#dark hunter world
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pov: you killed a robber with your world of darkness books, now you need to hide the body.
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geistverrse · 7 months
hunter: the parenting - chapter 4 out of context
a compilation of my favorite parts. also on youtube
i was extremely lucky to be a part of this incredible project. please give the full video a watch and support ogre poppenang.
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notbepi · 7 months
the fathers are feuding💔💔
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lmk if the image quality is pixely ive never posted on this website before🫡
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Vampires are horny like queer fuckboys on Grindr. Werewolves are horny like anarchists in a squat. Changelings are horny like starving artists in a drug-drenched commune. Mages are horny like overworked university students. Hunters are horny like soldiers crowded in a trench. Demons are horny like repressed feudal courtiers. The Hungry Dead are horny like creepy cult members. Wraiths are horny like a depressed motherfucker who just wants to feel anything again. Mummies are utterly and completely devoid of horny, as unhorny as a job application, they are antihorny. This is why nobody ever plays Mummy: The Resurrection.
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alfabusa · 2 months
New, short little lore video about the Hunter’s great folly.
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mandable-draws · 7 months
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Bloody loved the new episode. Sat in class drawing this in a fever since I watched it. Love Occam, even if he looks more like a vampire than the vampires do. I shall be purchasing a Kevin as well. I will throw him at someone.
Image description under the cut
A shoulders up digital illustration of Occam. It's drawn to look like the end scene of episode 4 of Hunter the parenting. Dual light sources, a standard white light from above and red light from below. Bold shadows and highlights.
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mekanikaltrifle · 8 months
'Vamily Spotlight': WoD Brand Team is Taking Art Without Permission
Recently, I was informed by a friend that some work of mine had shown up in the World of Darkness’ official ‘Vamily Spotlight’ section of their latest video. In this they talk about the gameplay reveal of Bloodlines 2 and generally drum up hype for it, which is largely what you expect from company channels when they’ve a new product out. 
There’s a problem with this: I was never informed, or asked. No consent was given to use that work, or any others.
Through some excellent efforts by friends I also found that my work was in two other videos, with the earliest being well over a year ago-- totalling three, and they were up on both Twitch and YouTube.
Now, you’ll note that I’m a professional artist with two separate art degrees and well over a decade and a half of training. I’ve also a basic understanding of copyright and fair use. 
The Vamily Spotlights are little to do with the review and news section of the video and therefore do not really have bearing on the main point of the video. To this end, I’d assume they’re there as a draw to viewers, maybe to see if their or their friends’ work has turned up in these official videos. And nominally that’s a valid tactic for engagement, if you have permission to use these pieces of work.
They do not however have permission, and certainly not from me. 
As of writing, (5th of February 2024) I’ve issued a DMCA request for all three of the videos my work shows up in on both Twitch and YouTube, and takedowns are pending but I would urge people in the WoD tag here on Tumblr to check the available videos for themselves, if they are as concerned as I am. The screenshots of art in the videos they use to spotlight seem to come from Tumblr, as well as whole TikTok videos and other social media posts. If this makes the rounds elsewhere, do check your stuff wherever you are, WoD fans. 
As the videos are also present on the Twitch VOD platform, this means they are actively charging money using our work without permission. I am unsure if their YouTube channel is monetised.
If they use your work for their spotlights, they are making advertisements and revenue off of your work without any reimbursement or prior consent. 
I don’t know if other artists were asked, but I definitely wasn’t, and by now we all know the issues with ‘exposure’ and how that does not keep artists fed or housed. 
And Paradox Interactive, having artists, they should know that you do not take for free from any of us-- at any level of influence or professionalism. The WoD community is not a free for all for companies to pick and choose free art to use like a bowl of cute little multicoloured sweets, it’s a bunch of creative, inspired and crafty people who come together across any edition of the many worlds in the setting to create as is our fair right to do so. Without being taken for granted, and without being cynically harvested for ‘content’. How vampiric. 
Additionally I would like to note that all of my World of Darkness fanworks are based on legacy books; Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition, Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition and Hunter: the Reckoning First Edition most often, though there are appearances from others. You’ll note that not one of these books is the territory of Paradox Interactive or their World of Darkness brand management team-- looks to me like they’ve simply trawled the tag without reading what they’re looking at, which means they certainly didn’t take the time to ask permission to use these works. Not only were these actions tantamount to theft, it was also not even their fanart to begin with. And once again, they’d have known this had they contacted me at all, which they did not. It’s a failure on their part on several levels and not only do I want the videos taken down, I think the community is sorely owed an apology for this frivolous theft of art under the banner of ‘community content’. I didn’t opt in to having my work taken, and it should not have been assumed that it was okay to take my work just because it’s using a tag they also use!
I want everyone to know I have had zero benefit from their use of my work-- no money, no notes and no dialogue. This does not help artists. This does not help the community.
I’m willing to talk about this should anyone want to ask, but this is a gross abuse of artists and creatives’ rights for the sole purpose of gain by the World of Darkness brand team, and I expected better. I know I personally deserve an apology for this at the very least, as well as the WoD team to commit to actually contacting artists and sourcing permission in future-- and to set up an opt-in or out system for whether people want to be featured. I know I don’t, and I never asked to be. My work’s lovely, and they’re right to have said so. But it’s not for Paradox, and it’s not for Outstar or any of the other Brand team.  
