#darion death-hand
papakhan · 4 months
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so basically the lore is that Sun has this pipboy that's almost certainly haunted by the ghost of Darion Death-Hand and he treats it like a purse chihuahua
based on this
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trialbyfire-comic · 5 months
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Just wanted to drop the cover for the next chapter so y'all know I haven't forgotten about this comic. I probably won't be back to weekly updates for a little while longer yet, but I'll try to commit more time to comic work over May and hopefully get things going again by June. Sorry for the radio silence but I want to get more pages done before I come back. But here's something for now at least <3
Chapter 1 Page 1
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noodle8 · 5 months
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why so mean, mr garl Fallout 1 death hand!!
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justdiptych · 5 months
The original Fallout had one group of raiders. That was the name the game map gave to them - 'Raiders' - but they were in fact known as the Khans. They were a relatively minor faction, being tied to quests in the first town the player is likely to visit, but we learn a lot about them in their brief appearance.
Many of the Khans are given names and dialogue, and will tell the player about their history - including how they came from the same place as the people of Shady Sands, Vault 15, and feel entitled to share in the town's wealth. Some see their raiding life as a way to claim control of the post-war world - ruling through strength and fear, believing that old ideas of morality died with the rest of the world. Others treat it as just another job - they support their group by trading, maintaining equipment, preparing food, and other everyday tasks.
In short, the Khans are a fully-realised community, as much a part of the story as any other. We learn that their brutal leader, Garl Death-Hand, took command after killing his abusive father. The player can kill him, or negotiate with him, or impress him with acts of cruelty, or even challenge his nihilistic views by convincing him that they're his father, back from the dead. Killing Garl and destroying his compound is treated as the best choice for the region as a whole, and is confirmed to have happened in the next game in the series, but it's certainly not the only option.
Fallout 2 has two groups of raiders. One - again marked 'Raiders' on the map - turn out not to be raiders at all, in that they're not attacking towns to steal their wealth. Instead, they're a mercenary company, hired by a disreputable businessman from one town (New Reno) on behalf of another town (Shady Sands again, now the capital of the New California Republic) to harass a third town (Vault City) to convince them that they need outside help in maintaining their defences. It's part of the game's major subplot about the three societies competing for control of northern California and western Nevada.
The other group are the New Khans, founded by Garl's son Darion after the original Khans' defeat. These Khans aren't nearly so fearsome as their predecessors - they mostly operate in secret, hiding behind a group of squatters who have moved into the ruins of Vault 15 and pretending to help them restore it for use. Darion is wracked with resentment over what happened to his father's crew and guilt for having survived, and his gang ultimately present little real threat to the outside world.
What I'm getting at here is that, in the world of Fallout as it existed in those early games, 'raiders' were not a major factor. There was one group who conducted raids as part of their regular economic activity, but only against particular communities - Shady Sands saw them as raiders, but to the Hub, they were just traders. Raiders only existed in a particular context - they had particular interests, beliefs and opportunities that would not always be possible or applicable.
Most of the games' conflict came not from the existence of raiders but from bilateral political and economic competition between groups with overlapping but not identical interests, which was reflected in their respective ideologies. We see this in Killian and Gizmo fighting to control the future of Junktown, and in the Master's attempt to reshape the world with the Unity while the different groups of New California try to retain their independence.
We particularly see it in Fallout 2, with its three-way battle for economic domination between the constitutional democracy of the New California Republic, the mafia-ruled narco-state of New Reno, and the elitist technocratic slave state of Vault City. Which of these groups continue to rule and expand, and which crumble, is what ultimately shapes the region's future - with control of Redding and its gold supply as the linchpin.
While the Enclave are the story's primary antagonists, they're chiefly characterised by their refusal to engage with this new socio-economic order - they believe that all outside authorities are illegitimate, and all outsiders non-human, and their only plan is to release a bioweapon into the atmosphere and kill literally everyone on Earth but themselves. The Enclave's defeat is necessary for New California's survival, but, otherwise, they change very little about how people live their lives. They're like Darion's New Khans on a larger scale - relics of a fallen order, robbed of their purpose, hiding in an old bunker and driven by nothing but resentment of having been left behind.
