#dao has been my emotional support game for so long
lindira · 1 year
I’m almost sad to admit it, but BG3 is quickly replacing DAO as my favorite game of all time.
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inquisimer · 8 months
holy HELL just played the Landsmeet with my Brosca and my head is SPINNING that did not go the way I planned kermiecrisis.jpg
I've been debating the whole time about Alistair marrying Anora vs Alistair ruling alone BUT when it got to the moment where I was like "nah Loghain is gonna live" Alistair's dialogue S L A P P E D me in the face.
Nika rebutted his argument with the "not all of us have spotless histories you know" line and Alistair really spouts off about how Loghain's crimes aren't minor, but Brosca has been struggling with her own history this entire time!!! Especially in her relationship with Alistair!!! Like, he doesn't know the circumstances of her recruitment!! He doesn't know what she was in Orzammar!! She has literally been a criminal her entire life!!! She's listening to this and she's thinking that all the people she's killed or help kill or otherwise done harm to could easily add up to a number that Alistair wouldn't think is acceptable!!! So he's saying all of these things and she's not hearing them about Loghain, she's hearing Alistair say them about her ;-;-;-;-;
And like. Suddenly a) he wants to make A Decision and b) now he's all eager to rule as long as it ensures that he can get his vengeance. She is PISSED about that because she has been making hard fucking decisions and doing shit she did not want to do in the slightest for THREE YEARS (hc timeline) and she was FIFTEEN when this all started and she's just been through hell and he's throwing a fit and she is just. so fucking done????
And then. And THEN. I guess I didn't realize that after Alistair is like "yeah I'm gonna leave then" that Anora will still be like "nuh uh, I'm ordering your execution". But she does!! So after everything, with all these shitty thoughts going through Nika's head and she's also just finished a massive duel and political banter on top of everything else, she uses her favor from the queen to spare Alistair's life
AUGGGHHHHHHHHH ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;
And then she just tells him to leave and suddenly they've lost three years of coming together and learning about each other and supporting each other and dumb jokes and childlike fuck ups and the oh-god-we're-saving-the-world adrenaline. And he says that makes it EASIER 😭😭😭
God, I don't think anything in DAO has ever slapped me as hard as that did right there. This fucking game man😭
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Hi darling
You write such an awesome metas on fictional character so I wanted you to ask that what's your thought on Huo Dao Fu.
AH OMG!!! Your ask could not have come at a better time, cause I have a feeling this man’s gonna be an important part of my next fic, so I really should start figuring him out. He’s SUCH A LIL WEIRDO??? honestly i love him, even though he’s a total Bitch 97% of the time, but I think at heart he’s just Looking For Something, as are all the characters in this show. 
What really interests me about Huo Daofu are his character parallels with Wu Xie, and I think that’s where most of the conflict between them comes in. Wu Xie, whether he means to be or not, is the Focus of Jiumen a good seventy-five percent of the time. Not always in a positive manner, because in Sha Hai they were all about ready to kick his ass, and in Reboot he pisses them off pretty good with his Warehouse Eleven stunts, but there’s a level of attention on him that other members of the families don’t receive, and I think Huo Daofu notices that, and is like “hey wait a minute why is he getting all the spotlight I want some spotlight >:( He’s not even doing a good job why is everyone paying attention to him”
Cause this bitch. THIS BITCH. He tried to be that bitch. He TRIED SO HARD. He went to EUROPE. He went to EUROPE and got a fucking like??? medical degree???? Like he went to GERMANY??? who does that?? not fucking wu xie, that’s who. Wu Xie went and got like a history degree or some shit which was just par for the course. But HUO DAOFU. He was DIFFERENT. He was gonna be THE SHIT. He was gonna be the unabomber of Jiumen, was gonna blow all that shit up and then say “fuck u” and all the future generations of Jiumen children were gonna hear horror stories about how Unique and Wild Huo Daofu was and he was never gonna have to deal with any of them ever again. 
BUT THEN WU XIE DECIDED TO BE PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE AND HE DIDN’T EVEN DO ANYTHING OFF THE BEATEN PATH. HE LITERALLY JUST FOLLOWED WU SANXING AROUND FOR LIKE. A YEAR. AND EVERYONE LOST THEIR MINDS. Like if I had been Huo Daofu and tried SO HARD to be different from everyone else in my generation and then this Dumb Little History Twink kissed a Zhang and found some wild swamp treasure and everyone went nuts about it, I would have been pissed off too. 