It’s for me, and people here on Tumblr who like it. 
I’m disappointed, in PDX and in the WoD Brand team, because they should know far better than this. 
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beckyblah · 19 days
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OC Dump- this is my girl Adelaide. She sucks ❤️
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oaksentinel · 6 months
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SixFanarts for my latest twitter anniversary
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My thoughts on Sabotage (Shadows of Fire 1)
After months since it was released, I finally read it!! (hence my return to this side blog after virtually abandoning it for years 😅) But before I did, I reread all the chronicles of Nick books because it had been soooooooo long since last time I read those that I was sure there were details I'd forgotten. Oh boy! How right I was about that!
Anyway, back to Sabotage. I love it so much. It felt good to be back with the whole gang. I've missed them. The book is a nice set-up for the next chunk of the overall story, but it was too short for my liking! It was over just when it was getting interesting 😞 But after waiting so long for it, I take what I can get!
❗ spoilers ahead ❗
One thing I'm grateful is that we finally had Kody's original name spelled out for us. I know it's silly and Sherri had confirmed it a while ago, but it's the biggest pet peeve I had with CoN. I drove me crazy, absolutely insane, that her name kept changing basically with every new book that was released. I know it's a me thing, and most people couldn't care less about it. I know!! Don't @ me.
My baby Styxx was in it!!!! And for what I can guess he'll continue to be in the series for a bit. i have no words for how happy that makes me!!! But I resent that we didn't see a father-daughter hug!! We had uncle-niece's reunion, but not daddy-kid's?! How's that fair? 😣
And I cannot believe Cyprian's entitlement! OMG! Seriously dude! I mean, I get that as Malachai, he's an angry guy and craves to be loved the way Nick is loved, but like take it with your mother who was the one who sexually assaulted your father in a dream and then she hid you from him. and treated you like garbage. You shouldn't take with the guy that never knew of your existence until like half an hour before you killed him. just saying!
And yes, everyone should be smothered with love as Nick is, but you can't demand it. It sucks when the ones who should love and cherish you don't (i can't even imagine how bad bc I've been lucky enough to have a loving family), but you can't throw a 4-year-old-like tantrum, so massive that transcends time.
"If I don't have it, he can't either... I have to kill him" like what?!! 🤨
My question is, Was Cyprian conceived before or after the curse was broken? Because if was before, it could explain his attitude somewhat, but if it was after, dude! you have no excuse!!!
And now *sighs* I get back to the waiting for the next book.
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sir-gale · 6 months
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Quick lil guys
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voidfluid · 6 months
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shades of red
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notbepi · 6 months
forcing myself to learn how to draw door
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ft boy
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^^ og drawing i did a while ago of boys totally canon origin story
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h9rd-t6-miss · 7 months
God hunter the parenting is just... Something deeply special.
It starts out loud, like all of Alfabusa and Ogre Poppenang's work does. Chapter one involves COCK-thorpe jokes and a jacket covered in wooden stakes. It involves jokes about DMT being a formidable defense against vampires and fortifying a picnic table. When Ogre Poppenang get loud, they get so, so incredibly loud.
And if that were all there was in these shows, they would be fourty minute entertainments that leave your mind as soon as you're done laughing at it.
But... There's more.
You catch glimpses of it here and there if you're not looking for it. Did the red and blue one just talk about genuine self-reflection in between cock jokes? Maybe. Maybe you misheard it. Does the short-shorts wearing loud one actually have honest warnings in between the mad yelling? Surely you imagined any depth to these characters, they're yelling about blenders!
But then. The story does something that it feels, strange, in today's modern media.
In between the jokes and the noise and the wonky animation... The stakes stay the same. They're always in dire danger, no matter the tone of the setting.
Even when he's on stilts clambering over a yard and looking absurd, Kitten is absolutely in danger of dying at every moment. Even when Kevin is yelling about magic vampire wizard powers, he is absolutely not kidding and will utilize them to kill. Even when Big D is making a god-awful concotion in a blender filled with nonsesne ingredients, it serves a legitamite purpose towards the family.
And the stories give everything SPACE. Space to breathe, to laugh, to cry, to be horrified. The lives of these people are horrifying and dangerous and absurd but they are still absolutely alive, not just cartoons.
You find yourself invested in the old relationship of Grimal, the overblown hyper weeabo and Kitten, the level headed hunter who still never takes off a blue hoodie and sky mask. You find yourself deeply touched by how much the literal and exact Door cares for his son, even if exposing him to the Hunter's lifestyle and indeed, Door's lifestyle, probably isnt the greatest thing.
You can really feel that the Hunters are true, three dimensional people that are written with so much care and expertise, and that their voice actors understand the characters at such a fundamental level.
You also begin to love the overall writing, where the authors show their true and incredible skill at balancing the zany humor of the WoD with the name of the setting, a world full of real darkness, where the shadows in the alley really do hold unspeakable terrors.
Not every joke will land, and the boldness of the caricatures will drive some people off. But there is so much more to this studio than anything I've seen in a long time, and for those who will stick around, prepare to fall in love with everything as much as the creators have.
Also, if you just want MORE of the absurd and delightful humor, Half-life:Zero Viscosity deserves all of the praise of HL:VRAI and MORE
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