#dark kicthen
olsenmolly · 1 year
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Dining Kitchen Atlanta Inspiration for a large, modern, l-shaped, beige-tiled, vaulted ceiling eat-in kitchen remodel with a farmhouse sink, flat-panel cabinets, black cabinets, quartzite countertops, black backsplash, subway tile backsplash, black appliances, an island, and white countertops.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 months
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To say he was a dangerous, hatred and feasome man was a understandment... but no one asides from him and one person knew his dark secret.
Which was quite embarrassing to be honest, bit alas it was the true.
The thing is, he was scared of you sometimes.
Yes, you. The one who managed to cage his heart and make his mysophobic ass feel something asides from disgust for once in his damm life.
Now, to give contest to it, let's roll back a bit in time.
In the start of the relationship, you didn't know why on God's name you decided to steal a bite out of Kai's food.
But you did. And the look he gave you was not at all pleasant. In contrary, he threatened you. Yes, threatened to kill you. And you laughed.
He knew you were crazy but not THAT crazy.
Either way, you still managed to steal some bites out of his food every now or then and he kinda got used to it... well, sorta.
But the funny thing is that he is a VERY picky eater, so not only he didn't do the same thing to you because he was disgusted by it or because of his hygiene habits, is also because he genuily didn't liked some things you eat it.
Rarely he was interested on seeing what you were eating... rarely, but not impossible. After all you knew how to cook and he genuily liked some of your meals.
Although, one time, at dinner, you were craving some spicy noodles, so you got on the job of making it.
In your mind, your boyfriend was working, so you only made a portion for one.
While making it, even with the amount of spice on it, while taste testing, you frowned, not quite achieving the spicy sensation you wanted, so to make it better you decided to add a bit of spicy paprika and pepper sauce.
You finally achieved your goal and was pouring on a bowl to eat while watching something on TV until you jumped at the sound of the sliding door opening.
"Hi honey!" You gleamed in happiness at seeing his face while he only nodded "I thought you were going to work late today? Did something happen?"
"Not quite. Just miracously the old man decided that he could do some of that paperwork and talk with the other yakusa boss" he mumbled nonchalantly while taking off his mask with a sigh.
"I think it was because he didn't wanted you to death threaten his work friend."you snickered while he dead panned at you. "Did you eat anything asides from lunch earlier?"
"No. It was that or risking my health on accepting a tuna sandwich from rappa." He shivered with a face that screamed disgust and repulse "Please let's not talk about that."
You laughed a bit while getting some pans out
"Alright, want me to make something for you?"
"I honestly just want something light and just go to bed. This will do." He pick it up the same bowl you were about to eat.
It sounded out of character of him to simply pick anything to eat? Yes, but here is the thing. Kai loved you, so, he trusted you. He knew you were careful around the kicthen and whatever you cooked it was safe to eat.
He thought.
You let out a confused sound at his words until you looked a bit late to see your boyfriend picking some hashis and picking on it.
"Kai wait-!"
Too late. He eat it.
You saw everything. To the confused hum he let out, to his pale face getting red as a pepper, his golden eyes starting to tear up and even a bit of snot to drop from his nose... he almost sounded like a cartoon character that was about to let steam out of his ears.
He immediately dropped the bowl on the table to get water.
You didn't had time to tell him it would only make it worse.
He was panting and sweating like he had ran a marathon curses leaving his lips as you quickly got him a glass of milk and handed it to him which he gulped down like he was a starving man with a glass of water on the desert.
"What. The. Hell. Was that?" He breathed each word out angrily after he got himself together.
"Spicy noodles." You mumbled while waving a paper at his face "That bowl was for me, you fowl."
Usually he would glare at you for this, but this time you saw a look of pure horror on his face.
"You're actually telling me you were about to eat that cursed thing that looked like it came from the deepest parts of hell?"
You blinked before grabbing the bowl and simply eating with ease a mouthful of the noodles before a sad hum left you.
"What?" He muttered, about to get you a glass like you did to him.
"Is not spicy enough..." you muttered sadly.
Kai dropped the glass on the ground out of shock.
In resume. For the next couple of days you had to hear a mouthful of your boyfriends complains about how your spice tolerance shouldn't be normal, that you needed to check on that. His disbelief was clear.
But also his fear about learning the fact that his sweet angel could eat that cursed thing.
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biohazard-inevitable · 4 months
Someday I’ll have a nice little home.
The outside will be a lovely stonework, cobbled together among dark wood and glass, mideval in its appearance as its settles into the foest greenery around.
A soft stonework path winding though soft clover and greenery up to a quiet little porch, windchimes of bone hang alongside hummingbird feeders, a horseshoe nailed above the door painted with etchings of runes and flowers as a lone rocking chair groans across the wood.
Inside it’ll be a cozy marvel full of rooms with many a purpose. A cozy kitchen sits in position to look out into the backyard where chickens and a garden roam free, a guarded little sanctuary for the creatures we keep. The kicthen is organized perfectly, each container for every item reusable and lableled ever so neatly, metal and reusable plastic silverware neatly tucked side by side in the drawers. Every spoon is the perfect spoon and every cup is the best cup. Fresh eggs decorate the wooden rack, as do dinosaur themed items all around.
Next is the living room, a cozy clutter of beloved textures and warm sentimentality. Knick nacks and bones dot the landscape and perhaps even, if alllowed, beautiful taxidermy lines the walls as swords hang behind the couch. A blaze roars warm in the fireplace on cold, rainy days, and the couch is large enough and soft enough for as many people as possible to join in a comfortable movie night.
Then of course is the library, a room dedicsted to collection housing manga and novel titles galore, organized beautifully, the manga alphabetical by title and the others alphabetical by author or however we wish to organize. Grand figures of the classics of our favorite anime characters tower around a cozy lounging are in the center of the room or perhaps by a window nook, the perfect place to nestle among the elements and become consumed in a story.
The batheoom even, is of my most ideal wonders. Themed ever so aquatically with a seperate shower and bath, the bath being a raised pedastal with water jets and plenty of room for candles, above it a tiled dome decorated like stars and panes into the wall depicting the most lavish scenery.
Then of course is my own room, decorated entirely however i please, a palace of plush pillows and the softest of blankets with all I need to love and enjoy myself inside it, a sanctuary of solitude if ever need be.
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A Clash of Kings - 44 TYRION X (pages 573-586)
Tyrion goes to visit Shae only to receive a visit from Varys who updates Tyrion on the recent change in management at Storm's End, and Tyrion tries to get Shae a new job at the castle kicthens despite her protests, so Varys suggests a better position.
"Lord Varys has come to see you," Shae announced. The begging brother blinked at her, astonished. Tyrion laughed. "To be sure. How is it you knew him when I did not?" She shrugged. "It's still him. Only dressed different." "A different look, a different smell, a different way of walking," said Tyrion. "Most men would be deceived." "And most women, maybe. But not whores. A whore learns to see the man, not his garb, or she turns up dead in an alley."
This is both really cool, class stat bonus, and really... hmm what would be the word? "sex workers are in danger from their customers so they need to read people better than the best spies to not be brutally killed as well as immediately know if a random person on the street is a danger to them because their status in society is very low so even if a serial killer starts targeting them specifically no one, not even the law, is likely to do anything about it" is there a specific word for "it's cool that she has this skill but the reason she needs it is terrifying"
(also, ngl, for a second I forgot how her story ends and thought "oh I hope Varys doesn't kill her for that")
"The Red Keep has sufficient cooks. Butchers and bakers too. You'd need to pose as a scullion." "A pot girl," she said, "in scratchy brown roughspun. Is that how m'lord wants to see me?"
roughspun = 🥛
He slapped her. Not hard, but hard enough. "Damn you," he said. "Damn you. Never mock me. Not you." For a moment, Shae did not speak. The only sound was the cricket, chirping, chirping. "Beg pardon, m'lord," she said at last, in a heavy wodden voice. "I never meant to be impudent."
*bops Tyrion with the steel chair* We do not slap our partners or employees!
Although now I wonder if this moment, -this reminder for Shae specifically that she is first and foremost his employee, not his partner, not his equal- had anything to do with her choices later. Because in the moments leading up to this, and the specific way she reacts, I'm starting to get the vibe that Shae was experiencing the same thing that Tyrion was, forgetting that this is a paid relationship and viewing it as an authentic partnership, an honest relationship outside of money and contract.
... wow Varys, that much sexual harrasment and assault goes on in the kitchens and no one does anything about it even though you know? *hefts the steel chair thoughtfully* hmmmmm...
Varys: *drops tragic backstory* "- Was it a god, a demon, some conjurer's trick? I could not tell you, and I know all the tricks. All I can say for certainty is that he called it and it answered, and since that day I have hated magic and all those who practice it. If Lord Stannis is one such, i mean to see him dead."
... I... have questions on what does and doesn't count as magic in his eyes and how much magic he's willing to put up with given that he is team Dany. Y'all know Dany right? Mother of Dragons, restorer of magic (if Quaithe is to be believed)?
"Don't you see the jest, Lord Varys? (...) Storm's end has fallen and Stannis is coming with fire and steel and the gods alone know what dark powers, and the good folk don't have Jaime to protect them, nor Robert nor Renly nor Rhaegar nor their precious Knight of Flowers. Only me, the one they hate. (...) The dwarf, the evil counselor, the twisted little monkey demon. I'm all that stands between them and chaos."
... Tyrion Lannister, City Defender!
CHaOs iS a LAdDeR
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I always wondered what happened between Thor and Thor the Dark World
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Like, why the hell did they redecorate?
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Or is the firts one the "good" throne room and teh second one is the one for pesants?
Like ... I have so many questions ...
Like ... it is also a lot smaller ... like ... did they redo the kicthen and needed the space?
What the fuck happened?
Or did ragnarok happen (again) and his is actualyl an entirely different asgard with a new Odin, Thor, Frigga etc ... and just Loki is still Loki becasue he wasnt home wenn Ragnarok happened ...
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vagnada · 2 years
Dark kitchens - Cozinhas Fantasmas - Nova Atividade Comercial em São Paulo
Dark kitchens – Cozinhas Fantasmas – Nova Atividade Comercial em São Paulo
Opinião Eng.Urb. Vagner Landi ( Especialista em aprovações de projetos em SP ) Eng. Urb. Vagner Landi Dark kitchens , são o novo conceito em São Paulo para preparo de refeições somente para entre delivery ,instaladas dentro de pequenos e médios galpões que abrigam vinte ou mais cozinhas , que são alugados estes espaços por restaurantes de marcas já conhecidas no mercado alimentício , sem a…
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lfc21 · 3 years
Scary spiders
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You and kostas had decided to have a clear out of your kitchen. After renovating the whole room you where excited to get everything organised and tidy. Kostas was not up for it but after promising him a night of cuddles and films he was more than happy to help. You could often get koetas to agree with any sort of plans by promising cuddles, it was clingy but it was cute.
"Y/n will you pass me that bin bag" kostas said with his legs crossed on the floor whilst he crushed all the cardboard boxes. You had been sat behind him placing a variety of different sweets and chocolates in boxes ready to put in cupboard.
"Erm yeah babe hang on" you said reaching over for the black bin bag next to the fridge. You reached over and grabbed the large plastic pulling it up to pass to him. All day you had been chucking random bits of rubbish in the bag both trying to aim right for it and it not ending very well which just forced one of you to pick it up and get it.
"Here" you said holding up the bag to him on the floor until a dark hairy thing fell from the bag onto the floor.
"Oh my fucking god" you screamed behind kostas as you hurld the bag across the kicthen and jumped up. The bin bag crashed into the oven causing it to fall onto the marble flooring right new to kostas.
"Fuck! what!?" Kostas said turning around to look at you as you just screamed down his ear. He sort of got used to the more dramatic moments from you as you often scared yourself by your shadow or screamed due to walking into the door or something. He would always say your the stupidest person he knows.
"There was a sp-spid-fucking spider!!!!!!!" You shouted with your hands over your face nearly in tears.
"Where baby" he said laughing at your reaction of a probably small bug walking around the floor. He stud up and moved the bin bag which released the bug to run across the floor over to you.
"Kostas you idiot" you shouted jumping up onto the counter at the side of you as tears started to fall down your face. You stared at your boyfriend who was on his knees in laughter at your reaction to the small black thing. Yeah kostas was asking for a moody girlfriend by laughing but you couldn't help find him gorgeous in a pair of grey sweatpants and no top.
"Stop it!! Just get it" you cried with your hands still covering your eyes. Kostas got a glass and a piece of paper whilst he chuckled to himself over your clear fear of the animals. Kostas got it in the glass and slowly walked over to you with it wanting to frighten you even more.
