shortythescreen · 4 years
Lmao if it's not too much to ask I'd love to jump on this ask train and know about how Bangalore or Gibraltar would be with their SO.
Bangalore Significant Other Headcanons: 
- When Bangalore likes someone, she starts teasing them. Definitely the type of person to tug her crush’s pigtails a little before she softens up around them. 
- Works out, like, a lot, and would super like if her partner came and worked out with her! Even if it’s just to watch her bench press three caddies on each side. Shows out a little more if her partner does come with her to the gym. 
- When her partner is sitting on the couch, she’ll sit on the floor between their legs and throw her arms over either of their knees. 
- Wash day for Bangalore doesn’t take an entire day but it does take a few hours. She appreciates a significant other that takes the time to bring her snacks during it, or keeps an eye out for products she might be low on. 
- If her partner likes to do things like getting their nails done, she’ll pay for it. She really likes how nice and pretty her partner’s fingers look after they’ve been manicured. 
- When her partner changes something about their appearance (hair, clothes, make up, etc), she will walk around them, looking them up and down, crouching down to look at them from all angles and just being obnoxiously into them. 
- Would do karaoke night with her partner. She loves songs from Mamma Mia and Hairspray in particular -- especially Fernando. 
- Anita does not stop flirting with her partner even after they’re together. Is the type of person to wolf whistle when her partner walks by, ask them for their number even though they’re already together. 
- Is a little bit of a traditionalist when it comes to dates. Insists on knocking on her partner’s door and picking them up from their house, paying for the first date, etcetra. Afterwards, she wouldn’t mind splitting bills, but would still insist on putting some money towards dates. 
- Anita calls her partner babylove. It’s a really odd, mashed up pet name, but it’s hers and she loves the way her partner lights up when she uses it on them. 
- Speaking of dates, would really like activity based dates! Bowling, mini golf, things where her and her partner are either competing or working together. 
- Is a super grumpy morning person. Will only be perked up by coffee and good morning kisses -- though her partner must be wary because she has the worst morning breath. 
- If her partner doesn’t already know how, she would show them how shoot a gun. They don’t have to practice or get super good, but it is sort of hot to watch them hit their mark. 
- Loves hugging her partner’s belly. Showers it in kisses, squishes it as much as possible. 
- Is obsessed with whatever perfume/cologne/scent her partner has. Would be the type of person to ask for a bottle of it so she could spray it on her pillow. 
Gibraltar Significant Other Headcanons:
- Big teddy bear man is the best boyfriend in the universe and no one can convince me otherwise. 
- Flowers? Got ‘em. Chocolates? Got ‘em. Little toys and trinkets and goodies at all times? GOT ‘EM. Makoa loves to give, and give, and give to his partner. 
- He’s mellowed out a lot as he’s gotten older but he still has a little bit of a wild streak in him. Would be the kind of guy to sneak into a hotel pool with his significant other, or go explore abandoned buildings. 
- Calls his partner his sunshine. Even if they’re not as sunny of a person as he is. 
- Loves to gives his partner’s piggy back rides. Actually, just likes to lift his partner up in general -- puts them on top of the kitchen counter, the bathroom counter, the dining room table. If he can place them somewhere higher, he does it. 
- Would love to take his partner on scenic dates, especially seasonal ones. Hay rides in autumn? Definitely. Going to look at light decorations during the holidays? Absolutely. 
- Makoa has tribal tattoos on his arms and is very proud of what they mean to him and his culture. That being said, he’s weak when his partner traces the sharp, intricate lines, or asks questions about them. 
- Would absolutely take his significant other to watch a fire dance. 
- His partner has to be ready to be showered in kisses. Makoa is absolutely needy for kisses and is always leaning in for one, lips puckered. He’s also super fond of kissing the top of his partner’s head if he doesn’t have time. 
- Is the type of boyfriend that would have shows to watch with his partner and would be fake devastated if they watched ahead of him. “Three episodes? Without me?”
