#dansk vocab
vikinglanguage · 11 months
An assortment of more or less ridiculous Danish phrases to incorporate into your day-to-day life! (part the 2nd)
strømpesokker (noun, fk. pl.) – socksocks Or stockingsocks, if you will. It's socks either way.
(hjemme)futter (noun, fk. pl.) – (home)choos I literally had no idea how to translate this, but basically futter (fut in singular) are like slippers or any kind of cozy, comfortable shoes you'd wear indoors. I don't know why we sometimes call them that, but fut is also the sound a train makes. Thus: choos.
blamsefi (noun, fk.) – blasmephy Blasphemy, but wrong because it sounds funnier like this
idyd (interj.) – indeed This is what we in Danish tend to call an undersættelse (see below) of the English indeed. I 'in' and dyd 'virtue', but it kind of sounds like deed. Again, I don't know anyone who uses this except from my immediate family
undersætte (verb) – transearly (extremely not literally) Allow me to explain: in Danish translate is oversætte (lit. over + set, likely a calque of Latin trādūcō via German übersetzen). When you underdo the act of oversætte, so when you translate something badly, especially if you do it too literally, you have not translated it – you have transearlied it (excuse my creative liberties here)
hils (verb, imperative) – tell them I said hello You can use this in literally any situation when someone announces they are going anywhere at all. To Austria? Hils! Grandpa's uncle's dog's funeral? Hils! The restroom? Hils! (even better if it's not a public restroom). However, this is traditionally used to tell someone to tell the person on the other end of a phone call hello from you
knep (interj.) – fuck (literally) Literal translation of English fuck. This is considered extremely vulgar in the same way that I think fuck is to especially older speakers of English (?)
stande (verb, dialect) – refurb An alternate way to say istandsætte (long, boring, standard Danish) in the dialect of the area of Jylland where I'm from (Salling). It means to fix, repair or refurbish
slo (adj., dialect) – stale Literally means the same as stale, which (imo) doesn't have an actual word in standard Danish. Your crisps got old and soft? Slo. Bread old and dry? Slo. Straw wet and moldy? Slo. Soda lost all its fizz? Slo. Again, this is sallingbomål <3
goddawsbjerg (interj.) – g'day-hill Say this when it is clear someone has not been following what has been said or has happened around them, kind of as to say "thrilled you decided to join us mentally as well as physically". As for the prevalence, I literally don't know anyone outside of my immediate family who uses this
idyllerisk (adj.) – idyllicish Literally just idyllic but funnier
bajselademad (noun, fk.) – pinchocowich Bajselademad is a portmanteau of the words bajer/bajser 'beer' (slang, so I used pint instead of beer) and chokoladelademad 'chocolate sandwich' (open faced, obviously). It literally just means a beer
puttesove (verb) – tucky-sleep A sorta cutesy, joking way to say sleep. Putte is the word for tucking someone in, as well as just chilling in bed – with at least a blanket or duvet if not several in addition to pillows
diskodaskoluderbenzin (noun, uncountable) – disco dasco whore gasoline Excuse the misogynistic overtones, but I just genuinely think this is a very funny was of describing low percentage vodka- or rum-basesd drinks (for example Bacardi Breezer)
kodyl (adj.) – aspirin Kodyl means great or exaggerated, and you can also use it as an interjection kodylt! like you would use 'swell!', because it is pretty outdated. Kodyl was originally a brand of painkiller
hurtigkneppersko (noun, fk. pl.) – fast-fucker shoes Expensive men's shoes, usually of some kind of skin, be it leather or snake. It implies the wearer of the shoes is a braggart with nothing to really brag about. This was added to the dictionary fairly recently, to the great amusement of many Danes
slam! (onomatopoeia) – whack! An onomatopoetic word imitating the sound of being hit. Used not unlike the (now somewhat outdated) English "oooh, burn!" or just "ouch!" to indicate that something said to someone in your company was (perhaps unnecessarily) blunt, rude, or just shut them down really quickly – like a slap to the face
hjemmebragt (adj.) – home mrade Or, more accurately, home brought. Most commonly used for baked goods (originating from hjemmebagt 'baked at home') that you intended to make yourself, but you just didn't have time, so you bought it at the corner store instead. Its use has, however, in my experience been extended to include most anything that """should've""" been homemade, but isn't
konge (adj.) – king When something is really good, it's konge. Anything can be konge, from a chair to the meal your mother cooked you on your bi-annual visit at home.
