#lindira plays baldur’s gate
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lindira · 1 year ago
I’m planning on doing a run where I respec all the companions into as unlikely a class as I can put them in. Here’s what I’m thinking so far:
Gale - Barbarian (Berserker)
Astarion - Cleric of Lathander (Light Domain)
Lae’zel - Bard (College of Lore, probably)
Karlach - Wizard (Not sure which School)
Shadowheart - ??? (Fighter? Druid?)
Wyll - ??? (Druid? Cleric?)
Halsin - Rogue (Assassin)
Minthara - Ranger (Beast Master)
Jaheira - ??? (No clue… Fighter? Paladin? Warlock?)
Minsc - ??? (Sorcerer? Wizard?)
Anyone got any suggestions?
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jayviked · 1 year ago
10 Characters | 10 Fandoms | 10 Tags
pick 10 characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people! thank you vm @devotion-that-corrupts for tagging me <3
i have suddenly forgotten every media i've ever played, watched, and read
eder - pillars of eternity || *gently puts him in my breast pocket* easily one of the characters EVER
constantin d'orsay - greedfall || brainrot since 2019, never recovered, terminal
haurchefant - ffxiv || *shakes fist at Yoshi* you know what you did
emras - banner of the damned || that very specific loneliness of being ace in just the way it felt relatable to me personally
delilah - dishonored || god forbid women do anything
brand - the tarot sequence || i just think he's neat
orin the red - baldur's gate 3 || free my girl she did all that but i dont care
bleden mark - tyranny || 12/10 best archon would betray everyone again
lana - swtor || wife!
zenos - ffxiv || cheating and doing 1 fandom twice bcz i love everything about this freak
@erlkonigstochter @maschinen-mensch @therem-harth @garaviel @bnbc @all-ringils-blazing @underablushingmoon @lindira @vaniri @johnny-i-hardly-knew-ye
No pressure to do this, of course! <3
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lindira · 1 year ago
Minsc has a 12 in Strength??? Big, burly, “I ripped a mimic in two from the inside” Minsc has a TWELVE in Strength???
This is ridiculous. I know rangers are typically Dex-based, but I had to respec him to be Strength-based. He can’t be going around with a fucking rapier with muscles like that. That’s just disrespectful.
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lindira · 1 year ago
Pro-tip: If you’re at camp right before the endgame battles, unequip the ugly headgear off of the companions you’re leaving behind. Nothing kills the gravitas of an ending cutscene like Cowboy Halsin or Astarion with a mohawk of peacock feathers or Karlach with a full face helmet that looks like it was made of human flesh and bone.
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lindira · 1 year ago
I had a Tav based on my D&D character, Clarity. And I was going to have her romance Karlach, but I realized that Clarity is asexual and Karlach is very much not. I mean, I’ve heard you can have a no-sex relationship with her, but after she’s spent 10 years not able to touch anyone at all, and after all her lamenting about wanting sex very badly, it feels like that would not be a compatible match for her, RP-wise.
I’ll probably create a different character to romance Karlach. I already have a blue tiefling in this game anyway, so I’m satisfied on that front, lol. Maybe I’ll make a dwarf lady for her.
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lindira · 1 year ago
Soooo tempted to just skip the githyanki creche so I can progress to Act II and get new Astarion romance scenes in my Envy/Astarion run. Just… it’s right there! Within reach!
But I want Envy to wave stupidly at Vlaakith and deface her portrait and just be a general menace of a bard. Also I want Lae’zel to gain her independence from Vlaakith and get the Orpheus stuff started… And I never did manage to get the Blood of Lathander the first time around so it’d be nice to see what that’s like.
It’s gonna be another week until I start Act II, isn’t it.
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lindira · 1 year ago
We’re trying to do an evil run in BG3 and… hoo boy, is it rough being cruel to fictional people. We just did the raid on the Emerald Grove and that was NOT a good feeling. The tieflings are just huddled up and don’t fight back, Karlach leaves in disgust, Wyll doesn’t even say anything before leaving (maybe he’ll try to kill us later? I haven’t read anything about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️), and Gale’s speech about hating himself because of the raid was pretty heartbreaking.
Still, I wanted to see what Minthara was like and what the evil choices do. And this was the only way. All of this has been fascinating at any rate. What a complex game.
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lindira · 1 year ago
I just beat BG3 for the first time!! My gnome monk’s name will soon be Peppermint Tinkerbottom-Applebat-Dekarios. 😁 (Gale: “My love, don’t you think you should just pick one or two last names? Rather than keeping all three?” Peppa: “And break gnomish tradition of having long and ridiculous names? NEVER.”)
