#danny: 🥺
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blueflipflops · 2 years ago
Blessed is The Fruit of Thy Womb III
Chapter 3: Then God Asked Cain,"Where is Abel, your brother?"
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Inspired by @cyrwrites 's prompt of Talia being pregnant from exposure to the Lazarus Pits.
" Tt. How should I know? I'm not his keeper."
"Dami you just implied that you have a younger brother still in the hands of the League."
The Robin clicked his tongue again, frustration and familliar irrational anger building up inside him.
"It doesn't matter."
"It. doesn't. matter."
Dick furrowed his eyebrows in concern as Damian quickens his pace towards the elevator, not wanting to continue the conversation.
When Damian first arrived he was angry, eager to prove his worth and word. It seemed that whatever Talia told him, didnt include Bruce having other sons than him. So finding out about this from not even the highly praised father he has, he had to be told of this by said not known brother.
He demanded Batman.
But there is no Batman. Bruce was dead declared missing for more than months now without any contact or notice. Dick has been relunctantly picking up the slack while juggling his own responsibilities as Nightwing back in Bludhaven. Its been a hard time and believe him, he has juggled before. Both literally and figuratively
When he tried to offer the robin mantle to him as maybe to calm him down a bit, he just got angrier and snippy. He rejected the offer but demanded to be trained for the whole duration of his 'stay'.
"I was sent here to be trained by batman and I won't leave until I finish my goal. If it has to be from batman's...successor then so be it."
Okay, that kinda hurt. He doesn't want to be Batman either y'know.
That was what he claimed as he strolled up jnto the mansion like he owned the place. Ever since then, Dick has organized a somewhat schedule for trainings that he deliberately stretched out at first to test him. Which is. Um. Wrong move. This only serves to piss him off more and more prone to lethal attacks.
Yeah. Okay. That attitude needs a little work.
He tried to rudely order around Alfred the first few days and just got more frustrated and angry when Dick scolded him for it. The kid doesn't even want to eat with them even if they lived together (although that might be stretching it a bit since Dick doesn't even live in the manor anymore.) He still try to include Damian in his activities with Tim (who doesn't seem to concern himself too much about the addition. Too occupied in proving that Bruce is still a-alive. ) , to get him out of his shell and maybe talk about what exactly is Talia thinking and what the actual fuck is going on with the LOA. With all the bull happening around with B's death and Tim's insitence on his non-death then him suddenly disappearing to who knows where and everything else the world decided to pile up on him recently.
Fuck. He's so not paid enough for this. In fact, he's not getting paid at all.
And that was 3 years ago, Tim came back with a clusterfuck of a report and possibly a few ill-advised stuff that he's turning a blind eye on. For now.
Tim brought back Bruce, (which is a whole other cans of worms Dick won't open. He will tho. He will. He will process this shit. Just not today. Nope.) declared that he has outgrown Robin, that he's trying his hand on a solo act and after a little help, Cardinal flew in the streets of Gotham. Dick is proud of his brother spreading his wings and leaving the nest but this leaves Damian with Bruce. While Bruce is still recovering, a new Robin picks up the slack. Dick and Damian were a team and the kid was so desperate to prove himself worthy of the mantle that he has been streching himself as thin as Dick lets him and while he follows orders, he's quick to taking advantage of all and any loopholes. If it weren't making his job 10x harder, he would've been amused of such a Robin Move. In all of those years, they grew close to each other, the kid even respects Tim now!
So when Damian mentioned—no, implied that he has another brother still back in LOA, no one can blame Dick for being blindsided.
"Dami. What brother?" He chased after the short feral child.
"Tch. I don't see how that's any of your business, Grayson." He gave him a derisive look as he pushed the button to lift back to the manor. "Your only use here is to instruct and teach me as is your responsibility as Father's succesor not meddle in my personal life. After Father has recovered, he shall continue my training and things would go as it should be." He gave Dick one last sneer before the door closed and a faint hum echoes out in the cave along with what he said.
A brother?!?!
