darksiders-week · 10 months
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And so it begins! Darksiders Week 2023 has officially started!
Today's theme: Celebrating Genesis! It’s the anniversary of Darksiders Genesis, so how about a creative glimpse into your favorite moment/feature from this game?
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Never posted anything before so bare with me.
For Darksiders week: crossover: Darksiders x Godzilla
One Warrior stares down another.
War thought he had seen just about everything in his long life. But this… this had to take the cake.
It was a gleam of something metallic moving across the dark nearly still ocean that had initially caught the Red Rider's attention. 
Bringing Ruin to a halt atop a cliff overlooking the ruins of a coastal city, War watched with interest as a handful of heavily armed dark grey ships moved slowly inland. For a moment, he dismissed them as remnants of the human age not unlike the ruins of the city that spread out before him. But these ships moved with too much intent. 
Sailing strategically toward the ruined port, they navigated slowly through the graveyard of broken, half sunken wreckages of similar vessels. For many moments more, War pondered the meaning of such a feat. Could some of the humans have survived? Or was there something else piloting the well armed ships?
As War contemplated this seemingly miraculous occurrence, the ships came to a halt, dropping anchor, just beyond the cluttered and broken piers. 
Suddenly and seemingly without cause, the dark waters pulled away from the coast. Beaching the nearest and rocking the broken carcasses of many of the other former watercrafts as the water retreated.
Then the Earth's bright sun glinted off something else entirely. 
From out of the midst of grey ships came an odd set of stony leaf-like projections that cut through the water and wreckage alike with ease. 
War could only stare in awe from the cliffs overlooking the once large human settlement, as a creature - no a lizard - rose with an elegance that should never have been possible considering its size and dimensions. 
Rushing forward with the monstrous lizard's lumbering steps onto land, the water swept into the ruins of the city, effectively cleansing it of any of the nearby demons. 
Pausing with its long tail still deep within the ocean waves, the creature moved its rounded head, gazing slowly across the city ruins.
Even more curious now, War remained where he was, giving Ruin a gentle pat against his thick neck absently. 
Just as the creature had come ashore, so now too did smaller vessels disembark from their parent ships to follow the same exact route that the monster had taken. Once the small boats had run themselves aground, humans - that from War's current distance looked like little more than ants - jumped out and with guns held in strict military formation followed the monster's path.
A cry of a hundred demon voices suddenly echoed throughout the ruins of the city, and War could see the masses of them pouring out of the cracks and crevices that had not been filled with water.
Gritting his teeth - the humans, possibly the last of their kind, were walking into a trap - War spurred Ruin forward only to bring his mount up short not a moment later as the gargantuan lizard paused in its tracks to answer with a defining roar that shook even the ground they stood on.
The roar ended in almost a growl, followed by the turning of large turrets atop the ships to point toward shore. 
Roaring again, the sharp report of the ships' guns drowned out by the sound, the massive lizard moved swiftly further into the city. Easily taller than any of the tallest buildings still standing in the city - bigger than even Straga if War really thought about it - the creature suddenly came to a halt as the buildings before it exploded into smaller bits of rubble as the shots from the humans' weaponry came to bare.
Undeterred, the demon hoard continued its mad rush forward; a wave of animosity that War was all too familiar with. 
Just as War was about to move Ruin yet again, he felt something… something in the air; as if the entire realm suddenly held its breath. That same 'something' prickled uncomfortably across War's skin, and had Ruin stomping and snorting in restlessness. Then came the hum.
Like a swarm of steadily approaching insects, the hum continued to grow in intensity, causing a tremor to roll up War's spine in anticipation. It was then that War noticed a blue glow moving steadily up the jagged dorsal spines of the lizard's back. It finally all accumulated near the mighty beast's head, causing even its eyes to glow with the same frightening blue.
The roar that came forth this time was accompanied by a beam of such fiery blue power that the decayed buildings, and demons alike were obliterated without prejudice. It forced War to lift an arm to shield his eyes and face from the ensuing rush of air and tiny debris. The closest thing War had ever seen to use in comparison was Strife's beam shots, and even those were a pale comparison to this nightmarish blue flame.