- Cuts up fruit for his partner. Is especially fond of tropical fruits like mangoes, pineapple. 
- Makoa has to be reminded when he needs a hair cut. He usually just puts it up in his half up half down style and lets it go, so he doesn’t really notice when he starts to get split ends. 
- Has a habit of falling asleep at his significant other’s place. At first, it’s an accident. Slowly it becomes on purpose. 
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keare-linnua · 5 years
Likewise! 😊💜
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kojottek · 4 years
@darkandstormyranger tagged me to list 7 comfort movies. Thank you!
1. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
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Now this horse has attitude. And holds all my feels. I weep through 99% of the movie duration but it still qualifies as comfort. Feeling off? I watch Spirit and I'm home again
2. About Time
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THIS MOVIE. THIS MOVIE HAS NO RIGHT TO BE THAT GOOD. It's so soft, so nice, so perfect. It's a finest life lesson. Here to remind me what's important whenever I forget. THE ULTIMATE COMFORT. THE MOTHERSHIP. (And Bill Nighy's creation is just ��👌👌👌)
3. Jasminum
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Idk, the calmness of the monastery, the mystery of scents... It's soothing. And it's the only little girl in cinematography I don't find repulsive.
4. Master and Commander
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Show me a gif and the exact music will start playing in my head. I used to live, breathe and dream that movie (literally, was exitedly taking part in the phasmid plan a few times in my dreams). Every month I'd beg my parents to borrow a copy of this movie so that I could experience it again.
5. LotR
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Well, yeah. I'm still a total Tolkien nerd, I know the trilogy by heart and I sometimes watch it in my head while listening to the soundtrack. NO FUTURE LOTR ADAPTATION WILL MATCH THIS. Jackson really did the books justice. A product of love and hard work.
6. How to train your dragon
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First part of the series was just sooo good, fresh, full of original ideas and on point humor. Also Toothless IS comfort.
7. Everything is Illuminated
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Eerie. Sad but somehow leaves me with a feeling of completion. Everything happened like it was meant to. And that combined with beautiful landscapes is all I need for comfort.
I tag @adi-adios @lovingdamonsalvatore @yeojablog @dargonwolfeh @zapiecek
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lizzy-theshyone · 5 years
🌈 The Get To Know Me - Tag 🌈
I was tagged by @holoster
Thanks for that ^^
Favorite Color ➡️ Black, Purple and Pink
Top Favorite ships  ➡️ If I’m talking about Apex in this case it is Miraith, Crypto x Wattson, Lifetane, Dark Sparks and Gibby x his boyfriend
Lipstick or Chapstick  ➡️ Lipstick (fight me on that one)
Last Song  ➡️  Paradise - Within Temptation feat. Tarja
Last Movie  ➡️ Knives Out
Currently Reading  ➡️ The Motherfucker with The Hat (It’s a play by Stephen Adly Guirgis. It is really funny xD )
Tagging: @wraithtops @yeojablog @keare-linnua @dargonwolfeh @lovingdamonsalvatore @missscatter @wraith-speaks @its-arkavian and @ everyone who wants to do this :§
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shortythescreen · 4 years
I high key want you to do all of these but I'm gonna ask for "Is that the best you've got?" For either Octane, Bangalore, or Bloodhound? Personally I'd prefer Octane but pick whoever I'll read it anyway 😭
You wouldn’t have noticed the young man making eyes at you from across the club if he hadn’t made his presence known beforehand. 
When he entered, he climbed on top of the bar, cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted something in a language you were almost positive was Spanish. Those who understood whatever the hell he said hymned and hawed, stomping their feet or shouting something back in response. He also did two body shots off of one of the food runners, having the grinning bartender film the exchange. 
After that, he seemed to notice you. His bright green eyes meet yours and his full, pink lips pull into a smile that looks like danger. 
Danger isn’t something you’re in the habit of pursuing. So you mind your business, sipping on a fruity drink, just starting to feel good, but not good enough to join your friends on the dance floor. 
