#dark!billy butcher
Diabolical 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, extreme profanity, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Billy Butcher
Summary: your neighbours has some strange friends.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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“Ah, cunt!” 
The man’s voice rolls under your door. His accent adds a certain slant to his words that makes them sound even harsher. You hover your mug in front of your lips, steam curling from the freshly brewed tea, as your eyes drift over in detest. 
You lower it and carry it with you to the door. You lean in to see through the peep hole. The same dark hair, the same long black jacket with the patch on one shoulder, and the same lumbering form. He thumps again on the door across the hall. 
“Hughie, open up, ya skinny cunt.” 
He uses that word again. Your lip curls and you huff. He keeps on. 
You slide back the chain and your adrenaline pumps into your chest. You flip the lock back slowly and pull the door in an inch. You peer through the space as the man checks his watch and grumbles. 
“Where are ya, Hughie?” He grumbles and shakes his head. “Big fucking stick bug, won’t answer ya phone, won’t come to the door...” 
“It’s not very nice language, is it?” You chide. You’re just as surprised as the man as he stands straight and freezes. He turns to you stiffly as you let the door open a little more. 
“Eh? And who are you, then?” He tilts his head this way and that as he growls. 
“I live here. Who are you?” You say defiantly. You sip your tea to keep your nerves under wrap. 
“Wouldn’t you like know, sweetheart?” He snickers. “Oi, you ain’t happened see the skinny one lives over here?” He jabs his thumb behind him. 
You stare at him. You shake your head again. His eyes narrow and flick up and down. 
“Too good for the likes of us, eh? You and your fancy porcelain? What’s that? Royal Daulton Cuntware?” 
You gasp and bat your lashes. “Excuse me, I haven’t been rude. I’ve only asked you to keep it down. Other people live here besides your friend and they don’t appreciate hearing your profanity every morning.” 
“Eh,” he gives a crooked smirk, “you listenin’ for me, sweetheart?” 
“I don’t know you, sir, and I shouldn’t like to.” 
“Ain’t ya so proper? Sirs and shouldn’ts and tea.” He taunts. 
You take a breath and back up, “I would only appreciate a little consideration, but thanks. Have a lovely day.” 
“Oi, go on and hide then, darling.” He tugs on his lapels and squares his shoulders. He chuckles again. 
You stop the door before you can shut it all the way. You bristle at his laughter. “I don’t think you’re funny.” 
He chortles again. He steps closer and you go rigid. You can’t measure up to a man like him. You still the tremour in your hand before your tea can slosh towards the brim. 
“Well, I think you’re right hilarious. Why don’t you go on? Tell me, eh, are you more offended by the shit on my boots or the onion on my breath?” 
You steel yourself as you grip the door tightly. “Don’t come any closer.” 
“Ah, I don’t got that sorta time. Whatcha think a brute like me would do then?” He stops and plants his feet wide. 
“You needn’t be so impolite--” 
“Needn’t--” he mimics. Before you can stop yourself, the tea splashes across his face and chest.  
You recoil as the porcelain drips in your hand and you gape at his stunned grimace. His blue eyes flash and you kick the door shut as you retreat. You put the chain in place and twist the lock. You press your back to the door and listen, heart pounding, and wait. 
His treads scuff on the floor and he sighs. The floor groans as he moves and you watch his shadow beneath your door. Yet, no banging comes at the door. 
“Ah, bollocks, that’ll stain.” His grumble follows him down the hall. 
You have no idea what you were thinking. A man like that is dangerous. You don’t need his name or anything else. You can tell just by looking at him.  
You’re not the sort to associate with the type. You didn’t think your neighbour was either. Then again, you only know Hughie because he dropped a sock in front of your door. He didn’t stay to chat as he snatched it and chased that pretty blonde inside. 
You turn and stand on your toes to see through the peephole. He’s gone but you don’t dare go out and make sure. You’ll do best not to show your face again. Just drink your tea and hide, like you always do. 
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happyprincesscycle · 1 month
Billy Butcher x Supe!Reader
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Summary: Billy has captured you to interrogate you about Homelander
(Your Supe powers are like Sage basically you don't have super strength)
Warnings: Tw! NON CON, Dead Dove, please don't read this if you get triggered or are not a fan of dark fics. Its my first fic so sorry if it sucks 🙈🫠
“Last chance, luv ,” Butcher says, his voice dripping with menace, accent thick and unmistakable. He presses the knife harder against your skin, just enough to draw a bead of blood. “Tell me what I wanna know, and I’ll make it quick.”
He pauses, his smirk twisting into something cruel. “So, what’s it gonna be, eh? Talk, or bleed?”
You shake your head firmly, refusing to give him any information. Butcher sighs, sounding almost disappointed, like you’re just making things harder for yourself.
“Suit yourself.”
He presses down with the knife, carving a shallow cut across your chest. The pain sears through you, and you gasp, arching your back involuntarily. Butcher watches with a twisted satisfaction, his eyes gleaming as he drinks in your suffering.
“That’s just a taste,” he murmurs, wiping the blade clean on your shirt. “Next time, I won’t be so fuckin’ gentle.”
He leans in, his breath hot against your skin, before his tongue flicks out, licking the blood from your chest. He trails up to your neck, the sensation making you shudder in revulsion. You try to buck him off, but he’s solid, unyielding.
“Ah, woud' you taste that?” he mutters, nipping at your earlobe. “Fear and adrenaline—me two favorite flavors.”
He pulls back slightly, the knife glinting ominously in his hand. “Ready for round two, then?”
You avert your eyes, refusing to let him see the fear in them. Butcher chuckles, a dark, humorless sound that sends chills down your spine.
“Wot’s the matter, luv ?” He taunts, leaning closer, his voice a low growl. “Cat got yer tongue?”
He moves in even closer, his breath fanning over your face. “Y’know, I’ve always wondered what it’s like to fuck a Supe. Guess tonight’s me lucky night.”
His hips press against yours, and you can feel the hardness of his arousal. He laughs darkly as you squirm beneath him, trying to get away, but it’s no use—he’s too strong.
