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dark-pink-fantasy · 1 year ago
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#beast in the beauty
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takohebi · 5 months ago
azujami fans go read darcynne's fics
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takesfew · 1 year ago
Some refs of fics I really enjoyed!
1. Really cute and short
2. I REALLY love this one, the language in it is amazing and I always love a character pov that isn’t the main two
3. Extremely interesting concept and just overall pretty cute and funny too
4. This is another ABSOLUTELY AMAZING one, a lot of depth, really well written azul pov, really subtle writing, and acts of kindess as a love language
5. A really interesting look at a more realistic relationship aspect, short but with a lot of depth
6. Just really sweet and cute
7. Honestly this one is more like the start of their friendship, but still extremely cute nonetheless
Life as a JamiAzu enthusiast:
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Personally, in the constant state of:
Rereading favorite stories
Reading/Keeping up with new updates
Reading new stories
I ain't even complaining. I love it here ♡
Side note: Also- fic suggestion crumbs please. Please spare me some of your hidden gems 🙏😭
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piracytheorist · 2 years ago
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@darcynne​ that’s all I needed as motivation to write my “Yamato as an Astronaut makes no fucking sense” meta so here it goes!
So ever since I found out, as a kid even, that in the 25 years after part, Yamato becomes an astronaut... I've had Questions. I guess I was supposed to go like "Wow he's an astronaut that's so cool wow!" but instead I just can't help thinking how much that clashes with his personality.
Yamato’s alignment is Chaotic.
Probably the most chaotic-inclined of all the original twelve children. Something that is even more clear in the Japanese dialogues, since he's, I think, the only character that never uses name honorifics. He also calls his dad "oyaji" (my old man), being the only character to use such a blunt term for his own father - a form of authority in his life. From a general standpoint, the way he reacts to stuff happening and acts as HE thinks is best and not abiding to social norms, that's the crux of any chaotic character; acting on their own reason and not caring what society expects of them - which is different from not caring whether others see him as emotionally vulnerable; he doesn't care if people think he's rude, but he cares if people think he's vulnerable (at least in the first season; in 02 he is much more in tune with his own emotions but he still doesn't care about following social norms).
But you'll tell me, he depended on being seen as a good older brother for Takeru, and this is a societal expectation he wanted to follow. And I'll tell you, this fucked Yamato up. The one way he pushed himself to follow social norms was by overcompensating for not being a part of Takeru's everyday life by being overly protective and losing his shit every time he lost sight of Takeru for 1.5 seconds. The worst part being how he became almost possessive over Takeru, feeling that anyone who simply becomes close with Takeru will eventually take him away from Yamato, therefore Takeru must not have other friends, Takeru only needs Yamato, Takeru is a helpless little baby that can't do anything on his own... that's all Yamato depended on on the idea that by "social norms" means he has to be a "good older brother". None of his methods showed how much he loved Takeru, because those methods were not him. I mean, he does love his brother, but his dependence on showing a "good big brother" façade pushed him to behaviours that go against his character and his expression. We see it much more clearly in 02, where he acts way more casual and open with his brother, now that he's at peace with his own self and emotions.
He is artistic, not a nerd.
Not that those two cannot combine. But in the show's case, the "nerdy" characters were clear: Koushiro and Jou in the first season, and Iori and Miyako (and Ken?) in the second. Yamato never expresses any curiosity to learn something further, to fully invest himself into reading and studying. He is much more a practical person; he plays music, he cooks, he loves spending free time with the people he cares about... we never see him lose himself in a book or a computer screen, absorbing every piece of information given to him.
Again, not that a person cannot be a book/information nerd and artistic at the same time. But Yamato is clearly only one of those. His passions are his music and his friends. Of course, interests can change from adolescence and into adulthood, but you don't just suddenly gain an interest for going down rabbit holes of research the moment you turn 18.
And most importantly, Yamato is a fictional character. Real people can have changes of heart at any moment, or because of the circumstances they grew up in, maybe they never got the chance to be nerdy until after a certain point in their lives. But Yamato is fictional, with every writing choice being deliberate. It was deliberate to not show him with his nose in a book, to not show him gaining interest in engines, to make him a reactionary pre-teen and teenager whom you cannot imagine ever willingly joining the armed forces.
He was traumatized by his parents' divorce, the separation from his mother and brother, and the limited time he got with his father due to the latter working overtime way too often.