It isn’t too much of a surprise when the guy swaggers over to where you’re seated, nursing a Sex on the Beach. 
You don’t acknowledge him, eyes trained on the partygoers. You should hop down. You should go join your friends -- danger isn’t something you make a habit of entertaining. 
“Bueno, here I am,” says the young man, pressing his forearms to the top of the high top. You turn your eyes his way, though your head stays twisted away. His pierced brows waggle at you, lips stretching into a wide enough grin to flash the smiley piercing he has. “What are your other two wishes?” 
The line takes you by surprise and you throw your head back, laughing. When you straighten your head, he’s still there, grinning at you. “Is that the best you’ve got?” 
“No, no, hold on,” he says, whipping out his phone. He goes quiet, squinting down at the screen, the glow barely making a dent in his handsome face under the club’s strobe lights. “There’s something wrong with my phone... Your number’s not in it.” 
Your grin widens. You aren’t sure if it’s the warmth from your drink, or the way someone using cheesy pick up lines you haven’t heard since you were a kid surfing the web makes you feel, but you snatch his phone. “I can fix that for you. What name should I text myself?” 
“Octavio,” he says, and you smirk up at him as you punch your number in. 
“Well, Octavio,” you say, holding out his phone. When he goes to grab it, your opposite hand wraps around his wrist and you tug his slight figure close. “Wanna dance?”
“Ohoho, yeah, baby!” 
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shortythescreen · 4 years
I wanna know all your headcanons but after that last one I'm more specifically curious if you've got any general ones for Mirage, Wattson, or Wraith?
wolfeh! i was actually working on the OTHER ask you sent me when i hit a bit of a block, so i figured i’d answer this one for you first! this post isn’t gonna be as long as my others for each of the legends because.... i don’t want it to be too long......
Mirage Headcanons: 
- One of his big brothers was an aspiring rockstar, so Elliot has a lot of classic rock albums. He’s also a bit of a snob and will only listen to them on a record player. 
- Elliot is laser-focused when he’s working on something technical. So much so that he’ll forget to eat. 
- He has several tattoos. The most prominent is a rose on the inside of his bicep, and the stem is all of his brothers’ names. 
- Elliot is pigeon toed. When he’s standing, he tends to rocking on the inside of his feet. 
- Sits with his legs wide open. Which is nice for some and annoying for others. 
- Personally, I think Elliot is black. Like, just black. However, he does have a lot of Hispanic people mistake him for Latino and it’s lead to him knowing the phrase ‘no hablo español’ by heart. 
- Also headcanon him as pan! When he refers to ‘babes’ in his loadscreen, he doesn’t just mean ladies. 
- He has his Master’s degree in engineering. Wattson makes a lot of playful jabs at him regarding his suit -- not because she wants to be mean but because she wants to push him to better his work. 
- Evelyn named all of her sons names that started with E. In order, it goes Elijah, Ethan, Ezekiel, and Elliot. 
- Will shoot an imaginary basketball into an imaginary net when he makes a point in a conversation. Would totally say ‘Kobe’ if he knew who that was. 
Wraith Headcanons:
- Accidentally became pescatarian. Even then, it’s rare she’ll eat fish. She often walks the line of vegetarianism. 
- Wraith is half Japanese. Hence the reason her blade of choice is a kunai. 
- She hasn’t reconciled being Renee with being Wraith. Even after finding out her real name, she still prefers to be called Wraith. If Revenant could build a bridge and get over it, the two might be able to bond over it. 
- Is addicted to caffeine. She lives for her energy drinks but will settle for coffee if she can’t get her hands on one. 
- She thinks about taking her nose piercing out sometimes -- but she likes the way it looks, so she leaves it alone. 
- She and Mirage get along really well, even if they tend to argue when they’re on the same team. Literally the ‘extrovert that found an introvert’ pair. 
- Wraith stress cleans. Her apartment always looks impeccable but only because she likes being able to organize and clean things when her thoughts start to get loud. 