When Tim first met Damian Al Ghul Wayne, the demon brat tried to kill him. Which is. Just how his life is now, he guess. The kid was 4"6 beansprout with a sword and is not afraid to use it. Apparently, he tried to stab Dick the first time too. The kid is clearly delusional but after several blood tests Tim has had to admit defeat.
This brat really is B's kid and he hates him already.
This could be a plot.
Ra's would do anything to gain power over Batman and Gotham but mostly Batman.
It smells like a plot.
Dick couldn't get anything out of him other than that he was 'the Blood Son of Batman' and that he was sent here for Bat Training by Talia and he's not leaving. He also said something about his birthright to being the next Batman and being his robin. Which is. Yeah. Hurts a bit. He knows he hasn't been able to be Dick's Robin (oh the combination of those words) being too busy proving that Bruce is still alive. He knows it. But he's still Robin.
He's still Dick's Robin and Dick is not going to give the mantle away just because demon brat here throws a temper tantrum about it. But he did. Well, he didn't exactly but. He offered making Damian his robin. Tim knows logically, this would be the best plan of action given everything with them and then everything with him but he still can't help the sharp insecurity inside him.
But the brat did something surprising, given his whole rant of birthright blah blah blah. Tim wasn't really listening. He looked at Tim with such disgust and derisiveness and then looked away with a click of his tongue. Which is so uncalled for what the hell??? What the fuck did he do? The Batling even had the gall to look so offended for even offered the position he claims was always his. What the fuck.
He says he doesn't want a position already claimed by somebody else and suggested to create a new identity if he has to. Dick was quick to veto that. Thank god. The kid looks like a ten year old. A ten year old from hell, yeah but still. Even Tim was at least thirteen when he started the whole gig. It might not seem like a lot but three years is a BIG difference. Assassin training from birth or not.
The kid looked at Tim with pity and disgust that he doesn't even know why... well whatever but for some reason despite the hostility, the kid would not so subtly support him. Not that anyone else would notice if they weren't a bat, but the kid kinda grew on Tim despite his own attempts not to. And while Tim isn't Dick, he would like to think that they've grown on him too.
After returning with Bruce, a new vigilante identity, and one less spleen, Damian has finally and officially took over the Robin mantle. Despite the initial denial, he was quick to adapt into the role with a hidden child-like enthusiasm. Well. For an assassin raised kid in a role that allows him to beat up grown people in the streets every night. Thank god Dick has already given the kid numerous lectures on the "no killing" rule because Tim is so not doing that.
And no, he is not processing his little LOA escapade.
Although looking back at it, it seems a lot more suspicious with how Ra's was a lot more confident and smug. More... reckless yet defensive.
Of what exactly?
That question has been eating Tim up ever since he had a better headspace for it coming back and it has been driving him crazy. No matter what angle he mentally review everything that happened, Tim still can't for the life of him tell what exactly was Ra's hiding. No matter the connections nor channels he has gave anything away other than the fact that they've been training an heir but Tim already knew that with Damian in the picture and yet...
Something's missing...
When they found out that Red Hood was actually the deceased Jason Todd aka Robin II, Tim thought that was it. That was what was missing and try to bury it along with the annoyance, a bit of resentment, and his many broken bones as a result of that little... reunion of theirs.
Like seriously? An adult robin suit? Cringe, mr. Robin sir. Tim can't believe he idolized you. If it wasnt for the fact that Jason broke his jaw, he would've said something about how if he's gonna kill him wearing the robin suit then the least he could do is not be a coward and wear the original scaly panties. It's like as if nothing is sacred in this world anymore. Really.
After a while, Hood started working with... well not with them. But uh... adjacent might be a better term for it. Tim notices when Jason is strangely quick to startle when Damian is in the picture. It's only recently that Dick was able to convince him to switch to non lethal rubber bullets but before they had to dodge a ricochet of actual real bullets when Damian is near Jason. And the self proclaimed ex-crime lord won't even explain why he reacts to the shortstack like this. Very rude. It's like getting beaten to near death doesn't even have benefits or whatever.