I might, in future, talk about the contrasting depiction of raiders in Fallouts 3, 4 and 76, and about New Vegas's use of raider and bandit groups like the Khans, the Legion, the Fiends and the White Legs. For now, I think I've made my point - that raiders are not a fact of life but a product of a particular place and time, and much less relevant to the universe of Fallout than other forms of competition and violence.
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renaultmograine · 11 months
how similar are anduin and darions stories really? you keep saying that, but i feel like everyones got some story beat thats similar to someone else in wow
[cracks knuckles]
Overprotective and aggresive widowed father's special baby boy with his mother's blond hair, who died tragically when he was an infant
Father at some point became a gladiator
Explicitly not a paladin, though is often mistaken for one
Saved from a near death experience by the Light as a teen (the bell/Stratholme)
The Light favors him in a strange way (bone omens/Light sent dreams and also Blowing Him Up)
Despite this, questions if he's worthy of the Light (in Darion's case this was before he blew up)
Ran off into the wilderness for several years after tragedy struck him (they also both ran off at the age of fifteen, but that was a separate Anduin moment)
Older man in his life, notably with a T name, found him after several years alone to go "Hey we got bigger problems than this, you should probably rejoin society" (Thrall/Tyrosus)
Corrupted into death knight-hood by one of the Lich King's original lieutenants after they specifically picked him out (Sylvanas/Kel'thuzad)
Was the right hand of the big bad of the expansion briefly, and was wielding their father's sword in the process, which was now cursed. It would be purified in the process of him breaking free of Domination.
The spirit of his father came to him to give him the strength to break free of Domination as the one controlling him tried to kill him for a laugh.
Very boldly optimistic, bordering on delusional with it, that simultaneously gets him punished often and not nearly enough for it.
From all given lore sources, is wildly strong (Anduin's raid nerfs + the fact you technically don't even win his fight, plus lets not forget his battlefield wide mass heal in BFA/Darion five man'ed Naxx, split Thaddius in half solo, became the second strongest DK in lore only behind The Lich King, had twice the health as all the racial leaders in Wrath)
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dykedvonte · 6 months
The Khans - My Introspective
I don't like the Military and I don't support a lot of the actions the NCR does to the Mojave in New Vegas but in terms of the Khans I feel like the fandom infantilizes or diminishes the fact that they are or at least one of the most violent raider groups in the Mojave.
What happened at Bitter Springs was a tragedy, innocent lives were lost and the fact that the NCR swept it under the rug and continued to hunt down Khans that are truly trying to back down and resettle is horrendous, but there is a history to the NCR's aggression towards them.
The Khans first appear in Fallout 1, the main faction of raiders in the game besides the mentioned Vipers (who don't actually appear if I remember correctly). They came from Vault 15 along with the members that would form rival groups; The Vipers, The Jackals, and Shady Sands. They are a very large and foreboding raiding party, known for burning towns and encampments they attack and taking survivors as their slaves or slaves to sell. They are a big reason why the Jackals and Vipers are actually so small in New Vegas, they wiped them out.
Their main targets where Shady Sands and Junker town, the former of the two would be what became The New California Republic. This explains a big part of their animosity towards the Khans, only furthered by the fact the Khans kidnapped Tandi as a young girl, the girl that would go to offically found the NCR out of Shady Sands. When the dweller saved her and killed much of the Khans, this allowed the NCR to develop into what it currently is as they no longer needed to focus on fighting off constant raids.
When the Khans became the New Khans in Fallout 2, they barely resembled the Khans as they were led by Darion, Garl Death-Hand's son (former leader of the Khans). They were smaller and refortified vault 15, still planning to take down the NCR (at this time nowhere near as imperialist as they are in FNV) as mostly a revenge/power ploy. They manipulate The Squat, a group of y'know squatters, that lived in the upper levels, promising and lying about repairing the vault and offering them ransacked caravan resources if they kept the NCR away. Being their only life line The Squat had no choice. Still the chosen one got rid of them and they left New California for the untapped Mojave.