"Fuck noooo!! No! No! No! Get away" you screamed jumping off the counter and running into the hall as your dogs started to bark at your screaming.
"Hahaha omg y/n this is great" he said letting the small bug out of the patio doors. He walked over to you with a smile on your face as you stud in the door way with his hoodie covering your whole body as you put his sleeve all the way over your hands onto your face.
"Haha baby it's gone now" he said softly with a smile as he began to put his arms under the hoodie and onto your waist. You placed your head on his shoulder as his embrace comforted you. Your fear of spiders was big, even the emoji on your phone made you slightly jump from time to time and kostas had constantly seen that happen. He will never forget when you where both in greece with his family and you and his mum had found the biggest family of spiders in the garden and you both had legged it into the house screaming causing everyone to think you where being held at gun point.
After you had calmed down from a literal near death experience (sort of) you had decided to get into bed and watch a film as it was late. You layed your head down onto his bare chest as his hands made there way through your hair as he giggled at Ted 1. You moved your leg over on to his until you quickly jumped up and screamed slightly at the feeling off something run across your shins.
"Omg" you shouted looking at him as if he had just pulled your hair or broke a pair of your heels.
"What?" Kostas said prompting you to say more in order for him to understand your sudden outburst.
"There's something under that blanket babe" you said slowly getting up of the bed and pointing at the side of his bed.
"Omg I bet there isnt" he said pulling off the duvet from him revealing a sock kostas had taken off and not kicked out, something which really irritated you.
"Are you for real?" He said with a laugh and grabbed the sock which he volleyed at your face. You tried catching the sock but failed miserably as it hit wall instead.
"Oh" you said innocently with a giggle as you could of put serious money on that being some sort of monster or worst a spider. You got back into bed and layed on top of kostas with your head in the cruck of his neck feeling his large hands run up and down your back slowly. You where both about to fall into a deep sleep with the light sound of the film playing in the back ground until you thought of the strange creature in your mind.
"Babe" you whispered looking at him as his eyes where still shut and his fluffy hair perfectly placed on his forehead.
"What" he said refusing to open his eyes as he wasn't in the mood for more conversations as the tiredness started to run through his body.
"What if the spider had babies" you said shyly as you wondered if there where more in the house. Kostas couldn't believe you, he didn't reply instead he turned over and shoved a pillow onto his face as he heard you begin to go on about the spider coming to get you.
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honeystwiggypeach · 3 years
23. “Why’s it smell like smoke?” Kaidou-centric | reader isn't as involved, just a known character in the story | not establish relationship
Kaidou begs Nendo and the guys to help him cook something to make a bento to impress the reader, saiki tags along to ensure you dont get food posioning, ("Y/N won't get food poisioning ! And If she does it would be the work of the Dark Reunion!!",,,"right,")
Just a bunch of kicthen mishaps and At the end Kaidou is dejected cause all the food is burnt and underseasoned, about to give up, You show up (Saiki ended up telepathically asking you to show up at his house) and you think its sweet he tried so hard, so you say smyhing like "clearly yiu were possesed by the Dark reunion! And they made you forget you're super good cooking skills!"
"Huh?? Yeah?!! Thats right!!!"
"But no worries Kaidou! Because I promise you I will teach you how to cook and you shall relearn your skills and take the Dark reunion down!!"
("I thought the Dark Reunion were trying to destroy the world, not destroy opposing culinary masters?"-Saiki, visual imagine: Gordon ramsey esc bg w/ 2 teams red and blue and saiki innyhe middle of the shot, contemplating)
Aa srry for rambling I really love the idea of doing bits like these xdd
Anyway, you agree to help him learn- Ah- uh Relearn how to cook,
“Why’s it smell like smoke” x Kaidou Shun
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YES! I’m not sure which ones were canonically bad chefs because I know somewheres in a cooking episode someone sticks a fork in the microwave(I know a simple google search will tell me and by the time I finish writing this I will have searched it). Also don’t feel bad for rambling I think it’s so interesting to read what someone wants in specifics, because it gives me things to work with though their are aspects to both specific and non specific requests that are nice, well Anyways I head cannon majority of my favorite characters to be either Gorden Ramsey gourmet chefs or like a disaster in the kitchen so here’s the little writing...
⚠️Mentions of burning down a house while inside(no one actually does it’s referred to when Kaidou uses an open flame stove though) Nendou burns his arm on the stove minorly not bad at all like a touch⚠️
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“Listen buddy, I don’t think this is a good idea…” Nendou says patting Kaidou’s back practically knocking Kaidou’s soul out of his body.
“No, no, no! It’s the best idea I’ve ever had!” Kaidou shouts while flailing his arms around.
Nendou although reluctantly agrees.
Before they can get to far into their plan Saiki is right along side them asking what they think their doing seven though he knows good and well Kaidou wants to make you a bento box, that would result in Kaidou’s house catching on fire, or something, maybe you’d get food poisoning.
“Oh I want to make (Y/n) a bento!” Kaidou says smiling brightly at Saiki a drastic difference between Kaidou’s normal on edge about dark reunion behavior and his behavior when he spoke or even thought about you.
“Why do you want to help?” Kaidou asks hopefully as he sort of doubts Nendou’s cooking skills.
“Not really, but you might give them food poisoning if I don’t…” Saiki murmurs telepathically.
“They won’t get food poisoning!” Kaidou whines “and if they did it would be the work of dark reunion”
“Right…” Saiki says nodding his head.
“What ever come on we’re out of ingredients at home!” Kaidou says leading the three of them away from the school building and to whatever market Kaidou desired.
Around an hour in to Kaidou and Nendou trying to work a rice pot they quite and decide they might get further if they try to cook the rice on the stove which is a horrible idea, that they are able get away with as Saiki stepped out of the room to use the restroom.
Ag the most Saiki may have been gone for ten minutes! Ten minutes was all it took for Nendou and Kaidou to make about fifty mistakes, first they put two different pits of water boiling one to cook rice and the other to make macaroni.
Ok, Saiki thinks to himself, not an ounce of salt in either pots of water for the macaroni and their is a perfectly good rice pot sitting across from Nendou unplugged.
“Why wouldn’t you use the rice pot?” Saiki asks motioning towards the pot.
“It’s broken!” Kaidou huffs.
“Tried plugging it in?” Saiki plugs the rice pot in and it beeps alerting them of the heat it was about to put off as it warmed itself.
Both Nendou and Kaidou lower their gazes to the floor fumbling with their fingers as Saiki scoffs disappointedly.
“Saiki buddy, we’re out of milk do you mind?” Nendou asks and Saiki simply nods before walking out the house but not before telling you that you should probably go and see what their doing before Kaidou burns down his whole house with them inside.
Immediately after Saiki leaves Nendou burns himself on the flames of the stove. So of course Kaidou being the good host runs to get the first aid kit and in the process burns the rice he forgot to take off the flame, and suddenly the cheese packet for the macaroni is melting onto the stove as well.
It’s a mess both Kaidou and Nendou are panicking, theirs boiled water spilling over the pot, it stinks Nendou’s holding his burnt hand while Kaidou chases him with the first aid kit because Nendou is running from the water that continuesly just boiling over and dripping onto the floor, at some point Kaidou begins to just give up and prey his mom comes home soon, and when his front door is opened he thinks that maybe just maybe his prayers were answered.
They weren’t it was Saiki back with the milk, how face palms at the absolute mess the two made of the kitchen.
Almost as soon as the problem began it’s over and cleaned as the two sit in the living room waiting for Saiki to call them back in.
He calls them back in and lets Kaidou package the burnt food that tastes nasty and under seasoned and he now understands what he meant by saying he would tag along to prevent food poisoning.
All Kaidou wants to do is curl into a hall and cry, he just wants to impress you, because everyone else seems to think his child like nature is rather lame so he feels the need to impress you, he quickly ushers the other boys out of his house and curls onto the couch as he cries over the burnt food that would never impress you.
Eventually you arrive and knock softly on Kaidou’s door.
He drags his feet over to the door opening it to see you smiling at him, quickly he wipes his tears trying to hide the pink tint the tears left.
“We’re you crying?” You ask worriedly as you walk in cupping his face in your hands, if he wasn’t flushed already he would be now as you look at his glossy eyes.
He quickly shakes his head and you let out a sigh of relief, “Saiki told me that you had…” you pause trying to think of something. “Needed help cooking for someone…”
He looks at you wide eyed like a deer in headlights.
“He told you?” He whispers looking a little mortified.
“He did, but that’s ok, I’m here to help!” You say giving him a sweet smile and he nods defeatedly realizing his plan failed horrible.
“Why don’t you explain to me what happened?” You ask as he leads you into the kitchen.
“I uhmmm…” he stalls before mumbling the rest.
“What?” You also confused.
“I wanted to impress you, but I don’t do anything cool, so I thought if I made you a bento box you’d think I’m cool.” He says hiding his face in his arms.
“Oh Kaidou.” You hum “I always think you’re cool, and I think that it’s really sweet of you to try and cook for me” you reassure but seeing as he was still hiding it didn’t really work.
“I bet it wasn’t even your fault, it’s probably dark reunion possessing you.” At that his head shoots up and he’s responsive again.
“You’re right it burnt because of them” he shouts.
“Tell you what why don’t I help you cook this time?” He nods quickly accepting any time he can get to spend with you, and that’s how the two of you spend the weekend, ‘teaching’ Kaidou who really isn’t a horrible chef how to cook.
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blubberingmess · 4 years
Dating dark!Bucky and your 'play time'-- if not rough sex-- is 'who gets to stab the other first without getting caught' game. (Dark!Bucky x Dark!reader)
Warning: dark stuff, stab stab, fluff.
Note: I really like this two. They're dark, dangerous, and sickly sweet. This is not edited so expect some errors.
The same universe as >> [Crazy]
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"Honey, I'm bored," you whined, pouting at your metal armed man. Bucky turns his eyes away from the tv and focuses at you. No matter how good a show or a movie is, or if he's talking to someone about an important subject, if you want attention then he'll give it to you without any hesitation whatsoever.
"Wanna fuck?" Was the first thing he asked.
Ever since the two of you became a thing (five months ago), you would fuck like bunnies whenever and wherever. It's making the team sick and really awkward, randomly hearing your moans aand groans when passing by a locked closet, bathroom, bedroom, the kicthen -- everywhere!
Always giving each other little smooches here and there (that would most of the time would turn into a full blown make out session) and the eyes -- fuck.
Both of you would eye fuck each other from across the room, but most of the time it would be really loving and filled with awe and warmth. That man has his eyes on you every freaking seconds of the day, never once leaving unless necessary - a... hobby that sticks with him ever since you first introduced yourselves to each other.
Some would say it's weird and really unnerving but you think otherwise, you love his attention. Preening each time he gives you those cute googly eyes, the same goes to him. Bucky loves that dangerous glint in your eyes, especially when some random woman tries to flirt with him.
It proves that you really do love him, also it's hot.
You shake you head 'no' even though you like the idea very much. "I'm still sore from last night. You kinda gotten a bit rougher than usual."
Bucky felt himself well up in pride at your words before patting you on the head affectionately, kissing you on the forehead.
"You begged for it." A laugh left his lips when you playful slap his chest with the back of your hand, before asking, "Well, what do you wanna do?"
You ponder for a moment before gasping enthusiastically. Bucky raised his eyebrows in amusement. How can a little devil like you be so cute?
"Lets play the game."
Bucky felt his blood pump excitedly at your suggestion, a twitch of his finger before tilting his head to the side, giving you a dark smile that you love so much.
"Sure, sweetie. Anything for you," he purrs, leaning his face towards you. "So, when do we start?"
You giggle, pecking him on the lips before standing up from the couch and started making your way towards the kitchen. "After breakfast. Pancakes?"
Bucky grins, standing up as well to help you make the pancakes. "Sure."
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Steve and Bucky is now talking about the next mission in the kitchen, far too focus on the conversation at hand that neither one of them noticed your figure sneaking in - or so you thought.
You knew Bucky won't make a move until you do; a gentleman he is. Gripping the knife tightly in your hand, you quickly shoot out from your hiding spot (just outside the entrance of the kitchen). You tried to be as silent as possible yet quick, but nothing goes unnoticed by the Captain America.
Steve noticed you coming at them with the knife and raises an eyebrow.
Before you could even lift you knife, Bucky quickly swings his at you which you quickly dodged with ease. He smirked at the shock look on your face before you glare at Steve.
"Steve!" You yelled, crossing both of your arms over your chest in slight annoyance. You were so close to stabbing Bucky in his shoulder!
The blonde's eyes flickered between the two of you before it finally hits him, sighing in disbelief and exasperation. "Really? Again?" The team knew about this dangerous game of yours and it always puts them on edge, afraid that one day they'll be the one who's gonna get stabbed instead.
