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jehan-d-art · 1 day ago
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is it just me or does dark!Cir look sad here, almost to the point of grieving... what if he is only in that place, to meet all these other versions of himself to get them to find their own versions of Phu, because in his original universe dark!Cir himself has already lost his own version of Phu...
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paper-cup-phone · 15 hours ago
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okay wild theory time, which I in no way think is true but could make an interesting "what if".
This is sparked by the idea of dark!Cir trading his life for another and the idea of what if dark!Cir has been an unreliable narrator.
Sure the first person that sparks to mind is Cir traded his life for Phu’s, but there's another person Cir would have saved if he could.
So what if dark!Cir really was the only Cir in the room and he wasn't mentored by CEO!Cir and wasn't the Cir right before our Cir.
What if he was the Cir from the world where Zone stayed with Ratri and he went with Aisoon and that's how all worlds were meant to be.
It was the first world. It's the world that establishes that Zone was meant to die (this theory also assumes the worlds were shown to Cir out of order).
However, to save Zone, he gave up his Phu. He had two conditions when he made this deal with the devil (not literally but who knows), one was that after that Cir always had to be the one to be left with Ratri and the other was that he get to guide other the Cirs to their light. To their Phukan.
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jez-bez · 8 days ago
Get it now? We are all different. But the one thing we have in common is Phukan, our only light.
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tortibomb · 8 days ago
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The Boy Next World | Episode 8
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dramas-vs-novels · 6 days ago
Hi again ~
I'm having A LOT to take in from the last episode of TBNW, and with that I have questions that my heart tells me you can clarify.
So here they are:
What happened with the original Cirrus form this universe where the story is set? According to Dark!Cirrus he is the original form that universe, and apparently he was his guardián angel and he liked Phu. So, why is he trapped in the psych guard? And why he couldn't come back when Phu confessed but the other Cirrus (I will call him Cute!Cirrus) did?
Also, why Cute!Cirrus was worried that he was lying to Phu about the parallel worlds if they are true? I really thought that he had like, dissociative identity disorder or something, but now that the parallel worlds are true I have no idea what is going on 😫
ALSO, I got confused that Dark!Cirrus told Cute!Cirrus that he answered Phu in the cup phone back in high school, but Phu told Cute!Cirrus that they have never met nor talk even though he knew about his existence.
I'm rambling, maybe I will have some answers in the next episodes but my mind just won't shut up 🥲 and I did see in some of your asks that you said the story changed from the book so, maybe we are all in expectation haha
Thanks for your time and dedication to this, I have no one to talk to about BL ~
P.S. I wanted to answer you about my previos ask regarding the timeline of Love in the air but i'm an idiot and maybe a little old because I couldn't found a way, SO THANK YOU. I'm shocked that everything happened so fast wtf 😭 like, a year at most? Anyway, I love them and you however.
That whole world-between and the chain of Cirrus' doesn't exist in the novel. The fact that the Cirrus in the hospital is another Cir and not an act is only revealed in one of the bonus chapters (and the mention of his scar being gone).
Shout-out to past-me, who in a previous ask a couple(?) weeks ago said it was possible there was a chain of Cirrus' and that Cir's dream was of a Phukan-0 and Cirrus-0 from a parallel world, nailed it!
Though, just to be clear for this ask- Cirrus-0 is by no means the original Cirrus, he's just the previous one in the chain. There are many more before him, stretching back further than even he can say.
The Cirrus in the World Between isn't from our Cirrus and Phukan's world. He's Cirrus-0- he's from the last parallel world. He's the dream Cirrus had from the start of waking up in bed beside Phukan, the one Phu fed popcorn to and cuddled with. THAT is the Cirrus from the World Between, the so-called Dark!Cir.
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He explained that it's an endless chain. Our Cirrus is a bit of a special case, because I didn't get the impression that it's entirely normal for the next Cirrus to pop into a body for DAYS rather than a few minutes. But he had a lot of head trauma.
So the way it usually happens, Cirrus has a vivid dream of him and Phukan as a couple. This pushes Cirrus towards Phukan. Then there will be a follow-up, where he is slightly (or for 3 days apparently) pulled into that Cirrus' life and reality.
Our Cirrus woke up next to Phukan, who did seem to be aware of the chain, the way he said "You aren't my Cir." Like Phu was warned that one day, he might wake up beside someone who didn't know him, but it'd be over quickly. Every version of Phukan spends some time with the next Cirrus in the chain.
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And then Cirrus is next pulled into the World Between, where the previous Cirrus, Cirrus-0 (Dark!Cir) explains what is happening, and shows him the memories of the past Cir's, as he was shown them.