I’m happy that I was able to convince Karlach to go with Wyll to Avernus. I respected that she didn’t want to live alone in misery, but having Wyll go with her is such a good compromise. I’d like to hope they don’t have to be there forever, and that Peppermint and Gale will help them find a way to fix Karlach’s heart. Also, I kinda ship Karlach and Wyll (and Karlach and Dammon, and Karlach and me…) so I’m imagining a cute romance blossoming between them eventually.
I’m sad I didn’t get anything about what Astarion and Shadowheart get up to after the elder brain shenanigans. I assume they start building new lives for themselves, but it’d be nice to get a little picture of what that looks like for them. Something to see in subsequent playthroughs, I guess.
This game was so much fun! I’ll be continuing on with my tiefling bard, Envy. He’s romancing Astarion and I already have so many plot bunnies bouncing around my head.
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lindira · 1 year ago
Astarion is back at camp, gushing about how I saw something in him and believed in him in a way no one else has ever done and helped him finally be free of his abuser and helped him see himself as a whole person…
Astarion!!! Why won’t you be my friend??? 😭😭😭
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lindira · 1 year ago
I’ve been having a lot of fun with many of the harder fights/conflicts in BG3, which is such a refreshing departure from the extreme frustration I’ve felt in other games during a boss fight. The Iron Throne quest was probably the most thrilling encounter I’ve had in a game in a long time, maybe ever. Trying to wrangle all those prisoners and moving pieces within a 6-turn ultimatum was so exciting! Speed potions, boots of speed, and my monk’s frankly ridiculous amount of movement were the only things that got everybody back to the submersible in time. (Also realizing that there were levers to open the doors, so Astarion didn’t have to lockpick every single jail cell, haha.) SO EPIC.
And then I just finished the fight with Raphael at the House of Hope. The number of ways the fight could’ve fucked me over was really intimidating! It felt like a puzzle - figuring out what attacks would actually make things harder for me and what would be most effective. Hope was actually a huge help in the fight (unlike SOME secondary companions). She banished 3 combatants and granted us the equivalent of a long rest in the middle of combat. Sanctuary is also a really underrated spell. I’ve been casting it on Shadowheart so she’s just an almost invincible dedicated healer (and in this fight, Hope too), and it’s made it so much easier to keep everybody up on their feet and fighting.
I’m just loving this game. I’ve put about 200 hours into it altogether, I haven’t finished my first playthrough yet, and it’s still so exciting.
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lindira · 1 year ago
Letting Astarion drink you is like 90% of his approval. Like Envy has barely known him for a week, but Astarion is jumping his bones and calling him “my love” before we’ve even gotten very far into the goblin camp. And it’s absolutely because Envy is into Astarion sucking him dry like a Sunny D. (And it helps that Envy’s not above fucking with people on a regular basis.)
Meanwhile, my sweet Peppermint - who has known him for several months, saved his ass numerous times, and has always been supportive of him (but wasn’t into becoming a living milkshake) - can barely get him to acknowledge her. She’s nearly maxed in approval from everyone else in the party - including Lae’zel - but Astarion couldn’t give a rat’s ass about her. “Be my friend, dammit!” “…No.”
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lindira · 1 year ago
I’m almost sad to admit it, but BG3 is quickly replacing DAO as my favorite game of all time.
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lindira · 10 months ago
I may have to abandon my Tactician run. Owlbearto hasn’t appeared at camp for a while now even though I got him pretty early on. I’ve switched camp locations several times and he’s just not there anymore. This is absolutely unacceptable. I must have my hungry birb boy!
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lindira · 1 year ago
Dammit, I just realized I locked myself out of being able to let Astarion feed off Envy regularly by not choosing a specific option in Act 1. I have him feed off enemies so it doesn’t matter much as far as the Happy buff, but I would’ve like the option for RP and screenshot reasons.
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lindira · 1 year ago
My finished playthrough is with Peppermint and Gale. But they’re wholesome and happy and have a healthy relationship, so what does my brain do? It latches onto my still-in-Act-1 Envy/Astarion ship because they’re both emotionally malnourished sassy bitches with SO MUCH potential for angst. But I don’t know what the romance fully is yet and I want to experience it organically. So I’m sitting here in storytelling antici…pation, because I want to finish THAT playthrough before starting writing anything. But it took me 3 months to finish the first one! And I’m not a very patient person and aaaaahhhh…!!
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lindira · 1 year ago
I had Peppermint dance with Wyll, and it was all very well and good, but then there was the choice to kiss or do other stuff or turn away, and ahhhhh!! I intend for her to romance Karlach or Gale or maybe Halsin when I can finally get him in the party, but Wyll is so sweet and cute and it was awful turning him down! He looked so SAD. 😭
Maybe in another playthrough, Wyll! I’m sorry!
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