- When she first started hearing the voices, it didn’t register that they weren’t her thoughts. They all have her voice, so it seemed easy to brush them away as an intrusive thought. When they started referring to her as a separate person, it clicked that she wasn’t just... thinking out of turn. 
- Wraith really likes science experiments. Not really complicated ones, or things like Caustic’s gas, but little, stupid kiddy ones. Like a potato battery, or food coloring in dish soap. 
- She doesn’t identify with any one label! Is very nonchalant about her partners bits and identity and her own. She doesn’t place too stock in the importance of finding a title that ‘fits’. 
Wattson Headcanons: 
- A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Natalie is still very sweet, and kind, but she has the same feral energy as Octavio. Hence the reason she skipped up to snipe Bloodhound. 
- Her father taught her how to shoot a gun years before she joined the games. She needed to fine tune her skills once she officially joined but she already had the basics down. 
- Part of her cool off after the games is to watch trash TV. Maury? Jerry Springer? She lives for it. Will shout ‘I knew it!’ at the screen when someone is revealed as a cheater. 
- Is the one that buys Caustic mugs with chemistry puns on them. At first, she thought it would brighten up his work day. Now, it’s just kind of funny to see the big, bad scientist with a mug that says ‘Don’t Be So NaCl’. 
- She’s currently working on her master’s degree in electrical engineering. She earned her bachelor’s just before her father passed. 
- Personally, I think she has autism! Very ‘mildly’ (i hope that’s an okay word to use for it. please correct me if not!) but lots of noise tends to bother her. She has earmuffs in the head of her body suit. 
- Naturally an early riser. Natalie will wake up at like, five in the morning on her own, and still be as perky as she usually is. 
- Is very texture sensitive. She can’t eat things like mangoes that are very mushy or stringy or both.  
- Natalie has a significantly older half sister. Her name is Odette. They don’t talk much, their relationship strained by the large age gap, but they call each other every so often. 
- She hates when people touch her feet. Could never get a pedicure.
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shortythescreen · 4 years
Okay now that we have your Octane headcanons I'm extremely curious about any other headcanons you may have about other legends
ahhhh wolfeh!!!! hmmmmmmms loudly. 
i definitely have some legends more fleshed out in my mind than others lol. i’ll have to make a big post with headcanons for all of them sometime! right now i think i’m gonna give y’all bangalore tho bc i feel like i don’t write for her enough and i l o v e her. 
Bangalore Headcanons: 
- She’s way raunchier than she lets on. People in the military are fucking nasty sometimes and Anita is no exception. 
- This mean she curses a lot. Like a lot a lot. Not just with any swear words either, the shit that comes out of her mouth is creative. Will have mothers around the world clutching their pearls. 
- Is not ticklish. Literally at all. The most you’ll get out of her is an eye roll if you even try. 
- Of all the legends, gets along best with Gibraltar and Wattson. They’re both sunshiney people that treat others well, no matter their own attitude. (I.E. Wattson being kind enough to Caustic that he begins softening up around her)
- Anita has six nieces and nephews. Two are Jackson’s kids, both boys. They’re secretly her favorites.  
- She was the ‘surprise’ baby in her family. Her parents had her pretty late in life -- most likely their mid to late thirties. 
- Being the youngest of five children, Anita’s house was hectic while she was growing up. Between attending different sports, going to award ceremonies, and trying to spend time with their kids on top of it all, her parents ran themselves ragged. 
- Anita likes beer. Not often, or a ton of it, but when she goes out she’ll probably order herself a Heineken and sip on it for a majority of the evening. 
- She’s not tenderheaded at all, having grown up with a mother who absolutely annihilated her scalp. Her hair is thick and kinky and required a hell of a lot of maintenance, especially when she was a little girl. She’s had braids, buns, relaxers -- if you can think of it, Anita’s hair’s probably been through it. She shaved it all off when she turned eighteen and has kept it short ever since. 
- Makes stupid pop culture references, like, all the time. Might I point you to ‘the gucci of guns’?