It wasn't until another case that involves the reluctant team up between Cardinal, Red Hood and a likely not supposed to be here Robin, that Tim got a clue as to why. As usual, Hood somehow does not notice Robin and almost shot Tim. Again. For the fifth time this night. Jason said something about a pit demon or something fucking up something something. I'm sure this will all make sense tomorrow. But then Robin snaps back, geniunely offended. Something about how he's not a...
"A fucking what?!"
"Tt. A Lazarus Pit baby, Cardinal. Do keep up."
"Wait hold the fuck up. Hold the motherfucking fuck up. What the fuck do you mean your brother is a Lazarus Pit baby?"
At least Tim wasn't the only one getting a rug pulled under their feet tonight. A bit concerning how distressed Hood was sounding but Tim is flexible. He can handle this. Before he can ask many reasonable questions, Robin turned to glare at them. Impressive how a kid as short as him make Tim feel like he's being look down on when the brat has to crane his neck up high just to see their faces.
"Hood called me a pit demon. Which I am not."
Damn. Touchy. So he's got opinions on pit demons now. What even are pit demons? It certainly doesn't sound good. "
"Hood has trained with the League for a time, did he not? So he must have confused me for my... younger brother."
"The fuck are on about? I couldn't be more obvious that I'm talking to you."
"Wait. What brother?!"
"Robin what brother?!?!"
My parents made me subscribe to christianity just so I can make fic titles like these
Damian + fam POV of Child of Lazarus Danny AU
A whole ass POV and setting change can be a bit disorienting especially with a time skip mixed in but at this point we moved away from the creepy cult and into a somewhat normal outside world. Damian has a slightly better relationship with his brother here at the same time a lot more distant than canon. Damian has been able to establish himself as Robin a bit later than canon and Tim was able to decide for himself to hand over the mantle and step out of the Robin training wheels. Didn't like the Red Robin name sorry its just as if Tim wasnt ready to part with robin just yet and hadn't had the time to find himself before making Red Robin. A bit of a fan of the Cardinal name for my boy which is also red.
Funny how Dami subconsiously called Danny a pit demon all these years when all his other brothers subconsiously called him that too. He's so offended its hilarious lmaoo
Also funny how Tim thinks about his relationship with Jason. For me I think Tim won't sink back in fear Jason cuz in the comics man Tim has been roasting the dude any chance gets like Jason hasn't been roasted enough. Love my cringefail asshole Jason. Would've love to punch him in the face.
This was supposed to have Jason and Bruce's POV too but it was getting too long. so. Yeah.
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Them Tags:
Btw y'all should probably just follow the Child of Lazarus!Danny tag
@emergentpanda-blog @skulld3mort-1fan @rosecinnamonbun @ver-444 @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @dannyphantomphan @yasminerd00 @blep-23 @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @vythika96 @terzatheunderscorerima @ballzfrog-blog @readerzj @overtherose @undead-essence @justwannabecat @fisticuffsatapplebees @satoshy12 @thegatorsgoose @meira-3919 @mynameisnotlaura @gmkelz11 @chrysanthemum9484 @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @rasalghul777 @writers-extraordinaire @u-a-wizard-jamie
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raynewolferune · 7 months ago
DC x DP Prompt: Bruce is bad at emoting but at least ghosts are empathic (too bad bat kids are not)
Was reading Twincognito on AO3 when I stumbled across this gem again:
" “Danny, Tim. I was just…checking in. Is everything alright?” Curse his inability to make meaningful conversation when it wasn’t a life or death situation.
They glanced at each other and shrugged.
Then Danny hauled himself out of the bed and walked over to Bruce.
Bruce tried not to let too much excitement show on his face. "
Now I really want to read a story where Bruce adopts Danny post Meta trafficking and is being his usual emotionally constipated self. His kids keep getting mad at him because he's treating their new meta brother who was trafficked poorly (generally being stilted in conversation with him, walking away hurriedly mid-conversation, avoiding Danny when he's feeling really awkward, etc). They think Bruce is discriminating against Danny for being a civilian, meta, dealer's pick, but really it's just Bruce being horribly socially awkward. Danny knows this because of ghost empathy and find the whole thing hilarious. The whole thing comes to a head with the Bat Kids staging an intervention in the Bat Cave.