brugsvildledning (noun, fk.) – user misleader · deceptions for use A play on the word for 'user guide', brugsvejledning, swapping out the nominalised form of the verb vejlede 'guide, lead' for that of vildlede ' 'mislead, decive'
ork (noun, fk.) – bear An ork is something that you just really cannot be bothered to do, because it would require some kind of effort. Doesn't matter how much effort, as it could be anything from getting your drink that you forgot in your kitchen, only realising this after you sat down, to explaining to your homophobic uncle why it's not acceptable to call gay people slurs, even if it is "just a joke". Most often, it is the former of those two scenarios
dak (noun, uncountable) – boom* Short for dakkedak, which is an onomatopoetic name for music with a strong, repetitive bass rhythm. *this is a bad translation, but it's the best I could come up with
gråssenollike (noun, fk.) – greyish feather-brain A joke-y name for a house sparrow, gråspurv. Gråsse is presumed to either originate from plain gråspurv or gråsset 'grey-ish', and nollike is a word that can mean fool, but also be used about animals or women in jest.
skemad (noun, uncountable) – spoon food Literally anything you can eat with a spoon. I believe its most common use is for the food you first give babies when they are moving on from nursing to real food, but I know quite a few people who use it for cereal because we literally only have the word “morgenmadsprodukter” for it, which is a mouthful to say.
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almostbilingual · 6 years
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thank you to several anons who suggested this for a vocab list c:
smykker - jewellery
et smykkersæt - a jewellery set
en ring - a ring
en vielsesring - a wedding ring
en forlovelsesring - an engagement ring
en ørering - an earring
en manchetknæk - a cufflink
et armbånd - a bracelet
et charme armbånd - a charm bracelet
en broche - a brooch
en halskæde - a necklace
et vedhæng - a pendant
en anklet - an anklet
et ur/et armbåndsur - a watch
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guld - gold
sølv - silver
perle - pearl
diamant - diamond
rubin - ruby
smaragd - emerald
safir - sapphire
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danishwithemi · 5 years
Danish Easter Vocabulary and Traditions
Check out this lesson at danishwithemi.com
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Easter vocabulary
Basket = kurv
Bunny = kanin
Chick = kylling
Chocolate = chokolade
Easter = påske
Easter bunny = påskehare
Easter egg = påskeæg
Easter egg hunt = påskejagt
Easter monday = 2. påskedag (literally: second easter day)
Easter sunday = påskedag (literally: easter day)
Egg = æg
Good friday = langfredag
Hare = hare
Maundy thursday = skærtorsdag
Palm sunday = palmesøndag
Spring = forår
Easter traditions in Denmark
Besides the usually egg hunt and eating a lot of chocolate eggs there are a few other easter related traditions in Denmark.
Påskefrokost: Literally means “easter lunch���. It’s a social gathering where you celebrate easter with alcohol and lots of food. Usually celebrated with either your friends, family or co-workers. At a påskefrokost you eat a lot of different dishes. On the table you would usually see eggs, fish, bread, meat balls, dessert with lemon, etc. People will usually drink easter beer which is known as “påskebryg” in Danish.
Gækkebrev: A letter cut into a creative pattern (google it and you’ll see) with a small rhyme written inside. Instead of writing your name at the end of the letter (e.g. “yours sincerely, [name]” or “from [name]”) you replace your name with dots (e.g. “from …….”). It is now up to the receiver to guess who send it! If the receiver guesses who send the letter, the sender owes them an easter egg. If the receiver do not guess it, they owe the sender an easter egg.