The Great Khans, the most current iteration, continued in the path as the original Khans, regrouping and gaining information from the Followers who hoped they'd use their new medical knowledge to heal themselves. They gained more members and a substantial part of Vegas territory before they were run out by the three families. They were pushed to Bitter Springs where they first and foremost continued to pick off and attack NCR settlements, most of which consisted of caravans, towns, and camps as they saw them as easy like in their old days. It was the killing of four influential Republic members (non-military) that brought on Bitter Springs.
Bitter Springs was the result of years of hatred and animosity and likely the goal to send a final message to the Khans. It does not excuse the fact that innocent men, women, and children were slaughtered with few survivors. It does not excuse the fact that the NCR has yet to make amends for this and continues to try and persecute the Khans even in moments of surrender.
This post is not to defend what happened but to give a quick rundown of the Khan's history and their history with the NCR. It's to remind people that the NCR is not just their military power but an actual group/settlement of people that were also attacked indiscriminately by the Khans. It's to point out that the Khans were not a band of indigenous people (no matter the comparisons) driven from their homes but raiders who fed into the brutal cultures of the west coast wasteland and were in turn treated to the same things.
My frustration comes from the fact that FNV has so many comparisons to indigenous struggles but the groups it chooses are not comparable at all. Their oppression hinges on not being familiar with their past, which explains why they have the reputation they do in canon. The "tribes" are often not even groups of minorities or have goals/desires out of acquisitions of power and I feel like it is important to both acknowledge that this is bad indigenous rep because it is not supposed to be. It is supposed to be a comparison of the in-game groups and how they all do the same things and justify it in their own fucked up ways, some better at it than others.
FNV of all the Fallout games (in light of it being heavily Western based) distastefully uses indigenous imagery and theming for groups that are sad mimicries of American indigenous cultures at best and outright offensive at worst.
#this is also to say the NCR is barely different but they imply New California is a city and safe and that once the NCR military leaves#they will properly try to settle and revitalize the area unlike the goals of almost every other group#the issues arise from the tensions of the hoover dam battles the legion and the corrupt leaders chosen in what is a terse time#but the khans are interesting to me and I like the named khans we have in FNV but they are treated to be almost innocent at points due to#all the Ls they keep taking despite admitting to their raider roots and being PROUD#they partnered with the Legion and before i hear they didnt know they were slavers at a point too and likely didnt care if they believed it#would not affec their own. the Mojave is an unforgivnig place and sometimes you make unforgivable alliances since they alienated all their#other options through their continued and consistent behaviors#like i could go on how bad the native rep is but I would not use any of the tribes cause they barely count the only difference from the NCR#is they organize themself differtently like id use the tribes in Honest Hearts cause holy shit is it bad and racist like at least the Mojav#tribes are just white dickheads brutalizing each other and not the characatures of native people the Sorrows Dead Horse and White legs are#like yikes I hated playing white savior the dlc#this is also semi personal because i dont see a lot of POC people in the fandom talking about the Khans and so I dont know if the proper#perspectives can be added because just because something can represent a culture or group doesn't mean it does or that it was the primary#thing they were trying to get across#like feel free to ask and talk to me more about it cause grrr#fallout#fallout new vegas#the great khans#the khans#new california republic#the ncr#fallout 1#fallout 2#papa khan
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esperanta-dragon · 2 years
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He pulled off his right glove and held out his hand to him. "Anduin," he paused. "Please."
Mograine's eyes flicked between Anduin‘s face and his hand. He didn't know how to interpret the gesture. His gaze fell on the scars on the back of his hand. He did not know their story or their origin, yet he suspected that he did not show them to everyone. Long sleeves down to the wrist, a high collar. It covered his scars as well as his own.
He closed his eyes and exhaled. He linked his hands together and slowly pulled off his glove. The black leather revealed a hand riddled with scars. And blazing runes. On the palms and the back of his hand. They probably went even further. It was hard to say whether Anduin knew that this was not what the hand of an ordinary death knight looked like. Those had far fewer runes. And he could hardly know that such runes don't just cut into the body, but into the soul as well.
