"The wrath of the Charred council is to be feared, lest you suffer the judgement of the four horsemen."
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A little late to the party, but here's my entry for Day Four: AU/Alternate reality. This was the only au I could come up with that seemed to fit the dynamic of the four. Of course I had to change most of the weapons to fit the theme (Save for the gun). But not gonna lie, these guys as part of the Mafia/Mob/Gang is not only fitting, it is to be feared.😆
Art is mine
@darksiders-week blog
Prompts belong to @lananiscorner
Four horsemen belong to Darksiders Universe
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chief-1-hunet · 7 years
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Fanart of @ohmygillygoshoppler ‘s Antonio. (I actually have no clue if he looks like this, but from everything I heard, I just kinda put it together) I gave him piercings and luscious locks.
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chief-1-hunet · 7 years
headcannons about ocs plz?
From my story “Greyscale” (or at least thats what I’ve named it for now):
Israel (female angel)- Very independent, and honestly does not care about what others think, except for one person (Castiel)- Has had numerous lovers, and that contributes to the story - Is the only angel with raven wings (each angel has different wings based off birds), but it’s seen as an omen and no one likes her - Was born before the beginning of humankind - Very blunt in her speech, and tries not to sugar coat anything - Was very mischievous in her past, but has grown into mature individual since then, but everyone who knows her is stuck in the past…- Has spend most of her life on earth or in other worlds
Castiel (male angel):- has been in love with Israel since day one- Would literally die for her- Is apart of the elite group of angels that serves as the main council in heaven - Is seen as one of the more respectable elites - Very handsome~* There’s several others, but I’m still working on them
Darksiders OCs:
Bethel (human female):- She’s blind - Is very intuitive, honest, and brave- She finds it easier to see through people because she cannot literally see them - She loves music, without it, she would be broken - Hence, she’s a talented songstress~- Kill them with kindness - When she’s angry, it’s silent. She’s very good and suppressing emotion (though it’s not healthy, and it worries Death).- Is in love with Death, because he makes her feel safe, and he comes to respect her.
Bar Code - 362 (human female):- is another partner I made for Death in another AU, but I’m starting to think it should only be a friendship - The definition of anti-social - Excellent stamina’s strength and speed- Seasoned warrior, assassin, and spy- Holds very little emotion because it was tortured out of her long ago, but she begins to regain it after the apocalypse - Has a watch on her wrist called “Eve.” It’s like her personal assistant. Things that she can do include: giving her a health update, giving her a map of the area, can scan objects and tell you what it is if it’s unidentifiable, gives advice for the next objective, can ask it any question and it will answer, is constantly gaining new information along with Bar, does not need to charge because it using the heat from Bar’s body - Prefers to keep her hair short - Dislikes heavy clothing, she needs to be able to maneuver - Martial artist, contortionist - Enjoys watching sunrises and sunsets. It fascinates her.
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chief-1-hunet · 7 years
The Witch and the Wonderwheel: Wildflowers
For @ohmygillygoshoppler
Hope ya like~ Sorry it took me centuries.
Nathaniel’s scroll read as this:
It brought me great pleasure seeing you a fortnight ago. Since then, you’ve invaded my thoughts with everything I do.
If it would not trouble you, I would like to like to see you again. The smile you have bestowed upon me, I wish to return.
There is a realm I would like to show you. I feel it would be best suited to your tastes.
The edges of the scroll were adorned with gold illustrations of flowers. Each time the sunlight hit the page, wisps of gold rose from it, as though the page itself were alive.
Simoné had skimmed over his words several times since she had received them. He wanted to see her again, no, an angel wanted to see her again. She thought it blasphemous that it could even be true. What did he see in her?
Simoné could hear Jordi coming down from the stairs, so she quickly rolled up the scroll and set it on the counter. If Jordi saw her reading it again, she would wouldn’t hear the end of it.
Jordi lazily slid down the stairs and yawned into her sleeved arm. Her messy bun never looked messier, “Morrrniiinng~” she mused.
“Morning,” Simoné hummed back, “Say, you sound pretty cheerful. You’re usually a grump after waking up.”
Jordi went to the Keurig machine and chose a ‘caramel latte’ pod, “You’re right, but today is different!” She pushed the brew button, and grinned.
Simoné raised a brow, “Care to indulgence me, Jojo?”
Jordi sighed contently as she took the coffee cup in her hands and slid towards her roomie with her elbows on the counter. She grinned at Simoné deviously and booped her nose, “You’re going on a date with a certain sooommmeeoonnnneeee~”
The witch immediately retracted from the response. She opened her mouth to speak, but she found no words. She could only blush in response.