If you have any questions or feedback feel free to submit a question/feedback at danishwithemi.tumblr.com/ask and I will answer as soon as possible.
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inlanguagewedontsay · 7 years
In Danish we don’t say “jellyfish”, we say “vandmand” which translates to “water man” and I this sounds cooler than it is.
Submitted by @dadjjokes
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gutaristkim-blog · 7 years
Danish Christmas words
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Advent  - Advent  Adventskrans - Advent wreath Dekoration - Decoration Evangelium  - Gospel Flæskesteg - Roast pork Gave - Present Gudstjeneste - Service Guirlande - Paper garland Julefrokost - Christmas party Julekort - Christmas card Julemand - Santa Claus Juletræ - Christmas tree Kalender  - Calendar Klejner - Danish fried biscuits Kræmmerhus - Paper cone Kravlenisse - Christmas elf Salme - hymn
my first time doing this, so bear with me.
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Daily Swedish Lesson #30
Time for a new part in the series where I change the settings of my phone, so you don’t have to. In this lesson, it is time for vocab relating to your email!
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Subject: E-post (mail/email)
Inkorg - inbox Brevlådor - mailboxes (literally letterdrawers) Utkast - drafts Skräp - junk Papperskorg - trash (literally paperbasket)
Nytt brev - new email Till - to Kopia - cc Dold kopia - bcc Ämne - subject
Skicka - send Skickat - sent Avbryt - cancel Uppdaterades - updated Från - from
Kontakter - contacts Oläst - unread Läst - read Flagga - flag Släng - delete
Konton - accounts Svara - reply Svara alla - reply all Vidarebefordra - forward Skriv ut - print
Swedish fact of the day;
The Swedes share their airline, called Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), with Denmark and Norway. The company was founded by the merge of Svensk Interkontinental Lufttrafik (Sweden), Det Norske Luftfartselskap (Norway) and Det Danske Luftfartselskab (Denmark). Their headquarters are situated in Stockholm, though it is only the second largest airport of the three. Kopenhagen (Denmark) is home to the largest airport of the three countries, while the airport in Oslo is considered to be the smallest.
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this post is meant to be a directory of every resource I come across for Danish. it will be a continuous work in progress so thank you for your patience! if you have any issues or things to add, please reply to this post!
about world languages
"in danish, we don't say..."
introduction by @ayearinlanguage
playlist of samples
"this user is learning to speak danish" userbox
why danish sounds so funny to scandinavians [video]
world atlas of language structures
overview of danish orthography
routledge - colloquial danish: the complete course for beginners [scans]
teach yourself - danish: a complete course for beginners [pdf]
unilang - danish for beginners
cultural & historical info
acultura's culture tag
/r/danishlanguage [reddit]
grammar books & guides
routledge - danish: an essential grammar [pdf]
tsca’s danish grammar in english
grammar points
where to not use “ikke”
listening practice
librivox [audiobook library]
lyrikline [poetry library]
transcribing drills
grimm's fairy tales
list of danish poets
logoslibrary [virtual library]
project gutenberg [virtual library]
Quran [scans]
rosary prayers