 Then he finally looked up at him. "Darion."
Third and last commission made by @artofalassa for Memories of the Dawn. Is this last commission featuring Anduin or Darion (or both of them)? Certainly not. I love asking for commissions because seeing your favorite characters made in a different style is refreshing. And I see only mistakes in my art.
But that doesn't mean I stopped drawing these two. I do. I just no longer feel comfortable posting everything on Tumblr. Somehow my feeling of safety was compromised, now I feel only stress when posting my things and I am not sure when it will go back to normal. I will still try to post some sketches though. We shall see.
Anyway, I am happy with how this turned out. Alassa just knows how to work with colors and atmosphere.
Short story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33862531?view_full_work=true
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sunlaid · 1 day
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            # 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈𝖽𝗎𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌
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.࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘯 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭,  𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯,  𝘤𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦,  𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮.    announcing  the  arrival  of  darion  of  house goodbrother,  the  ruling lord of  hammerhorn.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  charismatic  and  obstinate  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  ship building.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  the  current  of  a  river  pushed  and  torn  between  two  unmoving  mountains,  form  laid  upon  the  scorching  sands  of  a  sunspear  dune,  dreams  of  a  distant  yet  peaceful  past.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  the iron islands. 
               𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 . . .
     # 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇
official  name:  darion goodbrother.  nicknames:  rion.  noble  title:  ruling lord of hammerhorn.  date  of  birth:  11/28.  age:  thirty7.  birthplace:  hammerhorn.  home:  the iron islands.  nationality:  iron born.  gender:  cis male.  pronouns:  he and them.  orientation:  pansexual.  monikers:  the red horn, breaker of skulls, the war hound.  languages:  the common tongue.  accent:  strong, like scottish strong.
     # 𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇
faceclaim:  glen powell.  hair:  dirty blonde, kept short.  eyes:  ocean blue and moss green.  height:  6'7".  build:  big bitch muscular.  scent:  the sea breeze after a storm.  dominant  hand:  right.  allergies:  none.  scars:  various, but most notably a long one from left clavicle to right hip bone.  distinguishing  features:  heterochromia.  clothing  style:  travis fimmel in vikings.
     # 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗒
label:   the war hound.   mbti:   enfp.   enneagram:   the protector.   element:   fire.   star   sign:   sagittarius.   temperament:   choleric.   character   inspirations:   kratos, odysseus, guildford dudley.   deadly   sin:   wrath.   heavenly   virtue:   fortitude.   godly   parent:   poseidon.
     # 𝖽𝗋𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗌
hobbies:  ship building, being a classic nuisance.  religion:  the drowned god.  alliance:  the iron islands.  personal goals:  dying a valiant death.  would they choose family or power?  dependant.
     # 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗌
father:  ruling lord victarion goodbrother.  relationship:  positive, deceased.  mother:  ruling lady naia goodbrother nee sparr. relationship:  positive, deceased.  spouse:  ruling lady/lord/liege tba goodbrother ne tba. relationship:  positive.  salt wife:  tba of tba. relationship:  positive.  sibling:  various. relationship:  various, dependent.  children:  lord greydon goodbrother, lady heir nalina goodbrother. relationship:  strained, positive. 
               𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 . . .
     # 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌
found family: tba
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tarttsweetshriek · 3 months
“It takes a Silver Hand to wield an Ebon Blade.”   -Darion Mograine
Those words he had told his father still lingered in the goblin’s mind.  Perhaps Tartt could tolerate hanging out with paladins. It would depend on the situation. Paladins were flashy. Flashy in battle, using the Light in their attacks, flashy when healing. Fel, even their plate armor was flashy. And the rivalry had gone on for years.
The death knight looked at herself in the mirror, applying a purple gloss to her lips to make them more pretty. Her thoughts flashed back to the Third War when Arthas was yelling orders in her mind- the sting felt like a cold, numbing headache that had microphone feedback to it. Not something she wanted to think back on.
