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peacefulandcozy · 11 months ago
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Instagram credit: comewithkris
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runawayandhide · 1 year ago
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gerathewise · 11 months ago
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chester & parker so bbg 😌🌷
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r4violli · 8 months ago
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wornout-pinkscarf · 9 months ago
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wetfuzzysocks · 1 year ago
another life of luxury thingy because they are so easy and fun to draw. I saw this same thing here on tumblr by some other artist, just had to redraw it in my style here u go
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asp1diske-art · 10 months ago
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non-dominant hand doodles from twitter
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vixenbuck · 11 months ago
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Get your Don't Starve stickers and keychains now!
Ever wanted to buy some of my art physically? Now's a great time to get some! Series 1 of my DS stickers, which have also had charm versions made, are now listed on my shop! Grab yourself a 2.5 inch vinyl sticker or a 2 inch plastic charm!
Charms are in limited supply now, though if they sell out quick, I'd be happy to restock them ASAP! Or, you could also get one of the prints listed in my shop, if that's more up your alley.
Your support of my shop helps me pay off my debt, get access to medication I need, and continue to pursue art as a career. I appreciate every bit of support!
Get yours here:
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folkdevilism · 6 months ago
It's always "Godwyn this" and "Miquella Radahn" that. But nobody is asking the real FromSoft lore question:
Did Marvelous Chester ever make it back to his original timeline or not?
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kn0xxtoaster · 7 months ago
I don't remember why I made this but it makes sense
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dogfish199 · 8 months ago
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tcofht · 8 months ago
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magma doodle
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runawayandhide · 10 months ago
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vanderbilt-draws · 7 months ago
hoping and praying real parker comes back in luxury dark so we can get a convo like this
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r4violli · 7 months ago
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This is my fav ad ever it's so funny
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yaoireview · 1 month ago
hi Mr yaoi! Big fan here! review Chester and Parker from luxury pranks.
Thanks for being a fan i guess..
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(DISCLAIMER: This is about the CHARACTERS they play in these videos. Chester and parker the IDEAS, NOT the people.)
Chester and Parker.. the best creature ghost insect hunters on the west side.. but some might not realize that when they're not hunting ghosts.. they're hunting each other... romantically i mean..
Before I give my two senses.. I'm gonna throw out some evidence of their homosexuality, in case you all were busy pissing your pants about the monsters to realize
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Look.. I GET IT.. the words that chad used to describe women were frankly.. DISGUSTING.. but he was gonna have a bitch over, which is something that parker nor chester would ever.
The episode with chad is one of the few that recognize the ongoing sharing of the bed between the two. Chad calls the two out saying.. and i quote..
"you guys are gay... GAY!! GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY!!"- Chad
Some may say that its just because there's only ONE bed available.. and if you say that you're STUPID. DUMB EVEN. When there has been two beds, chester has went OUT of his way to FIX IT and so he could share a bed with parker. If you don't believe in gay people.. you'll believe after you see THESE..:
When the two had personal beds, chester said "damn.. its just not the same.. do you think we could push them together??" and parker replied, "dude... no...". Chester went on to do it anyways.
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another situation of there being two beds and chester not being happy about it was when he CLAIMED that the bed was absolutely SOAKED with piss. Honestly im kind of convinced by how he said it.. sounded very genuine but.. i dont see any pee.. parker went on to say he wouldn't share the bed with chester but OH LOOK WHO GOT HIS WAY
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i know what you're saying... "sharing a bed between friends is normal" well this is just the beginning..
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the look parker gives chester after he talks to a woman
Even though it seems that most of the time parker is just trying to get with the women he's trying to save, he's oddly pretty disgusted a good amount of the time that chester is messaging this girl. i mean COME ON in this one it looks like hes gonna cry
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parker is absolutely NOT on the idea of chester getting a girlfriend and hes even more mad when he finds out that chester was using HIS PHOTOS for the dating app.. also why did chester use a photo of parker sleeping in that one kinda... odd if you ask me..
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but then its revealed that for SOME reason chester is trying to get parker with this girl and so he drops their home address in their text messages, as you do. When parker sees this girl in REAL LIFE he does actually seem interested. he looks joyous..
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but then when the girl actually wants to SPEND TIME WITH PARKER... ALONE... just them... without... chester.. he panicks. It makes it seem like that chester thought the girlfriend would just be for the video and nothing else. When he realizes that its just not for the 20 minute video and parker actually CARES for this girl.. he is distraught
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Chester gets so jealous of the fact that he invades the womans purse which IS A CRIME. Chester finds IDS of other men shes been with and rushes upstairs to tell parker. When he sees them sitting together he acts confused and he asks why parker would ever do such a thing. After parker asks why Chester committed a crime, he locks him OUT of the room.. The entire video chester keeps on saying "this girl is TROUBLE PARKER!! shes SUSPICIOUS!!" even before he found any evidence to think that of her.
Chester then went on to stick his camera under the door frame under the bathroom because.. as we know he does NOT TRUST this girl
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Parker is reasonably upset at this and calls chester out for being a SICK FREAK, and he asks chester why he doesnt want him to be happy with this girl, to which chester spits and sputters, since he never thought he came off that way
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main point of the video chester is jealous and saying that this woman REEKS and SUCKS, which i feel like if the woman WASNT a monster he would've been locked up after this episode.
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another episode with the same gimmick but the woman is into chester goes about how you think it would. Chester is extremely uncomfortable. Its like the exact opposite, where parker and the girl hits it off in the first one with chester uncomfortable, to where the girl is kind of insulting chester and chester isn't into it and parkers trying to be a wingman until he's freaked out by her
She may be insulting chester but.. atleast shes impressed by the chairs thats all you really need in a significant other
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Chester is also really obsessed with her taking off her shoes in the house because he doesnt want her to bring MUD into his home or something
The entire time shes just using chester and she took chester's car keys and just DROVE OFF, and then when she wakes up and just starts BREAKING PLATES IN THEIR HOME. The two seem to get more scared than any other monster they've had to put up with and the thing is.. SHES NOT A MONSTER.. SHES JUST SOMEONE THAT CAME INTO THEIR HOME, BORROWED THEIR CAR AND BROKE THEIR FINE CHINA... unforgivable..
Main point of this section.. I'm pretty sure chester doesnt like girls..
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Alright.. I dont even need to ask i KNOW that you're convinced that chester loves parker.. but the other way around...? Well.. I think I got just the thing..
The second clone episode of Luxury Dark.. lets just say.. it was very eye opening,,
This isnt the main point of this section but at the beginning chester DOES throw out the idea that they should make the clone a child of the two of them, to which parker shoots down
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When they finally decide on The Perfect Clone, the description states that the clone is not needed to be teached and that "it will already behave like you"
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When they get this clone, it CANT STOP gassing chester up and saying everything that chester wants to hear.
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Now you may just think "Well the clone is just manipulating him.." WRONGO ROUND EYES. I believe that the clone is just openly saying parker's inner feelings about chester.. You may think its a stretch.. but you wont after this NEVER BEFORE SEEN CUT DIALOGUE.
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Got nothing more to say, do you? Thats what i thought.. don't doubt me..
Maybe the scariest monster were the umm were the... uhh... i'm not sure.. YAOI: 9/10
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