“It’s okay to be speechless, Simoné,” she chuckled, “I mean, he is an angel.”
Simoné frowned, pacing over to her incense shrine, “I dunno. It just…” She sighed. Again, she could really find no words to describe how she felt about the whole ordeal. It simply happened. A happy happening, but… she had to darkest feeling that he may end up not liking her.
Jordi watched as the witch set up the incense. Though she disliked the smell of weed and cigarette smoke, she found the smell of incense to be delightful. Dragon’s blood being her favorite.
Simoné gave a prayer after lighting it. Her roommate was aware she was only trying to get her mind off of the conversation previous. Something wasn’t right.
She was nervous.
Jordi waited for her witch to finish her spiritual ceremony, and by that time, she had already finished her coffee.
Instead of prying, Jojo decided to switch the subject, “So… Strife called me last night.”
The witch’s eyes immediately widened, and a smile finally showed, “Did he~?”
“Yes,” a sigh, “We talked for awhile.”
“A while?”
“Like… for a few hours?”
Simoné squealed, “Oh my gosh, really?! Are you finally starting to warm up?”
For once, Jordi actually smiled at the thought of him, “Yeah. But I told him I can’t jump right in. We have to develop a deep relationship before, ya know, stuff happens,” she went ahead and made herself some chai tea. She was gonna need it, “When I do relationships, I don’t fuck around. If he’s not being willy nilly about it, then he better come through. He’s got some big shoes to fill,” that last part came off melancholy.
Simoné didn’t really respond, but rather, nodded in acknowledgement to her.
The dark blonde gazed out the window and watched the snowfall. Her birthday was coming up, too. January 9th. Though, she never told Strife that. Not yet, anyway.
She studied the shape of the mountains in the distance. Simoné chose a beautiful place to live after the apocalypse. She was always good at making good atmosphere, anyway.
“You wanna know something?”
Simoné hummed, “What?”
“My dream is to live out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by sunflower fields, and raise a family,” the thought actually made her tear up, but she shied her face away from the witch. It was fine if she didn’t see.
“That’s beautiful, Jojo,” Simoné stood from her kneeling position, “I hope all your dreams come true.”
Jordi chuckled, “I hope so, too.”
It was early afternoon by the time the girls actually got around. Jordi wore her black leggings with an oversized sweater that was fuzzy and warm. Her hair was actually done in a french braid today, with bits of her baby hairs hanging out.
Simoné stepped down the stairs in her new dress. It was a velvety, dark blue gown. Off-the-shoulder, long sleeved, with a sweetheart neck line. A dark blue hijab to match, with beautiful floral embroidery on the trim. Jordi was more than happy to do her makeup before she put on her outfit. A classic smokey eye, and a dark red lipstick. Damn, the witch was a goddess.
Jordi hopped up and down and clapped when she saw her, “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD, YOU’RE GORGEOUS!!”
Simoné smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear bashfully, “Thank you.”
Then, there was a knock at their chamber door~
Simoné took a deep breath, “Okay,” game face, “Let’s do this,” she began to walk over to the door before Jordi stepped in front of her.
“No, madame~ Allow me!” Jordi gracefully opened the door, and was surprised to see that… it wasn’t Nathaniel?
Both Simoné and Jordi cocked their heads, “Death?!”
The reaper of souls nodded in greeting, “Evening,” he scanned Simoné, and basked in her glow, “You look beautiful,” a gentle smile.
Simoné's blush was uncanny at Death’s compliment. Obviously, receiving a compliment from the executioner was quite rare, “Thank you, thank you.”
Jordi interveined, “So, not to be rude, but why ya here, bud?”
He gave a slide chuckle at the nickname, “Bud. Not exactly a suitable term to use.”
Jordi waved her hand, dismissing the comment, “Yeah okay, whatever. Why you here?”
Death pinched Jordi’s side, making her jump and giggle, “I’m here as Simoné’s escort,” his gaze landed on the witch.
Both Simoné and Jordi, again, cocked their heads, “What?”
Death had taken Simoné to a Serpent Hole approximately  10 miles out from where the house was. Quite the journey on horseback, but it would all be worth it in the end.
Death had explained that he needed to be an escort because Nathaniel had run into some obstacles trying to come see her. He was finding it harder and harder to get to Earth, especially because of his position as the protector of the Crystal Spire.
