#*         filed   as   :   dialogue       ―      visera waters  .
encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         open  to  all   /   @reignrbs​
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the  night  was  clear  and  beautiful  ,  and  visera  found  her  gaze  glued  to  the  swath  of  sky  that  was  visible  through  the  roof  of  the  open  -  air  courtyard  that  housed  the  main  wedding  celebrations  .  despite  its  exposure  to  the  night  air  ,  a  night  spent  dancing  could  make  any  space  feel  stuffy  ,  and  she  had  padded  her  way  out  onto  a  balcony  for  fresh  air  ,  gaze  automatically  aimed  towards  where  she  knew  her  family’s  dragons  resided  .  pointing  to  the  horizon  ,  she  turns  to  the  person  she  shares  her  respite  with  .  “  look  ,  there  —  ”  in  the  distance  ,  a  dragon  is  returning  from  what  she  assumes  was  a  nightly  hunt  .  she  drops  her  arm  and  leans  both  elbows  on  the  balcony’s  railing  ,  a  smile  painted  on  her  valyrian  features  .  “  i  believe  they’ll  be  more  upset  than  any  when  we  depart  from  here  ,  ”  a  thoughtful  pause  ,  “  perhaps  not  those  who  enjoy  dornish  red  slightly  too  much  ,  but  .  ”
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :         utp   /   @wnterreign​
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following  rhaenara  around  when  she  was  not  so  willing  to  heed  her  septa  had  become  visera’s  most  commonly  participated  in  pass  time  in  sunspear  ,  followed  only  by  visits  to  the  training  grounds  .  without  darksmoke  ,  she  was  dreadfully  bored  —  and  lonely  ,  as  it  turned  out  .  following  after  her  younger  sister  now  as  her  tiny  silver-blonde  head  barrels  towards  the  stable  doors  for  the  umpteenth  day  in  a  row  since  visera  had  first  suggested  they  visit  them  ,  visera  must  lengthen  her  stride  to  keep  up  .  “  she  will  not  get  in  your  way  ,  i  promise  ,  ”  she  insists  ,  “  she’s  quite  compact  .  smaller  than  a  large  sack  of  grain  ,  even  .  ”
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encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         elaena  targaryen   /   @qcyqoyi​
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when  visera  was  troubled  ,  she  turned  to  her  mother  .  for  a  girl  who  coveted  and  valued  her  independence  in  all  other  areas  ,  it  was  a  diversion  from  her  usual  character  —  but  she  saw  no  issue  in  it  .  before  her  mother  had  married  simon  and  before  rhaenara  had  been  born  ,  it  had  been  just  the  two  of  them  .  visera  liked  to  think  that  her  mother  needed  her  just  as  much  as  she  needed  elaena  .  “  will  we  be  allowed  to  visit  the  dragons  ?  ”  she  queries  after  a  few  moments  of  combing  through  rhaenara’s  hair  gently  as  the  young  lady  sat  in  her  lap  ,  though  the  thought  has  been  burning  in  her  mind  since  sunspear’s  gates  had  slammed  shut  —  seemingly  for  an  extended  period  .  she  had  not  been  without  darksmoke  since  they  had  bonded  ,  and  the  distance  was  doing  her  no  good  .  “  i  believe  i  already  know  the  answer  .  ”
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :         pimchanok  targaryen   /   @ruinovs​
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thin  fingers  wrap  around  the  bars  of  her  aunt’s  cell  ,  though  visera  forces  herself  to  look  through  them  ,  to  see  pim  imprisoned  .  the  sight  evokes  a  strange  cocktail  of  anger  and  fear  ,  normally  two  emotions  that  passed  by  each  other  in  her  mind  like  ships  in  the  night  .  “  this  is  horseshit  ,  ”  she  all  but  spits  ,  wasting  no  time  following  her  arrival  ,  brow  furrowing  ,  “  the  king  could  have  you  freed  if  he  wished  it  so  .  ”  of  that  ,  visera  was  truly  uncertain  —  she  knew  nothing  and  wished  to  know  nothing  of  aedar’s  mind  .  but  she  speaks  it  with  conviction  nonetheless  .
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encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         pimchanok  targaryen   /   @ruinovs​
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visera  knew  little  of  the  goings  on  between  pim  and  aedar  the  night  of  the  wedding  .  the  bits  of  the  puzzle  that  she  had  were  only  those  she  had  managed  to  gather  through  eavesdropping  ,  having  not  had  the  chance  to  see  pim  herself  .  but  visera  meant  to  remedy  that  at  any  cost  ,  blatantly  bypassing  the  maesters  that  she  had  heeded  the  hours  beforehand  ,  having  kept  quiet  and  away  from  her  aunt  while  they  rested  as  long  as  her  inquiring  mind  had  allowed  her  to  do  so  .  entering  pim’s  chambers  without  much  in  the  way  of  announcement  ,  visera  stops  a  few  steps  past  the  threshold  .  “  i  had  to  see  for  myself  how  you  were  ,  ”  she  offers  the  explanation  for  her  intrusion  ,  shrugging  slightly  . 