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that-one-weird-cloud0 · 1 year ago
Danny: *just chilling on the couch while being very still™️ at the Wayne Manor*
Clark: *comes to visit*
Clark: hey Bruce?
Bruce: yes?
Clark: why is there a dead child in your living room?
Bruce: what 0-0
Danny: oh shit
Danny: *starts up heartbeat* better?
Clark: *even more freaked out*
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emacrow · 10 months ago
First, It was Barb was doing night checks on wayne manor cameras surveillance pt 2
Previous post pt 1
She was in a bit of awe when she saw the newest very rare exotic flower Alfred got bloom under the light of the full moon, revealing beautiful crystallized like petals blossom, only for her widening eyes to take noticed of a tiny little pixie like child to pop his little head out of the center of the flower.
His hair was unnatural white fluff like a dandelion in her opinion, eyes glowing an otherworldly green, freckles that sparkle like the stars themselves, ears a bit long and pointy, wearing a odd clothing with a needles strapped to his back, that she could barely catch in camera, the static buzzing sound from her cameras was making it a bit difficult to hear what sound the tiny little fairy boy made as he floated above zooming around the garden a bit like he was excited.
It made barb's inner child squeals, screaming, flipping her tiny princess table at the possibly of Nederland being possible.
Curious little bug, floating around like the fairies in Disney like except of the Glow pixie dust like she seen on the movies, he left a trail of blueish green light that faded away rather quickly with the way he was flying into the slightly opened kitchen's window...
Wait a goddamm minutes..
Barb immediately switch cameras to the kitchen, looking around, only to see it went through the hallway already, switching cameras again, checking the living room, the hallways, only to catch a glimpse of trail glow zooming around.
Crap crap. OK, no need to panic Barb. What do curious pixie like fairies out in the human world.. bring the season right?!, play with children like that Bell fairy did? Finds and take lost things and secretly repair lost things?..! Fairies are weak without pixie dust, they don't live long without it, each fairies has a different part of the seasons, and if you don't believe in them then they immediately die and that cause imbalance in the world without their influence unless you truly believe in fairies to bring back one fairy.(she went through a whole fairy obsession phase as a kid, she still mourns the lost of the create your fairy open world game)
The fairy must've Found a new type of pixie dust to fly without wings if she could recall that one sequel with the new pixie dusts colors thing..?
It was like a game of Where Waldo except where the little mythical fairy boy that couldn't possibly- no no barb don't think about the taboo words, if you think about it and this poor mythical being dies due to your words then the guilt will haunt you Forever.
3 hours in the catch the glimpse of the fairy boy, flying back at to his little flower holding a tiny cube of sugar, a shiny tiny object that she can't get a clear of, and a plump blueberry the size of his little head as he lands in the petals that were closing around him. Crystallized back close as if to guard this little fairy being with its own life.
Right when the full moon glimpse was gone out of the sight of the garden from the sky when the smog cloud from the city covering once more.. Barb is writing that down in her notes..
Part 3 link Here <-
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hailsatanacab · 1 year ago
"Well, this is a bad idea," Tim says, hands on his hips as he surveys the mess they’ve made in the cave.
"Nah," Danny replies, twirling his screwdriver in the air in what is probably meant to be an impressive trick to inspire confidence, except he fumbles it and it clangs to the floor loudly, "we good. If a younger version of myself hasn't come forward in time to stop me, how bad can it be?"
"Shouldn't it be the other way round?"
"Normally, it's an older version of yourself going backwards in time to stop you, right?"
"Not in my experience."
Danny's grin is impossibly feral and a shiver runs up Tim's spine.
"This is definitely a bad idea."
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cookietastic · 1 year ago
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Had an art trade with @dashing-through-ecto 💚
They wanted some Dash and Danny 🍟🍔
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ri-afan · 6 months ago
Danny looks over the Wayne’s, his smile feeling a little fake as his eyes quickly take in details while trying not to look like he’s scrutinising them.
He then turns away to his date to the gala, dropping his forehead to their shoulder and letting out a sigh.
“I didn’t think I would see the Bats tonight.”
His date tenses.