runeberg [virtual library]
khan academy
lazytown [playlist]
pocoyo [youtube]
ted talks
movie & tv recommendations
music recommendations
disney songs [youtube playlist]
phrasebooks & travel guides
loecsen [audio phrasebook]
useful phrases
one minute danish
forvo [pronunciation dictionary]
pronunciation approximations
soft d’s
quizzes & exercises
babadum [vocab games]
crosswords - lexisrex
digital dialects [vocab games]
internetpolyglot [quizzes]
iteslj [vocab quizzes]
tongue twisters
quia [user-submitted games]
radio in copenhagen
social media
dansk sprog [discord]
100 verbs
beginner’s verbs
conjugator - logosconjugator
conjugator - verbix
babadada [vocabulary tool]
body parts / body parts
cafe menu
coffee & tea / tea
conversation lubricants
days of the week
easter eggs
face parts
false friends - german
false friends - swedish
food / food
frequency lists
giving orders
happy occasions
job application
medical terms [glossary]
mental illness
number system / counting
“please slow down”
pick up lines / dating & flirting
summer / summer
writing tips
spelling your name
writing quirks
learn danish from the streets [playlist]
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jpn-langblr · 6 years
ポケ森の行き当たりばったり語彙・Random AC: Pocket Camp Vocab
日本語 → English/Dansk
おしまい → ending/slutning
勝負(しょうぶ) → match/kamp
渡しに行く(わたしにいく) → to go hand over/at gå over og aflevere
囲む(かこむ) → to enclose/at omringe
おまかせ配置(おまかせはいち) → to let someone else arrange X/at overlade arrangeringen af X til en anden
釣り上げる(つりあげる) → to fish(out)/at fiske; hale en fisk på land
健康(けんこう) → health/sundhed
たまに → rarely/sjældent
一日(いちにち) → (the course of) one day/en dags forløb
賑わい(にぎわい) → bustle of activity/livlig aktivitet
靴擦れ(くつずれ) → foot blister (caused by shoe)/fodvabel (fra sko)
お礼(おれい) → reward/belønning
加わる(くわわる) → to be added/at blive tilføjet
眺める(ながめる) → to gaze at/at kigge på
かっこう → form/form
懲りる(こりる) → to learn from experience/at lære af erfaring
二度寝(にどね) → going back to sleep after waking up in the morning/at falde i søvn igen efter at være vågnet om morgenen
似合う(にあう) → to suit/at passe til
のんびり → carefree/sorgløs
外装(がいそう) → exterior; packaging/ydre; indpakning
魂消る(たまげる) → to be astonished/at være lamslået
塗り替える(ぬりかえる) → to repaint/at male igen
届く(とどく) → to arrive/at ankomme
見た目(みため) → appearance/udseende
完了(かんりょう) → completion/færdiggørelse
ついつい → unintentionally/ikke med vilje
ちょっぴり → a tiny bit/en lille smule
佐藤(さとう) → sugar/sukker
なかなか → rather; very/temmelig; meget
泥だらけ(どろだらけ) → to be covered in mud/at være dækket af muder
大物(おおもの) → important person/vigtig person
せっかく → with trouble/med besvær
腕前(うでまえ) → skill/evne
着替える(きがえる) → to change one’s clothes/at skifte tøj
頼む(たのむ) → to request/at bede om
ギンガム → cotton cloth in a checkered pattern/bomuldsstof med ternet mønster (gingham)
揃う(そろう) → to be complete/at være komplet
大会(たいかい) → convention; tournament/kongres; turnering
お裾分け(おすそわけ) → to share with others what has been given to you/at dele med andre, hvad du har fået
熱狂的(ねっきょうてき) → wildly enthusiastic/vildt entusiastisk
役者(やくしゃ) → actor(-ress); cunning fellow/skuespiller(-inde); snedig person
名探偵(めいたんてい) → great detective/genial detektiv
観客(かんきゃく) → audience/tilskuere
手に入る(てにはいる) → to come into possesion (through luck)/at få (ved held)
瑞々しい(みずみずしい) → lively; vibrant/levende; dynamisk
誘う(さそう) → to invite/at invitere
輝く(かがやく) → to shine/at skinne
利用者(りようしゃ) → user/forbruger
This was me, trying something new. Let me know what you think!