The two of you just shrugged your shoulders nonchantly, a silent answer for 'yes' before Bucky asks Steve, "is that all?" Referring to the mission for next week.
Steve nodded his head. "Yes - don't play too harsh alright?"
You playful scoff and roll your eyes at the blonde. "Yeah, you too." Setting the kitchen knife on the counter.
Steve cocked his head to the side. "What?"
You and Bucky gave each other a knowing glance then look back at Steve. Bucky gave his best friend a 'are you serious' look.
"That girl you kidnapped the other day - thought we didn't noticed?"
Steve widened his eyes. "How did you know?"
Once again, the two of you casually shrugged your shoulders. Bucky suddenly stands up from the stool and marched towards you, tucking his blade back in his pocket before sweeping you off of you feet and onto his shoulder.
He smack you once on the ass and began making his way towards the living room, plopping down on the couch with you on his lap. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist and pull you against his chest, burying his nose into your neck and giving it a loving kiss.
"Let's cuddle."
While the two of you are doing your daily cuddle, Steve was left in the kitchen with a far away look in his eyes. Taking a small device from his pocket, he watched the small blinking dot in the middle of the screen.
A smile formed in his face. 'His sweetheart is awake.'
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It goes like that throughout the day, surprising each other with attacks (with knives) that are dodged and blocked by the other with ease. The game is pretty hard since the two of you have the same calibre of skills with knives and hand to hand combat, but that doesn't mean no one got to win.
"Honey, have you seen--" Bucky was cut off when a knife was suddenly got plunged in his stomach, instantly knocking him on his back as you three a not-so heavy punch on his jaw. You already stabbed and punched him, that's enough.
Bucky coughed and wince, looking up and see you in his line of vision, staring down at him with that beautiful crazy grin etched on your lips.
"I win."
You're in your unicorn pajamas looking like a tired racoon, stabbed him in his stomach with your favorite knife and punched his jaw, yet you still able to take his breath away.
Bucky only stares up at you in awe, his pupils dilating despite the pain he's feeling in his stomach. Your giggle snaps him out of his thought to look down at the knife protruding in his stomach, wrapping his hand around the handle and plucking it off with a little to no effort at all, not even a small wince.
He cleared his throat in slight embarrassment. "That actually caught me off guard."
You smiled up at him, puffing your chest proudly. "I know right? So, what were you looking fo--argh!"
Bucky smirks as he watched you stumble onto your bed, clutching your bleeding shoulder. While you're distracted, he took the time to throw your knife back at your direction, not stabbing you (you already won the game) but only grazing your shoulders - badly.
"That's a cheap shot!"
"Saw an opportunity; had to take it."
You roll your eyes and stands up straight, still pressing down on your wound and walk over to your lover. You stretched out your palm for him to take which he gladly did, pulling him up with ease before the two of you started making your way towards the surprisingly empty infirmary.
The two of you began helping each other out with your wounds, badging each other up while conversing about everything and anything like you haven't just stabbed each other like some crazy couple - It's no lie though.
"-- that's why I hate that show," you finished rambling, closing the medical kit in your hands and placed it back to the cabinet.
Bucky laugh making you laugh as well at how cute he looks right now.
"Yet you still watch it."
After a few seconds of comfortable silence, you decided to asks, "Why didn't you use your Kevlar though? I could've killed you." Of course you won't actually try anything like that to him, you can't.
You love him to much to do such thing.
Its a surprise that Bucky didn't use any defense, only his knife and his metal arm despite knowing you won't hold back on this dangerous game of yours. The two of you did the last time and it results to less wounds and scratches.
Bucky stares at your back for a moment with a fond smile adorning his face, a hand on his bandaged stomach.
"The same reason why you didn't use yours."
I trust you.
You slowly turn around and saw him already looking at you with that same look on his face, heavy lidded and a cute goofy grin on his handsome face. You felt your heart skips a beat and swell up with pride, knowing you're the only one who can make the former winter soldier to look all stupidly in love - you don't doubt you look just the same right now.
"You're a sappy little shit aren't you?" I love you, you know that?
Bucky leaned forward and hook his metal arm around your waist, pulling you close so your noses are touching.
"I know," he whispered.
You smirked, lazily snaking your arms around his neck. You love it when he smile at you, it reaches his eyes. They are always warm, gentle yet so dark and dangerous.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - III
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 5303
Rating: NC-17
Sorry that it took forever, my head is messed up.
Chapter I  Chapter II  -  Chapter IV Chapter V  Chapter VI Chapter VII
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For the first time in years Jungkook woke up on his own, when his body asked for it, without anyone waking him up with a bucket of cold water, or to meet some schedule. He felt numb and heavy, relaxed, rested. He stretched, sitting against the headboard in the dark room. He couldn't tell the time, since there was no clock, making him feel a little disoriented in space time. After so many years without freedom to come and go the boy was not sure what to do now. About ten minutes went by without anyone showing up to tell him to get up - and he didn't want at all, the bed hugging him - hunger settled in his stomach, as well as the urge to go to the bathroom. But could he really leave? He got up and tested the door. It wasn't locked. So he could leave the room, in theory. Without making a sound he closed the door again and went back to bed, thinking about what to do to make the best impression on the first day in his new home. He decided to make the bed and tidy up the room. When he opened the curtains, bringing light to the room, a pile of clothes on the armchair caught his attention - a pair of sweatpants shorts and a oversized t-shirt, a new toothbrush, a pink post it on top. These clothes are mine, but it’s for you to wear while we don’t buy some for you. I think it'll fit. By the smell it was obvious the clothes were yours, he didn't even need to read the note to know. It fit, but not the way Jungkook likes to dress up - he likes big clothes on him, to feel comfy, and your big clothes, wich are big for you, who are smaller than him, are just right to him.  Right now he was in clean clothes, smelling of fabric softener and you.  He put on his shoes and his cap too. Outside the window the now busy street was full of cars and people, making him excited to go out. But yet again, can he? Determined to be a good boy and not disobey, for you to love him, Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed and waited. More minutes passed before he heard light knocks on the bedroom door. He crossed the room in one step and opened the door as fast as he could, his tail wagging from side to side, but it wasn't you in the hall, his smile fell. It was the cat. "What are you doing?" Yeri asked, taking him by surprise. "I... I'm..." He stammered. She crossed her arms "You've been up for almost half an hour, why haven't you left the room yet? Are you alright?" "Yeah" He spoke so low that if Yeri didn't have feline hearing she wouldn't have understood a word. "I was waiting for Y/n." "Oh" Her confused expression softened. "She went to work." "She is not home?" Yeri couldn't understand the slight panic in Jungkook's voice at asking it, or why he didn't left the room by his own choice. She don't know the feeling of rejection like he does, or the pain of being treated like a animal. She knows she is privileged though, she don't need to understand to be empathic... And you asked her to be nice to Jungkook so... "No, and she asked me to keep an eye on you until she back." She smiled softly "Go wash yourself, Y/n let breakfast done for you." Jungkook loved the restroom, for no especial reason, he just he just never saw a bathroom so ... happy - all colorful and with little plants in cute pots, and smelling and clean like he never imagined a bathroom could be. Out of curiosity he decided to try the shower, turned the register slowly, and when the water started to fall he put his hand under it and ... oh, it was so warm. "Yeri!" Jungkook ran into kicthen , where the cat was waiting by the table, scearing her off. The white hairs on her tail were all standing on end when she answered in a hiss. "What?!" "Where do I find towels and shampoo?" He excitedly asked. Not quite understanding Yeri pointed to the hall. "In the closet under the stairs in the hall... But..." Before she could end the sentence he was gone, and the sound of the door of the bathroon closing againg. Jungkook love to shower, stay clean, water. This was often the only medicine he received after being beaten until he was unable to get up. After a while, the cold, limited water shower became the safe spot for him, where the world couldn't hurt him anymore, and he could just breathe. In the shelter the water was not so cold anymore, but there was still a time limit for each shower, it was still Jungkook's favorite time of the day, because he didn't need to think about anything other than himself. Now the water was hot and pressurized, massaging his sore muscles, more than the room you give to him, this felt like home. Of course Jungkook felt a litlle bit upset that you weren't home when he woke up, after all he wanted to see you, he never liked an owner so much that he missed them from one day to the next. But he wasn't going to complain, it's not like he's used to getting attention, in fact being alone was more common than anything. He understands that you can have more important things to do than show him the apartment or prepare and have breakfast with him... You are already too good to be real. He was rinsing his hair and ears, massaging his own scalp, when voices came from outside, caughting his attention. It was two voices, female. You were home. _________________________________________________________________________________________ You entered the apartment with arms full of shopping bags and document folders. You quickly dropped everything on the table or on the floor near the door, took off your coat to hang on the rack and kicked off your shoes. Your eyes searched the living room and kitchen, looking for Jungkook, without a sign of him. You tried to complete all your tasks at the office as quickly as possible and rescheduled some visits for other days of the week to be able to get home early to see him, you were anxious to know if he slept well, or if your male clothes fit him . The breakfast you prepared for him before leaving still wrapped on the counter. You frowned. "Where is Jungkook?" You asked to Yeri, who was lying on the couch by teh window, jumping through the channels. "Taking a shower. He just woke up." She said without looking away from the tv. You hummed. "Ok. Can you put on the news for me please. I didn't have time to check it today." Yeri complained despite obeying anyway, but you paid no attention to it, busy putting the mess you brought with you in its proper place. The TV journalist was talking about the economy updates, which was not the topic you wanted to see. The explosion of the shelter last night ended up on twitter trending topics, but you wanted to know what the official media outlets have to say about. On the internet your organization is seen as justice, everything you do is seen as a heroic act by many, and that brings strength to the movement. Those in favor of the slavery of the hybrids also speak out against you, but their ignorance only strengthens the abulutionist discourse too - in a slow process of difficulty, but there are so many people working for equality that you refuse to be shaken by these rotten people full of hate. This polarization of ideas, of course, also divides politics, and it is this part that interests you the most, because it is from the government that the rights of the hybrids will be guaranteed. Mess with the economy and popular opinion that it is possible to change the government, which is why you and your camarades love that much to explode some state buildings. "Why are you home? I was expecting you only in an hour." Yeri looked at you from the other side of the room with lazy eyes. "Ah, I have to go out to do some more sttuf, but I needed to come pick something... And maybe eat. I skipped lunch."   You decided to warm up the pancakes you made for Jungkook in the morning, and add toast and eggs to your meal. You heard the bathroom door and fast steps and was about to ask Jungkook if likes coffee, the moment you turned around he was already behind you, with a big smile and open arms to hug you. "Y/N!" You were enveloped by jungkook's long arms and squeezed against your chest, losing your balance the way he hit you with his whole body. By instinct and with no regrets, you hugged him back. His tail, which was already swinging from side to side, started to swing even faster. His dump hair was wetting you, and his litlle happy sounds were malink you soft. "Hi, Jungkook...." You give light taps on his back and opened up space between you two. " Let me see you... I knew the clothes would fit quite well. But if you don't like them, fine, they are only temporary, so you don't have to walk around in that shelter's hideous pajama." "I like the smell of it." He said smelling the shirt collar fabric. "Good. Because I'm a little paranoid about laundry." You really are. Actually you are kind of crazy tidy. "Are you hungry?" You softly said, still looking to how the clothes were wrapping his body. You didn't notices but you were making him blush with your stare. "Yes." He said in tiny. "Me too, lets eat breakfest together.". You reaffirmed your theory that Jungkook wouldn't be too picky about food, and that basically anything you put in front of him he eats happily. He just doesn't like coffee. And sweets are really his favorite. He ate the pancakes and egg with toast, plus a very large bowl of cereal, some fruit and a glass of juice. It wasn't just because everything was good, but he was happy you were eating with him, and that made him even more hungry. "Lucky me I have money." You still have a lot of questions in your head to do to Jungkook. You were curious about him in so many levels. Since from his habits and tastes to his past ... One doubt you have is: How is he so docile? His file said that he spent almost a decade in illegal dogfights. Most hybrids take less than five years to lost their and go feral, and then when they can no longer be controlled the owners put them down. But Jungkook doesn't. Furthermore, despite being a pitbull, he does not have his canine ears clipped, which is not common in the middle of where he came from. You wanted so much to ask... but you decided oposite it, thinking that it wasn't the moment. "Want more juice?" Jungkook offered, he was pouring himself more and saw your empty glass. "Of couse, thankyou, sweetie." You didn't notice the blush on his cheeks again, intending to pay more attention to the TV in the living room. Jungkook was not used to hearing praise like that, the most he heard from his former owner was 'champion' or 'good boy' when he won a fight and there was nothing satisfying about it. Your 'sweetie', on the other hand, accompanied by a smile from you, just because of a glass of juice seemed like the world to him. "Updates on the terrorist attack on a shelter in downtown Seoul last night: It was confirmed that despite the magnitude of the explosion and the damage to the building's structure, there were no victims, either by the hybrids or by the local staff. According to the authorities, the 100 hybrids that lived in the shelter were kidnapped by an anti-government organization as a form of protest, on social media entities defend that they were released by the Set Us Free movement." You got up and crossed your arms to watch the jornalist talking as aerial recordings of the burning building and post prints talking about took over the screen. "Early in the morning, a series of complaints linked to the shelter came to the knowledge of the police, involving corruption and money laundering, as well as mistreatment of resident hybrids. Among the evidence presented a list with names involved in the scheme ..." As the jornlist listed names of businessman and politicians. Many of these names you already knew, once your group that investigated and made the report, others were a surprise to you. In that moment you were so interested in the news that you sat on the end of the chouch supporting your elbows on your knees,  watching the TV without blinking. Jungkook recognized the images from the shelter last night, but he didn't find it so interesting, because seeing the explosion live was much nicer, and none of the information said anything to him. But seeing you so serious was interesting, he took the bowl of cereal and sat at your feet, looking more at you and your reactions than at the TV itself. "Senator Y/L/N spoke earlier in a news conference.." The image of the journalist was replaced by one of a man in a suit speaking in front of several different microphones. "Violent acts can't and won't be encouraged, but we need to pay attention to where it comes from. The social injustice and slavery of hybrids needs to be tackled in some way, and since the government is slow to guarantee the rights they deserve as similar to humans, manifestations of marginalized groups are to be expected. It is not giving them what they want, as the conservators say, it is guaranteeing them what should already be theirs by right. Situations like last night are nothing more than a symptom of the disease that we think we are entitled to own a hybrid." Jungkook thought it was cute the way you were biting the inside of your cheek or how it looked like you were narrowing your eyes with each word said. "Ya... Dad is so different when speeching..." Yeri mumbled.  