- Two of her brothers are twins. 
- She definitely went through an emo phase when she was twelve. Wanted to dye her hair black and everything.
- Her mom is actually the one who was the soldier in the IMC. Her father was a combat medic. 
- She can’t sleep with the lights or TV on. Will wake up at the drop of a dime if she hears the slightest noise. Sleeping on the dropship between World’s Edge and King’s Canyon is hell. 
- Was obsessed with cowboys as a little girl. She went as one for Halloween three years in a row. She had a Jessie and Woody doll. 
- She fucked up her collarbone when she was a teenager. It’s not visible to the naked eye but if you press your hands to either sides of her neck, you can feel that one is still displaced to this day. 
- Her cool down after the games consists of a hot shower and white noise, among other things. 
- I personally HC her as a lesbian but I am also open to the idea of her being bi. 
- Loves the beach! Anita knows how to surf and misses catching rays. 
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shortythescreen · 4 years
Good morning y'all!
Thank y'all so much for reading my shit posts over the weekend while I worked. Today is my last day for the next few days, so I'm pretty happy!
Hope y'all are having a good one. This good morning post is dedicated to user @dargonwolfeh who has been with my shit since before I had tumblr, hehehe!
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shortythescreen · 4 years
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You all are so nice to me!! Thank you so much for loving this fic as much as I have. :) I hope I continue to suck you guys in!!!! 
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shortythescreen · 4 years
P, Q, S, T, X, or Y? I'm genuinely curious about everything but any of these the most!
P: I am definitely a gardener. It’s why I take so long to write my fics! I’m trying to get into the habit of being more of an architect. 
Q: I’m iffy about collabs! I don’t mind proofing/beta’ing for someone and vice versa. I’ve also been roleplaying with one (1) person for like, nine years, haha. But for my published work, I get kind of protective over my ideas? If that makes sense? 
S: I’m a sucker for the “oh my god they were roommates” and “they both like each other but neither one of them realizes it”. Both tropes make for a lot of fun build. 
T: Not really! I can’t think of any right now, anyway, and I’m usually pretty open to any ideas someone lays out! If it makes for good story, I’m here for it. 
X: I don’t like to make any of the characters suffer. :( The reader, if I had to pick someone, haha. 
Y: I want to protect All of them (referring to the Legends specifically) but I particularly want to bat people away from Wraith. Hence the reason I always write Soft Things with her. 
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shortythescreen · 4 years
Oh man on that one topic about accidentally blocking mains but not side blogs is the EXACT reason why I make my main and alternate account names so similar! I want it to be obvious it's me but at the same time, make a clear difference between my sfw and nsfw account.
I dont mind when ppl have different side and main blog names but!!!!!!! If I don't know it's you then I might block u!!!! Bc when u like something it shows ur main and not ur side!!!!
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keare-linnua · 5 years
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Valentine’s Day commission for lovely @dargonwolfeh
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shortythescreen · 4 years
Warning(s): NSFT/18+. Vaginal sex, semi exhibitionism? Corny porn plot. 
Pairing(s): Crypto/Wattson. 
Author’s Note(s): A commission for my lovely @dargonwolfeh! Had so much fun writing this continuation of their fic. My first ever fic with two canon characters together! Someone pinch me lol. 
On paper, Crypto and Natalie are not living together.
They could file for it if they chose to. Could go the Apex Execs and tell them they needed one less suite. It might be the smart thing to do, considering Natalie never spends time in her own apartment anymore. Crypto’s hesitant to share his business with others, though. Especially the people he’s hellbent on taking down. Especially since the marketing team would surely publicize them as ‘star crossed lovers’ should they ever be placed on different squads in the arena.
So, they say nothing, even though everyone knows they live together. Everyone knows they’re a couple. Even if they themselves haven’t quite realized just how deep they’ve sunken.
Until now, anyway.