When the creature was through incinerating any and all demons that had foolishly stood in its way, it gave a soft growl that sounded nearly contemptuous.
With the guns of the ships silent once again, the humans that had halted on the beach now started on their way again. 
It was utterly bafflingly to behold! Could it be that these humans trusted this monstrous beast? And even more surprising, was the creature actually looking out for them?
War wasn't given long to consider as he was suddenly confronted by the sharp, still glowing gaze of the monstrous reptile.
It growled deeply, and then faster than a creature of that size had any right to move, it came to stand just beneath the cliff that War and Ruin stood atop, its head nearly level with them.
The roar that issued this time, forced Ruin to dig his hooves in and for War himself to grasp tightly to saddle or risk being blown out of it.
When the monster finished, both War and Ruin were covered in spit but considering the alternative, War counted them lucky. For all his powers as a Horseman, he highly doubted he would have survived against that horrid blue flame.
With a huff that blew a great bout of steam from the creature's nostrils, the blue glow slowly faded from its eyes, leaving War to stare into a surprisingly intelligent gaze.
Seconds stretched to minutes before with a narrowing of amber eyes, another soft growl was issued. Thick scaly lips pulled back across sharp, white teeth that were just as intimidating as the flame that had previously been issued from between those mighty jaws.
Not wanting to be on the receiving end of any of this creature's attacks, War did the only thing he could think to do, and simply held his ground.
Slowly, as War continued to observe the burning eyes before him, he began to understand.
This was a warrior, not unlike himself, but one that was solely dedicated to protecting this realm and by extension the humans that lived within it. The following snorted huff as the mighty creature turned away told him everything he would ever need to know.
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I had the coolest dream last night of Cinder’s (my Oc) Horse
The steed is a Abyssal Horse, meaning it’s different then the Phantom Horses that the Riders have. I’m still struggling to figure out a name, it’s either going to be ‘Eternity’, ‘Void’, or ‘Dissonance’. Not sure yet.
Anyway, in my dream the horse had two forms— the first one was simple. The face was a skull that was almost like a mesh between a raven and horse’s skull which is pretty cool. No ears, but the first layer of misty flames coming from the neck rimmed around the back end of the skull almost in the way a crown of feathers would. The main body was black, and the flames were abyssal blue (like the Abyssal Riders in Darksiders 1)
The second form it has is amazing and I’m currnetky doing my best to draw it.
The head was the same, with the sideways crest of feathers that almost seem to be physical if not for the flame/mist like state. There were more layers of mist that were longer across the neck, too, and the same goes for the tail. Instead of just all blue, they had an over layer of teal and some teal grey the brighter they got at the ends, and the hooves had the same flames. The body was black, again, flesh a little bit more torn up, but certainly better then Dispair’s hide, and the legs dipped into a white gradient before going black again at the bottom and finally glowing Abyssal blue hooves.
The saddle is hard to describe but it featured metallic insignias of wings on the sides. accompanied by Abyssal spikes, and some skeletal additions.
I might add a few things and stuff but I certainly will try and get the sketches done today :D
All in all, an elegant but frightening creature haha
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"The wrath of the Charred council is to be feared, lest you suffer the judgement of the four horsemen."
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A little late to the party, but here's my entry for Day Four: AU/Alternate reality. This was the only au I could come up with that seemed to fit the dynamic of the four. Of course I had to change most of the weapons to fit the theme (Save for the gun). But not gonna lie, these guys as part of the Mafia/Mob/Gang is not only fitting, it is to be feared.😆
Art is mine
@darksiders-week blog
Prompts belong to @lananiscorner
Four horsemen belong to Darksiders Universe
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elyslesnothing · 4 years
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bested me?”
(Darksiders Week 2020 - Day 1 (Platonic) - Death and Absalom training)
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darksiders-week · 10 months
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Day 2 has arrived! The theme for this day: The Horsemen – And their horses of course. This is the day for showing your love for the main cast.