It took Jungkook's attention away from you. "Dad?" He asked with his mouth full of cereal, looking from Yeri to you and to the man in the TV. "Yes." You awnsered, lying in the couch. "This is my uncle... He is cool isn't he?" Jungkook frowned, not thinking the guy is so cool... but since you say so... "Does he protect hybrids like you do?" You smiled to him, slightly petting his head. "On his way." At the same time that the news changed to weather forecast, your phone started to beep with messages. You praticaly jumped from the couch to your feet. "I need to go." You said. From the floor, Jungkook looked at you with doe eyes and a pout. "You are leaving again?" "I have something to do... But you can come with me. If you want." "I do." Jungkook jumped on his spot, finishing his cereal as fast as he could. "Then go put on that hoodie I gave you. Is kind of cold out side." You didn't need to say twice. Jungkook ran to his room to obligue, he came back finishing putting on his sweatshirt and putting on his shoes midair. He was so excited, and the look on your face when he took your hand was so affectionate towards him, just like the good dreams sometimes he have. He was intending on livig his best life with you while it lasted, as long as you wanted him, after so many bad, terrible things that he was forced to go through during his short life, Jungkook got used to not waiting for things to really improve, but he also learned to enjoy each of the good moments, whether they were truth or just dreams. Maybe he will wake up at some point and realize that he is still in the shelter ... or in the cold room, using a muzzle ... Until then he will not stop receiving all the affection that you are willing to give. Among the good things he was not expecting to happen, going out for a walk is one of Jungkook's favorite. "I'm ready." He told you with a cheekie smile, even if you could clearly see it for yourself. You just smiled back containing the urge to grab him by the cheeks. So cute. "Do you want a ride home,Yeri?" You picked the keys. "No thanks. Irene will pick me up in half of an hour." She didn't even looked at you to awnser, to busy scrowling throgh her phone. "Ok. Don't forget to lock the door when you leave," Said that you two left the apartment, and Jungkook got your attention all for himself again. ________________________________________________________________________________ It wasn't your plan to spoil Jungkook so much. Of course, you already intended to go shopping with him, and maybe, who knows, give the world to him if he wanted to, but the idea was that things would happen more slowly.  Instead, early in the morning on your way to work, you saw a beautiful jacket in a shop window and thought it would look beautiful on him, without hesitation you went into the store and bought it, and as a bonus some other pieces of clothing for essential use. Now you were supposed to go to the grocerie store, get an order of yours, and that's it. Kess than one hour and you both would be back home. Now its been almost two hours and your SUV is stuffed with shopping bags of clothes and other random things that made Jungkook's eyes sparkles as you strolled in front of shop windows - you let him buy a skate and an air freshener, for exemple. The tour was a big new world for him, clearly he was having fun just running around the store shelves and you had to pull him back into focus more than once. Like when he decided to try on all the hats in a store, first one hat at a time then all at the same time, it was cute, and you took the ones he seemed to like the most and added to his shopping pile without him paying attention. "Jungkook, do you want to choose some underwear? I have no idea what you like or what size you wear..." He was no where to be seen but you knew he was listening to you, especially after a few seconds, when the sound of the new boots you bought him two stores earlier approached fast, and then the hybrid's happy face appeared among the jeans racks beside you. "Oh, this is important, the only underwear I have is drying on my bedroom window." He said starting to look through the pile of new underwear, ignoring all the colored ones, and separating only the black and white ones. "Wait, what?" You blinked at him. "I washed in the shower and didn't know where to leave it, so I hung it in the window." He simply said. You were kind of shocked. "Jungkook... Aren't you wearing underwear? Like right now...?" He just made no with his head, too entertained in choosing several identical boxer briefs.. You looked around to see if anyone around heard it, taken with modesty but finding the situation a little funny. "Did you have more at the shelter? Why didn't you bring it when I said to get your things?" "I had it, but I didn't think about it at the time." You just laughed at him and hurried him so you would soon pay for everything and move on, with the promise of returning to buy more things later. You still needed to go to the grocerie store... Where together you filled a shopping cart with your list - last night he said he wanted to have a barbecue, so you were going to prepare one for him, lots of meat, charcoal and side dishes - and things that Jungkook thought might taste good by the look of it. "Jungkook, you will find some hygiene products for hybrid in this corridor. Take a look and choose, I'll be right back ... ". "Wait." He looked arond. The grocerie store was way bigger than the clothes shops you went before, with a lot more people, he was not comfortable being alone here. How would he know where to find you if you go too far? You read that in his expression and give his hand a squeeze. "I'll just pick a package. Three corridors from here to the right." You poited. "But don't worry I'll be right back. Can you look the cart for me?" "Of couse I can." He said, more confident now. "Thankyou, sugar." You gave him another of those smiles and then left him alone to choose deodorants and soaps for hybrids. But you didn't lie, as fast as you're gone you're back, now with a wrapped paper package in your hands. Out of curiosity Jungkook sniffed the package over your shoulder while you put it in the cart, but for some reason he was unable to identify what could be inside. "Please don't put anything on top of that, it's fragile." You said. "Ready to go?" "Yeah." Jungkook droped one of one soap bar into the cart, not seeing which of the two fragrances he had been choosing before. "What is it?" You gave him a mischievous smile, hooking an arm around his and then guiding him through the corridors to the cashiers. You knew he would be curious, and you specifically asked them to wrap the package in a special paper that will outwit his dog nose. "Its a surprise." Jungkook was convinced. He never had good experiences with the idea of 'surprise', but coming from you he did not imagine anything bad. If you were saying that he was supposed to wait to find out what was in the package, then he was just going to wait. ____________________________________________________________________ When you got home, you parked once again at the back of the building, the light from the florist indicating that although it was time to close, the employees still haven't left. The same thing in the office on the second floor. You thought it would take a lot of coming and going to take all the bags up to the apartment, but while you picked up some and thought it was too much for you, Jungkook picked up almost all the others, hanging them in his arms, and when he left the first batch on living room ran to get the rest alone. It had been a while since he had space to run a litlle, without even being able to remember the last time. He only slowed down when he heard voices on the second floor, adjusted the bags in his hands and tried to go unnoticed. "I want to finish this before call it a day." A soft voice spoke. "But I want to go home. I'm hungry..." Another male voice answered. "More fifteen minutes, Tae." The office door opened just when Jungkook was passing, and he felt like he was caught doing something he shouldn't have, even if he wasn't, two guys looking right at him. The one at the table in front of a computer and stacks of paper smiled and waved at him. The other, holding the door handle, didn't even blink at him, looking serious. Jungkook just bowed his head and continued on his way, stopping only after reaching you in the kitchen. You felt his arms embracing you from behind and his forehead on you sholder. The guy at the table was a hybrid, he couldn't tell what kind, but the smell was like a cat, and probably, since as far as he knows they both work for you, the two shouldn't be bad. Still, Jungkook couldn't make his heart slow down. Men scare him. You turned to look at him. He didn't let you go tho. "What's up?" You asked noticing his distress. Jungkook bited down his bottom lip. "Got tired." You smiled and pet his head for the second time today making him sigh and close his eyes. Without knowing it you made him calm down. "Go put your things on your room, the new clothes in the closet... When you're done, go up to the terrace." "And then we will eat a lot of meat?" "Yep" _______________________________________________ You were just finishing making the vegetable skewers, and putting the meat on the grill when Jungkook went up the stairs to the floor where his room is and the terrace, where he hadn't gone yet. Like the bathroom, the terrace were filled with plants, but here the vases and plants are much bigger. The starry sky was beautiful, and the movement of cars and people on the street is comforting and full of possibilities. Jungkook stopped by the glass door and just looked at you, who didn't noticed him yet. You were now in comfortable clothes and messy hair, drumming his fingers on the table to the beat of a song that was playing only in his head. Once again the thought that you seem inoffensive crossed Jungkook's mind. But that's a lie. You are powerfull in a way he isn't. During the tour of the city he saw your surname in names of shops and street signs more than once, your uncle is an important guy who appears on TV, and your friends do illegal things using guns and bombs... And you are human - and that's enough for you to be scary for any hybrid. You are not harmless, and one thing that would certainly hurt Jungkook hard would be if after today, when he felt at home after years of not knowing what that feeling is like, you decide that you don't want him anymore. That would be worse than every time he thought he was going to die in a fight. Rejection. Like in the shelter, Jungkook was trying to figure it out a way to be loved. To be so loved that someone would want to live with him forever and never leave him. But he doesn't know how to do it. "Do you want some help?" He approached you. "No. Now just don't let the meat burn." You proudly put your hands on your hips. "But I wantou to sit here... and close your eyes." You made him sit by the wooden picnic table and ran inside. He closed his eyes as you said so. You came back with calmer steps and put something in front of him, an instant after the smell of phosphor and sugar entered Jungkook's nose and you said... "You can open it now." In front of Jungkook was a cake with the words "Welcome home JK" written on it and some candles on top. His eyes got wet instantly. "This is an welcome party." You said softly, holding his hand. "And every party need a cake. Surprise, Jungkook." Jungkook wiped away the tears that began to flow with the sleeve of the hoodie - the hoodie that was yours and still smells like you. Seeing that he was crying, you tentatively rubbed a hand on his back and waited for the sobs to pass before you spoke. "Jungkook, we need to have this conversation sooner or later... But I don't want to be your owner." You said and he got freeze. He looked in shock to you and more tears ran down his face. He was so confused. The cake made him so happy and then you said exactly what he was afraid of hearing. A knowing look reached your eyes and you wiped the boy's face yourself. "Don't cry. Let me explain, ok?" He nodded, without realizing that he was holding your hand with all his strength. You couldn't care less. "I never intended on adopting or buying a hybrid. You are the only exception." You smiled sweetly. "When you said you wanted to come with me I couldn't say no. You were so sweet, trusting on me... You are very special to me, even if we've only known each other since yesterday." You took his face in your free hand. "But I'm unable to own a person. It may be strange for you to understand what I am saying now, but my intention in having you with me is for you to be free. If you want to live with me forever, in the simplest way in the world, I will take care of you. If you want to live your life in any other way, even if it is somewhere else, I will also take care of you, and support you. Because the choice is yours. Of course, you don't have to choose anything now. Today or years from now ... It will remain your choice." Jungkook relaxed but remained confused, not knowing how to respond. "What do you want?" He finally said. Your eyes saddened, the thought that your wanting to be more important to him than his own bothering you. "I want to be your friend." His answer seemed to be what Jungkook wanted to hear, because he opened a huge and beautiful smile. "That's enough for me. Can I eat the cake?" "Of couse!" You served him a piece and one for you, chattering like you never cared much for dessert after a meal, and that if he wanted to eat the meat and the cake together you wouldn't judge. His daydreams are cute, he concluded, determined to love you so that you love him. "Y/N... There are a lot of things about me that I don't like, and I know you won't like it either... And I don't like to talk about it, or to think about it at all... But since we are friends I feel like I should... " "That you should tell me?" He nodded. "You dont need to. Jungkook, I already know a lot of bad things about you." You made him freeze again. "Nothing personal, but enough that if it bothered me or changed the way I see you, I wouldn't even have brought you home. But I don't care, and if you don’t feel like sharing it with me now, or ever, okay, you don’t owe it to me just because we’re friends." He smiled to his cake. "Seriously, I have a lot of secrets my friends don't know. You can have yours too." "Thankyou, Y/N. I like you a lot, and I think I want to be with you forever." That was your time to smile to your cake. "So you are stuck with me forever then." Having a friend has always been more important to Jungkook than having a good owner. But for him the only friend he had stayed in the past, he was already sure that it would never happen again and that he was alone for the rest of his life. But now he had you, and that is enough. Regardless of the situation, friends are forever. If you are friends, he doesn't have to be afraid of you kicking him out, even with all the bad things he has done or all the fears he has.