“Don’t you worry, darlin’,” he sneers, reaching down and tearing at your pants with rough, impatient hands. “I’ll make sure you enjoy it... Eventually.”
You cry out, struggling against him, but he’s unyielding. He forces your legs apart, his grip bruising as he holds you down.
“Fuckin’ Supes,” he mutters against your neck, his teeth grazing your skin. “Think you’re invincible, don’t ya? But you’re just flesh and bone, same as the rest of us.”
You try to kick him, to fight back with all your strength, but he’s too fast, too determined. He grabs your thigh, pinning it down as he grinds against you, the evidence of his arousal pressing into you.
He leans in, his teeth sinking into your neck with a feral growl that makes you cry out. The pain is sharp and sudden, and you try to push him away, but he doesn’t budge.
“Please...” you cry out, your voice trembling. Butcher pauses, just for a moment, and looks down at you, his eyes narrowing.
“Please?” he echoes, his tone mocking, contemptuous. “You’re a fuckin’ Supe, love. Don’t deserve fuckin’ kindness.”
He grinds against you harder, his dark smile never leaving his face. “You’re nothin’ but a hole to fill, a toy to break. Understand? Say it.”
When you don’t respond, his hand comes down hard against your face, the slap sending a jolt of pain through you. Your vision blurs, and you taste blood on your tongue.
“Oi, I said, say it,” he snarls, gripping your chin tightly, forcing you to look at him. “Tell me you understand, you little cunt.”
Tears spill from your eyes as you nod, your voice barely a whisper. “Y-yes... I understand.”
Butcher’s smirk widens, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. “Good girl.”
He pushes your legs wider, his fingers digging into your thighs as he positions himself between them. “Now, let’s stop wasting anymore time, eh?”
He unbuckles his belt with a rough yank, the sound ominous in the silent room. His eyes never leave yours as he positions himself, the dark promise in them making your heart pound in terror.
“Yer gonna take every fuckin’ inch of me, luv'. And yer gonna fuckin’ like it.”
You try to squirm away, desperation clawing at you, but he grabs your hips, holding you in place with brutal force.
“Stay still, you little cunt,” he growls, his voice low and threatening. He slaps your thigh hard, leaving a red, burning handprint. “This is gonna hurt. A lot.”
And with that, he thrusts into you, hard and brutal, tearing a scream from your throat. The pain is overwhelming, but Butcher just laughs, the sound dark and filled with satisfaction.
“Music to me fuckin’ ears,” he murmurs, his hips slamming into yours with bruising force.
“Please,” you whimper, tears streaming down your face. “Please, stop.”
Butcher just laughs again, cold and merciless. “Stop?” he echoes, as if the very idea is absurd. “Why the fuck would I do that, luv'? We’re just gettin’ started.”
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the-soulofdevil · 3 months
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Hughie Campbell
Billy Butcher
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Butcher Billy
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vergeltvng · 3 months
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kidbutcher · 2 months
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New and improved Homelander! In my AU, he's a high content wolfdog! It shows in way obvious ways, such as the aggressive domineering way he communicates with bared fangs, snarls and bites and that he can't be easily controlled by Vought, unlike their other dogs hehe he's quite literally untameable! >:]
Special thanks to my bestie @eutz mwah mwah and dear @sevprince-91 !!
(lf you're curious about my au just send a dm or ask! Always happy to talk about it!<333)
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theredofoctober · 1 year
SPITE— The Boys fic, Billy Butcher x reader, crossposted from AO3, reader uses she/her pronouns
TW: Violence, noncon
The super villain known as SPITE (reader) has been stalking Billy Butcher. He captures her, and chaos ensues...
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Read after the cut
"You little cunt."
The words lose their meaning quickly in the lurching dark through frequent repetition.
Their first utterance is a hiss against your ear as you're dredged from the street to some rank basement, roiling in your captor's grip like a sturgeon all the way down.
The second usage of the phrase errupts in a catankerous grunt as their speaker attempts to bind you to a chair, a gyre of your tulle and satin costume half-smothering him as you thrash, and kick, and bite.
"You little cunt," snarls Billy Butcher, for the third time, as you clip his jaw with your forehead.
Then, with a vicious grin, he spits a gout of his own blood into your face.
"Like that, do you, you fucking supe slag? Don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from."
His shackles your throat with his fist, smirking as you flinch from the red razors of his teeth. He wears a mask of revulsion, the whites of his eyes within it shocking, horrible.
You can't seem to look away.
"Not so brave, now, are you, flower?" asks Butcher. "See, I've been following you, and just picture my fucking surprise to find out that you've been trying to do the same to me. And just me, that is; you've kept well out the way of my Boys. You've been very clever about it, I'll give you that. I doubt they even have a clue who you are."
He releases your throat and wipes his hand on the garish fabric of his shirt with a laborious theatricality.
"So," he continues, "either you were trying to kill me off—which you are absolutely shit at, by the way—or there's something else you're after. Wonder what that could be?"
Butcher kicks a chair leg, and you rock upon it like a bowling pin.
"Look at ya," he sneers. "Running around here, dressed like some clown's tart— sorry to tell you, love, but the circus ain't in fucking town."
Swallowing dryly, you attempt to scrape the chair backwards, inch by inch, across the floor, putting space between yourself and the man with the coarse velvet of murder in his voice.
Butcher watches your retreat, shaking his head.
"Where are you gonna go, sweetheart? You can't use your fucking fairy magic powers when you're all tied up like that, so don't get any ideas. You're cosied up with me for a bit. So let's have a chat, shall we?"
With your voice obstructed by a makeshift gag you merely widen your eyes in response.
"Well, love, I'm glad you asked," says Butcher, with an acid sarcasm. "There's only two ways you're leaving here tonight: either as strawberry slushie at the bottom of a fucking rubbish bag, or all in one piece, except for your dignity, that is. Better make up your mind. I don't have all night."
He pauses, pretends to consider.