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darksiders-week · 9 months
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Darksiders Week 2023 is coming to a close.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated!
I will still be monitoring the tags #darksidersweek, #darksiders week, #darksidersweek2023 and #darksiders week 2023 for another week, so if you have any late submissions, feel free to post them!
Looking forward to seeing you all in 2024!
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darksiders-week · 10 months
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Day 6: After the Beginning– You didn’t think we’d have Hurt without Comfort, would you? The Darksiders universe is a dark and terrible place—time to let the cast have a breather and look towards a more hopeful future.
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darksiders-week · 10 months
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Day 4: Original Characters: This is the day for posting all your human survivors, your nephilim renegades and whomever else you may have cooking up in your beautiful minds!
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darksiders-week · 10 months
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Day 7: Wildcard – No thematic restrictions for this day—just show us your love for the Darksiders universe. Your perfectly safe-for-work love that is—no nsfw commissions please. ;)
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darksiders-week · 10 months
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darksiders-week · 10 months
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Day 5: Before the End– Which end am I referring to? The slaughter of the nephilim? The corruption in the Forgelands? The apocalypse? That’s up to you! Just make sure to wrench out your audience’s hearts. :)
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darksiders-week · 3 years
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Only one more night until Darksiders Week!
Schedule below the cut:
Day 1: Gen - No shipping of any kind allowed. Keep it platonic. The horsemen are above such earthly pursuits.
Day 2: Shipping - Any rating (so long as nsfw works are tagged properly!) and any trope, so long as it involves shipping. Please note that a ship does not have to be canon (i.e. presented as a ship in the existing material) to count–in some other reality, they could have loved each other. Also, I hear human survivors have been reported by the Hellguard, so feel free to bring your OCs as well!
Day 3: Supporting Cast - This is no place for a horseman. On this day, no content involving the Four will be posted. Instead this is the time to shine a spotlight on Azrael, Muria, the Lord of Hollows, Dis & Co.
Day 4: AUs - Whether coffee shop or mermaids, this is the place for all your “Darksiders, only in X universe” needs, for from the Tree of Fandom Life, one may travel to worlds undreamed of.
Day 5: Crossovers - Ever wondered how the horsemen would fare defending Earth from Outworld in Mortal Kombat or what would happen if one disaster family met another in Gotham? Well, this is your day then! Crossovers, rare as they may be, are part of the Balance.
Day 6: For the Balance – Would you bask in Fluff or tremble in Angst? Or maybe you would like to bring balance and combine both into Hurt/Comfort? Choose from one of these three common tropes this day!
Day 7: The Best of II – In celebration of this second Darksiders Week, share with us a work inspired by your favorite moment/element from the second game!
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"You should try asking some questions....Quit playing the good little soldier... But I guess it's easier doing what we do if we don't need a reason."
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A day late, but here is the entry for Day 8: Prompts potluck, how War reacts when he is gifted Mercy. Based on @lananiscorner 's entry for the story , I have a feeling the phrase above would come to mind, as that is what Strife tells him in Genesis. Highly enjoyed participating in Darksiders week, thanx again @lananiscorner !
Art is mine
@darksiders-week blog
Prompts by @lananiscorner
War belongs to Darksiders Universe
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"Good to see you again."
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I know this has already been drawn by @sophi-s , but this is what I want to see in the next game for Day 7: Imagine Darksiders 4. I cried when Rampage died, and to possibly see a reunion between the two would be beautiful.
Art is mine
@darksiders-week blog
Prompts belong to @lananiscorner
Rampage and Fury belong to Darksiders universe
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"Delicious...Delicious Souls."
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Here's my entry for Day 6: Supporting Characters, my fav soul dealer Vulgrim.!! I swear, he's in every game, and I squee in excitement whenever he's on screen. Funniest quips and Voice lines, especially with Fury and Strife, and such a greedy little floating gremlin.
Art is mine
@darksiders-week blog
Prompt belongs to @lananiscorner
Vulgrim belongs to Darksiders
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