Cause Jiumen is like. Annoying as hell, and everyone has a different way to deal with the fact that they’re a part of a treasure hunting org that has been around for hundreds of years and features immortals and weird-ass dudes with unbelievable martial arts skills and also Wu Sanxing. Xiaoge deals with them by Fucking Off Forever. Zhang Rishan deals with them by being The Most Competent Person In Any Given Room, and Huo Daofu deals with them by being The Biggest Bitch He Can Be, which isn’t even that much of a bitch, because there is always going to be a bigger bitch in Jiumen, and his name is Wu Xie. So it just backfires on him, because NO ONE GIVES A SINGLE FUCK. 
We’re introduced to him at Xiao Hua’s fake funeral (which lmao i love that) when he’s making some Evil Plans with the rest of Jiumen, but not for the same reasons, cause when they actually get to the desert, Huo Daofu does not care about the treasure pits. He doesn’t even go down into Gutongjing (I’m pretty sure), he just hangs out in the camps because he doesn’t CARE about the treasure, he just wants to keep Wu Xie from succeeding, wants to say, see, look, I can do things too, I can be clever and cunning, I can take them all down from the inside out and I don’t even need friends to do it. 
Huo Daofu is jealous of Wu Xie, I think, because Wu Xie is free of the confines of Jiumen, and Wu Xie has friends, and Wu Xie didn’t have to go to another country where he knew no one and didn’t even speak the language and work so hard and be fucking brilliant in ways that no one knows about and doesn’t always, always get overlooked in favor of someone who disregards everyone’s favor, but receives it anyway. 
So when Pangzi shows up with Wu Xie, half-dead, on Huo Daofu’s doorstep, I think a little vindictive part of him goes serves him right. 
But Huo Daofu is not a part of Jiumen in the ways that matter, and he’s a doctor, first and foremost. He took oaths because he wants to help people, he wants to save them, and even if he hates Wu Xie down in the pits of his stomach, he’s not just going to let him die. And so he follows Wu Xie to thunder city because, as he says, “I want to be there when you die.” He’s not going to kill him, he can’t do that, he’s a doctor, but that small, mean part of him wants to watch Wu Xie fall. 
(Also I love @kholran’s headcanon that Huo Daofu is Wu Xie’s bitchy ex, bc like YES??? OF COURSE???? like they had an on-again, off-again thing cause they were like “we’re not doing this with the Jiumen women” but they’re WAY TOO ALIKE and just ended up fighting all the time.)
Reboot loves the Rule of Threes, which is where an idea is repeated three times in order to create a pleasing pattern. Human brains love patterns, and so when we see the Iron Triangle, when we see the three pills that mark the stages of Wu Xie’s illness, when we see the three missing people from Sanshu’s journey, our brains go oh that’s important (and Reboot ALMOST kills the game, ALMOST knocks it out of the park, but then they have FOUR story arcs instead of THREE, and it drives me ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE. WHY DID THEY DO THIS. WHY). 
And Huo Daofu is a FANTASTIC tri-tier replica of Wu Xie’s Greatest Hits, which are: 
Being a sort of outcast/family runaway (Wu Xie has very clearly said Fuck Everyone Who Isn’t Sanshu, and Huo Daofu has aligned himself with the Chen clan, because the Huo’s are like Fuck Men (which honestly good for them but pLEASE love ur special doctor boy he’s getting a Complex))
Acting based almost Solely on Emotions when in the Heat of the Moment (i.e. dropping his entire life to go play doctor with a man who will not calm down for any length of time in order to actual REST)
Solving problems that no person should be able to solve because he’s smart as shit 
Narratively, he’s a FANTASTIC foil for Wu Xie, because not only does he essentially hold this man’s life in his hands, but because he is what Wu Xie could have been if he hadn’t met Pangzi or Xiaoge, if he hadn’t had support from other people. And I don’t think that’s Huo Daofu’s fault, because he and Wu Xie are so, so similar. He just never got the people he needed, and its so clear that he’s achingly alone all of the time, so no wonder he’s jealous of Wu Xie and wants to become part of this little group so damn badly, even as he’s protesting and saying, “no, no, I want you to die, literally nothing would give me more pleasure, please die right now, I’m waiting.” 