Yamato spent almost the entirety of the first season feeling that if he doesn't act like a good older brother, then he is worthless and doesn't deserve being taken care of. That if he isn't of practical use to someone, then no-one will care about him. And being taken care of is something he longed for - every time his Crest of Friendship glows before the evolution sequence (because there are times that the evolution sequence just starts without the Crest glowing outside of it) is because he variably felt that someone else took him into consideration: Jou saving Takeru and telling Yamato he wasn't mad about Yamato being a Bitch at him; Pumpmon and Gotsumon protecting them from Vamdemon; Gabumon telling him that he'll follow and believe in him no matter what; Taichi saying he believed Yamato would come back for them. It's not just that he cares for his friends, it's that he also treasures others trusting and believing in him. His love language is Quality Time (and a bit of Acts of Service). He's not good with words, or personal gifts, and I'd also say physical touch but this may also be because of cultural differences between my culture and Japan's. In his goodbye to Gabumon, all he can do - after Gabumon requests it, no less - is play the harmonica for him one last time.
And it's that lack of quality time, the lack of confirmation that someone cares about him, that made him as closed-off and emotional as he is for the majority of the first season, that made him even wonder out loud why someone like him got the Crest of Friendship.
So, Yamato is a chaotic-aligned artist that loves spending time with his loved ones, and more often than not allows himself to act solely on his emotions.
Now let's make a small breakdown of what the job of an astronaut is like:
For JAXA, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, the requirements are an advanced degree in science as of education, and as of professional experience it's three years of work experiece in science or in the Japanese Self Defence Forces.
NASA requires experience in flying aircrafts, for JAXA it's not mandatory but it's certainly something that would help. Spacecrafts have a shit ton of machinery and technical stuff you need to learn about and be able to handle, especially if something starts going wrong.
From a technical standpoint, an astronaut is a type of soldier. They have to follow orders, have a very strict code that can literally mean life or death during a mission, etc. etc. And as said above, JAXA takes into consideration experience in armed forces. By definition, soldiers are of Lawful alignment, and simply cannot work by any other alignment.
It's a demanding profession, one that someone needs to dedicate a lot of time to, and if/when they are finally chosen for a mission, they could spend entire months in space with only video calls to their loved ones on Earth. There they instead practically live with whatever coworkers their agency chose for them, and the relationship between such coworkers can be only strictly professional because of the high demands of the work they do.
So an astronaut has to be a lawful-aligned science/engineer nerd that doesn't mind being away from loved ones for long periods of time and will NEVER allow their emotions to get the better of them.
... where the FUCK does Yamato fit in all this? The requirements of an astronaut go directly against EVERYTHING Yamato really is.
As I said, Yamato is a fictional character. It was the writers' choice to give him all the traits that make him incompatible for becoming an astronaut, it was their choice to keep those traits as he grew into a teenager, and it was their choice to eventually give him that profession, practically saying that everything Yamato was as a pre-teen and a teen vanished when he became an adult.
In real life, people can "change" or discover things about themselves as they grow up. But fiction almost NEVER portrays such realism, because that's not the point of fiction. The point of fiction is to give us pieces of a puzzle and for us to put them together. Sometimes the pieces are super easy to match; sometimes the Author takes our hands and pieces the puzzle together for us; sometimes it gets a little while for the pieces to reveal the edges so that we can connect them; sometimes we need to find pieces in other sources (behind the scenes material, interviews, etc) in order to complete the puzzle; sometimes the pieces don't fit together and don't make sense; and sometimes the Author breaks apart the pieces so that they can force connection among pieces that don't fit.
And in Yamato as an Astronaut's case, it's plain and clear the last case.
I have seen people trying to justify this writing choice for some reason, and nothing I've ever seen makes sense to me. The most common explanation is that Yamato is a romantic soul and wanted to go to space with Gabumon, and I'm like, he chose a profession that goes against everything he is, dedicated countless time and entire years of his life in preparation to become an astronaut, all because he had a dream of going somewhere SpecialTM with Gabumon? What if JAXA went like "How are we gonna send a Digimon to space we don't know shit about their physiology what purpose is he even gonna serve in the spacecraft what the FUCK Ishida-san"? How about, idk, climbing mount Everest or something?