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encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         rhaegar  targaryen   /   @fallencrxwns​
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visera  was  almost  glad  to  be  cooped  up  amongst  her  family  ,  for  as  long  as  she  could  see  them  with  her  own  lilac  eyes  ,  she  could  know  for  certain  that  they  were  safe  .  she  was  especially  protective  of  her  younger  sister  ,  having  spent  most  of  her  time  with  rhaenara  following  the  attacks  at  the  wedding  .  she  found  the  presence  of  the  little  lady  comforting  ,  as  she  did  the  presence  of  her  baby  cousin  .  knocking  for  entry  ,  visera  ducks  her  head  around  the  door  to  speak  to  her  uncle  .  “  is  rhaelle  awake  ?  ”  planning  on  asking  once  again  to  hold  the  babe  ,  should  rhaegar  allow  it  . 
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :        utp   /  @stxrfclls
location         :        the briar maze
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head angled back as far as her mortal body will allow , visera scans the blue of the sky for a flash of something —  anything . twice , now , she has mistaken ravens passing overhead , carrying boring messages for boring maesters , as the flash of ryoko's or darksmoke's dark scales far overhead . stepping backwards in a rather precarious manner , the thud of the top of her head colliding with something elicits an exasperated huff from the young dragon . whirling around to curse at the offending object , palm pressed to her silver - blonde hair where it stings , visera is silenced by the realization that she'd walked into another person . " oh , " she stammers , " you might as well be made of stone , " she informs , dropping her arm . " . . . my apologies . " it's offered after a moment , lilted upwards at the end as if a question rather than a proper beg for forgiveness , and muttered into the briars rather than to their face .
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :        daeron of braavos   /  @wnterreign
location         :        the briar maze
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in all her one and twenty years , visera had never so wished to be invisible . her appearance alone made her a beacon for ire , a physical representation of what kept them all captive amongst the briars . it was apparent early on in their imprisonment that her small stature and her practiced , quieted footfalls were not enough to aid her in avoiding the scathing eyes of those that wished ill upon her uncle the king . thus , visera had set her mind to getting as far into the middle of the maze as she could without her path being obstructed , figuring that the deeper she went , the lonelier she'd become . the sound of movement in her attempt at an oasis only serves to irk , lilac gaze narrowing and redirecting in the direction of the noise . " oh , " her annoyed bravado deflates at the sight of her cousin . " it's just you . "
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encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         calla  tarth  /   @ruinovs​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
location          :          somewhere  in  sunspear  .
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visera  had  been  at  summerhall  throughout  her  mother’s  visit  to  evenfall  hall  ,  though  she  knew  of  the  trip  through  almost  constant  correspondence  with  elaena  via  letters  .  in  truth  ,  she  was  glad  to  have  avoided  it  —  but  only  as  glad  as  she  felt  guilty  .  her  last  interaction  with  calla  had  been  more  than  unpleasant  ,  in  fact  ,  closer  to  the  realm  of  heart  wrenching  .  her  overstep  was  egregious  ,  even  as  it  was  fuelled  by  a  genuine  childhood  idolization  of  the  late  lady  commander  .  it  seemed  that  over  the  last  half  year  ,  visera  had  grown  into  the  role  of  adulthood  that  her  age  signalled  in  many  ways  —  yet  in  the  presence  of  calla  ,  she  was  reduced  to  the  bits  of  herself  that  clung  to  childhood  .  “  lady  tarth  ,  ”  she  greets  with  a  dip  of  her  head  ,  lilac  eyes  remaining  on  the  floor  even  after  she  has  straightened  .  “  it  is  nice  to  see  you  again  .  ”  she  offers  a  meek  smile  ,  one  that  lacks  conviction  ,  and  she  knows  it  will  be  transparent  .
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encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         rhaenys  targaryen  /   @silverflcmes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
location          :          beyond  the  winding  walls  .