Sure, he’s a flipper-flopper ass bitch, but he’s trying his best with what he’s got, and shit, that’s not a lot. He’s got zero support system. I mean why the fuck is he making street churros? Even Zhang Rishan, who has NO culinary expertise or connections whatsover, gets to live in a restaurant, while Huo Daofu has to make fried dough in an alley and then keep people from choking on their own lungs on his damn kitchen table. Someone please help this man. 
this is SO LONG i’m sorry but essentially I think that Huo Daofu is Like That because he’s trying so hard to be someone, and no one is paying any attention, and the person he would most relate to, Wu Xie, is off doing God knows what with his polycule of friends and Huo Daofu’s all by himself and like??? i would be SO FRUSTRATED??? please give this man a break and also give him Love??? like, this screenshot speaks VOLUMES (photo credit to @hey-its-wei) 
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LOOK AT HIM!!!!! LOOK AT HOW FUCKING HAPPY HE LOOKS!!!! JUST TO BE THERE!!!! WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE!!!!! WHO HAVE SEEN HIM AND LISTENED AND SAID “hey, you can come with us, we’ll take you, you don’t have to be alone anymore.” 
I said earlier that Huo Daofu, like everyone else in this series, was Looking For Something. And like many of our beloved Wu Crew, he was looking for a family. And look! He found them :)
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ravingj · 6 years
(∪ ◡ ∪)
Emote to me! 
(∪ ◡ ∪) -  Favorite Pairing
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ah. wellllllll
there’s….a lot of them friend l ol 
for the sake of your sanity, i’ll shorten it down to top 4! now, in no particular order:
1) Yamahibi: Devil Survivor 2
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Throughout both game and anime, these two are the classic examples of one power and two sides of the coin. Both of them are blessed with the power to control demons, angels, anything in between and while one of them is fixed in his goal to reform the world and the people in it(Yamato Hotsuin), the other is determined to make his own path and survive (Hibiki Kuze)
Does this fall with Yamato’s plans? Would they be enemies or friends? 
It depends on the path of the game, but no matter which path you choose Yamato always sees Hibiki as his equal, perhaps even more. A person he’d come to greatly respect and admire, who slowly etches away at his frozen heart. And even in the paths he loses, he still strives to protect Hibiki (and that is how he dies if you’re not in the Daichi 5-Fate or Yamato route). For someone who equated the human life to a statistic, that is extremely unusual. He doesn’t even understand it himself. 
But he greatly loves Hibiki, as a sworn friend or even more.
2) Chrobin: Fire Emblem Awakening
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Brothers-in-arms, or romantic battle couple, both versions of Chrom/Robin remain tied, equally as romantic in my heart. Regardless of gender, the trust that Chrom has in Robin, in their talents, strategizing and how he genuinely trusts them with his own life, regardless of how ‘crazy’ their plans seem, it’s a genuinely heartwarming thing. 
Even as the game progresses and he learns unsavory things about their past, how they pose a threat to his own life, his kingdom, everything he’s stood for, he still refuses to believe they would. He stands by them and they stand by him, a mysterious amnesiac who gratefully gives everything they have to the person who helped them and a prince who sees the beauty in their mad ways, who provides his sword alongside them. Its a gorgeous thing really.
Robin is the wind at Chrom’s back. 
Chrom is the sword at their side.
3) Wangxian: Mo Dao Zu Shi
 This is a recent pairing and as most of my followers will know, the one pairing i will not shut up about these days
(it also happens to be canon the novel is based off on, and the manhua and the donghua[anime], despite being censored, greatly hints at this.)
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The series itself features on our main protagonist Wei Wuxian, and a man who was, strangely, always at his side, Lan Wangji. And throughout the book, in past flashbacks and present situations, we see how they slowly fall in love with each other through the course of the story.
A lot of bad things happen to Wei Wuxian, terrible, frightening things. The world turns its back to him, denounce him for turning to dark ways of cultivation, friend upon friend…but strangely, even though they argued with each other, even though Lan Wangji’s clan hated him on the surface, Lan Wangji, this eminent young master, still sought him out and silently supported him.Trying to talk him into coming back with him and stop going down the dark path. 