Crypto stares into his medicine cabinet, hand frozen on the little handle attached to the mirror. He’s not very particular about grooming himself. Mila Someone he knew before taught him that he needed to use a different soap for his face than he did his body and that’s… about the extent of his self-maintenance. He’s bought the same shaving cream, the same 2-in-1 hair and body soap, and the same face wash for… years.
Therefore, the bubblegum pink moisturizer tucked neatly against his shaving cream is definitely not his. Neither is the ‘normal to dry’ face wash, or the gummy women’s multivitamins. As a matter of fact, now that he looks at it more closely, a majority of the things in his medicine cabinet don’t belong to him. Awhile ago, he might have been bothered by that, but now…
The front door of his apartment swings open and shut and he doesn’t panic. Doesn’t think it’s the syndicate, come to arrest him because they know who he really is. He knows who just got home, who’s blabbing on the phone.
“Non, Octavio, not like that!” Natalie says. Crypto closes the cabinet, forgetting why he opened it the first place. When he sees his reflection, the dark dusting of stubble beginning on his jaw and his upper lip, he remembers. He decides he’ll say hello to his girlfriend before he takes care of that.
He takes a step away from the bathroom counter, peering out the open door of the bathroom. Natalie is shrugging out of her coat, holding her phone between her shoulder and her ear, the opposite hand cupping it to make sure it doesn’t slide as she strips out of her day clothes. Her sunny hair tumbles out of its hood as she does, the short locks brushing just beneath her ears, and his lips twitch up at the sight of it.
She turns and beams as she sees him. She finishes hanging up her coat, tossing it carelessly over the rack and lifting her head, holding one arm out to him. Shirtless, Crypto exits the bathroom, looping an arm across her shoulder blades to tug her close. He kisses her forehead in greeting.
“Salut, mon amour,” she mouths up at him. The grin fades from her features and her eyes turn towards the chatter coming from her phone. “Okay, well, that means you didn’t plug it in to the right port.”
Crypto loudly snorts, making Natalie press her lips together to hide a laugh. She presses a finger to her lips, silently shushing him. Those pretty blue eyes flicker over his chest, over the dark line of hair on his lower belly. He smirks at her, reaching up to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear, the rest of it falling over his knuckles.
The tips of his fingers dance down the side of her throat and Natalie shudders. She takes a step away, trying to put some distance between them.
Their match from last week flashes through his mind. She certainly hadn’t backed off him while he was trying to talk to Ajay. They were very lucky that she was distracted by the match – or that she was willing to turn a blind eye to their shenanigans. Though his expression stays neutral, Crypto snatches Natalie’s hips, pulling her close.
“Y-You’re working with an older model, Octavio, it’s not going to go as quickly as the newer one,” says Natalie, the little stutter at the beginning of her sentence making him quietly smirk. He dives down, licking a stripe up the same place his fingers were, and she shivers against him.
“If you want it to work, you have to have patience,” she continues as Crypto traces the band of her pants, all the way to the back. The prominent curve of her ass feels perfect in his palms and he squeezes, tugging at the stretch waist she wears.
Natalie always has a problem finding pants that fit. Her ass isn’t proportionate to her waist, sticking out further than any smaller size jeans would allow. She likes the stretchy ones for that reason and he’s grateful for that now, snapping the elastic band against her.
Natalie squeaks and Crypto backs her up, against the couch. Their legs knock as they move but when she finally hits the cushions, she falls into them with a plop. Her dark eyes twist up to him and, oh, for all she seems so sweet, he knows that look.
“Non, mon amie, I’m fine,” Natalie suddenly breathes, remembering Octavio is on the line. Her throat flexes and Crypto smirks, palming the bulge in his sweatpants. Her eyes blink to his crotch then back up to him, like she’s waiting for him to make a move. He has every intention to. “Uh-huh. Okay, well, let’s try this again.”