And that good feeling tastes like cake. _____________________________________________________________
Tag list: @stayunderthelights  @deolly  @panconte @serendipityoreuphoria @madygswich
If you want me to tag you, pls tell me.
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One Morning (Part 1/2)
Part 2
Pairing: (Post Azkaban) Sirius Black x reader (I tried to write it without a gender or skin colour or size in mind, but sorry if I have moments where it slipped)
Warnings: a small amount of angst? 2261 words? None really I think. 
Summary: On a calm morning you wake up to a shoking newspaper, and when memories flood your mind, you decide to take action. 
Note: This is for @im-a-writer-right​‘s 2k followers writing challenge! Congratulations! None of the prompts I chose are in this but they’re going to be in part 2 when i write that one. If anyone has any feedback, please write a comment or send me a message, I appriciate it all! Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first language and the time is currently 2345
PS. I have used a part from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, chapter 3. I do not own the rights to this, I merely use it for the purpose of this fanfiction. All the credit for this passage goes to J.K. Rowling. Please dont sue me. 
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The dust was sparkeling like little stars in the morning light as you lied in the soft bed. You slowly awakened with your cat, Freya, coming closer to you before she cuddled against your duvet cover. With eyes closed you petted her soft fur with a tired hand as she purred in content. The moment passed and you got up from the covers, much to Freya’s displeasure. With slow steps you made your way to the small kicthen to pour yourself a glass of water, which you drank while you looked at the little street from your flat. The café opposite your building was opening up, already with a few customers at the tables outside. The weather was wonderful, not to hot with a light breeze. The people at the café were wearing overcoats and scarfs but nevertheless looked incredibly comfortable and cozy in the august weather. Freya jumped up on the counter and sat almost next to you, looking at the street too as if she understood it all. Maybe she did.
You became starteled when your small transformer owl, Hermod, jumped inside from the window you were just looking out of. Freya jumped down from the counter and found a sunny and warm spot in the living room where she lied down for a morning nap. She had been playing and exploring the flat the night before, so she was probably tired. You smiled to yourself before you turned your attention to Hermod, who carried a copy of The Daily Prophet and a letter.
‘Thank you, Hermod,’ you said as you took the post from him and gave him a little snack as pay for his work. He was a very small owl, as transformer owls are, but he did a great job for his size. He was hard to catch, small, and fast – and insanely cute. Hermod hopped away while you looked at the front page of The Daily Prophet. It was the first time you had read it in a couple of weeks because your work for The Order had taken up your time. You absolutely knew how essential it was that you followed the news and how the ministry dealt with everything. But nothing could’ve prepared you for the headline you were faced with:
BLACK STILL AT LARGE Sirius Black, possibly the most infamous prisoner to ever be held in Azkaban fortress, is still eluding capture, the Ministry of Magic confirmed today. ‘We are doing all we can to recapture Black,’ said the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, this morning, ‘and we beg the magical community to remain calm.’ Fudge has been critisied by some members of the International Federation of Warlocks for informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the crisis. ‘Well, really, I had to, don’t you know,’ said an irritated Fudge. ‘Black is mad. He’s a danger to anyone who crosses him, magic or Muggle. I have the Prime Minister’s assurance that he will not breathe a word of Black’s true identity to anyone. And let’s face it – who’d believe him if he did?’ While Muggles have been told that Black is carrying a gun (a kind of metal wand which Muggles use to kill each other), the magical community lives in fear of a massacre like that of twelve years ago, when Black murdered thirteen people with a single curse.
Your breath came to a stop when you had processed every last word. You stared into the air, not really seeing what was happening in front of you. Freya had noticed the silence and made her way back to the counter. She was purring loudly as she stroked your arm with her body. But you hardly noticed. A blizzard of thoughts ran through your mind. Memories, feelings. Everything that you had long ago hidden in the corners of your mind rushed up as if a tornado raged in your head.
Your trance was awaked by the sound of the parchment letter hitting the hard kitchen floor. Freya looked innocently at the letter and back at you as if she tried to convince you that she wasn’t to blame, although you knew differently. Still unsetteled, you stroked her fur as you unfolded the letter with shaky hands. You recognised the handwriting as your good friend Remus’s.
Hello Y/N, I’m sure that you’ve read the news – can we meet soon to talk about it? I’m sure we could both use it. All the best, Remus Lupin.
You put the letter down in front of you, on top of the newspaper. Freya looked concerned at you and you could hear Hermod from the other room, also sounding concerned abour the sudden silence that fell over the flat.
‘Don’t worry, Honey,’ you whispered as you petted Freya. She closed her eyes and the concerned look on her furry face changed into one of love and enjoyment as she purred in delight. Hermod stopped his complaining and went on to enjoy the snack you had rewarded him. While you were standing in the kitchen with a million different thoughts racing through your mind, one certain memory took the front seat.
The sun was setting in the distance, way behind the mountains and forests. Sirius’s arm was resting around your shoulder as you rested your head against his own shoulder. Tired from the exams and the circus that was school the two of you had gone outside to relax in the calming presence of each other. It was the last year and everyone knew that Voldemort was rising and that it, sooner or later, would lead to some kind of a war. Everyone knew that there would be losses, great ones. Painful ones. But for that moment there was bliss. A breeze russteled Sirius’s hair and you nuzzeled closer to him. He sighed a tired sigh and closed his eyes in an effort to enjoy nothing but your body against his own. Something he enjoyed greatly, but knew there wouldn’t be much time for when you finished your time at Hogwarts and were forced to face the brutality of the real world.
‘Are you ok?’ he asked in a quiet whisper, as if it pained him to speak the words. You turned to face him and were met by a concerned but yet caring face. You smiled sadly at the question and turned to look back upon the landscape. The quiet water. The still mountains. Absolutely unbothered by the ongoing conflicts in the world and only slightly disturbed by the breezes.
‘I honestly don’t know. I’m anxious and I feel like I’m waiting for something. But I don’t know what it is that I’m waiting for,’ you said quietly. Sirius leaned closer to you and kissed the top of your head, gaining a small smile from you.
‘Whatever happens Y/N,’ he started and paused. Once again you turned to face him. He looked at you with worry in his eyes before he finished his sentence; ‘I will always love you.’
You finally decided on what to do; first things first you went to the bedroom and found a piece of parchment and a quill.
Hello Remus, I’m going to his house. You know where. Y/N.
Hermod was had long ago finished the piece of meat when you entered the living room of the flat with the small letter in your hand. He knew what he had to do and without protesting let you. You instructed him to fly to the Burrow when he had done his duty, and when the letter was fastened securely, Hermod flew out of the open window. Quietly you followed him with your eyes before he was nothing but a black spot far away.
You yourself got dressed in a loose, white dress shirt and some black trousers. The august weather was still colder than what was preferable, so you put on a scarf that Molly had knitted for you years ago, along with a dark brown coat. You packed a bag of necessities before you went sat down in the couch next to where Freya was resting peacefully. She raised her head when the couch was weighed down by you. The cat carrier bag was placed next to you and Freya knew what she had to do.
‘I’m sorry, I know you don’t like it, but I don’t want to leave you alone,’ you quietly said as Freya made herself comfortable in the carrier. She sounded a little meow as an answer to your remark. You stood up, bags in hand and over your shoulder. A small checklist was crossed in your head as you made sure that you had everything you needed. A loud noise sounded and soon you appeared on Grimmauld Place. The slight breezes were still present. You looked around and before you was 11 and 13. In the cracks of the pavement small flower weeds grew in yellow and purple colours. You picked a couple, gathering a small bouquet. With a quick movement of your wand, number 12 appeared between 11 and 13 – an apparent mistake the muggles merely laughed at.
The house stoof before you. Suddenly you were filled with dread although you knew that Walburga and her husband were long gone. You had only visited Grimmauld Place 12 once or twice, but the house’s energy was comepletely off. Everyone could feel it radiating evil, and not having been there in ages you felt as if it was stronger than ever. Whether it was the impacts of the words from The Daily Prophet, or your own imagination and feelings tricking you, you didn’t quite know.
‘Here we go,’ you whispered to yourself as you took the steps towards the door you opened slowly.
The scent that immidiately hit your face as you closed the door was both recogniseble and not. The few memories you had of the place filled the screen in your head. As you looked around, you noticed how the dust was flying in the room in which you had entered. Paintings had been covered up. Bookshelves looked as if they were going to break the moment somebody touched them. You sat down the bag and Freya when you noticed a piece of parchment on a credenza. It was yellowed – old.
A big smile formed on your face and a warmth spread in your heart when you read the first word. The nickname he had given you when you were still at Hogwarts.
You walked into the Gryfindor common room with a glass of water and flowers in it. Careful not to spill it, you made your way around the furniture. The room was empty for people, everyone being at Hogsmeade and the first and second years yet at brunch. You had snuck outside for a moment of peace before the castle would vibrate with curious 11 and 12 year olds, who still had loads to explore.
‘Calla,’ you heard a familiar voice say when you reached the entrance to the girl dormitory. You turned your head around and saw Sirius Black standing at a window.
‘What?’ you asked confused. You knew him – not well, but enough to know the very basics. His group of friends, James, Peter, Remus, and he himself, was well known. Especially in the Gryfindor house. Your best friend Lily always talked about how irritating James and his friends were. But even though you were only thirteen, you could hear that even though Lily found James incredibly annoying, she also at times enjoyed his company.
‘The name of the flowers,’ Sirius answered. You looked at the flowers. They were like small glasses or cups, mixes of pink and white with strong, dark green stems. Beautiful and robust, you thought to yourself.
‘I find them quite beautiful, thought I’d put them on my desk and enjoy them until they wither,’ you said and again turned to look at Sirius. He walked closer to you. You weren’t shy around him, although you did find him very handsome.
‘Do you know what the Greek meaning of “calla” is?’ he asked. You shook your head.
‘No, I don’t,’ you answered. Sirius smiled and walked close enough to smell the flowers.
‘Then I’ll let you figure it out on your own,’ he said and walked out of the common room.
Confused and wondering you made your way up the stairs to your dorm. The flowers looked refreshing on the wooden desk and although they didn’t survive too long, you enjoyed them while they lasted. A week later you asked Professor McGonagall if she knew the Greek meaning of “Calla”.
‘Most beautiful, if I remember correctly.’ She answered.
And you didn’t sleep for a week.
I figured you’d be the first one to come here. Nobody knows about this place – only the Order, as you probably remember. Is the order still active? I hope it is – at least, it should be. I’m in Hogsmead. I won’t be more precise than that in case anyone else reads this. You will recognise me when you see me. Love, Sirius Orion Black.
You turned to look at Freya, who was lying in the carrier with her eyes open as if she analysed your every movement. You walked back to her and petted her calmly.
‘Sorry girl, I have to do it again. I know you don’t like it, but I promise it’ll be the last time for a while.’ You said as you picked her carrier and your packed bag up again. The small bouquet of flowers was in your hand and before you could count to three, you were in Hogsmeade.
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chiripepe · 4 years
I decided to watch this new interior remodeling show on Netflix and good god... Why? Why is the interior design palette of the moment just everything white and neutral and dead. Everything has to look like the inside of an apple store and it makes me wanna fucking kill myself. This woman from Texas is doing the same exact thing. The same design for every project. White walls, wooden and metal accents and muted everything. No bright colors allowed. She painted these peoples kicthen cabinets in a dark green than GOD and it was almost too much like she had to dress up the decision just in case.
I can't. I can't imagine having so much money, and all the people she's designing for are blatantly wealthy. Having so much money to have this woman come in and renovate your house to look like a marshalls housewares department I can't do it.