"Well, I do, but I wanna spend it cracking open a couple of beers with the lads, not down here chin-wagging with a bleedin' Supe."
Butcher's gaze is thick with the dregs of an old and bitter madness: you feel more than undressed by it, skinned, rather, your muscles flayed from the bone.
"Look at you," says Butcher, coldly. "Sitting there in all that pink bollocks looking like something Piglet shat out after a mad one in The Hundred Acre Wood. What's it all about, eh?"
He kicks suddenly at your calf, his boot rending layers of candyfloss fishnet thread with a blow that will surely bruise.
"Nobody's making you wear this shit; Vought won't touch you with a bargepole after all the stunts you’ve been pulling on the sly. Your own kind don't want anything to do with you. You're a loner. So what were you doing prancing about in this silly fucking get-up? Waiting for me to notice?"
Butcher shunts your chair back against the wall, tipping it at an angle that, at his high vantage, likely allows a view that is particularly obscene.
"Don't be shy," he leers. "Every time you threw a kick at me I could see right up at your knickers. And they're fragile little things, ain't they?"
You strain against your bonds, bucking with such an indignant gusto that the ropes start to fray against your muscles.
"Oh no you fucking don't," says Butcher, and slaps you so hard across the cheek that you're still again in an instant, your ears sirening from the blow.
"You don't wanna piss me off, darling," says your captor, grimly. "See, I could really fucking hurt you, but I don't wanna manhandle you more than I have to, savvy? Then again, I think you're gagging to be roughed up. Didn't put up much of a fight, did you, and now I've got you right where I want you—"
You mumble your objections into the wad of lace against your teeth, but Butcher ignores you, caught up in the rhythm of his spiel.
"—Seems like you're desperate for me to give you a good seeing to. Well, don't worry, love. Daddy's here."
He's being ironic, you think, but as a strange combination of want and loathing twists his countenance you begin to change your mind. 
"I can't stand your sort," Butcher mutters. "Filthy mutants, the lot of you. But seeing you in this mess I might have it in me for a pity fuck."
He shoves a thumb into your mouth and pulls free the gag, wincing as his fingers come away wet with drool.
"Well," he says. "Speak up, love. Do you wanna shag, or die?"
"Neither," you rasp. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Butcher's smile is blood and ice.
"See, I thought you'd say that. So I took the liberty of popping all the security footage I've got of you onto a nice little pen drive so I could play it back to you, remind you how many times you’ve tiptoed around me about in your glorified stripper wear without finishing the bloody job. Let's have a gander, shall we?"
He fumbles for a remote, and a vast television screen illuminates in the centre of the room, revealing picture after picture of you tracking Butcher across the city by night. You recall taunting him with your proximity, enjoying the game; it's how you always hunt your targets, hounding them until they go mad with paranoia, an end hastened by hallucinations cast like spellwork from your fingertips, each more awful than the last.
Butcher, however...
He had been difficult. He'd barely seemed to respond to your assaults, no matter your pressure upon his mind. 
"In case you're wondering, I saw your poxy visions," he announces perceptively, rapping the television screen with his fist. "But you underestimate the level of fucked up I've witnessed in my life. I've seen scarier shit in my morning routine."
The screen flickers, and you're faced with a shot of yourself standing in Butcher's shadow, so close to him that your breath is almost on the back of his neck. How smug you'd been in the thought that he hadn't known you were there, that you were so extraordinarily clever, and daring.
Humiliating to think that Butcher had followed you with equal stealth, despite his limitations.
"Tell me why you picked me to wind up," he demands, "and not Frenchie, or M.M., or any of my mates. Why am I so special? You've heard my theories. Now it's your turn."
You don't immediately answer, keeping a mutinous silence.
Butcher approaches you with a slow, heavy tread, a killer's prowl, and leans into you, smelling of beer and cologne, and his own congealing blood. You wonder what he makes of your own scent: sweat and sugar, the remnants of perfume, petty irritants for his rudimentary human senses.
Smirking, you say, "You despise us all so much, Billy. I wanted to see what your face would look like when you realised that a Supe had killed you."
"Nah," says Butcher, shaking his head. "I'm not convinced. I reckon you wanted to know how hard a 'normal' like me could hate-fuck you when you got caught in the act."
He shunts a knee between your thighs—each lashed to either side of the chair, conveniently apart—and grinds an apex of bone against you, forcing a reluctant shiver through your core.
You're afraid to move, lest you provoke him; you can't be silent lest Butcher thinks he's won.
At last you settle to hiss between your teeth, "Why don't you just do it? Like you said, I can't use my powers with my hands tied like this. So what's stopping you? Why don't you just do what you want, Mr King Shit of Fuck Mountain?"
"That's not my style," says Butcher, with a sneer. "I want you to ask for it. Beg like the pathetic cunt you are. I'm giving you a choice."
"I'm tied to a chair, genius. I don't have many choices."
"You were trying to murder me, sweetheart. You're lucky you're getting any options."
"You could just let me go."
"And put up with you tormenting me for another bloody month? Not likely."
You burst into sudden laughter and Butcher freezes, his face clouded by sheer loathing. 
"Shut up," he snarls. "Shut up right fucking now."
Butcher makes a fist, and you wonder what he means to do: violet an eye, shatter a tooth, break bone like a glass in some grimy pub. As your laugh continues he aims a punch and misses as you weave your head aside, splitting his knuckles on the back of the chair.
"You're a hypocrite," you say, as he wipes off the blood. "I know all about you. Your hard-on for killing Supes. You act like you think you're better than us, but really? I think you're a jealous little fanboy."
"Who's the fucking fan here?" snarls Butcher. "Admit it. That little stalking act— you've been flirting with me."
You wrinkle your nose.
"You wish."
"Don't have to wish. I reckon if I was to feel that snatch of yours right now you'd be wet through."
The laughter dies in your throat, and you edge about in your seat, attempting to shimmy your skirt further down over your hips.
"Wouldn't mean anything," you mutter, at last, and Butcher gives you a cunning look.
"Only that getting smacked about by a man who wants to kill you is your cup of tea. And I'm starting to think it is."