And his greatest regret was that he never succeeded, before Wei Wuxian’s death at the beginning of the book. And still..
And still, 13 years later, he shows up again, when Wei Wuxian returned. In a new body that most don’t recognize, and still, at an instinctual level, he protects Wei Wuxian, who honestly is at a loss to understand him. Who, at some level, is glad that he’s there, despite them having been enemies. 
Who slowly comes to love him back, to the point that he actively tries to push him away. But Lan Wangji is determined to never repeat his past mistakes.
Maybe this time, they’d have a happier outcome.
4) Abeshiya: Fukigen na Mononokean
Now this pairing I will eternally scream bout till I descend to the depths of the underworld itself because its is so c u t  e:
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The pairing is between the protagonist duo of Abeno Haruitsuki, the master of the Mononokean and proclaimed exorcist, who grants access to the earth bound youkai to their proper home in the Underworld, and Ashiya Hanae, his reluctant employee, who learns to see youkai one day, and works under Abeno to pay off a debt for helping him with a youkai’s ‘curse’.
Abeno is the titular Morose Mononokean, a quiet, sullen boy who usually sleeps in class and has rarely anything to do with humans. It’s a mystery as to why he wanted Ashiya to help him. And Ashiya, to his credit, does (well, its a slow process of understanding youkai and how they work tbh). Ashiya is brash, energetic, runs into situations, can’t read the mood, but he works his back off to help the youkai with their demands, simply because he learns how to empathize with them. It’s a bit worrying, for Abeno especially, because a human is throwing himself headlong into the world of youkai with little thought to his own safety. 
But over the course of the series, more and more, Ashiya’s warmth and genuine concern, extends to youkai, extends to him and he gradually starts getting affected. They start getting closer to one another as friends, worrying about the other in at first their quiet little way. Ashiya supports and cares for Abeno’s well-being and Abeno himself defrosts little by little showing more human expressions and genuine concern for his well being. It’s cute. 
The Master of the Mononokean truly has a remarkable, interesting employee.
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aaaah wow this got long. sorry nonnie!
but thank you very much for the ask! :>
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bcanetwork · 3 years
BCA NFTalk Vol.5丨Decisive Moments in History of NFT
This podcast is produced by the BC A Blockchain Art Center, supported by China's CryptoPunks community, Panda community, Vulcan DAO and Block Rhythm.
Background: The author of "When the Stars of Mankind Shine" said in the preface that a moment of historical significance is about to usher in a rich and rich history of the human world. A few hours, often even only in a certain minute, but their decisiveness affects beyond time. In the process of WEB2.0 migration, we should also discover some great moments. Look, they will also become their shining stars in the galaxy of human history.
ModeratorLou Ziwei Arthur BCA Co-founder丨Vulcan DAO GP (hereinafter referred to as L)
Guest: Senior Practitioner of Alex NFT (hereinafter referred to as A)
Ah Feng TheForce.trade BD (hereinafter referred to as F)
Wang Yang NFT Senior Collector (hereinafter referred to as W)
Jason US Stocks/Blockchain Robot (hereinafter referred to as J)
Why is a JPEG worth a thousand dollars? Why does CryptoPunks become the spiritual symbol of the encryption circle?
F: Token to Metaverse is a progressive process. From no entity to entity, something must be used. The best way to achieve this is pictures. CryptoPunks just appeared. In the initial stage of NFT, the main function of people buying NFT is for social identity, and the pursuit of social status is the driving force for the advancement of human civilization. The price of CryptoPunks already symbolizes a certain status. Buying a very expensive CryptoPunks also shows the determination to be optimistic about the NFT industry.
CryptoPunks is the first NFT community to survive, and the first successful benchmark has very strong vitality. The first group of community members have received very rich returns. This group of people is rich and interesting, but the appearance of CryptoPunks does not seem important. The community has become the largest wealth deposited by CryptoPunks, giving CryptoPunks a historically low level of time condensed.