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vikinglanguage · 3 years
Knitting in Danish
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[ID: a gif of Moominmamma knitting. End ID]
No one requested this, but I’m guessing that somewhere out there, there will be someone learning Danish who somewhat shares my niche interests! So here’s what should be a decently comprehensive list of what you need to read most basic patterns.
base vocabulary at strikke – to knit strikkepind (fk.) – knitting needle maske (fk.) – a stitch rundpind (fk.) – a circular needle strømpepind (fk.) – a double pointed needle garn (itk.) – yarn indfarvning (fk.) – dye lot strikkeopskrift (fk.) – knitting pattern uld (fk.) – wool akryl (fk.) – acrylic silke (fk.) – silk bomuld (fk.) – cotton base techniques at slå op – to cast on ret – knit(wise) vrang – purl(wise) retsiden – the right side vrangsiden – the wrong side strikkefasthed (fk.) – gauge retstrik · retriller – garter stitch glatstrik – stockinette stitch perlestrik – seed stitch rib · ribkant – rib at tage (en maske) løs af (ret/vrang) – to slip (a stitch) (knit-/purlwise) at strikke (to masker) sammen – knit (2 stitches) together at lukke af – to bind off · to cast off at bryde garnet – to break the yarn at tage ind – to decrease at tage ud – to increase fancier techniques kantmaske (fk.) – edge stitch hulmønster (itk.) – eyelet pattern snoning (fk.) – cable drejet ret – knit into back of stitch at strikke (to masker) drejet ret sammen – slip slip knit · knit (two stitches) together through the back loop at samle masker up – to pick up stitches at slå om – yarn over
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almostbilingual · 7 years
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A list of some words, places and things in and around Aarhus, Denmark’s second biggest city. After my semester on exchange here, I’ve absolutely fallen in love with this place, so enjoy my vocab list/recommendations of places to see.
by [en]: town (midt)jylland: (mid-) Jutland latinkvarter [et]: the Latin Quarter centrum: centre of town/downtown hav [et]: sea, ocean havn [en]: port, harbour, marina å [en]: river (specifically one in Denmark) park [en]: park skov [en]: forest dyrehave [en]: deer park tog [et]: train bus [en]: bus letbane [en]: tram, light rail pass på: watch out, take care (this is written everywhere with the new tram) rutebilstation [en]: bus station banegårdsplads [en]: area/road by the train station midttrafik: the public transport authority billet [en]: ticket lufthavn [en]: airport cykel [en]: bicycle torv [et]: (town) square vej [en]: road, way allé [en]: road, avenue gade [en]: road, street ringgade [en]: ringroad kollegium [et]: dorm tour de chambre: a dorm event where each room has a theme and a game (usually involves a lot of drinking) lejlighed [en]: flat, apartment kultur [en]: culture biograf [en]: cinema øst for paradis: lit. east of eden, a very chic and nice cinema in town teater [et]: theatre kirke [en]: church domkirke [en]: cathedral rådhus [et]: town hall dokk 1: lit. dock 1, the main library and citizen service point ARoS: art museum with a huge rainbow on top, you can’t miss it Moesgaard museum [et]: great museum just out of town galleri [et]: gallery Marselisborg slot [et]: Marselisborg castle butik [en]: shop julemarked [et]: christmas market Salling: a department store with a really nice rooftop storcenter nord: shopping centre in the north of town tøj [et]: clothes apotek [et]: pharmacy boghandel [en]: bookshop supermarked [et]: supermarket letmælk [en]: lit. light milk, semi-skimmed milk minimælk [en]: skimmed milk Wienerbrød [et]: danish pastry danskvand [et]: sparkling water universitet [et]: university fredagsbar [en]: friday bar, each subject usually holds one each week studenterhus [et]: student house, student union unipark [en]: university park, campus statsbibliotek [et]: the university library lærdansk: the danish language school bachelorgrad [en]: bachelor’s/undergraduate degree kandidatgrad [en]: master’s/graduate degree
inspired by this post. Look there for links to similar lists c:
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malteseboy · 7 years
Vikings Vocab in Swedish
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a gift for @mazeballet, I’m your secret santa🎅🏻 happy christmas!