He shrugs off his vast coat, throwing it aside. Veins stand out on the backs of his hands and arms, and you realise, suddenly, that he is serious in what he means to do, entirely so. You could die tonight, and the worst of it is that no one would care.
"Make your mind up, Spite," says Butcher. "You know what's on the table. You pick, or I will. I don't think you'd like that. My crowbar wants to make friends with every one of your stupid fucking Supe bones."
The peril of your situation is unavoidable. You move your lips, the sounds escaping at such mite softness that Butcher cranes his ear towards your mouth.
"What did you say? Speak up, darlin'."
With a sudden lunge you snap at Butcher's earlobe and latch on with grinning teeth. Blood crests your tongue in a grisly baptism, and as the man wrenches from your grip you see how badly he wants to hurt you.
"Oh, you sneaky little fucker!" he barks. "That's it; I've had enough of that mouth."
In a punishing scuffle Butcher stuffs another wad of torn fabric between your jaws, thrusting it so far down your throat that you almost choke. Then he drags your hips forward on the chair and scrambles for his zipper, his face murky with rage. 
"You wanna play, Supe? Then let's have some fucking fun."
His fingers pierce your core, twisting deep, and you writhe like a halved worm around them.
Butcher drives his face so close to yours that your foreheads knock together, his eyes the very black of death.
"So I was right. You're making a proper mess, poor little thing."
You attempt to remain defiant, scornful, but you can barely maintain the artifice when Butcher's hand is so deep within you, each rough twitch of his fingers inducing a further slickness. Desperate, you wrench your arms against the ropes that hold them fast, hoping to wear through your bonds.
"Pack it in," snaps Butcher. "Or I will really bloody hurt you."
You believe it, but don't cease your struggling; you never relinquish a fight, whatever the cost.
Cursing, Butcher wraps a fist around your throat, squeezing until you gargle in pain.
"Now you be a good little trollop," he says, "and take my fucking cock, alright?"
He's so hard as he enters you that you see, in his expression, a dark, aching relief, as though soothing a terrible burn.
How long as he thought about this, tortured by your figure twisting and dancing around him through the rain-lashed streets in a miasma of summoned dreams? How close did he come to splaying you across a wall in some filthy alleyway, crushing you like a butterfly under his boot?
Now he has you jailed from your powers he makes you feel weak. How exhilarating that he is capable of this, a man born entirely without super abilities.
With each violent thrust the chair bangs against the wall, swinging a blade of pain up through your middle. Butcher's hands rip at your costume, tearing it between your breasts with an animal malice.
"You're tight," he says. "So fucking tight..."
He kisses your stuffed mouth with a clash of teeth, and the assault sparks the flint of lust in the secret part of you that has yearned to be dismantled by his stark hatred.
Even as you'd schemed to kill him you'd thought this man handsome, admired, coldly, his brutal methods, imagined standing over his corpse, admiring the loss of homocidal life as you might a sun beam in broken glass.
Now you are such fragments in his handling Butcher has no mercy for you. The man is out of control, taking, by instinct, in a berserker state, knowing nothing but the satisfaction of violence.
His cock jars you like a slaughterer's bolt, knifing your warmth with his ever greater heat. There is no talking, for a time, only the fever of his vengeful need. The room resounds with exerted grunts and the squeak of the chair beneath your struggling bodies; the angle of fucking is awkward, and you notice Butcher glancing at your bonds, evidently considering whether or not cutting you loose is worth the risk of you killing him.
At last he barks, "I'm gonna move you. Try anything stupid and you can kiss your kneecaps goodbye."
You nod limply, and Butcher pulls a blade from somewhere and hacks at the ropes with a careless malice, unflinching as he nicks the skin beneath. Keeping only a knot around your wrists he wrangles you over a couch and ruts you, face down, upon it, his fist in your hair, straining its roots.
"This what you thought it'd be like, you fucking brat?"
You try to brace a leg upon the floor, but your foot skids, and Butcher presses you harder against the couch cushions, smothering your ragged breaths.
"Supposed to be superior," he grunts. "Can't even put up a proper fight."
You twist under him, throwing him off onto the floor in a landslide of churning limbs, and as he staggers up after you again he's grinning widely.
"That's more like it."
As he comes for you again you vault yourself over the back of the sofa and roll into a dark corner, loosening the rope across your hands. When Butcher seizes you by the ankles and hauls you towards him you steeple two fingers at the man's forehead and flex.
What you put into his mind is the vilest image your thoughts can conjure, so corrupt that he drops you swiftly and flinches back, his face paling. 
"Fuck me."
For a moment you think that Butcher might vomit, and scrape yourself further across the ground, towards the door, waiting for the inevitable heaving to give you time to run. But he only turns his head and spits a clot of plegm into the dust, his countenance wrenched by a savage glee. 
"I knew you Supes weren't right in the head, but you're really somethin,'" he breathes. "Can see why all your quarry end up bashing their own brains in against the nearest wall. Not me, though, love. You've picked the wrong bastard."
A rare fear eats through you as you dump the last of the rope and scamper up the stairwell towards the street. As you barrel your shoulder into the door at the top it resists you, barely splintering despite your harshest efforts. 
"Supe proofed," says Butcher, smugly, as he comes up the stairs behind you. "At least against half-baked cunts like you that don't even have decent powers."
He slams you against the door, dizzying you in the blow. The next thing you're aware of is being dragged back down to the basement, and although you rail him with blows and waves of toxic thought Butcher manages to lumber back over the threshold again.
"I'm not finished with you," he says, and lets out a yelp as you sweep a foot under one leg, bringing him down onto the concrete floor with a resounding boom.
Spitting out the gag, you snap, "Go on, kill me, fuckface. I'm waiting. Make it good for me!"
"I'll make something bloody good, that's for sure," Butcher retorts, and he pins you on your back, arms trapped beneath you. "I never leave a job half-done."
He kisses you again, his tongue gilding your throat, and you feel his hardness between your legs again, undetered by the fight, likely strengthened by it. This is a man who feeds on brutality: why should his fucking be any different?