A: CryptoPunks has become the spiritual symbol of the encryption circle, which is essentially the difference between FT and NFT. A friend once said a classic saying, "FT is consensus, and NFT is empathy." FT cannot mark emotions, but NFT can entrust emotions, and its manifestation is unique. Only emotional things can be connected to spiritual symbols, and only on this basis can CryptoPunks gradually generate value. CryptoPunks inspired the establishment of ERC721 and the NFT craze. CryptoPunks is like the first person to climb Mount Everest and will be remembered forever. It is supplied in limited quantities. As more and more people know about NFT, its price is getting higher and higher, which also expresses the spirit of Crypto and the spirit of punk. Based on the historical status, the spirit of expression, and NFT, it has become the spiritual symbol of the encryption circle.
The historical position of CryptoPunks cannot be replaced, neither Monkey nor Loot can be shaken. Perhaps the price will exceed, but the CryptoPunks logo will continue to be consolidated as more ecology enters, and the historical position will be condensed there.
W: Because I am a basketball fan, I resonate with NBA Top Shot. There is very little information about NFT on the Internet. After entering the CryptoPunks community, I found that the knowledge base here is perfect. Any new NFT project, about their characteristics and innovations, will be discussed in the CryptoPunks group first.
The community has accumulated a large portion of people who have been playing CryptoPunks since 2017. They have been doing NFT in this circle for many years. In April, many senior CryptoPunks veterans were discussing Art Blocks and were very optimistic about the technological breakthrough of this project.
Moderator L: Being at the tip of the information pyramid is very, very important. Whether the first-hand information received is high-quality information or marginal information is directly related to subsequent actions.
J: The most successful community and project on the Ethereum chain is CryptoPunks. The social value of holding it far exceeds the beauty or so-called actual value of a picture. The ultimate goal for many people to earn money in the currency circle is to hold a Punk, and I also earn enough money to buy my own Punk by investing in different projects. Because everyone wants a Punk, it becomes the spiritual symbol of the encryption circle.
Collect NFT strategy and experience? What are the bright projects? What do you think of Loot?
J: In recent months, I mainly invested in Art Blocks and Crypto Cities. I am more optimistic about the innovative project of Loot, which has changed the logic of the NFT project from top to bottom, and the value of NFT is given by the community.
W: The Internet has become the main place of modern life. The emergence of NFT gave the online virtual product pricing mechanism. After a picture is uploaded to the Internet and made into an NFT, no matter how many people copy the picture to their computer, they will eventually distinguish between original and copy due to the existence of NFT. Original value. NFT opened up a new field and started the process of value discovery.
The avatar NFT is used as a social platform avatar, which represents a social identity and cultural community circle in online social networking. The biggest difference between Art Blocks and other digital art NFTs is that it is natively on the chain and does not involve storage such as PNG and JPEG. Its biggest innovation is to put the code that can draw the picture on the chain and read the code through the browser. , To generate. The advantage is that as long as the ether chain exists and can read the code, the possibility of NFT disappearing is almost zero.
Damien Hirst, as one of the highest-priced artists in the world (a painting exceeding 100 million US dollars), is the first to test the new field of NFT. The release price of his works is only set at 2,000 US dollars. It is an absolute welfare for NFT collectors. It has risen to 50,000-60,000 US dollars. I believe that in the future, there will be more big-name artists of classic art testing the NFT, and these have the potential to become opportunities for high returns.
One of the main reasons for the popularity of Loot is also technological innovation. It can be used as a platform to make many games. In the future, competitors will buy Loot to make their own games, or create Loot to make their own games. These are all to be determined. It depends on whether it can form a large enough community so that everyone must use it (traffic).
A: My collection of NFT is more from the perspective of industrial blockchain. In our opinion, the most valuable thing about NFT is the underlying accounting technology of this non-homogeneous asset. The categories for bookkeeping are artworks and digital collections, and there will be many categories for bookkeeping in the future. Because human beings have two kinds of assets, one is called FT and the other is NFT. FT is currency, and NFT includes artworks, real estate, contract bills, and so on. NFT truly realized the private ownership of digital assets for the first time.
Private knowledge in the traditional physical world is protected by law, but legal supervision is a very high-cost accounting method. Blockchain creates a very low-cost and efficient accounting method and circulation method. From the perspective of the industry, NFT gave the blockchain a huge opportunity to break the circle for the first time because it was connected with traditional assets.