you requested something in a scandinavian language and from your blog I saw that you liked the series vikings (me too!!) so I hope you like this ☺️
I wrote the nouns in the definite article, the noun itself is the part that’s in bold
båten – boat
Danmark – Denmark
drottningen – queen
döden – death
havet – sea
hjälmen – helmet
historia (-en) – history
isen – ice
Island – Iceland
kriget – war
krigaren – warrior
kungen – king
Norden – The North
Norge – Norway
resan – voyage
rustningen – armor
Skandinavien – Scandinavia
skatten – treasure
skeppet – ship
skägget – beard
skölden – shield
snön – snow
svärdet – sword
Sverige – Sweden
vikingen – viking
yxan – axe
dansk – danish
dödlig – deadly
gammal – old, ancient
historisk – historic
norsk – norwegian
stark – strong
svensk – swedish
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rogntre · 8 years
language & linguistics vocab
tegnspråk.  sign language morsmål (et).  mother tongue fremmedspråk (et).  foreign language dialekt (en).  dialect tospråklig.  bilingual kroppsspråk.  body language uttrykker.  express
hilser.  greeting / bid metafor (en).  metaphor rimer.  rhymes bokstavelig.  literally tolk.  interpret formelle.  formal
forkortelse.  abbreviation grammatikk (en).  grammar skrivefeil.  typographical error / typo kontekst (en).  context ordforråd (et).  vocabulary muntlig.  oral skriftlig.  written
kommunikasjon (en).  communication kjønn.  gender / sex uttrykk (et).  expression uttaler.  pronounce klager.  complain offisiell.  official
gjensidig.  mutually synonym.  synonym synonymordbok (en).  thesaurus oversettelse (en).  translation nevn.  mention mestret.  mastered kode.  code kommunisere.  communicate
skriftsystem (et).  writing system alfabet (et).  alphabet vokal.  vowel sitat.  quote / quotation budskap.  message prater.  chatting motsier.  contradicts
Er tegnspråk en form for kroppsspråk?  Is sign language a form of body language Engelsk er morsmålet mitt.  English is my mother tongue. Hvordan uttrykker hun seg selv?  How does she express herself? Det kommer an på hva slags dialekt man har.  It depends on what kind of dialect you have. Hvor mange norske dialekter kan du?  How many Norwegian dialects do you know? Fremmedspråk er ikke like fremmede når du kan snakke dem.  Foreign languages aren’t as foreign when you know how to speak them. Jeg er tospråklig, men jeg kan ikke engelsk.  I am bilingual, but I cannot speak English.
Paret hilste meg velkommen.  The couple bid me welcome. Hun hilser aldri på meg.  She never says hi to me. Hyggelig å hilse på deg.  Nice to meet you. Med vennlig hilsen.  With best regards. Metaforen er død.  The metaphor is dead. Hva rimer på lilla?  What rhymes with purple? Må dikt rime?  Do poems have to rhyme? Ikke tolk det bokstavelig.  Don’t interpret that literally. Klærne våre var ganske formelle.  Our clothes were quite formal.
For mange forkortelser gjør teksten uleselig.  Too many abbreviations make the text illegible. Grammatikken er språkets skjelett.  Grammar is the skeleton of language. Ordet betyr noe annet i den konteksten.  The word means something else in that context. Vi har både muntlige og skriftlige kilder.  We have both oral and written sources. Ordforrådet mitt gikk fra null til over tre tusen ord.  My vocabulary went from zero to over three thousand words. Søknaden hans inneholdt altfor mange skrivefeil.  His application contained far too many typographical errors. Det er svært viktig å ha en skriftlig, klar og tydelig avtale om lønn.  It is very important to have a written, clear and straightforward agreement about pay.
Sjelen har intet kjønn.  The soul has no gender. Det er bare et uttrykk.  It is just an expression. Hvordan uttaler du etternavnet ditt?  How do you pronounce your last name? Det hjelper ikke å klage over det som har skjedd.  It does not help to complain about that which has happened. Dette er ikke den offisielle versjonen.  This is not the official version.