This time when his cock enters you his right hand follows, finding your clitoris with a nimble ease. You loathe the way he makes your body jump to his touch, the stupid, whimpering moans that pass your bleeding lips with the ruthless beat of his thrusting.
You detest how easy it is for him to mould your obstinance into something needy and mewling, as though he knew this potential was there from the beginning.
"How's that feel?" asks Butcher, thickly, a devilish blaze in his eyes. "Tell me. Is that good, you little cunt?"
"Yes!" you blurt out, and hate him for making you say it, for the fact that it is true. "God, don't—"
You attempt to bring your knees together, to dislodge his hand, but you can't shift Butcher's weight, only trigger him to fuck you deeper, rolling his fingers between your heaving bodies until you're slick as an eel with perspiration.
"Go on, make some noise," croons Butcher, "'cause you're gonna come so hard you'll forget how much you hate me."
Your mouth opens to protest, but to Butcher's grinning satisfaction you can do nothing but let out hoarse, quavering cries, all rational thought simmered to steam on the pinnacle of your ecstasy.
You've never known pleasure so sharp, so clean. You're still in the throes of it when Butcher bucks against you one last time, flattening you beneath him as he fills you with his groaning release.
He rolls off and lies beside you for a minute, seeming to gaze at the ceiling, with something between disgust and a quiet smugness. 
Then he says, into the lull, "You want a drink?"
You sit up slowly, disliking the precarious wobble in your arms as your brace yourself.
"Why," you say, slowly, "the fuck would I want to drink with you, Butcher?"
Getting to his feet he shrugs, and fumbles about on a table for a bottle of something murky and likely possessing the qualities of turpentine.
"'Cause you're still sat on your arse rather than trying to kill me again, so I reckon you need a bevvy. And I know you ain't got anywhere else to go."
Butcher pours you a shot of the dark liquid and eyes you with a cagey interest when you don't immediately take it.
"I'm the only one of your marks that isn't a Supe," he says. "I haven't figured out your M.O. yet. Be easier to pick your brains when you're pissed. Might loosen you up a bit."
"Not a good idea," you mutter. "Might realise we've got more in common that you think."
You outstretch a hand and pluck the glass from him, sniffing the contents suspiciously.
"Ain't poisoned, Spite," says Butcher. "Be fucking rude, after what we just did."
"It'd be bang on character, then," you reply, coolly, and drain the glass in a wincing swig. "Christ. How do you drink this shit?"
"I've got a strong stomach. Or kidneys. Take your pick. So, now you're watered, speak up. Why did you come after me?"
You wind your arms around your knees and look at Butcher sideways, thinking, with some annoyance, how much your answer will stroke his ego.
"A lot of Supes out there are afraid of you. I just wanted to know why."
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gh0st1er · 7 days
ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ꜱᴜᴄᴄᴇꜱꜱꜰᴜʟ ᴏʟᴅᴇʀ ᴍᴀɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴇ…⊹₊⟡⋆ᯓᡣ𐭩💋
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rogue205 · 4 months
Season 3 Finale Rant…
(Kinda sounds like my other post… 🤷‍♀️ Oh well)
I feel that Soldier Boy is an anti-hero and not a villain. He’s labeled as such because his morals do not align with those of “the good guys”.
Honestly, the show runners kept insisting that SB was bad and had to be stopped by any means necessary but they never showed us why he was apparently so bad. And no, I don’t believe that he “faked his PTSD induced blackouts so he could kill tons of people on purpose”. He’s damaged but he sure as hell ain’t gonna acknowledge or admit it.
Putting it lightly, he’s an ass in every sense but he was also the only one who didn’t go back on his word and betray those whom he had allied with while they shanked him. How does this make him bad? Even after Hughie tried to go back on the deal by teleporting away with Mindstorm, SB still kept to it. Frankly, Hughie is very lucky all he got was a punch in the face/chest. He deserved it too.
And from what we see, SB is not the one constantly on the edge of a massive breakdown and constantly threatening to destroy humanity because he can. That’s Homelander. SB got what he wanted, justified revenge on his former teammates for selling him to Russia. He only stuck around because he had made a deal with Butcher to destroy HL. And he was gonna do it too only for everyone to flip against him at the worst possible time.
The Boys better watch out. They literally delivered their only chance of defeating HL to him on a silver platter. Unfortunately we’re likely gonna have to wait until season 5 to find out what his plans for SB are. I’m betting “Winter Soldier” because SB is going to have massive trust issues, especially getting betrayed again, and he already showed that ‘family’ is not a motivation for him especially since there was no paternal type emotional connections made whatsoever between him and HL or him and Ryan. Despite the fact that he’s since admitted he wanted kids but Vought f-ed that up good.
It’s just too bad that I have very little faith in Eric Kripke to actually stick the landing on his ideas. At least Supernatural made it past season 5 before this problem occurred, The Boys didn’t even make it to season 3. The finale conflict was forced AF and I still don’t believe The Boys would spontaneously team up with HL over a damn kid. Not sorry Ryan, but you should be dead.
My opinion.
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Diabolical 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, extreme profanity, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Billy Butcher
Summary: your neighbours has some strange friends.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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A loud bang wakes you up. You lurch, heart thumping, and look around the dim room. It’s barely morning, somewhere between late and early. You yawn and lay back, staring at the ceiling as you try to convince yourself it was nothing. 
It is nothing. There’s only silence. Still, you can’t relax. If you don’t make sure, you’ll just lay there awake. So you get up and sigh. 
You rub your eyes as you shuffle through the shadows and enter the main room of the apartment. You flip on the light as you pass the switch and look around. Nothing in there but from what you heard, the noise was muffled, yet loud enough to give you a start. 
A long droning slithers beneath your door and sends goosebumps across your skin. Your eyes widen and you hug yourself as you face the door. You approach it as you hear the same noise. You realise as you get closer, it’s a groan. But what or who is it? 