I mean, I mentioned the fact that he was traumatized by how little time he had to spend with his family when he was young, because by becoming an astronaut he practically did the same with his own children. Do y'all think an astronaut gets more time with their kids than an overworked journalist?!
I am a musician myself, and though I discovered my love for music in my teens, I do not think that anyone who likes music in their teens has to become a musician. People’s interests change, and there’s a shit ton of difference between music as a hobby and music as your job. People who do the mistake of becoming professional musicians without loving being a professional musician come to the sad development of hating both music and their job.
But in any case, as I said, Yamato is a fictional character so it wouldn’t hurt anyone if they had him become a professional musician. It would be much more in harmony with his character traits, it would allow him to be as emotionally expressive as he was in 01 and 02, and depending on what exactly he did as a musician, it would allow him to spend more time with his kids.
I mean, you want something that looks FUCKING AWESOME for Cool Yamato’s very Cool Future Career? Think of this: Yamato is the lead singer/bassist of a famous J-rock group. They have a concert. The crowd is screaming because they know to expect something awesome. The group sans Yamato comes out on stage, start their opening song, and when it’s Yamato’s time to come on stage, he BURSTS THROUGH a paper wall behind the stage, riding on Garurumon’s back. Garurumon blasts blue flames above the crowd as Yamato belts out a scream, signaling the end of their opening number. Now wouldn’t you pay a shit ton of money to see that live? Toei Animation Studios call me.
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Granting Favors 1 - Fly with Me
Azul owes Kalim a favor, and while thinking of how to repay him, he ends up owing a favor to Jamil too. 
Word Count: 1,820
Author’s Note: 
Thank you to @patchyegg87 for helping me brainstorm this story. She makes fanart for TWST and other fandoms, check out her blog when you can~
And thank you to @darcynne , author of stay by my side (and i’ll watch over you). I read your fic on AO3 and it inspired me to write this series~
Jamil furrowed his brows while carefully levitating a small flame from the candle to the cauldron. As the flame hovered in front of him, he cast the spell to make it twice as big before dropping it. It landed with a satisfying fwoosh! and the potion’s color changed to a bright golden red.
He leaned back and smiled, glad to be almost done with the potion with enough time to spare.
“Whoa!” Floyd peered over the cauldron in amazement. “That was cool, Sea Snake! The potion looks so pretty now!”
Jamil’s smile melted off his face. He sighed; any victory with Floyd as a lab partner was short-lived. 
Floyd had been of very little help throughout the entire class. He wouldn’t even light the candle because he refused to do anything that involved fire, which was a problem because their task was to create a potion that would essentially allow them to have portable fire that didn’t rely on open containers like candles, torches, and lamps. 
The liquid could be carried in a sealed jar and it would turn into fire when exposed to the air for at least 30 seconds. Professor Crewel explained that it was a useful potion for non-magical people to start fires quickly during emergencies or just for convenience.
Unsurprisingly, they had to infuse the potion with actual fire every few minutes while making it. And Floyd’s contribution to that was to spout random comments or encouragements to Jamil while playing around with their equipment. 
“Can you at least stir the cauldron?” Jamil asked Floyd who was still making awed faces at the swirling potion. 
“Oh!” Floyd grinned at him. “Yeah! I got it, Sea Snake.” He turned to grab the stirring spoon, knocking over their test tube rack and causing the fortunately empty tubes to roll across their table. 
Jamil jumped to quickly grab the tubes before they rolled off and shattered to the floor, asking himself why he even bothered to ask Floyd for help. 
He was arranging the tubes on the rack when he smelled something burning. He sniffed and looked up in a panic, worried that Floyd had somehow managed to mess up their potion just by stirring it. 
Their cauldron didn’t seem to be the cause of the smell, but Floyd had stopped stirring and was staring wide-eyed at something a few tables away from them. 
Jamil followed his gaze and saw to his horror that Kalim’s cauldron was on fire. He was trying to beat out the flames with his notebook while his lab partner Azul frantically tried to cover the cauldron with the lid.
“AAA!” Azul’s sleeve caught on fire and he jumped backwards, tripping over his chair and falling to the ground.
Jamil pushed Floyd out of the way and raced to their table, not waiting to see if Professor Crewel had noticed the commotion. If something bad happened to Kalim, Jamil could be in so much trouble.  
Panicked murmurs from the other students surrounded Jamil as the fire grew bigger. He whipped out his magic pen and racked his mind for a spell that would extinguish a fire made of the complex ingredients they used. 