Norsk og finsk er gjensidig uforståelige.  Norwegian and Finnish are mutually unintelligible. Har du oversettelsen av setningen?  Do you have the translation of the sentence? Ikke nevn navnet hans.  Don’t mention his name. Elevene kommuniserte i kode.  The pupils communicated in codes. Det er mange spennende jobber for dem som har mestret matematikk.  There are many exciting jobs for those who have mastered mathematics. En ordbok med synonymer kalles en synonymordbok.  A dictionary with synonyms is called a thesaurus.
Dette motsier ingenting.  This contradicts nothing. Har du funnet noen sitater fra kjente bøker eller filmer?  Have you found some quotes from well-known books or movies? Dansk var skriftspråk i Norge i mer enn fire hundre år.  Danish was the written language in Norway for more than four hundred years. Det finnes er ingen vokaler i det arabiske alfabetet.  There are no vowels in the Arabic alphabet. Vennene mine ville prate om filmens budskap.  My friends wanted to chat about the movie’s message.
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vikinglanguage · 4 years
Valentinsdag 💖 – Danish Valentine’s Vocab
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[Image description: A gif of a pink heart on a grey-ish blue background. Sparkles appear in different places around the heart]
I got a slightly late request by an anonymous asker for this, so. Here you go, anon! As usual, grammatical gender is marked as fk. (fælleskøn/utrum=common gender) and itk. (intetkøn/neutrum=neuter).
Valentinsdag, fk. – Valetine’s Day elsket, fk. – beloved date, fk. – date (person & event) kæreste, fk. – boyfriend/girlfriend (gender neutral, lit. “dearest”) partner, fk. – partner forlovet, fk. – fiancé · fiancée mand, fk. – husband hustru, fk. · kone, fk. – wife ægtefælle, fk. – spouse (kæreste)par, itk. – couple ægtepar, itk – married couple kærlighed, fk. – love kærlighedsbrev, itk · love letter (blomster)buket, fk. · buket blomster, fk. – boquet (of flowers) kys, itk. – kiss kærsteri, itk. – display(s) of affection passion, fk. – passion hjerte, itk. – heart chokolade, fk. – chocolate digt, itk. – poem middag, fk. – dinner romantik, fk. – romance eneste ene, fk. – only one sjælefrænde, fk. (somewhat outdated) · soulmate, fk. · soulmate kælenavn, itk. – (term of) endearment
at elske – to love, to make love at forelske sig – to fall in love at flirte – to flirt at længes – to yearn at fri – to propose at date – to date at kysse – to kiss at være kærester – to be boyfriend(s)/girlfriend(s) · to be a couple · to date (more permanently) at savne – to miss
romantisk – romantic elsket – (be)loved sød – sweet smuk – beautiful flot · pæn – good-looking · handsome kær – dear charmerende – charming gift – married forlovet – engaged
elskede – beloved skat – treasure kære – dear
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almostbilingual · 4 years
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this list has been sat in my drafts for probably close to two years, for no reason in particular, so i tidied it up and voila
hvedemel (et) - flour
grahamsmel - graham’s flour
rugmel - rye flour
speltmel - spelt flour
majsmel/maizena - cornflour
havregryn (et) - oats/oatmeal
frø (et)- seeds
gær (en)- yeast
sukker (et) - sugar
rørsukker - caster sugar
brun/lys farin (en/et)- dark/light brown sugar
flormelis (en)- icing sugar
mørk/lys sirup (en) - treacle (molasses)/golden syrup
kakao (en) - cocoa powder
smør (et) - butter
olje (en) - oil
æg (et) - egg
mælk (en) - milk
piskefløde (en) - whipping cream
flødeost (en) - cream cheese
bagepulver (et) - baking powder
natron (en/et) - baking soda/bicarbonate of soda
vaniljesukker (et) - vanilla sugar
husblas (en) - gelatine
kage (en) - cake
brød (et) - bread
wienerbrød - danish pastry
bolle (en) - bun (the bread kind)
kiks (en) - biscuit