You look out the peep hole but see nothing. Yet you can still hear it. You back up and pace restlessly. You shouldn’t open the door. Don’t do it. But it won’t stop. You won’t sleep if you have to listen to that all night. 
You go into the kitchen and grab a knife. You doubt you need it and even if you do, you don’t think you could use it. Still, it’s good to be safe. 
You go back to the door and slide back the chain. Slowly you twist the latch, not wanting to alert anyone if they are out there. You inch the door inward and slowly reveal a booted foot on the carpet, and another, and a pair of legs. A whole body. 
The groan rolls out again between a cough, “Hughieeeee.” 
The man who calls himself Butcher raises his fist and hits the door across from yours. You cringe and grip the knife tighter. He’s not your problem but why can’t you shut the door. You watch him as he drops his arm and snorts, turning his head to spit onto the carpet. Ew. 
You see the red tinged in the glob and step into the doorway. You lean over to see more of him. The bridge of his nose is split and there’s a gash above his eye, right along his forehead, and a giant splotchy bruise spreading across his cheek. 
Not you problem, you tell yourself again. But you know he’s not going to stop and Hughie isn’t going to answer. You lower the blade to your side and tiptoe forward. 
“He’s not home. He left with his girlfriend,” you say. “So you should leave.” 
He flinches and his blue eyes flick up, “eh, it’s her royal majesty, innit?” 
You scrunch your lips as you consider him. He looks in rough shape but you’re not sure you should care. You sway on your feet. 
“Are you okay?” You ask. 
“As if you care, love,” he scoffs and shakes his head, his eyes drifting dizzily. He grabs his forehead and winces. 
“It’s decency,” you shrug. “Should I call an ambulance?” 
“Fuck off,” he growls and slaps his hands down at his sides. He drags them back as he tries to push himself up only to wobble and fall back down. You know what the bang was now. 
“Right, well, I don’t think it’s safe for you to be laying here--” 
“Safe? Love, do I look safe to ya?” He cackles. “You just give me a hand up and try not to gut me on the way up.” 
He reaches for you and shy away from his large hand. You look at the knife in yours then stare at his bloodied fingers. You slowly take his hand. You use all your weight to leverage him into a sitting position. He groans again and cradles his ribs with his free arm. He cough thickly. 
“Right then, on my feet.” 
He bends his legs and grunts as he nearly yanks you off balance. You lean back and do your best to anchor him. He stands but only for a split second before he staggers and his shoulder collides with the wall. 
“Goddamn, I swear. Them supes...” his voice trails off and his gaze finds you again. You let him go. “Eh, then, what ya out here gawkin’ at me for then? I’m interruptin’ yer beauty sleep then, ain’t I, queen shit?” 
You blink. He looks rather pathetic like that. He can barely keep himself up against the wall, there’s no way he’s getting to the stairs, let alone out of here. You sigh. 
“You know, you don’t need to be rude.” 
“Ain’t rude, love, just don’t say what ya want me to,” he snickers and gives his crooked grin. 
“Well, you could try that and I could clean you up? But I understand if you’d rather wallow out here until your friend gets back, when that is.” You back up and turn to your door. “Either way, good night.” 
He’s quite as you push inside but you can’t shut the door as he stumbles forward and slaps his hand against it. 
“If I say please and thanks you, mind my manners,” he grits, “is it a deal?” 
You already regret your kindness. You only offered because it’s the right thing to do. You thought he would just laugh and slump back down to the carpet. You face him. You can tell he doesn’t have much of a choice. 
“Boots on the mat,” you gird him as you push the door back. 
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homelander-rp-blog · 4 months
Continue from here. @mksf-rp .
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He gasps and immediately hates himself for it, trying to be gentle, Billy isn't a supe and can easily get hurt if John won't be cautious with him. He hides his face in older man's neck when he peels off his underwear. Rotates his hips a little like giving the Brit a lap dance. I'm going to kill him if he dares to talk about it to anyone!
"Just.. get done with it.." He demands but can't use his stern voice, too lustful and aroused to think of anything else other than getting Billy to touch him more!
"Do something already Goddammit or I'll break your hand!" Voice comes out needy. He won't but he really needs William to make a move before he'll be up and flying out of that window..
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apascalypse · 11 hours
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Karl Urban in And Soon The Darkness
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mannyblacque · 1 year
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Inglourious Batman
Art by Butcher Billy | Instagram
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atariforce · 8 months
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Dark Chambers by Butcher Billy
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cute-bag-of-bones · 1 year
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Can't Trust A Supe
Part 10: Blind
Warnings: This one is very dark. Lots of blood and killing. Homelander pretty much loses it for a bit.🥴
         "You heard me. How the fuck do you know Billy Butcher?" I stared at him blankly. I have never frozen up so hard in my life. It took me by surprise, what do I even say to that?
          "Who?" It wasn't the best I could do but it's all I had. His lips curl inwards making him bare his teeth at me. 
         "FUCKING BILLY BUTCHER!" He screamed so loud everything shook around us. The window bowed in and out threatening to shatter. I must have looked like a deer in headlights. My ears rang as he just stared. He was seething, his face was starting to turn red. 
         "I don't know a Billy Butcher." I wanted to crawl away but the wire around the cast would make that impossible. He still held his hand on my knee. I knew one wrong move and I'd have a much more permanent injury. 
        "Sure you do. Your uncle Billy." He seemed like he was trying to get a hold of himself. He was settling down ever so slightly. How did he get Billy's name? Did he have them, did he kill them?
        "That wasn't his la-" my sentence was cut off by Homelander's hand closing around my throat. He pushed me down to the bed and leaned over me. His eyes glowing a bright red. 
      "All you fucking do is lie to me! How long were you working with them?" He was pushing down on my throat so hard I thought he'd crush my windpipe. I couldn't breathe at all let alone speak. He seemed to realize this and took some weight off. I gasped and begged as I tried to catch my breath. This was it he'd kill me. I shook my head no as I tried to speak. It felt like I had glass in my throat. 
        "Please don't kill me." I begged tears falling down my face. He smirked, his eyes looked deranged, red and rage filled.