Crypto reaches down, manhandling her onto her knees. She hangs onto the back of the sofa with one hand, clutching her phone with white knuckles in the other. He grips those stretch pants, pulling them slowly down, and biting his lip at the way they stretch over that juicy round ass of hers. Natalie likes boxer briefs, especially ones with interesting patterns. Today, the underwear has bananas as they design, peeled or otherwise. The innuendo isn’t lost on Crypto and he snorts. Natalie glances over her shoulder with a sneaky grin.
“Cheeky,” he says, tugging those briefs down. Her pussy is perfect, pink and open and waiting for him, surrounded by golden curls, and Crypto’s mouth waters. She shivers as cool air caresses her and he’s right behind it, spitting onto two of his fingers. He holds her open with his opposite hand, fingers sinking into the pillowy flesh of her ass, spit dripping onto the couch as he presses his wet fingers against her.
“T-Then you just-” Natalie begins, and he can’t see her face, but the little hitch of her breath tells him all he needs to know as he pushes his fingers past her outer lips. They clutch her clit on either side, and he sees the muscles in her lower back clench. “Just plugitin.”
She chances a look over her shoulder once again and Crypto smirks. She’s so eager already, so ready to be fucked. He doesn’t have nearly as wild of a sex drive at Natalie – had to remind her during the first few times that foreplay’s important, that having her soaked and wet and trembling made it easier for him to fuck her to pieces. He’s tempted to remind her again, but he can already feel her cunt lubing up his fingers with every stroke of them against her. He should have known she was a little bit of an exhibitionist, sought a little thrill after she sucked the soul out of his dick in the arena.
Crypto pushes one finger up to the knuckle inside her and she squirms, clearly wanting more. He watches her, waiting.
“Oui, you put in the password? And it’s-” Her jaw drops as he slides a second finger in on one of his thrusts, stretching that sweet cunt. It hugs his fingers beautifully and the thought of having it on his dick instead makes Crypto bite his lower lip. Natalie thrusts her ass back into his palm, always greedy, always hungry for more. She’s so used to being on top, to riding him, fucking him open, and he can feel her trying to take control even though she’s the one vulnerable here. “I-It’s still not working?”
Her head drops as he pulls his fingers out, only tugging his sweats down low enough to free his cock. He slides his wet fingers up and down the length of it, before raising the same palm to spit in it once more. Natalie’s been like a bunny recently and Crypto thinks he should have had the foresight to hide some lune underneath the couch.
He didn’t, though, so he pumps himself, biting his lower lip, waiting until he can hear his fist moving along his shaft, until it sounds wet and sticky. He rolls back the foreskin, pressing the blunt head to her weeping hole. Natalie tenses all over and he peers up at the back of her head, waiting. When he doesn’t move, her head snaps towards him, and she gives him a glare that could turn blood cold. He chuckles, obliging her with a slow roll of his hips, seating his cock inside her.
Natalie bites her lower lip, hard, and he knows he’ll be able to see the indentation of her teeth in the pink skin later. He doesn’t care though, pulling her back onto his cock, careful not to clap his hips against her ass, even though he wants to.
“Octavio, listen, I-I just got home.” Lie. Crypto would smirk if he weren’t so entranced by the hot, velvety heat of her. She starts fucking herself onto his cock, hips driving back, and Crypto leans back, watching her work. “I will come and take a look later.”
She rests her forehead against her clenched fist, thighs scooting apart, giving her a wider range of motion. Her cunt makes white, creamy streaks on his dick and Crypto bites his tongue, driving forward. Natalie slams her fist against the back of the couch as he piledrives into her cunt, the blunt tip hitting that spot that he knows makes her see starts. “Oui! Ouiouioui, okay, au revoir!”
She tries to push herself up onto her forearms, tapping desperately at the end button on her phone. When it finally beeps, signifying Octavio can no longer hear her, she groans, low, and loud, and long, and the noise goes straight to Crypto’s dick. He mouths at her shoulder, moaning himself, grinding his cock hard and fast into her cunt.
“Crypto!” She gasps. He hooks an arm around her torso, grappling with one of her breasts through her top. She slips the hand that had been holding her phone down, feeling where they’re connecting. The noise he makes isn’t human, the fat of her ass quivering with every clap of his hips against hers.