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wheatcak3 · 6 months ago
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"Ghosting Along" by TourettesDog
Paxopalotls's super awesome arts:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
My arts:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A spooky cat! Hehehe my third and final piece for this year's Invisobang 😤✨ This event was such a blast and I cannot wait to do it again next year!
Once again thank you to my writer and artist partners @tourettesdog and @paxopalotls !! Y'all were so nice and chill fr fr!!! 🥹✨💖
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methoughtsphantom · 10 months ago
Danny adopts Jason and Dan kills the Joker au
Danny adopts Jason not because of the pit but because he sees how hard the guy goes after the Joker. At first Danny thinks nothing of it, but then Jason gets all the core vibes typical of wanting to avenge something. that would be fine except Jason is a bby ghost and the thing he wants to avenge is his own’s death. It’s a feeling Danny almost didn’t have to struggle with, being that a portal killed him (except it was the reason he immediately went to have beef with anyone that crossed the portal. They were essentially aided with the device that killed him and that made him feel… threatened? Frostbite didn’t explain it all that well) so yeah here’s Danny having a bit of a heart attack because the Red Hood is actively seeking to be in the same room as his murderer which baby ghosts are not allowed to what the fuck. He personally won’t do it, (cause he’s never killed someone) but he’s not above asking his older brother Dan to do it.
Danny: think of it as a favor I’m asking of u
Dan: it’s murder, that way surpasses a favor
Danny: 🥺 i’ll buy u a donut
Dan: make it a half a dozen and you’re on
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wombywoo · 8 months ago
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friends 🫶
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mushyblushyredhead · 3 months ago
Your Danny phantom fic was absolutely amazing!!! There’s so few of them so I will definitely cherish this one. I would love to see more Danny phantom from you!
Aaaa thank you, anon! 🥹🥹🫶🏻 Now that my Danny Phantom hyperfixation has returned, I’ll definitely do more fluffy fics and art! (*'▽'*) I’m even going to add DP to the boop booth poll list if we wanna tk wreck the ghost bean 👀👀
But speaking of more Danny Phantom…
*drops this and sprints into the Ghost Zone*
Illustration based on this fic! (Mentioned above)
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Ok BYE I just flustered myself agAin 😭 and now I’m in a massive lee mood 🕳️ 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
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teruel-a-witch · 1 month ago
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1x08. Baby's first fight
(when Danny leaves because he isn't sure where they stand and what's his place is in all of this)
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mgu-h · 14 days ago
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Lando Review 126/? • Nov 2022 • Abu Dhabi GP
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months ago
Prompt 286
Danny doesn’t think his eyes have ever been so wide, half cradled as he was against the ghost of time, who was… much larger than he was when he had met him. Not as big as the ghost king, at least in height or bulk, but, he didn’t know, longer? Give him a break, he was exhausted and injured!
“Clockwork,” the ghost rasped, standing to their full height as an unreadable expression crossed over corpse-pale skin. “You look… well…” 
“Don’t you ‘look well’ me, Pariah Dark!” Clockwork spat, his cloak mostly covering Danny and look, he couldn’t help but to curl closer, it was nice and he was tired! It was soft, and warm, like what he thinks silk might maybe feel like, and comforting like a blanket straight out of the dryer. 
He blinked away dizziness, pausing in his idly petting of the bit of cloak in his hand when he realized he had missed a bit of the… argument? Conversation? It wasn’t a fight yet, but he wasn’t going to throw it out as a possibility. Ugh, his everything ached. 
“I saw all that you could become, all that you would become,” the time ghost’s claws- didn’t he have gloves before- gripped at his hair, crimson eyes practically smoldering. 
Danny looked between the two like he was watching a football game, eyes wide beneath his bangs and mouth parted in a small o of verging realization over what he was hearing. 
“And somehow-” Clockwork threw his hands up, cloak flaring from the motion. “I still fell in love with you like an idiot!” 
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duusheen · 6 months ago
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News travels fast and it seems like not everyone was happy about the wedding
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cookietastic · 3 months ago
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The Devil for @dptarotproject I was assigned to draw! Always have fun Drawing Vlad, so to make him for this card was an extra bonus
You can pre-order the deck now here!
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