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Tartt shook her head, letting the memory of civilian screams fade into the background. She had to look presentable today- enough to at least to hang out with people. But with Midsummer, and most of Azeroth being hot and humid in places, she couldn’t help but think about recent events. Fire Fest had been amazing; everyone celebrating summer in their own way. As she brushed her hair, she thought of the raves and dances. Smoke and thick haze from those nights along with dancing beside fabulous people. She was determined to at least try to hopefully see a certain night elf friend out in the world again.  
(@cythion for a mention).
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transjarlaxle · 11 months
Then the soft ones, flowers for kallyne
you hand him the flowers and they wilt and die. he's apologizing now oh god it's so awkward sorry he's not used to dealing with the living anymore ah fuck now your hand's all wet ah geez
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
prior to his death, it was silvermoon. these days, it's the ebon hold. walking azeroth, interacting with the living denizens of the world, makes him feel wrong - but in acherus, it's just him and the other knights of the ebon blade, the others that are like him, his shitty little scourge family.
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
i don't know that he can feel happiness, being scourge, but he likes to watch the dragonhawks in the eversong woods. despite its proximity to the place that ended his life, there's something in watching the hatchlings learn to fly among the golden leaves and tall grass that makes him feel a little less frozen. in that vein, he always gets distracted when there are young animals around.
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
well. he doesn't get sick and he doesn't feel pain, so outside of a healer stitching his limbs back together, he gets confused and frustrated if someone tries to give him more attention. conversely, he gets just as uncomfortable when left around someone who's sick or injured - his hands are meant to deal death, not prevent it. this isn't even just drama - death knights cannot heal at all.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
in life and in death, he's a soldier. he carries on. these days, there's not much that makes him feel fear, but he sometimes needs to power through feelings of being overwhelmed or panicked. he focuses on his hands in those cases, wielding his blades, keeping his body moving. honestly, it takes a well-trained eye to even notice when he's feeling this way
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
baby dragonhawks, his horse sin'danel, the act of runeforging, um. ....... . .. uh. also. ummmmmm. .... oh! swimming :)
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
there's no decoration. there wouldn't be even when he was alive. it's a journal, but it reads more like a fucking. captain's log or something. itemized schedules and then maybe a personal opinion on a person or something that happened that day and it's all painfully organized kjdjf
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
he doesn't think he has friends but in reality he has Huntmaster Jeshae Silverwind, the mage Noraelin Sunsworn, and even Highlord Nydie Mograine, who are all people he's worked with at length and who do, in fact, care about him. moreover, he has the knights of the ebon blade - Darion especially.
he doesn't Look for partners, but he has proven on more than once occasion to be very susceptible to people coming on to him (the Tian Situation). in any case, he's just sort of vibing (sadly) (he wants to die) and lets people move around him as they will
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jacaela · 2 years
day 4 - favourite character
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Darion Mograine is the leader of the Four Horsemen and the former Highlord of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. The son of Alexandros Mograine, one of the Highlords of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the original wielder of the Ashbringer, Darion was a paladin of the Silver Hand, and later of the Argent Dawn. After his father was murdered by his brother Renault Mograine, he came into possession of the corrupted Ashbringer, and tried to save his father's souls inside. During the First Battle for Light's Hope, Darion used the sword to kill himself, destroying the Scourge forces and releasing his father's soul. Following the battle, the Archlich Kel'Thuzad raised him as an undead, while the Lich King made him the Highlord of Death Knights of Acherus and the ruler of Acherus: The Ebon Hold, once again wielding the corrupted Ashbringer. After defeating the Scarlet Crusade in the Scarlet Enclave, he and his fellow death knights broke free from the Lich King's control during the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel and founded the order of renegade death knights known as the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Under the leadership of Darion, the Ebon Blade spearheaded the attack against the Scourge alongside the Argent Crusade during the war against the Lich King, temporarily allied with them to form the Ashen Verdict and topple the Lich King.