Bright colors are not allowed. The dominant standard of the era for the rich and new rich is beige, white, gray and a sliver of metalic fixtures and wood to remind you you're not living in a white box. Your house isn't your home for you, for your eyes, for your tastes, regardless of how anyone might feel. Its an investment. It's... Boring.
I can't. And all these shows are the same too. Like this lady got her start because she renovated her house like this and became huge on Instagram and then sold the house and started the business. That's all you fucking see on Instagram too. Neutral. Muted. Boring. Dead. I can't do it.
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angelkin-food-cake · 4 years
hi, angelkin/leviathankin here wondering if you could suggest any recipes that can be made by a college kid w only a microwave to work with? I'm mostly looking for snacks or sweets. I like sweet, salty, and occasionally bitter flavors and stuff like dark chocolate and cinnamon and bread and pretzels. Don't know if theres much I can do without a kicthen though...
Hi there!
Here’s some thing I hope will work for you. ^^
Beer-Infused “Cheese” Ball
Goat Cheese Pistachio Coated Strawberries
Raw Healing Probiotic Noodle Soup
Avocado Mint Cream Bars
Caprese Gazpacho
Mango Lime Mozarella Toast
Vegan Parmesan Crusted Peanut Butter Onigiri (a rice cooker is really handy for dorm living if you’re allowed to have one but there are also microwave rice packages you can use too though you may have to play around with the consistency to get the rice sticky)
Chocolate Matcha Energy Balls
I hope you enjoy these ^^ Thanks for the request! ♥
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wonjns · 2 years
their flower ❀
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pairing; lee seokmin x male reader x xu minghao 
genre; smut & fluff
summary; despite being so busy with their schedules, your two boyfriends always made time for their complete puzzle piece. they lived for the moments they got to see you blossom beneath (or between) them.
includes; bottom!male reader, poly!seventeen, praise kink, teasing, nipple play, unprotected sex ( don’t irl !! ), finger sucking, blowjob (reader receiving), reader is youngest.  
wc; 2.6k
notes; was a lil nervie about this one tbh bc i never written a poly before x_x but im obsessed w/ these two, they’re so sweet & sexy & cute especially this era and hsdhdsabs i just had to~ it’s not super explicitly smutty i just had to get my seokhao fix :(( hope its not terrible
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you lied curled up on the couch of the Seventeen dorms, hugging a pillow in your embrace. a blanket covered you while watching the netflix series that played on the flat screen before you. you had received a text from minghao an hour prior, telling you to head to the dorms and make yourself comfy since him and dokyeom were currently heading back home from their last schedule. your boyfriend’s text claimed that only a few other members would be home for the night considering they were given the weekend off, not that you would mind seeing the other guys anyways. 
it seemed you were faster than the two idols, because now you found yourself snuggled up in the furniture in one of dokyeom’s hoodies, hao’s basketball shorts, and already halfway into an episode of your show. they still hadn’t arrived at their own place. 
you picked up your phone, it reading 11:36 pm, and you began wondering if they were ever gonna come home. you understood the amount of hold ups and imbalances within the music industry there were, so you did your best to not nag them about it. however, as if right on cue, you were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of the door opening and low mumbling. you picked your head up to see your two tall scarlet red and jet black halves rounding the corner, both carrying quite a few bags, a few of which were groceries.  
the smile on your face grew quickly upon seeing them, but dokyeom’s doubled the size of yours upon seeing your frame resting on their couch.
“y/n!!” he coo’d cutely, immediately dropping everything in his hands - long legs hastily strutting up to you. 
you sat up criss-crossed as minghao went to drop the bags off in the kicthen and dokyeom paces over to you. once he reached you he squatted down, meeting your eye level from your seat. his large hands then encased yours and he began rubbing his thumbs over your smooth knuckles. 
“I’m happy to see you, babe. thanks for coming over.” dokyeom continued, staring at you with the brightest glow that shined through his orbs.
his gaze was strong and passionate as your eyes locked into one another. you felt yourself already blushing, your tummy lighting aflame with butterflies at the eye contact. he looked extremely handsome, the light from the tv reflecting off of his gorgeously tanned skin, and his dark hair still looking professionally styled. you took notice of his outfit, undoubtedly his wardrobe from the last day of their music video shooting.
“I-I missed you guys, it’s been like a week and a half.” you responded, eyes flitting down to his hands softly tracing patterns into yours. 
all you heard was a giggle from the older male before your lips were instantly enveloped in a cloud-like, sugary kiss. you were caught off guard, but your eyelids slowly closed as you hummed, his cologne invading your senses. dokyeom broke the kiss apart to speak, much too soon for your liking. 
“I know, we’re sorry prince.” he mumbled before reaching a hand up to cup your jaw and connecting your lips again. “it was a long day... but... everything’s wrapped.... director’s happy..... and now.... we’re all yours.....” he continued in between his kisses, growing in strength each time. 
you hummed in agreement, trying to show you were listening, but you found it difficult to follow along the more his pillowy lips overrode your senses.
like you said, it had been a week - a seemingly never ending week of neediness. you felt sensitive to even just a few solid pecks, and your body was clearly responsive to finally receiving some attention. 
as if on instinct, your hands shot out to hold the back of his neck and pulled him into you to maintain a longer lasting kiss. still being kneeled, dokyeom’s hand shot down to catch himself to avoid toppling completely over you, and he giggled into your lips. fully understanding your attempt for more, dokyeom gently pushed his tongue into your cavern, seeking out its favorite wrestling partner. you complied all too easily, groaning slightly when you felt the taller male’s pink muscle move against yours. your mouths continued their sultry dance and you tugged on the hairs on the base of his neck, causing him to work your lips with more force. 
when you could feel your boner slowly growing harder, you ran your hands along the singer’s broad shoulders before cupping both sides of his face, his lips picked up in momentum, groaning quietly into each others mouths. 
just as things were increasing in heat, you heard a voice wantonly call out from behind the couch.
“...am I being left out?” minghao chimed in.
you and dokyeom paused in the mingling of your lips to turn and see the red headed boy standing with an eyebrow raised and hands on his hips.
his annoyed expression quickly turned into a mischievous grin, causing you to giggle before he pounced onto the couch as if he were a graceful cat. he playfully nudged dokyeom out of the way before pushing you flat on your back, instantly connecting to your lips himself.
unlike dokyeom’s, minghaos kisses were immediately intense and filled with power. he released a deep moan as he worked your lips continuously, shamelessly grinding your cores together - it seemed hao was even more worked up than you were. you gasped at the sudden pleasure, causing both him and dokyeom to chuckle. you tangle your fingers into minghao’s unnaturally soft locks as dokyeom leaned in to place a kiss on your temple and minghaos cheeks.
you were then let free to catch some air, the intensity of minghaos lips leaving you breathless. your blush swiftly reappeared when you caught how focused minghaos eyes were watching you as well, smirking as he studied the way you tried to compose yourself.
“..why do you guys keep doing that?” you pouted, averting your own gaze.
“doing what?” minghao responded, tilting his head a bit in attempt to catch your eyes again.
“s-staring like that....”
minghao giggled again, not answering you before pecking your lips a couple more times. dokyeom reached out to stroke your hair, his nails feeling euphoric as they ran over your scalp.
“we just haven’t seen our favorite boy in a while, that’s all. we even brought you some of your favorites.” dokyeom spoke, finally standing from his kneeling position.
he walked over to the tables where minghao had dropped the groceries, and your eyes tried to follow him before being cut short of hao himself still trapping you beneath him. he still wore a big grin on his face, which then dove in to litter more kisses over your face.
the quick pecks caused you to giggle, but even that was cut short as he reattached those very lips to yours once again. you could hear dokyeom still talking to you while rummaging through the bags at the counter, but your senses were quickly being overwhelmed as your second boyfriend started licking his way into the roof of your mouth.
minghao reached down to cup your hard-on from outside your shorts, and it wasn’t until dokyeom heard a loud moan come from your that he figured no one was listening to him anymore. he dropped the large bags of chips dramatically and loomed over the couch. he did his best to feign an angry facial expression, but seeing his two love bugs giggling back at him while doing what they did best caused his signature grin to make an appearance. he couldn’t help but wonder how he got so lucky.
“so we really are leaving people out now, hm.” he blabbed, making his way around the furniture.
“sorry hyung,” you chuckled, leaning up to move minghao off of you. “but hey, at least you two had each other the past two weeks, i’ve only had my books to cuddle.”
although your statement was made as a joke, it couldn’t help but actually bear some weight on dokyeom’s heart as he said next to you, sandwiching you between the two older boys. he gently pat the top of your head, looking at you with a somewhat serious gaze.
“i know, we’re sorry, again. you know we were dying everyday until we saw our baby again.” he replied sweetly. minghao couldnt help but hum along in agreement before leaning to kiss your cheek.
the two males hated when you felt lonely or separated from them, and always did their best to prevent those feelings from ever coming to fruition in your pretty little mind. tonight would be no different. with a quick exchange of mischievous looks over your unsuspecting head, the two of them snuggled even closer to you. the three of your faces were only mere inches apart.
the ever-so-familiar redness crept back up on your face as you squeezed minghaos hand in embarrassment, but before you could speak up to ask what they were doing, they both started attacking you with a flurry of kisses. dokyeom covered the region of your face with innocent pecks, while minghao dove into your neck, leaving nips and sucks onto your delicate skin.
“well the great thing about being gone for so long means that we can make nights like these all... about.... you.” minghao spoke lowly, running his tongue over a sensitive spot on your column.
your response was somewhere between a whine and a giggle, your neediness from minghao’s actions building as dokyeom continued to relentlessly cover your face. you fiddled with minghaos elegant fingers, unable to comprehend how shameless he was, but unspokenly asking for more. he smirked, moving his hand to cover your still hardening member gently.... a little too gently. dokyeom noticed this, pulling back to admire your reaction.
“you’re so cute when you’re scared to ask.” he teased.
without another word, dokyeom’s large hands effortlessly removed his hoodie from your torso. the slightly chilled hair hitting your skin caused you to almost complain, until you quickly felt his warm mouth over one of your buds.
you gasped, gripping his dark locks once more which caused him to groan while running his tongue over your nipple. your sounds caused minghao’s cock to twitch, ripping him from his concentration on your throat. his eyes flitted down to see dokyeom’s actions, and he bore that wicked smile once more before dipping his own head further down to pleasure your other exposed bud. the red head also started to stroke your upper thigh as he sucked on you, making you grow dizzy.
“a-ah, you guys...” you exhaled, eyes rolling back from the stimulation you were receiving from both sides. your arms draped around both bodies on your sides, sliding your hands up and down their backs in order to keep your sanity.
“mmm, what’s the matter, prince?” dokyeom mumbled before returning to your bud, taking it between his teeth. minghao didn’t even bother answering you, his brazen moans not helping your case of near-paralyzation.
“m-more.... I can’t take this.” you huffed, trying to keep your eyesight stable. 
“hmm... feeling greedy tonight, baby?” minghao teased, gently running his hand along the skin of your back. 
he nipped your earlobe while chuckling lowly, his free hand dancing gently around your embarrassingly hard member already. you started to squirm, parting your lips to plea once more until dokyeom caught them between his, swallowing your whines. he brought his hand up to your jaw, holding you in place while he began ravaging your mouth. his sudden spark caught you off guard as it contrasted his gentle demeanor just moments ago. 
you kissed back with more force, powered by your growing frustration that neither of them would touch you exactly how you wanted. while dokyeom kept your lips occupied, minghao continued leaving marks on your neck. and when you felt his hand that was resting on your boner come up to twirl one of your nipples in between his long fingers, you groaned. you dragged your hands from dokyeom’s face down to palm his own growing erection, hoping it would somehow work him up enough to have mercy on you. he broke the kiss, allowing you to catch some air and showing you his bright smile. 
“wow, someone really did miss us.” 
you were convinced your blush wasn’t ever going to fade when dokyeom pulled you on to his lap, leaving minghao staring blankly. the former’s hands continued to strip you of minghao’s basketball shorts until you were left in your boxers before doing the same to himself. your mouth couldn’t help but water once you caught glimpse of dokyeom’s thick, tanned thighs. 
before you could reach out to lower the band of his boxers, he strongly pulled you back down onto his lap. your waist fit perfectly in his grasp, and he began rolling your hips over his, the friction from your bulges meeting causing you to throw your head back. the mix of your sounds and the stimulation had dokyeom rolling his eyes back, causing minghao to smirk. the red head scoot closer, his hands reaching around your throat and pulling you into a heated make out. 
holding on to dokyeom’s shoulders for stability, you continued grinding yourself on to the tall brunette while you and minghao’s tongues mingled. dokyeom’s moans were as pretty as his singing voice, and it seems he were more on edge than he lead on, because before you knew it you were once again being lifted off his thighs so that he could rid both of you of your boxers. 
a smirk danced its way across your face, you reaching out to pump his large member a couple more times. he groaned notably deeper before turning you around, slowly sinking you down on to him. you squealed, the stretch being something you weren’t prepared for, but your extreme desire caused the the discomfort to quickly transform into pleasure - he filled you up so perfectly. 