But he was able to sneak away to the realm in which he wanted to take Simoné, and that’s where Death came in.
The witch had been through several serpent holes with Death and the rest of the horsemen. She was only nervous now because she knew what was on the other side.
Death met her at her side, rubbing her back, “Rest your nerves. It’s plenty safe, I will be waiting here for you when your little date is over.”
Simoné smiled up at the horsemen, relaxed at his words alone, “Thanks, Death,” to his surprise, she gave him a warm embrace, “You’re the best.”
Death looked down at her small frame, placing a skeletal hand on her back, “It was my pleasure, Simoné. You are there for us when we have need of it, so we will be there for you.”
The witch sighed contently at his words, “Thank you…” She slowly let go of him, and took a deep breath, “Well, here it goes.”
Down the rabbit hole we go~
Nathaniel wore his angel robes. To him, they were nothing fancy. Just white, loose trousers, and a white tunic to go with them. What hung from his shoulders was a gold sash that glinted in the moonlight. He kept his wings together neatly with his hands behind his back as he stargazed, waiting for his maiden.
Simoné popped up from the serpent hole, and landed softly in the grass. Nathaniel turned to look at her, and was stunned.
Simoné smiled sweetly at him, with her hands together as if in prayer, “Hey, Nathaniel.”
Nathaniel could only gawk at her before he finally came to his senses and cleared his throat, “Greetings, Simoné. I’m pleasured that you accepted my invitation.”
The witch nodded, “How could I say no?”
This made the angel smile, “I was anxious you would find reason to.”
Simoné blushed. Did he really think that?
“Come,” he held out an arm for her, “There is something you should witness.”
Simoné gladly accepted his arm, and was internally delighted at how warm and muscular it felt.
The angel took the witch over a hill and introduced her to a beautiful view of a meadow abundant with wildflowers with glowing petals, so there was no need for a light source other than the two moons in the sky. One moon glowed a blue hue, while the other, a golden yellow. Just beyond the meadow lied a wooded area. Glowing mushrooms could be seen leading to a path within it.
Nathaniel’s milky gaze landed on the maiden at his side, trying to interpret her reaction, “I thought of you when I laid eyes upon it, though,” he looked out to the meadow, “It cannot compare.”
Needless to say, Simoné needed to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dead and this was the afterlife.
Jordi sat in the living room watching the fire crackle. She was left by herself after the two of them left. She was happy for her friend, very happy. Simoné deserved it.
She smiled at the thought.
Her phone buzzed:
DINGUS (Strife): did simoné leave with death yet?
Jordi: Yeah y
DINGUS (Strife): mind if i come see you?
The wonderwheel sighed, but it wasn't an unhappy one:
Jordi: Wow, you're actually asking nicely? lol
DINGUS (Strife): bonus points?
Jordi: sure, bud
DINGUS (Strife): so?
Jordi: yes, you can come over
DINGUS (Strife): ;) i’ll think about it
Jordi: please, hurry, I'm getting sleepy
DINGUS (Strife): Perfect~
Jordi: Strife
DINGUS (Strife): Alright, alright
Simoné was on her way back from her experience with the angel. It was…
Death rode fast, trying to get her home as fast as possible.
Simoné dreamt the whole way home, the smile never leaving her face. Death was happy to see it.
Once they arrived, Simoné thanked her apocalyptic friend one last time before going inside to find Strife sitting on her couch.
Strife looked up at Simoné grinning, and spoke in his thick aussie accent, “Sooo, Sheila, how’d it go?”
Simoné took a deep breath in, and slowly exhaled, “Dreamy.”
Strife nodded, “Glad to here it.”
Simoné then realized, “Hey, where’s wonderwheel?”
Strife gestured to his lap, “Sleepin’”
There she was, her head resting on his lap while he continued to pet her scalp. She made little noises in her sleep, which he loved so much.
“Cute,” Simoné chuckled.
Strife agreed, “Yeah, she is,” he poked the witch on the shoulder, still grinning, “So, what happened? Spill it.”
Simoné blushed at the question, trying to hide her face, “Well, we kissed.”
Jordi immediately jumped from her slumber liked she had come back from the dead, “YOU WHAT?!”
Strife snickered, “I knew you weren’t really asleep.”
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chief-1-hunet · 7 years
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Some more sketches of Karan because... I’m starting to love him. @azul-alvarez
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chief-1-hunet · 7 years
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Sketched up @azul-alvarez ‘s angel, Karan. Sephtis’s boyfriend ❤️
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