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore is the daughter of Daelin and Katherine Proudmoore, and sister of Derek and Tandred. She is considered one of the finest mages in all Azeroth and the most powerful human sorceress alive. She is the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, the former leader of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, and of the port-city of Theramore. Trained as the personal agent of Archmage Antonidas, the late leader of the Kirin Tor and Dalaran, she was sent to investigate the plague of undeath with Prince Arthas Menethil, her childhood friend and one-time romantic interest. She witnessed the first stages of the fall of Lordaeron during the Third War firsthand and, guided by a mysterious prophet later revealed as Medivh, Jaina rallied what survivors she could find and fled across the sea to Kalimdor. There, her expedition forces joined together with the night elves and the New Horde and defeated the Burning Legion during the Battle of Mount Hyjal. The human survivors then founded the port city of Theramore, joining the Alliance led by Varian Wrynn, while maintaining peace with the Horde for several years. Shortly after the fall of Deathwing, the Horde led by Garrosh Hellscream destroyed Theramore. Jaina managed to escape with her life, but the experience transformed her, making her more bellicose and even altering her appearance. Following the death of Rhonin during the attack, and fulfilling a prophecy made by the dragon-mage Korialstrasz, Jaina took the fallen mage's place as leader of the Kirin Tor and head of the Council of Six. In spite of personal tragedies, she attempted to maintain the Kirin Tor's neutrality during the Alliance-Horde war. After the Horde-aligned Sunreavers aided Garrosh to steal the Divine Bell, Jaina exiled the Sunreavers from her city during the Purge of Dalaran and aligned the Kirin Tor with the Alliance. Following the Battle for the Broken Shore, the Council decided unanimously to re-admit the Horde into Dalaran for the greater good. Furious, Jaina left the Kirin Tor. Following the War of the Thorns, Jaina returned to her homeland of Kul Tiras in the name of the Alliance but was imprisoned for treason by her mother at the suggestion of Lady Priscilla Ashvane. After Ashvane's own betrayal was discovered, Jaina reconciled with her mother and brought the lost Kul Tiran fleet back home. Katherine stepped down as Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras and named Jaina in her stead, re-pledging their nation to the Alliance cause and to the Fourth War.
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papakhan · 4 months
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Not sure if I ever shared my Darion Death-Hand design but here he is!! son of Garl Death-Hand :) i hc that he's the same age exactly as Tandi so 16 in fallout 1 and 96 in fallout 2 <3
Some more headcanons i have for him that are related to this design:
He loves dogs, he singlehandedly developed the Khan dog breed that is still used by 2281, that's a dogwhistle he has around his neck
Vault 15's last working pipboy was in his possession and the Khans took it with them after they fled California, the Khans got it working for him in an attempt to help manage his dementia and in my version of things that's what the Chosen One finds those spy logs on, not the terminal
The patches on his vest are meant to lean into that more outlaw biker aesthetic the Khans hold and that I prefer, with the year being 2161 as his "initiation" because it's when he survived the Vault Dweller (I might change it to 2162 tho because I almost never manage to kill the Khans in fo1 before the end of December)
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 2 years
I know it's now 3am so this is probably very messy and makes littles sense but here's a couple quick Thoughts about the Gunnar parents (Demitri and Sarah)
Some of this is some very old notes adjusted to newer ideas/decisions;
Was born and raised as nobility in DR
Directly related to Faren (she is his aunt)
(Most likely) Ascalonian descent (note; I assume based on appearance Faren is Ascalonian descent so that's what I'm going by though I could be wrong)
Works as a doctor and runs 2 clinics; 1 in DR and 1 in LA
An elitist and classist, she often places priority on fellow nobles above anyone else
Was never attentive as a mother, literally handed each kid to whatever nanny was currently working there as soon as possible
Used to have a bit of favoritism towards Kai when he was willing to follow in her footsteps as a doctor, but even then has always been very critical of him
Was born and raised in a poor part of LA
Krytan descent
Descended from Darion Vidal (one of my GW1 characters) who was a con-man and traitor that tricked people into thinking he was a hero. After his death it was revealed that he wasn't and his family ran to LA and took on the Gunnar name to separate themselves from him. The current living family members (including Demitri) do not know this
Founded and runs a private shipping company that also deals with smuggling on the side (usually artifacts, weapons, etc.)