He had reached their table when he felt drops of water falling on his arms. He looked up to see that rain was pouring from their ceiling. 
There was a slow hiss as Kalim’s Unique Magic doused the flames from the cauldron and the ones starting to spread on the table. 
“What happened?” Jamil walked over to Kalim. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, don’t worry!” Kalim smiled at him and waved his magic pen, making the rain disappear. 
Kalim turned to Azul, who had just stood up again with his glasses askew and his lab coat a crumpled ball of cloth in his hands. “How about you, Azul?” he asked with concern.
“I-I’m alright,” Azul turned his back on them and smoothened out his lab coat that had a hole burnt through the sleeve. He had managed to remove it while it was on fire and he had slung it on his arm.
“Ashengrotto,” Professor Crewel said from his desk, brushing away his wet hair that was stuck to his face, “go to the infirmary and have your arm checked.” 
“Yes, sir,” Azul replied and walked out without looking at any of them. 
“Now, then,” Professor Crewel wrung out his shawl, “the rest of you puppies stay put and don’t touch your potions. I’ll be checking each one of them before you proceed.” 
He used his wind magic to dry all of them and the entire classroom, then checked their cauldrons and repeated the safety measures for them to remember. 
Jamil felt so proud to have gotten a high grade for his potion that he didn’t even mind so much that Floyd got credit for it too. 
Kalim got partial credit and Professor Crewel said that he would just give him and Azul a special project, since Azul didn’t show up again for the rest of the class. 
Jamil was just relieved that it wasn’t Kalim who got injured. 
Azul grunted as he sat up from the ground and tried to catch his breath. It wasn’t the first time he had fallen off his broom, but it never got easier. 
He stood up and saw Coach Vargas shaking his head; it looked like Azul’s failures never got easier for him either.
“That’s it for today,” Coach Vargas was massaging his temples, “class dismissed. Ashengrotto, Viper, get over here.”
Azul stopped mid-way on brushing the grass off his clothes and frowned at their coach. He understood if he was going to get scolded, but why was Jamil called too? 
They walked over to their coach while the rest of the class left the field. 
Coach Vargas wasted no time. “Viper, you will give Ashengrotto additional flying lessons. His final performance would count for 20% of your grade.”
“What?!” Jamil blurted out before catching himself and clearing his throat. “Sir, why me? I’m not qualified to teach anyone to fly.”
“And I’m not sure I want to be learning from Jamil, sir.” Azul said it mostly out of spite; he had seen how well Jamil performed in every lesson and he knew that he was the most competent. 
“This is not a request,” Coach Vargas glared at them. “At least teach him to stay on his broom for more than five seconds,” he said to Jamil before walking away.
Jamil frowned at Azul in annoyance. “You’re pretty unlucky today, aren’t you?”
“Alright,” Azul ignored Jamil’s remark and adjusted his glasses, “how can I pay you for these lessons?”
“What? No, just learn quickly so we can get this over with. We have two hours of free time before our next class, so we might as well start now.” He walked over to his broom. 
“No,” Azul picked up his own broom and jogged after Jamil. “‘Learn quickly’ is very subjective, and I cannot promise that, anyway. What can I do for you? It is unacceptable that you teach me for free.”
Jamil sighed. “Fine, I’ll think about it and I’ll let you know. Now can we just start?” 
“Of course,” Azul awkwardly mounted his broom, his knuckles turning white because of how tightly he was gripping it.
“Don’t strangle it,” Jamil snapped at him. “Just ride it and kick off from the ground,” he demonstrated, hovering five feet in the air. 
Azul took a deep breath and kicked weakly from the ground, riding his broom barely three feet up. 
“You’d be higher if you had just stood up,” Jamil flew down and hopped off his broom, crossing his arms and standing in front of Azul who was just eye level with him. 
Azul scowled. “Are you going to just berate me the entire time or would you be doing some actual teaching?” He kicked off again, the broom flying two feet higher and wobbling the entire time. 
“Don’t make sudden movements—” Jamil tried to tell him. 
But Azul was already panicking and leaning too much on either side in his efforts to balance himself. The broom seemed to buck under him and he barely managed to hop off. 
Jamil moved forward and grabbed Azul’s arm to steady him as he landed clumsily on his feet. 
“Ow!” Azul yelled and yanked his arm out of Jamil’s grip.