tærte (en) - tart/pie
butterdej (en) - puff pastry
tærtedej - shortcrust pastry
pizzadej - pizza dough
surdej - sourdough
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almostbilingual · 4 years
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to go with my fruit and vegetables vocab, here’s a little list of some berries in danish c:
jordbær - strawberry
hindbær - raspberry
blåbær - blueberry
kirsebær - cherry
brombær - blackberry
solbær - blackcurrant
stikkelsbær - gooseberry
tranebær - cranberry
ribs - redcurrant
tyttebær - lingonberry
hyldebær - elderberry
multebær - cloudberry
enebær - juniper berry
skovbær - forest fruits
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vikinglanguage · 5 years
Winter in Danish
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[Image description: A black and white gif of a snow falling in a little foresty area. End image description]
NB: fk. and itk. indicate grammatical genders. fk.=common (fælleskøn, “en”), itk.=neuter (intetkøn, “et”)
General vinter, fk. = winter december = December januar = January februar = February vintersolhverv, itk. = winter solstice juleferie, fk. = Christmas break (typically from around December 20th until January 2nd or 3rd) vinterferie, fk. = winter break (either week 7 or week 8, depending on the municipality) hygge, fk., uncountable = a general feeling of coziness, having a good time
Weather sne, fk., uncountable = snow at sne = to snow tøsne, fk., uncountable = big, wet snowflakes (falls when it is around or just above 0°C) frostsne, fk., uncountable = fine, dry snowflakes (falls when it’s below 0°) slud, itk., uncountable = sleet at slude = to sleet is, fk. = ice hagl, itk. = hail at hagle= to hail regn, fk. = rain at regne = to rain storm, fk. = storm at storme = to storm kold  = cold (adj.) frost, fk., uncountable = frost istap, fk. = icicle frossen = frozen (adj.) snefnug, itk = snowflake
Holidays helligdag, fk. = holiday (not to be confused with ferie=holiday/vacation) hanukkah = Hanukkah* jul, fk. = Christmas (and no, it is not capitalised in Danish. Lowercase ‘j’ jul) lillejuleaften (fk.) = “little Christmas night”, 23rd of December juleaften (fk.) = Christmas night, 24th of December (in Denmark most people celebrate Christmas on the 24th) juledag (fk.) = Christmas day, 25th of December helligtrekonger(sdag) = Epiphany (holiday), Three Kings’ Day, 13th day of Christmas, 6th of January kyndelmisse (fk.) = Candlemas, 2nd of February  Luciadag (fk.) = Saint Lucy’s Day, 13th of December nytår, itk. = new years nytårsaften (fk.) = New Year’s Eve
Foods and beverages te, fk. = tea varm kakao, fk. = hot chocolate snemandssuppe, fk. = “snowman soup”, hot chocolate with marshmallows and a candy cane Bismarck-stok · julestok · bolsjestok, fk. = candy cane småkage, fk. = cookie/biscuit gløgg, fk. = mulled wine (closely related to German Glühwein. Warm, spiced red wine, typically with raisins in) æbleskive, fk. = “apple slice”, a sweet dumpling-like “cake” made from pancake-dough, originally containing small pieces of apple (read more in Danish here and in English here)
Activities (main verb italicised) ski, fk. = ski at stå på ski = to ski snemand, fk. = snowman at bygge en snemand = to build a snowman skøjte, fk. = ice skate at stå på skøjter · at skøjte = to ice skate snebold, fk. = snowball sneboldkamp, fk. = snowball fight snowboard, itk. = snowboard at snowboarde · at stå på snowboard = to snowboard luciaoptog, itk. = Lucia procession (read more in Danish here and in English here)
Apparel (vinter)jakke, fk. = (winter) jacket (vinter)frakke, fk. = (winter) coat anorak, fk. = parka handske, fk. = glove vante, luffe, fk. = mitten (hals)tørklæde, itk. = scarf flyverdragt, fk. = snowsuit (vinter)støvle, fk. = (winter) boot
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