Considered an excellent businessman, he became well known among nobility in both LA and DR quickly after starting which led him and Sarah to meet in the first place
Was originally a more attentive father to the Gunnar kids (or at least Lucia and Kai) but became more distant as he was further consumed by his work when Kai was still young
And a couple additional notes on Demitri's (still unnamed) shipping company;
The company has been primarily owned by the Consortium since post-LWS1 after losing ships/cargo during Scarlet's attack, resulting in several debts which the Consortium offered to pay
Despite his tolerance (and even defense) of charr (and anyone else non-human), Dimitri did work for Caudecus before and during LWS3 due to a combination of being desperate for money to get his company back from the Consortium and threats of turning him and his company over to authorities
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deathchained · 2 years
@throned sent: ∗ 22﹕ sender  finds  receiver  [ injured / bloodied ] . / from darion, since this just feels right for koltira!
This was a disaster.
For a time, the Ebon Blade held the line against the demons, wave after wave of the creatures crashing against their blades and faltering. But even in the face of their continued success, Koltira had felt something...off. A hint of intuition that hadn't left him in death, telling him that the tides were about to turn, and not in their favor. For a time, he had tried to ignore the feeling that hung over his head like a guillotine, but that proved to be a mistake, as a Legion ship suddenly just appeared overhead. Koltira had barely had time to yell at those around him to find cover before the blasting began, fire raining down from the ship above.
The line broke at the arrival of that ship, sending both Horde and Alliance racing for cover, Koltira counted among that number. While the Ebon Blade had no qualms about fighting the worst of things to give others time to flee, there was no fighting a ship like that, not from the ground. Koltira raced towards cover but found himself short of protection as another shot impacted the ground not far behind him. The resulting explosion sent the Death Knight hurtling through the air, crashing some fifteen yards ahead of where he had been standing, and dazed to boot. It took him a moment to haul himself to his feet, ears ringing so loudly that the battlefield was eerily quiet.
Deciding things had progressed too far in the Legion's favor, Koltira threw up his hands, dark energy pouring from his fingertips. This was no offensive spell though, for quickly the dark energy coalesced into a gateway, a Deathgate, and Koltira stepped through before another shot could send him flying. Stepping into Acherus, it was plain the battle had gone wrong, Koltira covered in dust, debris, and no small amount of blood. He had barely gotten both his feet on the stone floor of the Necropolis before finding himself face to face with none other than Darion Mograine, Highlord of the Ebon Blade. "Highlord." Koltira addressed the other, straightening himself as much as he was able after what he had been through. "My apologies, but the front has been broken. A Legion ship appeared overhead and began to bombard our forces, forcing a retreat." Koltira paused, wiping some of the viscous blood from his face, oozing down from a wound on his scalp. "What are your orders, Highlord?" That was all that mattered. The fight, the mission. They would do what the living could not.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 5 months
After escaping through the streets there the two are ambushed once more by G mutants but this time standing before the two is one large Tyrant infected and mutated by the new enhanced variation of the G-Virus and had already gone into stage 2 which is very problematic to the rest of the cultists on the island as adding T-Erebus with the G-virus to make the virus stronger is a literal death sentence and a sign for horrible things to come. The monster growled in fits of rage loosing control of its body from the virus now developing a mind of it's own.
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Hsien-Ko Junior despite the situation she's in she stand in front of lil' susie and smiled knowing that this is going to be a fun fight, her time to shine, her little sparkle lighting up in her heart and soul. It's the daughter of Hsien-Ko to show this G-mutation whose boss.
" This is gonna be awesome... "
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Flames erupted around the girl's face and formed the helmet of a Yaiba the crimson wolf around her face while pumped with so much power of the T-Erebus virus from within as the girl unleashed those sharp razor claw gauntlets now coated with pinkish bright red flames. All of her own weapons are coated with these flames to give herself an extra damage boost against the enemy.