Jamil was confused until he realized that he had grabbed Azul’s right arm, the same one that was on fire just hours ago. 
“It hasn’t healed yet?” He thought the infirmary had already fixed it. 
“It was magical fire,” Azul averted his gaze and instinctively covered his arm even though his sleeves were covering up to his wrists. “It’s going to take a few days.”
“Right,” Jamil remembered how the fire had burned a hole through Azul’s lab coat which was designed to withstand damages. “I’m— I didn’t mean to…” 
“It’s alright, no harm done.” Azul cleared his throat. “Let’s just continue this after classes, and you be ready with your request. Which reminds me,” he took a piece of cloth from his pocket and wiped his glasses, “I still have to ask Kalim what he wants in return for putting out that fire earlier.”
“What?” Jamil raised his eyebrow. “Kalim wouldn’t want anything in return, I can tell you that now.” Kalim might even offer Azul more help if Azul approached him. 
Azul shook his head and put his glasses back on. “If he had not used his Unique Magic earlier, that fire would have been a lot worse. My coat had been ablaze the entire time until that magical water quenched it out. Fire is not within my area of expertise and if Kalim had not done what he did, it might not have just been my arm.”
Jamil was taken aback by how quiet Azul sounded; he had never seen Azul so somber before. He recalled that Azul tripped and disappeared behind the desk for a while and only stood up when it was already raining. He could only imagine how it must have been like for a creature of the sea to suddenly be on fire and flailing on the ground.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Azul had gathered his things and turned to him before leaving, “I shall go and find Kalim.”
Jamil watched Azul walk a few steps before he called out, “Wait. I’ll go with you.”
Azul turned back to him and frowned, “Why?”
Jamil blinked. He wasn’t sure. He just saw Azul walking away and thought that he wanted to go with him. 
“Ah, of course,” Azul seemed to realize something. “You’re his guardian. I suppose you do go to him all the time.”
“Yeah,” Jamil nodded. Yes, that must have been it. He knew that Azul was going to Kalim and he naturally thought that he should go too. 
He picked up his backpack and broom and walked with Azul. 
Chapter 2 -->  
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uwua3 · 5 years ago
#5. sleep talk
♡ sumeragi tenma + happy ending ♡
for ☆: darcynne
note ♡: this was so fun to write! i love the concept of tenma being so comfortable with someone to reveal his true self~ and taking off his confident front to be vulnerable !!! i hope you like this~ thank you for these choices :D
game concept: celebrity boyfriend, friends to lovers, long distance
music ♪: last first kiss – one direction
If anyone knew the Sumeragi Tenma couldn’t sleep until you FaceTimed him all night, you’d be officially titled the luckiest person in the world.
Who wouldn’t think that? Nationally recognized, brilliant child actor born into the film industry with effortless talent was the most texted contact in your phone. Perhaps it was the accidental wrong number that somehow got you in Tenma’s extremely private personal number (to which he picked up with intense worry it was another random fan and his phone was leaked), but here you were, practically his lifeline of anything normal. It was honoring in a way to have such a famous person want to see you after every long day of practice and acting.
Though, with the way he dramatically flopped onto his bed with a childish grin aimed at you, he didn’t particularly seem like the famous phenomenon everyone knew.
“I missed you today, you know?” You blurted out just as his back hit his bed, receiving a shocked reaction even his years of experience couldn’t hide. Regardless, Tenma was always cool and calm as he coughed into his fist, attempting to hide his flustered expression as he averted his gaze.
“Yeah, yeah. You’d be nothing without me.” Tenma shot back, but there was no vemon laced in his words. It was the first time he looked genuinely calm, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in and out. You didn’t understand what it was like to be watched 24/7 by flashing cameras and chased down by adoring, obsessive fan clubs, but you assumed it was exhausting to maintain as a teen fresh into high school.
“You know that’s not true.” You started but slowly trailed off when you caught sight of his vibrant purple eyes, seemingly staring at you with a soft smile before you snapped your fingers. Catching him off guard, Tenma nearly dropped his phone as he tried to not curse loudly with a quick glance at his roommate. You heard Yuki call him a “real hack” in the background, to which you interupted Tenma’s angry yell with a laugh.
(You didn’t notice, but Tenma instantly turned back towards you with a complete 180 in his attitude. Yuki said he was a “simp” or something.)