Again, our Cirrus is a bit of a special case, because for him, this began as he was still going through it himself, but the rule seems to be that the Cirrus then has his chance and his romance with his Phukan. Then, one day in the future, maybe in his sleep(?), he will be pulled into the World Between, and he will be the one to share the memories of his love with Phu- and the memories of the previous Cir's- with the next one.
It isn't a matter of a Cirrus being imprisoned there, though the two cannot touch. It is a matter of each Cirrus being first the one in the padded room, then later on the one in the clock room. Every Cirrus is first shown the love of the past ones, and every Cirrus adds their story to that and passes it along to the next.
Cirrus-0 (Dark!Cirrus) and our Cirrus have the closest parallel lives that we've been shown. The only difference between them seems to be when they let themselves into Phukan's life. For Cirrus-0, that was back in high school, when the cup phone fell beside his window and he replied, then waited for Phukan to come down and get it.
Our Cirrus didn't reply, and he hid rather than meet the voice on the other end, and fell in love with him from afar.
So it's possible Cirrus-0 (Dark!Cir) is kind of extra spiteful towards our Cirrus because their lives are so similar. Because it was a matter of walking away from the classroom. He had the courage to meet Phukan and let the two of them fall in love, but our Cirrus only tortured himself and kept his distance from Phu.
So, according to the rules as I understood them while Dark!Cir was explaining, the next time Cirrus finds himself in the World Between, he will be on the clock side explaining things to the Cirrus who appeared in the hospital.
And Cirrus-0 (Dark!Cir) will never have to see that room again, he is now wholly free to be with his Phukan, and no more worries about Phu waking up in bed with other versions of himself. One day, our Cirrus will have to meet the Cirrus who was in that hospital bed and be the one to pass along the memories. But I guess he doesn't have to worry about that Cirrus going into "our" world, because he already did.
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feychild1225 · 19 days ago
I have a desire to write a series of one shots, either as a series or compilation, of Dark!Cir and his phu helping Cir and Phu in different universes. I'm curious which people would rather read.
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nabi-unveiled · 6 days ago
Sepia Phu,
Beyond the obvious "stranger in my bed" issue, I get why you were so bothered when your P'Cir was replaced.
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Because YOUR P'Cir?
He's the one with the cojones to answer the phone.
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He's the one that doesn't shy away from the truth.
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He's the one that sits like a KING on his throne.
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And he is apparently a delicious tease.
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It's no wonder you were put off by the milquetoast version.
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Now is Dark Cir the BEST Cir in all of the worlds?
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I don't know, because that's A LOT of clocks on those walls.
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I'd be happy to explore further.
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respectthepetty · 15 days ago
Cir's Deep Dark Secrets
After watching episode seven of The Boy Next World, I need to talk about this pretty (black-coded) bitch.
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Because are there really parallel worlds?
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Or is this Cir trying to save himself?
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Cir is such a dark blue that he is sometimes black, and even when he should be happy, he is still so dark.
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In the beginning, he was still dark but lightening up as he was connecting to Phu.
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But ever since his mom crept back into the story, he has returned to the darkness.
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And it has lingered.
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Cir fell asleep in this shirt at the end of episode six after getting a blowjob from Phu. Looks blue, right?
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Because it is a lighter blue since he was happy.
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And yet, after spending a few nights with Phu in his bed, Cir is darker.
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He spent the entire day with Phu being the best Blue Boy.
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He was always there, telling Phu he wasn't going anywhere, and showing him that as well.
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But the darkness was always there too.
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Because it's the warning that Cir keeps ignoring.
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It's right there in his face, but he is avoiding it.
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It's the darkness he is hiding under his blue.
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And that darkness is starting to affect Phu.
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It's alarming just how much Cir's dark secrets are hurting Phu.
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Yet Cir just keeps ignoring the sirens.
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And now he made a mistake by having sex with Phu.
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He ignored the red flags, and now the darkness is eclipsing everything, so this isn't a beautiful love-making moment that Phu was expecting. No. This is bad.
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Because those dark secrets have tainted something that was once so bright and light.
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And those dark secrets just keep building.
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But the one that is harming Phu the most is the one that started all of this.
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Now that they've had sex, Phu feels immense guilt believing he is cheating another Phu out of this love. After sex, he now realizes how strong his feelings are, yet he admits he doesn't deserve this. He thinks he is a substitute, and that he is just filling in for the one Cir actually loves. This love is not his nor could it ever be his. He is the replacement Phu. And why wouldn't he think this since this is the exact lie Cir fed him.
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And that's why I think this beautiful black-coded bitch is Cir trying to warn himself that time is running out before all his dark secrets that he has kept buried deep within himself will be exposed and ruin the one bright spot he ever had in his miserable existence.