After the emergence of NFT, it gave birth to assets connected to the currency circle and the crypto circle such as NBA Top Shot, and realized the rapid transfer and flow of assets through the blockchain. Essential changes are the basis for the entry of major players in these eras such as Alibaba, Tencent, and NetEase. I bought Punk because I wanted to do the business of NFT, and explored in this direction. The survey found that Punk is the project with this status the most.
Blockchain and NFT have truly changed the soil, and only flowers and plants that we can't imagine will grow on them. Loot is similar. It creates the chemical reaction in NFT, which will inspire many projects and become a seed of innovation.
F: All innovations are played out. My strategy is to be familiar rather than raw, and start trading from familiar areas. From the perspective of game manufacturers, although Loot is very malleable, it takes a very long time for the final product and game to be made. A complete game development cycle will not be less than one year. Loot has not passed the test of time, it is a very dangerous behavior to rush now.
Understanding of encryption art? Is the emergence of generative art and programmable art overturning and challenging traditional art?
W: Compared with traditional art, encrypted art has a very wide audience (dissemination). When you make an NFT work, the world can see it; as an art lover or collector, you can see the art of artists from all over the world with a mobile phone. Works; for professional collectors, it is easy to transfer works (liquidity), because facing the global open market for collectors; transaction information, prices, and circulation information are completely transparent, and traditional art industry information is very opaque; NFT is storing and transporting On the one hand, it is safe, low-cost, and fast to circulate, and there is no need to consider storage space issues.
J: The limited edition NFT is a bit like grabbing a sneaker. You can change hands to earn 20% to 30% in two days after you buy it. More contacts have found that the art category has a unique collection significance. Different artists have very interesting understandings of the world and blockchain, and they have gradually changed from short-term traders to long-term collectors.
Xcopy, which is relatively popular recently, started doing NFT two years ago. I bought it in a bear market and the return was good. Unlike the Beeple hype, Xcopy is a very down-to-earth artist with a high degree of recognition in the circle.
A:I think the history of NFT, or the current innovation projects are all marked. These projects may have a relatively good return on investment, but the wealth-making effect of the industry will not last forever.
F: This market has a strong head effect. As young people, what I see is that these things are no longer for young people. We must look at a larger market in the longer term, so we choose Go to Gamefi. Only playable things that allow more users to participate can expand the entire NFT market. NFT art is only a very small part of the entire market.
Social NFT and game NFT can be stacked, and the most potential in the future may be the characters or equipment on the Gamefi track with the nature of social games.
Host L: Traditional art has the problem of high music and lack of music. The interactive experience of encrypted art will be much better, allowing users and audiences to participate in the creation of artworks.
NFT projects with Asian cultural themes are rare in the market. What is the reason for the current lack of influence? Breakthrough ideas?
J: RPC can be regarded as a domestically produced NFT project with a larger transaction volume. Kongfu Hero and River export traditional culture. It is a good publicity for traditional Chinese culture, but the culture of China for 5000 years needs more artists to join in. In the next three and five years, Chinese culture/Asian culture will be gradually introduced to the blockchain. Whether it is building Chinatown in Metaverse or different social circles, more and more Chinese people will enter, whether it is buying or issuing, there will definitely be more and more NFT projects in Asia.
A: Kongfu Hero originated in the Punk community. The element that can most arouse global empathy is Kongfu, who has designed characters such as gods and demons. Lack of influence, because many times lack of innovation, some bold things. This kind of craze will actually drive more teams to invest more resources to plan longer-term roadmap development IP. The Chinese or Asian teams can make very good projects, and gradually we will see some better projects, because it is really just starting now.
Moderator L: There are some things that time cannot pass, but you can learn from it. In the blockchain world, persistence is the most important thing, leaving some traces.
F: Many Asian projects do not have the ability to operate overseas communities, and lack people who have the ability to operate communities. We have an advantage in doing Japanese culture, but we still don’t know how to talk to the community and listen to the voice of the community. This is our weak point.
W: The success of a project is critical to the recognition of well-known collectors in the community. Because as long as the big collectors approve it, ordinary investors will come in one after another. One of the main problems with Asian elements is that wealthy Asians have always invested conservatively. The acceptance of potential customers is relatively lower than that of high-income groups in Europe and the United States.
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