She drags those fingers up, toying with her clit as he pinches a nipple through her top, and she moans something like his name. When he glances down, he sees sweat pulling in the small of her back and he sighs, biting her shoulder. He sinks himself down to the base and grinds his cock down, against that spongy spot he found with his fingers earlier. Her voice grows higher in pitch, fingers frantically moving on her clit, and Crypto shudders, closer, close, fuck, he’s so close-
“Crypto!” She yelps and without warning, her cunt constricts around him. His jaw drops, the scorching heat of her closing in. He thrusts his hips forward once, twice, before suddenly pulling out, grabbing his cock – fucking soaked, still attached to her cunt by a sticky trail – and jerks it frantically. He throws his head back, Adam’s apple bobbing as he cums onto the globes of her ass.
They’re both panting, trying to catch their breaths. Her blonde hair somehow looks crazy, even though he hadn’t fucked with it the whole time she was on the phone. She looks over her shoulder at him, beautiful, gorgeous pink lips parted to suck in breaths of air.
“You… are mean,” she groans, flopping onto the couch. Crypto snorts, smirking at her.
“Karma is mean,” he says, nudging her over on the couch with a knee. He knows they’ll regret it later, that his spunk is smearing all over the cushions, but she looks so perfect, so fucked out. He squishes her into the couch, joining her.
“You liked what I did in the ring,” whines Natalie.
“And you didn’t like what I did just now?”
“That’s not what I said, mon amour,” she grumbles, turning to nuzzle into his chest. Crypto kisses the top of her head, looping an arm around her, and reaching up to ignore her phone as it starts to ring again.
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shortythescreen · 4 years
I hate to pile up your inbox but after reading that quick interaction in Come Over, I was wondering if you had any more on Lifeline and Octane's relationship? Like I guess for specifics, how they reacted to seeing each other again after Octane got his legs and ditched?
There’s a whole lot of things Ajay will forgive but she just can’t take a liar. When Octavio joins the games -- because of course he would -- she doesn’t talk to him. Not only does he get the cold shoulder, the side eye, she straight up just... pretends he doesn’t exist for awhile. Not only because she’s livid, can’t believe he took her the legs she got him and ran, but because she’s hurt. 
Ajay and Octavio grew up together. They love each other. Ajay’s a grown woman, though, and she doesn’t have time for nonsense for someone who couldn’t have been bothered to apologize when he was caught red-handed and that’s a large part of the reason she avoids him when he joins the games. 
I think Octavio tries to pretend like nothing happened. He makes jokes in her direction, refers to insiders that only she would know about, but the longer she ignores him, the more he realizes maybe, perhaps, he fucked up. Big time. Which he’s known but it’s so fucking hard to own up to that, fess up and apologize when he was in such a bad place when the shit the fan. 
Though Ajay won’t put forward the emotional labor of forgiving Octavio without him making the effort first, she still can’t help hovering a little bit. Banging on his dorm wall when she hears him up way too late the night before a game -- reminding him that know, O, your dumbass can’t steal frag grenades from the arena, haven’t you learned your lesson about those? 
At first, Octavio takes this as a sign. She’s forgiving him. In the process of. Which is great for him! True to form, Octavio is given an inch and takes a mile and Ajay shuts him down again. Reminds him he fucked up and she doesn’t owe him forgiveness but he does owe her a goddamn apology. 
So he gives her one. Away from prying eyes, and ears, Octavio sits down across from the girl he grew up with, the girl who he’s always loved, and apologizes. He shouldn’t have taken advantage of her kindness. He shouldn’t have lied. He has a million one reasons for why he did it but none of them are good enough and there’s no excuse for what he did. 
Ajay is... at least satisfied, with the apology. She tells him she accepts it, but it’s going to take her time. She doesn’t trust him yet. Slowly, though, gradually, she can grow to again. Because they’re family. 
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