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Parallel worlds could very well be a possibility, but Cir's problem is himself, so if parallel worlds really are a thing, why not let another Cir live his life for a bit while he is stuck thinking about the consequences of actions? Perhaps this horrifyingly white padded cell will motivate him to come clean since he already fucked up and took Phu's virginity without being honest, which has caused Phu extreme emotional pain.
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Even Jin and his big ass white lie got a little light via the car's headlights during his kiss in the dark garage with Wim, the guy who is afraid of the dark, because although Jin hasn't admitted he can read Wim's mind, he did admit that he bargained with Cir to make the date happen.
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But unlike Jin, whatever light Cir had is quickly disappearing as his deep dark lies begin to overshadow every other thing that has happened between him and Phu.
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And in an instant, there is a barrier between them.
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So I'm hoping that beautiful black-coded bitch in Cir talks some sense into him because darkness only breeds secrets.
But light exposes them.
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irmakkockan · 1 day ago
This week, Cir has been a little too much.
When he cried and begged Phukan to never push him away, it wasn’t just because he was “gone and just came back” (I don’t think he fully remembers the details of the time purgatory place), but mostly out of guilt. Guilt for knowing that Phukan actually believes in the parallel world bullshit and is trying to send Cir back to his “real” world. Guilt for lying to Phu for years - and (I’m hoping) guilt for being an actual stalker. He knows Phu is trying to push him away and he’s just terrified.
So all that begging didn’t make me feel super emotional - instead, it made me feel a bit uneasy.
And then he just kept smothering Phu throughout the episode. Interrupting a random person just asking for directions, waiting at the class door - he was just always there. Phukan knew something is off, and even though he thought it was just love - well, give it a few months. That shit is suffocating.
Cir, with his constant presence, his relentless worrying about Phu’s “well-being,” is just - Christ. I couldn’t breathe. And I’m only the audience.
Cir is using the danger his mother and fiancée pose as a shield for his guilt. He’s never taking his eyes off Phu, making sure he never lets go of the person he spent years watching from afar. It’s not just love - it’s an overshadowing, overbearing obsession. It’s too much.
Honestly, these boys just need to relax.
About Phu finding out the truth - well, which truth really? Because Cir was actually right. There are parallel worlds. That time purgatory wasn’t just in his mind. The scar disappearing and reappearing is proof.
So I get it - Phu has every right to be angry, hurt, disappointed, to lose all trust in Cir because of the lies. But - BUT.
Phu actually knows there are parallel worlds, right? Is he just going to ignore the scar thing?? Dark Cir showed us the other worlds, and those were real, RIGHT?
Please give me the next episode now.
And I’m just so into Boss that it’s CRAZY.
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negrowhat · 22 days ago
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Love how much green and blue we get in this scene
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stolligaseptember · 1 day ago
i'm sorry but it's just so funny that our main universe phu is so stressed and obsessed about being a multi-dimensional homewrecker when it's cir that's put into system jumping into different universes to fall in love with that universe's cir's phu before returning to his own universe to woo his own phu
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paper-cup-phone · 10 days ago
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I am not going to lie, I am lowkey (by lowkey I mean completely and 100 percent) obsessed with Dark!Cir.
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dramas-vs-novels · 3 days ago
Why does other world phu wear such boring colors? The one from Dark Cir's world?
Open to interpretation.
But I'd guess it goes back to... Phu crosses Cirrus' path not very long after his father died and his mother left Thailand.
In Dark!Cir's world, Phukan was kind of alone in the storm of it all and then Cirrus appeared in his life and gave him love and stability. Someone to hold on to.
In "our" Phu's world... that never happened. He was left alone to manage as best he could. So I can see where superstition might grow to help fill the void. A guardian angel means SOMEONE is watching out for you. Lucky colors, in a sense, give him a sliver of control over each day.
There is a mention at one point in the book, I believe, from Phu's POV along the vein of "If he has Cirrus, he doesn't need this anymore", because Cirrus is his lucky charm. Cirrus protects him from the world.
So the Phukan who had that from the start... he doesn't need the sense of security that comes from the superstitions. Some people genuinely believe in that- and that is totally fine! Live life how you wish to live it. But for Phukan, it seemed to be very very much rooted in abandonment and feeling left out in the cold after his father's death.
Side note just to be clear: Phu loves his mother, and he understands, the more he falls in love with Cirrus, what kind of agony she must be in without his dad. He doesn't blame her for leaving, but he is still very sad she is gone. It is, as the kids say, a bitch of a bad situation.