       "You are going to be begging for me to let you die. NOW TELL ME!" I screamed out when he began to yell. 
         "I wanted you dead! Billy said he'd help me make that happen." Homelander looked down at me. I could have sworn I saw a tear fall down from his eye as I saw a red flash come towards me. He was going to melt my face.
          The strangest thing happened. I saw into his body without even trying, I could see the small red light behind his eyes and for some unexplained reason I could turn them off. Like a light his lasers just switched off. It was something in the optical nerve; it was as simple as tugging on it. 
        Homelander screamed and grabbed his face. He rolled onto the floor on his back and arched up in pain as he howled. 
        "WHAT DID YOU DO! I CAN'T SEE!" He cried out. I desperately tugged at the wire. Finally I was able to strip the bolt from the wall. I got up as soon as I was freed and used the wall to hobble my way to the living room. I could hear his screams as he staggered to his feet and stumbled down the hall. His eyes still closed. His hand crushed the doorframe he was using to hold himself up with. 
         I couldn't run, I couldn't even walk so I got on my hands and knees to crawl away from him. I took shelter under the table as he made his way into the living room shortly after me. 
         "Simone, help me!" He cried. He bumped into the coffee table and the whole thing collapsed under him. "Fuck! Please!.... Daddys not mad anymore, just help me." He sounded so sweet at the end of the sentence it gave me chills. I had no idea what I just did. I just wanted his eyes to stop glowing. He turned his head to look in my direction. Slowly his eyes started to glow again. He blinked a few times and made eye contact with me. He must be able to see again. His eyes flickered out and returned to normal. 
         He looked so eerily calm as he walked over to the table I was under. He picked it up and looked down at me. 
       "They grow up so fast." He spoke so softly. Why was he not ripping me apart? Why is he just staring at me? 
       "I don't know what happened. I just got scared, it won't happen again Homelander please…" I whimper out through tears, as I hug my knees to my chest. 
       He sets the table down next to us and crouches down. With him so close I could see he's been crying. 
        "Do you know what it's like having your heart broken twice and by the same face?" His face was so close to mine I could smell his coffee breath.
        "Homelander please don't hurt me. Please I can't take any more pain." 
       "I'm not going to. Clearly that doesn't work anymore. I have a better idea." He whispers as he slowly grabs my throat again. I yelp as he pulls me to lean against his chest. 
        "Homela- plea-" I croaked out. 
        "Shh I'm not killing you. Just close your eyes for me." He says so sweetly as he wraps his other arm around me. I was losing air and fast. There was no wiggling out or begging. My vision faded slowly until it was all dark.
         I woke up or at least I thought I did. I had something over my eyes. A blindfold maybe. I was laying in something wet. I moved a little and the pain came rushing in. My skull felt like it was about to explode. I was fuzzy on what happened. I squirmed around for a second as I tried to sit up.
        "Homelander are you there?" I ask as I feel for the blindfold. My fingers work to undo the knot. 
         "Not yet." I heard him say. He sounded like he was across the room from me. That's when the smell hit me. It was coppery, meaty almost. It was a horrible stench. 
        Homelander walked behind me and gently took the blindfold off. Immediately my field of vision was filled with red. It was all over, it was blood. On the floor were body parts scattered everywhere. I screamed and tried to stand up. My plastic wrapped cast stopped me. I grabbed at Homelander's legs who was standing with his hands folded behind his back. 
          "What's wrong? You did this." He cooed as he crouched down to my level. I was sitting in a pool of blood. I grabbed at his shoulders to try and lift myself off the blood soaked ground. I was caked in it. 
          "What did you do!" I cried out as I pulled at him. Whenever I'd make progress at lifting myself he'd just push down on my lap and make me slip again. 
          "Me? No no, this was you, sweetie pie." He said as he kissed my forehead. He pulled away and had blood on his lips. I shook my head no, progressively getting more and more panicked. 
          "Why!" I screamed at him. He put his hand over my mouth and shushed me. 
           "Don't make me kill more. This neighborhood is so big. I'd hate to pay the nursing home a visit." That's when it dawned on me I recognized this room, it was the women's shelter I had stayed at when he first took me. 
           I began to gag against his hand as the situation really sets in. He moved his hand quickly not wanting to get puke on himself. I choke it back down as I sob. 
       "They didn't do anything to you! There are kids staying here!" I screamed. He shushed me again and petted my hair. 
          "No angel face, there were kids here. Not anymore." He stood up and walked over to one of the bunkbeds. He leaned down and pulled the covers down. My old bunkmate Liz was under there. She was cowering and shaking. I don't think he hurt her, not physically at least. 
        "Simone?" She whimpered out.
        "Don't worry I didn't tell her this was all your fault. Oops oh well cats out of the bag. Hey, let's play a game. You tell me the truth and I don't break all her bones. Sounds like fun right?" 
        "Why are you doing this?" She asks looking up at him from her bed. 
        "Don't look at me. She's the backstabber, she's the one who can't tell the truth to save her life so let's see if she'll do it to save yours." He says as he grabs her from her bed. 
         "Please please God don't do this let her go! Kill me! Just kill me!" I scream at him as I begin to crawl towards them. 
       "What did I say about yelling?" He covers her mouth and bends backwards her finger till it snaps. She screams into his hand. 
         "Alright, first question my little angel face, are you and Starlight plotting against me?" The question was so bizarre, why was he hung up on Starlight? 
       "No God! What? I have only talked to her like once! I don't know her!" 
       He looked between me and Liz. 
       "You didn't know she was dating that skinny kid Hughie?"
      "I have been with you! How the fuck would I have known that!" I screamed out and covered my mouth once I realized. He laughed a little and snapped another finger of hers. She just kept looking at me. Like she was begging me to stop him somehow. 
       "Don't get smart with me missy. She has so many more limbs. Was starlight working with them?"
       "No no I don't think so. I don't know." I try to speak as calmly as I can. He seemed to believe me. He should, it was the truth.