“k-kyeomie... you feel so good... you’re so big.” you moaned, your head dropping back on to his broad shoulders. he gripped your waist again tightly, forcing himself to stay still and ignore the urges to just rail you - that’s what your praises did to him. 
this time you held tightly on to minghao’s arms, your eyes squeezing shut. this only caused the mischievous red head to kneel down in front of you and dokyeom. he spread your legs wide before his face, his eyes lighting up when seeing your throbbing cock. 
“that’s right baby boy,” he whispered. “i love when our flower blooms for us.” 
minghao then surged forth to place strong kisses to the under side of your shaft, occasionally dragging his tongue up and down its length. mewls instantly flowing out of your mouth like a river dam. you tangled your fingers in his hair and tugged, causing his plump lips to finally wrap around you fully. 
when you finally dropped your head on dokyeom’s shoulder, he took this as motive start rolling his hips from under you, gently thrusting upwards while holding your hips still. minghao continued bobbing his head on your length while massaging your thighs, causing you to tremble.
noticing your shaking, dokyeom began to coo praises in your ear and lifted his hands to your mouth. you immediately accepted to fingers into your mouth, sucking and swirling your tongue around his long digits while he left kisses on your shoulder. you only lasted like this a couple minutes before both you and dokyeom released your love liquids, panting. 
minghao smirked with amusement and wiped his lips before standing, gently oozing you off of dokyeom’s lap. you started to whimper at the loss of warmth, but hadn’t had time to fully register it before you were lied on your back on the other side of the couch, minghao hovering over you with his shirtless figure. he pecked your nose before lifting and adjusting both of your legs around his hips. 
“we’ll clean you up in a second, love, but you know how I feel about being left out.”
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
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MLB secret Santa fic for @clockworkgalaxies ! It wouldn’t all fit in one post, so... Part 2 to come! (Sorry it’s late!!!)
Marinette clenched her fists. Her nails drew blood.
Deep breaths, deep breaths, she chanted, chocking down tears in favor of a false smile.
She really didn’t have any reason to cry. It was a plot. A political strategy. It would hardly last a year if everything went to plan.
But yet, it was all Marinette could do to stifle a sob as she stood in front of Alya and Adrien.
“Congratulations,” she said, “On your engagement.”
Being a ladies’ maid was worlds away from working in the kitchens. The position was usually meant for a woman of noble birth, or at least someone on the upside of things.
Dirt-poor kitchen’s hands usually didn’t really fit the bill. But Marinette was Alya’s best friend, and Alya has insisted. Plus, it didn’t hurt that she was one of the four people who were in on the secret.
The fact that the future princess herself was a former kitchen’s hand as well (or so everyone believed) lessened the scandal of the whole affair. (No one knew that Alya was as rich as a duchess, and trained to kill.)
“Take this,” Alya said, “And this. And this.”
Three knives of varying sizes.
“What am I supposed to do with these?” Marinette asked, “I’m not a fighter.”
“I know,” Alya said, but it’s best to be prepared. Plus, you should probably learn to fight.”
“You’re gonna teach me?” Marinette raised an eyebrow.
“Are you doubting me?” Alya laughed.
“Last year? You tried to teach me how to do a cartwheel?”
“It is not my fault that you tumbled into the pig pen.”
Knock, knock, knock.
“Your tea, Miss Cesaire?”
“That’s so weird,” Marinette whispered as Alya opened the door, “Servents. Waiting on us!”
The butler handed over the tray.
“I also come bearing a message,” the butler said. “Your presence is requested at dinner in an hour. In the agreat Hall. King Gabriel suggests you wear the blue dress?”
“Can Marinette come as well?”
The butler gave Marinette a once over.
“I suppose,” he said, as if it pained him.
The door closed, and Marinette exploded.
“You can’t bring me!”
“Why not?”
“I’m a kitchen girl!”
“I am too.”
“Doesn’t count,” Marinette crossed her arms, “You’re, like, and Assassin or whatever. You can deal with royals. I’ll just royally embarrass myself.”
“Technically, right now I’m employed as a secret royal guard,” Alya corrected, “And you’re a dear. Everyone will love you, I promise.”
“I almost started crying this morning,” she tried again, “I can’t sit at the same table as Prince Adrien!”
“But how else you seduce him and steal him away from me?” Alya asked, batting her eyes.
Marinette turned red.
“Shut up!” she laughed/shrieked, throwing the nearest decorative pillow (of which there were too many) and Alya.
It missed.
By a foot.
“I’ll make an Assassin of you yet!” Alya declared. “Now, forwards! Next mission: my closet.”
The first conundrum that Marinette faced was figuring out which blue dress—Alya had twenty—the king had meant.
Marinette has often been praised with and eye for fashion, but she doubted it could match up to kind Gabriel’s famously specific taste.
When the dress was picked, Marinette has to figure out how to do Alya’s hair. Which, it turned out, she was atrocious at. Alya ended up doing her own hair, and then Marinette’s.
The most challenging part of the whole affair, though, were the heels Alya had insisted upon. (“If I have to walk in these torture devices, my best friend does too.”)
Marinette was infamously the clumsiest servant in the whole castle, which didn’t bode well for her chances of surviving the night without cracking her skull open.
When they finally made it down to the Great Hall, all eyes were on Alya. Marinette really didn’t mind, because it meant no one noticed when the lady in waiting behind her tripped on her own feet.
Alya And Marinette day at the right end of the table, within shouting distance of the royal family, but far enough away that Marinette wasn’t terrible afraid of vomiting from nerves (although the chance was till there).
Sitting on Marinette’s side (other that Alya) was a young man with shockingly blue hair (the dying of which must’ve cost a pretty penny). Everyone was dressed in lush fabrics and sparkling jewelry, which made Marinette’s love of designing sing, but which also made her feel terribly out of place.
No one was looking at her, though. She supposed she wasn’t influential enough to care about—which was probably a blessing in disguise. She had no idea how to engage in courtly conversation.
The king clapped twice, and the conversation dwindled to a whisper as the food was brought out.
It was terribly strange to be served by the same girl you used to wash laundry alongside, and shared a cot with 4 years ago.
“Thank you, Rose,” Marinette whispered. Rose smiled and patted her shoulder as she walked past.
“Hang in there,” Rose whispered.
Dinner thy night was not one thing, but five.
There were two different soups, a honey-glazed pig, lamb cooked with lemon and rosemary, and some sort of grilled fish. Marinette was used to making dishes like these, but not to being on the receiving end of them. Kitchen workers for stale-ish oatmeal for dinner, and sometimes the leftovers if they were lucky.
Marinette’s stomachs rumbled and her mouth watered.
The food seemed to be self serve, so she put a little of everything in her plate and was about to dig in when she notices there were four different spoons, two different forks and theee utensils of which the function was a mystery.
She elbowed Alya.
“Which fork?” She whispered.
“Second to the left for the meat, first for the fish, and the middle right spoon is for soup.”
“Thank you.”
The rest of the dinner went by in a blue, half spent staring at Pronce Adrien, and half spend trying not to spill food into her lap.”
By the time they ended up back in Alya’s room, it was far later than Aroneyte had though— the sky was terribly dark, the only light supplied by the moon. (Marinette set about to lighting some candles, which seemed the sort of thing a ladies’ maid should do.)
What a day.
Marinette woke up sprawled on the couch in Alya’s new room, totally disorientated.
“Today is our first day of secret battle training!” Alya announced, somehow already up and dressed, with a voice too chipper for the hour it was.
Rising early was a necessity for a servant. That didn’t mean Marinette had to do it with any cheer or poise.
“I will murder you and place a curse on your family line,” she mumbled sleepily.
“It’s cute that you think you can to that,” Alya said, “Now get up! Up! We’re going into the forest to teach you how to use a sword.”
“Do you actually have a death wish?” Marinette asked, pushing herself to a seat and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. “I’m clumsy enough as it is. I might accidentally commit homicide if given weapons.”
“Up up up!” Alya chanted, grabbing the poor girl’s hands and pulling her off the coach, “Well make a proper royal guard if you yet!”
Marinette blearily stumbled into a simple dress, combed the kinks out of her hair to pull it into a ponytail( and splashed her face with water—which did nothing to wake her up.
“Curse in your firstborn,” Marinette mumbles as they walked down the many (many) stairs to the ground floor.
Marinette was used to traversing the castle by way of the cramped servants’ stairways and halls. It was jarring to hear her expensive brand new riding boots click against the marble of the main staircase, the float from room to room out in the open like someone to be admired, instead of someone to be hidden away until they were needed.
It was, frankly, the most intimidating experience Marinette had ever had—even more so than the time the infamously strict head cook had almost fired her for dropping the kicthen’s best soup pot and breaking the handle.
She and Alya had hardly stepped foot into the grassy palace grounds when Marinette was bowled over.
There was a lot of squeaking and flailing involved. (Weren’t ladies-in-waiting supposed to be graceful? Marinette quickly dismissed the though. Such a feat would be impossible for her to accomplish.)
She laid flat in her back, dazed and most likely a little bruised.
“Marinette!” Alya called our in concern.
“Oh jeez,” the man who had run into her said, sounding frantic as he crouched next to her, “I’m so terribly sorry, Miss!”
Marinette blinked and shook her head, coming back to her sciences. Blonde, she vaguely registered. Her eyes narrowed.
“You better be!” She knowcked away the hand he’d offered and got to her feet herself, “Why, the nerve—”
She chocked in her next words, finally realizing who she was talking to.
“Prince Adrien!” she squeaked (actually squeaked! How embarrassing!) and turned red. After that she had a hard time forming words—just stood there, mouth opening and closing soundlessly as her blush her to furiously mortifying levels.
“My friend accepts your apology,” Alya jumped in, brushing clumps of dirt from her best friend’s back and grass from her hair, “Although I must wonder, whatever is my fiancé doing, running around the grounds sweeping maidens off their feet?”
(She laughed at her own joke and winked and the prince.)
Adrien joined the club of People With Terribly Warm Faces and sheepishly held up the ball in this hand.
“I really am very, very sorry. I was playing football and not watching where I was going—are you alright?” He directed this question at Marinette, who made a sound like a fish out of water.
“Perfectly fine,” she gasped out, “No trouble at all, your Highness.”
Another man jogged up, with sweat-slicked skin, obviously the prince’s partner in sport.
“Sorry to interrupt,” the man said, “But you’re needed.”
He pointed back at another blond-haired beauty, decidedly much less exerted and much more impatient, tapping her foot aggressively.
The prince made a face, but his blinding smile returned as he gave the two girls one last look.
“You’re sure you’re alright?” he checked, one last time.
“Just dandy,” Marinette said.
Adrien nodded, and then started to jog away, but not before asking, “What did you say your name was?”
Marinette beamed.
“I didn’t. Marinette—Lady Marinette, at your service, Your Highness.”
“Marinette,” he said, “Hopedully next time we meet in better terms. Goodbye, and to you as well, Alya.”
And then he was off.
Marinette let out a dreamy sigh.
“We talked! He knows my name!”
Alya laughed.
“Nothing like crashing into your dear heart to wake you up in the morning, aye? Now, let’s be off! To the stables—and to the forest.”
Marinette groaned, good mood forgotten.
“Must we?” she tried.
“Yes,” Alya said, linking their arms and dragging Marinette along, “We really, really must. No getting out of this one!”
Marinette had seven bruises by the time they returned home—three from falling off her horse (twice) and the remaining four from hitting herself with her own (fake, thankfully) sword.
Alya had been immediately summoned to see the seamstress as soon as they set foot on palace grounds, leaving Marinette to find her own was to Alya’s room.
The sky was just beginning to darken, the air was crisp, and the bigs chirped okeasantly from the bushes. But the lovely afternoon’s calm was shattered by the sound of heavy sobs, coming from behind the biggest oak tree in the yard.
Marinette followed the sound, and behind the massive trunk found—
The girl in question hiccuped, trying to dry away her tears. Obviously startled to have been found, and embarrassed.
“M-Marinette? What’re you doing here?”
“Shhhh, shhh, it’s okay,” Marinette said, “Cry it all out.
She plopped next to Mylene on the grass, wrapping her arms around the girl’s shoulders. The two had often times sat together durning meals, although Marinette wasn’t quite sure if they were close enough for this.