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squinting  against  the  sun  ,  visera  holds  a  hand  over  her  eyes  to  shield  them  ,  scanning  the  horizon  for  a  flash  of  airborne  deep  green  .  the  dornish  sky  offered  little  in  the  way  of  cloud  cover  ,  which  made  it  all  the  easier  to  spot  her  unruly  dragon  from  a  ways  away  .  “  return  ,  darksmoke  !  ”  her  high  valyrian  beckoning  is  swallowed  up  by  the  summer  sea  nearby  ,  but  in  the  distance  ,  the  flash  of  green  turns  back  in  her  direction  nonetheless  .  visera  huffs  a  sigh  of  quiet  relief  through  her  nostrils  ,  her  heart  receding  from  her  throat  ,  and  she  turns  back  to  face  rhaenys  with  an  air  of  quiet  pride  .  “  i  think  he  may  be  growing  out  of  his  rebellious  stage  .  but  i  would  perhaps  not  put  coins  on  it  quite  yet  .  ”
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :         alexia stark   /   @stxrfclls
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visera's excitement at the prospect of flying on dragonback had not dulled now that she had travelled as far as winterfell and back to dragonstone with darksmoke . there is an ember of pride that burns inside her chest , one that knows she would not have had that chance had she not snuck her way into the dragonpit over a year ago . " perhaps stand back a bit , " she suggests to alexia , turning back to her friend with a smile on her face . " he's still quite —  ornery . and young . " her palm rests on darksmoke's scales , black as obsidian until they glint dark green in the highgarden sun . though he was but young , as darksmoke aged he grew to look more and more formidable . still , visera is thrilled to finally have both he and alexia in the same orbit .
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :         osric arryn   /   @patriciers
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" do you think you'll win the entire joust ? " visera asks the question before offering a greeting consisting of a slight nod , having come up from behind the lord of the vale with her usual silent footsteps . their time as fellow travellers had been marked by their individual relationships to tharon . visera had kept out of the lord's way intentionally , too nervous about her approaching time with her father's clan to take much interest in anything else . however , lord rodrik had allowed her to visit the eyrie briefly , and that warranted the politeness of not ignoring his brother as she passed , if nothing else . " i think if i were as large as you , nothing could stop me . "
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :         calla tarth   /   @ruinovs
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" should we get this for the babe ? " visera questions aloud , stepping through the crowd of people perusing the same vendor's wares to quickly pluck the item in question from the table , holding it up so that calla can see without having to push through the others . her smile widens as she inspects it up close — a wooden cat carved and painted intricately . " though we may have to get one for rhaenara , too . "
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encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         elaena  targaryen   /   @qcyqoyi​​  .
location          :          the  targaryen  accomodations  .
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“  mother  ,  ”  in  the  presence  of  elaena  ,  visera  feels  like  a  child  of  only  1  and  10  .  she  sits  down  beside  her  mother ,  shoving  herself  into  a  sliver’s  width  of  a  spot  as  she  used  to  when  she  was  young  ,  a  spot  that  she  has  long  since  grown  out  of  .  she  puts  herself  there  anyway  ,  craving  the  familiarity  and  comfort  of  elaena’s  presence  .  the  unfamiliarity  of  the  north  ,  and  of  her  newfound  situation  spurred  her  longing  for  familiarity  —  thus  ,  she  had  stuck  to  the  company  of  her  family  members  and  her  dragon  thus  far  ,  rarely  slipping  off  on  her  lonesome  ,  as  she  had  always  done  .  “  i’m  not  sure  i’m  suited  to  the  north  .  i  hate  how  the  cold  makes  my  fingers  close  to  useless  .  ”
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encirclet · 2 years
addressed   to          :         rhaenys  targaryen   /   @silverflcmes​  .
location          :          the  library  at  winterfell  .
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visera  was  not  one  to  spend  time  with  her  nose  in  a  book  .  she  struggled  with  her  studies  —  those  limited  ones  she  committed  herself  to  —  her  mind  always  turning  to  other  ,  more  interesting  things  like  sparring  or  generally  running  amok  .  however  ,  her  time  in  winterfell  had  been  spent  feeling  as  if  she  were  a  fish  out  of  water  ,  thus  far  .  it  was  no  help  that  king  aedar  had  shone  a  harsh  ,  unforgiving  spotlight  on  house  targaryen  when  he  flew  attor  into  king’s  landing  .  people  stared  ,  commonfolk  and  nobles  alike  ,  and  her  valyrian  features  did  not  allow  her  the  luxury  of  hiding  in  plain  sight  .  the  library  was  unknown  lands  to  visera  ,  and  she  was  more  than  happy  to  come  upon  a  familiar  face  .  “  rhaenys  ,  ”  she  smiles  ,  a  wide  one  that  spread  to  her  eyes  easily  ,  “  do  you  know  much  about  winterfell  ?  or  the  north  ?  ”
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encirclet · 1 year
addressed   to          :         rodrik arryn   /   @qcyqoyi
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visera's short lived time in the eyrie felt as if it had taken place a million eons ago , now . despite the fleeting nature of her visit , visera had felt a strange sense of displacement throughout —  as if the moon door would open at any second and she would be cast out of it for the hefty crime of sharing blood with the southern king . regardless , the vale was beautiful and lush —  decidedly nothing like dragonstone or king's landing . " lord rodrik , " she greets in passing , when it becomes evident that she cannot pretend to be invisible . " — i've been thinking that your jousting match must have been rigged . " she comes up with a topic of conversation on the fly , though the thought had passed her mind throughout the first round . seeing as he had won the tourney in winterfell a year ago , visera thought this a missed victory for the ruling lord .
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