      "Where is Billy Butcher hiding?" I shook my head no slowly. There was no way I could give them all up. Billy might have been a jerk the last time I saw him but I still could tell he cared. He just was doing what he had to. 
       "I don't know, they moved around so much I wouldn't know the first place to look." Homelander tuts before snapping her whole arm clean in half. She screams into his hand again. She looked so tired so scared. 
       "Come on Simone, help your friend out. Just tell me." 
       "I don't know." I say softly I look away as he steps down on her foot. It sounded like a bag of chips crunching and popping open. She looked like she might pass out. Homelander noticed that as well and slapped her face to keep her eyes open. 
        I could stop her suffering. He was going to kill her anyway. I had to help her. It would be different from all the others. This was merciful. 
        "Liz I'm sorry." I look inside her brain and pop every blood vessel I could. She was dead before she knew what happened. She slumped in his arms and began to bleed from her nose. 
         Homelander was not dumb he knew right away what I did. He dropped her body. 
       "That's cheating Simone. We were playing a game. Killing isn't very nice." He says in a mocking tone. My lip trembled as he walked over to me. "You're gonna tell me where they are,  Simone. It might not be today but someday. How many people are you willing to kill to protect them?" He asked as he picked me up bridal style. It was a valid question and I was sure he was more than willing to help me figure it out. 
         He flew us home. He took his boots off at the window so he didn't track blood in. He took me right to the bathroom. 
         "Get undressed and get in the bath. You smell like shit." He said as he set me down in the tub. 
         "What?" He didn't seem to understand why I wouldn't want to do that with him in the room. "Could you step out?" 
          "No. You are dumb enough to try and run on that broken ankle. Here you are just going to have to make do with this." He said as he pulled the show curtain close. It was going to have to be good enough.
          I carefully get undressed and sit down in the tub. I throw my blood soaked clothes outside the curtain. I keep my leg propped up as I run a bath. I felt so tired, I couldn't even begin to process what all just happened. 
          Homelander left the room for a second to get some clean clothes for me. When he returns he tells me it's time to get out. He sets the clothes on the sink and turns his back as I sit on the edge of the tub to get dressed. In a way I was thankful he was letting me wash the blood off even if it was just to protect his hardwood floors. 
         "I'm going to change, go get in your bed, It's late." He said as he left me sitting in the bathroom. How was I supposed to get to my bed? I decided the safest way was to scoot on my butt to the other room. My leg was killing me, my whole body was killing me. From my throat to my head. All of it. I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over myself. 
        Homelander wasn't long behind me. He had on yet another stupid suit. Didn't he own any other clothes? He sat down on the edge of the bed. 
        "Why did you want to kill me?" He whispers. Was he talking about earlier when I told him how I knew Billy? How did he not know? 
      "You killed my fucking family." I say through gritted teeth. 
       "Yeah well I killed mine too that night." He said with a sniffle. Was he crying? I rolled over to face him. 
       "What did you just say to me?"
       "She was all I had. The only person who has ever loved me, and she chose him over me. You're the closest thing I have to her, Simone." He took a deep breath. "I know you aren't mine. I have known for a while. Your mom did a blood test not long after you were born. It was in the file." A tear fell down his cheek. He swiped it away quickly and turned his face so I couldn't see.
        "Why didn't you just kill me?" 
        "You looked so much like her I couldn't build up the courage to kill her a second time. I tried, the first night I had you in this room after I read the file I came in here and stood over you, but you looked so peaceful." He sounded like he was getting choked up. He took a second before speaking again. "You broke my heart when you tried to kill me. I'm not crazy, I know you have every right to but I'm not going to let that happen. Neither one of us is going to be killing the other. I still love you, blood or not. As far as I see it you are the perfect baby Diana and I should have had. I'm not letting you go. I'm going to give you the life I should have been able to give you from the start. Just give me a chance." 
        Did he expect me to forget everything he's done, everything he's done in just the last 24 hours? I was so tired. 
         "You'll regret not killing me. One day, I'll get you. I figured out how to stop your eyes, next could be your heart." His face twisted into anger at first but softened soon after. 
        "I'll just have to work extra hard to win you over." He leaned down and kissed my cheek. He lifted up slightly but was still way too close. "You don't realize the horrible things a man in my position could do. You're so lucky I have at least some morals." He chuckled softly and planted another more firm kiss on my cheek. I moved my head over and tried to push his face away. I wasn't sure what he was alluding to but I knew I didn't like the sound of it.
         "Just leave me alone, please." I say as I pull the covers over my head. To try and save my cheek from him. He chuckled as he tucked me in. 
         "Tomorrow I'll see what we can do about getting you a wheelchair. I love you, angel face and I always will." He says as he stands up. He leaves the door open just a crack yet again.
        One minute he's telling me how much he loves me the next he is threatening and then back to saying he loves me. I could feel he was starting to wear me down. Exhaust me mentally. Maybe it was this way all along. He was working on me while I was trying to fool him. 
          I closed my eyes and tried to forget all that I saw today and focus on a happier thought. I drew blood from a God today. His sight, his senses. They are a weak point. I knew what I had to do next; it was a matter of being brave enough to try. 
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a-casual-egg · 4 months
Oxventure furry hcs bc it's fun to imagine (Egbert, Rust, Silas, and Garnet are excluded from this bc they're either already animals (Egbert and Rust) or I just can't seem them as furries (Silas and Garnet))
Corazón: white cat (is still a pirate but white cat for some kind of elegance)
Merilwen: brown cat
Prudence: black wolf (that's very magical)
Dob: Golden Retriever or Sheepdog (wolf is an option bc of his backstory, but he just has big dog vibes)
Kasimir: Saint Bernard
Edvard: rat/mouse (lab rat)
Lilith: big snake
Zillah: sheep or ram
Barnaby: Borzoi or Afghan Hound (essentially a fancy looking dog with a long snout)
Billie: Bison (was there any other option? (Sarcasm))
Edie: fox
Nate: herding dog
Delacy: cool wolf or coyote with like glowing eyes
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