shadow flew over them, two much smaller shadows followed, glinting silver and gold as the sun reflected off their shining scales. The larger shadow landed outside the keep of High Hermitage while the other two circled above the mountain keep, “ 𝐓𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞, 𝐠ī𝐝𝐚, 𝐠ī𝐝𝐚.  𝐃𝐚𝐨𝐫” (Land Darksmoke, calm, calm. No ) The white-haired figure cooed out in High Valyrian to the large dragon which was growling at the guards surrounding him, She turned to them with her purple glare, “I am Princess Visenya Valtalos of House Targaryen. I demand to see your Lady Dayne.” She ordered, the Guards looked up to the smaller dragons circling in the sky, “Who are they.” One of the guards demanded, Visenya glared at them, “My Daughters.”
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