“Whatever, you know I’m right.” Tenma replied but you realized his voice kept lacking the hard edge he had with everyone else. With you, he was intentionally quieter and more contemplative than he was in interviews. Popular celebrity Sumeragi Tenma was prideful and borderline arrogant in his thriving success. But, Tenma right here, the Tenma with messy hair and shining bright eyes whenever he looked at you, was anything but that.
You two shared a moment of silence, the usual talkative calls transitioning into keeping each other company. Silence with Tenma was never awkward or uncomfortable, it just felt... right, to be with him. So, as you both checked your daily apps with music in the background, you two barely followed along to the radio as night passed.
It was late, you knew that. You should’ve reprimanded Tenma to sleep so he had all the necessary hours to complete his busy schedule the next day, but a selfish part of you wanted him to stay on call. So, you winced at the time but didn’t insist on making him leave when he pointed out how late it was. Maybe, a part of him wanted to stay on call with you, too. Whatever, right? Future Tenma can deal with it.
As the night came and went, with Yuki sleeping soundly and the dorm turning in for the night, you and Tenma both stared at your ceilings with whispered words and giggles. Sometimes, you’d say something that made him laugh way too loudly, where he’d have to slap his hand over his mouth and kick his legs like a toddler. There was something oddly innocent about Tenma, how he found happiness in such insignificant things despite being a rich idol. You wanted to be the purpose behind his smile.
“Talking with you... is always the best part of my day.” Tenma muttered, without the usual bravado an actor would deliver in that powerful of a line. You paused, finally turning to look into the camera to see Tenma was already on his side, eyes closed and pillow hugged tight against his chest. He must’ve been on the verge of sleep talking, as his eyelids fluttered at the smallest noise.
“I feel the same. I can’t sleep without you.” You quietly laughed, to which Tenma did that damn soft smile again. It made your heart beat much too quickly for laying in bed, and you wondered how his fans would react to such a different side of him. When you were about to hang up after seeing his slow breaths, Tenma shuffled around before settling on his back and sighing, staring at you through half lidded eyes.
Usually, Yuki would give him some pointed look that stopped him from saying something stupid, but Tenma was sleep deprived and overworked, so he wasn’t aware of the truth slipping past his lips.
“I wouldn’t be able to live without you.”
Tenma didn’t realize what he said until you leaned closer to your phone, with an equally tired but sentimental smile. As if you had been waiting to hear those words all this time.
“Me too, you’re my favorite star.” You joked, causing Tenma to huff sharply as he crossed his arms over his pillow. Maybe it was the sleep talking, but he couldn’t stop oversharing every little detail he normally kept from you.
“No, I’m serious. I’d honestly go crazy without you—I work so I can go home and talk to you. You get me through my day, I like—” Then, Tenma sat up from his bed with a quick hit to the ceiling as he winced. You reached for your phone, concerned as you began asking if he was okay but Tenma’s head was spinning as he grabbed his hair.
Did he almost confess to you? Out of no where? All because he was tired?! Oh my god! Before Tenma could hurriedly end the call to scream without you witnessing it, he noticed you kept repeating his name.
“Tenma, Tenma, listen to me!” You called out, also sitting up this time as you leaned your back against a wall. You looked much more serious than before, running your hand through your bedhead as Tenma avoided your gaze.
“I didn’t mean—”
“I like you, too.”
Tenma stopped lying, taking a moment to rub his eyes and look back and forth between you and his own face on screen. When he moved to pinch himself, you laughed regardless of the unpredictable and chaotic confession you found yourself in.
“This isn’t a dream, Ten. I like you; I live for you, too.” You lowered your voice but the words carried just as much impact. Tenma released a breath he didn’t know he was holding, sinking back into bed with a surprised look before turning on his side with pseudo–confidence.
“Yeah, I definitely knew that.” Tenma unconvincingly stated and you fondly rolled your eyes, going back into bed properly, too. When another moment of silence passed, Tenma yawned and tried to play it off. You always saw through his bullshit.
“Hey, let’s go to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” You said, and Tenma didn’t know if it was the sleepiness in him or not, but he said it anyways.
“I like you, so much.”
“I like you, too. Get some sleep, Ten.”
When you were the one who ended the call, Tenma let himself yell into his pillow. Yuki told him to shut up, as expected. That night, Tenma dreamt of calling you the next day, and every time after that.
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