" LET'S PLAY ! "
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The G-Tyrant growled dashing towards the girl at full speed swinging that large clawed arm at the girl but the girl negated his attack with their claws clashing together as sparks appear each time their claws made contact.
Junior still negating the G-Tyrant's attacks she kept moving and dashing around with such agility she had gained from herself and when the tyrant is now placed himself open she goes in for the kill slashing the tyrant staggering him as she scorch his flesh with her flame coated claws weakening it while not letting up from attacking her prey.
Right after those slashes she switching one of her claws to a chained metallic ball full of spikes and coated in flames spinning that ball around right until she struck the mutant right into it's fleshy face tearing apart half of it's body while the flames ravage the flesh and it's regenerative properties.
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Right after she wacked the G-Tyrant with the spike flamming ball it's missing half of it's body even the sharp arm, all gone into a grisly mess. But still alive as the jiangshi is not done just yet. She gave the creature a gift of a grand explosive finale as she place a bomb into the ground in front of him as she stands there clapping her hands waiting for the big kaboom t-
...nevermind. The bomb exploded reducing the monster into a blood red pasted as the child had won, finally having her first tyrant of the day. Her first ever tyrant kill ad Junior does a dance, while juggling her weapons at a fast paste to celebrate her victory.
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renaultmograine · 5 months
AU where Balnazzar isn't stupid and instead of killing and impersonating Dathrohan during the Third War, he impersonates Calia Menethil
Calia is missing, either dead or intent on never showing her face again, making a prime candidate for impersonation
Being the princess of Lordaeron and the heir to the throne, the remnants of the Silver Hand would fight to the death for her, and with way more conviction than just for one of the first paladins
The amount of damage that could be done wielding the face of a powerful woman cannot be understated. I wholeheartedly believe that Calia-Balnazzar could make them whipped up into the Scarlet Crusade frenzy like. four months tops.
She's the princess. What are you going to do, argue with her? Tell her no?
None of the paladins likely know her that well, so Calia-Balnazzar could bullshit damn near anything she wanted to, while Dathrohan-Balnazzar would be constrained incredibly.
POV you're ill from a ~mysterious illness~ and the big tiddy priestess princess herself tends to you and comforts you and agrees that your dad really is shitty :( you should do something about that :)c
Realistically speaking, they would have to arrange a marriage for Calia-Balnazzar for when they reclaimed Lordaeron, and there's so many good options to pick from (for Calia-Balnazzar to have an easily manipulated husband). (Also no one knows real Calia is married with a child).
Taelan: sad man but he's well respected and the Lord of Hearthglen, where all their operations have been based out of. Too depressed about his dad to be any real hindrance to any schemes but that also means he might lack that driving force of pure insane zealotry.
Renault: younger, more emotionally unstable, clearly wanting someone to validate him. He's going to destroy whatever you point to with some hyping up, but he's definitely going to destroy himself at some point if he doesn't calm the down, and you're not going to want to be standing next to him when that happens
Darion: fairly younger, but that makes him more manipulable, and this whole 'recovering Lordaeron' nonsense is taking a while anyway. Sad about his dad so don't mention you encouraged Renault to kill him, but like. This is Darion we're talking about. Mister "I will interpret whatever you say into 'kill yourself for me' and then do it." He's going to be ride AND die if you don't fuck it up. You will need another man after he dies though. Well maybe not he's rather committed.
Decent chance Sally smites her. This crusade is NOT big enough for two bad bitches--there's a reason why Brigette Abbendis fucked off to Northrend--and it defintely isn't when Calia-Balnazzar is cozying up to Renault.
I want to say Sally/Calia-Balnazzar for the fun of it but I legitimately cannot imagine Sally doing anything more than tolerating her, even with the mind control shit.
Real Calia currently larping her tradlife with her unnamed husband and child finding out that the Princess has been found and that she's to be wed once the kingdom is returned and deciding she's not going to touch that with a thirty foot pole >>>> the FUNNIEST Before The Storm scenes imaginable if the crusade does manage to reclaim Lordaeron
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