Mylene returned the embrace, and cried in full force into Marinette’s shoulder—so, it seemed they were.
“What’s wrong?” Marinette questioned gently.
“Ivan,” Mylene said, sniffling, “I-I think he wants to break up with me.”
“Whatever would he want to do that? Mylene, he loves you.”
The couple were inseparable—always holding hands, giggling together. Whenever possible, they did their chores together, or side by side.
“He’s been distant lately. A-and, I think he’s got the eye for Sabrina.”
Marinette pulled back to look into her eyes s
“I promise you, he’s not,” she assured, “Really. Ivan would never do that to you. He cares for you like no one else I’ve ever seen.”
Mylene nodded, taking deep breaths.
“Y-you’re probably right.”
Marinette smiles.
“Do you want me to walk you back to our r—I mean, your rooms?”
Mylene shook her head.
“No,” she said quietly, “I think I’d like to be alone for a bit.”
Marinette gave her one last squeeze, and then left her in the company of the wind and the softly shaking branches.
Mylene’s weak smile and damp cheeks haunted her during he long walk up to Alya’s room.
Was something really going on with Ivan? She hoped not. They’d always been so adorable together.
A gasp was stolen from her lips as she stepped into the room.
On the table, a wrapped parcel, with a letter sitting on top of it addressed to—why, addressed to Marinette!
Lady Marinette,
A gift, to make up for this morning.
-Prince Adrien
In the parcel was a lovely set of hair ribbons, more colorful and nicer than anything Marinette had ever been given before. (Even her new ladies’ maid gowns were drab in comparison to their stunning red color and glittering gold detail.)
She fell back in the bed, kicking her feet up in fleeS he’d remembered her!
Alya came in, eyebrow raised.
“What’s all this about?”
Marinette shoves the letter in her face, shrieking in joy.
“Girl!” Alya screamed, “He totally likes you!”
Marinette his her red face in her hands, giggling erratically,
“He likes you, likes you, likes you!” Alya chanted in a sing-song voice.
All thoughts of Mylene were forgotten.
The breakfast of the next morning was an awful affair.
Not the food, that is. Marinette knew the head cook, and she worked tirelessly and dogilentlg. Even if the food was wildly over salted, Marinette would be impressed, because the only was she would let that slide in her Mitch’s was if she was half-dying and terribly delirious, and to be able to make food at all in that state would be quite a remarkable feat.
No, it wasn’t the food that made the breakfast so terrible, but the stares.
The effect had been quite dulled at dinner, because the night was new and it was dark, plus most people were at least a little bit tipsy from the wine. At breakfast, though, the first one Marinette had attended, her presence was starkly obtrusive in the bright morning light and sobrierity. A (former) kitchen’s hand, sitting at the table of the king!
No one said anything rude (to her face). But, the stares! The morning small talk was punctuated with gossipy whispers, subtly pointy fingers, and a growing sense of not-right-ness.
What is she doing here?
No one said it—they were too “well bred”— but Marinette itches for the meal to be over, although the eggs were fluffy and delightful.
Alya day to her right, laughing at something Marinette had missed whole overananlyzing the way she was chewing (was it proper enough?), dressed rather fashionably in a blue chiffon dress with darling lace details. (Which Marinette has picked out. Not to brag or anything.)
Marinette subtly (hopefully) elbowed her.
“Is it just me, or is everyone staring at me?” Marinette whispered.
“Don’t get a big head,” Alya teased.
“Not what I meant.”
Alya did a quick look around the room.
“Yes,” she sighed, “Everyone’s looking at you. But you know what they say: all press is good press.”
“Never mind,” Alya elbowed Marinette back, “Just don’t worry about it too much. I know how you get. Really, everyone is going to love you.”
Marinette was skeptical, and it must have come across because Alya laughed (quietly) and shook her head, as if to say, “What am I going to do about her?”
Suddenly Marinette let out a squeak.
What a beautiful shade of green.
“Prince Adrien looked at me!” Marinette said, perhaps too loudly if the eye rolls of most sitting near them had anything to say about it.
Alya snorted.
“Seriously, go talk to him,” Alya urged, “After breakfast. Do it!”
“N-no,” Marinette said, “Too embarrassing. Way too nerve-wracking. No way.”
“Suit yourself,�� Alya said, shoving half a bread roll in her mouth.
“I might actually burst into tears,” Marinette said, “And if I don’t, then I’m sweating through the fabric of this dress—it’ll be ruined. I might do both. Alyaaaaaaaaa!”
“Chill!” Alya responded, “I’m the one about t be introduced as future queen, why are you nervous?”
Marinette’s answer was a series of frantic hand gestures.
“Eloquent,” Alya laughed. “Look, you don’t even have to say anything. You just have to stand next to me and look trustworthy while Adrien officially tells everyone I could easily ruin their livelihoods if I wanted—that is, we’re engaged.”
“How do you look trustworthy?” Marinette asked, “is crying trustworthy?”
“You’re not gonna cry, I promise, and—Woah!” Alya yelled as the carriage bumped over a large rock in the path.
It was just the two of them in the carriage, with everyone else either riding in the carriage behind them of riding on horseback.
Marinette hadn’t eaten much at lunch, due to the then-impending freakout that was now full-blown. Her stomachs was out for revenge as jr rumbled hungrily in protest of the lost meal.
“On the bright side,” Alya said, “Your parents bakery is a five minute walk from where we’re giving the whole speech-thing. You could visit them after. And maybe they’ll be in the crowd!”
“Don’t talk about the bakery,” Marinette moaned, “I’m actually starving.”
“You’re not actually starving Marine—”
“I am,” she interrupted, “I’m dying. I feel faint. Maybe I just shouldn’t go on stage.”
Alya laughed.
“No getting out of this one, friend-o,” she said, “I need moral support.”
“Fine,” Marinette relented, “I’ll do it for you. I still might start crying, though.”
The carriage jolted to a stop.
“We’re here,” the coachman announced.
“Finally!” Alya cried, practically leaping out the carriage door.
Marinette heard deep laughter.
“Free at last,” Prince Adrien agreed, greeting Alya.
Marinette took theee deep breaths (stay calm stay calm stay calm) before making to exit, trying to be graceful until she all but tumbled out. Which she would have been more miffed about if she hadn’t also accidentally catapulted herself into Adrien’s arms.
“Hi...” she said dreamily. (Which really means she sounded totally out of it and half asleep or delirious.)
Adrien continued to be dreamy until he say her back on her feet, patted her shoulders twice, and turned to Alya to say, with little to no enthusiasm, “We’ll be on in 15 minutes. Be ready.”
“I don’t think he could sound less excited if he tried,” Marinette said to Alya as they watched him (briskly) walk away, “Shpuld I be glad he’s not so taken with you or offended in your behalf?”
Alya shrugged.
“Business is business,” Alya declared, “I’m here to keep him safe. He doesn’t have to be excited about it.”
Marinette smolders
“Well,” she said, trying to brush out the wrinkles in her crumpled skirt, “At leafy I’ve found one upside to my clumsiness!”
“Seducing young men?” Alya teased.
Marinette blushes furiously.
“Don’t-Don’t say it like that!”
“Alright,” Alya relented, “Lets go find whereever we need to be to sit and look pretty while they try to convince everyone we’re harmless.
“Hey, I’m harmless!” Marinette protested as Alta dragged her down the road to where a crowd was gathered outside the village, “You’re the one who sleeps with four knives in her skirt!”
“Five,” Alya winked, “And don’t be so sure. I think you’re getting pretty good at assassin training.”
“Five knives,” Marinette whispered incredulously to herself as they reached the head of the royal guard—or so Marinette assumed, from the way everyone seemed to listen when he spoke.
“I recognize you,” Alya said, “You we’re playing ball with the prince.”
“And I recognize you,” the man said. “You’re the prince’s fiancé. Name’s Nino.”
He held out a hand.
“Alya,” she said as she shook it, “Although I’m sure you’ve heard.”
Nino looked questioningly towards Marinette.
“You can call me Marinette?” she said, trying to sound tough and cool (but most likely coming off as the opposite).
“Nice to meet you both,” Nino said.
“You as well,” Alya said, and smiled.
Marinette knee that smile! Alya’s “I’m definitely flirting with you” smile.
Marinette tried very hard to hide her evil gleeful grin.
“We came to ask where we need to be,” Alya forged on.
No, no! Marinette silently chanted, Strike up a conversation! Get ‘em, girl!
But instead, Nino directed them to a small, secluded tent to wait.
The walk over included lots of elbowing, and whispered, giggling teasing (and quite a lot of scoffing and “Am not!”s from Alya).
By the time they arrived at the tent it was practically time to go on. Alya reminded Marinette (again) that they’d probably not have to do anything besides wave at the crowd. (“But what if I trip and fall on my face or sprain my wrist while waving or-”)
And then the royal trumpeters we’re playing (what a job) and King Gabriel was walking into a hastily co stricter stage, followed by Adrien, Alya, Marinette, and then Nino was what seemed to be hundreds of guards.
The king started speaking (“Thank you all for coming out today...and the Prince, as you may have heard..of course, you’ll love her...”) but Marinette was more caught up in trying not to look panicked in front of the crowd that she nearly jumped out of her skin when he turned and looked her way.
Or rather, Alya’s.
“Here is the girl herself!” King Gabriel announced, “Future Princess Alya Cesaire!”
Marinette couldn’t help feel his smile looked fake. Something about how his teeth looked clenched and how you could see how he forced his eyebrows upwards as if he was projecting happiness rather than feeling it—
Marinette’s mental commentary was cut short when she noticed the prince, who had lagged behind at the back of the stage. Staring at her, open mouthed—and then subsequently realized she’d been talking out loud. (Although not quite loud enough for the audience to hear, thank the gods.)
She clapped both hands to her mouth, a panicked noise bubbling up from somewhere as she watched the prince watch her, practically paralyzed in fear.
The prince blinked in surprise, slowly composing himself (read: picking his jaw up from where he dropped it on the floor). He cleared his throat.
“You really believe that?” he slowly asked, turning to watch the crowd and speaking out of the corner if his mouth all sneaky-like.
“Your Highness, please forgive me,” Marinette said, copying him, “I spoke out of turn. It’s not my place to have an opinion on the king—or his smiles.”
“Sure, sure, not your place,” Adrien said, “But... do you believe it?”
Marinette sucked in a breath and held it. Speaking out against the king like this was treason. Treason!
But... there was no one else in earshot of their quiet tone. And Marinette refused to believe that someone with such gorgeous hair would ever send her to the dungeon.
So she let out her held breath and said, “I haven’t seen much of the king. Hardly know him enough to form a true opinion. But yes... I believe it.”
“Wow,” was all the prince said.
One second passed. Two.
“You’re not gonna get me arrested, are you?” Marinette finally said, all fast and panicked, “Because I swear I’m loyal to the kingdom, really, I would never—“
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hi I'm like a whole day late to this conversation but you going wild over almost (sweet music) is a m o o d it's the best song on wasteland, baby! change my mind
DUDE IT REALLY IS!!!! i absolutely fucking love hozier....i know it may not be as deep and emotional as the other songs on wasteland or his other albums but i get this feeling i don't get with his other songs.
all of his music is amazing but it reminds me of falling in love. sweet music is literally what the feeling of being confused on how you feel and on what to do and only knowing you want to dance and be around the person you habour these feelings for....and at the same time you keep getting reminded of old relationships and even current ones and it's so bittersweet because you are in SOMETHING and.
the clap beat? ??? the bridge??? the way he says "very well some other nights?" the way he's so gentle and it goes quiet (ESPECIALLY durning live sessions) when he sings "is everything alright?") the MOMENTS rights after where it's all coming together is like. I just wanna pull the person im ???? for with close and swing them around!!!
it's just about this clueless, careful and clumsy feeling of being scared and happy at the same time. It's the musical equivalent of feeling your belly drop and getting really really happy around someone but then you sit to the side and question WHAT that is and WHERE did it come from? and then you realize it's something more, whatever MORE is it's MORE and just.
"i wouldn't know where to start / sweet music playing in the dark / be still my foolish heart / don't ruin this on me"
LIKE!!! that screams confusion and fear in such a sweet, warm way and i love it. AND ALSO the way the song is written as a whole is so clever!!!! he uses song titles throughout and it's SO NEAT i love that so much and just. i don't know when i hear "i laugh like me again / she laughs like you" it HURTS and it adds this bit of melancholy because your JUST hopping back into this game and listen. listen. I can dance to it, i can run around in my kicthen baking cookies swinging off my banisters singing the lyrics, but also at three am i listen to it to habour my unfiltered feelings to process and daydream.
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