Another detail below the cut because... you can guess it from what you've seen up through ep 7, but it hasn't been said yet, so maybe a spoiler
Cirrus is Phukan's guardian angel, and when Phu realizes Cir was following him or watching him all those years and helping him (parking spots saved, portions of his favorite food being set aside in the cafeteria so it didn't run out, umbrellas appearing in his path when it rains, missing items finding their way to him, etc.), he realizes it was never lucky colors.
He was lucky on days when Cir was there. He was unlucky on days when Cirrus was too busy or had something happen where he couldn't be there to watch over Phu.
So if you look at that from "our" Phu's perspective, clumsy or odd little miracles start occurring out of nowhere, growing gradually smoother and more natural as Cir learns Phu's preferences or quirks.
Anyone would become superstitious, especially little Phu, who is too innocent to go straight to "stalker".
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respectthepetty · 1 month ago
Even the text messages leading up to it were color coded!
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This is such a pretty shot
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respectthepetty · 8 days ago
I'm crazy, right?
I really wanted to focus on the colors in episode eight of Boy Next World, but I need everyone to remember that Cir was calling out Ozone's name in a parallel world, so if Ozone stayed with the mom instead of Cir, he would have died.
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So now I'm worried because Ozone keeps hinting that he really understands that the mom only needs *one* son, so I think homeboy is trying to pull a switcheroo, and y'all . . .
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Because this show is going out of its way to directly state that Phu is the light of Cir's dark world.
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Of any world.
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And all worlds.
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Because parallel worlds really do exist.
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And in every single one of those worlds, Cir will have Phu to brighten his life.
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And save him through his love.
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So Phu will always have Cir to protect him.
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But who has Ozone, y'all?!
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Because even when the other Cir returned to his world, he was still blue.
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He was still kind of dark.
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Yet there was Phu to brighten his day.
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And even when Phu was low, he still carried Cir around through his color.
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He will always merge their colors even when hurting.
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Because he will love Cir in any world no matter what.
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So even though I want to give this show a Color Award right now for the way this scene played out, with each boy standing in their world
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And Cir finally being brave enough to cross over into Phu's world after Phu told him that he loved him
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(Because it's always about Cir needing to be brave enough to reach out and hold onto what he wants)
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I can't shake that Jin is losing his mind reading abilities, and Cir came back to his world in the red.
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Like a lingering warning sign of the secret he buried.
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So even in their happiness, they are still upside down, in the red.
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While the other worlds got to merge their colors and rest peacefully in the green.
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So would Cir coming clean about his deep dark secret finally allow them to get out of the red and live peacefully together in the green, or does this story demand a bigger sacrifice?
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Someone come tell me I'm crazy.
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babyangelsky · 8 days ago
I took over 20 screenshots this episode just of his face because Boss' acting has LEVELED! UP! and the further we got into the episode the more delighted and excited and deranged I became!
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We started here. The difference between how this Cir looks at Phu and how our Cir looks at him is night and fucking day. Cold and warm. Indifference and love.
Our Cir isn't even looking at the real Phu in this scene, he's just looking at flashes of him, but his face is filled with so much warmth and concern that it actually hurts.
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During the scenes in the hospital, it struck me just how well Boss was doing at portraying Cir's "memory loss" but there's something else there. He's not just confused and annoyed, it's like he's completely detached from everything that's happening.
And we see it over and over.
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When he's interacting with Lukpear.
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When he's talking to Rome.
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When Tee is scolding him for being a dick to Phu.
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Even when he's asking Phu if he's okay and talking to him about the relationship they have.
He's been a dick, yes, but not with any genuine hostility (except for the interaction he had with his mother and Lukpear). He shows curiosity, confusion, some interest here and there, but otherwise? Completely detatched.
Almost like everything he's experiencing is happening to someone else.
Because it is! All of this is happening to someone else BECAUSE THIS IS NOT OUR CIRRUS AND HIS FACE WAS TELLING US THE ENTIRE TIME!
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Our Cirrus is fighting for his life in a padded room while Dark!Cirrus looks on with all of the answers!
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This man here is another person entirely! And god I really wish I could show the way Boss' eyes start to glaze over while Cir is getting this incredibly vulnerable confession from Phukan.
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THOSE ARE TWO! DIFFERENT! EXPRESSIONS! I'm not insane I promise, really look at his face.
His eyes are dead! He feels absolutely nothing about what's happening because IT IS NOT HAPPENING TO HIM! THIS IS A DREAM!
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You can see him coming back online in real time.
Go back and watch that scene, it's like the confession and the farewell fucking rebooted him. It's incredible.
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And it's such a testament to Boss' skill as an actor that he's in fucking profile and you can STILL see how completely his face changed when Ponytail!Cirrus woke up!
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